bio-robots (1)

Neuro weapons experts are now reproducing their own voices inside the heads of a selection of extremely unwilling people throughout the world with the aid of classified energy weapons. Some people have had two way voice technology imbedded in their ear canals, but even without the aid of this imbedded technology the voices of the neuro operatives can nevertheless be reproduced inside the head of an unwilling human being if that human being has an accumulation of technological dust particles inside their head via inhalation or ingesting throughout the food, water or air supply.

The practice of forcing unwilling people to hear the voices of criminals who work within the intelligence services or who are loosely affiliated with the intelligence services has now become widespread. The police and psychiatrists are refusing to confront this situation either through fear or because they have been already compromised by this technology or because they are under electronic mind control from the use of smart engineered technology in their environment. Targeted individuals of this practice of being forced to hear inner voices which is known as voice to skull direct communication or microwave hearing or synthetic telepathy for the most part no longer inform the police or psychiatrists of their predicament because they do not wish to be erroneously incarcerated in a psychiatric hospital. Many targeted individuals have purchased radio frequency tracers only to find that strong radio frequencies sometimes come out out of their ears or from the back or top of their heads. 

A criminal syndicate of neuro operatives have been reproducing their voices inside my head wholly against my will and without my permission for nearly sixteen years. They frequently threaten to torture me at some time in the future. They have graphically threatened to kill me using a variety of gruesome methods. They insult me regularly. Because of the accumulation of technological dust particles inside my body and brain, these members of the criminal syndicate can now move my facial muscles against my will and can also force my head to nod and shake against my will. My whole body has started to come alive against my will.

Targeted individuals and indeed any member of the public who has an accumulation of technological neuro dust dispersed throughout their body and brain can now be made to have a virtual reality experience without the need to wear a virtual reality headset. The virtual reality experience could be made to involve all five of their senses and it could be positive or negative. False cover stories such as the demonic possession hoax, the near death experience hoax, the extra-terrestrial hoax, the religious apparition hoax, the existence of satellites hoax, and many other hoaxes have been invented to cover up these classified scientific capabilities. Stationary drones have been mistaken for satellites by the scientific community.

One of the voices which I hear coming from inside my head has informed me today that they hope to be able to gain total control of my brain and body in as little as six months time. If that situation comes about I would then be a remote controlled neuro slave. I would not be able to over-ride the wireless digital signals which they can both send and receive to and from the accumulations of technological neuro dust inside my body.

I am not the only one in this predicament. In fact there are so many other targeted individuals who are claiming to experience forced muscle movement and internal voices that if we all eventually become human robots the fabric of society will collapse in due course.

We have no choice to be disassemble and ban all microwave transmitters and all related paraphernalia immediately. However, the general public appear to be under electronic mind control which is non-detectable and impossible to override. They appear to have been electronically mind controlled to believe that anybody who hears the voices of other human beings coming from inside their heads is mentally ill, which is not the case. If we organised to have the microwave transmitters and related paraphernalia disassembled and outright banned electronic mind control would also be a thing of the past. Microwave transmitters can also be used and is being used to burn down houses be remote wireless means. Hence, another reason to urgently ban all microwave transmitters now. These are silent weapons and this is a secret war. Time is short. The worldwide economy may soon shut down because of the secret use of these wireless weapons in high places.

We can not afford to be naïve in a twenty first century of advanced technology where almost anything is possible. We have gone too far. Cadavers can now be made to get up and dance because of inner neuro dust combined with strategically placed implants. Real life human beings such as you and I can also be bio-robotized if given enough time to complete the process. There is no future for the children of his generation or for a million generations of children to come while the microwave transmitters remain standing.

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