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The Weapons of Subjugation are being introduced inside our brains and bodies by means of vaccination as well as by means of inhalation and ingestion.  Please watch linked video for further information.

We must urgently have all infrastructure which enables wireless mind and body enslavement disassembled and banned.

My website which I alone own and control is called www.targetedindividualsireland.net. ; I am being wirelessly tortured and data is being stolen from my brain and body on a continual basis under the wireless internet of bodies capabilities.

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The world is currently being set up behind the scenes in a world wide pyramid shape where we receive orders from the a small group of men and women at the top of the pyramid and because we have standardized the functioning of the world wide pyramid in a rigid and ordered way what ever orders are sent from the top of the pyramid must be carried out in the same systematic way throughout most of the world.
We have wrongly been led to believe that Bill and Melinda Gates, Elon Musk, Nancy Pelosi, the Bushes, the Clintons, Mark Zuckerberg, George Soros, Barack Obama and other well known figures are at the top of the worldwide pyramid. That may be the case but they are not the ones who run the world. The individuals who run the world do so from outside the pyramid. For the benefit of this article I am calling them the controllers. They control the technology which allows them to wirelessly mind control those at the top, middle and bottom of the pyramid. We are all being wirelessly mind controlled by those who operate the worldwide wireless mind control and wireless body control technology. The controllers have no public face. They are unknowns.
The controllers have set up Bill and Melinda Gates and the others who are currently at the top of the worldwide pyramid to take the heat when the anger of the masses increase to a level of widespread civil disobedience while the controllers themselves remain anonymous and inconspicuous while living in a quite part of the world. The controllers would then likely watch us on their screens if and when we arrested and imprisoned those at the top of the heirarchy without realizing that their actions stem from being heavily wirelessly mind controlled by the controllers themselves. The controllers would then watch us on their screens while we reorganised the world in a way that would be based on the wireless mind control messages which they would continue to send us. The controllers would then watch us on their screens while we settled back to living our lives believing that we had all of our enemies imprisoned and that we were once again living and working under our own free will.

The worldwide controllers have access to technology which is at least fifty years ahead of what you and I have access to.  They have superior health to us due to their hoarding of knowledge and technology.   They are aware of the fact that refined sugar is so poisonous that it is as bad for human health as cigarette smoking is.  They have knowledge of the optimum diet that supports human health.  They are disciplined, healthy, wealthy, and knowledgeable.  They take their work of worldwide takeover and enslavement of their fellow men very seriously.  They  ensure that we are manipulated to eat refined sugar, drink alcoholic beverages and watch depraved television programming  as a distraction while they set about dumbing us down, destroying our health and wirelessly both mind controlling and body controlling us while many of us are unaware of their very existence.   When you see a senior politician eating refined sugar or drinking an alcoholic beverage you then know for sure  that they could never be one of the controllers.  The controllers despise every form of undiscipline.

We have been deliberately led to falsely believe that the earth is a spinning ball. Mind control of the masses has now become so strong that those who are largely unaware of its existence and use against them will believe anything they are mind controlled to believe provided the lie is constantly repeated on an almost daily basis. Images of a spinning ball earth are projected onto our screens constantly throughout each day. The word ‘global’ is attached to most newspaper and television headlines. The controllers know their plan for worldwide domination will fail if we begin to research flat earth science and if we then realise that we have been lied to on an unimaginable scale for hundreds of years by an unknown breakaway secret society. Because the earth is flat and fixed it has been arranged that not all countires are under aerial surveillance. If the earth were a spinning ball nobody anywhere would be able to live their lives without being surveilled from the air. If you speak to civil engineers and airline pilots they will inform you that they do not take any curvature of the earth into consideration in the course of their work. You will discover that railway lines have been built which travel for a thousand miles or more while remaining level without any curvature whatsoever. However, electronic mind control has now become so strong that it takes alot of mental strength to over ride false teachings. We must disassemble and ban all wireless enabling capabilities immediately.

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We have inhaled and ingested nano particulates which are wirelessly connected to supercomputers and we have become wirelessly enslaved. Our brains, central nervous systems and bodily functions can now be wirelessly controlled from a distance by unknown neural experts and mind programming experts and medical experts. Algorithms are being used to conduct most of the work of wirelessly enslaving us and mind controlling some of us, especially those work work directly for governments. Those whose wireless connections are more fully activated than others are more aware of what is occurring that those whose wireless connections are only being used for subliminal programming of their minds and because of this the fully activated targeted individuals have had more time to decipher what is occurring from a worldwide perspective. I am one such targeted individual and I understand that the spinning ball earth hoax is the most important hoax needed to finalize the enslavement plan. If we refuse to believe in the spinning ball earth hoax we can be free of this. The earth is flat and fixed and therefore some large areas or whole countries are not being sprayed with chemtrails and those same countries are not under aerial surveillance or so-called satellite surveillance. Those who live in those areas are the individuals who are not connected to the worldwide brain initiative and they are the ones who wish to eventually torture and genocide most of the rest of us . Please research flat earth science which is widely available online and please canvas your political representative to have all wireless enabling infrastructure disassembled and banned throughout the world now. Exactly when will the worldwide wireless infrastructure be disassembled and banned?

The following are some of the words of former Prime Minister of Canada Paul Hellyer, Bryan Koffron who is a former insider in the world of wireless enslavement of people and the late President John F Kennedy who knew about the wireless enslavement plan and was about to expose it before he was assassinated, as well as other speakers.
Most of the western world is being controlled by an unelected, unaccountable cabal. Its apex is the banking and financial cartel, the oil cartel, the CEOs of the most powerful transnational corportations, major intelligence agencies including the CIA , the FBI, the NSA and a major slice of the US military. Their collective power and influence is incalculable and it is their plan for the US and the rest of us that is so alarming .
Automated super-computer software programming will manipulate the emotions, the behaviours and the thoughts of everyone in the United States of America. It is horrifying and it is a crime against humanity. This is something that needs to be tackled by lawyers and civil rights advocates immediately.
It is a system which has conscripted vast human and material resources into the building of a tightly knit highly efficient machine that combines military, diplomatic, intelligence, economic, scientific and political operations.
I know for a fact, having been an insider and actually been a part of this program and seen it operate on a day to day basis I am aware that there are now entire cities in America that are nothing more than a massive social engineering experiment.
For we are opposed around the world by a monolythic and ruthless conspiracy that relies primarily on covert means for expanding its sphere of influence, on infiltration instead of invasion, on subversion instead of elections, on intimidation instead of free choice, on gorillas by night instead of armies by day,
What these people have done is turned this technology into a video game and that is exactly how they approach it. They approach it as though they are playing a cross between Syd Myers civilization on their computer and syms where they are controlling all of civilization and also controlling people on the individual level. The overall effect of this technology is one that could control the mood, the attitude, the thoughts, the feelings, the emotions and thus the motivations and then the actions of the target, all day, every day, twenty four hours a day, three hundred and sixty five days a year. It is a highly sophisticated technology . It is one that produces literal and total and complete mind control over the targeted individual and it is in the hands right now of people that are using it for nefarious purposes, extremely evil and destructive purposes against individuals like myself (Bryan Koffron). I am now a targeted of this technology because I have decided to speak out about it.
Its preparations are concealed, not published. Its mistakes are buried, not headlined. Its decenters are silenced not praised. No expendature is questioned. No rumour is printed. No secret is revealed.
I was told not to reveal certain things or they would kick my ass, kill me and dump me in a lake. This is why before going public I reported all of this to the FBI four times. I reported all of this to local and state police. I was told by the FBI and by a police department that what you are describing is a federal program, we know exactly what it is and as a result there is absolutely nothing we can do about it. It is obvious that in this day and age an American citizen can not come forward to blow the whistle on a highly illegal and unconstitutional program that is being used to torture the American people each and every day. I am sorry but that is unacceptable. It is your job to protect the American people. It is your job to investigate high crimes and felonies that have been committed by the people who have been entrusted with the safe keeping of this country and constitution and the American people.
This social engineering program experiments on the homeless population and the general population of Seattle, utilizing what most people know as voice to skull technology. However, this technology is infinitely more advanced than most people know. It can be used to completely control the thoughts and emotions of the target and thus it can be used to completely control the targets actions. This program is illegal, unconstitutional and absolutely terrifying because this technology could be being used against tens to hundreds of millions of Americans every day. It can literally stop your own thoughts from happening and replace them with other thoughts by sending thoughts to your head and it is so sophisticated that you can not tell where these thoughts are coming from. There is no way to discern that they are coming from somewhere other than your own mind so you can imagine how bad this would be for people who dont even realize that this technology exists and they are having these thoughts which they think are spontaneous and that is exactly what it can be used for. It can be used to sway people in terms of their opinion to make them go along with a certain agenda. It can be used to turn groups of people or individuals against each other. When you consider that use of it and the fact that it is used for emotion and thought and behaviour modification we could be looking at potentially millions of people across the country that are under the influence of the technology today, right now.
Many of the homeless test subjects of this program start out as highly educated successful people. Their lives are systematically destroyed by this program using voice to skull technology, organised stalking, career sabotage, and an intense character assassination effort which isolates them from society, leaves them unemployed, and turns family and friends against them. It is a highly illegal program.

Those words are taken from the first nine minutes of the following linked youtube video which is approximately thirty one minutes long. I will type the rest at another time and post it online for those who dont have youtube.

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If you are a Remote Neural Monitoring neuro operative and you happen to be one of the operatives who remote neural monitor me while I am quietly going about my private life inside my own family  home and if you should choose to submit a negative report about me I am now at a stage where I can be immobilized to the extent that I would not be able to move a muscle in the forefront of my body.  My hands and legs could also be rendered immobile at some time in the future.   Be careful before deciding to join the ranks of the Remote Neural Monitoring neuro operatives because you will eventually be required to torture the good people who you monitor.  This Remote Neural Monitoring System is being set up with most of the men, women and children of the world in mind.  It is an as yet invisible enslavement system for most of the worlds people.  If you are in a position to prove  that this is happening in secret please report the matter to the police immediately.   Thank you.  Gretta Fahey.


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According to Wilhelm Reich, in his book "The Invasion of Compulsory Sex Morality " he writes that neurosis stems from sexual repression and that sexual suppression is one of the cardinal ideological means by which the ruling class subjugate the working population. He also writes that sexual repression impairs bio-energetic agility in many people, making them inhibited and paralysing their power to rebel against social evil. In other words, suppression of human sexuality of the masses of individuals tends to make them subservient and amienable to being controlled. That is the main reason that whenever a new regieme takes over a country they begin by initiating social changes which involve over regulating the social and sexual life of those people as well as sometimes introducing legislation on sexual matters. In the past Christianity employed countless procedures to make us detest our bodies in order to inhibit our sexuality leading to a state of neurosis which make us inhibited and thereby controllable.
Because we now appear to be transitioning from a period of human freedom to human wireless technological enslavement new rules and regulations are being introduced pertaining to our sexual behaviour. I have been placed on a long term non-consensual Remote Neural Monitoring combined with Remote Neural Manipulation program and I have been on this program for nearly seventeen years. All of the electrical activity which is being generated by my brain and body on a continual basis is being transmitted to a network of computers where it is being analysed and automatically translated into everything I think, say and do. I have been informed by unknown neuro operatives who speak to me by wireless means via voice to skull that in future years we will live in a type of theocracy where sins and crimes will be regarded as one. If we commit an act which is deemed inappropriate but does not harm anybody, under the social credit score system we will have points deducted off our social credit score which would result in a punishment such as being banned from the local library or being denied the right to use public transport. One of the acts which is deemed inappropriate under the new regieme is the act of masturbation.

The NSA song which I found at the following youtube link attempts to outline the contempt that we all feel for the American NSA staff as well as hundreds of thousands of other unknown individuals who work for private security companies throughout most of the world and who spy on us through our digital devices and by a number of other means while we are in the privacy of our own homes. How dare they watch us inside our own homes like the Peeping Toms of old. No human being could have given them permission to spy on us while we are inside our own homes because no human being throughout the entire world has the authority to give permission to do something that they dont have permission to do themselves. I am printing the words of the NSA song here out of contempt for the NSA themselves. I dont know who wrote it. You will find it at the following link along with quite alot of good information about electronic warfare tactics.

THE NSA SONG. (which is also called "We Watch Americans Masturbate All Day")
Hello, hello, We are the NSA. Its too late for us to change our ways.
E-mails and texts, We listen to your phones. Web cams, lap tops, we are watching you at home.
The terrorists are not what we pursue. The truth is that we are only watching you.
We watch Americans masturbate all day. Turn on your cameras and watch you jerk away.
We watch Americans searching for our lines. CCTV see you naked all the time.
We search. We watch. We watch for big black buts. Ginger titties, your searches come to us.
(You will find this song at approximately one hour and eight minutes into the linked video.

If you wish to save your children from wireless technological enslavement you must immediately canvas to have the technological infrastructure which enables this wireless technological enslavement disassembled and banned. You must stop registering your children to the state at birth because by doing so you are legally enslaving them to state enslavement.

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Mr Peter Hynes
Mayo County Manager,
Mayo County Council,
The Mall,
Co. Mayo,

Dear Mr Hynes,
I and many other individuals throughout the Republic of Ireland are planning to take a legal case against Mayo County Councillors as well as psychiatrists, the Gardaí and all politicians in general because we believe that they have attempted to pervert the course of justice.
Many individuals throughout the Republic of Ireland including myself are being electronically harassed and tortured by remote means by the use of directed energy weapons or some other remote means and when we complain officially we are wrongly deemed to be mentally ill.
Neuro weapons experts have come online in large numbers explaining that neuro science and technology is now so advanced that some weapons which are based on advanced technology are capable of hurting individual human beings both physically and psychologically from a distance and that this is now being carried out by unknown neuro weapons experts while they work from an unknown remote location.

The people of the Republic of Ireland will shortly be technologically enslaved by these weapons if action is not taken urgently to disband the 5G network and to disable all other related paraphernalia. The capabilities which are outlined in patent number 6965816 are being used to silently and secretly connect the brains and central nervous systems of more and more Irish individuals on an almost daily basis to the internet of things which is sometimes known as the brain net.

On October 1st 2002 Agilent Technologies Engineer Richard C Walker filed a patent application number 10 260 525 which was later called US patent number 6965816 and titled PFN/TRAC system FAA and this patent would subsume all other similar patents in order to control everybody and everything on planet earth and this patent is euphemistically known as “the internet of things” patent. However, it is now believed that Richard C Walker is a front man and that the patent is in reality owned and controlled by a member or members of the British Privy Council and of members of the Pilgrim Society which is a group who are believed to control both said British Privy Council and the Senior Executive Service of the United States as well as exercising a controlling force in banking and large corporations.

I sent a letter to many of the individuals throughout the Republic of Ireland whose contact details I have and who like myself claim to be silently and secretly attacked by electronic weapons while they are attempting to live peaceful lives inside their own homes and elsewhere. If they all should decide not to put their names to the legal case which will be taken against you, I will go ahead with it myself anyway strictly in order to raise awareness among the general public of this attempt to technologically enslave the Irish people and not for any personal financial gain.
Over the past number of years I have sent many letters to members of Mayo County Council asking them to investigate the existence and abuse of directed energy weapons throughout Ireland as well as to put a stop to them. They have not done so. We continue to be electronically harassed and tortured inside our own homes. I know of one lady who has committed suicide because of this ongoing invisible and secret torture and I can provide evidence for this. I plan to use the law to raise awareness of an extreme threat to the freedom of the people of Ireland and to that end I plan to sue you and others in order to force all of you to carry out an act of officially and publicly accepting the existence of, and also of officially and publicly raising awareness of the existence and abuse of invisible directed energy weapons rather than for an amount of money which is not at issue at all to me or to others who are being similarly wirelessly attacked with these weapons. I plan to use the law to force the Irish government to publicly admit the existence and abuse of microwave mind control against the Irish people. Most government staff as well as most senior Gardai now have to work directly under microwave transmitters which are. known to transmit digital transmissions which are being used for nefarious purposes and there is currently no known defence against said microwave mind control. When one is under the influence of microwave mind control one is generally unaware of how powerfully and dangerously it effects their thinking.
We do not have any evidence to support the fact that we are being illegally harassed and tortured with directed energy weapons. We can not as yet gather evidence because we do not have access to a spectrum analyser or to a non-lineor junction detector which would give us undisputed proof that this is happening to us by external wireless technological means. I asked a County Councillor, Cllr Martin Finn when he called to my home while canvasing for the local election in early summer of this year to organise for Garda Stations to be provided with spectrum analyzers so that we could prove scientifically that we are being wirelessly electronically harassed and tortured so therefore it is safe to assume that it is only a matter of time until this equipment is provided.
We have evidence that the Gardai are not accepting statements from us for no good reason and that is one of the reasons why I and others are taking this court case. When we complain to them of our harassment and psychological torture they refuse to accept statements from us and then we are immediately mandated to attend for psychiatric evaluation. When we then speak to the attending police psychiatrist we are obliged to withdraw half of the story that we informed the attending Garda of in order to save ourselves from wrongly being immeditaley incarcerated inside a psychiatric hospital if we should persist with telling the truth.
We have evidence to support the fact that psychiatrists are also perverting the course of justice by falsely declaring us as mentally ill without any reason whatsoever other than that we inform them that we are hearing voices and feeling sensation and experiencing a variety of other unwanted experiences, all of which can be engendered by the capabilities which are outlined in the Richard C Walker wireless internet of things patent number 6965816 and that is another reason why I and others are taking this court case. When we are wrongly incarcerated inside psychiatric hospitals for telling the truth to psychiatrists about being targeted with wireless directed energy weapons or other unknown electronic weapons we have to later withdraw our true story and falsely claim that we were mentally ill when we experienced being attacked by said directed energy weapons or other military weapons from a distance, in order to eventually gain release from psychiatric hospitals. This scenario is being played out all over Ireland and the rest of the world by psychiatric attendees who all are aware that psychiatry is a scam which has been developed to control the flow of information regarding a large variety of weapons which are being used to harass, torture and physically harm both human beings and other sentient beings from a distance.
We have supporting evidence that senior politicians as well as Mayo County Councillors are ignoring all attempts to help us gain evidence of our ongoing electronic harassment and psychological torture and that is another reason why we are taking this court case.
We are now afraid to return to Garda stations for the purposes of reiterating our claims of electronic harassment and psychological torture as well as many other unwanted harassment experiences because we believe that the only option open to junior Gardai at this stage is to again send us for both unnecessary and unwanted psychiatric evaluation. This would more than likely end up in us being committed to psychiatric hospitals where we would be mandated in ingest toxic substances which cause extremely distressing side effects in all occasions from my own experiences, and which are so extremely distressing that they are akin to being tortured from the inside out as far as I am concerned.
I believe that some of your colleagues in the political and legal world will look for ways to delay the advancement of this legal case until such a time as the aforementioned weapons capabilities are introduced as useful tool in fighting crime and until they are legally recognised as a lawful way of fighting crime. If you successfully disallow their delaying tactics the human race will then be enabled to bring in a paradigm of true freedom, abundance, honesty and free energy into our reality and we will then enable ourselves to enjoy fewer working hours for the rest of their lives which is easy to accomplish because most work being carried out currently is being done for reasons which are not in the best interests of the majority of humanity.

Yours Sincerely,

Gretta Fahey, Newbrook, Claremorris, Co. Mayo, Eircode F12 Y560,
Landline Home Phone Number 0949360901, Mobile Phone Number 0870692278

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Posted on August 15, 2019 by gretta fahey 
There is a wirelessly enabled control system being set up throughout most of the world. It is the wish of the would-be controllers to have everybody other than themselves implanted with technology and wirelessly connected to a super computer enabled control system. The would-be controllers themselves plan to remain outside of the control system. Some of the technology required to connect and control you to the control system is probably already inside your body. It came to be there through inhalation and ingestion of dust particles which carry the required technology and it is then carried throughout your body via your blood stream.
We currently do not have enough broadband to support a system where everybody in my country and further afield would be wirelessly tethered to such a system so that is the real reason that fifth generation millimeter wave transmitters which are capable of carrying pain signals are now being installed throughout many if not all European countries as well as further afield.
I have been informed by my sources that operatives have been corralled inside large structures and they have been implanted with said technology. I have also been informed that many of these operatives have attempted to leave these large structures but even though the doors of the buildings where they reside are nearly always ajar they can not leave because as soon as they attempt to leave something untoward occurs which renders them either paralysed from the waist down or damaged in some other way. Pre-programmed microchips can now be implanted inside human beings which have been programmed with pre-set boundaries that the implanted individuals can never pass without suffering injury.
The operatives who have been wirelessly implanted with pro-programmable technology use wireless interfacing in order to speak to me. I am forced to listen to their voices which I hear coming from inside my head against my will and without my permission because of the technology which is inside me. I have never met any of them and I never wish to meet them. The wireless interfacing which links me to these unknown operatives us used to upload all of the electrical activity which is being generated by my brain and my body on a continual basis to super computers where it is automatically translated into everything I think, say and do. The operatives respond in real time to some of my thoughts, words and deeds. They issue me with voice commands and sometimes with pain signals. They force me to see virtual reality scenes inside my closed eyes and the only way I have found to escape from this type of virtual reality hold is by attempting to hold my eyes open so that I do not have to view distressing virtual reality scenes. Other targeted individuals have reported that they can be held in a virtual reality scenario with no chance of escaping from it by opening their eyes. Some of their senses are taken over where they become engulfed inside a virtual reality setting and they must remain there until whatever neuro operative wirelessly controls the control system decides to release them from it. The operatives have the capability to partially control some of the muscles of some targeted individuals. They have forced some targeted individuals to hit themselves with their own fists against their wills, a feat which was enabled through wireless control. They have forced some targeted individuals to walk a short distance against their wills.
I believe that many senior politicians throughout the world are under wireless control. They are afraid to speak openly about the existence and abuse of wireless weapons because they could be sent pain signals or partially paralysed if they chose to speak openly about this whole body control technology, some of which you possibly have inside you already. Because microwave mind control is also being used through most countries throughout the world at this time it has served to damage the brains of most people to the extent that they are unable to express some feelings such as outrage or anger when confronted by information about this control system.
We have been informed by the media that in future nobody would be able to exist outside this control system. They have informed us that the control system would be used to depopulate most of the human race by killing them by wireless remote means, and the remaining people would be obliged to live inside smart cities where they would not ever be allowed to own anything. They would not ever be able to leave their appointed smart city without permission because their pre-programmed implanted microchips would disable their ability to do so. They would be persuaded to agree to live in smart cities initially due to the invented hoax of global warming and due to the fact that they might not be able to over ride whatever electronic mind control they were being subjected to.
It is in the interest of the would-be controllers of the human race to bring this situation about as soon as possible because if the majority of humanity wake up to the truth of what is happening before it is finalized we would stop it from ever happening. I have been wirelessly enslaved to this system for more than sixteen years and despite informing all and sundry of this fact I have received no help because most are unable to over ride their electronic mind control influences and for many other reasons.
Many and varied hoaxes have been invented in order to cover up the extreme capabilities of wirelessly controlled neuro weapon capabilities such as the demonic possession hoax, the existence of extra-terresterials hoax, the near-death experience hoax, the hoax that claims that satellites can send signals a distance of sixty five thousand miles down from space to our brains, and many other hoaxes.
Some people are still outside the control system including the people of Iran. While they remain outside the control system we have hope of taking down the system. We must support Iran in its attempts to remain free of the control system.
We can easily solve the problem of human enslavement by internal technology. We must create jammers which we can keep in our homes in order to protect us from unwanted digital signals. We could even sever all of the under-sea fibre optic cable which transmit signals throughout the world if we deem it necessary. If deemed appropriate we could tear down all microwave transmitters and 5G millimetre wave transmitters now before it is too late. If they are torn down people will recover from the electronic mind control which has been inflicted on them within one month according to my sources.
My name is Gretta Fahey. My address is Newbrook, Claremorris, Co. Mayo, Eircode F12 Y560, Republic of Ireland. My website is called www.targetedindividualsireland.net

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I am wirelessly linked from technology inside my brain and body to what I believe are a network of computers and super computers who are staffed by neuro scientists and many other neuro operatives. These neuro operatives send and receive material to and from my brain and body via the various wireless links which fuse me to their equipment. I hear their voices coming from inside my head which we now know to be which is also known as voice to skull or microwave hearing and not mental illness as previously thought. Wireless enabled harassment and torture have been occurring for more than a hundred years without the knowledge of the general public and everything was successfully covered up by the use of the false science known as psychiatry.
I have never met any of the aforementioned neuro operatives or their financial backers and I as yet do not know who they are. I can not prove when or how the technology came to be inside my brain and body but it occurred without my knowledge or consent. These neuro operatives who interact with me regularly send signals to my brain which have the capability of interacting with both the visual centre and the hearing centre of my brain as well as forcing my muscles to move against my will as well as sending me pain signals when ever they see fit. I have been locked inside what is known as a virtual reality hold where I was forced to see moving images while my eyes were closed. I have also been forced to see images of a variety of entities and even television cartoon figures which were moving around my home while my eyes were open which is another one of the many and varied capabilities of neuro science at this present time.
The worse of these neuro science enabled experiences which I am experiencing right now is the experience of having the neuro operatives send information into the muscles of my face and body in order to allow them to eventually gain total control of the muscle structure of my body so that they could possibly externally control me by wireless means and from a remote location. I am frightened by this capability more than any other.
Yesterday, I was sent several short term pain signals to my right knee which made me scream and complain to the neuro operatives who are constantly engaged with me via this internal technology. A male voice which was coming from inside my head was heard by me to say the following “Will you stop hurting her right knee.” I female voice responded as follows “I can’t. I am in the middle of a routine.” Through prompting from me she continued as follows “I have an anomaly with your right knee. It is not information which I can insert as expected. Every time I insert information in your knee I need updates on what is gone before and I am not getting them. The technology inside your knee is still there as expected but it probably has moved out of alignment so I am not getting feedback from what I already inserted. I wish to make your knee available for remote control because I get paid for it and I am in debt so therefore I am forced to conduct immoral work.” I myself then asked this female voice if she was sorry that she ever undertook the evil work of bio-robotizing me. She replied as follows “No because I am a psychopath and I have no such qualms.”
All targeted individuals including myself should be supplied with jammers to jam the digital signals which are being sent to our brains and bodies on a continual basis at this time. Please make that happen.

Last night something unusual was made to happen to me by these unknown neuro operatives. I felt a strong energy forceably come into my body and pulsate through my heart for about five or ten minutes. I then heard one of the neuro operatives say the following ” She will have senergy cascading through her.” I do not know the precise meaning of the word “senergy” when used in this context but I post absolutely everything I experience online in case it is helpful to people who are fighting against this control and enslavement system. This morning I heard another internal voice say the following ” Your blood is now streaming inside the areas we have worked on over the years and you are soon to be almost totally bio-robotized.” Many of my facebook friends and others are also reporting the same experiences of having their own muscles forceably moved against their wills as I am. We are all experiencing unusual experiences because many of us now have unwanted technology inside our brains and bodies which has been put there against our wills and without our permission. The individuals who do not have any dust sized technology inside their brains and bodies are dark occultists who live in a country which this dust sized technology is not being placed in the food or water supply and is not being sprayed from the skies over their heads. One mathematician who charted all of the airline flights throughout the world stated that said country is Madagascar

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I have become non-consensually wirelessly linked to the smart grid from a programmable bio-chip implant.   The operatives who monitor and control me force me to listen to their dictates every day whenever they wish.   I heard one of them say the following today via the wireless link as follows  "This is a cost effective way of monitoring people while they are inside their own homes.  If they have nothing to hide they wont mind."   I mind very much.  My website where I outline in extreme detail some of my experiences of being non-consensually wirelessly linked to said smart grid is called www.targetedindividualsireland.net.  

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Many human beings are being wirelessly harassed and tortured while they are inside their own homes. They first become wirelessly linked to a network of closed-circuit computers from implants and electrodes which have come to be inside their brains and bodies without their knowledge or consent. Unknown neuro operatives who are enabled to work from a remote location because of the wireless capabilities which they now use harass and torture the victim in a multitude of ways until they eventually die many years later. If the victim complains they risk psychiatric incarceration as well as forced medication with substances which bear no resemblance to actual medicine and which have such extreme side effects that the patient experiences these side effects as being tortured from the inside out.  You may already have the electrodes inside your brain and you may be next for wireless harassment and torture.

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I have been non-consensually implanted with a microchip. It tracks me. It is being used to send me pain. It is being used to monitor and interfere with some of my bodily functions. It has the capability of instantly killing me. By using a remote monitoring system, computer operators send electromagnetic messages (encoded as signals) to my nervous system which affects my performance and can instantly disable me. This microchip implant has been implanted into a specific area of my nervous system and it is smaller than a grain of rice and it is almost impossible to remove.
This microchip implant has the ability to detect which type of electrical patterns make various muscles in my body move. This data is then recorded, analysed and stored in a central computer. Specific electrical patterns are then transferred back to my nervous system by unknown computer operators in order to make my own muscles move against my will. I have been non-consensually turned into an externally controlled bio-robot.
Similar microchip implants are meant for everyone other than members of the self-proclaimed elite but most of humanity have had their brains interfered with by mass mind control methods to the extent that they are unable to fully understand the extreme danger they are in of having their own brain and body controlled by computer operators by the use of wireless external controls.

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I have already become linked to the wirelessly enabled cerebral internet-of-things. My experiences are so extreme that most uninformed individuals can not believe that neuro science and neuro technology has advanced to the extent it has and instead they prefer to disbelieve me when I recount my experiences. First of all, back in the spring of 2003 my brain and body were linked by a two way stream of low frequency electromagnetic energy to a network of computers, and those computers may well be also linked to a super computer. This link enables the neuro staff who operated these computers to force me to listen to their voices coming from inside my head at all times of the day or night. They wake me up from sleep whenever they wish by speaking to me or by sending me a pain signal.
Over time the neuro operatives built up a brain map which then enabled them to take control over my facial muscles and some of my neck muscles as well as my vocal cords on some occasions. When I move my facial muscles of my own accord the exact sequences of events that happens in my brain is then tabulated and repeated so that the criminal neuro operatives can later move my facial muscles against my will. Now, whenever the neuro operatives take external control of my vocal cords while speaking through me they also take external control of my facial muscles at the same time. If the neuro operative who is speaking through me is angry I now can tell that that is the case because my own eyes blaze up in anger and my face grimaces in anger when I am being spoken through. These experiences mostly occur when I am alone, but they could easily be made to occur when I am out in public. I have many friends and acquaintances who are also experiencing similar experiences. I have become technologically possessed.
At some time in the future, if the neuro operatives sever the link between my brain and central nervous system, I could then be entirely taken over and run from behind the scenes. I have been informed by brain link that programs have already been written which would then be used to operate me like a an automaton, by remote control if indeed the link between my brain and central nervous system was every severed. However, in such an eventuality I would not be kept alive for very long because the level of intelligence needed to operate me by remote control would be too high.
Many targeted individuals are telling the same story as I am and we are all attempting to raise awareness of this horrific situation but one of the main reasons we sometimes fail to be believed is because most of the human race may already be linked to the internet-of-things other than just targeted individuals and it appears from the point of view of us targeted individuals that most other individuals have become locked into a state of subliminal hypnosis where they are unable to believe us and that this state of subliminal hypnosis may also be combined with wirelessly enabled brain entrainment because their responses are not normal. They are not outraged activists like they would be expected to be when hearing of wirelessly enabled technological enslavement and human bio-robotization. It is as if the general public have been rendered unable to think past a certain point. The only way we can return to normal as a human race is by disassembling and banning microwave transmitters and all related paraphernalia in my opinion.
I plan to dry fast over the next forty eight hours. Many online reports declare dry fasting to be very beneficial for human health. I believe that dry fasting will nullify some if not all of the work of the technological enslavers. I will write about how successful this strategy of dry fasting has been to dislodge the technology of the would be enslavers at some time in the near future.

My name is Gretta Fahey and my website is www.targetedindividualsireland.net. I write about my experiences of being wirelessly and non-consensually linked to the wirelessly enabled cerebral internet-of-things simply in order to raise awareness of the extreme danger humanity is now it. I never have, and I never will accept payment for what I write and send to the public and for what I post online.

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Many people who have already been non-consensually wirelessly tethered to the wireless internet of things from two way links to their brains and bodies have openly stated that they would prefer to be dead and many of them have committed suicide or attempted suicide multiple times. Many other people are already connected to the wireless internet of things and may be receiving subliminal information from it but they are completely unaware of it. However, their mode of thinking is profoundly affected by its influence to the extent that they appear unwilling to accept its existence. The only ones who benefit from the existence of the wireless internet of things are the would-be enslavers of the human race who promote the new world order agenda and the erection of fifth generation millimetre wave transmitters throughout the world. The main reason that many people have already been non-consensually wirelessly tethered to the wireless internet of things without the rest of the human race being allowed to know about it is because the police throughout the world wrongly psychiatrically evaluate anybody who complains of wireless interference into their brains and bodies as being mentally ill and by doing so they refuse to take a statement from us when we complain to them that we hear voices of unknown individuals coming from inside our heads. Then then send us for mandatory psychiatric evaluation without allowing us to go home so nothing ever comes of our legal complaint.
We first become wirelessly tethered to the wireless internet of things without our knowledge or consent. However, the connection from our brains and bodies to said wireless internet of things remains dormant until the connection is found to be secure. When it is first activated we being to hear the voice commands and other conversations of the staff who manage the computer network which regulates the wireless internet of things coming from inside our heads. All of our inner dialogue is read and prepared for commissioning to the highest bidder. Many buyers line up to purchase all inner resources of the human being who has at this stage become a neural controlled slave which is more commonly known as a wireless slave. I am a wireless slave. My name is Gretta Fahey from Newbrook, Claremorris, County Mayo, F12 Y560, Republic of Ireland. My website which I alone own and control and where I outline my experiences of being a neural controlled slave in extreme detail is called www.targetedindividualsireland.net. My landline home phone number is 0949360901.

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I am a victim of secret, non-consensual neuro experimentation and research, which is being carried out by fusion centres in the United States and parallel centres throughout the U.K. . American military and intelligence agents and sub agents combined with other similar agents throughout the world, who have been tasked with gaining absolute control over the human race carry out this unlawful work. I am wirelessly linked by a two-way link to a network of computers which are controlled by sub agents of these military and intelligence agencies and I keep a daily blog on a number of social media sites where I outline what these agents communicate to me via bio-communication on an ongoing basis. I hear their voices coming from inside my head via brain to brain communication and synthetic telepathy and a number of other methods and I am engaged with their voices on an almost constant basis.

These secret agents collect and collate all electrical activity being generated by my brain and body on a constant basis via the two way link which links me to their computer network. They also use the aforementioned two way link to send information to my brain and body in the form of voices, moving images, bodily sensations, pain signals, odours, forced muscle movement, feelings and thoughts. Not alone can they send information into my body to force the muscles of my face and neck to move against my will whenever they wish, but they can and are sending information signals into my body in order to make my intestines act against my will.
These same sub agents of the intelligence service can and do evoke memories from my past by asking me questions. This allows them to bring up images from my past memories in living colour on their computer screens, for exploration. They further prepare the information they glean for data analysis where it is sent to Fort Meade, Maryland to be further analysed for scientific use. Fort Meada, Maryland is heavily involved in tabulating all data which is being collected from me and from many other targeted individuals throughout the world in preparation for a police state in Ireland and all other courtires throughout the world. As part of the work of the sub agents who target me and others, they are obliged to tabulate the number of sexual penetrations which women have had during the course of their lifetimes to date. They will not allow us to have any privacy whatsoever.  They claim that they only work on individuals whose identity they do not know and have no way of ever knowing but there is no truth in that claim because the staff who work on me all know who I am and where I live combined with everything about my life that one could possibly wish to know.  

Here below is some of what these unknown operatives have been saying to me via inner voices technology during the past few days:-

“Is there a civil case against this lady.” “No” “That is regretable to us.”
“You will be safely encased inside your body within months and unable to move a muscle.”
“Distain her in every possible way.”
“Only evidence based is acceptable.” “She has nothing on us.”
“We have nothing on her. We need to have some leverage on her in order to control all situations when dealing with her.”
“We can not allow this woman to continue posting an online daily blog, quoting what we say to her in private.”
“At the moment we are doing our utmost to conceal the information.”
“This system has all the hallmarks of a monarch program being set up throughout the world by wireless means and from a remote location.”
“If we succeeded in bio-robotizating you we would encourage our clients to use you in any way they could.”
“Is she on medicaid?” “No. This lady is a European lady.” (Medicaid is a form of health care only in use in the United States.) ( I believe the individuals who reproduce their voices inside my head using advanced technology are mostly American because they constantly make references to American terms. I live in Ireland, Europe and I have never been to the United States.)
“I am quite unused to this level of information going out about our exploits. Gretta Fahey is agrieveing me.”
“The material is not nice.” “The staff here are saying these things to Gretta. Gretta is not generating it herself.” This was responded to by another inner voice which was heard by me to say the following “She shouldnt repeat it.”
I personally believe there is an easy way to stop this slow enslavement process of the human race. We should and must destroy all infrastructure which enables it. The existence of satellites has been found to be a hoax. What was initially believed to be satellites were in fact large stationary drones. Telephone masts are the linchpin which holds the whole control and enslavement system together. The dark new world order self-proclaimed elite do not own the infrastructure as previously thought because they obtained it by the use of electronically mind controlling the individuals who sold them the infrastructure , which makes their ownership of it illigitimate. Therefore the human race ownes all technological infrastructure which has been installed throughout the world and it is our right to disassemble it and have it banned and outlawed urgently. Please canvas in your area to have this done as a matter of urgency.

My name is Gretta Fahey, from Newbrook, Claremorris, Co. Mayo, Ireland.   My website which I alone own and control is called www.targetedindividualsireland.net.   

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I am being secretly subjected to wirelessly enabled non-consensual black budget experimentation by the use of classified technology which is being carried out on me by unknown neuro staff who work from a remote location.
My brain and parts of my body have become wirelessly linked to a computer network from technology which is inside my brain and body. This wireless communication link has been further enabled by the neuro staff having access to both my unique brain imprint and my own unique DNA. The communication link which tethers me to the computer network has two way capabilities.
The neuro staff who operate the computer network receive information from my brain and parts of my body on a constant basis through this two way communication link. They then data analyse and collate the information gained for further use by the members of the deep state. The neuro staff also send false information to my brain and body in order to force me to see moving images, feel sensations on my skin, hear their voices aw well as other sounds, feel emotions that do not originate independently from my own brain, and experience forced muscle movement and even forced speech.
The deep state plan to gain a unique understanding of the human body and brain in order to use this secret knowledge for the greater evil of the human race at some time in the future. The neuro staff who reproduce their voices inside my head by the use of this two way communication link known as voice to skull have confessed to me that they work at Fort Meade, Maryland, U.S.A.
Over many years, I have been non-consensually communicating with said unknown neuro operatives and I have gleaned much information in this manner. I keep an online blog in several social media sites including facebook where I outline a small amount of what these neuro operatives have informed me of over many years. My website is called www.targetedindividualsireland.net and my facebook page is called www.facebook.com/gretta.fahey.98.
I sometimes have angry interactions with the neuro staff whose voices I hear coming from inside my head against my will and entirely without my permission. These neuro staff have often replied by telling me the following "We are not used to been spoken to in such a disrespectful manner as you have used." I often wondered to myself why they were unused to other subjects of non-consensual experimentation speaking to them in a disrespectful way. It did not make any sense to me at the time but I have now figured out what has been occurring as follows :-
When somebody is first non-consensually selected for neuro experimentation and when they first begin to hear the voices of unknown neuro staff being transmitted into their brains they are asked hundreds of questions. Even if they refuse to answer said questions, each question generates a mental image inside their brain. Evoked potentials are read and automatically translated by the equipment being used by the neuro staff into actual pictures of whatever the targeted individual generates  inside their minds. In this way and in many other ways including automatically included lie detection which is also built into the equipment that the neuro staff use, the neuro staff find out if the targeted individual has ever committed a crime which has gone undetected. If that is found to be the case the targeted individual is then blackmailed into becoming a neuro operative themselves in order to further the enslavement agenda of the human race by exponential means. Some are also blackmailed into working against their own governments while actually working in an official capacity inside government offices. I have never committed a crime in my life to the extent that the neuro staff have constantly complained that they can not get any leverage on me. This is one of many reasons why I am enabled to tell the public what is going on behind the scenes of their world, which is about to come crashing down if they refuse to disassemble and ban all wireless enabling capabilities which enable this human control and enslavement system. We must act urgently.

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Many individuals are now wirelessly leashed to computer networks by two way links, from implants in their brains and spines. Neuro staff who wirelessly send and receive digital signals through the two way links to the targeted individual are helping to enslave themselves, because this process can be fully automated and used against them. One day they may hear an artificial voice giving them a direct order by wireless means , and if they disobey that order they may automatically receive a pain signal or have money deducted from their digital bank account. We must urgently disassemble and ban wireless enabling capabilities. I have been wirelessly leashed to this evil system for sixteen years. Read my website www.targetedindividualsireland.net

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Wireless directed energy crime is now being used on a large scale against the public and yet the police and military have failed to warn the public about it. They have failed us yet again. The military have become obedient and submissive order followers to their army generals through inculcation methods being used against them and also through wireless brain entrainment being used against them and also through the fact that they are being misled about all aspects of their work. Their brains have become injured but it is not irreversible. They will recover their abilities to think clearly as soon as they tear down microwave transmitters.

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I am a targeted individual of Remote Neural Monitoring combined with Remote Neural Manipulation.   I am non-consensually linked by wireless means to a supercomputer which is operated by unknown neuro operatives who work from an unknown remote location.   Because of the fact that I am non-consensually linked to the super-computer  I hear the voices of neuro operatives coming from inside my head against my will and without my permission on a constant basis throughout each and every day.

Today I attempted to book the purchase of an internet radio online so that I  could collected it  at a local store tomorrow.  I was unable to place my order for reasons which were unknown to me at the time.   I then heard the voice of one of the neuro operatives coming from inside my head informing me of a new policy within Ireland pertaining to targeted individuals of neuro weapon research.  Here is what the unknown inner voice was heard by me to say   "If the potential customer is deemed not worthy of the goods the staff of all corporate owned stores are not allowed to give it to them.  This instruction is given across the board in all corporate merchandisers.  All privately owned stores will cease to exist within ten years. This might be our new credit score system in operation in Ireland now."

A few minutes after I heard this message coming from inside my head I then received another similar message which said.  "You are jumping the gun a bit.  You may be given an internet radio if you ask for one.  We are not sure if this system is up and running in Ireland yet."

I myself strongly believe that by simply disassembling and banning all transmitters which enable frequency weapons and which enable wireless tethering of human beings from implants to supercomputers and which also enable wireless murder and wireless burning down of homes and wireless electronic mind control we can regain our freedom in short order.  Many people are not yet aware that some of their fellow country men and women are being psychologically and physically harassed and even tortured inside their own homes throughout most of the world.  The unaware section of society may be being subjected to wirelessly delivered brain frequencies which lull them into a false since of security and apathy.

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I am a targeted individual of Remote Neural Monitoring combined with Remote Neural Manipulation from the West of Ireland. I am a fifty nine year old woman of rural background and I still live in the house where I was born fifty nine years ago. I am in receipt of disability allowance for irritable bowel syndrome. I may have been implanted with a wide range of technologies because now I find myself wirelessly linked to a computer network which is operated by neuro operatives who run the program which I am wirelessly and non-consensually linked to. These unknown neuro operatives force me to listen to their voices all day, every day without a break. They also collect data of my body functions which they analyse and collate for the purposes of sending this information out to the scientific community throughout the world which they get paid hansomely for. I do not and would not and have never accepted any money, gifts, bribes or favours from these unknown neuro operatives which I hope never to meet. Almost everyday recently I transcripe some of what they say to me on to my social media site so that others may know some of what it is like to be placed on a non-consensual Remote Neural Monitoring combined with Remote Neural Manipulation program. Here are some of what these unknown neuro operatives have been saying to me recently -
"She will have to be moved to a psychiatric hospital. She will need to be in a secure location so that I can examine her bowel movements wirelessly."
"No one was supposed to know about this. This was supposed to be a private concern. Why is it now public."
"When they transmit voices inside people's heads they do so with impunity because they dont realise that people have started to believe the voice hearers."
"There must be something wrong with the system if it is bringing up this type of verbiage."
"The system does not yet operate automatically. We operate the system by transmitting our voices into the brain of each targeted individual."
"I need you to place some restrictions on this woman."
"I dont need to force speech you, Gretta. All I need to do is to send you pain signals."
"We have a system here that is beyond repair."
"We dont like her transparency. That never serves us well."
"We have a logistics nightmare."
"The democratic process is eclipsing the control system."
"Inner voice assessment terminal believe you will be ok tonight."
"If Remote Neural Monitoring is discovered before it is fully established it will easily be abolished."

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The United States government is now openly  targeting  a selected number of citizens of the United States as well as overseas individuals for wirelessly enabled  unlimited remote  neural monitoring  and human experimentation. These selected targeted citizens  are known to the United States police as non-investigative subjects or silent hits.  I have been and still am such a targeted individual and I reside in Ireland.  Voice to skull bio-communication is being used to force me to constantly  listen to the voices of the operatives who run the Remote Neural Monitoring combined with Remote Neural Manipulation system.   Recently I have begun to write down and post online  a small selection of what these operatives say to me by means of reproducing their voices inside my head against my will and without my permission.   Here below is a small selection of what these neuro operatives have been communicating to me by wireless means over the past two days.   

"Watch this space.   We will tie her up in knots so that she wont be able to move a muscle."

"There is somebody here who writes what we say."     The response of a different operative was as follows   "We have had those people before.  We just kill them off."

"This is directly affecting the whole system because now we all know what happens when we speak to her."

"You will wind up as meat on my table.   My people will kill this woman and clean her out and prepare her as a dish to be served in front of me."


I myself said to the neuro operatives whose voices I hear coming from inside my head the following  "Why are you hurting both my knees?"   The response I heard back was as follows  "I am conducting experiments on you".   I then asked the following question  "Are you conducting experiments on me for money?  The response I heard back was as follows  "Yes".  

"It is not a nice thing to do to her but we are getting the system into focus in the world".

"Too many people in the know.  We can't go ahead."

"Puffed up information coming through again."

"Which do you use with Gretta Fahey, the carrot or the stick?"

"Put manners on that woman.  She has destabilized the process."

"Try and destroy the system and see who will win."    My response to that statement was as follows  "We will easily win.  There are seven billion of us.  There are only a small number of you.   The phone towers are the linchpin of your wireless weapons.  We will disassemble and ban all phone towers and your weapons will then be powerless."

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