colleges (1)


Church and state now appear to be promoting the interests of the new world order control and enslavement system at every opportunity. Why are they doing this? Are they under electronic mind control? If so, is the electronic mind control coming from their smart engineered technology? Have their minds been sabotaged when they were attending college or when they were attending government controlled police training centres or government controlled teacher training centres or government controlled medical schools?
There may be another explanation. Government staff were all given smart phones approximately a dozen years ago. They were obliged to keep these smart phones in their possession at all times during working hours. These smart phones had the in built capability to remotely monitor all of the conversations of these government staff. Black budget Intelligence agents who worked from a remote location were given the capability to visually monitor these government staff by switching on the built in camera of their smart phones by wireless means and from a remote location whenever they wished. Whenever the black budget intelligence agents got incremenating information about any government staff member, they would then black main these government staff to work on behalf of the New World Order cabal to aid and abet in the enslavement of the human race.
Further to this, it is a well known fact that most people can not protect their brains from electronic mind control signals if they are placed in a location where those signals are penetrating. Yet, their has never been a public discussion of how to protect ourselves from electronic mind control. Why not?
A certain sub section of the population have been selected for human bio-robotization. This is imminently possible and vast amounts of information is available on the subject. When a human being has become bio-robotized they could then be made to carry out acts against their will and moral judgement because their muscles could be tied down if they refused to obey every command of their slave master. If a human being was fully enslaved in this way they would then be promoted to a position of power within church and state in order to help further the agenda of the new world order cabal. We aught to investigate human bio-robotization as a matter of urgency. All of these reasons for government sanctions against humans who act against the wishes of the so called new world order cabal must be now investigated. I myself am being slowly bio-robotized over the past fifteen years. Despite sending up to five hundred letters about the matter to government and main stream media nobody has come to my assistance. If your child informs you in the future that he or she is experiencing forced muscle movement they would not be helped either. We have no future security while this situation continues. Who is responsible?

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