Members of the World Economic Forum who are unelected and have no political power whatsoever have told us that in the near future we will own nothing and be happy. Because of this statement many are now wondering how we will be motivated to work or study when there are absolutely no financial incentives from doing so. You are probably wondering how slave masters manipulated slaves to work for them in the past. There used to be a document in circulation online about their methods of manipulating their slaves to work but I can no longer find it. However I did read it and this is what it said. The slave owner would torture one of his slaves to death and he would force all of the other slaves to watch while he did the torturing so that none of the other slaves would ever stop out of line again. The women slaves would be so traumatized from watching the torturing that they would pressurise their young sons and daughters to always be absolutely obedient to the slave master so that those sons and daughters would never have to undergo such torture. The type of torture which was used was to tie the slave on to two horses and then physically pull the slave apart. If we ever become virtually enslaved due to implants inside our bodies we will be similarly tortured if we refuse to work for the slave masters who can remotely and wirelessly stimulate the implants inside us by means of remote controls in order to either immobilize our muscles or else to force our muscles to move against our wills or else to overheat us or else to send agonizing pain to us. When you are dismissed from the workplace against your will it is said that you were fired or sacked rather than simply dismissed. I believe that those words are used to impress upon us that if we refuse to work for no pay in the future we will either be set on fire or put in a sack and drowned. I have already been illegally implanted with implants that when scanned with a bluetooth scanner generate MAC addresses and I am being wirelessly and remotely electronically harassed and psychologically tortured and this torture has continued for more than nineteen years. You need to raise awareness of this among all who will listen to you. Here is an excellent and trustworthy source of information at the following online link
slaves (16)
My name is Gretta Fahey. I live at Newbrook, Claremorris, Co. Mayo, Eircode F12 Y560, Republic of Ireland. I am being subjected to remotely administered wireless no-touch torture which is also being called virtual torture and microwave torture among other names. I am in contact with many other men and women who are also being subjected to similar experiences which we have not consented to ever. However, there is an easy solution to no-touch torture. Our elected senior politicians must stop all ability of criminals to subject their fellow country men and women to remotely administered no touch torture by passing laws which would make chemtrail spraying of our airspace illegal and by using our military to enforce those laws. In order for no touch torture, wireless mind control and wireless enslavement to continue those who wish to enslave us need to maintain the atmosphere in an ionized state at all times by continually spraying our airspace with highly conductive metals and other nano materials. If all chemtrail spraying of our airspace is discontinued the ionized atmosphere would gradually dissipate over one month and all remotely administered wireless torture and enslavement would come to a natural halt except for instances where individuals are being wirelessly tortured by the use of transportable and hand held wireless torture weapons which the police could easily have stopped.
"Today, the ability to remotely transmit microwave voices inside a targets head is known inside the Pentagon as 'Synthetic Telepathy.' According to Dr Robert Becker synthetic telepathy has applications in covert operations designed to drive a target crazy with voices or deliver undetected instructions to a programmed assassin. In the 1970s, the University of Maryland invented a thought reading machine. The machine allegedly uses microwaves to deliver spoken massages directly to the human brain as well as using radio waves to hypnotize people or change their thoughts. Neuro-effective signals can now cause many other nerve groups to become remotely actuated."
The above is a quote from "SYNTHETIC TELEPATHY AND THE EARLY MIND WARS" by Richard Alan Miller.
Secrecy allows evil to flourish. Full disclosure allows good to flourish and that is the reason why I am revealing that the Republic of Ireland where I was born and where I have lived all of my life and where I hope to live until I die has in essence become a slave colony for some of its own men and women, including myself.
The passage of time has allowed advances in technology, most of which are still classified. Even though they are classified many of them are being used outside of government knowledge against a selection of Irish individuals. I and other Irish individuals have been implanted with technology which wirelessly links us to computerized control and enslavement systems. We have not found a way to prove that we are partial wirelessly controlled slaves but the Irish government could easily provide absolute proof that we are wirelessly controlled slaves if they had the will to do so. The Irish people must act on their own without government interference and they must do what ever is needed to prove without a shadow of a doubt that some Irish citizens have become wirelessly remote controlled slaves . We have asked the Irish government for help already but nothing was done to help us in this regard.
I personally believe that the reason some Irish politicians are hesitant in providing us the Irish people with technology which would allow us to prove that we have become wirelessly controlled slaves is because in doing so they would also be proving that judges and juries can now be wirelessly controlled, which would then cause the law courts to collapse over night. Further to that, no law court decision which has been made in the past several decades could be considered viable.
Here below I outline some of my experiences of being a wirelessly controlled slave as follows:
Voices are being transmitted by wireless means into what I believe is technology implanted or embedded in my inner ear on a continual basis. The voices appear to be of real men and women who appear to be able to monitor me on a virtual basis through monitoring a virtual image of my on their own computer screens or by some other means due to the fact that I have technology implanted or embedded throughout my person.
The unknown groups who transmit their voices into my head occasionally tell me what I should eat, what I sould be allowed to purchase and what I should think about . They have in the past cancelled orders for goods which I have placed online because they did not wish me to have them. They sometimes physically hurt me by wireless remote means. They sometimes force a selection of my muscles to move against my will by wirelessly enabled external control of my central nervous system, a capability which is described in United States Scientific Patent Number US6965816. When I am brain to brain interfaced with these unknown neuro staff which appears to be most if not all of the time they can then force a selection of my muscles to move against my will and without my permission.
One can now use technology to tune in all types of special effects to the human brain provided the human concerned has inhaled and ingested nano technology which eventually comes embedded in that brain as is described in United States scientific patent number US6965816. You can now have distrubing pictures as well as moving images forced into the mental imaging centre of your brain at a moments notice. Because these mental images are not generated in the same way as you generate your own mental images you will know that they are not being generated by your own mind and that they are being artificially transmitted into your mind by wireless remote means.
I do not know who my slave masters are. I have the contact details of more than a dozen other individuals who live in the Republic of Ireland and who are experiencing the same or similar experiences of being under wireless external control as I am. What we are experiencing is known as being Remote Neural Monitored as well as being Remote Neural Manipulated. Professor James Geordano of Georgetown University Medical Center, United States is one of the official spokesmen for the United States government on the subject of Weaponizing Brain Science. He validates the existence of the aforementioned capabilities in nearly all of his online presentations. Here is a link to his latest online presentation which is called Weaponizing Brain Science.
Professor Geordano informs us while speaking on this video that drones and other aerial vehicles can be used to deliver pay loads of neurological viruses, neurological microbes as well as neurological toxins to targeted individuals or targeted groups. He also informs us that nano technology can be used to provide scaffolds that then allow the auto assembly of molecules inside a biological system. When Professor Giordiano refers to a biological system it is understood that he means a human being or any other sentient being.
If fifth generation wireless technology becomes fully activated in the Republic of Ireland then the bandwidth will be available to criminal neuro scientists and their assistants to wirelessly enslave every man, woman and child in Ireland and this can all be achieved from an unknown remote location.
With regard to a different matter which is am including in this letter because I wish to warn the Irish people about the possibility of it occurring here , it is being claimed in the below linked video that psychological operations are currently being used by unknown individuals in order to create situations where the general public begin to lose trust in their own state police forces because some of the super rich wish to privatize the police forces of the world under their own personal control. It is also being claimed that they wish to privatize all prisons under their own private control. SERCO is a United States company which is believed to control the healthcare system in the United States. SERCO is also believed to own and control privately run prisons throughout the world. It is being claimed in the same video which I have linked here below that the World Economic Forum kill innovations before they can get off the ground. The below linked video has been placed online by the United States online journalist of note Ramola Dharmaraj and she is interviewing a whistleblower called Thomas of Alpha Omega Energy who is described as an energy entrepreneur.
If you decide to deny that wirelessly enabled remote controlled torture technology exists and is in use and that electronic mind control programming technology exists and is in use and that voice to skull remote transmissions of external voices being placed inside the heads of random individuals exists and is now in frequent use then you are committing an act of extreme evil against your fellow country men and women as well as against all future generations of this world. You have no right to deny that these capabilities exist and if you decide to acknowledge all of their existence to the police then you will be finally exposing the truth to the world. We can regain harmony and peace of mind in this world as soon as we realign with the truth.
My name is Gretta Fahey and I live at Newbrook, Claremorris, Co. Mayo, Eircode F12 Y560, Republic of Ireland.
I am linked up by brain to brain interface to an enslavement system which is being run by criminal sadists and others. I have attempted to inform the Gardai of this situation but because I can not prove that this is the case they would not accept a statement from me. Today, Sunday 30th August, 2020 at 1.45pm Irish time I heard via the brain to brain interface the following conversation between two of the staff who work at the other end of the brain to brain interface system as follows:-
"Is Gretta Fahey for the front line system? " "No. She is not for the front line system". "What is she doing here then."
Just before that coversation occurred I was looking at clothing for sale online and I said aloud that those clothes were too expensive for my own budget which alerted one of the aforementioned staff members to the fact that I was not who she was informed that I was because if I was being prepared for the front line (whatever that is) then I imagine that I would have already been fully enslaved by them and they would have been supplying me with expensive clothing in order to prepare me for a front line position. Further to that scenario, during the past number of years on numerous occasions attempts have been made via brain to brain interface by unknown neuro staff members to manipulate me to accept bribes off them. I have always replied that I would never ever accept bribes off anyone and that I would prefer to starve to death that ever to accept bribes. What does it mean to be part of a front line system in a slave colony where all of the slaves involved are wirelessly tethered to a computerized network via brain to brain interface?
I am a slave within a slave colony of wirelessly tethered slaves and the reason our politicians, our police officers and our main stream media have not been made aware of this by officialdum is because they are about to be enslaved themselves. Nobody warns slaves in advance that they are about to be enslaved.
You might ask how billions can be enslaved by a small number of slave masters. The answer is that they use computerized algorithms, robot police officers and robot dogs combined with a social credit score system to run the aforementioned slave colony.
The Gardai and senior politicians are under mind control as well as thought stream filtering.
My name is Gretta Fahey and my address in Newbrook, Claremorris, Co. Mayo, Eircode F12 Y560, Republic of Ireland.
My website is called targetedindividualsireland dot net
We have inhaled and ingested nano particulates which are wirelessly connected to supercomputers and we have become wirelessly enslaved. Our brains, central nervous systems and bodily functions can now be wirelessly controlled from a distance by unknown neural experts and mind programming experts and medical experts. Algorithms are being used to conduct most of the work of wirelessly enslaving us and mind controlling some of us, especially those work work directly for governments. Those whose wireless connections are more fully activated than others are more aware of what is occurring that those whose wireless connections are only being used for subliminal programming of their minds and because of this the fully activated targeted individuals have had more time to decipher what is occurring from a worldwide perspective. I am one such targeted individual and I understand that the spinning ball earth hoax is the most important hoax needed to finalize the enslavement plan. If we refuse to believe in the spinning ball earth hoax we can be free of this. The earth is flat and fixed and therefore some large areas or whole countries are not being sprayed with chemtrails and those same countries are not under aerial surveillance or so-called satellite surveillance. Those who live in those areas are the individuals who are not connected to the worldwide brain initiative and they are the ones who wish to eventually torture and genocide most of the rest of us . Please research flat earth science which is widely available online and please canvas your political representative to have all wireless enabling infrastructure disassembled and banned throughout the world now. Exactly when will the worldwide wireless infrastructure be disassembled and banned?
The following are some of the words of former Prime Minister of Canada Paul Hellyer, Bryan Koffron who is a former insider in the world of wireless enslavement of people and the late President John F Kennedy who knew about the wireless enslavement plan and was about to expose it before he was assassinated, as well as other speakers.
Most of the western world is being controlled by an unelected, unaccountable cabal. Its apex is the banking and financial cartel, the oil cartel, the CEOs of the most powerful transnational corportations, major intelligence agencies including the CIA , the FBI, the NSA and a major slice of the US military. Their collective power and influence is incalculable and it is their plan for the US and the rest of us that is so alarming .
Automated super-computer software programming will manipulate the emotions, the behaviours and the thoughts of everyone in the United States of America. It is horrifying and it is a crime against humanity. This is something that needs to be tackled by lawyers and civil rights advocates immediately.
It is a system which has conscripted vast human and material resources into the building of a tightly knit highly efficient machine that combines military, diplomatic, intelligence, economic, scientific and political operations.
I know for a fact, having been an insider and actually been a part of this program and seen it operate on a day to day basis I am aware that there are now entire cities in America that are nothing more than a massive social engineering experiment.
For we are opposed around the world by a monolythic and ruthless conspiracy that relies primarily on covert means for expanding its sphere of influence, on infiltration instead of invasion, on subversion instead of elections, on intimidation instead of free choice, on gorillas by night instead of armies by day,
What these people have done is turned this technology into a video game and that is exactly how they approach it. They approach it as though they are playing a cross between Syd Myers civilization on their computer and syms where they are controlling all of civilization and also controlling people on the individual level. The overall effect of this technology is one that could control the mood, the attitude, the thoughts, the feelings, the emotions and thus the motivations and then the actions of the target, all day, every day, twenty four hours a day, three hundred and sixty five days a year. It is a highly sophisticated technology . It is one that produces literal and total and complete mind control over the targeted individual and it is in the hands right now of people that are using it for nefarious purposes, extremely evil and destructive purposes against individuals like myself (Bryan Koffron). I am now a targeted of this technology because I have decided to speak out about it.
Its preparations are concealed, not published. Its mistakes are buried, not headlined. Its decenters are silenced not praised. No expendature is questioned. No rumour is printed. No secret is revealed.
I was told not to reveal certain things or they would kick my ass, kill me and dump me in a lake. This is why before going public I reported all of this to the FBI four times. I reported all of this to local and state police. I was told by the FBI and by a police department that what you are describing is a federal program, we know exactly what it is and as a result there is absolutely nothing we can do about it. It is obvious that in this day and age an American citizen can not come forward to blow the whistle on a highly illegal and unconstitutional program that is being used to torture the American people each and every day. I am sorry but that is unacceptable. It is your job to protect the American people. It is your job to investigate high crimes and felonies that have been committed by the people who have been entrusted with the safe keeping of this country and constitution and the American people.
This social engineering program experiments on the homeless population and the general population of Seattle, utilizing what most people know as voice to skull technology. However, this technology is infinitely more advanced than most people know. It can be used to completely control the thoughts and emotions of the target and thus it can be used to completely control the targets actions. This program is illegal, unconstitutional and absolutely terrifying because this technology could be being used against tens to hundreds of millions of Americans every day. It can literally stop your own thoughts from happening and replace them with other thoughts by sending thoughts to your head and it is so sophisticated that you can not tell where these thoughts are coming from. There is no way to discern that they are coming from somewhere other than your own mind so you can imagine how bad this would be for people who dont even realize that this technology exists and they are having these thoughts which they think are spontaneous and that is exactly what it can be used for. It can be used to sway people in terms of their opinion to make them go along with a certain agenda. It can be used to turn groups of people or individuals against each other. When you consider that use of it and the fact that it is used for emotion and thought and behaviour modification we could be looking at potentially millions of people across the country that are under the influence of the technology today, right now.
Many of the homeless test subjects of this program start out as highly educated successful people. Their lives are systematically destroyed by this program using voice to skull technology, organised stalking, career sabotage, and an intense character assassination effort which isolates them from society, leaves them unemployed, and turns family and friends against them. It is a highly illegal program.
Those words are taken from the first nine minutes of the following linked youtube video which is approximately thirty one minutes long. I will type the rest at another time and post it online for those who dont have youtube.
I recently watched two youtube videos which gave detailed information of how slave handlers are using extremely advanced technology to control their slaves of which I am one.
Hearing Voices? Audio Implants
The Illuminati and Intelligence Agencies began conducting secret research into audio implants in the 20th century and they began implanting victims with audio implants in the 1960s for reasons of experimentation.
In the Vietnam war, the military used audio implant devices to aid communicating to their men who were sent into tunnels and who had to travel through forests.
The Illuminati, the Intelligence and Military Consortium kept the experimentation secret.
By the 1970s the intelligence agencies were willing to start using hundreds of people to experiment on opporationally with the implants. The controllers were very heavy handed with the people they implanted, and they used the full force of the Illuminati Intelligence agencies power to keep these people under their control at all times.
These innocent victims have had their lives totally destroyed. Some tried to fight back in order to get out from under the incessent audio messages that the implants sent but the system was too big and too powerful to fight.
Police, congress men, psychologists and others turned their backs on these victims. Some victims committed suicide and others continued to fight.
In 1925, sounds were created in people by radio engineers, by placing electrodes near the ear with a modulated alternating current.
By 1937, - by passing an alternating electrical current in the audible frequency range from an electrode to the skin, Stephen Jones found that he could make people hear sounds.
The military uses audio implants operationally to be able to talk to soldiers in situations where external noise would compromise the location of the soldiers.
In the 1970s the Illuminati and intelligence services began to secretly implant people, without their permission and at a time when they did not know they were being implanted.
In the 1990s, audio implants alone with other implants began to be used more agressively by the mind control programmers. Many intelligence operations are carried out with the aid of audio implants. Thousands of individuals have received audio implants without their permission by agents of the new world order. These implants contain a receiver, a processor, a transmitter plus electrodes or an electrical stimulating device.
When sound waves arrive to the human ear, sound causes biological reactions all along the auditory pathway from the cochlia to the auditory nerve, the brain stem and the primary cortical projection areas.
For secret implants, the electrical impulse that is generated to stimulate the victim to hear voices is totally unnoticed by everyone but the victim. Psychologists are being used to shut victims up by falsely declaring that the victim is crazy, delusional and insane and they claim audio implants dont exist. Most people who are slaves to audio implant techniques and technologies are being falsely informed that they are have paranoid schizophrenia.
Handlers communicate voice commands and death threats on an almost continual basis. The audio implants are often being used with other mind control implants. The new world order have a full cadre of trained operatives, both men and women who staff their secret basis, from which they monitor and broadcast signals to their slaves. The implants can also produce beta waves.
Certain implants are designed to suppress a certain type of thinking. The body of the victim may even be sent into paralysis or be given various response stimuli in order to suppress a certain thought pattern. If the slave begins to have certain thought patterns that threaten the programming structure, these implants then kick in to divert a persons mental activity to something else.
Engages Neuro Science and Technology as "a means of contending against another" to
1. assess, predict and control particular cognitions, emotions and behaviours.
2 mitigate aggression and foster cognitions, emotions and/or behaviours of affiliation or passivity.
3 incur burdens of morbity, disability or suffering and in this way "neutralize" potential opponents,
4 induce mortality.
They have weapons which are called neuro sensory immobilizing agents. Some of them which are known as high out put sensory stimulators that use high electromagnetic pulse energy that disrupt neurological sensory function and they are already being used.
Another weapon called intra cranial pulse stimulators use direct electromagnetic pulses to disrupt neural network aggrigation. They essentially disrupt the network properties of the brain and create confusion. They are both individual and group disruptors.
Neural networks operate by key controller and influencing nodes that interact with other networks within the brain.
If we can utilize trans cranial mechanisms to be able to disrupt this essentially we can create disrupted neural network aggrigation and literally disrupt peoples sense of time, space and place.
Neuro-modified cyborg systems. They can cybernetic interactive systems to remotely control brain systems.
At nineteen minutes and fifteen seconds into the linked youtube video Professor James Giardino falsely claimed that they are not dropping electrodes into peoples heads and that this is not a large scale program to infiltrate the population with in-dwelling electrodes.
Will this be widely seen as a mechanism of individual and crowd control? He falsely claims that it will not, at least in the immediate future.
The use of neural interfacing and physiological interfacing through the idea of remote controlled small scale systems to be able to modify the behaviour of non-human animals and insects. The pioneering work was done by Darpa for example the darpa beetle and the darpa fly, and more recently a non-darpa funded commercial interprize who calls itself "Dragon Fly" has been able to utilize a combined set of techniques, both direct neural stimulation through the use of macro technology and octogenetic control of key neuron firing patterns to be able to direct the wing beats and pulses and as a consequence, directionality of a dragon fly. They use high level nano or low level micro electrodes which can record and deliver certain types of pay loads.
We can access and effect neural systems to effect, altar, change, direct brains. We can use these systems for interrogation.
My name is Gretta Fahey from Newbrook, Claremorris, Co. Mayo, Republic of Ireland. My landline home phone number is 0949360901. My website where you will find details of my technological enslavement is .Unknown operatives issue me voice commands on a onstant basis. These unknown neuro operatives also move my facial muscles against my will and without my permission whenever they wish. Please read my linked website to know more.
I believe that there is pain beyond believable capable of being transmitted from the supercomputers of the neuro operatives into our bodies, because our brains and bodies have become imbedded with nano technology through inhalation and ingestion of these dust particles. Many of us have already been wirelessly tethered to supercomputers via two way streams of energy where we now could be virtually enslaved. The broadband capability does not exist to tether the rest of humanity to this virtual enslavement methodology until fifth generation transmitters have been erected throughout our countries. Do not allow fifth generation wireless technology to be erected within your country or within any country. You will then save yourself and your children from permanent wireless enslavement. Please have microwave transmitters banned in order to free targeted individuals from virtual enslavement. Many politicians are under permanent electronic mind control. The existence of satellites are strongly believed to be a hoax along with many other hoaxes that have been generated by NASA wirelessly tethered slaves.
The worldwide military and intelligence services now have technology which allows them to reproduce their voices inside the heads of non-consensual and unwilling good living human beings because the bodies of most if not all human beings from Europe and America and other similarly developed countries have become embedded with metallic particulates which can be used to transmit and receive the spoken word. These embedded metallic particulates are also being used to send and receive other types of digital signals other than sound signals to the brains and bodies of these people such as sensations, pain, visions and even paralysis.
"We don't want her" were the words which I heard coming from inside my head. I replied as follows "Why am I hearing your voice coming from inside my head wholly against my will and wholly without my permission while saying the following words "We don't want her". I continued as follows "I have not applied for any position so what do you mean when you say "we don't want her".
I later heard the following conversation coming from inside my head "We can not locate slaves and assign duties to them by using a methodology called Assignation Code Medium any longer because this method is coming back to haunt us. The unwilling and non-consensual client repeats back what we say when we are speaking via the online medium and she lets the assembled gathering know that our voices are coming from inside her head because of embedded technology inside her head. These voices had previously said that they were working for and on behalf of the Radisson Group.
Church and state now appear to be promoting the interests of the new world order control and enslavement system at every opportunity. Why are they doing this? Are they under electronic mind control? If so, is the electronic mind control coming from their smart engineered technology? Have their minds been sabotaged when they were attending college or when they were attending government controlled police training centres or government controlled teacher training centres or government controlled medical schools?
There may be another explanation. Government staff were all given smart phones approximately a dozen years ago. They were obliged to keep these smart phones in their possession at all times during working hours. These smart phones had the in built capability to remotely monitor all of the conversations of these government staff. Black budget Intelligence agents who worked from a remote location were given the capability to visually monitor these government staff by switching on the built in camera of their smart phones by wireless means and from a remote location whenever they wished. Whenever the black budget intelligence agents got incremenating information about any government staff member, they would then black main these government staff to work on behalf of the New World Order cabal to aid and abet in the enslavement of the human race.
Further to this, it is a well known fact that most people can not protect their brains from electronic mind control signals if they are placed in a location where those signals are penetrating. Yet, their has never been a public discussion of how to protect ourselves from electronic mind control. Why not?
A certain sub section of the population have been selected for human bio-robotization. This is imminently possible and vast amounts of information is available on the subject. When a human being has become bio-robotized they could then be made to carry out acts against their will and moral judgement because their muscles could be tied down if they refused to obey every command of their slave master. If a human being was fully enslaved in this way they would then be promoted to a position of power within church and state in order to help further the agenda of the new world order cabal. We aught to investigate human bio-robotization as a matter of urgency. All of these reasons for government sanctions against humans who act against the wishes of the so called new world order cabal must be now investigated. I myself am being slowly bio-robotized over the past fifteen years. Despite sending up to five hundred letters about the matter to government and main stream media nobody has come to my assistance. If your child informs you in the future that he or she is experiencing forced muscle movement they would not be helped either. We have no future security while this situation continues. Who is responsible?
I currently hear voices coming from inside my head. The general public must now confront the fact that technology has existed that can transmit voices inside the heads of random members of the public by wireless capabilities for many decades and the science is easily explainable.
The general public must also confront the fact that they have been in denial about this because to acknowledge the truth would lead to a public crisis like no other.
I have been lead to believe that the following method is the one that is being used to wirelessly transmit the voices which I hear coming from inside my head. We all have ingested neural dust in our food and water. This neural dust has lodged inside our brains and bodies, some of which has coagulated into larger units over time. These larger units of neural dust which I will call nodes are being used to draw energy into a computer network from my brain circuits in order to provide information to the neuro operatives about the condition of the nodes. If said nodes are sufficiently large enough they can then be used to create an electronic circuit board inside the human brain. Each coagulated neural dust node can be connected to another coagulated neural dust node by way of streaming digital signals from one node to another node through the computer network that they have been wirelessly linked to. This electronic circuit board can then be used by the criminal neuro operatives to upload voices, images, short videos, odours, sensations and tastes into the brain and mind of the targeted individual. Furthermore, this electronic circuit board inside my brain is now being used on an almost daily basis to move the muscles of my face and neck against my will and without my permission.
The cover stories that are being most commonly used to cover up advances in neuro science are the cover story that the subject who is experiencing strange phenomena is mentally unwell or is having supernatural experiences. Neither is true.
The nodes of neural dust which have coagulated inside my brain and body over many years are not in my favour. They are being used to slowly enslave me. I could find myself in a situation at some time in the future where criminal neuro operatives could close my mouth or eyes against my will and refuse to allow me to open them again unless I do their bidding. I could also be paralysed by wireless means and from a remote location in the future if I do not find a way to dissolve the coagulated nodes of neural dust inside my brain and body. Some fellow targeted individuals of remote neural manipulation have suggested I drink ozonated water or Epsom salts in order to dissolve the coagulated nodes of neural dust inside my brain and body. I am currently drinking both of these drinks. I have not noticed any change in the level of invasion into my mind and body by these remote neural monitoring and remote neural manipulation staff. Please urgently disassemble and ban microwave transmitters if you wish that you and your children to live in freedom from wireless tethering to computer networks. Otherwise neural enslavement of many individuals is now imminent.
Remote Neural Monitoring and Manipulation is a tool for wireless enslavement of human beings at the hands of dark occultists who run a secret network of human neural enslaving centres in any country that has widespread wireless capability. A human being is selected for wireless neural enslaving based on many and varied factors, possibly to do with the amount of technology they keep in their bedroom, combined with whether or not they switch off the electricity supply to their home each night and whether or not they bolt the doors of their home and their bedroom each night. Most standard door locks can be overridden by universal door keys and the householders can be entrained by neuro weapons to feel so tired that they would not be able to wake up and check for an intruder.
The selected targeted individual of Remote Neural Monitoring and Remote Neural Manipulation and perhaps eventual neural enslavement is implanted with a large number of implants which emit unusual electromagnetic radiation, to the extent that their neural enslavement can be proven at a later date if measured under controlled conditions such as a faraday cage. The selected targeted individual is now wirelessly linked to a super computer for life, where they are then made to hear human voices, see disturbing neural visions, feel pain, endure forced muscle movement, be made to limp at a moments notice, and even have a virtual reality experience involving all five of their senses. If the neural enslavement team sees fit, the targeted individual of remote neural manipulation can be forced to commit suicide using many different methodologies. The targeted individual can be made to hear many different strands of continuous voices at the same time on a constant basis. They can be made to see disturbing neural images on a constant basis of traumatic torture or even sexual imagery involving religious icons to the extent that they become deeply emotionally traumatised. They can be made to feel sexual sensations on an unceasing basis so that they are unable to live their lives in a reasonable manner. Their muscles can be made to move against their wills to the extent that they can no longer drive a vehicle less they be made to drive it into a crowd of their fellow human beings totally against their will and moral judgement.
If you have young people in your family, please advise them to stay away from alcohol, because they are more vulnerable to remotely induced sexual attacks from strangers using wirelessly enabled devices when these inexperienced young people are not fully in control of their minds after a small amount of alcohol consumption. The strangers who travel in groups could sexually compromise a young lady and video record the sexual act for future blackmail. Please advise young people not to travel overseas because Remote Neural Monitoring and Manipulation technology is ubiquituous, and people are far more vulnerable when they are far from home.
Some evil individuals are promoting the use of Remote Neural Monitoring and Manipulation techniques within their own circles. These evil individuals wish to slowly and incrementally enslave their fellow human beings by degrees. In order to stop this process in its tracks we must urgently disassemble, destroy and outlaw all wireless enabling capabilities throughout the world.
We, the whole of mankind, have become enslaved by dark Luciferians, Satanists and Zionists. Our enslavement has taken place over many decades and even centuries by a process of gradualism and incrementalism, while being carried out in such a way that was barely perceptable.
These dark occultist enslavers control each power institution and each organised religion on this earth. Theyalso control new age movements. They easily control all unquestioning order followers throug...h a chain of obedience and through work compartmentalisation.
All government employees are legally obliged to carry smart technology on their person during the working day. This smart technology communicates with nano technology inside their brains to such an extent that they are unwilling and unable to challenge any instructions that come to them from the dark Luciferians and Satanists through an unchallenged chain of obedinece. This smart technology dulls their thinking and entrains ther brains into a state of happy apathy.
All organised religions including Christians, Muslims, Buddists and Jews to name a few have been created and maintained by the dark occultist enslavers in order to hold humanity back from the truth. Religious leaders at the top level are all part of the great deception to slowly enslave mankind and always have been so.
One way that mankind can break free from this enslavement is by studying the mystery traditions, which are also known as the occult. This will provide us with the hidden knowledge we need in order to know our enemy and in order to place resistence in their way at every opportunity.
A well known tutor at the University of Illinios has encouraged her students to commit what some would consider acts of extreme evil, namely to carry out neural engagement activities on non-consenting human subjects of remote neural monitoring.
These neural engagement activities sometimes enable partial brain mapping also known as mind mapping of said non-consenting human subject of remote neural monitoring. When the mind is partially mapped to a certain level they non-con...senting human subject of remote neural monitoring can then have all of their muscles moved against their wills. They can then be neuro enslaved on a part time basis for the rest of their lives. If they fail to carry out the wishes of the unknown neuro enslavers who verbally communicate with them via brain to brain interface and from an unknown location they will then be terminated.
Non-consensual neuro weapons research subjects are being wirelessly tethered to a super computer via the either micro or nano technology inside the human body, much of which was put there by illegal chemtrail spraying of the skies over our heads and some of what may have been put there by covertly injecting the non-consensual neuro weapons research subject with micro-transmitters.
After many years, when non-consensual neuro weapons research subjects have the motor cortex of ...their brains partially mapped to a certain level, then the criminal neuro research operatives can remote control any muscle in the body of the research subject against their will. In this way, good will human beings throughout many parts of the world are becoming neuro slaves.
Neuro slaves can be forced both to speak and to act against their wills.
Neuro slaves can be forced to place their hands on a hot stove.
Neuro slaves can be forced to hit themselves repeatedly against their wills.
Neuro slaves can be forced to cut off their own finger or even all of their fingers in their left hand.
Neuro slaves must obey all instructions from unknown slave masters who speak to the neuro slave by placing their voices inside the head of the neuro slave by means of either brain to brain interface or a number of other military communication methodologies.
Neuro enslavement may be achievable in whole populations at one time by means of allowing an artificial intelligence program to partially brain map the motor cortex of all of the population of that country.
Some senior politicians may already be neuro slaves.
We must urgently demolish all microwave transmittors.
We must stop all millimeter wave transmitters from being erected anywhere in the world urgently.
Mobile phone towers are the linchpin that holds the wireless human enslavement protocol in place for the following reasons:- Under sea fiber optic cables transmit 99% of all international data. There are now over 300 undersea fiber optic cables stretching 550,000 miles. Each cable is less than three inches thick and houses several optical fibres.
There are no satellites. The existence of satellites was created by disinformation agents. The existence of satellites is a hoax. Firstly, there is no material that can resist the heat of the thermosphere which is 2000 degrees celsius. Secondly, air and space can not co-exist side by side. This feat has never been achieved in a laboratory setting. It is biologically impossible for space to even exist other than air. This would indiciate that satellites and space travel have all been hoaxed in order to steal tax dollars and in order to make a cabal of would-be enslavers appear to have more power than they have. If we have mobile phone towers dismantled the human race would have our freedom returned to us immediately.
Please share.
Ok someone tryed to do this to my wife moments ago there idiots. this is how some people think there cool they try to make girls do stuff and men there loosers. see some used this for self defence and others use it to be assholes.
when they talk of masters and slaves the master can make people do things here not spose to some did this for self defence others are offencive. to try to make girls sex slaves and do harm to others.
this is what i fought against for years to end the chips. they try to access a chip and remote controal other humans this is what these losers do. there are ways of doing it some call it mastering. it''s done through a mind controal device or implant. alot of people been hideing and lieing bout this for years.
people are not spose to speak of it they do not want it stoped. since they just tryed to make my wife jennifer do something to me im releaseing the info. the more they do the more i will release.
see whit the mind controal devices it's posable to do these people are dangerous some so they want to blaim 2 my wife never realy knew about it and now she is like knowing some stuff becouse people are trying to make her know to pretend she knows alot she dose not now.
you ever have a thought you never knew where it came from ?
you ever just say something and you do not recall ?
now you know how it was done.