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(11)a neuroscientist talks about her work using electromagnetics to change moral thinking and the Pentagon's interest in it. Rebecca Saxe at TEDGlobal 2009: Running notes from Session 5 Rebecca Saxe talked about "the problem of other minds." One of the most complicated things the mind does is try to comprehend what other people are thinking. But the problem she researches is not what you might think -- not "why is it so hard to know other minds?" but: How is it so easy to know other minds? One snapshot of a stranger diving into the ocean or holding a baby allows you to guess what other people are thinking or feeling -- joy, or thrill. The brain, the machine we use to think, is made of the same pieces as other animals' brains are made of, and even sea slugs have them. But how is it that the particular network of pieces we humans in particular have allows us to think about other peoples' thoughts so easily? We have a special reasoning module called the right tempero-parietal junction that is what we use to think about other peoples' thoughts. How do we learn to predict actions? It takes time for human children to learn this ability. 5-year-olds can understand that other people have false beliefs. 3-year-olds don't understand this. The same goes for the ability to make moral judgment based on what is (or is not) known about peoples' intentions. But even in adulthood, people differ on this ability. Saxe tries to explain how these differences come about with fascinating experiments. Adults are given a version of the experiment given to the kids, involving a jar of sugar that is labeled "poison." People disagree about how much blame people should get when they do something intentionally wrong -- givng a co-worker sugar, but believing that the sugar is poison -- and doing something by accident -- giving people poison that they think is sugar -- that is wrong. Saxe wanted to know if we can change this function, and it turns out that we can. We can do so using a magnetic pulse to disorganize the function of the neurons in the region responsible for this type of thinking. The magnetic pulse, which is powerful enough to shoot a quarter into the air, causes an involuntary twitch in the hand when applied through the skull. When this pulse is applied to people who are making a moral judgment, people come to believe that accidents are less OK, and actions done with actual intent to harm is more OK. In a brief Q&A, Chris Anderson asked about the dangers of such technology. Is Saxe talking to the Pentagon about this technology? Saxe said, "They're calling, but I'm not talking to them." It's not any danger (yet), because there's no way for this technology to work without the person knowing that the brain interference is happening. Will this research make any impacts on education? Saxe says that is the hope. By exploring this field, we'll understand how human brains do distinctly human things. (12) Holt Calls for Next Church Committee on CIA Congressman Calls for Broad Inquiry Into Intelligence Agency By Spencer Ackerman 7/27/09 6:00 AM Rep. Rush Holt (D-N.J.) ( After years of examining CIA operations of dubious legality, an important member of the House intelligence committee is exploring an option that many in the intelligence community view with apprehension: a comprehensive investigation of all intelligence-community operations over years and perhaps even decades. The model is the famous Church and Pike committees of the 1970s, which exposed widespread CIA lawlessness; created the modern legal and congressional oversight structures for intelligence; and cleaved the history of the CIA into before- and after- periods. Illustration by: Matt Mahurin Rep. Rush Holt (D-N.J.), a progressive who sits on the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence and chairs a special oversight panel that helps write the intelligence budget, has been increasingly comfortable talking about a new “Church committee.” He floated the idea in an interview with TWI on July 14, again to the Newark Star-Ledger the next day, and even attempted to discuss the Church committee’s precedents for congressional oversight with Lou Dobbs on CNN on July 20. “I’d like to see something on the scope of the Church committee,” Holt told TWI in a Friday phone interview. The congressman said that it had been a “few decades” since Congress took a comprehensive inquiry into the intelligence community’s impact on “the relationship between the individual and her or his government, as well as the role that the U.S. plays in other countries around the world, outside of declared military activities.” Holt said he did not have a concrete proposal prepared for the creation of such an investigation, and was at the stage of seeing what colleagues and members of the intelligence community made of such a move. “There’s agreement with the idea,” he said. “An awful lot of people have not really thought about how many unanswered questions there are or unresolved issues there are out there about how we do intelligence in the United States.” He declined to name any members of congress with whom he has discussed such an investigation, but said they were members of the House intelligence committee and the oversight panel he chairs. “Are we close to commissioning a study in the way I’m conceiving it? No, not yet,” he said. A House Republican aide, who requested anonymity, was unaware of Holt’s early feelers, raising questions about whether Holt’s envisioned inquiry would have Republican support. And a spokesman for Rep. Silvestre Reyes (D-Texas), the House intelligence committee chairman, did not return a request for comment. Many in the intelligence world and on the right view the committee investigations led by Sen. Frank Church (D-Idaho) and Rep. Otis Pike (D-N.Y.) as representing an apex of progressive congressional attempts to geld the intelligence community. Empaneled in response to a New York Times article by Seymour Hersh in 1974 reporting widespread surveillance of U.S. citizens, the investigations unearthed other abuses, such as repeated CIA assassination attempts on foreign heads of state. It resulted in the passage of laws like the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act to prevent warrantless domestic surveillance and the creation of standing committees in Congress to oversee intelligence activities. Some conservatives view the investigations as an example of congressional overreach. “I think they undermined our capabilities in some respects,” former Vice President Dick Cheney told his biographer, Stephen F. Hayes. Holt said that he is “not talking about upsetting the applecart, I’m talking about analyzing the full applecart” of intelligence activities. He rejects the idea that such a comprehensive investigation necessarily entails eroding U.S. intelligence capabilities. “Is giving your kid a test in school an inhibition on his free learning?” Hold said. “Sure, there are some people who are happy to let intelligence agencies go about their business unexamined. But I think most people when they think about it will say that you will get better intelligence if the intelligence agencies don’t operate in an unexamined fashion.” But over the past several years, the intelligence committees and official commissions have peered into intelligence matters repeatedly. In 2002 and 2003, an unprecedented joint House-Senate intelligence committee investigation looked into intelligence work on al-Qaeda before the Sept. 11 attacks, work that the 9/11 Commission took as a point of departure. A panel created by the Bush administration examined intelligence work on weapons of mass destruction. The Senate intelligence committee, from 2004 to 2007, undertook a multi-tiered look at intelligence failures preceding the invasion of Iraq. At the moment, the Senate intelligence committee is conducting a study into the CIA’s interrogation and detention practices after 9/11, and the House intelligence committee on which Holt serves is examining recent revelations of a shuttered CIA program believed to be tied to strengthening assassinations capabilities. Holt said that such inquiries still left a host of unexamined activities. “There’s a lot to look at, [and] not just who told what to whom, or the treatment of detainees or [renditions], or interrogation, or domestic surveillance or national security letters or on and on and on,” he said. “Church looked at everything since the OSS,” referring to the Office of Strategic Services, the World War II-era predecessor of the CIA. “The recommendations of the Church committee, in large part, have been eroded, ignored or violated since then. The world situation has evolved, and the technologies, methodology and organizations of the intelligence community have evolved, [and] also the look back then, in a sense, has been forgotten by some.” Representatives from the CIA and the Office of the Director of National Intelligence did not return messages seeking comment. Steven Aftergood, an intelligence policy analyst with the Federation of American Scientists, said that in some respects it was surprising that no one had proposed a Church committee-like investigation. “It’s the shoe that has not dropped yet,” Aftergood said. “The Church committee was established following a series of revelations of disturbing intelligence community activities. To a remarkable extent the series of events precipitating the Church committee has been replicated in recent months and years. The famous December 1974 Seymour Hersh front-page story in The New York Times talking about domestic surveillance [presaged] the December 2005 [James Risen and Eric Lichtblau] story in The New York Times about domestic surveillance.” Aftergood said that a new Church committee was “overdue,” and disputed the characterization of the 1970s congressional investigations as weakening U.S. intelligence. “While to some people in the intelligence business the name of Frank Church is a dirty word, it’s also true that the structures that emerged from the Church committee benefited intelligence by introducing stability and predictability into intelligence policy,” Aftergood said. “The idea that this was a disaster or an assault on intelligence is shortsighted to the point of misunderstanding. The Church committee yielded the framework that the U.S. intelligence community needed to grow and to regain at least in some measure the confidence of the public and the rest of the government.” Along those lines, Holt said that he’s heard representatives of the intelligence community say, in “breathtaking honesty and self-awareness,” that a thorough investigation might enable them to better do their jobs. “In a representative democracy, there is a very important role for the legislative branch to help the CIA and the intelligence community determine and understand their proper role and give them the tools and the latitude to carry out” lawful intelligence activities. URL (13 ) URBAN DICTIONARY Recently, a TI referred me to this site, the Urban Dictionary that has definitions for "Organized Stalking" and "Gangstalking". I just thought you all would like to see this. I didn't find a listing for the electronic harassment/torture that we are familiar with. 1. Organized Stalking A system of organized psychological terror tactics used against a person who has become an enemy of an individual or a government. Subtle but effective techniques of stalking by multiple individuals and psychological intimidation and manipulation are used to slowly but surely drive the target to make complaints to authorities who will see the complaints as bogus because of the methods used against the target. As a result, the target gets labelled as mentally ill. There are as many stalking tactics as there are targets as the multistalkers will tailor the stalking to the individuals habits and individual personality. Some common examples or organized stalking are: following the target on foot, by car and public transportation, crowding the target's space in a public place, murmuring insults under the breath so only the target can hear, sitting in the car outside the target's residence, starting "fights" in public with the target, doing "skits" on the street which involves information only the target should know but has been found out via surveillance of the target, stealing and vandalism of the target's possesions. 2. Organized Stalking “Organized Stalking is a form of terrorism used against an individual in a malicious attempt to reduce the quality of a persons life so they will: have a nervous break-down, become incarcerated, institutionalized, experience constant mental, emotional, or physical pain, become homeless, and/or commit suicide. This is done using well-orchestrated accusations, lies, rumors, bogus investigations, setups, framings, intimidation, overt or covert threats, vandalism, thefts, sabotage, torture, humiliation, emotional terror and general harassment. It is a “ganging up” by members of the community who follow an organizer and participate in a systematic “terrorizing” of an individual.” -Mark M. Rich Organized stalking is a crime against humanity. This is the first of several definitions of "Gang Stalking" listed at that site. 1. Gang Stalking 1. What is gang stalking? Gang stalking is a form of community mobbing and organised stalking combined. Just like you have workplace mobbing, and online mobbing, which are both fully recognised as legitimate, this is the community form. Gang stalking is organised harassment at it's best. It the targeting of an individual for revenge, jealousy, sport, or to keep them quite, etc. It's a psychological attack that can completely destroy a persons life, while leaving little or no evidence to incriminate the perpetrators." primary targets are woman, minorities, dissidents, whistle blowers, etc To get some revenge we had Joe stalked, mobbed and harassed 24/7, the gang stalking never stopped. We had him followed, cut off, we bugged his house, made that guy think he was going loco, crazy. We really messed with him till he was broken. (14) MISSOURI LEGISLATURE PASSES LAW RE: INVOLUNTARY MICROCHIPPING FIRST REGULAR SESSION HOUSE BILL NO. 550 95TH GENERAL ASSEMBLY INTRODUCED BY REPRESENTATIVES GUEST (Sponsor), RUESTMAN, McGHEE, PACE, SCHAAF AND SANDER (Co-sponsors) . 1069L.01I D. ADAM CRUMBLISS, Chief Clerk To amend chapter 537, RSMo, by adding thereto one new section relating to actions for damages for coerced subcutaneous implantation of an identification device. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of the state of Missouri, as follows: Section A. Chapter 537, RSMo, is amended by adding thereto one new section, to be known as section 537.043, to read as follows: 537.043. 1. As used in this section, the following terms shall mean: (1) "Identification device", any item, application, or product that is passively or actively capable of transmitting personal information, including but not limited to, devices using radio frequency technology or any electronic device used to track, harass, or download information without permission; (2) "Person", an individual, business association, partnership, limited partnership, corporation, limited liability company, trust, estate, cooperative association, or other entity; (3) "Personal information" , includes any of the following data elements to the extent they are used alone or in conjunction with any other information used to identify an individual: (a) E-mail, internet protocol, or web site address; (b) Date of birth; (c) Driver's license number or Missouri identification card number; (d) Any unique personal identifier number contained or encoded on a driver's license or identification card issued; (e) Bank, credit card, or other financial institution account number; (f) Any unique personal identifier contained or encoded on a health insurance, health benefit, or benefit card or record issued in conjunction with any government-supporte d aid program; (g) Religion; (h) Ethnicity or nationality; (i) Photograph; (j) Fingerprint or other biometric identifier; (k) Social Security number; (l) Any other unique personal identifier; (4) "Require, coerce, or compel", includes physical violence, threat, intimidation, retaliation, the conditioning of any private or public benefit or care on consent to implantation, including employment, promotion, or other employment benefit, or by any means that causes a reasonable person of ordinary susceptibilities to acquiesce to implantation when he or she otherwise would not, but does not include legitimate medical uses for which the patient or his or her guardian or parent has consented; (5) "Subcutaneous" , existing, performed, or introduced under or on the skin. 2. A person shall not require, coerce, or compel any other individual to undergo the subcutaneous implanting of an identification device. 3. Any person who violates the provisions of subsection 2 of this section may be assessed an initial civil penalty of no more than ten thousand dollars and no more than one thousand dollars for each day the violation continues until the deficiency is corrected. That civil penalty may be assessed and recovered in a civil action brought in any court of competent jurisdiction. The court may also grant a prevailing plaintiff reasonable attorney's fees and litigation costs, including but not limited to, expert witness fees and expenses as part of the costs. 4. A person who is implanted with a subcutaneous identification device in violation of the provisions of subsection 2 of this section may bring a civil action for actual damages, compensatory damages, punitive damages, injunctive relief, any combination of those, or any other appropriate relief. 5. Additionally, punitive damages may also be awarded upon proof of the defendant's malice, oppression, fraud, or duress in requiring, coercing, or compelling the plaintiff to undergo the subcutaneous implanting of an identification device. 6. An action brought under this section shall be commenced within three years of the date upon which the identification device was implanted. 7. If the victim was an incompetent, a dependent adult, or minor when the implantation occurred, actions brought under this section shall be commenced within three years after the date the plaintiff, or his or her guardian or parent, discovered or reasonably should have discovered the implant, or within eight years after the plaintiff attains the age of majority, whichever date occurs later. 8. The statute of limitations shall not run against an incompetent, a dependent adult, or minor plaintiff simply because a guardian ad litem has been appointed. A guardian ad litem's failure to bring a plaintiff's action within the applicable limitation period will not prejudice the plaintiff's right to do so. 9. A defendant is estopped from asserting a defense of the statute of limitations when the expiration of the statute is due to conduct by the defendant inducing the plaintiff to delay the filing of the action, or due to threats made by the defendant causing duress upon the plaintiff. 10. For purposes of implantation only, any interested person may file a petition for an order or judgment declaring an incompetent or minor free from the control of a parent or guardian who is requiring or preventing implantation of an identification device. The court shall consider that petition in light of applicable law with respect to the best interests of the incompetent or minor. 11. Any restitution paid by the defendant to the victim shall be credited against any judgment, award, or settlement obtained under this section. 12. The provisions of this section shall be liberally construed so as to protect privacy and bodily integrity. 13. Actions brought under this section are independent of any other actions, remedies, or procedures that may be available to an aggrieved party under any other law. 14. The provisions of this section shall not in any way modify existing statutory or case law regarding the rights of parents or guardians, the rights of children or minors, or the rights of dependent adults. (15) A suggestion letter from Bob Levin on how to explain explain DEW and COINTELPRO to your doctor Dear Dr. A Maria has a number of problems for which she needs treatment, but when she sees you, she is not given time to discuss them. You examine her and then leave before she can discuss her medical problems with you. I have thus called your office to explain her needs to your assistants, but they say that she must discuss them with you. Since she is not given time to discuss her needs with you during an office visit, she is getting no medical treatment for some of her urgent needs. I will thus list and attempt to explain her medical needs here. Please take time to discuss them with her and arrange for necessary treatment. 1. Mammogram Maria has a lump in her breast, which you detected on examination at her last visit. You ordered a mammogram, but she was unable to get a routine mammogram because she had a previous mammogram in March. She needs an order for a diagnostic mammogram. When I requested this from your assistant, I was told that you did not find a lump and thus could not order a diagnostic mammogram. Maria can feel a lump. She thus should have an order for a diagnostic mammogram. Maria is at extreme risk of cancer as the result of long term, continuous exposure to electromagnetic energy produced by attacks from directed energy weapons in long term experiments being conducted on her without her consent. 2. Gastroenterologist referral In my letter to you of June 1, I explained that since her abdominal surgery, Maria has remained very ill. She can eat very little. She has lost a great deal of weight. She has symptoms of very serious gastrointestinal problems, but she has been unable to get any diagnosis and appropriate treatment. She is gravely concerned about her present condition. She needs a referral to a gastroenterologist. Meanwhile, she needs anti-spasmodic medication. 3. Medical reports We have been trying for months to get the medical report of surgery in April by Dr. B. Your assistant said that you had not received this report from Dr. B after his office said that they had sent it to you twice. After they sent it the third time, you assistant told me twice that she would mail a copy to Maria, but we have not received it. She would like to get a copy of this report when she is at your office today. Maria requested that each of her previous doctors forward her medical records to you. She sent them the signed form provided by ABC HMO for transfer of medical records, but you told her that you have received no medical records. What else can we do to get records if the offices do not respond to written requests and to phone calls? Maria particularly wants to see the reports of two surgeries by Dr. B; the report of the last mammogram; and blood tests showing that she is anemic. 4. Pain caused by electromagnetic attacks Maria and I are both under continuous attack by electromagnetic directed energy weapons (DEW). We have no way of stopping these attacks since we have no way of proving who is responsible for them. We are in touch with hundreds of other people who share this same experience. The electromagnetic attacks greatly aggravate Maria’s arthritis condition. Her knees are badly swollen. She is almost unable to use her hands at times. She suffers extreme pain from the combination of arthritis and electromagnetic attacks. Dr. C prescribed Tylenol with codeine #4, two per day. Vicodin is also effective. You have prescribed a milder medication, 40 per month. Your prescription is not at all adequate to control Maria's pain. She needs stronger pain medication, not just for normal arthritis pain but for the torture of constant electromagnetic attacks. If you want additional information and explanation about these attacks and why the victims have no remedy to stop them, I will be more than happy to provide it if you will agree to take the time to read it. I can prove to you that what is happening to us now is consistent with past government agency programs of painful and sometimes deadly experiments on involuntary human subjects. These have been carried out secretly by government agencies since the 1940's. This is thoroughly proven, documented fact. It is not open to question or doubt. Although this proven truth is available to the general public, it seems to be unknown to the medical profession. The history of US government crimes is not taught in medical schools. Uninformed physicians thus assume that people are delusional if they believe they are being harmed by federal agencies. These physicians are unaware of the overwhelming, unquestionable evidence that US government agencies have in fact been engaged for many decades in harmful experiments on involuntary subjects and in secret wars of harassment and crime against innocent citizens. The covert wars are known as “COINTELPRO operations.” COINTELPRO operations consist of constant harassment and crimes for which no protection is available from police. Local police are fully aware of these federal government programs, but they refuse to interfere with them. The present programs combine DEW attacks with COINTELPRO operations. I can provide detailed descriptions and explanations of COINTELPRO operations if you will take time to read them, but I am keeping this as short as possible so that you will at least know the medical conditions for which your patient needs treatment. The truth about the past experiments and the COINTELPRO wars has been proven to the public only after it is too late to prevent the drastic harm that has been done to the victims. The truth about government agency responsibility for the present experiments on Maria and me and on hundreds of others will be proven at sometime in the future, maybe in 20 years, but as of now, we have no way to stop the DEW attacks and the accompanying COINTELPRO operations. The only thing that can be done for now is to provide medication to relieve as much of the pain as possible. 5. Tranquilizer. anti-depressant, and sleeping medication COINTELPRO operations are designed to produce extreme tension and depression in a targeted person, who must continue to suffer the emotional and psychological consequences of these operations year after year with no possible remedy available. After decades of extreme psychological and physical abuse, Maria is at the breaking point. She needs tranquilizers, anti-depressants and sleeping medication. You have prescribed a medication, which your assistant said could be used as both a tranquilizer and sleeping medication. It makes Maria too sleepy to use it during the day to control stress. She needs something like Valium to deal with stress without making her sleepy. She needs a separate sleeping medication to try to get her through the night. She asked for tranquilizers to help her deal with daily stress, but she needs more than tranquilizers to help her cope with a life of continuous torture. She should also be given an anti-depressant. Physicians, who don't believe the proven truth about these government agency crimes, suggest psychiatric treatment, assuming the problems are only imaginary, but they won't take the time to look at evidence offered by a patient to prove that what is happening today perfectly matches the proven truth of past government agency crimes. They simply close their mind to provable truth and let their patients suffer the consequences of their ignorance on this subject and their choice to close their minds to the past proven truth. I hope that your mind is open to proof of truth. If you want proof of the reality of the same government horrors that Maria and I now experience, I have 50,000 pages of documentation from reliable sources such as US Senate Committee investigations, which have proved the truth and reality of government agency COINTELPRO operations and about decades of severely harmful government agency experiments on involuntary subjects. Examples of the latter are the Atomic Energy Commission’s radiation experiments and the CIA's mind control experiments. I would be happy to provide you with as much evidence as you are willing to review. Alternately, since this information is available to the public, you can easily find proof of the truth for yourself by doing Google searches, which will produce the following information: “COINTELPRO” 227,000 references “Atomic Energy Commission radiation experiments" 108,000 reference "CIA mind control experiments" 109,000,000 references At the time the CIA and AEC experiments were being conducted, the involuntary subjects of the experiments had no way to prove the truth. Decades later, the truth was fully proven, but it was too late to benefit the involuntary subjects, who had suffered or died with no remedies available to them during the time that the experiments were being conducted. Decades from now, when the truth about the DEW experiments of today is thoroughly proven, it will then be too late to matter to Maria and me and to the hundreds of other present involuntary subjects of these experiments. What we can prove to you today is that US government agencies have, for decades past, been doing the same things that are now being done to us and to the hundreds of other present involuntary subjects of DEW experiments. So I am saying that before you assume that Maria’s problems are unreal and suggest psychiatric treatment, it is your responsibility to look at the evidence proving the truth and the reality of similar past government experiments on involuntary subjects like us and the reality of government COINTELPRO wars such as we now experience.. It should not be difficult to believe that US government agencies are continuing to do today the same things that they have been proven responsible for doing throughout past decades. Thank you for your attention to these matters of extreme concern to Maria and to me. If you would be interested in further information on the above subjects, please let me know. Sincerely yours, Bob S (16) Your Brain Will Eventually Be Used Against You Published on 07-19-2009 Source: IO9 Although every lie detector ever built has proved unreliable, scientists continue to search for that magic machine that will reveal dishonesty. Now two Harvard neuroscientists have hit on a "pre-crime" technique that reveals intent to lie before it happens. While some people already think that brain-imaging lie detectors are a scam, others remain convinced that they're the wave of the future. A recent study by Joshua Greene and Joseph Paxton at Harvard University shows that the skeptics might be right. Paxton and Greene bet their subjects money based on guessing a coin flip. While those who had to record their responses in advance had average success, those who didn't have to tell their guess until after they knew the result had a high success rate, indicating they were lying. More interestingly, those people who were even interested in lying showed brain activity when just offered the opportunity to cheat, while those who were more honest showed no difference in their brain activity regardless of the opportunity to cheat. Over time, Greene and Paxton were able to predict whether certain volunteers would lie at all. They expect that their machine could be developed not just to determine whether someone was lying or had lied, but if they were interested in doing so or would in the future. You always knew your brain would eventually betray you. The question is, how useful is this information really? Doesn't everyone want to lie sometimes, including people who are honest? Truthfulness Requires No Act of Will for Honest People [via Harvard] (17) The story of the International Criminal Court and Prosecutor Luis Moreno-Ocampo.
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25 Apr 2009 Mailteam works--victims work trends (1) Write to X zone Radio and TV show To view tonight broadcast schedule with interactive links visit For your Daily Horoscope by Lady Elaine visit To view The ‘X’ Chronicles Newspaper NEW Website visit To view the REL-MAR McConnell media Company NEW Website visit The ‘X’ Zone Radio Show is available at iTunes at Rob McConnell Executive Producer. REL-MAR McConnell Media Company Radio – Television – Satellite Publishing – Internet www.rel-mar. com The ‘X’ Zone Radio & TV Show The ‘X’ Chronicles Newspaper Hamilton, Ontario , Ca nada. Office: (905) 575-5916 Studio: 1-877-528-8255 Skype: xzoneradiotv MSN: talkstarradio@hotmail. com Toll Free: 1-800-610-7035 (2) Please sign the following petition No Amnesty for Torturers I) No Amnesty for Torturers On April 16, President Obama said he would not prosecute CIA agents who engaged in torture, because George Bush's lawyers told them it was "legal." President Obama also said Attorney General Eric Holder would use taxpayer dollars to defend torturers against lawsuits by torture victims, and to pay all judgments if they lost. These decisions are intolerable and unacceptable. Torture is utterly immoral and un-American. It produced absolutely no useful intelligence. It recruited terrorists responsible for at least half the U.S. deaths in Iraq. And it endangered every U.S. soldier who may be captured in the future. And torture is absolutely illegal. The U.S. ratified the United Nations Convention Against Torture, which prohibits torture and requires prosecution of torturers. In 1947, the U.S. prosecuted a Japanese officer for waterboarding. No lawyer can "legalize" what is illegal. Congress must take the following actions: 1. Demand the appointment of a Special Prosecutor by Attorney General Eric Holder for torture, warrantless wiretapping, and other heinous crimes of the Bush Administration. (Thanks to Rep. Jerrold Nadler for leading the way!) 2. Prohibit the use of any taxpayer dollars to defend government officials who committed such crimes against lawsuits, or to pay for judgments against them. 3. Impeach Judge Jay Bybee, the torture memo author who serves on the Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit in California. 4. Protect human rights by restoring Habeas Corpus and the Fourth Amendment (search and seizure), including repeal of the Orwellian-named Protect America Act, U.S.A. Patriot Act, the FISA Amendments, and Military Commissions Act. 5. End secret government by prohibiting use of "State Secrets," "Sovereign Immunity" and "Signing Statements." As my representative in Congress, I urge you to act immediately. II) TELL PELOSI: SUPPORT THE INVESTIGATIONS & PUT PROSECUTION ON THE TABLE! Nancy Pelosi says she didn't know that Bush Administration was torturing. Now that she knows she has the responsibility to use her power and lead Congress to do the right thing! It is time to expose the torture and abuse committed in our name and hold perpetrators accountable. Sign our letter to Pelosi below: III) Sign the ACLU petition calling on Attorney General Holder to appoint an independent prosecutor to investigate high-level involvement in torture. IV) Please take the survey from ACLU, it only need few minutes V) Please sign the petition Waterboarding. Slamming into walls. Excruciating physical positions. The United States tortured detainees after September 11, 2001. Make sure this does not happen again. Call on the President to create a non-partisan commission to investigate the torture and abuse of detainees. Help protect America’s national security and re-establish its standing in the world. (3) Meeting in Germany I will meeting with some new faces and protesting non-lethal weapons at a conference at Ettingen, Germany. I will be happy to see any of you who may stop by on May 11, 12 and part of 13. There is an annual event in Ettingen to propagate interest in new torture weapons, so we will be there to propagate the TRUTH. Harlan G. ( (4)Join Demo on Jun in Europe Mind Control Victims pacific demonstration at the European Court of Human Rights and the Council of Europe will take place on June 22 and 23, 2009. On June 22 at the European Court of Human Rights, Allée des Droits de l'Homme (from 9.30 a.m to 5.30 p.m) and on June 23 at the Council of Europe (9.30 a.m - 5.30 p.m). We wish to demonstrate against the criminal use of electromagnetic and neurological weapons for the purpose of Nazi-like experiments on innocent citizens and we demand a law at European level that prohibits the manufacture, the possession, the transport, the trade and the utilization of such weapons. We thus dare to hope that you will be able to attend at least one of the two events to support our action, even by a brief act of presence . More information: (5) Please keep writing to Mr. Obama (6) Legal tips to Ti's as follows: The coming end to your imprisonment is at hand! 1.) Our complaint was given a hearing date. 2.) The complaint was similar to the complaint entered in 2006 that was dismissed with prejudice by affirmation of the appeals court, it was some 90 pages long with 1100 pages of exhibits. 3.) The current complaint was entered on the 23 of March and the defendants federal government asked for dismissal citing the previous complaint as similar and included an exhibit of the previous complaint dismissal. 4.) The court refused the dismissal request of federal government defendants. 5.) The complaint is 140 pages long with 1100 pages of exhibits. 6.) The case will win. The defendants will loose as a result their allowance to weight what they have done to all of us as unconstitutional. 7.) Never take for granted a person whom claims they are an authority in anything. Those who continue and try to right wrongs will find they can accomplish what they have be told was impossible. 8.) Before you attempt to try this on your own, remember I went to the school of hard knocks for 9 years and it took all of that time and 1/2 a million dollars to learn what technique would effect the goal many said was impossible of attaining a hearing in the case. We have a more work ahead but the issue is that we will overcome those obstacles too. 9.) In a week or so on we will put up some information explaining the process of how our circumstance was used formulate a complaint and how that as a matter of theory can be used in all future complaints. It is assumed that there will be a need for a complaint to be filed by all of those affected, despite the anticipation that the laws will change after our complaint wins. That would be cause there are so many laws we have found that could be active either alone or together on a person. It is likely as government has in the past make new other sinister laws to allow the psychotic few who admire such ill use of their official post to do such as we have experienced in this nightmare. 10.) As the exposure and defeat of unconstitutional actions comes about; I would ask that even when this is brought to a complete stop that you endeavor to increase your activism and actions in exposing abuse and warn the world such as this generation has experienced should never be allowed to occur again. 11.) There is a lot of work to do, we will in the near future in say 2 weeks begin a workshop to indicate from experience the summation of the methods and strategies needed to bring your nightmare to an end too. Sincerely Yours John Mecca and Deborah Lamb
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I'm not claiming my sample letter below is any "great shakes." However, I am sending it out to demonstrate that it is possible to sanely request a new Congressional investigation into COINTELPRO-like activity WITHOUT claiming "government agents are after us." This can be accomplished without making any unsupported claims. My letter suggests but does not claim that government agents may be involved in COINTELPRO-like activity. I support Bob S's wish for Congressional investigation, and I hope Derrick's group might consider petitioning for that as well. (The thing I don't support is stating we are, as fact, being targeted by government agents without evidence.) I'd be delighted to see a letter like the one below sent en masse to U.S. federal legislators: Eleanor White Sample letter Hon. : This is to request that you support a re-opening of the COINTEPRO hearings, which ended three decades ago without any protections for U.S. citizens against government, or government-directed harassment. In that intervening time period, at least hundreds of American citizens have been reporting harassment activities against them which (a) are strikingly similar to COINTELPRO operations and (b) involve the co-operation of agencies and regulated corporations which would require the authority and cover of a major government law enforcement agency to carry out with impunity. Examples are the frequent disruptions of postal mail and telecommunications, as well as entry to targets' homes while the target is out. Just as during the COINTELPRO operations. This activity long preceded the USA PATRIOT Act and cannot be written off as "anti terrorist" operations under that law. There are some whistleblowers and activists among the targets, just as with COINTELPRO. Law enforcement agencies at all levels repeatedly tell those reporting these harassment operations that they must "have evidence" in order for law enforcement to act. This is an impossibility in the case of COINTELPRO-like operations, as citizens do not have access to classified or law-enforcement-sensitive information. Only legislative bodies can produce the needed evidence. Congress is the only government body with a mandate to represent the citizens, and, which has the authority sufficient to force disclosure of COINTELPRO-like activities. Therefore, we petition you to work towards opening a new investigation into the allegations of those being targeted. You will remember that Cynthia McKinney submitted House Resolution 1026 of 2006 to bring this about. This is a very much needed action on the part of Congress and is desired by individuals in many different walks of life. There are professionals in a diversity of fields within the targeted community who can provide detailed and articulate testimony. Please consider scheduling a meeting with the targets of current-day COINTELPRO-like harassment activity to assist with your decision to offer support for hearings, or provide the contact information for a staff member who will collect and summarize other letters received on this subject and liase with targets. It is time to provide citizens with a legal remedy for covert, COINTELPRO-like harassment, something left undone for over three decades now. Sincerely, Victim's name Some instruction by Bob
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1 Symposium Papers The following papers are to be presented at the Social Implication discussion forum,13:30–16:00, Monday 11 May 2009, of European Working Group, Non-Lethal Weapons 5th European Symposium on Non-lethal Weapons Venue: Stadthalle Ettlingen, Ettlingen, Germany Electromagnetic weapons and human rights Walter Madliger (Switzerland) and Andreas Friedberger (Germany) Ethical and societal implications of capacity for privacy-invasive remote interrogation and behavioural influence applications John Allman (UK) – see 2 Evening Reception and Press Conference A bi-lingual reception (German and English), for symposium attendees, the press and the interested general public, is being hosted by: Walter Madliger (Switzerland), Andreas Friedberger (Germany), Swetlana Schunin (Germany - subject to confirmation), Harlan Girard (USA) and John Allman (UK), at Hotel Watthalden, Pforzheimer Str.67a 76275 Ettlingen Tuesday 12 May 2009, 19:30 – 23:00 3 Demonstration outside the symposium venue As in 2007, at the 4th (biennial) symposium, there will be a small but multi-nationality, peaceful political demonstration, in support of the agenda of European Parliament Resolution A4-0005/1999 Para 27, outside the symposium venue (the Stadhalle, Ettlingen), for the duration of the symposium. Venue: Stadthalle Ettlingen, Ettlingen, Germany Map: Date: Monday 11 May -- Wednesday 13 May 2009 Good news about the demonstration The demonstration and the press conference against the abuse of psychophysical weapons in Ettlingen from 11th to 13th May, 2009. The demonstration of the European victims against the abuse of psychophysical weapons in the German city of Ettlingen took place in front of the building where an international conference for "Non-lethal Weapons" was being held . This conference took place from 11th to 13th May, 2009. For the past 20 years many innocent citizens have been constantly subjected to physical and mental torture, inflicted upon them by the use of electromagnetic weapons, causing them great distress and pain. These appalling weapons are implemented together with the use of special cameras through the citizens' own walls and windows . In many cases these psycho-physical weapons have resulted in death. Weapons of this type have long been developing and have never been subjected to any form of legal control whatsoever . Psychophysical weapons influence both the body, mind and psyche of a person, resulting in the disturbance of the thought process, of the emotional state and behaviour but also causing damage to health and, in some cases, leading to cardiac arrest. These weapons are used covertly and from a distance, thus enabling the perpetrators of the military and the secret services to torture and kill people without any restrictions and going unnoticed by any witness. We demonstrated for the second time in Ettlingen against the abuse of psychophysical weapons on innocent citizens. We printed leaflets in three languages for our demonstration and had accordingly written posters in advance. Here are the various slogans: 1. Governments worldwide are just incapable of combating electromagnetic terror! 2.You might also become a victim! 3.Stop psycho-experiments on innocent human beings immediately! . 4.Abusive irradiating technologies used on citizens! 5.We demand the prohibition of any control of human subconsciousness! 6. Wake up if you don't want to become a slave ! 7. Non-lethal weapons are killing in installments! 8. Homicidal mania = terror staged with non-lethal weapons 9. Psychotronic weapons kill both body, mind and soul! 10. The war of the Secret Services against the population ! 11. Truth and justice are murdered with psychophysical weapons ! 12. Physical injury, harassment and murder with electronic weapons =criminal offence Activist-victims from Austria, Germany, Great Britain, Finland, USA and Switzerland and also some inhabitants of Ettlingen came to the demonstration to support and help us. Dr. Rauni Kilde, former Health Minister of Lapland (Finland) and a prominent pioneer in the field also came to the demonstration to support us and took part in the Ettlingen press conference. Please see http://www21. brinkster. com/nobrainscan/ Kilde_deu. htm . She offered us her total support and was most appreciative of being invited to our demonstration and press conference.Our press conference was held at the Erbprinzen Hotel on May 11th, 2009 from 7 p.m to 12 midnight. Below please see the participants' names and the sequence of the lectures which was as follows: 1. Greeting 2. The Chairman of the Association against Covert Experimentations on Human Beings. 3. Swetlana Schunin, Germany . 4. Andrea Szodasz, Austria 5. Dr. Rauni Leena Kilde, Finland 6. Discussion with the Jounalist and with Dr. Rauni Leena Kilde 7. Carl Clark, England We had some important and useful discussions with journalists, scientists, and psychologists, this time. We also had the chance to meet the journalist from the Ettlingen local newspaper and to inform him about the inhuman torture and radiation stress which most victims are going through. The press showed the greatest interest in our event. This is why Klaus Müller from the local newspaper BNN has written an article about our demonstration but again, as usual, it has been completely wrong ! Our demonstration went smoothly for two days, passers-by and Ettlingen city dwellers gave us a warm welcome. We managed to hand out many info-leaflets and to inform passers-by about the secret torture on innocent citizens in Germany and all over the world. Most people reacted with great alarm. The "TV.SECRET "program from Stuttgart was also present at our press conference in Ettlingen. The 21 demonstrators' main objective was to draw the attention of the inhabitants of Ettlingen. In the name of our Association Against the Abuse of Psychophysical Weapons I would personally like to thank every one present at our conference and our demonstration in Ettlingen. The organizer of the protest in Ettlingen and the leader of the “Association against the Abuse of Psychophysical Weapons” in Germany. Swetlana Schunin Stutensee, 13.05.2009
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16 Mar 2009 Mailteam works--victims work trends (1) Support the Establishment of a Commission to Investigate US Torture Senator Patrick Leahy (D-VT), Chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee, has proposed the establishment of a bipartisan commission to investigate torture and other abuses committed by the Bush Administration. On Tuesday,’s Mark Benjamin reported that US Senator Patrick Leahy (D-VT) is moving forward with with a commission to investigate torture during the Bush administration. (2)Leahy Announces FBI Oversight Hearing WASHINGTON (Wednesday, March 11, 2009) – Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Patrick Leahy (D-Vt.) today announced the first oversight hearing of the 111th Congress for the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI). Director Robert S. Mueller will testify before the Senate panel at an oversight hearing scheduled for March 25. Mueller appeared before the Committee twice last year. The Senate Judiciary Committee has held periodic oversight hearings of the FBI with the Bureau’s Director. The oversight hearing will be held on Wednesday, March 25, 2009, at 9:30 a.m., in room 216 of the Hart Senate Office Building. The hearing will be webcast live online via the Judiciary Committee’s website. Testimony and member statements will also be available online. Members of the press, especially television camera crews, should contact the Senate Daily Press Gallery ( ) or the Senate Radio-Television Gallery ( ) to reserve space at the hearing. # # # # # March 11, 2009 NOTICE OF COMMITTEE HEARING The Senate Committee on the Judiciary has scheduled a hearing on “Oversight of the Federal Bureau of Investigation” for Wednesday, March 25, 2009 at 9:30 a.m., in Room 216 of the Senate Hart Office Building. By order of the Chairman. Witness List Hearing before the Senate Judiciary Committee on “Oversight of the Federal Bureau of Investigation” Wednesday, March 25, 2009 Senate Hart Office Building Room 216 9:30 a.m. The Honorable Robert S. Mueller, III Director Federal Bureau of Investigation United States Department of Justice Washington, DC We think that Mind Control victims should contact related people about the covert Mind Control abuse and torture. (3) help Victim Ramona Rosario: This is the link for the interview that Ramona gave to Greg Syzmanski in Desert owl hour Greg cell phone: 304-629-7169 Derrick: Someone has offered a place for her to come. Kimberli, the natural health doctor has offered her place for Ramona to come and heal. I"m sure she can help her. We just need someone to reach her from LA. We can also help her financially to get to Louisiana from California. Bob: Ramona and Kimberli have been in touch by phone. They had an immediate rapport, and I'm sure that things will work out well when they get together. Thank you for arranging this. Ramona desperately needs to get away as quickly as possible, but she has no money. They have sexually mutilated her very seriously. They are telling her day and night audibly through speakers in her apartment that they are going to kill her. When she prays, they even pray aloud with her. She needs to get her car fixed and have money for travel expenses before she can leave. I told her that you had offered financial assistance from FFCHS. She said that if she had $400, she could leave in two days. So if FFCHS can help her with that much, she can be on her way very quickly before it is too late. $400 is a low price to pay for saving a life, and Ramona's life is very much worth saving. I've had strong disagreements with you over legal strategy, but here is something that we can agree on, and if you rescue Ramona, I'll give credit where credit is due. (4) Investigators in USA From Derrick Robinson Hi all. FFCHS is about to hire some investigators for our upcoming lawsuit. One of the services that some of them offer is implant detection and disabling. And we have an opportunity for those that feel they have been implanted to get tested by a licensed investigator for the chips to be detected and disabled. The date and location are: Boise, Idaho, Saturday, April 25, 2009 The investigator is charging $200.00 for detection per person and $100.00 for disabling. He will also provide paperwork for each person as evidence for the upcoming court case and for your personal records. All those interested, please contact me asap. Thanks, Derrick (5) DEW links from Bob Levin (6) A picture from Please send these to everyone you know. Have them print them out and mail them to all the legislatures and the Speaker of the house here in Jefferson City. Louise See attached file Doc1.doc Doc1.doc
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13 Mar 2009 Mailteam works--victims work trends (1) New Lawsuit from Eric Griffin UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT DISTRICT OF NEVADA ERIC GRIFFIN , Plaintiff, ) vs. (CASE NO.) HENDERSON POLICE DEPT,) (To be supplied by the Clerk) CITY OF HENDERSON, etl;al) Defendant(s). ) CIVIL RIGHTS COMPLAINT PURSUANT TO 42 U.S.C. § 1983 A. JURISDICTION 1) This complaint alleges that the civil rights of Plaintiff, ERIC GRIFFIN who presently reside at Henderson, nv 89014 , were violated by the actions of the below named individuals which were directed against Plaintiff at Henderson police dept on the following dates feb 26, 2009 (Count I) 42 USC § 1985.violation(count 2)42 USC § 1986. (count 3)Executive Order 13440 violation(count 4) 18 usc section 241 2) Defendant, Henderson police dept,city of Henderson,etl;al Jurisdiction is invoked pursuant to 28 U.S.C. § 1343 (a)(3) and 42 U.S.C. § 1983. If you wish to assert jurisdiction under different or additional statutes, list them below. ------------------------------ B. NATURE OF THE CASE Briefly state the background of your case. these officer and city has placed plaintiff's and other city members life's in great danger to cover up a executive order violation and a illegal weapon called d.e.w/voice to skull that has been verified is being used on mr griffin by doctors that is being used and has violated plaintiffs rights for denying plaintiff the right to file a criminal complain,t the right to have a matter investigated, a right to medical attention in a life our death matte,the right to have witnesses questioned, the right to have suspect arrested, and with holding information from plaintiffs lawyer, WITH HOLDING INFORMATION from congressional leaders ,defendants/captain wemsley new first hand of my complaints and told me to come in to one of his office's to file a complaint but when I arrived the officer told me he would not file my complaint even after showing this officer the letter from his captain telling me to come in and file a complaint, these action was totally criminal and a violation of plaintiff's due process..officer also refuse to take any exports witnesses reports,witnesses statements, and medical record show that this crime is going on in this city and that dept has the grounds to investigate and arrest suspect per nv state laws. also henderson police dept stated that the would send this matter to the fbi/cia but yet the fbi/cia has not render over any information to plaintiffs lawyers our doctors our judges in mr griffin case to support this matter, defendants are full aware that these weapon are being used on mr griffin and rather try and make mr griffin look crazy rather then ----------------------------- C. CAUSE OF ACTION 3 . ------------------- E. REQUEST FOR RELIEF I believe that I am entitled to the following relief: TO HAVE ALL SUSPECT ARRESTED AND CHARGED AND PROSECUTED TO THE MAX, ALL MEDICALS EXPENSES PAID,700 MILLION UNITED STATES DOLLARS, AND TO HAVE A JURY DEMAND CONGRESSIONAL HEARING ON THIS MATTER, ALL LEGAL FEE'S PAID I understand that a false statement or answer to any question in this complaint will subject me to penalties of perjury. I DECLARE UNDER PENALTY OF PERJURY NDER THE LAWS OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA THAT THE FOREGOING IS TRUE AND CORRECT. See 28 U.S.C. § 1746 and 18 U.S.C. § 1621. (Name of Person who prepared or helped (Signature of Plaintiff) prepare this complaint if not Plaintiff) (Date) ---------------------------- (Additional space if needed; identify what is being continued) exhibit 1a 42 USC § 1986. Action for neglect to prevent 42 USC § 1985. Conspiracy to interfere with civil rights Executive Order 13440 violation Communication letters between Mr. Eric and HENDERSON POLICE DEPT Dear mr wamsley we are asking that you give us the information that you sent to the cia and has the cia done any follow up work with due to the fact you still have a hostage matter in your city which also has gotten two people killed from the same house an now slowing killing the third. we are requesting the information you sent to them and has your office done any follow up on this matter and if the cia is helping you get information to help arrest suspect and prosecute ? thank you so much and i am sure you know this is a life our death matter. and i want the city of Henderson to prosecute all suspect to the fullest. due to the fact i am a victim i will have some staff member write you back to further investigate this matter. i also ask that you send my lawyer the information that you sent to the cia/fbi. i am also requesting that you arrest suspect and prosecute to the fullest due to the fact these victim from my house is from Henderson one being a infant and the other a ex solder and now due to the fact mr griffin is being held hostage in your city and being slowly killed by this weapons called d.e.w/voice to skull which now you are full aware of. I WILL HAVE STAFF MEMBERS FROM F.F.C.H.S AND OTHER WITNESSES FOLLOW UP ON THIS LETTER AND SHOW THERE SUPPORT AS WELL IN YOU ARRESTING THESE SUSPECT AS WELL thank you so much MR ERIC GRIFFIN --- On Sat, 1/17/09, ERIC GRIFFIN wrote: From: ERIC GRIFFIN Subject: To: Cc: Date: Saturday, January 17, 2009, 1:15 PM PLEASE FORWARD SIR WHICH I KNOW YOU HAVE ALREADY DONE SO TO THE FACT YOUR OFFICE HAS BEEN THE ONLY ONE THAT HAS BEEN COMPETENT ENOUGH AND FOLLOW POLICY SO THANK YOU SIR FOR GIVING THE FBI THIS INFORMATION. ALSO NOTE SIR IF THESE PEOPLE DO NOT KILL ME FIRST I WILL MAKE SURE I CAN HELP YOUR OFFICE IN GETTING THE TOOLS AND FUNDING YOU WILL NEED SO THAT YOUR OFFICER WILL BE READY AND ABLE TO TEST VICTIMS OF THESE WEAPONS,SO THAT YOUR OFFICE WILL NOT THINK EVERYONE IS HAVING MENTAL ISSUE AND WILL BE ABLE TO EASILY TEST FOR THESE KIND OF WEAPON AND THEN DETERMINE IF A PERSON IS REALLY CRAZY OUR BEING HELD HOSTAGE BY THIS WEAPONS SUCH AS MYSELF MR GRIFFIN. --- On Thu, 1/15/09, Robert Wamsley wrote: From: Robert Wamsley Subject: RE: when do you want your officer to come test To: Cc: "Addah Moritz-Smith" Date: Thursday, January 15, 2009, 4:05 PM Dear Mr. Griffin, Sorry I have not been able to get back to you sooner. I cannot send an officer by your residence to conduct such tests. As you know we are a local municipality and do not have the means of doing such testing and investigations. I can forward your email to the FBI or the CIA if you like and perhaps they can assist you or you can contact them yourself. This is the first I have heard of these secret weapons and these suspicious deaths and must refer jurisdiction of the matter to a federal level. Please contact them if you prefer to pursue the matter. Sincerely From: ERIC GRIFFIN [] Sent: Thursday, January 15, 2009 3:44 PM To: Robert Wamsley Cc:; Addah Moritz-Smith;;;;;;;;;; Anthony D. Romero ACLU Subject: when do you want your officer to come test Dear Mr Wamsley i Eric Griffin is asking that you test me for these illegal weapon being used on me against my will which is a high crime being done in the city of Henderson, again due to the fact my emails do get tampered with all the time, and since i have not had your officer come by and test for these illegal weapon like in the james walbert case in case so that you be able to use as evidence to arrest suspect and better protect the rest of the citizen of Henderson. my lawyer will be waiting for your called to get this done right away. thank you very much sir MR. ERIC GRIFFIN ASSOCIATE MEMBER OF FREEDOM FROM CONVERT HARASSMENT MOVEON.ORG COUNCIL MEMBER TRUEMAJORITY.ORG ACTIVIS HUMANRIGHTSFIRST.ORG ACTIVIST PEOPLE FOR THE AMERICAN WAY EMAIL: HOWREALAREYOU_M@YAHOO.COM PHONE: 702-372 9052 --- On Thu, 1/8/09, ERIC GRIFFIN wrote: From: ERIC GRIFFIN Subject: when do you want your officer to come test To: Cc:, Date: Thursday, January 8, 2009, 7:00 AM me for this weapon being used on unwillingly?my lawyers can set this up and the only reason these perps has not killed me is because they think they cant get caught and is very arrogant as witnesses has been trying to tell you. but we need these crooks off the streets fast they have already killed to people one being a infaint i know making a false allegation is a crime and i like my freedom and my life. i also ask you office to inform my lawyers if anyone has told your office not to get involved with this matter --- On Thu, 1/8/09, ERIC GRIFFIN wrote: From: ERIC GRIFFIN Subject: Fw: RE: your request to the City of Henderson To: Cc:,,, Date: Thursday, January 8, 2009, 6:53 AM as you can see the Henderson police don't even want to have there officers come and test me for this weapon being used on me unwillingly --- On Tue, 1/6/09, ERIC GRIFFIN wrote: From: ERIC GRIFFIN Subject: Fw: RE: your request to the City of Henderson To: Cc:,,, Date: Tuesday, January 6, 2009, 10:08 AM Dear Sirs, I am merely trying to bring to your attention the "nature" of many of the crimes that are being committed right under your noses. There are currently some very dangerous weapons that are being circulated around within many of our cities. These have given the perpetrators the feeling of having stumbled onto God-like powers, as they allow them to hide and work from another remote location. What the authorities MUST understand, is that many deaths are related to the use of these weapons, thus these perpetrators have been getting away with murder. There are specific instruments that can be used to test the individuals (targets) and even their environment, which can show the specific "energy related" abnormalities. But, the main issue, is that unless we take notice of the many complaints made by the victims, we are ignoring a very serious problem that is becoming more wide spread. We only ask that the authorities thoroughly investigate these complaints to assist in bringing resolve. Thank you for your consideration in this very urgent matter. Eric Griffin Date: Tue, 6 Jan 2009 09:39:53 -0800 From: Subject: RE: your request to the City of Henderson To: CC:;;; to really help you provide protection for the rest of our citizen ask you deputy to come test me for this weapon and you will have the evidence to fully start a investigation. this is one company that knows how to test for these weapons that is being used to hold a person hostage in your great city of Henderson. sir these kids cant speak for themself and the rest of the victim just think there going crazy our is to afraid to come forth due to the fact they know no one is going to help them but if these crooks are that dumb to let me complain i am going to complaint all day till there caught our this illegal weapons is safely removed from body and everyone else. i have a hard time writing so please bare with me sir one of our staff members will make it clear to you on what i am trying to say MR. ERIC GRIFFIN ASSOCIATE MEMBER OF FREEDOM FROM CONVERT HARASSMENT MOVEON.ORG COUNCIL MEMBER TRUEMAJORITY.ORG ACTIVIS HUMANRIGHTSFIRST.ORG ACTIVIST PEOPLE FOR THE AMERICAN WAY EMAIL: HOWREALAREYOU_M@YAHOO.COM PHONE: 702-372 9052 --- On Tue, 1/6/09, wrote: From: Subject: RE: your request to the City of Henderson To: Cc: Date: Tuesday, January 6, 2009, 8:06 AM Dear Mr, Griffin, Thank you for the information. It was passed on to our Homicide Unit to look into however they were not able to find cases on the two names you provided. They will send that information out to other agencies. Feel free to contact the Police Department in the future if you have any further information by calling 311 instead of using the City Comcate System. This will allow you a more prompt response from the Police Department. Sincerely, Captain Robert Wamsley Dear Capitan wamleys i went to the Henderson police station on sunset and your officer refused to take my complaint even after i showed him your email telling me to come down and file the report i show him the false u.s money orders i that suspect has been sending me i also showed him the email you sent telling me to come down and file a report, and he refused me stating he was calling you and if you said to file my report he would call me back our get the information from so were else. so now that you told me to go file a report and your officer refused to take my report which was affidavit of truth and evidence enclosed like medical,suspect names, witnesses name and export witnesses and lawyers names. i do have the officer named and time i tried to log my complaint so you can check the record book to show that i tried to file a complaint but was denied. like i said i even explained that you tried to send my complaint to the FBI as well but your officer still refused to file complaint,so can you call the sunset substation which is 2blocks down from my home on sunset and let him know you told me to come down and file my complaint, due to the fact i have a lawyer you can let them know the complaint is mainly about harassment with a deadly weapon and every other detail about witnesses is in my affidavit that i tried to submit with my complaint names of witnesses name of defendants and times and dates of these crimes is listed all other information can be retrieved from my lawyers our if you have a better way for me to get help from your office and these crooks in jail please feel free but i want these rapist pedophiles tourer's in jail and this weapon off of me and my kids. ERIC GRIFFIN FEBRUARY 23,2009 3:19 PM PST (2) Please write to these Politicians in Canada Paul Dewar Parliament Hill: House of Commons Ottawa , Ontario, K1A 0A6 Telephone: (613) 996-5322 Fax: (613) 996-5323 Constituency: 1306 Wellington Street, Suite 304 Ottawa , Ontario, K1Y 3B2 Telephone: (613) 946-8682 Fax: (613) 946-8680 Dawn Black Parliament Hill: House of Commons Ottawa , ON K1A 0A6 Constituency: 1116 Austin Avenue Coquitlam , British Columbia, V3K 3P5 Telephone: (604) 664-9229 Fax: (604) 664-9231 Thomas Mulcair Parliament Hill: House of Commons Ottawa , Ontario, K1A 0A6 Telephone: (613) 995-7691 Fax: (613) 995-0114 Constituency: 3333 Reine Marie Road, Suite 310 Montreal , Québec, H3V 1A2 Telephone: (514) 736-2727 Fax: (514) 736-2726 Judy Wasylycia Parliament Hill: 710 Justice Building House of Commons Ottawa , Ontario, K1A 0A6 Telephone: (613) 996-6417 Fax: (613) 996-9713 Constituency: 1082 Main Street Winnipeg , Manitoba, R2W 5J3 Telephone: (204) 984-1767 Fax: (204) 984-1766 Anita Neville Email: Constituency Office: Unit D-729 Corydon Avenue Winnipeg (MB) R3M 0W4 Phone: (204) 983-1355 Fax: (204) 984-3979 Ottawa Office: House of Commons Ottawa , ON K1A 0A6 Mr. Mark Holland 92 Church Street South, Suite 106 Ajax (ON) L1S 6B4 Phone: (905) 426-6808 Email: (905) 426-9564 Provincial/Territorial Association: Liberal Party of Canada ( Ontario ) 10 St Mary Street, Suite 205 Toronto , ON, M4Y 1P9 Phone: (416) 921-2844 Toll Free: (800) 361-3881 Fax: (416) 921-3880 Mr. Michael Ignatieff 656 The Queensway Etobicoke (ON) M8Y 1K7 Phone: (416) 251-5510 Email: (416) 251-2845 Liberal Party of Canada ( Ontario ) 10 St Mary Street, Suite 205 Toronto , ON M4Y 1P9 Phone: (416) 921-2844 Toll Free: (800) 361-3881 Fax: (416) 921-3880 Hon. Bob Rae 514 Parliament Street Toronto (ON) M4X 1P4 Phone: (416) 954-2222 Fax: (416) 954-9649 Web: Email: Provincial/Territorial Association: Liberal Party of Canada ( Ontario ) 10 St Mary Street, Suite 205 Toronto , ON M4Y 1P9 Phone: (416) 921-2844 Toll Free: (800) 361-3881 Fax: (416) 921-3880 Marlene Jennings Web: Email: Constituency Office: 6332 Sherbrooke Street West, Suite 204 Montreal (QC) H4B 1M7 Phone: (514) 489-8703 Fax: (514) 489-2806 Ottawa Office: House of Commons Ottawa , ON K1A 0A6 (3) write to CVT CVT Contact Information E-mail Toll-free 1-877-265-8775 Minneapolis Healing Center 717 East River Parkway Minneapolis, MN 55455 Tel. 612.436.4800 Fax 612.436.2600 Directions to the Minneapolis Healing Center St. Paul Healing Center 649 Dayton Avenue St. Paul, MN 55104 Tel. 612.436.4800 Fax 612.436.2604 Directions to the St. Paul Healing Center St. Paul Administration 2356 University Avenue West, Suite 430 St. Paul, MN 55114 Tel. 612.436.4800 Fax 612.436.2606 Washington, D.C. 1875 “I” Street NW, 5th Floor Washington, D.C. 20006 Tel. 202.857.3284 Fax 202.429.9574 Sierra Leone 17 Sir Samuel Lewis Road Freetown Sierra Leone Tel. 232 (0) 797 47 456 232 (0) 778 44 458 Liberia 14th Street Sinkor Monrovia Republic of Liberia Tel. 231 (0) 6 442 376 231 (0) 6 587 349 Democratic Republic of Congo 418 Avenue Sapiniers (coin Neufliers) Quartier Bel Air, Lubumbashi Province du Katanga Democratic Republic of Congo Tel. 243 (0) 81 754 17 07 243 (0) 995 374 969
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3 Mar 2009 Mailteam works--victims work trends (1) From: Von Kidd Subject: Invite To Write Article To: Date: Tuesday, February 24, 2009, 10:38 AM In my being a member of political activist groups locally within the Freedom Movement, I have the aquaintance of some local people who are some of the movers and shakers in the movement. Some of them are aquaintances of national figures in the Freedom Movement. I have an opportunity to put together an article on organized stalking/harassment and the technology associated with it, including links to information about the technology as references. I already know of a handfull of good ones. I also want to include something from Derrick Robinson about his Ohio based, international human rights group, Freedom From Covert Harassment and Surveillance, along with a link to it. The article will be posted in the anti-statist, pro human liberty Freedoms Phoenix online news portal, which has a national readership( I'm opening this up to input from the TIs on the list as to the better references to articles on the technology in general, particularly the ones that inflict physical pain. These I have absolutely no experience with as I'm not targeted by any of them. (I can sympathize with those who do, as I live with migraines. That is a pre-existing condition in my case.) Naturally we can't post anybody's personal story in the article as it should be direct and to the point, with the exception of some generalizations from some things us TIs have as common experience. There is no deadline and so no hurry, and it could be posted beforehand on these lists for some general approval before being submitted. Obviously not everyone will be happy with the result, as you can't please everyone, and this isn't supposed to be the "perfect" article. It's only meant to provide some good info and the links to resources for further reading. I can already overhear my perps crying tears of rage and bitterly complaining amongst themselves right now through V2K as I write this! ;) In Freedom and Liberty, Von Kidd (2) Reply from Congressman John Boozman February 26, 2009 Dear Mr. Dunlap, Thank you for contacting me to express your support for H.R. 984, the "State Secret Protection Act." It is always good to hear from you. As you know, H.R. 984 was introduced by Representative Jerrold Nadler (D-NY) on February 11, 2009. This legislation declares that in any civil action brought in federal or state court the government has a privilege to refuse to give evidence and to prevent any person from giving evidence only if the government shows that public disclosure of the evidence that its seeking to protect would be reasonably likely to cause significant harm to the national defense or the diplomatic relations of the United States. Further, it establishes procedures and a standard for assessing the privilege claim. Like you, I believe that the government has a responsibility to be open and transparent to the public. However, there are certainly times when it is necessary and appropriate to keep certain information classified. Please be assured that should H.R. 984 come to the floor of the House of Representatives for a vote, I will keep your thoughts in mind. Again, thank you for contacting me on this very important issue. Please be sure to visit our website at, where you can sign up for my weekly e-newsletter. I look forward to your continued correspondence. Sincerely, John Boozman Member of Congress (3) U.K./E.U. HUMANISTS: HEAD TO LONDON TO PROTEST RADIATION WEAPONS GET POLITICAL w / VIC LIVINGSTON British and E.U. ethical humanists, UNITE! Western European citizens who value human rights must turn out in force to protest this week's London conference of amoral scientists, militarists -- and, perhaps, some "new world order" political fascists -- who are pushing the global proliferation of silent,injury- and illness-inducing radiation weapons... armaments that already are widely deployed among security, intelligence and law enforcement personnel and their vigilante citizen operatives in industrialized nations throughout the world. If you harbor any doubts about the motives of an untamed "RAM" -- what we are dubbing the "Radiation Armaments Movement" -- just read this blurb from the U. S. military command, in support of Directed Energy Weapons 2009: Driving DEWs from the Laboratory to the Battlefield, a two-day seminar that convenes Thursday at London's historic Thistle Marble Arch Hotel: "Directed Energy offers promise as a transformational `game changer'in military operations, able to augment and improve operational capabilities in many areas." -- Dr. William Schneider, Defense Science Board Chairman, U.S.Department of Defense The speaker roster is laden with radiation weapons advocates from the United States and Canada, including: **Dr. J. Douglas Beason PhD, Associate Laboratory Director (Threat Reduction), Los Alamos National Laboratory **Dr. Spiro Lekoudis SES, Director of Weapons Systems in the Office of the Deputy Under Secretary of Defense (Science & Technology), US Department of Defense **Colonel David Robie, Director, Directed Energy Task Force, U.S. Air Force **Dr. Greg Schneider, Director, NATO Research and Technology Agency **Dr. Benjamin Rockwell, Head of Laser Bio-Effects, US Air Force Research Laboratory **Dr. Jacques Dubois, Electro-Optic Warfare Section, Canadian Ministry of Defense **Susan Levine, Deputy Director, Joint Non-Lethal Weapons Directorate, U.S Department of Defense The use of the factually deceptive non sequitur "non-lethal"notwithstanding, those who devised the agenda are not unaware that their advocacy of radiation weapons proliferation carries ethical and moral ramifications. Hence, these program items: Directed Energy Bio-Effects: A Main Enabler To Directed Energy Weapons **Overview of effects on humans due to exposure from laser and high-powered microwaves **Understanding bio-effects as a crucial factor leading to policy approval of directed energy weapons **Policy restrictions due to human effects Another panel will examine the "legal implications" of radiation weapons (of course, the advocates never refer to "radiation" -- to them, it's always "laser weapons," or the euphemistically benign "directed energy weapons"). To underscore the point, consider these agenda items: Problems associated with the introduction of new concepts and technologies Utility of systems in real world conditions: The warfighter vs. the PhD Potential European limitations against the operational fielding of the Active Denial System (a battlefield "people-cooker" that causes severe pain by heating human flesh) Those who are concerned with human rights and what the conferees term the "bio-effects" of radiation weaponry should encourage journalists worldwide to seek to cover this conference from the inside -- and hopefully pose some penetrating questions to "D.E.W." proponents. If you are reading this in London, get on the horn to your local media, newspapers, internet and telly, and let them know about this event. But most important, human rights advocates should turn out in great numbers to line the streets in front of the hotel with signs and megaphones -- a vociferous protest against the proliferation of radiation weapons and the role of the U.S. military in advancing the deployment of what are truly "weapons of mass destruction"......weapons that should be banned outright by world governments as inhumane, a menace to civilian populations as well as to those who wield these hand-held moral equivalents of the atom bomb. Hopefully, British police and secretive international intelligence units will have the good sense and human decency not to silently "dose" protesters with radiation, as has been alleged to have happened in the United States. FOR MORE ON THE THREAT OF RADIATION WEAPONRY: LINK TO DIRECTED ENERGY CONFERENCE AGENDA: (4) Please continue to support Mr. Eric Griffin's court case UNITED STATES COURT DISTRICT OF NEVADA Attention: clerk offices 333 S. Las Vegas Blvd. Las Vegas, NV 89101 RE: case no. 2:08-00303 RCJ-GWF CA9 08-16259 I, ____________am writing this letter in support of Eric Griffin, Eric is working diligently with Freedom From Covert Harassment & Surveillance to get the assistance of the authorities and to hopefully bring an end to the many atrocities that so many innocent people have fallen victim to and you are amending your criminal complaint to this case number and will testify to this matter that defendants in this case above has stop mr griffin/f.f.c.h.s in ever one from getting you protection and the proper medical attention you need and suspect in jail and prosecuted to the up most. united state district court district of Nevada motion to amend this complaint title 18sec 241,1959 violation case# 2:08-00303 RCJ-GWF CA9 08-16259 Yours Sincerely, xxxxxxxx v. DEPT OF JUSTICE,etl;al defendants TO THE HONORABLE JUDGE I, ____________am writing this letter in support of Eric Griffin, Eric is working diligently with Freedom From Covert Harassment & Surveillance to get the assistance of the authorities and to hopefully bring an end to the many atrocities that so many innocent people have fallen victim to and you are amending your criminal complaint to this case number and will testify to this matter that defendants in this case above has stop mr griffin/f.f.c.h.s in ever one from getting you protection and the proper medical attention you need and suspect in jail and prosecuted to the up most. (5) MIND READING and NEUROSCIENCE on CBS 60 minutes by Leslie Stahl (6) Space Warfare Technology From: Matthew Hoey [] Sent: Monday, March 02, 2009 9:14 AM To: Boblevin.writer Subject: Space Warfare Technology Dear Colleague, The Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists recently published my article titled "The proliferation of space warfare technology." I thought that it would perhaps be of interest to you. The article can be found at the following link: re-technology With best wishes, Matthew Hoey Military Space Transparency Project Web: Email: Office: 617.942.2145 Cell: 617.953.1305 (7) Switzerland Walter Madliger, and UK John Allman will have speech at the 5th European Symposium on Non-lethal Weapons,May 11-13 2009 in Ettlingen, Germany.
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12 Feb 2009 Mailteam works--victims work trends

12 Feb 2009 Mailteam works--victims work trends (1) Cindy Dyer gave us a letter from Mr. Obama team A letter from Mr. Obama team to President Bush To: George w h Bush Jr and staff. From: Obama/Biden Team. It Has Come To Our Attention That The White House Is ware Of Mr Eric Griffin Ms Cindy Dyer and State house of Representative Jim Guest Chief Of Staff Assailants. We At The Obama/Biden Camp Ask That The White House Turn Over All Assailants And Information To The Incoming Attorney General And To Have The United State military Arrest All Assailants Who Has Broken The Law Ageist Mr Eric Griffin Ms Cindy Dyer and State house of Representative Jim Guest Chief Of Staff Today Due To The Weaponry That Is Being Used On Victims By Assailants. Thank You. Obama/Biden Team. 1/12/2009 (2) Radio Interview -- Talk Star Radio Station in Toronto 10-11 Pacific This station is in Toronto. We can forward 10 questions ahead that he will ask. If anyone has great questions and a brief summary, I will forward the best ones. I believe Jimmy is going to join me. Stop Neurological Weapons Experimentation on unwitting citizens Aaron Avalos (3) Write to Now I started to get newsletters from NOW when I wrote to them for help; no reply but, maybe if large numbers of us write to them especially to request help with: Including Use oof Electronic Weaponry /Warfare iin Violence against Women Act or VAWA......perhaps, they will help . Pass it on to otherss if you'd like men included. mary (4)one our now international [summit] companies: I)American Technology Receives $500,000 in New LRAD(R) Orders... 1/13/2009 American Technology Corporation (ATC)(NASDAQ: ATCO), a leading provider of directed sound products andtechnologies, announced today it has received new LRAD® orders from theU.S. Army and a commercial shipping customer. The orders, totalingapproximately $500,000, are scheduled to ship this quarter. II)American Technology Announces $2.7 Million in New LRAD(R)... 1/8/2009 American Technology Corporation (ATC)(NASDAQ: ATCO), a leading provider of directed sound products andtechnologies, announced today it has received two new LRAD® orderstotaling $2.7 million from the U.S. Navy. The orders were received latelast quarter (fiscal Q1) and are scheduled to ship in fiscal Q2. (5) Support a Truth & Reconciliation Commission I have proposed the idea of a truth and reconciliation commission to investigate abuses during the Bush-Cheney Administration -- so they never happen again. These abuses may include the use of torture, warrantless wiretapping, extraordinary rendition, and executive override of laws. Please sign this online petition, urging Congress to consider establishing a truth and reconciliation commission to investigate the Bush-Cheney Administration's abuses. Thank you, Patrick Leahy U.S. Senator (6) Please sign the ACLU petition "Help Get the Truth Out" Just as we're in court challenging the government's use of the "state secrets" doctrine, we must also confront the doctrine on Capitol Hill. (7) Mr. President: Please Establish a Truth Commission on Torture You can leave your comments to this article to let them know remote mind control abuse and torture. Please write to Human Right First and let them pay attention to remote mind control abuse and torture. New York Headquarters Human Rights First 333 Seventh Avenue, 13th Floor New York, NY 10001-5108 Tel: (212) 845 5200 Fax: (212) 845 5299 Human Rights First 100 Maryland Avenue, NE; Suite 500 Washington, DC 20002-5625 Tel: (202) 547 5692 Fax: (202) 543 5999 For comments, please write to: For technical issues, please write to: (8) Sign Campaign to restore justice Please also write to People for American Way to let them pay attention to remote mind control abuse and torture.
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(1) Good advice from an online linkedin member I have the following critique. First, you have to make it much simpler in your profile. For example, Business woman and International Human Rights Activist (e.g. Human Right Abuses). Most of the recommendations that you received are people who have just single connection (that is you). This is not good and not going to help you very much. Above all, the people that you receive recommendation must have some national and international authorities in this area (e.g. Human rights lawyers, politicians, Authors, movie directors, TV hosts, etc. etc.). They must know, first hand knowledge about what you're doing and help you in case if you're in trouble of some sort. Being an activist is not an easy thing, you have to have high level connections (if you're in China) and international connections (if you're traveling). For this purpose, you have to be a member of Green Peace or Amnesty Inernational, and organization of that standing (popular elsewhere in the world, not only in China). You could join some lawyers associations, write some newsletter along with them and get it published, or get their advice and help in your cause, and so on. Bear in mind, you have to view things from outside the box. I mean rationale look at a particular issue. My suggestion to you to think along this line and look for high calibre people and get introduce yourself and start to network with them. You could start with local people (within your home town in china), then slowly expand your network. If you attend meetings, (national or international), it will help to strengthen your profile. You may attend seminars, symposium, or short courses for these purpose. The people that recommend you, especially with regards to your work must also include some high ranking figures in the society especially in human rights area. I thought I could write and critique what I really felt. This will help to consolidate your efforts and make you go in the right direction where you could get proper recognition for your hard work. (2) Please write to Congresswoman Tammy Baldwin Cathie Trevallee Sr. Caseworker Congresswoman Tammy Baldwin 10 E. Doty Street, Suite 405 Madison, WI 53703 Phone: (608) 258-9800 Fax: (608) 258-9808 (3)Write to Archbishop Tutu Please note that the email address is no longer active.Kindly resend your message using one of the following addresses: Message to Archbishop Tutu's general office: to Archbishop Tutu: to Archbishop Tutu's personal assistant: regarding media matters, interviews, etc: Thank you Dan Vaughan __________________________________________________________________________________Dan VaughanAssistant to Archbishop Emeritus Desmond TutuP O Box 1092, Milnerton 7435, South Africa Ph: +27 21 552 7524 (4) American Freedom Campaign Action Fund please take a minute to send an E-mail to the Department of Justice, asking AG Holder why he is covering up torture. Just use the following link to get started: (5) Take Action: ACLU It’s Time to Learn the Truth Ask the Justice Department to Investigate Torture (6)Letter to California Medical Board from Geral Sosbee, a former FBI agent being targeted. Barbara Hartwell former CIA being targeted. Anyone wanting to follow the constitution in the CIA and FBI are neutralized in one form or the other. Bob Levin (7) Please write to:- Secretary Janet Napolitano Department of Homeland Security U.S. Department of Homeland Security Washington, DC 20528 1-202-282-8401 [fax] Mrs Samantha Willey OF SAFE HOUSE you SHORT LETTER OF SUPPORT FOR MR ERIC GRIFFIN/f.f.c.h.s AND HER ORG COMING TOGETHER TO MAKE SURE VICTIMS GET THE HELP THEY NEED AND PLACED IN A SAFE HOMES UNTIL MATTER ARE RESOLVED AS Write to Mr. Obama The White House 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue NW Washington, DC 20500 Phone Numbers Comments: 202-456-1111 Switchboard: 202-456-1414 FAX: 202-456-2461 TTY/TDD Comments: 202-456-6213 Visitors Office: 202-456-2121 (8) Write to Obama Soleilmavis -- I wanted to tell you about an exciting new feature just launched on the White House website called "Open for Questions." Here's how it works -- President Obama is inviting everyone to ask a question about the economy and to rate other questions up or down. On Thursday morning, the President will conduct an online town hall on the economy and answer some of the most popular questions live. Watch a video of the President explaining this new feature and be a part of it now. "Open for Questions" is an opportunity to open up the White House to all Americans. It's an experiment designed to encourage transparency and accountability by giving you a direct line to the White House. This first round will deal with the economy. Americans deserve to know what their government is doing to get our economy back on track. But it's up to you to participate and make this experiment a success. Join the discussion now: Thanks, and remember to check back Thursday to watch the President answer some of your questions live. Mitch Mitch Stewart Director Organizing for America (9) Join STRASBURG DEMO ON JUNE 22+23
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23 Feb 2009 Mailteam works--victims work trends (1) (2) The National Academies of Science released an almost 300 page report that was produced following a two year study into the inconsistencies of CSIs and crime labs. There is no standardized accreditation process and the system is defective with innocent people have been sent to prison. Other MK-ULTRA links (3) Dear all, Please write letters to support Mr. Eric Griffin's court case (1) For non victims UNITED STATES COURT DISTRICT OF NEVADA RE: case no. 2:08-00303 RCJ-GWF CA9 08-16259 I, ____________am writing this letter in support of Eric Griffin, Eric is working diligently with Freedom From Covert Harassment & Surveillance to get the assistance of the authorities and to hopefully bring an end to the many atrocities that so many innocent people have fallen victim to. Please take into consideration all that Mr. Griffin might bring to the attention of this court, as it is imperative that this situation be addressed accordingly. Thank you. _____________________ date__________,2009 (2) For victims UNITED STATES COURT DISTRICT OF NEVADA RE: case no. 2:08-00303 RCJ-GWF CA9 08-16259 I,_________ am writing this letter in support of Eric Griffin, as I am also a victim of this ongoing torture. Eric is working diligently with Freedom From Covert Harassment & Surveillance to get the assistance of the authorities and to hopefully bring an end to the many atrocities that so many innocent people have fallen victim to. Please take into consideration all that Mr. Griffin might bring to the attention of this court, as it is imperative that this situation be addressed accordingly. Thank you. _____________________ date__________,2009 Here is the version for t'i, this case is a criminal matter and civil you may use this case number to amend your criminal complaint under the Rico act victim in this case is asking all other victims to amend there criminal complaint in this court as well as support letter listed below, make sure when you file your complaint that you state on the top of your of your letter criminal complaint to be amended to case number above. (4) Please Write to the following:-rick bourcher Washington D.C. 2187 Rayburn House Office Building Washington, D.C. 20515 202-225-3861 202-225-0442(fax) E-MAIL TAMMY MADISON OFFICE 10 East Doty Street, Suite 405 Madison, Wisconsin 53703 (608) 258-9800 (608) 258-9808 Fax BELOIT OFFICE 400 E. Grand Ave, Suite 402 Beloit, WI 53511 (608) 362-2800 (608) 362-2838 Fax WASHINGTON OFFICE 2446 Rayburn Building Washington DC 20515 (202) 225-2906 (202) 225-6942 Fax (5) Act now. Ask your representative to co-sponsor the State Secrets Protection Act of 2009. For those who have had their attempts at justice stymied by improper claims of “state secrets,” this bill could prop open the courthouse doors once again and put us on the right path towards restoring justice. Take action to restore justice by sending the message below to your members of Congress. Please feel free to add your own words below. (6) Mara Wrote: Ramona Lopez is a ti, she left me a message in my answering machine, I sent this recording to Derrick Robinson from Freedomfrom covert harassment, I hope she got help, here's the link, please listen: (7) Another two websites which can contact Mr. Obama and You can sign up these two websites. and search Mr. Barack Obama, you will find his webpages. Leave an comment or write to him. A new website from Mr. Obama "My administration has created, a new website where citizens can track every dollar spent and every job created. We'll invite you and your neighbors to weigh in with comments and questions. Our progress will also be measured by the tens of thousands of personal stories submitted by people who are struggling to make ends meet. If you haven't already, you can read stories from families all across the country:" (8)Sign the Petition "Have A Prosecution Commision, And We'll Get The Truth Too." (9) Contact Captain Robert Wamsley Please write brief of your case summary of mind control abuse and torture to support Mr. Eric's complaint. Robert Wamsley Addah Moritz-Smith 2009/2/23 Robert Wamsley Dear Mr. Griffin, We will not be sending an officer to your residence to take a report on this matter. You are claiming that in your current location you are a victim and indeed in danger. I will not request an HPD officer meet with anyone in a climate where they themselves are claiming they are not safe. The email correspondence you insist upon has not been productive. Please feel free to respond to any of the Henderson Police facilities and file a report with the desk officer. In the future if you feel that you are in immediate danger feel free to contact 911. If you do feel that you are in imminent danger please bring any and all relevant evidence and suspect information you have reference your case and contact the desk officer at any of the following locations; 223 Lead Street – Main Police Station. Green Valley Parkway and Benji – West Police Sub-station Sunset and Ward – North Police Sub-station Again, Mr. Griffin, I want to point out that the allegations you make are not cases a local municipality works or has the equipment to work and just because Harry Reid and the FBI refer you to us does not mean that we can or have the means to purchase special equipment just to work your case. However if you feel you are in harms way and are a victim we are definitely concerned with the welfare of our citizens. Further more contacting the city, myself, or your congressman will not move your cause any faster so please feel free to follow my aforementioned instruction if you wish to pursue this matter for investigation. Sincerely From: Robert Wamsley Subject: RE: when do you want your officer to come test To: Cc: "Addah Moritz-Smith" Date: Thursday, January 15, 2009, 4:05 PM Dear Mr. Griffin, Sorry I have not been able to get back to you sooner. I cannot send an officer by your residence to conduct such tests. As you know we are a local municipality and do not have the means of doing such testing and investigations. I can forward your email to the FBI or the CIA if you like and perhaps they can assist you or you can contact them yourself. This is the first I have heard of these secret weapons and these suspicious deaths and must refer jurisdiction of the matter to a federal level. Please contact them if you prefer to pursue the matter. Sincerely From: ERIC GRIFFIN [] Sent: Thursday, January 15, 2009 3:44 PM To: Robert Wamsley Cc:; Addah Moritz-Smith;;;;;;;;;; Anthony D. Romero ACLU Subject: when do you want your officer to come test Dear Mr Wamsley i Eric Griffin is asking that you test me for these illegal weapon being used on me against my will which is a high crime being done in the city of henderson, again due to the fact my emails do get tampered with all the time, and since i have not had your officer come by and test for these illegel weapon like in the james walbert case in case so that you be able to use as evidence to arrest suspect and better protect the rest of the citizen of henderson. my lawyer will be waiting for your called to get this done right away. thank you very much sir MR. ERIC GRIFFIN From: Subject: RE: your request to the City of Henderson To: Cc: Date: Tuesday, January 6, 2009, 8:06 AM Dear Mr, Griffin, Thank you for the information. It was passed on to our Homicide Unit to look into however they were not able to find cases on the two names you provided. They will send that information out to other agencies. Feel free to contact the Police Department in the future if you have any further information by calling 311 instead of using the City Comcate System. This will allow you a more prompt response from the Police Department. Sincerely, Captain Robert Wamsley From: ERIC GRIFFIN Subject: Fw: RE: your request to the City of Henderson To: Cc:,,, Date: Tuesday, January 6, 2009, 10:08 AM Dear Sirs, I am merely trying to bring to your attention the "nature" of many of the crimes that are being committed right under your noses. There are currently some very dangerous weapons that are being circulated around within many of our cities. These have given the perpetrators the feeling of having stumbled onto God-like powers, as they allow them to hide and work from another remote location. What the authorities MUST understand, is that many deaths are related to the use of these weapons, thus these perpetrators have been getting away with murder. There are specific instruments that can be used to test the individuals (targets) and even their environment, which can show the specific "energy related" abnormalities. But, the main issue, is that unless we take notice of the many complaints made by the victims, we are ignoring a very serious problem that is becoming more wide spread. We only ask that the authorities thoroughly investigate these complaints to assist in bringing resolve. Thank you for your consideration in this very urgent matter. Eric Griffin (10) Please Write to Steven G. Thornton District Director Congressman Gary G. Miller 42nd District, California 1800 East Lambert Road Suite 150 Brea, CA 92821 (714) 257-1142 (714) 257-9242 Fax FROM: WWW.ROB-PROFILE.COM August 16, 2007 (RESUBMIT WITH CURRENT DATA FEBRUARY 2009) THE FORMAL LETTER SIGNED BY CONGRESSMAN GARY G. MILLER WAS RECEIVED TODAY. DIRECTIONS AND INFORMATION ARE EXPLICIT. THIS IS WHAT I HAVE BEEN WORKING FOR ON BEHALF OF ALL. I HAVE RECEIVED MANY MESSAGES BY MANY PROCEDURES THAT INDICATE THE DIRECTIVES ARE EXPLICIT AND SUCCESSFUL. IN ADDITION TO HOMELAND SECURITIES AND THE FBI, THE CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY HAS BEEN IN CONTACT WITH THIS REPORT. ON BEHALF OF MY FAMILY, OTHER VICTIMS AND THE PEOPLE IN GENERAL, I WILL AWAIT APPROPRIATE PROCEDURES AND PRAY THAT THEY ARE HONEST AND OPEN, REGARDLESS OF STANDARD PAST COVERT REACTIONS. QUOTE FROM Senator John C. Danforth: "It is important for all of us in Congress, the media and the public to acknowledge our own responsibilities for the lack of openness we lament in government. When public officials fear that the disclosure of their mistakes would lead to personal humiliation and professional ruin, it is understandable if they prefer concealment to candor." WE CAN NO LONGER AFFORD AVOIDANCE OF THESE CONFIRMED ISSUES. OUR SURVIVAL DEPENDS ON PROPER REPRESENTATION FROM THOSE WHOM WE TRUST AND PAY TAXES. I ASSURE CLOSURE AND PROPER PUBLICITY. AUGUST 14th, 2007: Mr. Butner, At your request I have initiated an inquiry into your concerns with regard to electronic surveillance. I have contacted both the Department of Homeland Security and the FBI. It will take sometime to receive a reply back from these agencies. You should be receiving a letter in the mail stating that I have initiated an inquiry All the best, Steve Steven G. Thornton District Director Congressman Gary G. Miller 42nd District, California 1800 East Lambert Road Suite 150 Brea, CA 92821 (714) 257-1142 (714) 257-9242 Fax PURPOSE: Respectfully, this is an authorization in compliance with the Privacy Act for assistance of Congressman Miller to obtain answer and/or assistance from the FBI and Homeland Securities into the situation concerning the case of Robert O. Butner Jr. as indicated with the UPDATED AUGUST, 2007 (RESUBMIT February 17, 2009) contents of report entitled: ELECTRONIC SURVEILLANCE, EXTREME ABUSE of TECHNOLOGY, SECURITIES AND HUMAN RIGHTS. This report can be accessed on website The Federal Bureau of Investigation and Homeland Securities are requested to ANSWER DIRECTLY to Congressman Miller concerning the aspects of this case situation and status. Congressman Miller will intern ANSWER IN WRITING the details from the FBI and Homeland Securities to Robert O. Butner Jr. If the answer is composed of legal statutes such as ‘secrecy in the interest of the people’, the statutes are requested from the FBI and Homeland Securities and will be honored. At least this type professional acknowledgment, from people we pay taxes, will provide some piece and pursuit of happiness to the family of Robert Butner, on behalf of the people. Otherwise his attempted plea for assistance will continue with the web site report inclusive of extremely high statistics and publication. Personal interviews and detection tests are authorized. (IMPORTANT: Respectfully, this is a call for ASSISTANCE PER THE UPDATED REPORT – AUGUST, 2007 (February 17, 2009) (not prior). THE REFERENCED FBI CASE NUMBERS ARE OUTDATED AND DO NOT REFER TO THIS UPDATED REPORT. Mr. Butner has retired and had no previous time for the consuming editing and preparation of his report. Robert Butner has no criminal record prior to and after initiation of this situation and no history of mental incompetence or inventing reports. As referenced by Mr. Steve Thornton of Congressman Miller’s office, he does understand the point that Mr. Butner is making on his web site report. However since the report is a full case history with substantial information, BULLET POINTING main concerns as follows as been requested: v Electronic surveillance capabilities, extreme abuse of technology, securities and human rights. v The evidence submitted speaks for itself; However, I wish to testify also, as a victim and eye-witness to the atrocities of these "secret" technologies. v Specifically, I am concerned about SATELLITE - MICROWAVE, ELECTROMAGNETIC ‘TYPE’, NEUROLOGICAL CAPABILITIES AND TO WHOSE HANDS THEY HAVE FALLEN INTO. v CERTAIN COVERT GROUPS that have access to this equipment ARE NOT SATISFIED with surveillance capabilities only. v In some cases, Targeted Individuals SUCH AS ME are SUBJECTED TO DIRECT FREQUENCIES THAT ARE SO EXPLICIT AND TORTUROUS THAT THEY ARE AUDIBLY AND VISUALLY APPARENT. v IN ADDITION, other symptoms are as follows: Audible sounds such as hissing, buzzing, clicking, ringing, "beyond normal", and very distinct frequency "changing sounds" (to the point of ear aches). Professionals will identify with this explanation, i.e. beyond normal ringing is associated with certain radio wave and clicking with microwave. Also, sounds such as standing near high power lines. Holography - Eyes open and closed. Sensations of heat and cold. Manipulation of sense of touch. Various parts of the body can be made to tingle, or become numb. Frequent pain: abdominal, headaches, earaches and a stinging or straining of the eyes. These can linger for several hours or come and go in a minute's time. Sleep deprivation, or the feeling of being "wired instead of gaining rest." (THIS ONE IS MAJOR AND CREATES MANY OTHER OBVIOUS PROBLEMS). Very vivid dreams and nightmares (very distinct from your own). Memory and concentration are severely affected. Control of emotional states, i.e., feelings of anger, anxiety, lethargy, peace, exhilaration, etc. "Infuriation is experienced and obviously expected." I KNOW HOW MY PERPETRATORS USE THIS EQUIPMENT VERY EMPHATICALLY. IMAGINE HOW AN Al-Qaeda NETWORK COULD USE THIS TECHNOLOGY ALSO! WHAT DO WE HAVE TO DO TO RECEIVE PROPER ATTENTION AND HELP? WHAT CHANCES DO WE WISH TO TAKE? Sincerely, Robert O. Butner Jr. August 8th, 2007 REISSUE February 17, 2009 (11) Letter from HARRY REID,United States Senator,Nevada From: Date: Mon, Feb 23, 2009 at 4:08 PM Subject: Correspondence from Senator Reid To: February 23, 2009 Mr. Eric Griffin Henderson, Nevada 89014-3899 Dear Mr. Griffin: Thank you for contacting me. It is good to hear from you, although I regret to learn of the difficulty you have experienced. During my time in Washington, I have remained committed to making Nevada a better, safer place to live, and you can be assured that I am sensitive to your concerns. In the meantime, if you believe that a crime has been committed under the Nevada Revised Statute's prohibitions against harassment, please contact your local police department. Henderson Police Department 223 Lead St. Henderson, NV 89015 (702) 267-5050 Emergency: 911 Also, if you have not already done so, you may wish to consult the advice of a lawyer about whether you have some other remedy available to you. Clark County Legal Services provides legal assistance free of charge and can be reached at: Clark County Legal Services 800 South Eighth Street Las Vegas, Nevada 89101 (702) 386-1070 Additionally, the Nevada Bar can refer you to a licensed Nevada attorney who has expertise in the area in which you need help. You can reach them at (702) 382-0504 or through their website at Again, thank you for taking the time to share your thoughts with me. I hope that this information is helpful and that you will not hesitate to contact me if you feel I can be of further assistance to you. I look forward to hearing from you in the near future. My best wishes to you. Sincerely, HARRY REID United States Senator Nevada HR:cs
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STRASBURG DEMO ON JUNE 22+23 (updating)

Please join and support demo -- Mr. Rudy from France. Contact Mr. Rudy After last summer's successful demo, Rudy is repeating the same experience this year. He got the permission from the Strasburg Authorities to organize 2 demonstrations : 1) On Monday 22 June at the European Court of Human Rights, in Allée des Droits de l' Homme from 9.30 a.m to 5.30 p.m. Tel. +33.(0) 2) On Tuesday 23 June at the Council of Europe in Avenue de l'Europe from 9.30 a.m to 5.30 p.m. Tel.+33.(0) Those 2 dates Rudy has chosen are very important dates as the Plenary Assembly of the Council of Europe (PACE) will take place during the whole week (22nd - 26th June). Moreover, 2 Europarliamentarians are willing to grant Rudy an interview, if they get re-elected in next June's European elections. The obvious purpose of the demo is: "We want to demonstrate against the use of electromagnetic and neurological weapons, for the purpose of Nazi-type experiments on innocent citizens and we demand a law at the European level which forbids the possession, transport, trade and use of those weapons". As usual, Rudy has already started informing all European TV news editors and newspapers directors, and more particularly the alternative media. Five local newspapers' editors already said they would come. A number of Rudy's former university colleagues are also planning to come to support our cause. This is another chance for all of us, don't let it slip by. For some of you who keep complaining about the lack of action, now is the time to do it. Be the first to set an example. Here is a useful link if you wish to find a decent hotel with decent prices: Hotels in Strasburg Rudy stayed with a few other victims in the following hotel last year, they highly recommend it. Residence AMITEL 8 rue Soleure 67000 Strasbourg Tel +33.(0) Fax. +33.(0) Reservation : Yvette Andres (Note from Rudy: Some of you have mistakenly sent a bulk email to the hotel address in Strasburg. This hotel does NOT have anything to do whatsoever with our problems, so please remove their contacts from all your files as soon as you can. Please do not spam them. Many of us are going to this hotel in June, we do not wish to have any problem with the management, we'd like to be in good terms with everyone there.Thanks for your understanding.) Single room: 41 euros per night for half board. Double room; 36 euros per night and per person for half board. Half board is compulsory. You may not choose only bed and breakfast. There is an extra charge of 5 euros for your yearly membership card. If you arrive on Sunday 21st, please note that the reception service for newcomers is open on Sundays between 6 p.m and 10 p.m only. Do not arrive before 6 pm nor after 10 pm as there won't be anybody to receive you. Because it is both comfortable, cheap and very central, this place receives lots of reservations. So if you 're sure to join the demo, please book your room right now. No deposit to pay, you can always cancel if you change your mind. 23 slogans from Rudy in view of the Strasburg demo. Obviously, the slogans (except one which is multilingual) are in French, since we are going to demonstrate in France ! Are you going to wait until all the innocent people of the planet are dead to react ? One of these innocent people may be a member of your family. You could be next ! Allez-vous attendre que tous les êtres innocents de la planète soient morts pour réagir ? Un des ces êtres innocents peut être un membre de votre famille. Demain, ce sera peut-être vous ! Vamos ficar à espera até que todas as pessoas inocentes do planeta morram para tomarmos uma atitude? Uma destas pessoas inocentes pode pertencer à sua família. Você pode ser o próximo ! ¿ Van ustedes a esperar que todos los seres humanos inocentes del planeta estén muertos para reaccionar? Alguna de estas personas inocentes puede ser un miembro de su familia. ¡ Mañana te puede ocurrir a tí ! Warten Sie darauf bis alle unschuldigen Menschen des Planeten tot sind, bis Sie reagieren? Einer dieser unschuldigen Personen kann ein Mitglied Ihrer Familie sein. Sie könnten der Nächste sein ! Volete aspettare che tutti gli esseri innocenti del pianeta siano morti per reagire ? Uno di questi esseri potrebbe anche trovarsi nella vostra famiglia. Domani potrebbe capitare a te ! Θα περιμένετε να πεθάνouv óλες οι αθώες υπάρξεις του πλανήτη για να αντιδράστε ; Μια απó αυτές τις αθώες υπάρξεις μπορεí να εíναι μέλος της δικής σας οικογένειας . Αύριο θα είσθε íσως εσεíς ________________________________________________ 1.L'Opération Gladio part à la chasse à l'homme ! 2.Massacre mondial par les armes électroniques déclenchées à distance ! 3.Guerre des Services Secrets contre la population ! 4.Qui a ordonné aux Services Secrets la guerre contre la liberté ? 5. Contrôle strict de TOUTES les ondes électromagnétiques dans l'habitat et l'environnement. 6. Libération des victimes de la surveillance totale et du harcèlement électromagnétique ! 7. Qui organise et qui finance la traque électromagnétique commandée par ordinateurs ? 8. NON aux expérimentations humaines de type nazi ! 9. Qui dirige le contrôle des populations et les liquidations à travers le monde ? 10. L'eurodictature assassine ses citoyens ! 11. D'innombrables citoyens innocents sont la proie facile des Services Secrets ! 12. Qu'attendent les gouvernements du monde entier pour combattre la terreur électromagnétique? 13. Vous pouvez devenir une victime, vous aussi ! 14. Arrêt immédiat des expériences psychophysiques sur des êtres humains innocents ! 15. Non aux technologies criminelles qui irradient les citoyens ! 16. Non à tout contrôle du subconscient humain ! 17. Non au génocide électromagnétique et neurologique! 18. Non aux expériences médico-militaires sur les citoyens paisibles et innocents! 19. Les Services Secrets effectuent leurs expériences criminelles à distance et en toute impunité ! 20. Tortures infâmes et meurtres secrets de personnes innocentes déguisés en suicides dans plusieurs pays ! 21. Arrêtez et condamnez le harcèlement moral poussant au suicide! 22. A la communauté scientifique internationale, nous sollicitons votre aide pour la production d'un logiciel gratuit pour nos ordinateurs, afin de bloquer et éliminer les radiofréquences que nous envoient les criminels pour nous agresser. Please help to spread media releases in 10 languages
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22 Mar 2009 Mailteam works--victims work trends (1) Please support Mr. Eric court case in OSC (US Office of Special Counsel) Form12 3/18/2009 Case Number: DI-09-1783 Created: Mar 18 2009 11:26PM Last Modified: Mar 19 2009 10:13AM. Original Entry Date 12/2/2007 9:30 PM Last Modified 3/24/2008 9:49 AM Case Number MA-08-1512 User Information ERIC GRIFFIN Agency: citizen You also can submit your case from this link Please read full information of court case from: (2) Please support Mr.John Finch Court Case in ICC(THE INTERNATIONAL CRIMINAL COURT) John Finch 5/8 Kemp St, Thornbury, Vic 3071, Australia, TEL: 0424009627 EMAIL:, 18/03/2009 PLEASE SEND YOUR TORTURE AND ABUSE CASES AND INFORMATION TO THE INTERNATIONAL CRIMINAL COURT – use Reference: OTP-CR-70/07 M.P. Dillon Head of the Information & Evidence Unit, Office of the Prosecutor THE INTERNATIONAL CRIMINAL COURT Post Office Box 19519, 2500 CM The Hague, The Netherlands TEL: 31-70-5158515 FAX: 31-70-5158555 WEB: EMAIL:,,, Reference: OTP-CR-70/07 Please read full information of court case from: (3) Eric and Ann invite you to see the Doctor We WERE SETTING APPOINTMENTS TO SEE THE DOCTOR AND I AM GOING TO DRIVE AND PICK SOME T.I 'S UP AND TAKE THEM TO CALI FOR TESTING WITH OUR DOCTOR AND TO SEE THE P.I IF YOU WANT TO GO CONTACT ANN BAKER FOR MORE INFORMATION KIDS TESTING IS $100 ADULTS $260 JUST LOOK AT IT AS A ROAD TRIP. ERIC GRIFFIN (4) Write to Media (5) Welcome to join linkedin group which can meet more people UN groups My linkedin page:
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5 Jan 2009 Mailteam works--victims work trends

5 Jan 2009 Mailteam works--victims work trends (1) Help USA victim Sara 3 Jan 2009 Final call for a TI in the Los Angeles area who may be homeless as of tomorrow night. If anyone has a spare room for a month or so in the Los Angeles area or nearby, so that she can get on her feet, please contact Sara asap at: 323-541-3054. Thanks, Derrick (2) Join our actions to let government hear our voices Please help us to rise 3000 voices to let government hear our voices. We need continue to rise our voices after 31 Dec 2008. Please join our action "Ban Mind Control/Directed Energy Weapons abuse and torture" (3) Some news from Feb hearing organized by Senator Eric Adams Timothey wrote: I understand. The Senator asked that we to provide him with professional experts that can lend credibility to the fact that these crimes are going on now and must be addressed by our officials and law enforcement. Dr. Ross is an outstanding addition to our list of experts. Only myself or Senator Adams will make direct contact with the experts we are requesting information and testimony from. As I and Senator Adams are already victims of massive amounts of e-mails from victims around the world. Keep in mind we are in New York City, a city with a huge grass roots activist community, a city that is the media capital of the world. Eric Adams is not your average State Legislator, I know this man personality. Senator Adams is one of the strongest voices to come into the political arena in the last 20 years. He will not let up, he will not stop until we are all free of this injustice . ALL HE NEEDS IS EVIDENCE! Timothy R. White (4) Eleanor White Wrote: US CBS show "60 minutes" will air a segment on mind reading. It airs at 7pm Eastern Standard Time in the Eastern Time Zone on Sunday, January 4, 2009. Check your local listings for other time zones. (5)John Mecca and Debbie Lamb are bringing a court case together and is around 40% finished. (6) Possible method to test electromagnetic waves Cindy Dyer wrote: First of all; there most certainly IS equipment that can test sound waves and energy disturbances within and around you. These perps have to do a lot of this in CLOSE PROXIMITY. There are the "other" things that they do not have to be as close, but that is the V2K and stuff. They have people out there that can test us and if we get together as a group and perhaps set this up, as with ICS, we can ask how much they want to test some of us in one specific area, which would mean that everyone else that wanted to be tested, might have to travel to one location to have this done, but I think for the record and for legal reasons, that if we combine resources, those of us that are willing to pay out some money, we could have this done. We can then combine the results and show what we have as proof. It's just a thought. We all put in some money and try to gravel with this investigator from ICS and then maybe he will take the fee from combined resources. What do you think? wrote: First of all the evidence is easy as it is available eith cameras and medical reports...Itis not far away it is done with the Active Denial weapons technology and EMF or EMR waves... Call your electric company as they can tell you if you have anything in your home that is causing these types of problems. Note from Soleilmavis : I have bought a electromanetic waves detector which can detect electromagnetic waves between 50Hz--3000Hz, but it can not detect mind control weapons. I also bought a shielding clothes which can shield electromagnetic waves between 10Hz-3000Hz, but it also can not shield mind control weapons (7) an interesting website to help you pronounce a word in different languages
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1 November 2008 Mailteam Works-- Victims work trends (help Jennifer) Jennifer wrote: Hello.I DO NEED YOUR HELP! I am locked up in an AFC home in Michigan. They diagnosed me as psychotic when I told everyone the truth. I am not psychotic. And then they gave me a guardian, which is my mother. I was locked up here on December 9, 2005 and have been in an AFC home. They are planning on moving me to a different AFC home because I continue to speak the truth. They keep increasing my medications and making me into a zombie. I know the truth and I will have to die by the truth. I need your help and I want to be free. Please help me. I used to be a social worker. I had a good life. Now I have nothing.Please email me back soon.Jennifer Mairjas wrote: I just spoke to her mother and she told me I couldn't speak to her. I didn't identify myself, I just asked "can I speak to Jennifer?" and her mother was very nasty. Scary tone as if she's her military guardian. She said: "you can't talk to her".I played dumb and ask what time would be a good time and the mother told me "you can't really talk to her." I asked if she lives there and she hesitated and then said she wont be there for a while. So, I asked her when is she coming back, she just hung up on me. Bob wrote: I was contacted by a woman in Michigan named Jennifer who heard about Sharon Jones and asked for help in obtaining freedom after being confined for nearly three years following a mistaken psychiatric diagnosis produced by her attempts to tell the same truth that Sharon tried to tell. Does anyone know of other cases like this? We can try to help them. I am not asking you to write letters to support Jennifer at this time, but I may do so later. Details of Jennifer's case are below with identifying information deleted. Bob To: Michigan Adult Protective Services Re: Jennifer xxx I am a retired attorney in North Hollywood, CA. I have been working as a concerned citizen on a voluntary basis to expose the truth about crimes within federal agencies and to try to assist the victims of these crimes. To supplement my telephone report to you this morning, I am providing below the email correspondence with Jennifer xxx. Jennifer contacted me because I was able to help another woman in NY who had been mistakenly diagnosed as psychotic on the basis of her statements of true facts about criminal activities within federal agencies. Jennifer has been in the same situation since December 2005. I and hundreds of other people know these statements to be true. We have extensive documentation to prove this truth. Psychiatrists with no knowledge of this reality assume that statements of fact on this subject are delusions and thus mistakenly diagnose people who state such true facts as delusional. Jennifer has been suffering the consequences of a mistaken psychiatric diagnosis for nearly three years. I am not representing Jennifer as an attorney since I am not now in active practice, and I have never been licensed to practice law in Michigan. I am writing to you as a concerned citizen who was asked for assistance by Jennifer. According to the email from Jennifer, she has been held involuntarily in an AFC home. She did not give me the location, but we found the following phone and address listing: xxx An associate of mine called this number and asked to speak to Jennifer. A woman, probably Jennifer's mother and appointed guardian, said that the caller could not speak to Jennifer and hung up. This response indicates that we must have reached the right place. I have not heard from Jennifer since then. It appears that her mother may have blocked Jennifer's access to the Internet as the result of this phone call. Michigan law does not permit involuntary confinement of a person because of mental illness unless the person poses a danger to herself or others. Jennifer's beliefs about crime in government would not pose a danger to anyone other than the government criminals about whom Jennifer has expressed accurate beliefs. I can provide extensive documentation to prove that the beliefs which Jennifer expressed are true, but that is not the immediate issue. The immediate issue is that the law does not permit Jennifer to be involuntarily confined because of mental illness unless she poses a danger. My guess is that Jennifer is not being physically locked in, but she believes that she does not have the freedom to leave, and she is being drugged into a zombie condition so that she is not capable of leaving. This raises questions as to whether she is receiving proper care from her mother, acting as her guardian. Acting on Jennifer's request for my help, I am asking APS to do the following: Locate Jennifer and inform her of her right to leave the AFC home. See that Jennifer receives necessary shelter and financial support elsewhere from the funds that her mother is receiving for Jennifer's support. Investigate whether Jennifer's guardian has been acting properly in Jennifer's behalf and help Jennifer apply for a change of guardian if she believes this to be in her best interest. Help Jennifer to obtain legal assistance in removing the stigma of a mistaken diagnosis of psychosis. Please let me know what additional information you may need to support the above requests and to establish that Jennifer has been misdiagnosed as psychotic because of the false assumption that her beliefs about government crimes cannot be true. Her experiences match the experiences of at least a thousand other victims of the same government crimes. I am one of those victims, and I am in touch with hundreds of others. I understand that you will initiate investigation of this report within 24 hours. The email below from Jennifer is her authorization for you to communicate with me on the subject. Please let me know the results of your initial investigation and tell me how I may be of further assistance on this matter. /s/ Soleilmavis Wrote: To: Michigan Adult Protective Services Re: Jennifer xxx Dear Sir/ Madam,I am a victim of remote Mind Control and Directed Energy Weapons abuse and torture. I became a victim when I was studying Master Degree in Australia since December 2001. There are thousands victims all over the world who are suffering the same torture and abuse. And more than 1000 victims had been working hard together to expose such a terrible crime. Please kinly take your valuable time to have a look at what victims' work trends from You also can find reliable survey and result from the above site. I require your kinly attention to such a worldwide situatiion and free Jennifer. Thank you and Best Regards! Soleilmavis Online shop:
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FREEDOM NOT FEAR WORLD ACTION DAY 11 OCT 2008 (in many languages) A broad movement of campaigners and organizations is calling on everybody to join action against excessive surveillance by governments and businesses. On 11 October 2008, concerned people in many countries will take to the streets, the motto being "Freedom not fear 2008". Peaceful and creative action, from protest marches to parties, will take place in many capital cities. Surveillance mania is spreading. Governments and businesses register, monitor and control our behaviour ever more thoroughly. No matter what we do, who we phone and talk to, where we go, whom we are friends with, what our interests are, which groups we participate in - "big brother" government and "little brothers" in business know it more and more thoroughly. The resulting lack of privacy and confidentiality is putting at risk the freedom of confession, the freedom of speech as well as the work of doctors, helplines, lawyers and journalists.................... MEDIA RELEASE Dear .Human Rights and Civil Liberties Supporters On the 11th of October 2008, human and civil rights organizations from all over the world are planning protests in their capitals. This world-wide campaign seeks to raise awareness for the need of greater freedom and democracy in Europe. We organize a protest against the security and intelligence apparatus of states, which contravene human rights by means of surveillance, data retention and biometric databases. The retention of citizen's electronic communication violates fundamental human rights, such as the right to privacy. It prevents confidential communication between priests and confessors, journalists and their sources, doctors and their patients, lawyers and their clients. And it does not increase the success of criminal investigations. Instead it can be used to reveal political, business, and private communication and thus endangers the work of political, direct aid as well as refugee support groups. We kindly ask you to support this major European protest by sending the call for action to your members and other like-minded organizations. We are very thankful for organizational, logistic and financial support, which is still needed in many countries! *Our common goal is to form a broad and sustainable movement for freedom and democracy across the world.* Our vision is that hundreds of thousands of people stand up for a just society. The International Call for Action can be found on the internet. (If you would like to participate, you are kindly requested to translate into your language and release it together with a press release, describing your planned actions.) May we kindly ask you and your national member organizations to sign and support the campaign and its Call for Action. Please be aware that the whole campaign costs a lot of money; e.g. for Germany we estimate costs of 50-100.000 Euro. The organizations in the member states are kindly asked to strive for independent funding as money is desperately needed in every country. We have set up an organizational website, where every country is listed. In some states the contact data of a main organizer are still missing, which simply means that no organization has taken the responsibility of organizing the protest yet. All of you are most welcome to do so. If you have any questions or comments, please do not hesitate to contact me, you'll find my contact data below. Best regards, John Finch, 5/8 Kemp St, Thornbury, Vic 3071, Australia, TEL: 0424009627 EMAIL:, TARGETED INDIVIDUAL and a member of THE WORLDWIDE CAMPAIGN AGAINST TORTURE AND ABUSE USING DIRECTED ENERGY AND NEUROLOGICAL WEAPONS CONTACTS,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, "Mailtem" members of THE WORLDWIDE CAMPAIGN AGAINST TORTURE AND ABUSE USING DIRECTED ENERGY AND NEUROLOGICAL WEAPONS(mind control/human manipulation/PSYCHOTRONIC WEAPONS ) John Finch, 5/8 Kemp St, Thornbury, Vic 3071, Australia, TEL: 0424009627 EMAIL:, FREEDOM FROM COVERT HARASSMENT AND SURVEILLANCE MR DERRICK ROBINSON WEB: EMAIL:,, THE ASSOCIATION AGAINST THE ABUSE OF PSYCHOPHYSICAL WEAPONS PRESIDENT SWETLANA SCHUNIN EMAIL:,, WEB: THE AMERICAN COGNITIVE LIBERTIES ASSOCIATION THE DIRECTOR WEB: EMAIL:,, THE FEDERATION AGAINST MIND CONTROL EUROPE MS MONIKA STOCES, MR DANNY BONTE WEB: EMAIL:,,,, MIND CONTROL - TECHNOLOGY, TECHNIQUES & POLITICS MR ALLEN BARKER Ph.D WEB: , SURVEILLANCE ISSUES MR PAUL BAIRD WEB: EMAIL:, SECRET ILLEGAL SURVEILLANCE AND ATTACKS MS LESLIE CRAWFORD WEB: EMAIL: MIND JUSTICE MS CHERYL WELSH WEB: EMAIL: INTERNATIONAL MOVEMENT TO BAN THE MANIPULATION OF THE HUMAN NERVOUS SYSTEM BY TECHNICAL MEANS, MR MOMJIR BABACEK WEB:, EMAIL:,, GERMANY - VEREIN GEGEN DEN MISSBRAUCH PSYCHOPHYSISCHER WAFFEN WEB: ASSOCIAZIONE VITTIME ARMI ELETTRONICHE-MENTALI MR PAOLO DORIGO WEB: , EMAIL:,,,,, INDIA - NO MORE COVERT MIND CONTROL WEAPONS MR FEISAL SALIM A.S. WEB: EMAIL:, CHINA - PEACEPINK MS SOLEILMAVIS WEB: (in Chinese and English) (in Chinese and English) (in Chinese and English) (Chinese) EMAIL:, JAPAN - STOP MIND CONTROL のサイトは、兵器技術や心理学等を悪用した、マインドコントロールの強制人体実験に反対します WEB: , , (in JAPANESE and ENGLISH) (in JAPANESE) JAPAN - WEB: THE MOSCOW HOUSING ECOLOGY COMMITTEE MS ALLA PETUKHOVA WEB: EMAIL:,, THE ST.PETERSBOURGH SOCIETY OF PERSONS SUBJECT TO REMOTE CONTROLLED BIOENERGETIC TERROR THE DIRECTORS WEB: EMAIL:,, BAN ELECTRONIC WARFARE ON CIVILIANS PETITION 280 + SIGNATURES AND MESSAGES OF VICTIMS & SUPPORTERS WEB: EMAIL:, MIND CONTROL FORUM VICTIMS' ACCOUNTS 600 + VICTIMS' ACCOUNTS WEB: NAFF - ADVOCATING FOR VICTIMS OF MIND CONTROL, TORTURE, SLAVERY & RELATED TERROR MS KATHLEEN SULLIVAN WEB: EMAIL: FASCISM - "9-11" - MIND CONTROL MR JAMES MARINO WEB: EMAIL: RULE OF LAW DEFENDERS MR MOE HOSNY WEB: EMAIL: MIKROWELLENTERROR.DE/ WEB: EMAIL:, INTERNATIONAL COMMITTEE ON OFFENSIVE MICROWAVE WEAPONS MR HARLAN GIRARD WEB: EMAIL: EMF TORTURE CHAMBER MS T. JOSEPHINE WEB: EMAIL:, TECHNOLOGICAL TORTURE MS PAT STEWART WEB: EMAIL: EXOTIC WARFARE.COM WEB: EMAIL:, ORGANIZED CRIME WAVES MS ELIZABETH ADAMS EMAIL: CITIZENS AGAINST HUMAN EXPERIMENTATION MR RICHARD PERLMANN WEB: EMAIL:, THE CENTER FOR COGNITIVE LIBERTY & ETHICS (CCLE) MR RICHARD GLEN BOIRE, DR WRYE SENTENTIA WEB: EMAIL:, THE DECLARATION OF ALARMED CITIZENS MR JEAN VERSTRAETEN EMAIL: US CITIZENS ARE SECRETLY BEING USED AS RESEARCH RATS WEB: EMAIL: MR RUDY ANDRIA - EMAIL: MR WALDEMAR LOTZ - EMAIL:,, MR WALTER MADLIGER EMAIL:, MR DARIUS MOCKUS EMAIL:, MS DENISE S. POMPL EMAIL:,,
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