necessary (1)

Posted on September 23, 2019 by gretta fahey

 Many Europeans and those further afield have already been unknowingly wirelessly connected to a central control system from a large variety of implants in their brains and bodies. Many are under wirelessly enabled microwave mind control. Many have been inculcated into states of unquestioning obedience during their time at college and training school. Many have studied false and misleading information during their time at college and training school. Many are having their brains entrained by frequencies of apathy and passivity which are being wirelessly sent to their brains via phone towers and via microwave transmitters without them being aware of it. Others are being sent information via the aforementioned phone towers to their brains and to their central nervous systems in order to develop a scientific method of rendering them immobile if they refuse to obey the voice commands that they receive from unknown neuro operatives who work from an unknown location. I am one of these. I receive voice commands, pain, images, forced muscle movement, sensations and a variety of other unwanted experiences on a continual basis and this has been the case for more than sixteen years. Every few days I post online what these unknown neuro operatives have been heard by me to say in the previous days leading up to the post. Here below is a small selection of what they have been saying to me recently :-
“What are we doing?” “Nothing” “The subject isn’t available to us. She is transfixed by a lighting system.” (That was said in response to the fact that I was in bed alone in my home and I happened to be shining an ultra violet torch around my bedroom and because the lighting in my bedroom was rendered abnormal by the ultra violet light the neuro scientists and other neuro operatives could not then continue their remote wireless experimentation on my brain and central nervous system.)
“The bowel system is not what we are interested in. We are interested in bio-robotizing the woman.”
“This woman is going to cop it and I’ll make sure she does.” ” She has criticized the system to an extreme degree and she won’t get away with it.” “I have nothing on her” “Find something.”
“She is entitled to peace of mind, the same as everybody else. You’re the culprit, not her.”
“You’ll be placed under a hold if you don’t watch yourself, you stupid woman.”
“Gretta. We are not going to have a problem with you in the future because you are not going to be able to deal at all.”
“Is there any way we can deal that would ruin this woman.”
“Whose house is she in today. ” “Her own. She has the right of residence to live there until she does but she does not actually own it.”
“Gretta. We haven’t shut down the study. We just claim to do so when other people are listening in order to impress them.”
“You are living an unsustainable lifestyle” “We will force you to accept our help.” (This was said to me because I don’t work and I claim disability allowance for irritable bowel syndrome.)
“Is someone attempting to sabotage these programs? This program failed. Are we having a problem? We are endeavouring to report a criminal offence.”
“No we are not. We can validate that this woman never has committed a crime in her life.”
“Incinerate the bitch.”
“We will maintain her in a controlled demeanour throughout.”

I believe that when 5G is erected in your country it will enable the individuals who run the central control system to have enough  broadband  available to them to send you voice commands, horrific visions and pain and you will then be enslaved if you don't canvas to have phone towers taken down and banned.

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