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If you are a Remote Neural Monitoring neuro operative and you happen to be one of the operatives who remote neural monitor me while I am quietly going about my private life inside my own family  home and if you should choose to submit a negative report about me I am now at a stage where I can be immobilized to the extent that I would not be able to move a muscle in the forefront of my body.  My hands and legs could also be rendered immobile at some time in the future.   Be careful before deciding to join the ranks of the Remote Neural Monitoring neuro operatives because you will eventually be required to torture the good people who you monitor.  This Remote Neural Monitoring System is being set up with most of the men, women and children of the world in mind.  It is an as yet invisible enslavement system for most of the worlds people.  If you are in a position to prove  that this is happening in secret please report the matter to the police immediately.   Thank you.  Gretta Fahey.


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We have been given a conscience in order to use it to discern what is objectively right or wrong before we say or do anything. Under natural law, which is a known and respected science we are not allowed to abandon use of our conscience for any reason whatsoever. However, when nuns profess total obedience to the Pope they are abandoning use of their conscience from that day forward without knowing the true agenda of the Pope and the papacy which he serves. I believe that at the time that novices profess to become nuns they are under a state of brainwashing. They have effectively been manipulated to enslave themselves to an institution which I believe do not have the good of the human race as their agenda. When a religious ceremony is performed in which novices officially become nuns nothing of a supernatural nature actually takes place. This religious ceremony is simply an act of mesmerism. During the brainwashing that subtly takes place in order to get these novices to profess obedience to the Pope for the rest of their lives, a shift happens inside their brains moving them from a central and balanced position on the left brain/right brain continuum to a position of extreme right brain dominance. The characteristics of left brain dominance are cruelty, authoritariansim, intolerance, sadism, vindictiveness, selfishness and greed. The characteristics of left brain dominance are subservience, naivety, obedience, submissiveness and total compliance.

I do not wish to insult nuns. I wish to urge women to reconsider before professing obedience to the Papacy whom I do not trust. The Vatican are considered to be the wealthiest corporation on the planet. A corporation is a business. A business has money and power at the top of its agenda. Please reconsider before you become a nun.  Supreme obedience to the papal authority is always wrong under moral law.

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Our minds should remain balanced at the centre of a bell curve. 
If we become left brain dominant we become cruel, intolerant, selfish, greedy, sadistic, unmerciful, intolerant, domineering, controlling, tyrannical, inhumane, vindictive and authoritarian.

If we become right brain dominant we become subservient, docile, trusting, obedient, servile, submissive, naive, timid and humble. We become religious extremists and unquestioning order followers.

We all veer from left brain dominant to right brain dominant throughout our lives especially when under stress. However, we strive to remain centred.

I believe that nuns are right brain dominant. They have been manipulated to enslave themselves to the Papacy. We do not know what the true agenda of the papacy actually is. The Vatican is the wealthiest corporation on the planet so we can be sure its agenda is not generosity. The Pope and the Cardinals appear to be left brain dominant.

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Knowledge has been hidden from us for thousands of years because a differential in knowledge leads to a differential in power. Power hungry dark occultists have hoarded all types of knowledge including recent advances in science and technology in order to further their own ability to control and even enslave the rest of the human race. However, now that we have the internet where there is no central focus which they can control we have learned of their trickery. Here below is some psychological manipulations which they have been subjecting us to and which we were totally unaware of until recently.

When we are put through the government run school system at the lower schooling levels we become right brain dominant. Right brain dominant people are usually unquestioningly obedient to the control system. Some of their other characteristics are naivete, total trust in church and state, religious extremism, submissiveness, shunning worldly goods in favour of rewards in the afterlife, wrongly believing in the false concept of authority and keeping their heads below the radar.

When the police and military graduate from their respective training academies, they have become left brain dominant. Some of the characteristics of left brain dominant people are authoritarianism, skepticism, athiesm. They tend to believe in survival of the fittest, and they are prone to put material concerns before spiritual beliefs.

If you have a balance between your right brain and your left brain you are in a place of common sense and can see truth more clearly. It has been discovered by students of natural law that there are hidden laws at work in the invisible/mental/spiritual domain. These natural laws inform us that we have free will but that we do not have the ability to escape the consequences of our free will decisions. Natural law behavioural consequences are in place for our maximum evolutionary progress. The overarching ultimate law within the set of Natural Laws is as follows:- Freedom and Morality are directly proportional. As morality increases freedom also increases in any society. I obtained all of the above information from Mark Passio at www.whatonearthishappening.com.

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