- 19 July 2016
- From the section Magazine
All Posts (12221)
We sometimes have to learn hard lessons through our mistakes and ignorance.
EVEN when using a Tracfone/"burner", do NOT use any of the extras. If you want to play games, or keep a calendar or address book, shopping list, etc, get another cheap NEW Tracfone - but DON'T set up an account or add money. In this way, it acts like a PDA and can't be tracked bcz there's no access - it's just a dumb piece of equipment.
Tracking comes when either your phone is physically accessed and perps drop a tracker app on it, OR you use it to call a phone number perps are familiar with (like HOME). Once they can find out the phone number of your new cell phone, they have a multitude of ways to drop invasive information gathering software on your phone without you EVER being aware of it.
I'd advise getting a burner and don't use any of the added things such voice mail, and use it to JUST make a phone call to your doctor or private detective, nothing else! Leave the bells and whistles to a "dumb" PDA.
Do you have a Gmail account and want to find out if it's being monitored? Well, I thought I was okay bcz I pulled my hard drive so there was no place to store spyware, and was using Linux OS live off a DVD and dropping it into RAM*. Thing is, perps know when I'm online, so drop tracker into the RAM to harvest passwords I use during that session.
Here's how to find out if your Gmail account has people accessing it. BTW, it does not come up as suspicious activity when they access it, so you are NOT warned that someone is reading your emails.
At the bottom of your mail page, off on the right side is the following:
Click on this gmail hot link and you will see who has accessed your account in the past day, and the IP address from where they accessed it. If you can not account for the identity of each and every IP address, the access times, and the browser version# used as being yours - the chances are that you have someone reading your mail.
What went on at the hospital that 'experimented' on child patients?
In today's Magazine
Dozens of people who were child patients at a psychiatric hospital in the 1960s and 70s claim they were experimented on with a so-called truth serum. It has left them with disturbing memories and troubling questions.
"I was your typical 60s teenager," says Marianne, a softly-spoken woman in her sixties.
Framed posters of musicians like Bob Dylan and John Lennon still hang on the walls of the living room in her quiet semi in Derby and a feathered dream-catcher twirls in the window.
"I liked fashion, I liked music. It was a good time to be young."
But Marianne's memories of the time aren't all so idyllic.
At the age of 14, she found out from a teacher that she was adopted. Things became difficult at home and after getting into trouble with the police, she was given probation and sent to Aston Hall, a "mental deficiency hospital" treating adults and children.
All that's left today of the complex in Derbyshire is a grand white house where the hospital's staff once lived. The site of the patient dormitories is being redeveloped to make way for new homes.
Find out more
Image copyright Nottingham City Council/Picturethepast.org Image caption The patient dormitories at Aston Hall
File on 4: What happened at Aston Hall Hospital? is on BBC Radio 4, 19 July at 20:00 BST - catch up on BBC iPlayer Radio
But before the hospital was demolished, a group of urban explorers photographed the derelict site and posted eerie photos online. Former patients like Marianne (not her real name) found the forum and started leaving comments about their experiences there.
They set up a support group for former patients, and more started coming forwards with troubling stories about the drugs they were given, the treatments they were subjected to and the long-term effects which still plague them today.
Image copyright Project Mayhem
Image copyright Project Mayhem Image caption Pictures of the now-deserted Aston Hall hospital, posted on the Project Mayhem website
Many claim they were experimented on by the hospital's medical superintendent Dr Kenneth Milner using a drug called sodium amytal. It is known as a "truth serum" for its supposed ability to retrieve locked-away memories.
Marianne recalls a session with the doctor where she was stripped, made to wear a stiff white gown and told she would be asked some questions. Then he injected her with a drug that heavily sedated her.
"I can remember equating it to being drunk and I was going: 'I feel like I've had about a bottle of gin, I feel like I've had about two bottles of gin'. And I can remember going: 'Happy Christmas, doctor'."
Her account is similar to those of other former patients at the time, who remember being locked in a small treatment room with a mattress on the floor. Some say their hands were tied with bandages before they were injected. Their medical records show the typical dose of sodium amytal was 60mg.
Standards of institutional care for children during the 1960s and 70s have come under close scrutiny in recent years, as accusations of abuse at the time have grown. So what was going on under Dr Milner at Aston Hall?
Image copyright Fred Loasby Image caption Dr Kenneth Milner, Aston Hall's medical superintendant, is alleged to have used sodium amytal on child patients
One expert believes Dr Milner was practising "narcoanalysis", a therapy used during World War Two to treat soldiers with shell-shock.
It was thought men who had experienced the horror of battle sometimes repressed what had happened to them. And this turned the trauma into severe physical paralysis or depression.
Traditional psychotherapy, where patients were asked to talk about their dreams in the hope of uncovering the hidden trauma, took too long. Soldiers were needed back on the frontline. So psychiatrists began using sodium amytal, which made the traumatised servicemen less inhibited.
Image copyright Wellcome Trust Image caption Sodium amytal - the so-called "truth drug" - was thought to make trauma victims less inhibited about their suffering
Dr Norman Poole, a psychiatrist from St George's Hospital in London, sets out the theory: "Once you'd found this traumatic event and the patient was able to express this, then almost like a psychic abscess, you could prick it and the trauma, the grief, the emotions that were connected with it would come out and then the symptoms would resolve."
A 1946 documentary by the Hollywood director John Huston follows the rehabilitation of traumatised US servicemen, and shows narcoanalysis at work. In one scene, a soldier is treated with sodium amytal, questioned by a medic and then seen walking around the room unaided, having entered it unable to stand.
Media captionJohn Huston's 1946 documentary, Let There Be Light, shows a US serviceman being treated with sodium amytal
Narcoanalysis quickly fell out of fashion after the war, says Dr Poole, as alternative treatments emerged and psychiatrists became concerned about the lack of supporting evidence. However, evidence from Aston Hall shows it was being used into the late 1970s - not on grown male soldiers but vulnerable children and adolescents.
The UK's first-ever professor of child psychiatry, Michael Rutter from King's College London, was practising in the 1960s. The treatment, he says today, was not standard practice.
"As far as I knew nobody was using [sodium amytal] with children at that time," he says.
He is concerned by the use of the drug on children and the way it was administered. And he says he "would have been concerned even in those days".
Image copyright Wellcome Trust
Other experts say Dr Milner should have published research if he was using treatment on young patients that wasn't being widely used elsewhere. We weren't able to find any.
It wasn't just the use of the drug itself that was questionable, but what Dr Milner is alleged to have done when patients were under its influence.
Marianne says she had an internal examination in the room, which was embarrassing and unnecessary, and other patients have alleged sexual abuse by Dr Milner.
Image caption 'Marianne' recorded her memories of Aston Hall later in writing
Dr Milner died in 1975, making it impossible to put these allegations to him. However, his family point to another former patient who says she was treated with sodium amytal by Dr Milner after seeking his help voluntarily in the 1950s. She describes him as "wonderful" and says the treatment had made her life worth living.
Whatever the truth of these allegations, nearly all the patients we spoke to agreed Dr Milner asked very personal sexual questions during treatment.
"He asked me who'd interfered with me, and I went: 'Nobody'. And he said: 'Somebody's interfered with you'."
Image copyright SWNS
She remembers a young friend at the hospital having a similar experience, and asking Marianne to tell Dr Milner "my dad didn't abuse me".
"For her to have said that about her dad, I think it really hurt her, but I can understand it because he coerced you into thinking these things."
Some experts believe Dr Milner was trying to help his young patients talk about a sexual trauma they had either repressed or were uncomfortable talking about when fully conscious.
But because patients under the influence of sodium amytal are semi-conscious, in a highly suggestible state, there is a danger that asking leading questions can make them believe something happened that, in fact, didn't.
In the 1980s and 90s, the drug was at the centre of a number of law suits of so-called false memory, where patients mistakenly believed they had been the victims of abuse. In one notorious case, an executive from California sued a psychotherapist and was awarded half a million dollars after his daughter accused him of sexually abusing her following therapy. Sodium amytal had been used as part of the treatment.
Image caption The medical records of a patient at Aston Hall (name blanked out) show the prescription of sodium amytal
"It is not a truth serum," says Prof Elizabeth Loftus, an expert in memory from the University of California, Irvine. "When it comes to the recovery of pristine, accurate, allegedly repressed memories, it's a danger."
Another former patient of Aston Hall, Sandra, thinks she may have been encouraged to develop false memories.
After nine or 10 sessions at the hospital, Dr Milner told her: "We've got to the bottom of it, you were a hard nut to crack!"
During treatment, he said, she had revealed her father had sexually abused her as a child. This floored her. "I was just so upset, totally devastated."
Image caption Parts of Aston Hall are now being redeveloped
Sandra's sister thought words had been put into her mouth. But she disagreed.
"You believe what the doctor says don't you?" she explains.
The accusation caused a rift with her family. Her sisters doubted it could have happened as they looked after her when she was little and say she was never alone with her father.
Eventually, though, Sandra changed her mind.
"It came to me, that perhaps this only did happen under treatment, and for 51 years I have been accusing my father of maybe doing something he did not do. And the worst part about it, if it didn't happen, I've got to live the rest of my life knowing that I've told people that he's done this. And accused him of doing it."
Image copyright SWNS
The authorities are now investigating what happened at Aston Hall Hospital. A police inquiry has been launched and the Derbyshire Safeguarding Children Board, a multi-agency body including police, health and social services, says it is working to ensure the allegations are thoroughly investigated and the appropriate support is in place for people who need it.
While former patients search for answers about what really happened to them, they may have to live with the harmful effects of the treatment for the rest of their lives.
If there is a story you would like File on 4 to investigate then please email fileon4@bbc.co.uk
File on 4: What happened at Aston Hall Hospital is on BBC Radio 4, 19 July at 20:00 BST - catch up on BBC iPlayer Radio
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This article in the Guardian says that scientists at Washington University have created a new brain map by combining scans of 210 adults in the Human Connectome project. They are looking at how neurons are connected in the human brain. Of course it`s to help brain surgeons....
If you look at the video, at the end it invites you to add your own brain data! - at humanconnectome.org
The picture above was uploaded to his gmail account. The moment I saw his picture, I instantly remembered corresponding with him. At that time he was in West Africa and I was very glad to have someone from that region of the world participating in our organization. He was requesting to be added to our Buddy List to which I replied, 'sure.' Then a month later for unexplained reasons, he wanted to deactivate his account. http://govsponsoredstalking.info/?p=2463
List of public-access TV stations in the United States (Alaska–Connecticut)
Look though this list and see if your state city town community has a public access TV Station if you do then you to by an easily becoming a member / with a membership of usely no more then $20 for a year can submit TV Shows to air. You can make your own videos from your handheld camera or get movies from others about there TI experience and share them in your communities.
If a lot of TI here on peacepink just went to there local public access television station became a member and then started to share the stories of TIs that wanted to get the message of the TI Community out more, this would BRING MUCH MORE Knowledge to our Message and what the USA is mostly not aware of.
This would give a BIG MEDIA BOOST to the MESSAGE of the TI Community.
If you have questions about public access TV Stations you can call me, I may take a moment or two to get back to you but I promise I will.
You don't have to be at the TV Stations to make TV Shows you can make them anyware.
You can also ask other TIs on YouTube to share there TI videos on TV! many love it!
You can also learn the correct way to Air Videos from Alex Jones/ many many others who understand the TI Community.In Jesus Christ Services
Wayne Morin Jr
PS I am a Christian and sometimes in our belief we must not do or be involved in certain subjects, please understand this, and treat me as you now no of this.
Collezione fumetti in attesa di valutazione
La mia collezione del solo Topolino inizia col numero 879 del 1° ottobre 1972 (pagato 150 £ire) e termina col numero 2133 del 15 ottobre 1996 (pagato 3.000 £ire). Sono presenti il n° 1000, il n° 1500 + targhetta e il n° 2000 + targhetta come da foto indicative ed anche gadgets che di tanto in tanto venivano aggiunti al settimanale di cui ero abbonato. Tutti in buono stato di cui 21 ancora blisterati nel cellophane.
Il numero 1500 completo della targhetta metallica.
Il numero 2000 con tutti i suoi accessori. Non manca nulla!
I ventuno (21) numeri di Topolino ancora blisterati
879 – 906 – 909 – 915 – 918 – 941 – 943 – 944 – 946 – 948 – 950 – 951 – 952 – 953 – 956 – 957 – 958 – 959 – 960 – 962 – 965 – 967 – 968 – 969 – 971 – 972 – 974 – 977 – 979 – 977 – 979 – 980 – 982 – 984 – 992 – 996 – 997 – 998 (*38 numeri in totale)
1000 – 1002 – 1005 – 1009 – 1010 – 1011 – 1013 – 1029 – 1031 – 1033 – 1040 – 1041 – 1042 1043 – 1044 – 1047 – 1049 – 1050 – 1055 – 1056 – 1058 – 1063 – 1064 – 1065 – 1074 – 1075 – 1078 – 1096 – 1098 (* 29 numeri in totale)
1100 – 1101 – 1104 – 1107 – 1108 – 1110 – 1120 – 1121 – 1128 – 1137 – 1141 – 1142 – 1144 – 1159 – 1167 – 1168 – 1170 – 1172 – 1174 – 1177 – 1180 – 1183 – 1184 – 1186 – 1189 – 1190 (*26 numeri in totale)
1213 – 1234 – 1237 – 1238 – 1240 – 1242 – 1243 – 1244 – 1245 – 1246 – 1247 – 1249 – 1250 – 1252 – 1253 – 1254 – 1263 – 1274 – 1276 – 1288 – 1291 – 1292 – 1296 – 1299 (*24 in totale)
1300 – 1302 – 1303 – 1307 – 1315 – 1316 – 1318 – 1320 – 1321 – 1328 – 1334 – 1335 – 1340 – 1343 – 1346 – 1361 – 1365 – 1366 – 1371 – 1373 – 1385 – 1394 – 1395 – 1396 – 1397 – 1399 (*26 numeri in totale)
1403 – 1404 – 1405 – 1406 – 1408 – 1412 – 1416 – 1437 – 1450 – 1485 – 1486 – 1487 – 1488 – 1489 – 1491 – 1492 – 1494 – 1496 (*18 in totale)
1500 – 1502 – 1507 – 1510 – 1511 – 1516 – 1517 – 1519 – 1520 - 1521 – 1522 – 1523 – 1529 – 1530/31 – 1533 – 1537 -1539 – 1540 – 1541 – 1542 – 1547 – 1549 – 1550 – 1551 – 1554 – 1555 – 1558 – 1559 – 1560 – 1561 – 1562 – 1563 – 1564 – 1565 – 1566 – 1567 – 1572 – 1577 – 1586 – 1587 – 1590 – 1591 – 1592 – 1593 – 1594 – 1595 (*46 in totale)
- Dal 1600 al 1699 tutti presenti. Non manca un numero (*100 numeri in totale)
- Dal 1700 al 1799 tutti presenti tranne il numero 1887 (*99 numeri)
- Dal 1800 al 1899 tutti presenti. Non manca un numero (*100 numeri )
- Dal 1900 al 1999 tutti presenti. Non manca un numero (*100 numeri )
- Dal 2000 al 2086 tutti presenti tranne 2 numeri: il 2057 e il 2083 (*84 numeri)
- Solo due numeri ancora: il n° 2104 e il n° 2133 e la mia collezione si interrompe qui nel 1996. (*2 numeri)
38+29+26+24+26+18+46+100+99+100+100+84+2 = 692 numeri complessivi di Topolino. 21 sono ancora nel cellophane perfettamente blisterati.
Elenco dei gadgets allegati ai numeri di Topolino in perfetto stato come da foto!!
SERIE 1500:
*** Il numero 1500 (come anticipato) è provvisto della storica targhetta di metallo.
*** Due (2) mazzi di carte de “Il mercante in fiera” che erano allegate da Topolino numero 1516 (del 1984) in poi. Un mazzo rosso più un mazzo giallo in perfetto stato. Le carte sono 32+32 per un totale di 64. Da ricerche in vari forum (e anche qui sul PaperSera) presumo però che i due mazzi completi siano composti da 40+40 per un totale di 80 carte. Vedi link http://www.papersera.net/cgi-bin/storico/YaBB.cgi?num=1390854959
*** Nel n° 1542 era presente il gioco "Vacanze 85". Io dispongo della targhetta metallica in perfetto stato e di un dadino. Il gadget completo avrebbe delle minuscole pedine magnetiche quindi anche questo non è perfettamente completo. Vedi link Papersera http://www.papersera.net/cgi-bin/yabb/YaBB.cgi?num=1320772343/59
*** Albero natale di cartoncino di Topolino n.1566 blisterato
SERIE 1600:
- Il Sistemone di Zio Paperone alleato a Topolino n° 1616 (*una copia)
- Il Sistemone di Zio Paperone alleato a Topolino n° 1632 (*ne quattro copie)
- Il Sistemone di Zio Paperone alleato a Topolino n° 1640 (*una copia)
- Topolino e il Ministro dell'Ambiente presentano: Tuttambiente – Allegato a Topolino n° 1635.
- La Ruota Magica di Topolino – Allegata a Topolino n°1665 (*ne ho 3 copie)
- N.1 e n.2 di Topolino Mercatino. Allegati ai numeri 1636 e 1648 (*2 copie del n.1)
SERIE 1700:
*** Topolino 60° Anniversario – Allegato a Topolino n°1702
*** Paperino più che mai – Allegato a Topolino n° 1728
*** Ferrari – Allegato a Topolino n°1781
*** Mazzo carte da gioco dentifricio AZ Junior. Allegato a Topolino n°1770
SERIE 1800:
*** Libricini “Speciale Risate Boom” allegati a Topolino n° 1844 (1), 1849 (2), 1868 (3), 1949 (5), 1993 (6), 2029 (7). Manca il numero 4 che era allegato a Topolimpiadi92
*** Libricini “Il Grande Silvan” allegati a Topolino n° 1888 (1), 1889 (2), 1891 (3), 1992 (4)
Silvan in: Giochi Di Prestigio Di Un Grande Mago 1986 (£ire 5.000) – Volumi rosso e blu
*** Zio Paperone più oro che mai – Allegato a Topolino n° 1819 (copertina un pò rovinata da acqua)
*** Topolino più copertina che mai – Allegato a Topolino n° 1851
*** Noi abbiamo bisogno del bosco – Allegato a Topolino n° 1863
*** Mazzo carte da gioco dentifricio Colgate Junior. Allegato a Topolino n°1855
*** Calendario 1991 composto da 6 pagine plastificate (front e retro che mostrano i 12 mesi dell'anno solare 1991) del Trofeo Topolino in collaborazione con Federazione Italiana Scherma e Corriere dello Sport
SERIE 1900:
*** Auguri Pippo – Allegato a Topolino n°1901
*** Topolino presenta: Un bosco per amico – Allegato a Topolino n° 1906
*** Qui Quo Qua e il... rifiuto dei rifiuti – Allegato a Topolino n° 1913
*** Qui Quo Qua e il problema olio usato – Allegato a Topolino n° 1942
*** Topo Taps n.1 della Banda Disney – Allegati da Topolino 1940 in poi
*** Topo Taps n.2 di Aladdin – 6 tappi allegati a Topolino 1989 in poi
*** Mazzo carte da poker 1951/54 della Fiat 500 più TopoCiondolo (portachiavi) rosa della FIAT500 allegato a Topolino 1946
*** FIAT 500 – Mazzo di carte da Poker blisterato. Allegate a Topolino n.1951/1954
*** Mazzo di carte da poker Modiano – Allegato a Topolino n.1907/10
*** Poster 1° Trofeo Topolino di Ciclismo – Allegato a Topolino n.1971
SERIE 2000:
*** Paperino Story 60 anni – Allegato a Topolino n° 2006
*** PaperPhone e PaperMemo – Allegato a Topolino n° 2008
*** 60 anni per una stella – Mazzo di arte Modiano blisterato. Allegato di Topolino n.2011/2014 del giugno 1994 per celebrare il 60° compleanno di Paperino.
Mazzo di carte da poker Modiano blisterato. Allegato di Topolino n.2063/2066. (Topolino sport in collaborazione con Zuegg)
*** 2015-2018 Topokit + speciale giochi (2015) + cartolina abbonamento duo kit (2016) + adesivo di "Minibasket" (2018)
*** Topopin di topolino 2002/2004
*** Spilla Topopin Paperino e Topolino N°2002
TopoKit completo allegato a Topolino 2015/2018 ancora immacolato a cui non sono stati nemmeno applicati gli adesivi.
Nella foto sovrastante ho messo insieme i 7 album di figurine. Solamente quello di Zio Paperone si presenta rovinato nella sola copertina che si è bagnata con acqua. Come direbbe Paperino: "SGRUNT". Per il resto sono in ottime condizioni e tutti completi delle relative figurine.
- Topolino 60° Anniversario – Allegato a Topolino n°1702
- Paperino più che mai – Allegato a Topolino n° 1728
- Ferrari – Allegato a Topolino n°1781
- Zio Paperone più oro che mai – Allegato a Topolino n° 1819 (copertina un pò rovinata da acqua)
- Topolino più copertina che mai – Allegato a Topolino n° 1851
- Auguri Pippo – Allegato a Topolino n°1901
- Paperino Story 60 anni – Allegato a Topolino n° 2006
*** Francobolli – Turks & Gaicos Is. 1979. Rappresentano Minni che ammicca e Pippo a cavalcioni di una tartaruga
*** Francobolli 500° Anniversario Scoperta dell'America 1492-1992 originali e garantiti Bolaffi
*** Francobolli stikers – I love Topolino. Sono 4 e rappresentano Topolino e Pluto (verde) + Paperino e Pippo (Arancione)
*** Topolino ha trovato “mappa del tesoro”. Ancora perfetta, sigillata e blisterata!
Ci sono inoltre 18 numeri doppi o tripli che vanno ad aggiungersi ai già 692 numeri di Topolino ed in totale diventano 710 (692+18) e sono i numeri: 1328 – 1395 – 1488 – 1491 (*2 copie) – 1491 – 1492 – 1519 – 1521 – 1547 - 1632 (*2 copie) - 1640 (*3 copie) - 1665 - 1968
Fumetti Disney di altre collane in attesa valutazione
Gli albi di Topolino (*5 numeri in totale)
N. 917 – 4 giugno 1972 (£ire 70)
N. 1036 – 15 settembre 1972 (£ire 100)
N. 1251 – 29 ottobre 1978 (£ire 150)
N. 1281 – 27 maggio 1979 (£ire 150)
N. 1292 – 12 agosto 1979 (£ire 150)
Almanacco Topolino (*10 numeri in totale*)
N. 164 – agosto 1970 (£ire 250)
N. 185 – maggio 1972 (£ire 250)
N. 205 – gennaio 1974 (£ire 250)
N. 206 – febbraio 1974 (£ire 250)
N. 208 – aprile 1974 (£ire 250)
N. 220 – aprile 1975 (£ire 400)
N. 228 – dicembre 1975 (£ire 400)
N. 248 – agosto 1977 (£ire 500)
N. 250 – ottobre 1977 (£ire 500)
N. 273 – settembre 1979 (£ire 600)
Super Almanacco Paperino (*4 numeri in totale*)
N. 13 – settembre 1979 (£ire 1.200 – 1a serie) *** Molto rovinato
N. 03 – settembre 1980 (£ire 1.500 – 2a serie)
N. 17 – novembre 1981 (£ire 1.500 – 2a serie)
N. 24 – giugno 1982 (£ire 1.800 – 2a serie)
Disney Giochi (*5 numeri in totale)
N. 41 – agosto 1986 (£ire 2.000)
N. 42 – settembre 1986 (£. 2000)
N. 43 – ottobre 1986 (£ire 2000) *manca la copertina
N. 45 – dicembre 1986 (£ire 2.000)
N. 53 – agosto 1987 (£ire 2.200)
Disney Vacanze (*2 numeri in totale)
N. 52 – luglio 1897 (£. 3500)
N. 53 – giugno 1988 (£. 3700)
Paperino Mese (*4 numeri in totale*) 1a serie
N. 72 – giugno 1986 (£ire 2.800)
N. 73 – luglio 1986 (£ire 2.800)
N. 74 – agosto 1986 (£ire 2.800)
N. 75 – settembre 1986 (£ire 2.800)
Paperino Mese (*9 numeri in totale*) 2a serie
N. 89 – novembre 1987 (Lire 3.000)
N. 97 – luglio 1988 (£ire 3.200)
N. 98 – agosto 1988 (£ire 3.200)
N. 99 – settembre 1988 (£ire 3.200)
N. 100 – ottobre 1988 (£ire 3.200)
N. 101 – novembre 1988 (£ire 3.200)
N. 102 – dicembre 1988 (£ire 3.500)
N. 103 – gennaio 1989 (£ire 3.500)
N. 134 – agosto 1991 (£ire 3.800) un po' rovinato
Mega Almanacco (*7 numeri in totale)
N. 345 – settembre 1985 (£ire 2.200)
N. 356 – agosto 1986 (£ire 2.500)
N. 357 – settembre 1986 (£ire 2.500)
N. 380 – agosto 1988 (£ire 3.000)
N. 382 – ottobre 1988 (£ire 3.000)
N. 385 – gennaio 1989 (£ire 3.300)
N. 386 – febbraio 1989 (£ire 3.300)
I Grandi Classici Disney (*3 numeri in totale)
N. 22 – luglio 1986 (£ire 3.500) *Strappo nella copertina e dorsetto rovinato
N. 23 – settembre 1986 (£ire 3.500)
N. 24 – novembre 1986 (£ire 3.500)
I Classici di Walt Disney (*35 numeri in totale)
N. 8 – agosto 1977 (£ire 500)
N. 9 – settembre 1977 (£ire 500) *copertina molto rovinata
N. 19 – luglio 1978 (£ire 600)
N. 32 – agosto 1979 (£ire 600)
N. 33 – settembre 1979 (£ire 600)
N. 47 – novembre 1980 (£ire 700)
N. 76 – aprile 1983 (£ire 1.200)
N. 85 – gennaio 1984 (£ire 1.500)
N. 86 – febbraio 1984 (£ire 1.500)
N. 87 – marzo 1984 (£ire 1.500)
N. 88 – aprile 1984 (£ire 1.500)
N. 89 – maggio 1984 (£ire 1.500)
N. 92 – agosto 1984 (£ire 1.500)
N. 95 – novembre 1984 (£ire 1.500)
N. 97 – gennaio 1985 (£ire 2.500)
N. 102 – giugno 1985 (£ire 1.500)
N. 117 – settembre 1986 (£ire 2.000)
N. 124 – aprile 1987 (£ire 2000)
N. 125 – maggio 1987 (£ire 2.000)
N. 126 – giugno 1987 (£ire 2.000)
N. 127 – luglio 1987 (£ire 2.000)
N. 128 – agosto 1987 (£ire 2.000)
N. 129 – settembre 1987 (£ire 2.200)
N. 136 – marzo 1988 (£ire 2.500)
N. 137 – aprile 1988 (£ire 2.500)
N. 138 – maggio 1988 (£ire 2.500)
N. 139 – giugno 1988 (£ire 2.500)
N. 141 – agosto 1988 (£ire 2.500)
N. 142 – settembre 1988 (£ire 2.500)
N. 143 – ottobre 1988 (£ire 2.500)
N. 144 – novembre 1988 (£ire 2.500)
N. 145 – dicembre 1988 (£ire 2.700)
N. 146 – gennaio 1989 (£ire 2.700)
N. 147 – febbraio 1989 (£ire 2.700)
Il fumetto che segue è la versione in tedesco de I Classici di Walt Disney
N. 103 – aprile 1985 in tedesco – Walt Disney Lustige Taschenbücher
Titolo: Der Duck Clan. (DM 6,20 - *fu pagato in Marchi tedeschi)
https://it.wikipedia.org/wiki/I_Classici_di_Walt_Disney (Seconda serie)
Il Tascabilone (*6 numeri in totale)
N. 1 – gennaio 1987 (£ire 3.000)
N. 2 – luglio 1987 (£ire 3.000)
N. 3 – novembre 1987 (£ire 3.000)
N. 4 – marzo 1988 (£ire 3.200)
N. 5 – aprile 1988 (£ire 3.200)
N. 6 – giugno 1988 (£ire 3.200)
Altre collane
Paperino Racconta - marzo 1974 (£ire 400) [*Strappo nella copertina e dorsetto rovinato]
N.60 - Forza Topolino – aprile 1975 (£ire 500)
N.71 – Il Mega Papero – novembre 1976 (£ire 500)
Classico speciale estate '87 (£ire 2.200)
Le Grandi Parodie del clan dei Paperi – giugno 1988 (£ire 4.800)
Paperinik e altri supereroi – mensile n.9 di Giugno 1994 (£ire 3.500)
I Classici Disney (le storie più belle) N.232 marzo 1996 (£ire 3.800)
Paperino N.189 Paperi sogni e incubi - marzo 1996 (£ire 4.300)
Pippo e il tempo N.1 dicembre 1984 (£ire 2.000)
Magico Natale – Supplemento a Topolino 1670 del 29 novembre 1987 (£ 10.000)
Braccio di ferro
n. 16 del 29 luglio 1972 (130 £ire) – quattordicinale
n. 177 del 8 agosto 1980 (500 £ire) – settimanale
n. 380 del 29 giugno 1884 (800 £ire) – settimanale
n. 390 del 7 settembre 1984 (1.000 £ire) – settimanale
n. 406 del 28 dicembre 1984 (1.000 £ire) – settimanale
Super Braccio di ferro
n° 90 del 14 luglio 1980 (1.000 £ire) – periodico mensile
n° 128 del 1 agosto 1983 (1.000 £ire) – periodico mensile
n° 141 del 15 luglio 1984 (1.200 £ire) – periodico mensile
Popeye – Braccio di Ferro
n° 15 del 15 febbraio 1983 (£ire 800) – mensile
n. 3 di marzo 1973 (£ire 150) – pubblicazione mensile
n. 55 di luglio 1979 (£ire 400) – pubblicazione mensile
n. 70 di ottobre 1980 (£ire 500) – pubblicazione mensile
n. 91 di luglio 1982 (£ire 800) – pubblicazione mensile
Super Geppo
n. 8 del gennaio1974 (£ire 200) – periodico mensile
n. 89 dell'ottobre 1980 (£ire 600) – periodico mensile
n. 2 di agosto 1983 (£ire 800) – Pubblicazione mensile Edizioni BIANCONI Milano
n. 1 giugno 1984 (£ire 1.000) – pubblicazione mensile Edizioni BIANCONI Milano
n. 2 luglio 1984 (£ire 1.000) – pubblicazione mensile Edizioni BIANCONI Milano
n. 4 di maggio 1971 (£ire 150) – pubblicazione mensile
n. 18 del 7 settembre 1974 (£ire 200) – Pubblicazione quattordicinale Edizioni BIANCONI Milano
Soldino Speciale
n. 120 di giugno 1983 (£ire 1.000) – Periodico mensile Edizioni METRO Milano
n. 23 del 10 novembre 1973 (£ire 150) – pubblicazione quattordicinale Edizioni BIANCONI
Provolino Story
n. 2 di luglio 1984 (£ire 1.000) – Pubblicazione mensile Edizioni METRO Milano
n. 8 di agosto 1972 (£ire 130) – Periodico mensile Edizioni BIANCONI Milano
n. 5 di maggio 1974 (£ire 200) – Pubblicazione mensile Edizioni BIANCONI Milano
Super Felix
n. 76 di aprile 1981 (£ire 700) – Pubblicazione mensile Edizioni METRO Milano
n. 5 di dicembre 1981 (£ire 800) – Pubblicazione mensile Edizioni BIANCONI Milano
n. 2 di febbraio 1974 (£ire 200) – Pubblicazione mensile Edizioni BIANCONI Milano
n. 9 del 13 luglio 1974 (£ire 200) – Pubblicazione quattordicinale Edizioni METRO Milano
Bugs Bunny
n. 30 di luglio 1985 (£ire 700) – Periodico trimestrale Editrice CENISIO Milano
Tom & Jerry
n. 53 di maggio 1973 (£ire 200) – Periodico mensile Editrice CENISIO Milano
n. 56 di agosto 1973 (£ire 200) – Periodico mensile Editrice CENISIO Milano
n. 14 di novembre 1990 (£ire 3.000) – Pubblicazione mensile
n. 15 di dicembre 1990 (£ire 3.000) – Pubblicazione mensile
n. 14 di gennaio 1991 (£ire 3.000) – Pubblicazione mensile (blisterato)
n. 1 di luglio 1989 (£ire 1.500) - Mensile
n. 447 del 17 novembre 1998 (£ire 2.800 Ristampa)
n. 139 del dicembre 1978 (£ire 400 Ristampa)
* (foto telefonino sbiadite causa mancanza luce. Molte sarebbero da rifare ma vabbé)
Guida VideoGiochi
pubblicata dal Gruppo Editoriale Jackson. La Jackson ha pubblicato la rivista Guida Videogiochi tra il 1989 e il 1990. Io ho i numeri 1,2,3 e 5 per un totale di quattro numeri.
Michelino numero 46 - 8 settembre 1962 (£ire 50) Quanti anni avevi nel 62?
Il Monello - n.13 del 30 marzo 1976 (£ire 250) settimanale Stenmark
Puffi minilibri - Il puffo volante, Il puffo estraneo, Il puffo all'incontrario
"I am a former scientist from Los Alamos National Lab in NM where I held a Q-Clearance DOE (top-secret DoD) for several years. I have also worked on DARPA research projects. I have a Ph.D. from Princeton and now live in St Petersburg and work… (Personal information deleted)…
I seem to have stumbled across an advanced technology that I would classify as synthetic telepathy. It clearly uses the cellular towers to transmit illegal signals. It sounds unbelievable but it is actual technology being used on civilians of the US.
My basic research does indicate that such technology can exist and dates back to the V2K (P300) mind wave technology of the 1970s. This does appear to be a much more advanced version that allows open communication of human mind to mind bridges."
Neurologists at Cambridge studied the brain scans of young men whose behaviours were aggressive, destructive, stealing, carrying weapons etc and found parts of their brains had developed abnormally compared with a group of normal men.
Interesting findings, but as it says, it doesn`t show whether this is related to their upbringing, environment, or whether they were born with brain abnormalities. So we are no closer to knowing if anything can be done to help them, or to predict if children will become psychopathic.
Last 40-50YearsNoMajorFindings in fundamental Science and technology due to media being controlled by a Tycoon Mafia family using Focused Electromagnetic(EM)
RemoteSurgeryandRemoteMindControl (Two electromagnetic weapons developed in 60s and 50s respectively) that can synchronize brainDamaged mediaworkers’ speaking&behavior.
That family was suspected to have been involved in killing President Kennedy in 60s. (Lots of evidence on their motives including earning money in the Vietnam War, which President Kennedy was against by saying "we choose to go to the moon not because it is easy...", and President Johnson who became President after the death of President Kennedy died suddenly the 3rd years after not being president.)
1940-1970 Atomic bomb,computer,satellite,semiconductor,laser etc. were invented.
After70s,there was NoSimilarMajorInvention. Scientists as Einstein were also turned into brain experimental targets by tycoon family technicals. Sleepwalker terrorists, gay & lesbian, global privatization emerged. Mediaworkers were mind controlled to cover the truth.
Please Remember To do the 3things for us WhoMightHaveBeenMurdered by the time 3 Secrets about Remote Surgery and Remote MindControl being exposed to EveryOneOnEarth.
(1) Same Surgery on those who enabled RemoteSurgeryOnHumanBeings to prevent EM_RemoteSurgery Abuses;
(2) Build memorial Buildings in every country and engrave stories of heros on walls to encourage youngsters to do right things;
(3) Delete names of those who did bad things from names of buildings, school names etc. and use numbers to replace their names in history record, for instance, use Evill001 in Second World War to replace Adolf Hitler; use Evill001 in MindControl Crisis to replace Rockefeller if Rockefeller family controlling mind control FIRM was true.
Mimicking nature’s most elegant designs has become a popular method for creating equally elegant robots (close, anyway) — but using nature’s raw materials, too? That’s what researchers at Harvard’s Wyss Institute have done, creating a tiny light-controlled stingray with a solid gold skeleton that moves using reconstituted rat muscles. O brave new world!
The researchers, led by Harvard’s Sung-Jin Park and Kevin Kit Parker, started with the skeleton, working at ~1/10th scale of the batoid fishes (comprising skates and rays) on which it is based, and recreating a simplified version of the creatures’ actual anatomy.
They started with the skeleton: Gold is flexible and nonreactive, and they designed the spine and ribs to have a natural convexity. Around the ribs they cultured rat-derived cardiac muscle, genetically modified to respond to light instead of the usual electrical signals from the nervous system. The whole thing is encased in an elastomeric sheath very much in the shape of a small ray.
This artificial stingray has a gold skeleton and light-activated rat muscles
In Jesus Christ Services
Wayne Morin Jr
I don't know if these behaviors would reveal which kind of group is behind this. But please take a look, and tell me what you think.
Who could coordinate con/chemtrails, sirens and vehicles? (This includes color patterns and also the ability to CLEAR roads). Who could alter songs in public places for "meanings?" Who could add a ghost item to your shopping check out slip in the middle of the slip, with no such item anywhere? Who can disappear or wreck your cameras/picture cards (when you try to capture these situations)? Who could talk to you in dreams, send you nightmares about horrible things, probe/collect your memories when you sleep, cause your body to move without your control? WHO is capable of testing dangerous bio and/or radiofrequency exposures on you, while sending you the message that the exposures are deadly? Who sends pain to various body parts/areas via satellite weapons? Who has the power to ruin relationships/jobs/projects in a big way, affecting lots of people with remote control of thoughts/feelings? What level of power do you need to access satellite weapons/air and ground vehicle movements?
These are clues and I welcome your ideas. I do not know WHO, and that’s okay. But these are my clues: behaviors and impacts. Most are common, but does any of them stick out to point to a certain group that you know of? Thanks.