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Quantum entanglement illustration

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Ready for a mind-bending news story that will forever change your perception of life? Quantum physicists in Israel have successfully entangled two photons that don’t exist at the same time. They create one photon and measure its polarization, destroying it — they then create another photon, and though it never coexisted with the first, it always has the exact opposite polarization, proving they’re entangled.

Don’t worry if you have a little trouble trying to bend your head around this: Quantum mechanics, almost by definition, is completely different from our own perceptions and experiences, which are governed by classical mechanics. Believe it or not, quantum mechanics actually has no problem with the behavior demonstrated by the Israeli physicists — entanglement was never a tangible, physical property, and this experiment is a perfect example of why it’s sometimes very naive to boil quantum ideas into classical analogies.

Entanglement is a state where the state of two quantum particles (photons, for example) are intrinsically and absolutely linked. Quantum particles, due a principle called quantum superposition, exist in every theoretically possible state at the same time. A photon, for example, spins horizontally and vertically (different polarizations) at the same time. When you measure a quantum particle, though, it fixes on a single state. With entanglement, when you measure one half of the entangled pair, the other half instantly assumes the exact opposite state. If you measure one photon and it’s vertically polarized, its entangled sibling will be horizontally polarized.

Quantum entanglement, between photons that never coexist [Image credit: Science]

Quantum entanglement, between photons that never coexist [Image credit: Science]

As for how the Israelis entangled two photons that never coexist, the technique is rather complex. They start by producing two photons (1 & 2) and entangling them. The first photon (1) is immediately measured, destroying it and fixing the state of the second photon (2). Now a second pair of entangled photons (3 & 4) is created. They then use a technique called “projection measurement” to entangle 2 and 3 — which, by association, entangles 1 and 4. Even though photons 1 and 4 never coexisted, they know the state of 4 is the exact opposite of 1.

As we’ve covered before, entanglement seems to occur instantly, even if the particles are on opposite ends of the universe. This experiment shows how entanglement exists through time, as well as space — or, in scientific terms, the non-locality of quantum mechanics in spacetime.

Does this experiment have any implications, beyond its use as a sublime example of the weirdness of quantum mechanics? As always with quantum entanglement, there is a possibility that “projection measurement” could be used in quantum networks. Instead of waiting for one half of the entangled pair to arrive at its destination (along a normal fiber optic network), this two-pair approach would allow the sender to manipulate his photon instantly. As Anton Zeilinger, a quantum physicist not involved with the study, tells Science: “This sort of thing opens up people’s minds and suddenly somebody has an idea to use it in quantum computing or something.”

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Crimine invisibile e schiavitú interiore

Vi scrivo per la verità di torture quotidiane e della schiavitù interiore. Spero questo fermerà il vile abuso segreto.

Grazie per la vostra accoglienza.

Caro mondo di libertà,

Io sono un giovane, persona semplice. Oggi vi scrivo per una situazione personale grave, pericolosa per il mondo.

La mia vita è impossibile, tutti i giorni. Cerco di vivere la mia vita ignorando il problema e alcune volte posso prendere il relax e la respirazione dentro di me. Ultime settimane questo era impossibile.

Si prega di capire con la massima attenzione.

Questa storia é iniziata circa cinque anni fa e più.

Nella primavera del 2009, ho subito un crimine terribile. Ero un semplice studente di università nella città di Trieste (Italia). Uno strano elettromagnetismo arrivó nella mia vita e sul mio corpo. Questa presenza magnetica invisibile mi torturó di terribile dolore per portarmi in un luogo. Attraverso un sistema di tortura con tipi di scariche elettriche sul mio corpo, fui condotto vicino a un muro di una strada, con un annuncio cartaceo su di esso. In questo annuncio ho potuto leggere un animale ricercato e due numeri di telefono scritti su di esso. In quel momento la presenza invisibile spostó il mio braccio destro. Fui costretto a prendere i due numeri di  telefono per chiamarli. Ho chiamato solo un numero. In quel momento uno strano sparo come il suono di un laser cambió la mia vita, nella vita terribile.

Lo sparo entró nella mia testa attraverso il mio orecchio. In quel momento iniziarono le visioni infernali nella mia vita. Fu un momento terribile. Alcune settimane il mio corpo non  funzionó. La mia mente fu distrutta. Non riuscivo a capire semplici comunicazioni o semplici frasi sui libri. Il mondo esterno divenne un vero e proprio inferno attraverso i miei occhi.

Tutto venne valutato come disagio mentale e fu nascosta la verità.

Fu molto difficile trovare una semplice condizione, solo in quel segreto.

Dopo alcuni mesi la mia condizione miglioró. Alcune volte ho avuto una buona condizione di salute. Ma in questi cinque anni sono andato in ospedale più volte. Medicinali, medici, terapie alternative come l'agopuntura, reiki, sciamanesimo, qi gong, le meditazioni hanno vinto solo temporaneamente per la mia salute, ma il problema non è stato sconfitto. Le visioni infernali spesso hanno torturato la mia anima in questi anni. Ho visto inferni e morire umanita 'con i miei occhi e la mia anima. Ho sofferto la tortura demoniaca. Sono stato torturato per la schiavitù del mio pensiero. Sono stato torturato affinché ci fosse deficit nel mio linguaggio,  nella comunicazione del mio pensiero, nelle mie capacitá di ragionamento ed organizzazione, affinché ci fosse separazione con gli altri esseri umani, affinché non ci fosse comunicazione del pensiero con gli altri esseri umani.

Un anno fa e più ho incontrato alcuni nuovi amici. Mi hanno aiutato per la mia storia. Ho cominciato a dire la verità sulla mia storia. Ho iniziato a praticare la migliore vita, cercando aiuto. Il problema non è stato sconfitto, ma ho trovato la forza di dire la verità. Qualche mese fa sono andato  alla polizia per denunciare il crimine. E 'stato fatto. Ho dato loro descrizioni dettagliate e un aspetto pratico da indagare, il numero di telefono. Ora la polizia indaga il crimine. Aspetto loro per sviluppare ulteriormente. Qualche mese fa provavo a scrivere altre mail di denuncia. Mentre lavoravo per questo cominció la tortura demoniaca un'altra volta.

Ora vado avanti, ma sono una vittima della schiavitù nella testa e nell'anima ogni giorno. Vorrei sentire il mondo della verità vicino alla mia condizione, magari con qualsiasi rispondere, comunicazione, sentimento, azione.

Ora sto vivendo, per fortuna. Ora, questo è il problema.

C'è in me una sensazione come un'onda elettromagnetica vicino il plesso solare e il cuore, collegata alla testa. Questa onda manipola la mia energia vitale. Questa onda sottomette la mia energia vitale e la mia anima. E 'come un dispositivo di controllo sulla mia psiche-mente. E 'come un falso programma di anima. Vuole fermare la mia comprensione del senso della vita. Questa onda ferma la mia scelta di guardare dentro di me, la mia capacità di orientare le mie scelte e la mia anima alla saggezza, compassione e felicità. Uccide consapevolezza. Questa onda ferma ogni azione all'interno e ogni intenzione personale. Essa ferma la mia buona volontà, la mia mente, il mio Pensiero Razionale, la mia forza di reazione nervosa, la mia volontà, la mia libertà, il mio libero pensiero, la mia vita libera. Vuole governare il mio mondo interno, vuole governare la mia vita. Vuole darmi sensazioni negative e azioni negative. Separa la connessione tra la mia anima e la vita negli esseri umani. E 'come un capo-macchina. Può gererare falsi voci, immagini di varie idee e di informazioni all'interno della mente e del corpo per programmare la direzione della vita. Sottomette la mia anima e la mia volontà. Mi dà visioni del mondo. Mi dà illusioni e sensazioni negative. Uccide l'amore nel cuore e nell'anima. Ferma il mio respiro armonico dandomi sensazioni negative con gli altri esseri umani. Si tratta di un principio di separazione e di conflitto tra le persone. La presenza dell' onda si muove tra la mia testa, il mio cuore e la mia colonna vertebrale. La presenza dell' onda mi dà brutte sensazioni, torture demoniache, poi mi dice: Io sono Dio, io ti salvo, sei una persona cattiva, oppure, sei una brava persona io sono dio e io ho scelto di vivere dentro di te. In questo modo si vuole assicurare la schiavitù interiore. Non riesco a studiare e leggere un libro con tranquillità, l'onda tortura la mia comprensione. Non posso scrivere o comunicare il mio pensiero, l'onda mi ha dato torture demoniache per questo motivo un sacco di volte. L' Onda della schiavitù interiore può programmare il ritmo circadiano sonno-veglia, puó distruggere il mio sonno e riposo. Questa onda può opprimere il mio respiro.

L'onda interrompe l'azione della coscienza che si spinge nella parte posteriore della testa, cervello e della colonna vertebrale. L'onda separa il prosencefalo e rombencefalo. L'onda può separare il mio pensiero e la mia testa dalla coscienza della colonna vertebrale. In questo modo separa il pensiero  dalla percezione fisica del corpo. Quindi, pensare può mancare della coscienza fisica e della relativa quiete dell'anima nel corpo e nel suo presente. La coscienza corpo subisce un arresto di pensiero e quindi di azione. Coscienza del corpo senza pensiero/azione oppure azione senza pace e l'oppressione continua sul respiro. E ' un sistema di tortura per ottenere cattive azioni senza scelta lucida, ma solo una conseguente reazione al dolore.

L'onda arresta ogni volontà dalla zona del cuore, attraverso il suo getto magnetico dalla testa.

L'onda separa il collegamento dell'anima con la natura del pianeta e le stelle nell'universo.

Sono stato torturato per la mia voglia di stare nella natura, tra alberi e fiori, per la mia voglia di godermi il mare, le stelle, il sole, la luna e i fiori. L'onda non vuole la connessione dell'anima con l'universo e con le altre anime umane; l'onda utilizza torture demoniache o mentali per separare l'anima dal tutto della vita.

La schiavitù interiore uccide la mia libertà e la mia vita. La sofferenza è notevole siccome la presenza dell' onda può separare l'anima e l'essenza di ogni vita, questo è terribile.

Ma io sono una persona semplice, questi sono alcuni miei valori: l'affetto, la famiglia, i rapporti umani, la tolleranza, la libertà di pensiero, la libertà dell'anima, la verità, l'amicizia, gli abbracci, i baci, il contatto della tenerezza.

La schiavitù interiore può fermare ogni buona intenzione e ogni volontà verso gli altri esseri umani. Funziona con una tortura interiore invisibile. In questi cinque anni sono stato torturato con visioni demoniache per la mia volontà di amore, per la mia voglia di incontrare gli altri esseri umani in amore, per la mia volontà di esprimere l'affetto e l'ottimismo della vita all'interno delle relazioni umane, per il mio sorriso e la mia risata con la gente. Questa è la più tremenda situazione di vita.

Ma io agisco per la non-violenza.

Vorrei piangere, esprimere il mio dolore, ma l'onda può interrompe il flusso delle mie emozioni. Vorrei condividere la gioia con gli amici, ma a volte l'onda può interrompe il flusso delle mie emozioni. Vorrei esprimere la mia forza attiva di tutti i giorni, ma l'onda puó fermare le mie azioni. Ferma la mia anima e la mia libera volontà.

Ma voglio amore. Agisco per l'amore in me, con la mia famiglia e gli amici. Agisco per la verità dell'anima. Agisco per l'amore dell'anima.

Questa mia vita è impossibile. C'è un male in me stesso senza amore, ma non sono io, è una manipolazione di qualche potere sconosciuto.

Si prega di rispondermi e di aiutarmi.

Ora preferisco rimanere anonimo.


Si prega di lasciare ogni commento personale ed egoico nel silenzio di questo universo. Contattare per azioni di solidarietá e risoluzioni a queste atrocitá.
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The electron cloud block

electrons are an obstacle to an ion trap telecommunications why That Creates the side effect is created GREENHOUSE.

The greenhouse effect is overheating the Earth is a side effect of NUBE.¿Pero know what is the cloud? The cloud is an "ion trap" that creates a bubble of electrical ions exterior.Los space closed to help the gas ions to conduct electricity so called ionosphere. The ionosphere is the part of the atmosphere between 60 and 600 km altitude in which it has an intense IONIZATION.
Electrons are magical beings that make up molecules, and are constantly mobiendo to balance the system. Brownian mobimiento are the pawns of the cohesion of matter whether physical, liquid or gaseous. They are an OBSTACLE FOR TELECOMMUNICATIONS.
So someone is "ionizing the air space" for the benefit of that MANAGING THE MULTINATIONAL DESTRUCTIVE CAPITALISM with which are killing the human, animal and plant .... Ask for a physical me tell you ... In Paris is will make a conference in 2015 on the environment, I went to a lecture by Tomas Molina, an important personage of meteorology ...
PARIS 2015
The airspace is managed by the Defense and State mayor.que deals with telecommunications, a lawyer explained to me that there is a legal vacuum in this regard because they are created in respect of international treaties AIRSPACE.
The cloud is a system of electromagnetic ropes would explain a quantum physical like us, the management of information in real time quantum entanglement is costing us psychic, psychological and physical health.
"Cloud computing, also known as cloud services, cloud computing, cloud computing or cloud concepts (English cloud computing), is a paradigm that enables the provision of
computer via the Internet. "


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All for love

Witches Zugaramurdi is a Spanish film has much black humor and is a pure denunciation of female aggression around us and we are obviando.La young protagonist plays the role of witch who uses men and has no empathy for compassionate.
My colleagues targeted individually are very angry at our situation psychic, psychological and physical violence and that from doing something truly useful to eradicate this abomination of airspace. I've taken it in stride because I have accepted the reality and the loss to life, I have failed at everything ... because of people who manipulate us, not as they want to be aggressive.
If we are all honest we know that women only want a man loves to have children, is something that is in biological genetics, only want love and affection. The civilized woman who has had parents and who has gone to school and lived with people, which follows a man to work in the astral space with psychotronic and quantified bioresonance, invisibly to hurt others and destroy your flesh and enfermandola poison his mind undermining it, is behaving like a denatured be applicable to that dark part to be near the promised love, period. It's that simple, we are monkeys in love, then when they find they are betrayed by their love to use teleportation quantified for cognitively occupy the airspace of an avatar body and fuck WIDELY other free beauties becomes a WITCH JUST HATE. The "cognitive biostimulation" the woman made ​​"quantified bioresonance" only creates violence in his brain, testosterone and adrenaline through the roof topping the thing with the action of dopamine, which acts as a "sensory reward" much activity as a "psychic orgasm". And you have to get into our psychology to understand why it is a necessary sacrifice to stop the urge become aggressive as they ...
Women do not forget anything, one way or another take revenge, just wait the best way to do it with intelligence and discretion. They are attacked so much environmental violence is self-defeating for a female, they become men.
When they discover treachery with beautiful women or take away the affections which would correspond them to receive them, the BIG GUN psychotronic is to make them mad and bioresonance quantified for causing physical symptomatology them sick ... and force the male to do their job women is their great command and revenge ....
I put myself in place of those people and I think we may do all the same things, because the use of that technology creates disrespectful haughtiness.
I understand the concern of some great sector to work so hard on the obligation of the chip placement and receipt of an Artificial Intelligence program to control violence on the citizenry ... The woman who has COMMUNIST education and suffers a broken becomes an astral dictator punishing directly to the psyche as deadly weapon to eradicate sexual rivals ...
Everything is very simple but we have to know and accept that we are monkeys and still continue with a reptilian behavior we should abandon millennia.
This November 20 in Brussels conference on electronic and electromagnetic psychotronic harassment will be made with channeling the sound head and quantified Bioresonance, a program that calculates electromagnetism algorithms to create some form of symptomatology within the body.

I'm writing my conclusions about my experience here to that question by experts and by the people.
https: // ...


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Internal problem can only be solved by internal people. It is 100% American mind control secret employees' job to let every Technical supporter know they are being killed secretly everyday by man-made cancer, heart attack, car accidednts,etc. Targetted individual can only provide envrionment and conditions.


Those American Ethnic Indian, Ethnic Taiwanese, Ethnic South American and African secret technicals who caved in to darkness by helping to twist deserve being killed as twisting only help Evils, do you agree with me?


Animal lives for power and sensational satisfaction. Living for family is equivalent to living for power and sensational satisfaction. What do you think humanbeings should live for? If your purpose of living is not different from those of animals, you should be called human garbage, do you agree with me?


American technical secret garbage is the evil source of most bad things happened today and the previous 40 years. Those animal-purpose human garbages who caved in to darkness and shamelessly said everyone would do the same as themselves. Why didn't you kill yourself when you dare to cave in to darkness, American secret technical garbage, animal-purpose human garbage. You are not only making tens of thousands innocent people killed mentally or physically everyday, you are helping to justify killing you would benefit humankind as without garbage like you Rockefeller cannot kill so many innocent remotely. American secret garbage who dared to cave in to darkness, the earlier you are killed, the sooner the secrets about Remote surgery and remote mind control technologies that are secretly killing tens of thousands by man-made cancer, man-made heart attack, and other diseases, man-made aircraft accidents, man-made nuclear plant accidents that didn't happen to the Mafia tycoon Rockefeller family themselves but are happening to "Shawn the Sheeps and Brice Taylors" CIA obedient secretly everyday, would be exposed to the general public.

You know we do not have 3 choices. You and me we only have 2 choices. We are either killed after doing bad things to humankind, or we are killed after doing good things to humankind, as without exposing remote surgery and remote mind control technologies, everyone who knew mind control would be killed secretly. Without killing every human garbage who knew and believed the existence of mind control but did not help to make the whole world know, everyone who knows the secrets would be killed secretly. The number of bad people should decrease. The number of good people should increase. That is how humankind survives. Do you agree with me?

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Invisible Crime and Inner Slavery

I write you for the truth of daily tortures and inner slavery. I hope this will stop the vile abuse secret.

Thank you for your reception.

Dear Freedom's world,

I am a younger, simple person. Today I write you for a serious personal situation, dangerous for the world.

My life is impossible every day. I try to live my life ignoring the problem and some times I can take relax and respiration inside myself. Last weeks this was impossible.

Please to understand with max attention.

This story started about five years ago and more.

In the spring 2009, I suffered a terrible crime. I was a simple student of university in Trieste city(Italy). Some strange electromagnetism arrived in my life on my body. This invisible magnetic presence gave me terrible pain to led me near a place. Through a system with kinds of electric shock torture on my body, I was drived near a wall of a street, with a paper on it. On this paper I could to read a animal sought, and two numbers phone wrote on it. In that moment the invisible presence moved my right arm. I was forced to take the two numbers phone to call them. I called just a number. In that moment a strange shot like laser's sound changed my life, in terrible life.

The shot entered in my head through my ear. In that moment started hells's vision in my life. It was a terrible moment. Some weeks my body did not work. My mind it was destroyed. I could not understand simple comunication or simple sentences on books. The outside world became a real hell through my eyes.

Everything was rated as mental illness and was hidden the truth.

It was very hard to find a simple condition, alone in that secret.

After some months my condition was better. Some times I had a very good health condition. But in this five years I went in hospitals several times. Medicines, doctors, alternative therapies such as acupuncture, reiki, shamanism, qi gong, meditations won only temporarily for my health, but the problem was not defeated. The hells's vision often tortured my soul in these years. I saw hells and die umanity with my eyes and my soul. I suffered demonic torture. I was tortured for my thinking's slavery.

One year ago and more I met some new friends. They helped me for my story. I started to say the truth about my story. I started to practice the best living and look helping.  The problem it was not defeated, but I found the force to say the truth. Some months ago I went at police for denounce the crime. It was made. I gave them detailed descriptions and a practical aspect to be investigated, the phone number. Now the police investigates the crime. I wait them for further develop. Some months ago I try to write others mails to denounce. While I worked for this, it started the demonic torture another time.

Now I can go on, but I am a victim of slavery in the head and soul every day. I would like to feel the truth's world near my condition, maybe with any respond and comunication and feeling and action.

Now I am living, luckly. Now this is the problem.

There is in myself a sensation like a electromagnetism wave near the solar plexus and the heart connected at the head. This wave manipulates my vital energy. This wave subdues my vital energy and my soul. It is like a device of control on my psyche-mind. It is like a false program of soul. It wants to stop my understanding of the way of life. This wave stops my choice to look inside myself, it stops my ability to guide my choices and my soul to wisdom, compassion and happiness. It kills awareness. This wave stops me every inside action and every personal intention. It stops me my good wish, my mind, my rational thinking, my nervous reaction force, my will, my freedom, my free thinking, my free life. It wants govern my inside world, it wants govern my life. It wants give me bad feeling and bad action. It separates the connection between my soul and the life in the human peoples. It is like a boss-machine. It can gererare false voices, pictures of various ideas and information within the mind and body to program the direction of life. It subdues my soul and my will. It gives me visions in the world. It gives me illusions and negative sensations. It kills the love in the heart and in the soul. It stops my harmonic respiration giving me bad feeling with others humans. It is a principle of separation and conflict between human peoples. The wave's presence moves between my head, my heart and my spinal dorsal. The wave's presence gives me bad feeling, demonic torture, than It says me: I am god, I save you, you are a bad person, or, you are a good person I am god and I choice to live inside you. In this way It gives a sure inner slavery. I can't to study and to read a book with peaceful, the wave torture me and my understanding. I can't write or comunicate my own thinking, the wave gave me demonic torture for this a lot of times. The inner slavery's wave can to program the wake-sleep circadian rhythm, it can to destroy my sleeping and resting. This wave can soffocate my respiration.

The wave stops the action of consciousness to go in the back of the head, brain and spine. The wave separates the forebrain and hindbrain. The wave can separate my thinking and my head from the consciousness of the spine. In this way separates the thinking and the physical perception of the body. So think may lack the physical consciousness and the relative quiet of the soul into the body and its present. The body consciousness undergoes an arrest of thought and then action. Body consciousness without thought or action without peace and oppression continues on the breath. It is a torture's system to get a bad action without glossy choice, but only a consequent reaction to pain.

The wave stops every will from the area of the heart, through its jet magnetic from the head.

The wave separates the soul's connection with the nature of the planet and stars in the universe.

I was tortured for my will to stay in nature, between trees and flowers, for my will to enjoy the sea, the stars, the sun, the moon and flowers. The wave does not want the soul's connection with the universe and with other human souls; the wave uses demonic or mental torture to separate the soul from the whole of life.

The inner slavery kills my freedom and my life. The suffering is to much becouse the wave's presence can separate the soul and every life's essence, this is terrible.

But I am a simple person, these are some my values: affection, family, the humans relationship, tolerance, thinking's freedom, soul's freedom, truth, friendship, the hugs, the kisses, the tenderness's contact.

The inner slavery can to stop every good intention and every will near the others humans. It works with an invisible inner torture. In these five years I was tortured with demonic visions for my will of love, for my will to meet others humans in love, for my will to express affection and life's optimism inside humans relationships, for my smile and my laugh with people. This is the most terrible situation of life.

But I act for non-violence.

I would like to cry, to express my pain, but the wave can stops the flow of my emotions. I would like share the joy with friends but sometimes the wave can stops the flow of my emotions. I would like express my active force everyday but the wave can to stop my actions. It stops my soul and my will.

But I want love. I act for the love in myself, with my family and friends. I act for the truth of the soul. I act for the love of the soul.

This my life is impossible. There is a bad in myself without love but it is not me, it is a manipulation by some unknown power.

Please answer me and help me.

Now I prefer to stay anonymous.


Please leave
comments or personal ego in the silence of this universe. Contact for solidarity actions and resolutions to these atrocities.

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Food for thought: Hitler also thought he was doing God's work and saving the world. Instead he became a version of the antichrist.More Food for thought: The illuminati started in Bavaria 200 to 300 years ago, did Hitler mistakenly blame / target the Jews instead of blaming / targeting the illuminati? It's typical of the illuminati to hide in the shadows and frame others for their sabotage, was Hitler duped &/or used?In addition, were Hitler & his army/scientists infiltrated by the illuminati? Hitler was not the best or brightest, but his scientists were valuable. The illuminati like to choose the best & the brightest to join their ranks (and they tend to lean towards satanic practices/beliefs), is that why those Nazi scientists (& possibly pharmaceutical experimenters?) were supposedly so 'valuable' that 4 countries (Russia, USA, UK, France) illegally imported those Nazi (or covert illuminati) scientists into their countries, bringing with them some unusual Nazi/illuminati scientific/pharmaceutical standard operating procedures, leading to a human guinea pig network, which these chosen groups of the supposedly 'best & brightest' capitalized / got rich on in the most inhumane ways possible. Sounds like they need to rename themselves the antichrist network.
Read more… COVERT HARASSMENT CONFERENCE 2014 BRUSSELS, 20 NOVEMBER 2014 Dear Madam / Sir, The European Coalition against Covert Harassment (EUCACH) and the STOPEG Foundation (STOP Electronic weapons and Gang stalking) cordially invite you to attend the world's first ever Conference on Covert Harassment. In addition to a wide range of topics related to covert harassment, the conference will focus on the following themes: •Global mind control and artificial Intelligence •Organized stalking and electronic harassment •Scalar waves used in mind control •Man is a mind, not a body •Defeating secrecy of mind control technology •Using the law to prevent covert robotization and torture Key note speakers include: •Magnus Olsson, Economics at the Cesar Ritz in Switzerland, American University of Paris and Harvard, Boston, USA •Peter Mooring, Electronics and Computer Architecture at the Delft University of Technology, The Netherlands •William Binney, NSA whistleblower. Former employee of NSA, Consultant to CIA, NRO. •Dr. Henning Witte, Law School at Munich, Uppsala (Sweden) and Bonn. Dr. of law at Frankfurt University, Germany •Dr. Rauni Kilde, Bachelor of medicine, University of Turku 1964, Medical Doctor University of Turku, Finland 1967 •Mojmír Babáček, Philosophy and Economy at Charles University in Prag. Writer, Czech Republic •Alfred Lambremont Webre, MA, JD, Yale University, Yale Law School international law. NGO delegate United Nations. Date: Thursday 20 November 2014 Venue: Bedford Hotel, Brussels For more information and registration please visit: BACKGROUND INFORMATION TO THIS CONFERENCE "Human dignity is inviolable. It must be respected and protected" - Article 1 of the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the EU (2000) In a highly information and communications technology-based world, this fundamental human right and basic ethical principle is facing an increasing threat. Over the last century, numerous illegal experiments have been performed on human test subjects without their consent and continue to this day in the European Union and beyond. Not only whistle blowers, activists and political opponents are targeted, but thousands of innocent civilians are also subjected to non-consensual testing and mind control experimentation with remote technology weapons and covert community harassment. Faced with an ever increasing number of citizens voicing complaints of being remotely tortured and/or experimented on, governments around the world have failed to acknowledge these human rights violations by ignoring them and often treating them as mentally ill. To address this issue of global concern and stimulate the debate at the European level, the European Coalition against Covert Harassment (EUCACH) and the STOPEG Foundation (Stop Electronic Weapons Stop Gang Stalking), are now organizing the world's first ever Covert Harassment Conference. Aspiring to provide a respectful environment for the voices of the victims referred to as Targeted Individuals, we hope that this unique event will bring together all actors concerned: medical, juridical, political and technology experts, as well as, press and media representatives, and the victims, with the shared objectives: (1) revealing the on-going non-consensual research, (2) assessing the scope of such unethical experiments at the European and the international level, as well as (3) looking for possible solutions to protect citizens from this covert abuse. Join the debate and participate in finding appropriate legal and/or political solutions to protect everybody's right to life. Help us ban weaponry and methods endangering human health and life, as well as destroying the individuals' autonomy and dignity. We look forward to welcoming you at the event. For more information and registration please visit: The Organizing Committee: Magnus Olsson EUCACH Managing Director Peter Mooring STOPEG Managing Director Melanie Vritschan EUCACH Public Relations & Events Manager Kim Mercx / Beata Zalewska STOPEG Conference Co-organizers European Coalition Against Covert Harassment (EUCACH) STOPEG Foundation (STOP Electronic weapons and Gang stalking) Even if you do not come to the conference ... PLEASE THINK ABOUT MAKING A SMALL DONATION Organizing this conference is a lot of hard work but that is just what we do. But we also make expenses, the location must be paid, the websites, the speakers, the materials, the phone calls, the travel. Please support our cause for a better world with a donation. Thank you very much! Donate to EUCACH Donate to STOPEG Available languages: English > Francais > Deutsch > Nederlands > česky > To unsubscribe, send an email to Covert Harassment Conference Past van Roesselstraat 29, 4631 ET Hoogerheide, Netherlands, +31 6 4124 3030 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Unsubscribe / Change Profile Powered by YMLP © 2014 Microsoft Villkor Sekretess
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A fantasmada suffering that will make billions of innocent people who have taken it seriously and your peace depends on that reality.
TUNEL VIEW "Experts aviators, for example, can have tunnel view when suffering between 4 and 6 g sustained.'s Best fighter pilots support forces of 9 g before experiencing what is called g-LOC, loss of consciousness induced by gravity. a 88 kg pilot subjected to this force has the feeling that weighs 796 kg. "
"The g-LOC is a term used in aerospace medicine to describe the loss of consciousness resulting from excessive and sustained g-forces that decrease blood supply to the brain."
The light tunnel is the loss of peripheral vision suffering ax pilots subjected to severity tests.
".... his arms seem barbells, his head becomes a concrete block and the expression" dry brain "takes on new meaning. g Under some extreme forces that drive down, blood running from his head to the legs, but his heart is not strong enough to re-pumped to the brain. Within seconds you lose the ability to see color, a condition known as partial or grayed darkening. then comes the vision of tunnel darkening and a trip to a place that pilots call the Land of Dreams. "
A body with an artificial aura or electromagnetic ion trap, can act plasma TV to receive and transmit signals remotely. And they can artificially suffer gravitational pressure changes ... so it has the sensation of weightlessness and lifting ... all virtual deception.
I am a victim of electronic harassment radiofecuencias since childhood and made me have many paranormal experiences like seeing a ghost girl in front of me watching me ... I mean, this can be done teleporting information to your cognitive system.
Not to say that the voices you can hear are the result of the communication of synthetic telepathy with radio frequencies. Or what was said to intuitively and family members felt they understood what they were saying (psychic primer with the ideas of another remote cognitive system).
In a rollercoaster ride fast changes between positive g (often usually reach about 4 g) and negative (about -1 g) occur.
The term EFC (OBE e) was introduced in 1943 by George NM Tyrrell in his book Apparitions, Tyrell was a student of the Guglielmo Marconi Foundation, where he was a pioneer in the development of radio. He joined the Society for Psychical Research in 1908 Conducted numerous experiments telepatía.La Society for Psychical Research (Society for Psychical Research (SPR)) is a non-profit organization based in the UK organization. Its stated purpose is "to understand the events and abilities commonly described as psychic or paranormal by promoting and supporting important research in this area and to examine allegedly paranormal phenomena in a scientific and objective manner.
This society of paranormal studies unprofesional radionic I think it has been promoting or silencing a serious truth: the psychic violation of citizenship to provoke manifestations of alteration of consciousness with psychotronic.


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Psychiatrist slams system

Allen slams arbitrary diagnosis of pathologies
for the benefit of psychiatric pharmaceuticals. Paranoid schizophrenia will be the revelation of who are victims of psychiatry created by psychotronic bioresonance and quantified.
In Brussels on 20 November there will be a conference to report the reality of the use of psychotronic in our society that creates cognitive destabilization in the brains of normal people.



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Jealousy and envy in the astral

As female response group harassment that story for responsiveness preteen minds where the adult begins to be an enemy to the sexual expression of the individual.

Women are seen as ladies profession act as if that is not with them, and others react as the devil with holy water.
I'm being marginalized by female jealousy, I'm being abused by female jealousy, I'm being annulled by female jealousy.
The man does not spend even a second operation to destroy the emotional intelligence does abruptly and unceremoniously ... The serpent and Eve make a great duo in the astral.


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Gaudi and symbolic hermeneutics

This lamp is in a Gaudi house in Collserola. It has a form of Venetian mask with two bulbs making little horns ... It reminds me Moises Vatican with two little horns representing wisdom.
The knowledge of neuroscience and cognitive functioning has historically represented with HERMENEUTICS SYMBOLIC, the hippocampus has always been very important to all cultures.



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"Prolonged physical contact of babies with mothers creates spoiled", this is a strategy that used the people working in the astral and charge to destroy the family and citizenship. And it has been narrated by women. Do not give all the responsibility to man. She is also responsible for the violence in the world and are very young to convey hate. This is one reason to learn what is the psychotronic and how do you stop a mother breastfeeding her child because he believes his life is more important ... Whisperers ASTRAL.


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I am a victim of EMOTIONAL VIOLENCE WOMEN, WE NOT ONLY MEN BATTER !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I are channeling their behavior through psychotronic and jealousy are the cause of VIOLENCE AGAINST ME.
In Brussels on 20 November

If groups of people destroy the family woman destroy the identity of the people. Separate people of the human. There are women who do it for money.
The woman is the center of life and family, the baby will be with her ​​and will learn how to express feelings in life. If the woman is selfish, jealous, resentful, absorbent and haughtiness will show what a hard drive drunk to communicate with the world. I'm interested for this to mature personally noticing women are doing with psychotronic harassment mail me: I direct the sound to the head and do a skit to sleep to play with their posesiones..Se can hear physically or be handled with infrasound, then feel a tingling brutal and too big to sleep anxiety, incites violence ... but they can be accused of anything because they are operating with the air space, and is protected by defense and no specific to this legislation. Instead of getting depressed I am dedicated to describe the self-destructive behavior that carry and transmit to others just by being nearby.
Women in certain primitive cultures that have not matched the function and responsibility of man to woman jealousy is a bargaining chip to interact sexually. Jealousy is to require the demonstration of love of the beloved: emotional communication reptilian woman forces man, father, friend or sibling to accept it as monita elegida.La woman uses a refined method to obscenely child terrotorializar the afectos.Sin no emotion no decision-making, reasoning or planning a humano.Pero emotion should be educated with responsibility. The female is mature women tantrums are dry and do not show more than the gesture of contempt, because they thought like using emotion take revenge against him for not being hated caso.Ayer went to a conference on anthropology and have not changed nothing in the conduct, as no human sexual frustration monkey reacts reptilianamente but an instrument of God: the brain. The female should relate with love to the environment because the woman has something that man does not possess the roller coaster of the rule. And that gives us an emotional Learning Center gives us the responsibility to treat others with empathy to people.
THE sexual frustration makes them flee forward young and old, and displayed as 20 years without chavalitas conciencia..para prove that they are still attractive for alpha male.
The group bioestimulados men have a depressive attitude harassment libido (defined its harmonics) and therefore insist shown as rapists and monsters against me.The mistreat a sexual gift and a declaration of love to have self-esteem and ladies feel.
Jealousy decide when working with psychotronic, they are well aware of the operation of psychotronic on the brain and they are driven by their reptilian identity.
Allegory of Vanity 'by Antonio de Pereda | Credit: Wikipedia.Puede describe this thread behavior. they are regarded as virgins, you will be respected.
If she stops behaving like girl held by Pope, mankind changes when a woman becomes certain cultures reptilian old suddenly becomes emotional violence that is all that is operative to attract the male fault.


They have a whole world ahead of suffering that are collaborating personally prefer avoiding responsibility ... but hold on to the reptilian behavior of the animal: the jealousy of affection given to other monkeys.

https: // ...

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Who Is Running America?

Who Is Running America?

The Bankruptcy of America, the Corporate United States,
and the New World Order


From Archive Sources

Who is running America? Have you ever asked that question?
Under the doctrine of Parens Patriae, "Government As Parent", as a result of the manipulated bankruptcy of the United States of America in 1930, ALL the assets of the American people, their person, and of our country itself are held by the Depository Trust Corporation at 55 Water Street, NY, NY, secured by UCC Commercial Liens, which are then monetized as "debt money" by the Federal Reserve. It may interest you to know that under the umbrella of the Depository Trust Corporation lies the CEDE Corporation, the Federal Reserve Corporation, the American Bar Association, the legal arm of the banking interests, and the Internal Revenue Service, the system's collection agency.
Now you know who is running America!

You might want to take exception to the name on the marquee at the entrance to 55 Water Street.

??? . . . "Tower of Power" . . . ???

Another thing to think about -- who owns the media and the news you are fed???
Guess Who???         An Independent Press??? Ha!!!

Did you ever hear of the Independent Treasury Act of 1920? No, you say.... Hmmmmmmm....?

The Independent Treasury Act of 1920 suspended the de jure (meaning "by right of legal establishment") Treasury Department of the United States government. Our Congress turned the treasury department over to a private corporation, which when seen in its true light, is a fascist monopolistic cartel, the Federal Reserve and their agents. The bulk of the ownership of the Federal Reserve System, a very well kept secret from the American Citizen, is held by these banking interests, and NONE is held by the United States Treasury:

Rothschild Bank of London
Rothschild Bank of Berlin
Warburg Bank of Hamburg
Warburg Bank of Amsterdam
Lazard Brothers of Paris
Israel Moses Seif Banks of Italy
Chase Manhattan Bank of New York
Goldman, Sachs of New York
Lehman Brothers of New York
Kuhn Loeb Bank of New York

The Federal Reserve is at the root of most of our present statutory regulations, "laws", in the control and regulation of virtually all aspects of human activity in the United States, through successively socialistic constructions laid upon the Commerce clause of the Constitution. Basically, the Federal Reserve is the "STATE" of the United States.

See "Our Enemy, The STATE" by Albert J. Nock - 1935, his Classic Critique Distinguishing "Government" from the "STATE."

See Also Charts in Text Format of Interlocking Directorships and Family Linkages taken from "Federal Reserve Directors: A Study of Corporate and Banking Influence. Staff Report, Committee on Banking, Currency and Housing, House of Representatives, 94th Congress, 2nd Session, August 1976."

See Also Secrets of the Federal Reserve by Eustace Mullins.

Thomas Jefferson once said:

"I believe that banking institutions are more dangerous to our liberties than standing armies . . . If the American people ever allow private banks to control the issue of their currency, first by inflation, then by deflation, the banks and corporations that will grow up around [the banks] . . . will deprive the people of all property until their children wake-up homeless on the continent their fathers conquered . . . The issuing power should be taken from the banks and restored to the people, to whom it properly belongs." -- Thomas Jefferson -- The Debate Over The Recharter Of The Bank Bill, (1809)

Jefferson's prophesy has come true.

How did this happen? ......Hmmmmm..... Well, that is going to take a while to explain.

All our law is private law, written by The National Law Institute, Law Professors, and the Bar Association, the Agents of Foreign Banking interests. They have come to this position of writing the law by fraudulently deleting the "Titles of Nobility and Honour" Thirteenth Amendment from the Constitution for the United States, creating an oligarchy of Lawyers and Bankers controlling all three branches of our government. Most of our law comes directly through the Hague or the U.N. Almost all U.N. treaties have been codified into the U.S. codes. That's where all our educational programs originate. The U.N. controls our education system.

The Federal Register Act was created by Pres. Roosevelt in 1935. Title 3 sec. 301 et seq. by Executive Order. He gave himself the power to create federal agencies and appoint a head of the agency. He then re-delegated his authority to make law (statutory regulations) to those agency heads. One big problem there, the president has no constitutional authority to make law. Under the Constitution re-delegation of delegated authority is a felony breach.

The president then gave the agencies the authority to tax. We now have government by appointment running this country. This is the shadow government sometimes spoken about, but never referred to as government by appointment. This type of government represents taxation without representation.

Perhaps this is why some people believe the Constitution was suspended. It wasn't suspended, it was buried in bureaucratic red tape.

Now, it is an historical fact that with the Declaration of Independence, to provide a united effort during and after the War for Independence, the Colonies as independent nations joined together under the Articles of Confederation, and as Independent Sovereign States drew up constitutions which formed governments to serve the people of each former colony. The Articles of Confederation, after a period of 8 years, were determined to have several flaws. The Congress of delegates called a Convention in 1787 to correct the flaws. The Convention, instead of modifying the Articles of Confederation as directed, in secret sessions took it upon themselves to write an entirely new Constitution, which when ratified by the State Conventions of the Freemen of the Individual States, created the Federal government to serve them in those areas where the States operating individually could not effectively serve. In this new Constitution the people and the States delegated to the Federal government certain responsibilities, reserving all rights not so enumerated to the States and to the People in the Tenth Amendment to the Constitution. As a consequence, the responsibility of the State became one of protecting the people from the tyranny of federal government, to insure that the federal government did not reach beyond the bounds of the Constitution. This worked fairly effectively, until 1933 when Roosevelt assumed office.

The Conference of Chief Justices, Conference of State Court Administrators, the National Associations of Attorney Generals, Secretaries of State and State Auditors, State Purchasing Offices, Lieutenant Governors, and State Legislators, and the Governors of the 50 states comprise the membership of the Council of State Governments. The Council of State Governments is located at 676 N. ST. Clair, Chicago, Illinois 60611.

The Council of State Governments has now been absorbed into the National Conference on Uniform State Laws run by the Bar Association.

The movement for uniform state laws dates back more than a century. The Alabama State Bar called for uniformity as early as 1881, but it was nearly a decade later, at the 12th annual meeting of the ABA in 1889, that the legal community made its formal motion to work for uniformity in the then 44 state union. New York was the first state to move, appointing three commissioners in 1890. Other states soon heeded the call: Delaware, Georgia, Massachusetts, Michigan, New York, New Jersey, and Pennsylvania attended the first Conference in Saratoga Springs, New York, in 1892. The commissioners wasted no time. They urged adoption of three acts and proposed raising the marrying age to 18 for males and 16 for females. They also adopted a table of weights and measures, noting that with the exception of wheat, legal weights of a bushel varied in all the states.

By the turn of the century, 33 states and two territories had appointed commissioners on uniform laws. In 1910, only Nevada and the Territory of Alaska still had not; they came aboard in 1912.

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Orenil Machado
Cel: 55-21-983326866
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Interesting coincidence ... it appears that this flat tax campaign is worldwide .... even New Zealand is being bombarded with proposals. A flat tax would be guaranteed to lower taxes on the rich, so who would pick up the slack (or do they want the governments to go bankrupt from lack of money)? Just how much money is being spent worldwide to 'influence' people with propaganda campaigns to give the rich another tax break? The rich already got a minimum tax cut of 20% per year for over 30 years starting in the 1980s, and that 20% per year tax cut has been enhanced at times to 30% or more per year at various times over the past 30 years. The middle class & poor did not get those tax breaks (many times the middle class & poor got tax hikes), and now our debt is at $17 trillion dollars. How much more money do these rich 1%'ers want to steal from the rest of the population?
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Another blog....

Well I'm still alive at least 4 days of being out and about I only balled my head off once which felt good seeing as in the past year I've only been able to cry maybe twice...I have to go out again today to get a few groceries from somewhere that is open on thanksgiving Monday, and that rattles me a bit v2k combined with the floor buffer I ran into last time was enough to give someone a heart attack and being in a line up with people well you know how that goes im tired im run down and I hope the heck I'm not getting sick things were so loud at work that I nearly passed out on the way there after a whole night of it being loud and rediculas I can't belive someone would be so jelous they would sit there all afternoon and try to intimidate me and revolve there whole life around it I tell them to get a life and they say "this is our life, pissing you off".This sh*t is sick! I don't even want to mention some of the intrusive thoughts I've been the time I train myself around the perps I'm afraid I'm going to get sicker.

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