Today I'm feeling as though I havnt done enough with my time and I'm getting frusterated trying to find things to do with myself so I'm not sleeping all day everythings blurry and I can barly read I'd really like to be living and laughing and educating myself on things and have things to talk about with people and meeting friends but i'm getting so frusterated with all the V2K I'm trying to find simple things to do so I at least have something to show for myself...
All Posts (12221)
I'm sexually repressed!I'm ugly! Undesirable I am!'m Dirty! , I'm not operational!'m Useless!I do not deserve to live!
This creates pleasure and happiness in women group electronic harassment. The woman needs help with artificial intelligence to be a person. If I had a group of psychotronic montaria a monumental chicken, but they just need to feel degraded in the group of male paternal pity party.
Women with degrees are bound to create anxiety in the astral with spoiled girls games.
You can not give custody of children to any woman, you can not give major titles to any woman, can not be given important responsibilities any woman ...
Some time ago I read that a major guru was saying they would not need free will and would understand.
I'm understanding now. Any not deserve to have a free cognitive system, anyone not deserve to have a voice to express feelings, whatever does not deserve to be healthy to use against others.
The future is upon us what merecemos.La woman should acquire the same criminal liability as men.
Act covered by your family and friends from the remote, with psychotronic, is a power play to feel useful to society or something.
The church taught us in middle age that the martyrs were necessary for the people to heal. This is not Catholic nor critiano is this judging by the Catholic Church concepts grounded in classical Greece .... Someone has played with Europe by creating monsters to blame, as the church.
People unwilling and cowardly psychopaths have created beasts and people who suffer to expose and fix something that, instead of cooperating with other ethnic groups, families and cultures. It is easier to be swayed by the passions of electra cute.
The Greek word martyr means witness who testifies to a fact known from personal observation.
the martyr is an innocent who must purge and rise from their pain, it is a primitive and tribal notion that many people have accepted as truth.
The actor plays a role, Filemon was one of the introducers of personal tragedy, and there was no choir or suffering herd, had a man of conscience who recounted his experience.
But there is very primitive people that slavery seems a natural way of life, the group herd stronger is the winner and the other should be raped and murdered.
I consider this very feminine behavior. The man is direct to their cause. The woman acts stone throwing hand and hiding under the paternal protection of her husband, father, brother or friend. In some cultures this is current law, and equal responsibilities there.
Educated people who knows perfectly the philosophy has created a farce for people like me with the responsibility to report algo.Deben be an Andalusian gypsy or South American culture, because they need to create together as one herd katarsis joint pain and take me to depression to react according to them and I return as a hero to defend my causa.Estan using psychotronic as a channel to weaken and lead me to complain and personal denigration. She was a victim of mind control, but now after learning the primitive mind of the woman who only experiences the existential pleasure through its total to the father's will to be his mistress electra girl handing, I realize that women, Maybe we need to chip computer help correct the perverse behavior of women.
It is very dangerous if it is paid to the sadomasochistic game with psychotronic because biostimulate neuron will, and will enjoy a catharsis after another enclosed with a group of men, and that is very sexual. It is what is called cabin fever, experts are not psychics who diagnose, and therefore can not see that evil animal finds an outlet with female hysteria.
Sacred are using technology to please the lack of sex in women who have been defeated in life to know that we are using as human cattle.
Hamartia hero within
In Greek tragedy is that the protagonist's hamartia incurred. It is through the hamartia that the audience experiences catharsis. Because the hero does not deserve his fall, the audience sympathizes. Since the hero is similar to the public, he fears that the same situation may presentárseles. By experiencing the events of the play vicariously through the hero creates compassion
and fear within each viewer; however, are purged when the work is finished and the audience realizes it was only an imitation.
https: // ...
WITH MIND CONTROL: psychotronic.
Are the ADD the targets ? We are so obvious some multi like a task like crazy.
Stick out sore thumb. EMF/RF will bring it on. Ever wonder how many ADD people in
prison, not! lol if you had ADD you might. It is a high number government, cops know
I just thought how do they pick there targets. An ADD house is different, a mess
100 projects going stuff all over. ADD mess is normal KAOS but not for them.
This type of ADD, intelligent, multitask to infinity, years of waiting for the right
puzzle piece to show up. V2K & ADD go hand in hand but If you had it as a child
If you always had it. Is ADD a threat ? and to Who? Later :0) J
The woman is hard in the world to be free while there are "female specimens" who are fighting for slavery to keep jobs that give them authority and social-occupational status. I am a victim of women who are blocking freedom of people with psychotronic, and investigating working with the mind. It is the power of the territorial monkey who want to cover all possible spot for cave and its people. Playing to use people to humiliate, humiliation and female abuse by men is something that should be questioned in the future. The reason: women are puppets with little culture of civility and classism, they need to beat women who are free and ignore the reality of the astral world. Men are dolls to vex and humiliate women, and they like that game. They destroy families mocking them and using the members as a set of boats in the street are respectable ladies. It seems that something is missing in the regulatory system of cognition, are not whole, nanotechnology may help us all in the future to become people.
The group of women who are making me astral life impossible heroines feel to men of a certain profession. They are in constant demonstration of how violent and sexual that may be against the victims, gives it all to be admired. Heroines that have wish to be under police protection her teenage experience with psychotronic power over me. It is a great experience for women who have had to be anything in life and just want to be seen.
The future give or remove only razones.Lo know is that discrimination is the weapon of the girls who have been pampered by their parents and have lived in a state of economic welfare without suffering abuse.
I think girls should be monitored psychiatrically and behaviorally, and I think they should practice some sort of reeducation when perverse behaviors or early "speciesism" is warned, my experience as a victim of women has made me realize the shift that the world will give with artificial intelligence on human cognition.
If you reach positions of power can become slavetrading segregationist slave, whether it be race, violence, female supremacy is higher than male. It is more aggressive.
I have checked that slavery and differentiation is necessary for women of certain cultures, so show his slaves the respect they deserve. These women are in a group of friends who are very paternalistic affection and receive approval for their animal behavior based on the power of the herd. Psychotronic power is in the airspace of the groups that want to continue to racial supremacy and class. There the legislature on, and governs the staff.
"Anthropocentrism is the doctrine that in terms of epistemology places the human being as the measure of all things, and the ethics of defending the interests of human beings is something that should receive moral attention over any other Thus human nature thing, their condition and welfare. -
understood as different and unique compared to other living beings, would be the only principles of judgment according to which in general the organization of the world in a whole other beings and should be evaluated. "
"The 'speciesism' or 'speciesism' is a term that was coined in 1970 by psychologist Richard D. Ryder. Defined this as" a moral discrimination based on the difference in animal species. "
They are such cowards that create health disparities to dominate the group.
I've gone from being a victim you want grouped together to demand freedom to victim comprising the reasons why physicians, scientists, anthropologists, psychiatrists, behavioral psychologists and engineers are working hard to create an infrastructure that dominate the human will.
If it was my decision and would take the whole group would place chips for virtual simulations of psychological trauma, with false memories so they could discern between good and bad. And a direct connection to a computer to correct perverse behaviors against citizenship.
We are victims of the education of the mother to her mother is responsible hijos.La that is responsible for identifying, in the early years of a child's life, citizenship and differentiate right from wrong. The mother brings fixes and affection to interact with the surrounding environment. I'm living in my flesh Young Frustration at not being able to be free, and they pay me as irrational animals. They are children of people on welfare state that surely did not address their education.
What hurts more is perverse behavior or the physical abuse, what hurts more is to hear their voices full of life and health, trying to fraternize with the kids .... The abuse and slavery is very accepted in their cultures, nationalities should be quantified and personal and sexual characteristics of each.
My name is James Lico and I have been a targeted individual since August of 2010, after filing an EEOC charge against my employer. I am a full time human rights activist now, working against government sponsored human trafficking of people targeted by private military contractor handlers. What I am talking about is wireless electromagnetic torture aka "No Touch Torture". Private Military Contractors (PMC's) are doing this to thousands of Targeted Individuals (TI's)
please see my website and
thank you
The delivery of the fruit prohibido.La behavior can be changed with the control system cognitivo.Solo the key to open it you need: the sonido.Los psychiatric problems are generated by the manipulation of the pineal, which regulates the time of consciousness. with psychotronic and modulated sound patterns can generate a psychic catastrophe, which can create a human monster or a victim of psychiatric pathology.
If you go to the Louvre you understand everything!
Richelieu Room: ruins of the palace opened by King Sargon II at Khorsabad (northern Iraq) in 706 BC.
The beneficial genius delivers a sacred pineapple disciple, "gland that has the shape resembling pineapple (Latin pinea) or a pine cone." The Vatican has a plaza dedicated to the gland: the door of the sunlight, and generates the biorhythms of physiological homeostasis. The pineal is the diamond if it exists slaved with bioresonance quantified. I am a victim of mind control, I did a real estate mobbing in Vilanova i la Geltru, and I have spent the last 5 years researching the subject, I do not understand how people with no culture denounces this aberration! I hope the congress will be made on 20 November in Brussels, on electromagnetic and electronic harassment that people do with culture begin to talk about this reality, thanks to the symbolic hermeneutics I know.
Is that forbidden fruit that the Bible says we should not touch, and for which punishment of Adam and Eve.
Women should never be viewed as sex symbols
It is oh so very disgraceful
So degrading
So insulting
They should be loved and respected properly
Not for the lust of their bodies
They should be encouraged to be holy
They should never be exploited sexually
It's the age old divide and conquer strategy
Destroying wholesome relationships with sexual impurity
The devil is trying to drag souls with him to hell
Tryin to turn the planet earth into a living hell
Embrace spiritual purity
Shun depravity
Embrace the spirit of repentance
And return to innocence
Resist the devil's temptation
Keep your heart in an immaculate condition
The NSA distraction of releasing information early and then hoping to divert attention elsewhere is very obvious in this video. This video should be watched to understand the evil we deal with.
The main NSA Headquarters is not in Bluffdale, Utah but in Ft. Gordon,Ga. . The over $200 million upgrade was completed recently. Just in time for FEMA region IV. Georgia is the most mind controlled state in the U.S..
"If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us of from all unrighteousness." 1 John 1:9
Repent for the time is near.
this article discusses how unclassified sources are creating programs that are clones of us. It may be very similar to what we experience when they use programs that mimic people we know through v2k. They may create a digital clone profram that they created directly from monitoring the individual.
Talking to your digital twin could one day be like looking in the mirror.
“When you and I die, our kids aren’t going to go to our tombstones, they’re going to fire up our digital twins and talk to them,” says John Smart, futurist and founder of the Acceleration Studies Foundation. Smart uses many names for the technology he predicts — digital twin, cyber-self, personal agent — but the concept stays the same: a computer-based version of you. (Video)
Using various strategies for gathering and organizing your data, digital twins will mirror peoples’ interests and values. They’ll “input user writings and archived email, realtime wearable smartphones (lifelogs), and verbal feedback to allow increasingly intelligent and productive guidance of the user’s purchases, learning, communication, feedback, and even voting activities,” Smart writes. They’ll displace much of today’s information overload from regular people to their cyber-selves.
And one day, Smart theorizes, these digital twins will hold conversations and have faces that mimic human emotion. “They will become increasingly like us and extensions of us,” Smart says.
The concept might sound far-fetched. But consider that people often turn to a deceased friend or family member’s Facebook wall to grieve. People already form relationships with each other’s online presences. As computer science advances, the connection will only improve and strengthen — even with identities that aren’t real people.
“Where we’re headed is creating this world in which you feel you have this thing out there looking after your values,” Smart says.
For digital twins to reach their full potential, however, they require two important developments: “good conversational interfaces and semantic maps,” Smart explains.
Conversational Interfaces (CI)
Ron Kaplan, a data scientist in Silicon Valley, already chronicled the necessity of CI for Wired last year. In his words, simply scheduling a flight could require 18 different clicks or taps on 10 different screens. “What we need to do now is be able to talk with our devices,” he wrote.
Smart couldn’t agree more. “With technology, we want things that enable us to use as much of our brains as possible at one time,” he adds.
For example, with a single, spoken sentence, you could tell your personal agent you feel sick. It could reference your calendar or emails to determine when to make a doctor’s appointment. And when you arrive, you might not even need to fill out forms. Your personal agent would have looked at your hospital records and healthcare information for you — and then later relayed the outcome of any tests taken during your visit.
While no company boasts such comprehensive abilities yet, many have started to implement similar technologies. Right now, Apple has Siri. Microsoft has Cortana. And in the summer of 2014, a program named “Eugene Goostman,” imitating a Ukrainian teen, passed the Turing Test (with some healthy skepticism).
Smart, however, places great emphasis on an earlier cognitive machine: IBM’s Watson, which the company claims “literally gets smarter.” Watson’s performance on Jeopardy against champion Ken Jennings, shown below, convinced many skeptics of the emergence and optimization of CI
Vocal technologies like Siri, Cortana, and Watson already rely on semantic maps, tools that represent relationships in data, especially language. And companies constantly improve them. For example, a late 2013 Google update brought pronouns to the table — and Smart’s wife, for one, quickly noticed a difference.
Walking in downtown Mountain View, his wife pulled out her phone, and as a test, asked Google, “Who is the President of the United States?” Naturally, her phone responded: “Barack Obama.”
Next, Smart’s wife inquired: “Who is his wife?”
Phone: “Michelle Obama.”
Smart’s wife: “Where was she born?”
Phone: “Chicago, Illinois.”
Not only did Smart’s wife engage in conversation with her phone, it understood words like “he” and “she” — pronouns that refer to an antecedent earlier in the conversation. ”Now, you don’t have to specify every little detail,” Smart explains. “Because the computer has some memory of previous exchanges and uses that as context.”
Once we create “decent maps of human emotion,” Smart adds, digital twins will even have faces to help them communicate. They’ll smile or furrow their brows to show whether they understand or not.
“But the next step is something I call a ‘valuecosm,’” Smart explains.
The ‘Valuecosm’
A valuecosm doesn’t just, for example, analyze all your emails and formulate a record of your interests and values. It allows a personal agent to interact in your stead based on this information.
“You’re reaching for a can of tuna at a grocery store in 2030,” Smart envisions. ”And your bracelet gives a green arrow to move your hand a few inches to the left, from Bumble Bee to Chicken of the Sea or whatever.”
You’d previously told your personal agent to watch for foods with high mercury levels or companies that over-fish the oceans. So this wearable piece of technology, imprinted with a digital version of your values, informed you which product to choose based on that.
“And then, back in your car, your digital twin directs you to the gas station that’s most in line with your environmental values,” Smart adds. A valuecosm not only uses information in a human way, it’s flexible, too. You can review your settings and change them manually.
“You’ll be having a conversation with your [personal] agent, and you say, ‘I want more of this or this plus something else,’” Smart explains. “You know, I care more about social justice so make that area bigger.”
To make this technology the most usable and effective though, your digital twin will have to pull your information from various places, with your permission — not push its functions onto you.
“People who have started using Google alerts, they’ve moved themselves toward a more pull-based view of the internet,” Smart says.
In truth, the concept started as a way to improve advertising. For example, internet cookies monitor your online activity, allowing companies to match their advertisements to your interests. But instead of a company “pushing” their products or ideas onto you and trying to create demand, with pull-based marketing, you give permission for access to your information, and the advertising follows.
“Instead of a filter, it’s more like a magnet,” Smart explains. That idea, however, could lead to even less online privacy.
The Future Of Privacy
The uncertain status of online privacy already bothers the general public. People criticize companies like Google and Amazon that only pull their information from what’s available. But with digital twins, we’ll have to give full permission for companies to access our online identities to optimize our use of the technology.
“You know, I’d like to have control of my healthcare or financial information in my own little internet locker,” Smart admits. “But that kind of thinking is first generation. You can’t accomplish much by having control of your own data.”
Big-name companies using algorithms and predictive analytics can probably best host our personal agents. As long as people feel they have strong control over the technology, privacy will come secondary, in Smart’s opinion.
“People who are thinking that you can control your own identity aren’t thinking about the problem right,” he says. “The future of personal control isn’t control of data. The future that we care about is control of an algorithmic interface of your identity.”
For comparison, Smart mentions domestication. Humanity didn’t engineer the brains of cats and dogs. We simply chose the ones more amenable to us and bred them. “We’ll do the same to our advanced AIs, whose brains we won’t be designing, but rather teaching, like a small child,” Smart explains.
And as Smart predicts, all these technologies, required to make fully functional personal agents possible, are only about five years away.
Illuminati Exposed!
The Illuminati and COMMUNISM!