Time for people who have a heart to unite all over the world to combat satanism and it's offshoots. Governments and citizens alike, all those who are willing to follow YAHUVAH must unite to fight this grave threat of humanity. The future of humanity depends on our choices.
All Posts (12221)
However, under my video, this link has been blocked. And all links under my video have been hacked. Who did this? We can figure out something?
P.O. Box 9022 : Cincinnati, Ohio 45209
Email: info@freedomfchs.com : Voicemail: 1-800-571-5618
Fax: 1-866-433-4170
Website: www.freedomfchs.com
International Protest Against Mind and Body-Invasive Technologies
On Wednesday, October 14, a global alliance of those covertly targeted by covert mind and body
manipulation technologies believed to be emanating from intelligence agency sources, are holding a
worldwide protest against the use of these devices on non-consenting individuals. The technologies
used are capable of remotely accessing and adversely affecting the human brain and body functions so
therefore raise serious privacy issues for all who value freedoms in modern society.
Cincinnati, Ohio (PRWEB) October 12, 2009 -- On Wednesday, October 14, IAACEA, the
International Alliance Against Covert Electronic Abuse is staging a worldwide protest against the use of
electronic technologies that assault and harass members of the unsuspecting public. This coalition
unites concerned professionals and victim groups, in: Canada - Nanaimo, British Columbia and
Toronto, Ontario, the U.S. - San Francisco and Los Angeles, CA, Cincinnati, OH, Philadelphia, PA, and
Washington, DC, England - London, India, China and other countries.
IAACEA claims that many people are suffering from the effects of various advanced technologies that
remotely target the human mind and body. Many conventional means of redress are expensive and in
some cases, exhausted. Members have organized and report their readiness to stage worldwide civil
protests on this vital issue. "This is a historic event...I believe we must win (back) something that
belongs to us", says Robin Yan one of the event organizers in Toronto, Canada.
Through these civil protests, IAACEA intends to educate the public, gain media attention and mobilize
national policy changes in the involved countries. Long-term goals include: creating laws to protect
citizens from electromagnetic arms and prosecuting offenders who commit the crimes of electronic
harassment and organized stalking, which often occurs, when these crimes are committed.
IAACEA's stated goal is to ban the use of electromagnetic weapons that remotely interfere with the
human body and mind and make it a criminal offense to possess and use such weapons.
Electromagnetic (EM) frequencies powering these devices are microwave, infrared, extremely low
frequency (ELF) and others. All EM energy is radiation. Members explain that this form of harassment
is invasive. They believe that long-term exposures to EM can destroy the health of those targeted, and
has caused deaths to occur.
Electromagnetic weapons that remotely "tetanize" or contract muscles are one type of these devices.
The patent abstract explains what occurs when this weapon is used on an unsuspecting target: "because
the electrical current is a close replication of the physiological neuroelectric impulses which control
striated muscle tissue, it tetanizes the subject's skeletal muscles without causing any perceptible
sensation." (U.S.. Patent 5675103 Inventors:Herr; Jan Eric (San Diego, CA) 1996).
Other devices can painfully target the human brain, send a microwave audio signal that only one person
in a crowd can hear, vibrate internal organs, and send shocks to targeted areas of the body. All of these
devices exist in miniaturized, cell phone -like form. They can be activated remotely and covertly,
relatively easily, according to private investigator reports and member accounts.
The military has defined these devices. Captain Paul Tyler writes: "The potential applications of
artificial electromagnetic fields are wide ranging .. In all of these cases the EM systems would be used
to produce mild to severe physiological disruption or perceptual distortion or disorientation.". ("Low
Intensity Conflict and Modern Technology " by Lt. Col Dean, June 1986. This section written by Capt.
Paul Tyler).
Unwitting EM assault victims report frightening, and sometimes traumatizing experiences. Once
targeted by these rogue elements, assault experiences continue for years without end. IAACEA
members explain that this is an insidious crime which is silent, unseen and covert in character. They
believe there are horrible debilitating effects, because the entire body is targeted.
Dr. Nick Begich, BBC documentary producer and expert speaker at the European Parliament urges
that, "the new science of applying subtly modulated energy to manipulate brain activity or in order to
alter other physiological functions should be investigated again across all agencies and departments of
the government." ("Earth Rising: The Revolution, Toward a Thousand Years of Peace" by Nick Begich,
publisher Earthpulse Press, Alaska, U.S., 2000 ISBN 1-890693-43-X)
U.N. speaker and described non-lethal weapons specialist, Cheryl Welsh, Davis, CA, has documented
stories of victims of advanced electromagnetic warfare technology. This CNN News Network
documentary producer, urges that, "all non-consensual experimentation needs to stop".
IAACEA states that these illegally transmitted directed energy signals violate the targeted person's civil
and human rights. (The Universal Declaration of Human Rights: 1948-2009). Protesters and civil rights
activists intend that their work will restore human rights to individuals targeted by these assaults.
Information on the Protest and IAACEA can be obtained by contacting:
IAACEA: http://www.iaacea.org
Freedom From Covert Harassment and Surveillance: http://www.freedomfchs.com
Derrick Robinson
Email: derrickcrobinson@gmail.com
Official confirms what thousands of victims have long known: an evil U.S. shadow government is conducting a covert, taxpayer-funded genocidal purge of American society -- while Congress and an apparently entrained Obama administration sleep.
Author's note: Former FBI official Ted Gunderson died of cancer on July 31, 2011. Was his illness induced by silent electromagnetic assault or by other nefarious means? We will never know -- and that's just the way certain entities want it.
A former senior official of the Federal Bureau of Investigation says "rogue" military intelligence and law enforcement units of the federal government oversee a nationwide network of community-based "gang stalking" harassment, intimidation and domestic terrorism directed at thousands of U.S. citizens who have been extrajudicially targeted as "dissidents" or undesirables.
Ted Gunderson, 82, who has served as the special agent in charge of the FBI's Los Angeles, Memphis and Dallas field offices, has stated in a series of public speaking appearances that he is now targeted by these same elements, and fears for his life and for the safety of his family. He reports that the windows of his home have been shot out, and he believes he has been poisoned and physically sickened by those seeking to silence him.
Since his retirement from the FBI in the 1979, Gunderson has been a Southern California- based private investigator. He is most noted for his defense work on the murder case involving former Army physician Dr. Jeffrey MacDonald.
The ex-FBI official's comments represent the most compelling testimony to date indicating that "black operations" of the federal government are dedicated to waging a covert war of terror and persecution targeting American citizens.
"Based on my thirty years' experience and research, I have determined there are thousands of victims who have been targeted by an illegal U.S. government rogue criminal enterprise -- military intelligence, probably, tied into CIA and FBI and so forth -- that is active 24 hours a day throughout the United States," Gunderson stated in an October 2008 speech posted last fall on YouTube.
NOTE: It appears that the link to the Ted Gunderson YouTube video has been sabotaged. Please search "Ted Gunderson" and "YouTube" and look for the link to his speech at the Gulf Symposium. I believe this is more blatantly illegal and malicious interference with telecommunications by operatives of Lockheed Martin, under contract to U.S. Homeland-mil-intel, or another entity representing the agencies, commands and corporations of the U.S. fusion center network.
"It is far too extensive to be controlled by private enterprise," Gunderson said. "I believe this well organized and sophisticated operation has a central command located somewhere in the United States, with multiple satellite offices scattered throughout the country."
Said Gunderson:
"It appears those who administer the program can call any location in the United States for surveillance, a telephone tap, or... harassment directed at a victim, and immediately dispense manpower to the source... This well-greased, covert operation makes the old FBI counterintelligence program (code-named "Cointelpro") look like a Sunday school class."
Gunderson also maintains that federal security and law enforcement agencies and commands have been infiltrated by members of secret societies such as the Illuminati, which he has described as a satanic criminal cult.
This correspondent has reported that Lockheed Martin, the world's largest defense contractor and the prime cyber-security and information technology supplier to the federal government, coordinates the communications and trains the "team leaders" of a nationwide Gestapo-like apparatus, which has tentacles into every security and law enforcement agency in the nation, including state and local police and 72 regional "fusion centers" administered by the U.S. Department of Homeland Security. According to company literature, Lockheed Martin has operations in 46 of the 50 states.
Lockheed Martin also has operational command and control over a U.S. government microwave radio frequency weapon system, deployed on cell tower masts throughout the U.S., that is being used to silently torture, impair, subjugate and electronically incarcerate so-called "targeted individuals." The nexus of this American "torture matrix" appears to be Lockheed Martin's Mission and Combat Support Solutions central command center in Norristown, Montgomery County, PA., which employs several thousand workers. The defense contractor's global headquarters is in Bethesda, MD, just outside the nation's capital.
Lockheed Martin, under contract to U.S. security and intelligence agencies and commands, also conducts warrantless surveillance of the telecommunications of targeted persons, and routinely censors and tampers with the content of their communications, as this reporter has documented in a series of recent articles:
Thousands of Americans, including this veteran journalist, have publicly reported being the victims of silent electromagnetic assault and community-based home intrusions, vandalism, and even the poisoning of food, water and air. Federal and local law enforcement routinely dismiss their reports as the product of delusions or mental illness, and refuse to investigate their complaints.
These "targets" and their families have been physically harmed and financially destroyed as a result of taxpayer-funded "psychological operations," police-protected community "stalking" harassment and malicious vandalism, and other covert programs of personal destruction, including government-assisted financial sabotage. Many appear to have been targeted as a result of their politics; their activism or corporate whistle-blowing activities; their ethnic background; or as a result of score-settling vendettas by persons in positions of power -- in government and in the private sector.
The former FBI executive's remarks are only now attracting widespread exposure on this and other web sites. This correspondent believes that recent revelations of government-sponsored domestic terrorism against U.S. citizens have prompted some conscientious insiders to call attention to Gunderson's public statements.
Gunderson has said that government-sponsored gang stalking terrorism is financed "through illegal black operations," such as sales of illegal drug; gambling; prostitution; and even sexual exploitation of children. But this reporter believes it is more likely that programs of government-sponsored domestic terrorism are funded from military and security "black ops" budgets that have been illegally diverted to covert domestic programs administered and conducted primarily by defense contractors.
Late last year, The New York Times disclosed that an official of the U.S. Air Force had set up an unauthorized military intelligence spy ring in Pakistan and Afghanistan, run by Lockheed Martin and funded by defense appropriations.
This correspondent suspects that a similar arrangement could be funding government-sponsored "gang stalking" operations throughout the nation, and has urged Congress to immediately hold public hearings as part of a comprehensive investigation of military-style "black ops" targeting American citizens and their families -- a silent, slow-kill genocide motivated by ideology and hate.
Continue reading at NowPublic.com: U.S. GOV'T RUNS 'GANG STALKING' VIGILANTISM, SAYS EX-FBI OFFICIAL | NowPublic News Coverage http://www.nowpublic.com/world/u-s-govt-runs-gang-stalking-vigilantism-says-ex-fbi-official#ixzz1h1wzWolu
November 11, 2013
Dr. John R. Hall D.O.
5282 Medical Drive # 200
San Antonio, Texas 78229
Ms. Anne-Laurence Lacroix
Deputy Secretary General
OMCT International Secretariat
PO Box 21, 8, rue du Vieux-Billard
CH-1211 Geneva 8, Switzerland
Dear Ms. Lacroix,
I am writing you on the behalf of victims both in the United States and abroad. As you are aware, many revelations surrounding the National Security Agency’s extensive electronic dragnet have recently come to light through released records by the intelligence insider Mr. Edward Snowden. During the course of the LIBE Committee hearings even more first-hand testimony was heard from other former NSA insiders regarding the extent of NSA privacy invasion and lack of oversight regarding their methods of data collection. Their statements begin to come very close to an issue that those of us in the medical community in the United States and abroad have been keenly watching for several years now.
Over the last decade we have seen a sharp rise in the number of people coming forward with complaints of non-consensual experimentation with electromagnetic weapons designed to target both electronic hardware and the human central nervous system. While this was typically disregarded as mental illness in the past, the total global population voicing these identical complaints has exponentially grown to numbers that can no longer be attributed to delusional disorder, schizophrenia or any other described mental illness. You may be unaware that the safeguards against experimenting on the public without their consent in the United States are very lax and are included in legislation referred to as The Common Rule which is the Federal Policy regarding human subjects protection. It is written with several loopholes for the allowance of non-consensual experimentation, mostly by intelligence agencies. Hence, we have seen the necessity for the Bioethics Commission hearings in the United States after it was brought to light that Guatemalan prisoners were experimented on with contagions by the National Institutes of Health. During the course of the Bioethics Hearings, their directive was to determine if any other non-consensual experimentation was ongoing in the United States or abroad. At each of the four meetings there was included a public forum for the committee to address concerns by the public at large. Over one hundred individuals were in attendance at each of the four meetings voicing complaints of exposure and experimentation with electromagnetic weapons technologies. The effects of these technologies on the human body can only be described as torture.
Several years ago another National Security Agency insider, John St. Clair Akwei, described in detail the frequencies used by the NSA and other intelligence agencies to access and influence the human body and nervous system in his civil action against the NSA. His descriptions of technologies used to track, monitor and alter a subject’s perceptions, moods and motor control are similar to the complaints we are hearing today from victims alleging non-consensual experimentation and torture. Moreover, Vladimir Putin, in a speech in 2012, admitted that Russia is following suit in funding development of weapons that will attack the human central nervous system. His defense minister, Anatoly Serdyukov, described the weapons as directed energy weapons, wave energy weapons, genetic weapons and psychotronic weapons based upon new physics principles. Obviously, Russia intends to go down the same path of directed energy weapons research that the United States has long been on. The unfortunate truth regarding this type of technology is the ease with which it can be used remotely and non-consensually on the public without the recommended safeguards of an Institutional Review Board or any appreciable ethical oversight. In the United States this research is typically done clandestinely under the guise of national security concerns just as the NSA electronic data mining was done which is currently being covered in the LIBE Committee.
Over the last decade I have consulted with thousands of people in the United States complaining of exposure and experimentation with electromagnetic weapons technologies which include, but are not limited to, complaints of mood alteration, heart palpitations, involuntary body movements, severe headaches, blurred vision, burns to the skin, non-consensual micro-chipping and neurocognitive perturbation. It is my belief, based upon former and current publically released government research documents as well as victims complaints of torture, that this technology is being used in a non-consensual manner on the global public.
I would like to express my deepest gratitude to you for meeting with our representative from the International Center Against Abuse of Covert Technologies and taking the time out of your busy schedule to hear these complaints and read my letter. On behalf of the whole of humanity, I sincerely hope that these technologies will eventually be addressed in the Subcommittee on Human Rights of the European Parliament, as the use of these currently can only be described as torture and dehumanizing.
Thank You,
Jonathan O. Wilson, Attorney at Law
P.O. Box 1102
Morrison, Colorado 80465
Fax: (303) 697-1189
April 9, 2008
Freedom from Covert Harassment and Surveillance
P.O. Box 9022
Cincinnati, Ohio 45209
Re: Letter explaining factual and legal background to medical providers
Dear Sir or Madam:
This law firm represents Freedom from Covert Harassment and Surveillance (“Freedom”), an
organization with several hundred members around the country and internationally who have reason to
believe they are targeted with various non-lethal weapons. Freedom is currently communicating with
legislators in order to institute hearings and investigations of the numerous abuses of citizens.
The purpose of this letter is to inform medical providers of the factual and legal background behind
many complaints of physical and psychological symptoms that patients relate to non-lethal weapons. It
has come to our attention that medical providers often dismiss these allegations as unrealistic and false
and attribute them to mental instability. It is difficult to legally prove targeting by psychotronic
weapons when the perpetrators operate from remote, unseen locations and therefore the targeting can
be dismissed as delusional. Given the wide scope of alleged targeting, there is a certain risk of
sounding too conspiratorial, however, common denominators exist, such as similar physical and
psychological claims, surveillance scenarios, and harassment techniques.
We strongly urge you to not summarily dismiss a patient’s claims of being targeted with nonlethal,
directed energy weapons for the following reasons:
1. Evidence supports the conclusion that weapons exist that could be used against individuals,
based on U.S. Patent and Trademark Office filings, public releases by agencies, and other
technologies that indicate the level of technological sophistication. The weapons are believed to
be based on electromagnetism, microwaves, sonic waves, lasers and other types of directed
energy, and were characterized as “psychotronic” in Rep. Dennis Kucinich’s draft of House
Resolution 2977, the Space Preservation Act of 2001.
2. Furthermore, it is undeniable that government agencies have tested citizens without
permission in the past; for example, the CIA’s human experimentation discussed in Orlikow v.
U.S., 682 F.Supp. 77 (D.D.C. 1988), secretly administered lysergic acid diethylamide discussed
in United States v. Stanley, 483 U.S. 669 (1987), and military chemical experimentation as
discussed in Congressional Committee Report 103-97, 103d Congress, 2d Session, S. Prt.
103-97 (Dec. 8, 1994).
3. Lastly, the sheer numbers of people complaining of being targeted, including people with
post-graduate degrees and a lifetime of achievements, and the similarities in symptoms, tend to
outweigh a dismissive response based on charges of anecdotal evidence or group paranoia.
Therefore, we urge you to at least consider the possibility of symptoms resulting from radiation,
electromagnetism, sonic energy, other unusual types of energy, as well as psychological symptoms
resulting from intentional harassment.
Very truly yours,
Jon Wilson
In the 1970s, the F.B.I.’s Counter-intelligence Program (COINTELPRO) persecuted activists, student protesters, civil rights lawyers, and others trying to inform the innocent civilian of government corruption and massive injustice. This program, eventually exposed by the Church Committee hearings in 1975, involved organized stalking, rumor campaigns, and other elements intended to portray victims as “crazy” and to subsequently remove them from mainstream society (“neutralization”) Today, reports from government whistle-blowers, including former F.B.I. senior agent Ted Gunderson, who died in the Summer of 2011 after giving his statement, former MI-5 (the U.K’s domestic intelligence organization) operative Carl Clark, whose 2009 interview with German newspaper Raum & Zeit revealed the globalization of contemporary neutralization programs, and former Department of Defense contractor Robert Duncan, whose 2006 book The Matrix Deciphered revealed the use of classified, advanced weaponry on activists and innocent citizens in an ongoing nonconsensual human experimentation program similar to the C.I.A.’s “MK-Ultra” program in the 1960s (see activist Cheryl Walsh’s 2012 article in the Essex Review: “Cold War Nonconsensual Experimentation: The Threat of Neuroweapons and the Danger it will happen again”), suggest the existence of a similar but more brutal program. Further, although victims are typically “political,” a large number are innocent citizens either randomly selected for terrifying experimentation or disliked by powerful members of society, a fact revealed in Gunderson’s statement and reports of thousands of victims persecuted for their social status (African American mayoral candidate Connie Marshall, for example, Gloria Naylor, a famous African-American novelist who exposed the similar victimization of African-American authors in her book 1996, and the owner of edmundosreh.blogpsot.com, a 19-year-old African student persecuted since his acceptance to an elite American university at age 16). These events, by their brutally oppressive, extrajudicial, nonconsensual nature, are being collectively termed “The Silent Holocaust” by researchers and courageous journalists, including nowpublic.com’s Vic Livingson (“scrivener”), whose 2009 article exposed the deployment of classified radiation weaponry on targeted citizens and who has since become a destitute target.
This is real. It is terrifying, and it could happen to anyone. Please, expose it.
http://www.monarchnewphoenix.com/ http://www.monarchnewphoenix.org/
http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=3106090846619588331 http://www.myspace.com/marsboy683
Cointelpro stands for counter intelligence program which was primarily run by the FBI as a covert action program against domestic dissidents. The use of infiltration,psychological warfare, harassment through the legal system, and the use of extralegal force and violence, including murder, probably began in the 1950’s and is now a permanent feature of US government. Targets included the civil rights movement, the anti-war movement, the environmental movement, opposition political parties, basically any progressive group in American society. Dissidents stole FBI files in 1971 that detailed Cointelpro operations at the same time as the Pentagon Papers were published detailing decades of systematic government lying about the war to the American people. Watergate hit the front pages with the story of a clandestine squad of White House “plumbers” that broke into Daniel Ellsberg’s psychiatrist office in an effort to smear him. The “plumbers” were caught burglarizing the offices of the DNC and eventually nationally televised congressional hearings revealed a full-blown program of “dirty tricks” to subvert the anti-war movement as well as the Democratic Party by forging letters, leaking false news items to the press, stealing files, and roughing up demonstrators. The operation was traced back to the attorney general, and the White House, implicating the FBI, the President and his top staff. The fact that the president felt compelled to use former intelligence assets and their Cuban mercenaries to form his own personal Cointelpro squad to attack his enemies was curious considering that this could have been accomplished much easier by simply getting the FBI or other agency to do what they have been doing so successful for decades. Watergate was exposed fairly well but the Senate and Congressional hearings into the activities of the FBI and CIA were crushed. The Senate committee’s report was edited by the agencies being investigated before its publication. The House Committee’s report, including an account of FBI and CIA obstruction of its inquiry, was suppressed altogether. Senator Church and Congressman Pike, the committee chairs, were both targeted in their reelection campaigns by the intelligence agencies and defeated, their careers destroyed. The Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) did open up access to FBI documents and lawsuits forced the release of some Cointelpro files to the media but many of the most important files were withheld or destroyed, and former operatives report that the most heinous crimes were never committed to writing. William C. Sullivan, who ran the Cointelpro program in the 1960’s was killed in 1977 in an uninvestigated “hunting accident” shortly before giving public testimony to a grand jury. The only FBI officials who were ever prosecuted for Cointelpro crimes were quickly pardoned by the president. There was an appearance of reform that was largely aimed at placating a weary public that had become disillusioned with government. Due to scrutiny the programs were muted for several years but began to increase in activity again in the 1980’s. The most prominent target of Cointelpro in the 1960’s was Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., who received a blackmail letter from J. Edgar Hoover that detailed evidence of Dr. King’s extramarital affairs and suggested that he should suicide himself to preclude the release of the material to the press and it’s negative effect on his family and his movement. The surveillance of King included the 112th military intelligence unit, and the use of the U-2 spy plane to take photos. King was marked, barely a month before his murder, for elimination as a potential “messiah” who could “unify and electrify” the Black movement. The FBI planned to replace him “in his role of the leadership of the Negro people” with conservative black lawyer Samuel Pierce (later named to Reagan’s cabinet). The theme of a forced suicide is repeated on others targeted by Cointelpro, most notably Jean Seaberg, an actress involved in civil rights. Seaberg's husband received a forged letter detailing an affair she was supposedly having with a black activist. The actress, who was pregnant at the time, attempted suicide, suffered a miscarriage, and eventually did commit suicide. Forced suicide on a target allows intelligence agencies deniability for the crime, in effect, it is the perfect crime.
A total of 2,370 officially approved Cointelpro actions were admitted to the Senate Intelligence committee but thousands more have since been revealed. Ultimately, FBI documents disclosed six major official counter-intelligence programs, as well as non-Cointelpro covert operations against Native American, Asian-American, Arab-American, Iranian, and others. The major violence of the domestic terrorist campaign was directed at the Black Nationalist and American Indian movements. These individuals were readily imprisoned on false charges or assassinated. Cointelpro did murder Caucasian targets, but did so in fewer numbers than minority personalities. The theory of counter-insurgency operations was first codified by Frank Kitson, the British commander in Malaysia and Northern Ireland, among other places. His book, Low-Intensity Operations: Subversion, Insurgency, and Peacekeeping, insists that infiltration and “psychological operations” be mounted against dissident groups in “normal times”, before any mass movement can develop. These tactics have been adopted by US intelligence agencies against individuals and progressive movements within American society. Infiltration of the KKK by the FBI reached 10- 20% of its membership at the height of the Civil Rights struggle, these assets, along with Neo-Nazi groups, were used to attack civil rights workers and activists. The man who bombed the Church in Birmingham, Ala., was an FBI informant and agent provocateur. The favorite tactic used in infiltration of activist groups is the “snitch jacket” where suspicion of being an informant is used against legitimate leaders. The operatives are directed to disrupt meetings, spread rumors, inflame disagreements over what people normally fight over, money, politics, race, gender, to exacerbate rivalries and jealousy, and to lead zealous activists into unnecessary danger and set them up for prosecution. False news stories, forged documents, and anonymous letters and phone calls as well as pressure on landlords and employers make up just some of the strategies used.
Cointelpro operations are presently being incorporated into the development of microwave and radio frequency weapons. Dissidents that in the past were visibly attacked or assassinated in a traditional manner are now targeted for elimination using electromagnetic weapons. These internal dissidents are used as human guinea pigs and experimental subjects in terminal experiments that are designed to force a suicide, incarceration, or premature death due to the effects of non-ionizing and ionizing radiation. These political assassinations are accomplished with invisible bullets that leave no obvious injuries. The theme of forced suicide, such as the MLK and Seaberg blackmail letters has remained constant. What is different is that driving a target to suicide using microwave hearing as well as other techniques is perfectly deniable because these individuals are tormented invisibly and unable to receive help from the psychiatric community due to the symptoms of the attacks mimicking symptoms of schizophrenia that naturally affect several million Americans. Thus the intelligence agencies achieve perfect deniability for their crimes.
What did become public in the 1970's was only the tip of the iceberg. Mind control techniques and remote influence of the human-central-nervous-system work very well. Chilhood trauma makes human beings vulnerable to manipulation through hypnosis so that they can be used unknowingly for intelligence operations. The "nonlethal" weapons technology for remotely manipulating human behavior is highly evolved and is very powerful. In fact it is the ultimate weapon, and the penalty for revealing these secrets is imprisonment and death.
For any new weapons system it has always, ALWAYS, been necessary to test it on human subjects to refine and perfect the weapon, whether chemical, biological, nuclear, or in this case microwave and radio frequency radiation weapons.
Targets that are new to the program probably have a much higher mortality rate than the overall population of TI’s online because the program is steeped in misdirection and psychological warfare that is designed to confuse the newly targeted person and make it difficult to understand just exactly what is happening to them. TI’s are generally targeted because they are of above average intelligence and a potential threat in terms of influencing the people around them, and even the course of human events. The minds behind MONARCH wish to control the future destiny of the human race. The majority of TI’s are people who are identified as strong enough personalities to potentially interfere or even stop them.
In the beginning of my study I had expected to find symmetry in the attacks, but instead I have found a lack of symmetry that is by design. In the parable of the seven blind men and the elephant seven blind men each grasp a part of the elephant and try to describe exactly what kind of animal they have at hand. Each man winds up describing something subtly or even radically different than the man standing next to him. The MONARCH program is designed to create just this type of confusion within the TI community. Nearly half of the TI’s experience gang stalking, physical microwave assaults and voice to skull. Some get microwave physical attacks and voice to skull only, while others might experience only gang stalking. One target who gets gang stalking only will try to explain their experiences to a target getting only microwave attacks, but neither can easily comprehend what the other is describing, and would be hesitant to believe that both are in the same program of torture, if they believe each other at all. If this were not subterfuge enough, within each of the above categories there are varying degrees of complexity and modes of attack that further confuses the issue among targets, much less for non-TI’s trying to understand what is happening to these people. The MONARCH program of attack forms a spectrum of modes of attack that are as subtly different as the slowly changing colors of a rainbow. It is confusing by design, and brilliantly so.
Isolation is a primary strategy for breaking down the individual and by attacking targets in a manner that is virtually impossible to prove, they are alienated from friends and family. Efforts to explain their torture to family, friends, and co-workers only leads to greater isolation of the target. TI’s who are targeted in a different manner from other TI’s are equally alienated from each other. They do find other people who experience the same type of torment, but even then they are so traumatized that they are limited to going online with each other and describing what has happened to them in the following week. They are able to commiserate with each other but are unable to fight back in a dynamic and effective manner. Most groups of TI’s are limited to letter writing to their elected representatives, bringing class action lawsuits, petition signing, and complaining to each other. The doctrine of counterinsurgency warfare, which is designed to prevent mass movements from forming, is woven into the methodology of remotely influencing human behavior. The technology is so powerful and so highly evolved after 60 or more years of development and refinement that the efforts of several thousand people over several decades have amounted to very little real progress in organizing and fighting back against the unlimited resources of money, manpower, and technology that they are faced with. The technological attacks on the human mind is capable of instilling a psychology of victimization, resentment, alienation and retaliation that cannot be replicated or surpassed by other means. Most of the TI community is even alienated from itself, as the torture program is designed to do, to stop a mass movement from forming.
It is a primary strategy in the MONARCH program to get the TI into the mental health system as soon as possible in order to discredit them for future complaints.
http://www.monarchnewphoenix.com/ http://www.monarchnewphoenix.org/
http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=3106090846619588331 http://www.myspace.com/marsboy683
http://www.ircampaign.info/ http://electronicharassment.weebly.com/
www.freedomfchs.com/ http://www.thehiddenevil.com/ www.multistalkervictims.org www.gangstalkingworld.com/ http://citizensoulpower.com/2007/09/21/ http://www.stopeg.com/index.html
http://organizedstalkingandcyberstalking.blogspot.com/ http://tomoshibata.org/
http://www.cointelprocontinuestoday.org/ http://gangstalkingbelgium.net/
http://vimeo.com/31110784 https://sites.google.com/site/targetedindividuals101/survival-guide/more-survival-guide
May 2011 Bioethics Commission hearing Public comment session videos Targeted Individuals give their testimonies before the Presidential Commission about their involvement as involuntary mind control, weapons research, and no-touch torture victims.
[1/5] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vmhdsQ8fPSc
[2/5] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nKMgHd-gn1M
[3/5] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DenV-MTVo80
[4/5] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_ZwNgM0RCY0
[5/5] https://www.youtube.com/
Yours in the search for openness and respect for universal human rights
John Finch, 5/8 Kemp St, Thornbury, Vic 3071, Australia, TEL: 0424009627
EMAIL: tijohnfinch@gmail.com,MCmailteam@gmail.com
FACEBOOK: http://www.facebook.com/john.finch.16547?ref=profile
Extracts from chapters 22 and 23 of Angels Don't Play this HAARP,
by Dr. Nick Begich www.earthpulse.com
"The predominant brain wave frequencies indicate the kind of activity taking place in the brain. There are four basic groups of brain wave frequencies which are associated with most mental activity. The first, beta waves, (13-25 hertz of pulses per second) are associated with normal activity when a person's attention is directed outward, toward normal activities. The high end of this range is associated with stress or agitated states which can impair thinking and reasoning skills. The second group, alpha waves (8-12 hertz), can indicate relaxation. Alpha frequencies are ideal for learning and focused mental functioning. The third, theta waves (4-7 hertz), indicate mental imagery, access to memories and internal mental focus. This state is often associated with young children, behavioural modification and sleep/dream states. The last, ultra slow, delta waves (0.5-3 hertz) are found when a person is in deep sleep. The general rule is that the brain's predominant wave frequency will be lowest, in terms of pulses per second, when relaxed, and highest when people are most alert or agitated.
"External stimulation of the brain by electromagnetic means can cause the brain to be entrained or locked into phase with an external signal generator. Predominant brain waves can be driven or pushed into new frequency patterns by external stimulation. .....
"In combination with specific wave forms the various frequencies trigger precise chemical responses in the brain. The release of these neurochemicals cause specific reactions in the brain which result in feelings of fear, lust, depression, love, etc. All of these, and the full range of emotional/intellectual responses, are caused by very specfic combinations of these brain chemicals which are released by frequency-specific electrical impulses. ..... The work in this area is advancing at a rapid rate with new discoveries being made regularly. Unlocking the knowledge of these specific frequencies will yield significant break-throughs in understanding human health. Radio frequency radiation, acting as a carrier for extremely low frequencies (ELF), can be used to wirelessly entrain brain waves. This is what HAARP could do in certain of its applications; however, the side effects of this on humans are not explored in the HAARP records but do appear in other government documents referred to in this book. .....
".... The power levels to achieve a measure of control of brain activity is very small- from 5 to 200 microamperes- which is thousands of times less than the power required to run a 60-watt lightbulb. We are talking about very, very low power requirements. The trick for influencing brain activity is in the combination of frequency, power level and wave form. What has taken place over the last two decades, and most particularly in the last several years, represent huge moves forward. ....
".... According to HAARP records, when the device is built to full power it can send VLF and ELF waves using many wave forms at energy levels sufficient to affect entire populations.
" Dr Jose M. R. Delgado, M.D., has researched the human brain and published his results in professional papers since 1952. .... He found than by inducing electrical current in the brain of his subject, he could manipulate behaviour. Delgado discovered that he could create a number of effects from sleep to highly agitated states of consciousness. His later work was done wirelessly, with his most advanced efforts developed without electrode implants used at all. ....
".... John Heckscher, HAARP program manager, made clear in an interview that the frequencies and energies used in HAARP were controllable and in some applications would be pulsed in the 1-20 hertz range. ....
".... The HAARP system creates a huge coherent controllable electromagnetic field which could be compared to a Delgado EMF, except HAARP'S doesn't fill a room, it potentially fills a region the size of a large western state and possibly, a hemisphere. Basically, the HAARP transmitter in this application will emit energy of the same level of the Earth's, which is fifty times more than what was needed in the wireless experiments of Delgado. What this means is that if HAARP is tuned to the right frequency, using just the right wave forms, mental disruption throughout a region could occur intentionally or as a side effect of the transmissions. "
District Office
Second Street
King City Mo.
To Whom It May Concern,
This letter is to ask for your help for the many constituents in our country who are being affected unjustly
by electronic weapons torture and covert harassment groups. Serious privacy rights violation and physical
injuries have been caused by the activities of these groups and their use of so-called non-lethal weapons on
men, women, and even children.
I am asking you to play a role in helping these victims and also stopping the massive movement in the use
of Veri-chip and RFID technologies in tracking Americans.
Long before Veri-chip was known we were testing these devices on Americans, many without their
knowledge or consent.
There are new revelations of the cancer risk besides the privacy and human rights problems with the use of
Veri-chip and RF signals.
I am asking for your help in stopping these abuses and aiding those already affected.
Rep. Jim Guest
May 21, 2009
Capitol Office
State Capitol
Jefferson City Mo.
My Testimony for Galina Kurdina
Dear Judge,
Project MKUltra is the code name of a U.S. government human research operation experimenting in the behavioral engineering of humans through the CIA's Scientific Intelligence Division. The CIA project was coordinated with the Special Operations Division of the Army's Chemical Corps. The program engaged in many illegal activities; in particular it used unwitting U.S. and Canadian citizens as its test subjects. MKUltra used numerous methodologies to manipulate people's mental states and alter brain functions, including the surreptitious administration of drugs (especially LSD) and other chemicals, hypnosis, sensory deprivation, isolation, verbal and sexual abuse, as well as various forms of torture.
The program began in the early 1950s, and officially halted in 1973. But according to many victims' experiences, and interview with CIA former agents Mark Philips and Dr. Robert Duncan, the experimentation was "moved from one agency to another", and continued "under new name and new budget." Nowadays many governments are doing MKUltra-like experimentation covertly, including Canada, USA, China, Russia, Japan, India, UK, Germany, etc. And all countries are co-operating. The experimentation became more secret than before and left no traceable evidence for victims to present in court.
Government secret agency chose us as test subjects without our knowledge and consent.
I have read the testimony of Galina Kurdina and known her for more than three years and I determined that Galina Kurdina is a MKUltra-like experimentation victim, same as me and many others. Victims are mostly implanted secretly. It is not possible to detect implants in hospitals as secret agents can control equipments. In a formal letter from Professor Michael Persinger in Laurentian University in Sudbury, he stated cognition (the "mind") can be controlled by external energies, such as electromagnetic fields, "Both theory and multiple experiments, starting with Frey’s original work during the 1960s and continuing with our research, indicate that complex thought experiences can be induced and modified by applied, appropriately pulsed magnetic fields generated by MHz to GHz range carriers."
Test subjects are tortured and tormented mentally and physically everyday by electromagnetic energies. Our experiences include: depression/ cramping, numbness in head/ extreme fatigue/ head pain, dizziness /dream manipulation and sleep deprivation / piercing pain in muscle /muscle cramp /electric shock feeling/ fail to concentrate / memory interruption and disappearing / stutter speaking /sudden emotion change / forced speaking / forced limb motion / vision blur / burning skin, sometimes with cuts /dark face, thin hair / diarrhea/abnormal heart beat/ hearing voices (voice to skull technologies). Under the attack of electromagnetic energies, most test subjects lost the capabilities to work. And psychiatrists labeled us as mentally ill. That is not right.
From 2008 on, I had a lot of above mentioned experiences. From late 2009 I heard voices every day. The voices could not be from myself. They include female and male voices, speaking both English and Chinese languages, talking about something I did not know. I swear what I wrote here is terribly truth.
Cheng, Qijia
Here is my first report to Toronto Police. They refused to disclose and transfer when being asked.
Here is statement by the department of Justice, Canada re. the way of stalking.