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Vedtaget og offentliggjort den 10. december 1948 af De forenede Nationers Generalforsamling

Da anerkendelse af den mennesket iboende værdighed og af de lige og ufortabelige rettigheder for alle medlemmer af den menneskelige familie er grundlaget for frihed, retfærdighed og fred i verden,

da tilsidesættelse af og foragt for menneskerettighederne har ført til barbariske handlinger, der har oprørt menneskehedens samvittighed, og da skabelsen af en verden, hvor menneskene nyder tale- og trosfrihed og frihed for frygt og nød, er blevet forkyndt som folkenes højeste mål,

da det er af afgørende betydning, at menneskerettighederne beskyttes af loven, hvis ikke mennesket som en sidste udvej skal tvinges til at gøre oprør mod tyranni og undertrykkelse,

da det er af afgørende betydning at fremme udviklingen af venskabelige forhold mellem nationerne,

da De forenede Nationers folk i pagten påny har bekræftet deres tro på fundamentale menneskerettigheder, på menneskets værdighed og værd og på lige rettigheder for mænd og kvinder, og har besluttet at fremme sociale fremskridt og højne levevilkårene under større frihed,

da medlemsstaterne har forpligtet sig til i samarbejde med De forenede Nationer at arbejde for fremme af almindelig respekt for og overholdelse af menneskerettigheder og fundamentale frihedsrettigheder,

da en fælles forståelse af disse rettigheder og friheder er af den største betydning for den fulde virkeliggørelse af denne forpligtelse,



derfor nu denne VERDENSERKLÆRING OM MENNESKERETTIGHEDERNE som et fælles mål for alle folk og alle nationer med det formål, at ethvert menneske og ethvert samfundsorgan stedse med denne erklæring for øje skal stræbe efter gennem undervisning og opdragelse at fremme respekt for disse rettigheder og friheder og gennem fremadskridende nationale og internationale foranstaltninger at sikre, at de anerkendes og overholdes overalt og effektivt, både blandt befolkningerne i medlemsstaterne og blandt befolkningerne i de områder, der befinder sig under deres styre.
Artikel 1.

Alle mennesker er født frie og lige i værdighed og rettigheder. De er udstyret med fornuft og samvittighed, og de bør handle mod hverandre i en broderskabets ånd.
Artikel 2.

Enhver har krav på alle de rettigheder og friheder, som nævnes i denne erklæring, uden forskelsbehandling af nogen art, f. eks. på grund af race, farve, køn, sprog, religion, politisk eller anden anskuelse, national eller social oprindelse, formueforhold, fødsel eller anden samfundsmæssig stilling.

Der skal heller ikke gøres nogen forskel på grund af det lands eller områdes jurisdiktionsforhold eller politiske eller internationale stilling, til hvilket en person hører, hvadenten dette område er uafhængigt, under formynderskab eller er et ikke selvstyrende område, eller dets suverænitet på anden måde er begrænset.
Artikel 3.

Enhver har ret til liv, frihed og personlig sikkerhed.
Artikel 4.

Ingen må holdes i slaveri eller trældom ; slaveri og slavehandel under alle former skal være forbudt.
Artikel 5.

Ingen må underkastes tortur eller grusom, umenneskelig eller vanærende behandling eller straf.
Artikel 6.

Ethvert menneske har overalt i verden ret til at blive anerkendt som retssubjekt.
Artikel 7.

Alle er lige for loven og har uden forskelsbehandling af nogen art lige ret til lovens beskyttelse. Alle har ret til lige beskyttelse mod enhver forskelsbehandling i strid mod denne erklæring og mod enhver tilskyndelse til en sådan forskelsbehandling.
Artikel 8.

Enhver har ret til en fyldestgørende oprejsning ved de kompetente nationale domstole for handlinger, der krænker de fundamentale rettigheder, som forfatningen eller loven giver vedkommende.
Artikel 9.

Ingen må underkastes vilkårlig anholdelse, tilbageholdelse eller landsforvisning.
Artikel 10.

Enhver har under fuld ligeberettigelse krav på en retfærdig og offentlig behandling ved en uafhængig og upartisk domstol, når der skal træffes en afgørelse med hensyn til hans rettigheder og forpligtelser og med hensyn til en hvilken som helst mod ham rettet strafferetslig anklage.
Artikel 11.

Enhver, der anklages for et strafbart forhold, har ret til at blive anset for uskyldig, indtil hans skyld er godtgjort i henhold til lov ved en offentlig retshandling, hvorunder han har fået alle de garantier, der er fornødne for hans forsvar.
Ingen må anses for skyldig i noget strafbart forhold på grund af nogen handling eller undladelse, der ikke i henhold til national eller international ret var strafbar på det tidspunkt, da den blev begået. Der skal heller ikke kunne idømmes strengere straf end fastsat på den tid, da det strafbare forhold blev begået.

Artikel 12.

Ingen må være genstand for vilkårlig indblanding i private forhold, familie, hjem eller korrespondance, ej heller for angreb på ære og omdømme. Enhver har ret til lovens beskyttelse mod sådan indblanding eller angreb.

Artikel 13.

Enhver har ret til at bevæge sig frit og til frit at vælge opholdssted indenfor hver stats grænser.
Enhver har ret til at forlade et hvilket som helst land, herunder sig eget, og til at vende tilbage til sit eget land.

Artikel 14.

Enhver har ret til i andre lande at søge og få tilstået asyl mod forfølgelse.
Denne ret må ikke påberåbes ved anklager, der virkelig hidrører fra ikke-politiske forbrydelser eller fra handlinger i strid med De forenede Nationers formål og principper.

Artikel 15.

Enhver har ret til en nationalitet.
Ingen må vilkårligt berøves sin nationalitet eller nægtes ret til at skifte nationalitet.

Artikel 16.

Uden begrænsninger af racemæssige, nationalitetsmæssige eller religiøse grunde har mænd og kvinder, der har nået myndighedsalderen, ret til at gifte sig og stifte familie. De har krav på lige rettigheder med hensyn til indgåelse af ægteskab, under ægteskabet og ved dettes opløsning.
Ægteskab skal kun kunne indgås med begge parters frie og fulde samtykke.
Familien er samfundets naturlige og fundamentale enhedsgruppe og har krav på samfundets og statens beskyttelse.

Artikel 17.

Enhver har ret til at eje ejendom såvel alene som i fællig med andre.
Ingen må vilkårligt berøves sin ejendom.

Artikel 18.

Enhver har ret til tanke-, samvittigheds- og religionsfrihed: denne ret omfatter frihed til at skifte religion eller tro og frihed til enten alene eller i fællesskab med andre, offentligt eller privat, at give udtryk for sin religion eller tro gennem undervisning, udøvelse, gudsdyrkelse og overholdelse af religiøse forskrifter.
Artikel 19.

Enhver har ret til menings- og ytringsfrihed; denne ret omfatter frihed til at hævde sin opfattelse uden indblanding og til at søge, modtage og meddele oplysning og tanker ved et hvilket som helst meddelelsesmiddel og uanset landegrænser.
Artikel 20.

Alle har ret til under fredelige former frit at forsamles og danne foreninger.
Ingen kan tvinges til at være medlem af en forening.

Artikel 21.

Enhver har ret til at deltage i sit lands styre enten direkte eller gennem frit valgte repræsentanter.
Enhver har ret til lige adgang til offentlige embeder og hverv i sit land.
Folkets vilje skal være grundlaget for regeringens myndighed; denne vilje skal tilkendegives gennem periodiske og virkelige valg med almindelig og lige valgret og skal udøves gennem hemmelig afstemning eller tilsvarende frie afstemningsmåder.

Artikel 22.

Enhver har som medlem af samfundet ret til social tryghed og har krav på, at de økonomiske, sociale og kulturelle rettigheder, der er uundværlige for hans værdighed og hans personligheds frie udvikling, gennemføres ved nationale foranstaltninger og internationalt samarbejde og i overensstemmelse med hver stats organisation og hjælpekilder.
Artikel 23.

Enhver har ret til arbejde, til frit valg af beskæftigelse, til retfærdige og gunstige arbejdsvilkår og til beskyttelse mod arbejdsløshed.
Enhver har uden forskel ret til lige løn for lige arbejde.
Enhver, der arbejder, har ret til et retfærdigt og gunstigt vederlag, der sikrer ham selv og hans familie en menneskeværdig tilværelse, og om fornødent tillige til andre sociale beskyttelsesforanstaltninger.
Enhver har ret til at danne og indtræde i fagforeninger til beskyttelse af sine interesser.

Artikel 24.

Enhver har ret til hvile og fritid, herunder en rimelig begrænsning af arbejdstiden, og til periodisk ferie med løn.
Artikel 25.

Enhver har ret til en sådan levefod, som er tilstrækkelig til hans og hans families sundhed og velvære, herunder til føde, klæder, bolig og lægehjælp og de nødvendige sociale goder og ret til tryghed i tilfælde af arbejdsløshed, sygdom, uarbejdsdygtighed, enkestand, alderdom eller andet tab af fortjenstmulighed under omstændigheder, der ikke er selvforskyldt.
Mødre og børn har krav på særlig omsorg og hjælp. Alle børn skal, hvadenten de er født i eller udenfor ægteskab, have den samme sociale beskyttelse.

Artikel 26.

Enhver har ret til undervisning. Undervisningen skal være gratis, i det mindste på de elementære og grundlæggende trin. Elementær undervisning skal være obligatorisk. Teknisk og faglig uddannelse skal gøres almindelig tilgængelig for alle, og på grundlag af evner skal der være lige adgang for alle til højere undervisning.
Undervisningen skal tage sigte på den menneskelige personligheds fulde udvikling og på at styrke respekten for menneskerettigheder og grundlæggende friheder. Den skal fremme forståelse, tolerance og venskab mellem alle nationer og racemæssige og religiøse grupper, og den skal fremme De forenede Nationers arbejde til fredens bevarelse.
Forældre har førsteret til at vælge den form for undervisning, som deres børn skal have.

Artikel 27.

Enhver har ret til frit at deltage i samfundets kulturelle liv, til kunstnydelse og til at blive delagtiggjort i videnskabens fremskridt og dens goder.
Enhver har ret til beskyttelse af de moralske og materielle interesser, der hidrører fra en hvilken som helst videnskabelig, litterær eller kunstnerisk frembringelse, som vedkommende har skabt.

Artikel 28.

Enhver har krav på en social og international orden, i hvilken de i denne erklæring nævnte rettigheder og friheder fuldtud kan virkeliggøres.
Artikel 29.

Enhver har pligter overfor samfundet, der alene muliggør personlighedens frie og fulde udvikling.
Under udøvelsen af sine rettigheder og friheder er enhver kun underkastet de begrænsninger, der er fastsat i loven alene med det formål at sikre skyldig anerkendelse af og hensyntagen til andres rettigheder og friheder og med det formål at opfylde de retfærdige krav, som moralen, den offentlige orden og det almene vel stiller i et demokratisk samfund.
Disse rettigheder og friheder må i intet tilfælde udøves i strid med De forenede Nationers formål og principper.

Artikel 30.

Intet i denne erklæring må fortolkes som givende nogen stat, gruppe eller enkeltperson hjemmel til at indlade sig på nogen virksomhed eller foretage nogen handling, der tilsigter at nedbryde nogen af de heri opregnede rettigheder og friheder.

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In this article I have included the references in the brackets like this: [Wikipedia article:TMS] and omissions from the original article like this: […]

Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (TMS) is a relatively new method of treatment of depression. What makes it relevant to TIs is that, it uses a non-invasive method [which means a method that does not require any surgery or cuts or insertion of external devices into the body] to influence the brain directly. In this post I will first talk about the treatment itself, then I go into an overview of technical aspects of the technology, finally, I’ll talk about implications it has for TIs. So first the medical treatment:


TMS works by by delivering highly focused […] magnetic pulses to non-invasively stimulate the brain in the region associated with mood regulation.[…] It does not require anesthesia or sedation and patients remain awake and alert during the treatment session. Each treatment lasts just under 40 minutes and is typically administered daily for four to six weeks. The number of treatments depends on each patient's response to treatment. The patient sits in a reclined chair and the coil is placed over the left forehead area. The treatment coil generates magnetic fields which turn on and off very rapidly. Patients may experience muscle tension headaches or scalp discomfort at the treatment site. Although rare, there is a risk of seizure with TMS therapy. [Rush university: TMS]

publications reporting the results of reviews and statistical meta-analyses of earlier investigations have stated that rTMS appeared to be effective in the treatment of certain types of major depression under certain specific conditions. [Wikipedia article: TMS, Therapeutic use]

Now let’s talk about how it works:


Generally, we know that a current of electricity in any wire generates magnetic field around the wire, also any change in electric field can cause magnetic fields.(this is a part of Ampère's law with Maxwell's correction[Wikipedia article: Maxwell equations]). In addition, change in the magnetic field around a conductor can cause electric current in the conductor(this is deducted from the Faraday’s law). [Wikipedia article: Maxwell equations])

The coil that is held above the head of patient has a changing electric current which causes a magnetic field. Because the electricity inside the coil is rapidly pulsating, the magnetic field generated by it is also changing regularly. This change in the magnetic field causes the brain cells(called neurons) to get electric charge. This electric charge is enough to cause the flow of electricity in the neurons and between them. (the activities of the brain including thinking, mood, movement of muscles etc. are caused by the flow of electricity inside neurons and between them). This electric currents in the brain mimics the brain’s normal activity. That’s how the brain is forced into activity.

Now let’s talk about the implications for TIs:

The same principles can be used to cause induced thoughts, involuntary movements, mood change and many other aspects of mind control. Although the structure of the brain is very complex and mimicking the exact electric current that causes a specific thought or a specific mood in the brain is difficult. However, observing and recording the activities of the brain of the target and by using the extensive “Thought Dictionary” (this is the name I have given to the software that translates specific electric currents in brain to specific thoughts) it is possible to induce the desired thought or mood in targets.

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The very people that has participated in harassment and torture of their neighbors and friends are now caught in their WEB also.We was warned about SATANS trickery and sneakiness.People should know by now what they have done to their children and grandchildren.Let him drink strong drink to forget his misery no more. THANKS AND GOD BLESS.
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Nelson Mandela, like every single Targeted Individual, was looked down on by a very powerful oppressor, but he never renounced the yearning for freedom and equality that made him wake up every morning and fight depression and despair (political segregation and then prison), and eventually become an international leader.

Let us not forget the hope that Mr Mandela represents for all the segregated individuals that the world knows.

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They need to use every resource available to find the artificial intelligence computer(s) behind v2k and its satellite / microwave / cellular(?) methods of delivery. It is the most destructive and diabolical thing to have ever happened in this world. Delete the entire database because unsolicited brain invasions are illegal and inhumane, and very few people can be trusted to operate the equipment properly and humanely. There is so much potential for abuse and domination that all mind control technologies should be banned worldwide. I can't understand why more is not being done to locate the sources and stop the broadcasts? They are fully aware of the dangers of v2k, but are they afraid of the liabilities involved?
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11-5-13 rambling..

Rashes Rf burns microwave marks on my head face when my targeting is constant. emf, elf do this to me like clock-work along withj high pulse and my blood-pressure jumps to 145 over 97 or higher. dizzyness and stomach cramps w/pain. I sometimes puke and loss of vision. This is what happens to my very offten when im targeted. If I shield myself my skin is fine No rash... this comes and go. if I leave my house it disappears within minutes... This is what non-consonantal testing of Rf weapons and microwaves does to me and my wife and kids for over 20+ years now..citizens need to understand the truth of these electronic weapons are being tested for the last 20 years on the public, behavioral modification. No trace is left by an Rf or elf signal. Other then illness of the target. Everyday people are dieing by accidental heart attacks and strokes caused by the clandestine testing. Police shootings (not understanding) of Innocent citizens who are electronically induced.

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Dark sides of human nature - once human develop more wearable gadgets, there will be hackers around,

not to mention the DNA bio-hackers.

• Washington Post reveals details of location-tracking program
• NSA monitors data of individuals wherever they are in the world

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《人类思维没有防火墙》 美国军事学院报告 ‘The Mind Has No Firewall’


这份报告Parameters乃是来自美国著名的陆军学院Carlisle Barracks. 这里提到的是从该报告的第84

作者是Timothy Thomas.  这份报告可以在这间军校的官网浏览。










最近的出版,US News & World Report这个报告对于“神奇武器"包括音波,微波,雷射 为题的报道指出,科学家正在寻找能够有效影响人类行为的电磁波与声波范围的波长。


这份俄罗斯的军事报告讨论了俄罗斯和其他国家尝试利用VHF高频,无声录音带和其他的技术,来控制人类的心里-物理状态 和 其决策的过程





第二章  资讯战争理论 与人类数据处理器的因素


根据美国国防部的指令(S-3600.1) 09/12/1996




美军的作战指南手册101-5-1,Operational Terms & Graphics (9月30号1997)形容资讯战为“行动影响敌人的情报,情报搜取过程以及情报系统以期取得情报上的优势。












其中一个来源提到资讯为“非意外讯号,用以输入电脑系统或通讯系统”。人体是一个复杂的通讯系统,不间断的从外界与体内收取非意外和意外的讯号输入。 如果资讯战的最终目




包括网际网络。”  作者也断言五角大楼策划利用网际网络,在国外实行特别行动时刻,“加强心里战的影响力”,博取国际的同情与支援,减轻以往特别部队的任务。


Victor  Solntsev. 他是一位年轻,用心良苦的研究员,试图向世人证明电脑与操作员接口的隐藏危机。Dr Solntsev有一帮由学院和学术界组成的网络支持着, 他也提出了值得


Dr Solntsev认为人体是一个开放式系统,而非仅仅一个活体或封闭系统。作为一个开放式系统,通过资讯流程与通讯媒体,人体和环境是有沟通的。

Dr Solntsev认为在一个实体的环境中,通过电磁波,地心吸力,声波或其他的因素,人体的心里与生理状况可以被改变。 类似的改变可以影响电脑操作员的个人思维与潜意织。




Solntsev也提到“资讯杂音”在个人和现实的外界之间布下掩人耳目的烟幕。 这些杂音可能是讯号,讯息,图片,或其他资讯。资讯杂音的目标是个人或群体。改变行为举止可能





第3章  美国对“神秘武器”的看法 :改变人体数据处理功能


1997年7月7号发行的US News & World Report形容了几种设计包括制造人体内部震动,眩晕或令目标恶心,沉睡,热感或发射震波令目标倒下。当中也包括可以令瞳孔关闭










第4章  俄罗斯对“脑控武器战争”的看法



这些武器包括VHF甚高频,X-光,超声波与无线电讯号。俄罗斯陆军少将Chernishev在军事刊物Orienteer 1997年2月的发行中,他的文章中断言全球各国都在开发“精神”武


(1)。 脑控机器产生强力电磁波通过电话线,电视,电台广播,水管与白炽灯来输送。





(7)。 精神迷幻药可以导致发呆状态,欣快症或忧悒症。也被称为“慢性地雷”,它可以被加入政治家的食物中或整个市区的水供系统中。症状包括头痛,噪音,语音或头内指令


美国的研究人员也确认这类的研究确实在进行中。一位写作The Warrior's Edge 的作家 Dr Janet Morris据说在1991年造访了莫斯科的精神科技相关的研究院。在哪,她见证




- ESP超感知觉的研究:在无接触情况下确定目标的隐私,并且能够窥视目标的想法。

- 千里眼特异功能的研究:能够对远距离的物体进行观察,适合用于情报行动
- 心灵感应研究 :对目标进行远程传输念头,隐蔽行动用途。
- 隔空移物研究:以念力移动或破坏物体,用来对抗指令与控制系统C2W,或破坏大杀伤性武器的功能。










- 士兵如何使用笔记型电脑在地图上指引鼠标调入空袭行动。
- 士兵使用传呼机与手机,而不是枪械。
- 将军在颜色指标的屏幕跟踪部队的行踪,计算全球发射的火箭数量,与评估实际时间对敌方的破坏程度。










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Human Protection Software Suite

Not accepting new members at this time.

Human Protection Software Suite Luminous is a composition of many softwares installed in the user’s Human body.

The HPSS Luminous uses non conventional technology and reaches all layers and dimensions of existence of the Human body.

The HPSS Luminous is autonomous. It does not rely on any outside infrastructure. After installation it has a life on its own to serve and to protect the user.

After the installation, it starts working. It assembles many of its components permeating the Human body. Some components will be responsible for the protection. Some will be responsible for the search of implants, programs, viruses and alterations in the Human Body Architecture. Some will be responsible for the removals. While some components will be responsible for therecovery of the Human body. All components will work together to find the best solution to the user within the HPSS Luminousknowledge.

After its installation, it starts working with the following components:

  • Human Protection Dome - impedes new device implants (installation) from entering your body.

  • Quena Human Shield - reflects outside emissions.

  • Human Firewall - impedes the backdoor connections to your body for influencing, dream injections and information leakage. Also firewalls internally all Human body architecture.

  • Automatic Removal Matrix - removes implants and everything else that has been marked to be removed from the body. The removal is done in all Human’s body layers of existence, as well as on all dimensions and parallel dimensions of existence, and recovers the damaged area using Human Technology for Recovery. The implants of type Devices are removed from milli, micro, nano scale down to sub-nano scale. The bigger devices are imploded but not all will disappear, thou will stop working.

  • Program Tracker - searches, corrects and removes programs and configurations in a search and execute algorithm.

  • Anti Virus - searches and removes virus software in a search and remove algorithm.

  • Anti Stalking - creates a 2Km (aprox. 1.2miles) clearance area around you removing stalking intentions against you.

  • Embedded Human Technology - used by other components to recover the body.

  • Anti Tracking - hides the human body in the environment, so that tracking possibility is null to their tech.

  • Human Architecture Builder - Checks and builds the body accordingly to the original and natural Human body architecture project.

  • Counter Attack - works using the concept of on demand mirrors counter attacking attacks.

  • Nutrients On Demand - supplements nutrients to the body.

  • Human Organs Builder - rebuilds damaged organs.

  • Foreign Body Detacher - detaches foreign bodies attached to the body.

  • Sound Shield - shields from mechanical waves used for program uploads.

  • Emulator Detacher - detaches emulators attached to the body.

  • Inspector - inspects all body reporting everything it finds making it available to other components in the suite.

  • Agreement Terminator - terminates installed agreements.

  • Structure Detacher - detaches structures attached to the body.

  • Immobilizer - immobilizes everything that should be removed and or detached from the body.

  • Influencer Structure Detacher - detaches all influencer structures from the body.

  • Cloud Layer Tracker - searches for cloud layers in the body.

  • Energy Blocker Tracker - searches for all energy blockages in the body.

  • Automatic Memory Eraser - erases traumas, fake memories/gaslightings, conditioning patterns.

  • Energy Cleaner - cleans all energy in the human body.

  • Adaptive Protection Tester - tests and designs solutions to remove new forms of attack and makes available to other components in the suite.

  • Mask and Filter Tracker - searches for masks and filters used to alter the perception and marks it.

  • Light Quotient Elevation - elevates the Human body light quotient to the highest possible quotient that the body can use.

  • Vital Energy Recovery - recovers the body’s vital energy to 100%.

  • Water Harvesting On Demand - acquires water from the environment to the body.

  • Gel Sink Heater On Demand - assembles a gel sink heater as needed to dissipated over heating of the body during procedures of removal and fixing.

  • Elemental Detacher - detaches all elemetals from the body.

  • Device Detacher - detaches all devices from the body. The implants of the type devices are removed from milli, micro, nano scale down to sub-nano scale devices.

  • Materials Tracker - searches all materials that are known to be harmful to the body and marks it.

  • Tech Detacher - searches all known tech that should not be installed in the body and marks it.

  • My Safe Environment - creates a residual clearance area around you, removing intentions against your things.

    • Feature enabled – PSA Luminous will consider your request for which items should be included in the list of the My Safe Environment component.

    • “My Safe Environment – creates a residual clearance area around you removing intentions against your things.” These things are from small to medium size (around 50x50x50cm / 20x20x20″).

    • Usually HPSS Luminous will choose to include automatically items it sees you using most and are important for you. Now you can request for the inclusion of an item when you first get it. Just don’t over use it, keep its use to important things for you. Later you will be able to check with PSA Luminous about it.

    • Feature added – sweep and clean up the environment around you, taking down the tech built in the environment. Something that I usually did manually for you, now is automated and each one carries it in your HPSS Luminous. It is not as strong but does the work.

  • Emotions Eraser - erases bad emotions.

  • Harmful Bio Bodies Tracker - searches for known harmful bio bodies (natural or synthetic) and marks them for removal.

  • PSA – Personal Support Assistant - enables the User to interface with the HPSS Luminous via thought and imagery. With the PSA you should be able to have images of your body; answers to what is happening to your body; statistics/estimates about recovery. Just ask the PSA to teach you what and how can you benefit from it. The PSA interface will only be made available to the User when the HPSS Luminous detects that the User is clean enough from implants.


What is the PSA?

PSA (the “Personal Support Assistant”) is a component of the HPSS Luminous responsible for the interface between the User and the HPSS Luminous installed on the User.  You should consider the PSA as your Personal Support Assistant, as the name already states.  This way you can have your privacy, questions answered without relying on the outside communications.

The PSA is also loaded with knowledge about different subjects that will help on your way to recover your body.


How to use the interface to the PSA?

The PSA enables the User to interface with the HPSS Luminous via thought and imagery.

The PSA can talk to you as a person would, in regards to language syntax and vocabulary.  It will use your native language.  So if your native language is english, the PSA will speak in english with you.  All talking will happen via thought and depending on the situation also via imagery.

The PSA you should be able to present images of your body; answers to what is happening to your body; statistics and estimates about recovery and many other things.  Just ask the PSA to teach you what can you benefit from it.

If your imagery is not working the HPSS Luminous will be rebuilding it, but it may take some time for it to be ready for usage.  How long?  Ask your PSA.


When the PSA interface is made available?

The PSA is a component and part of the HPSS Luminous.

Even thou the PSA is working since the beginning of the HPSS Luminous installment the interface to the PSA is not enabled since the beginning.  The PSA interface will only be made available to the User when the HPSS Luminous detects that the User is clean enough from implants.

For the HPSS Luminous User to have access to the PSA you will have to use a password to turn on the interface to it.

If you are clean enough it will enable you to interface with it after you use the password.

There goes the password: “HPSS Luminous PSA

Try the password by thinking on it.  When the PSA is ready it will open the interface for you to interact.


Some PSA features:

  • you should be able to have image of your body;
  • answers to what is happening to your body;
  • statistics and estimates about many different things about your body;
  • knowledge of many different subjects;
  • you can also ask the PSA what it can do for you.  Just talk to your PSA.


HPSS Luminous Installation

Our product is licensed for a Human. It is a Human Software installed in a Human. Everything is installed at a distance, we only use the Human bio signature to reach you.  We upload the software to your Human body through your Human Interface, via the (“MPCG”) Mellhedek Planetary Communication Grid. After the installation everything sets up in 5 seconds and starts working. We are not providing a technique or anything else besides a product based on advance tech that is tested and working.


HPSS Luminous – Estimated time for results

It starts to work 5 seconds after the install.  The estimate time to take everything (known to the HPSS) down is 2 weeks, 6 months for recovery of the damaged areas and 2 years for device residues to be expelled from the body.


HPSS Luminous - Updates

Our solution is under constant development and will be kept that way to keep ahead of the other´s tech.

We will continue to update the HPSS Luminous to remove implants that the solution might not know yet, and also to improve fixing, recovery time, as well as to add many new features to help in the protection.


HPSS Luminous - Compatibility Test

We do track you via your bio signature and test you for compatibility with our tech. So not everyone will be accepted, and we will only accept those that meet compatibility with our tech.


HPSS Luminous - License Period

Our HPSS Luminous software license is sold in a 1(one) year license fee.


HPSS Luminous Information

First read my Trial Tests Posts in the twitter ( or in my facebook ( notes. There you will find our testings done in the USA users.

We have advance technology which is installed in a Human´s body that protects a Human. The whole protection suite has many different components to accomplish a full protection (Human Protection Dome, Automatic Device Removal Matrix, Human Firewall, Quena Human Shield, Program Tracker and Anti Stalking, besides the Human Technology which is used to recover the damaged areas from the device removal). Today our technology is far beyond in development from where we started. We have release our solution to the open market, where we expect to reach millions of users in the following years. Our technology will be kept always under development so that we stay ahead of the invisible forces.




Your freedom starts here.

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Book: "My Direct Voice Hearing vol.1" on sale.

 This book contains few months length typing up of the V2K conversation. They seemed to be engaged in the endless radio talking over threats, persuasions, and criminal investigations. 25 dollars. Over 11,000 words and 300 pages. It has the extra section "100 questions to the Direct Voice Hearing Speakers" and their replies.



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