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Oh, I wish I could be well recieved and believed. How i wish the truth of my life and that which I have seen and come to understand as truth could be also believed by you all. The gangstalking, the mind-reading, the invasion into your private life, the bodily pain, the mental disorentiation and diversion, all of this and anything i have neglected to mention is straight from SATAN and HIS DEMONS. 

You are not hearing from someone who initially believed this. You are not hearing from someone who was quick to believe this. You are hearing from someone who lived in rural Alaska and couldn't make sense of her experiences, then couldn't stop her stalking and then finally after NO answers (including those on Peacepink) truly fit her problems, stopped believing that an 'agencv ' could be at work. Because no agency could tell the future. Which was exactly what was happening to me. this mixed with dreams of scripture (again, this was a non-christian talking to you), and an all-over feeling that I needed to seek the Lord.

Please, oh please, at least consider that I may be truthful and that Jesus Christ really is the Lord and Savior. I challenge you here and now: if you read this blog, think on this: what if I am right instead of wrong? What if there really is a Jesus and those without him don't make it to Heaven? If there really is an eternity out there, isn't worth some of your time to try and figure out if there truly is a God? So I beg you-in all sincerety- give it 30 days. Pray every day (a few times a day if you can remember to) that the Lord will reveal that he exists  to you. The bible says: draw close to God and he will draw close to you. So for the next 30 days, pray every day that God will reveal his presence to you. Tell him that just because life hasn't made you want to be a believer yet doesn't meant that you are totally unwilling- you just are unsure!!! Tell him that if there is an eternity out there and our choices are making it to heaven or not, that NOTHING could be worth not making it. And that just because you are not sure doesn't mean you are unwilling to be guided by the Lord, if only he would reveal his presence to you. 

Just think about it. If there really is an eternity, that means a thousand years times a thousand years times a thousand years go by, and if there really is a heaven or a hell, it is MORE THAN WORTH 30 DAYS OF PRAYER to ask the Creator to show you he is truly there.

Once I came to see his reality, I was truly filled with this need to tell others the truth. I just thought: I can't NOT try to tell others this truth, even if they think I am silly or worse yet, lying. The truth is: Jesus loves you now just as much as he did the day you were born: NO MATTER WHAT YOU HAVE DONE WRONG.  And the only thing he wants is for you to believe in him and follow him and do your best.  If you truly believe in Jesus and ask him into your heart to be your savior, everything you do wrong will be forgotten and your eternity in heaven will be his gift. I know it sounds too good to be true and a little strange but it is the truth. And it is worth questioning: don't just believe me; read the new testament and ask God!!!!! Only 2 years ago I was unsaved and heading down the road to eternal damnation- not only that but I didn't believe in such "b.s., nonsense, whatever" and let me tell you this much: boy did God ever open my eyes!!!!!!!! And show me that there was a whole new way to live, to think, to believe, to trust. 

Today my life is so different.  It is also still a work in progress... as in, much though I would like to be all of a sudden perfect based on my belief in the Lord, it is still a long road. But so worth it. I pray that someone, even just one person, will believe in my words, for they are the truth!, and come to the Lord because of it. My # is (907)776-3624 (my name is Gina Loosli)  if you want to talk. I put my number out in good faith that the Lord will lead anyone who needs to talk to me. My voicemail is messed up so just try again if you can't leave a message.  Don't worry about being judged. I cringe to think of the stuff I did before ( and still do, sometimes.) There is a good chance I was worse than you ever were, so  don't feel shy, Ok? 
God loves you FOR REAL and I want to try to help if I can! With love and care, gina

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9143077280?profile=original本人是一名精神控制受害者,被脑控已经四年了。这是一种惨无人道的心理实验和神经控制武器实验!本人遭受24小时精神监控,自己的任何想法都被另一方控制者知道,这些脑控研究员对本人进行长期的精神折磨,无时不刻在遭受语言极其下流的辱骂。这种声音可以说不是声音,而是一种神经性声音,就是通过特殊手段对听神经“写入”要说的话,国际称之为V2K(voice to skull)。本人敢保证这绝对是一项秘密操作,各国互相配合的精神控制实验,不仅在中国,在世界各地都有和本人一样的遭遇,自己的视觉,听觉,思维以及梦境都被远程窃取!迫害者对受害者进行长期的精神监控和折磨,国际受害者称之为gangstalking犯罪,自己为targeted individuls目标个体。

受害者不是单单个体,有很多,纷纷怀疑这是一项政府秘密实验项目!可以访问或者中国有无数脑控mind control受害者,受害者通过媒体和各种手段向政府求救,但却遭到政府否定,无数受害者遭到打击和被精神病。由于受害者的学历对其认识各不相同,脑控技术的猜测更是五花八门,很多中国脑控受害者认为是自己的脑电波被破译遭到思维窃取和精神控制,可以百度脑控,卫星破译脑电波,电子精神控制,本人认为脑控是一种神经控制,可能采取纳米电子生物芯片等技术完成对人脑各种感觉神经脉冲的监控,操控者一定是一些军事科研人员,他们精通大脑神经纤维运作原理和各种感觉神经脉冲编码方法,采用地基信号塔和卫星完成远程神经监控remote neural monitor

查阅有关资料了解到美国在六七时年代就进行精神控制的研究PROJECT MKultra,这包括药物LSD和微波以及芯片植入的研究!虽然说美国在七十年代就终止其研究,但是美国政府军事科研机构一直秘密研究脑控武器至今!如今已经可以做到远程感觉和思维信息远程同步捕获。操控者对受害者进行长期的折磨,不断打击受害者,破坏受害者的家庭,事业,婚姻,学业等 这是一个秘密的全球黑暗实验计划!如同日本731,受害者生活在无形的精神集中营中,饱受精神折磨是常人无法相信想象的,这种折磨称之为死亡之吻。操控者对受害者的折磨是非常巧妙的,利用心理学使受害者表现的如同精神病般,他们可以控制受害者的情绪和身体,对其折磨时强时弱,受害者都是思维清晰,有其自己主观意识的,操控者抑制大多数受害者的恐惧心理,使其反抗并不明显,更恐其自杀妨碍以后长期的折磨实验。一些电影和书籍都在影射暗示脑控的存在,推荐阅读书籍“mind control,world control"和“project:soul catcher"脑控肯定是一个秘密的群体控制计划!用高科技控制公民!关注脑控!关注神经控制武器!are you the next victim???这种技术可以做到1获取你的视觉,听觉,思维,梦境2可以控制你的记忆,可以让你大脑突然重现梦境,可以阻断干扰你的记忆2可以控制你的情绪,让你愉快,抑郁,烦躁等控制和反应都是极快的3可以剥夺你的睡眠,可以在睡觉时有种莫名的烦躁感,难以入睡,同时也可以让你嗜睡,感觉特别困4可以控制你的大小便和性勃起,让你解小便时尿不出,大便解不出,感觉就是突然没有尿感,可以让你突然勃起并且可以持续很长时间5可以控制肢体,可以让你走路突然无力,手无力,手发抖,难以咽食,可以控制眼皮眨动和眼神5可以和你颅中对话,说的话一般都是刺激性辱骂性话语,通常磨磨唧唧的,有时大声和你对话,这种声音不是经过耳膜进入的,有方向感和强度感,可以影响你的视觉,让你看错或者向你视觉神经“写入”图像!6他们知道你的梦境,有时你在梦中意识到是做梦,并且可以听到他们和你对话!触觉“写入”在你意识很弱,通常似睡非睡时,可以感到有人在触摸你,这种感觉很真实!包括摸感,压感,掐感等触感等等很多。不再多说了,总之一句话!这是真的!大脑黑客!谷歌请搜索project mkultra,project monarch,mind control,V2K,targeted individuals,苏联脑控,美国脑控研究,脑控,REMOTE NEURAL MONITOR...

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(...)Motives for spying



For many spies, the primary motivating factor is the prospect of financial gain. Spies may simply seek to supplement whatever income they already receive, or may be driven to spy due to financial difficulties. Sometimes, these spies are detected due to extravagant spending of the money they receive. John Anthony Walker is an example of a spy who worked for money.

Ideology, patriotism, or religion

Sometimes, a person will become a spy simply because of their beliefs. These can include their political opinions, their national allegiances, or their cultural or religious beliefs. This was particularly true during theCold War, when many spies were motivated by support for the ideological positions of either the Western world or the Communist bloc. Examples of spies with ideological motivations include Kim Philby and Klaus Fuchs (communist), Fritz Kolbe and Juan Pujol (anti-Nazi), Nathan Hale (pro-American independence), Harriet Tubman (anti-slavery), Ana Montes (pro-Cuban)


Not all spies enter into service willingly—sometimes, a person can be threatened into providing secret information to another country.

Threats of injury or death are the most direct form of coercion. For example, Mathilde Carré, a member of theFrench Resistance, was captured by the Nazis and threatened with torture unless she became a double agent. Threats can also be made against family or friends of the target—Svetlana Tumanova was told by the KGB that her family in the Soviet Union would be harmed if she did not co-operate, and Ronald Humphrey said that he had helped North Vietnam in order to obtain the release of his Vietnamese wife.

A more subtle form of coercion is blackmail, with a government threatening to release embarrassing information about a person's activities unless that person provides them with secret information. A wide range of material can be used for blackmail—extramarital affairs, homosexuality, and undiscovered crimeshave all been used for this purpose. John Vassall and Alfred Redl, who were threatened with revelations about their homosexuality, are both example of this type of spy. Sometimes, traps of this sort may be laid especially to collect blackmail material—Vassal was almost certainly set up, as was Clayton Lonetree, who was blackmailed after an affair with a Soviet agent. William Sebold, a German-born American, was threatened by the Nazis with revelations that he lied in order to immigrate. Sebold, however, quickly betrayed the Nazis, indicating a major problem with the use of coercion—the target has no real loyalty to their blackmailers, and will turn on them when possible.


The role of ego and pride in motivating spies has occasionally been observed, but is often hard to demonstrate. In some situations, a person can be enticed to spy by the sense of importance or significance which it gives them—they cease to be simply a minor functionary, and are having a substantial, albeit covert, impact. This motivation often involves the target gaining a sense of superiority over his or her colleagues, whom he or she is outwitting. Furthermore, in rare cases a spy may even be motivated by the excitement of tradecraft alone.

It is possible, although hard to observe and demonstrate, that excitement and thrills play a part in the decisions of some spies. This is particularly true if they are bored with their life. Excitement is seldom the primary motivation of a spy, but may be a contributing factor. One notable example of a spy motivated primarily by excitement, however, is Christopher Cooke, who claimed to be fascinated with espionage, and who told investigators that he specifically sought to involve himself in spycraft for that reason.

Robert Hanssen is another example of someone who, though paid handsomely, decided to spy due to arrogance.

Disaffection and grudges

On some occasions, a spy is motivated largely by personal, non-ideological hostility towards the country or organisation that they are spying on. This may stem from some real or imagined wrong—a person may, for example, betray secrets to the enemy if they feel that they have not been given sufficient recognition, or they have been treated badly. Liu Liankun, a general in the People's Republic of China, is believed to have begun spying for Taiwan after being falsely accused of corruption and therefore denied a promotion. Another case is that of Earl Edwin Pitts, who, in defence of his espionage, cited various instances of alleged poor treatment by his employer, the FBI.

Personal relations

A spy may also be motivated by personal connections and relationships. In some cases, secret information may be passed on due to a family connection, a friendship, a romantic link, or a sexual relationship. In particular, the spouses and friends of an active spy may sometimes be drawn into the spy's activities—an example is Rosario Ames, wife of Aldrich Ames. The tactic of seducing a potential source of information is also well-established—for example, Katrina Leung is accused of using this method to gain access to secretFBI counter-intelligence documents.



This is an excellent case study of the type of PEOPLE that can LITERALLY SELL OUT their COUNTRY, their FELLOW CITIZENS, the HUMAN LIFE and HUMANITY of the Targeted Man or Woman, but most of all they SELL OUT THEIR OWN HUMANITY based upon the FOLLOWING:


M    =            MONEY           =    Bribery and/or Greed;                                                                 Compensation; Monetary &/or                                                         Material 

I      =            IDEOLOGY      =    CAUSE Driven and/or Related                                                      Participation

C     =            COERCION      =    Blackmail/Threats/Unwilling                                                       Participant

E      =            EGO                =    Driving Force: False Sense of Self                                                 Importance; Need for Power and/or                                                 Control Over Others


S       =            SEX                 =   Attraction/Seduction then                                                             Compromise

M      =            MONEY           =   Bribery and/or Greed;                                                                     Compensation; Monetary &/or                                                        Material

I        =            IDEOLOGY      =   CAUSE Driven an/or Related                                                          Participation

C       =            CONTRABAND/ADDICTION = Being                                                                                             Offered/Feeding                                                                             Addiction

E        =            EGO               =   Driving Force: False Sense of Self                                                 Importance;  Need for Power                                                            and/or Control Over Others.

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(...)Motives for spying



For many spies, the primary motivating factor is the prospect of financial gain. Spies may simply seek to supplement whatever income they already receive, or may be driven to spy due to financial difficulties. Sometimes, these spies are detected due to extravagant spending of the money they receive. John Anthony Walker is an example of a spy who worked for money.

Ideology, patriotism, or religion

Sometimes, a person will become a spy simply because of their beliefs. These can include their political opinions, their national allegiances, or their cultural or religious beliefs. This was particularly true during theCold War, when many spies were motivated by support for the ideological positions of either the Western world or the Communist bloc. Examples of spies with ideological motivations include Kim Philby and Klaus Fuchs (communist), Fritz Kolbe and Juan Pujol (anti-Nazi), Nathan Hale (pro-American independence), Harriet Tubman (anti-slavery), Ana Montes (pro-Cuban)


Not all spies enter into service willingly—sometimes, a person can be threatened into providing secret information to another country.

Threats of injury or death are the most direct form of coercion. For example, Mathilde Carré, a member of theFrench Resistance, was captured by the Nazis and threatened with torture unless she became a double agent. Threats can also be made against family or friends of the target—Svetlana Tumanova was told by the KGB that her family in the Soviet Union would be harmed if she did not co-operate, and Ronald Humphrey said that he had helped North Vietnam in order to obtain the release of his Vietnamese wife.

A more subtle form of coercion is blackmail, with a government threatening to release embarrassing information about a person's activities unless that person provides them with secret information. A wide range of material can be used for blackmail—extramarital affairs, homosexuality, and undiscovered crimeshave all been used for this purpose. John Vassall and Alfred Redl, who were threatened with revelations about their homosexuality, are both example of this type of spy. Sometimes, traps of this sort may be laid especially to collect blackmail material—Vassal was almost certainly set up, as was Clayton Lonetree, who was blackmailed after an affair with a Soviet agent. William Sebold, a German-born American, was threatened by the Nazis with revelations that he lied in order to immigrate. Sebold, however, quickly betrayed the Nazis, indicating a major problem with the use of coercion—the target has no real loyalty to their blackmailers, and will turn on them when possible.


The role of ego and pride in motivating spies has occasionally been observed, but is often hard to demonstrate. In some situations, a person can be enticed to spy by the sense of importance or significance which it gives them—they cease to be simply a minor functionary, and are having a substantial, albeit covert, impact. This motivation often involves the target gaining a sense of superiority over his or her colleagues, whom he or she is outwitting. Furthermore, in rare cases a spy may even be motivated by the excitement of tradecraft alone.

It is possible, although hard to observe and demonstrate, that excitement and thrills play a part in the decisions of some spies. This is particularly true if they are bored with their life. Excitement is seldom the primary motivation of a spy, but may be a contributing factor. One notable example of a spy motivated primarily by excitement, however, is Christopher Cooke, who claimed to be fascinated with espionage, and who told investigators that he specifically sought to involve himself in spycraft for that reason.

Robert Hanssen is another example of someone who, though paid handsomely, decided to spy due to arrogance.

Disaffection and grudges

On some occasions, a spy is motivated largely by personal, non-ideological hostility towards the country or organisation that they are spying on. This may stem from some real or imagined wrong—a person may, for example, betray secrets to the enemy if they feel that they have not been given sufficient recognition, or they have been treated badly. Liu Liankun, a general in the People's Republic of China, is believed to have begun spying for Taiwan after being falsely accused of corruption and therefore denied a promotion. Another case is that of Earl Edwin Pitts, who, in defence of his espionage, cited various instances of alleged poor treatment by his employer, the FBI.

Personal relations

A spy may also be motivated by personal connections and relationships. In some cases, secret information may be passed on due to a family connection, a friendship, a romantic link, or a sexual relationship. In particular, the spouses and friends of an active spy may sometimes be drawn into the spy's activities—an example is Rosario Ames, wife of Aldrich Ames. The tactic of seducing a potential source of information is also well-established—for example, Katrina Leung is accused of using this method to gain access to secretFBI counter-intelligence documents.



This is an excellent case study of the type of PEOPLE that can LITERALLY SELL OUT their COUNTRY, their FELLOW CITIZENS, the HUMAN LIFE and HUMANITY of the Targeted Man or Woman, but most of all they SELL OUT THEIR OWN HUMANITY based upon the FOLLOWING:


M    =            MONEY           =    Bribery and/or Greed;                                                                 Compensation; Monetary &/or                                                         Material 

I      =            IDEOLOGY      =    CAUSE Driven and/or Related                                                      Participation

C     =            COERCION      =    Blackmail/Threats/Unwilling                                                       Participant

E      =            EGO                =    Driving Force: False Sense of Self                                                 Importance; Need for Power and/or                                                 Control Over Others


S       =            SEX                 =   Attraction/Seduction then                                                             Compromise

M      =            MONEY           =   Bribery and/or Greed;                                                                     Compensation; Monetary &/or                                                        Material

I        =            IDEOLOGY      =   CAUSE Driven an/or Related                                                          Participation

C       =            CONTRABAND/ADDICTION = Being                                                                                             Offered/Feeding                                                                             Addiction

E        =            EGO               =   Driving Force: False Sense of Self                                                 Importance;  Need for Power                                                            and/or Control Over Others.

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"The wrongs which we seek to condemn and punish have been so calculated, so malignant, and so devastating, that civilization cannot tolerate their being ignored because it cannot survive their being repeated." - Justice Robert H. Jackson, Chief U.S. Prosecutor, Nuremberg Trials


In order to better understand what most Targeted Individual's who, without their consent are forced into these Human Subject Experimental Protocols, IF NOT FUTURE EXTERMINATION PROJECTS - while having their rights and liberties obstructed, denied and deprived


How the killing was carried out is described in the article, Action T4. Aktion T4) was the name used after World War II[1] for Nazi Germany's eugenics-based "euthanasia" program during which physicians killed thousands of people who were "judged incurably sick, by critical medical examination"

Law for the Prevention of Genetically Diseased Offspring
(1) Congenital Mental Deficiency,
(2) Schizophrenia,
(3) Manic-Depressive Insanity,
(4) Hereditary Epilepsy,
(5) Hereditary Chorea (Huntington’s),
(6) Hereditary Blindness,
(7) Hereditary Deafness,
(8) Any severe hereditary deformity.

Any person suffering from severe alcoholism may be also rendered incapable of procreation"
n fact, if anything, these individual's involved today... make Dr. Josef Mengele, and his Medical cohorts appear to be a Patron Saints.

This is how Insidiously violent these illegal, non consenting human experiments being conducted today, without the consent of the Targeted, Law Abiding, Unarmed, and Defenseless Individual feels.

Like any Prisoner of War, someone being held Hostage, or Thrown into Slavery to be Brutalized by the latest Sadistic Psychopaths' - without their consent, and against their will; as a myriad of experimental protocols are being inflicted by unethical, serial killing individual's with access to various military grade weaponized nano/neurotechnologies, non kinetic/non lethal direct energy weapons arsenal, cutting edge biometric technologies; as they fire shot, after shot at the defenseless Target who has NO FIREWALLS to protect themselves from these type of biological-technological weapons - just to see the Human Effects of what their Weapons can do.

In addition, to being labeled and have been accused of making things up because such technologies do not exist - due to the Tainted Fruit of the Poisonous Tree doctrine. Which is sold to the Target Audiences aka General Public in order to manipulate them into participation and/or silent complicity.

This in turn, causes the Targeted Individual to NEVER be treated in an equal, un-biased, and non prejudicial manner, which is in direct violation of these Targeted Individual's fundamental rights and liberties guaranteed to ALL -

Therefore, the Targeted Individual's who are the victims of these modern day science, neurological, biological-technological human subject experimentation's without their consent, not unlike the surviving victim's of sheer brutality at the hand of their, "Angel of Death, Dr. Joseph Mengele" -

Are demanding today, the exact same things, the Jewish people of yesteryear, wanted as well.

Which is, to have... the Criminal's who conducted such barbaric, non consenting human subject research experiments: to be hunted down, brought before a criminal justice system,
(the following is not what the Jewish people wanted - but what this American Citizen wants)
in the hopes these Monster's will be Tortured, Executed, and for those who believed they could play GOD with the human lives of other human beings, to be Nailed and Impaled on Crosses of their Delusional Noble Projects, for the heinous and egregious crimes against humanity they were willing to commit, against law abiding, defenseless, non-consenting American Targeted Individual's, and now... International Human Target's.

Just to give you an idea of the History of Human Experimentation - in particular the United States Government via the Department of Defense, and CIA -

Target's need to give Thanks to the person who put together this website to show this history.
Which is, to have... the Criminal's who conducted such barbaric, non consenting human subject research experiments: to be hunted down, brought before a criminal justice system,
(the following is not what the Jewish people wanted - but what this American Citizen wants)
in the hopes these Monster's will be Tortured, Executed, and for those who believed they could play GOD with the human lives of other human beings, to be Nailed and Impaled on Crosses of their Delusional Noble Projects, for the heinous and egregious crimes against humanity they were willing to commit, against law abiding, defenseless, non-consenting American Targeted Individual's, and now... International Human Target's.

Just to give you an idea of the History of Human Experimentation - in particular the United States Government via the Department of Defense, and CIA -

Target's need to give Thanks to the person who put together this website to show this history.

Starts in the 1700's and ends in 2003 - but since then - ALL TARGETED INDIVIDUAL'S are FULLY AWARE of what has followed - It is the 21st Century Arms Race in Cognitive Nano-Neurotechnologies, and Domination of the Electromagnetic Spectrum.

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Complete exposure and publication of voice to skull remote neural monitoring technology will ultimately end our tortures

One good idea is to send letters or to personally go to Universities explain our situations and ask teachers and students if they could detect that there is something directed at us ( many have very good laboratories) and also ask based on our information if they could duplicate such devices

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I recently came back from a trip to Europe in hopes of losing eh signal, I have traveled to Italy,Switzerland,Germany,Poland,Hungary, and Bulgaria as well as passed through Czech republic, Slovakia, Serbia, Croatia , and Slovenia. In all those places I had continues uninterrupted v2k signal. It seems to me that one of the reasons for this is because I was tuned to from different locations and sources. So I believe the criminals who got a hand on v2k radios are operating from different countries and using probably amateur radio broadcasts or other possibly publicly available broadcasts to transmit their S#$T. What they are doing to us is probably much simpler then many of us think, only on the count that there is lack of knowledge of the tech at the moment. So we must expose this technology to the general public and defenses must be made available to all citizens of this Earth. We should come together and form physical groups and work seriously on exposing and complete protection against electronic harassment.

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