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this is old news but big,this is a great man who inspired me and got me on track to who they are,he exposed the police as he found they use vans parked up for months and also took readings and approached the police,had his freqency counter took off him and also did a show on channel 4 which the researchers all suffered with the same symptoms of mind control,i got in touch with the channel and they said they would never do anything on this matter ever again...a hero at exploiting the police who dont forget are basically run by mi5 who funny enough their base is in brighton and thats where readings were took even to the fact a few lads ona wall opposite police station were hit to move away.police also use tetra radios exploiting as the attacks onme are so severe to kill me as my gangstalking by police is upped as i gave them information about what they do..also asked a question has anyone complained of electronic harrassment and they replied can we have ur address and name lol.

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An MI5 report on Orwell (he was then working at the BBC and being watched round the clock) i can relate with police as i sent mi5 information and ever since that and i wrote to goverment my survelliance is upped by police and screaming with horrific pain to kill me no lie the tech they got n power is frightening and i will stop till they kill me and or it comes out

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When talking about human, low quality means those who are morally low. A high quality street sweeper is more useful to humankind than those of low qualities. Same to the company bosses. Low quality boss is less likely to be useful to humankind than the others. If a company is on purpose doing things useless to humankind but only useful to the power of the boss and the administrators, the boss has to be of low quality.


The CIA mind control FIRM is only doing bad things to humankind. That is the only reason they dare not let the whole world know what they are really doing. What the mind control FIRM is doing is determined by the boss who set the rules and regulations.


Rockefeller family members who are controlling the CIA mind control firm today are of low quality, because what the mind control FIRM is doing is not only useless but also harmful to humankind. The CIA mind control FIRM’s real bosses are American low qualities, who did not care about the interests of majority Americans.


There is no relation between exposing the secrets and killings, as without shutting down the current CIA bad system (including all the regulations and rules), it is impossible to see anything good to humankind happen.


Exposing secrets and stopping killing are everyone’s responsibility. However, all the killings attributes to the boss who does not allow exposing the two secret technologies, as hiding secrets is the only reason that allowed killings with no cost to the real boss possible. Every CIA employee is suffering as testified by Brice Taylor and others. Only the CIA mind control FIRM real boss did not suffer because of hiding secrets.

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Today, an average computer user cannot even keep the
machine secured. So what will the world look like when
hacking your mind becomes as easy as infecting your
machine with a computer virus?
Human knowledge on DNA nanotechnology and bio-
molecular computing increases exponentially with every
passing year. Thus, protecting your own brain from
security breaches could become the highest priority
challenge of the 21st century.
Synthetic biology is becoming one of the most powerful
forms of technology in the world. But many people fear
that scientists’ games with the genetics of life forms
could spin out of control and open the door to a new
age of bio-hacking and bio-terrorism.
Natural living viruses and bacteria are not only making
people sick, they also control the behavior and
condition of the hosts, though without any malice. But
the consequences of getting exposed to an artificially-
created virus could be much more serious than a
headache or a fever.
“Synthetic biology will lead to new forms of
bioterrorism,” security expert Marc Goodman told the
Daily Mail. “Bio-crime today is akin to computer
crime in the early ’80s.”
Viruses and bacteria are manipulating the chemicals
inside the human body and, by programming them to
send the right agents into the brain, the bio-
programmer potentially can take control over the
victim’s behavior.
We are seeing the opening stages of the synthetic
biology industry. Some basic tasks like decoding,
insertion and excision of parts of the DNA, and
relatively successful attempts of cloning is pretty much
everything that modern science can carry through.
But in the ’80s, computer science technology was
actually at the same level of maturity. At that time no
one could really believe that 20 years later any person
would have a greater power over the computer – and
not only the one that belongs to him – than the best
present-day programmers.
Cells are living computers and DNA is a programming
language that can be used to control and influence life
forms, believes Andrew Hessel of Singularity University,
on NASA's research campus.
“Synthetic biology – the writing of life,” Hessel
says. “It's growing fast. It will grow faster than
computer technologies.”
Programming the DNA, however, is more of a
speculation at this point. There is no development
environment or any frameworks to manipulate the cell.
Just like in computer programming, a set of basic
instructions and codes has to be developed before an
average coder could perform some task of greater
The industry is developing rapidly and the future of
DNA programming seems bright. But drawing parallels
with computer science, it would be better for
humankind to recognize the problem of “malicious bio-
programmers” with all possible seriousness and
proactively develop defensive and counter-offensive

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After torture by one kind of perps I have to be afraid by another kind of perps, those whom they feed with trauma details. Mind control works on trauma based coding, NLP, hypnosis etc. but whereas one might be protected in a real setting by the privacy and trustworthyness of a therapist here people are programmed, enslaved by their "handlers", who have a protocol on them, who can pull the trigger. Abused by others who gain on the momentum or instrumentalize for their interest. Reminds me of human traffiking.  

I´m not sure if all this is "simply" monarch programming. If so, I´m sure it can be skrewed. I can remember several occasions when drugs were put into my drink (without my knowledge and consent) a couple of years ago.

However, if it is government it can be held accountable. Easier than mafia.

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all this propaganda

There´s a lot of propaganda: spiritual enlightment, new world order, sects, satanism, etc.

Maybe all these attributions are set too fast. I´m still in the process of gathering details about the technology, the text, texture, what kind of people contribute...I´m not even sure about which government is to be held accountable.

I have witnessed and experienced gang stalking and people harrassing me in public, I have witnessed people cooperating with the perps and this reminded me a bit of the cogwheel metaphor of hanna arendt. I know from the current version of CAT and UN treaties that what have been done to me here constitutes torture. So far.

I am often scared since I got the impression, that the information the perps have gathered by torturing me, or euphemistically speaking by applying some kind of enhanced interrogation including sleep deprivation, fear of dying and prolonged repeated sexual abuses as well as physical pain, is being used for futher perils. On the one hand to establish some kind of whitewash of torture and misinformation, on the other hand to exert total control, to numb and stun, to pervert and isolate and to drive me away. Hence I´m constantly somewhat on the run, homeless, stressed out. Then again, as a curious person and due to this destructive bonding one builds up with places of "evil" I return and try to understand, to "figure it out". There is no "why?". But there is a "how?".   

I wonder whether it is the mafia. Or the mafia taking over "security", or other...

I´m quite optimistic that the perps can be identified and brought to trial. Just imagine all this technology that exists today. How will it be in 50 years?

The software seems to apply the strategy "divide and conquer", retaliation.. suggesting victims to hold a mirror in front of them. Curiously this mirror reflects what the perps want the victim to believe of themselves, giving the victim an insight into the strategy of the perp. But who wants those mind games?


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