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When a relative of his has built a building a stone's throw away from our house, complete with a tall radio tower (which should actually be prohibited in a heavily -populated area) plus radio and the offices now being occupied by the very housemates back in college days who are at the center of the perp-connections.

What a coincidence to have the relative of a bully who I do not even know except that they got my details from a popular online forum at that time (after his best friend  bullied me because of a boy), WHO LIVES IN THE METROPOLIS 12 hours from here, suddenly come out as related to a neighbor who built a building being rented out to people who have been connected to this harassment going back to a decade or so ago.

How coincidental that for a building with just a few units, most of the occupants who appeared there fairly recently have been connected to  stalking and harassment  for years .

How convenient to have such a large-scale tower right next to our place, right smack on their building.

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November 2012 
From the Spiritual Hierarchy through Judy Satori
           "Love is the Catalyst...Love is the Key"


A Message From Judy Satori

I have been prepared by Spirit to transmit new recreation energy to prepare people for Earth's shift to the Fifth Dimension.  Now is the time to begin.  This energy is spiritual Light Language.  It is transmitted through very rapid energy words transmitted directly into the DNA, cellular template and energy fields of the body. 
My purpose is to get this energy to as many people as possible in 2012.  Please help me spread the word.
            Judy's Story 







My book, Sunshine Before the Dawn




This is the story of why we came to Earth from the stars and how.  It is a love story.  The words are coded to help you to remember




Like the lotus flower as it rises up through the muddy waters of a lake, humanity has for aeons been diminished and disempowered by being forced to exist within the confines of a third dimensional Earth.  Now Earth is ready for restoration and advancement, ascension to the fifth dimension.  A New Earth is to be created of peace, love and oneness with all life.  Humankind will come together as one global family.  As the Earth ascends, so too will YOU, but you need to be ready to hold the faster pulsating energy of the fifth dimension within your physical body and energy fields.  You body must be healed and resynthesizedThis is the purpose of these energy transmissions from the Elohim.  To prepare us all for New Life on a New Earth.  



November Full Moon Transmission

From the Galactic Council and Archangel Metatron



to listen and download





Note:  We want to continue making these transmissions free, but each time they are downloaded we are charged.  Please only download once, save to your computer desktop and replay from your computer desktop.  It is suggested that you listen to this transmission lying down. 





Ascension Tools to Support You  




More Ascension Tools on the Website  


Click on the tabs on the left hand side of the website.  For most energy activations listen as least three times.  For Karmic Clearing audios (Karma Klear) listen three times at one session per day for seven days or 21 days.  You can then to go deeper with the clearing of a particular belief or pattern of consciousness by listening nine times at one session per day for a further five days or longer if desired.  These energy activations will not cause any harmful affects, but they may initiate clearing release with physical or emotional symptoms for a few days.  This is similar to when you go through a physical detoxification process.  It is best to only work on one Karmic Clearing activation, or one CD or Mp3 program at a time.


Website Tabs say...


Free Energy Activations:  The Three Blessings for Health, Abundance and Joy...and more


Ascension and You:  Energy work to clear and work with current ascension symptoms


Karma Klear:  Energy activations to clear belief systems created by past and current life trauma


Self Mastery:  Personalized numerology and astrology for self understanding and self mastery








                                 'Love is the Key and the Way'


Judy Satori | PO Box 339 | Naples | NY | 1451
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I've had enough!

My family is colluding with my perps to block me from getting work and finding life somewhere else.

They find fun in the sick game they are playing and when my kid and I ( including them) get angry because of the intense radiation they are exposing us to (plus the anger button they are pushing), THEY ATTACK ME AND MY KID!

And to think they are pushing me to the brink, trying to set me up so they can gain custody of my kid! Darn! How far will they still go? What logic is there in trying to get a child they can not even treat as they should just so they can take her away from me? They can't even control themselves from playing that sick, f***n game, they cannot even stop their kids from abusing us and messing up my things (when they so very well know I am rushing so I can leave this place right away with my kid) - yet they plan to take my kid who they can not even CARE about?

Bug off! How can you even bear to separate a child from a mother you know she's so attached to? How can you even justify what you are doing , colluding with my perps in sabotaging my efforts when you so very well know my child depends on me? That I need to earn money for her food and her future? 

Darn you and your twisted assertion of control! Darn you and your power-tripping, sick game.

You collude with my perps so you can make sure I will have no means to support my child, so I would have no choice but to depend on you, then when we are here, you play with our lives as if it were your own!?! You provoke me so you will have grounds for taking her away from me? What kind of sick people can orchestrate a situation so they can get their way at the expense of denying a child her mother? What sick people can afford to    force unnecessary pain on their own kid and granddaughter just so they can impose their will on them?

Why will I entrust my kid to you? you can not even make a stand for your own child (if I really am because truth be told, I doubt that! You already said I am not, I surely hope that's true for then it would explain the treatment I've received since I was a kid!).

You expose us to this sick harassment so you can play your game, and when my kid gets cranky because -DARN!, she's a kid, you are exposing her to the radiation even you can not take! - it's her you will attack?! 

Don't you even see, she's the most affected physically by what we are being exposed to! Whatever discomfort we have , it affects her multiple times over PLUS she is the one on the receiving side of the anger of us adults ! 

You do not even feel guilty that you are exposing her to the radiation with what you are doing! Worse you even blame her and scold her for her reaction to it! And to think she's even the most good-natured about all these things. Do you not even see how your sick addiction to that f***n war game is affecting us all?!@! The child is the most affected yet you so easily take out your anger at her!

Darn you for colluding with my perps so I won't have a choice but to be imprisoned here! I would prefer death over leaving my kid in your care!

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自从2006年冬天开始,我开始感到有卫星定位跟踪、监视感,2007年2月开始听到Voice to skull。2010年11月,开始知道自己是脑控受害者-Tarageted Individual (TI)Victim。直到今天,我还是脑控受害者,一直没有逃出敌人的瞄准。

而且,最近越来越严重,敌人通过我大脑里的声音——Voice to skull告诉我,敌人要杀死我,他们不会让我活多久了。而且,敌人告诉我,他们已经使用卫星武器杀过很多无辜的人。罗阳就是其中的一位。我感到我的生命和我家人的生命有危险。



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Are they not supposed to contact me?

My perps have been blocking me from receiving messages via snail mail and email. They made sure the accounts I am accessing are spoofed ones and if I happen to use a browser/pc that's secure, I can not access my account because the password fails.

There's an address i stayed in for about 2 months or so which I have repeatedly removed online but it keeps being posted again

I am supposed to be earning from my online properties. I, however, am not receiving any email or mail I am supposed to get. I have seen in one of my email inbox, messages for a person who supposedly owns my online property.

Are the companies who I should be receiving the money from not supposed to contact me if ever there really was a glitch? I am supposed to be the only one who can process whatever receivables I have. My contact data is online plus they can contact me via people in my circle.

I went thru the place/s I used to live in and asked whether they have received any mail from me. They said no. One said they return the mail when the resident no longer lives there.

Is it not against the law when people who know about money or property due you is not being given, when they know you have not been informed about it? Are they not supposed to tell you?

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1. The modus of these group is to ask for donations from people, pushing the pity button, selling false information. They claim they are giving it to me, they claim the Alternate Reality Game they are playing is meant to help me. 

NO, they are not giving me anything. That's why they need to block access to my accounts. They can not allow people to know the truth.

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You know why I am sure I hit the bull's eye?

While I was posting the last entry prior to this, all sorts of PC glitches stopped me from posting here:

1. Just now I can not log in using a secure browser: it's indicated it's being blocked because it's redirecting to:

http: //


2. When I tried to log in using this other browser, I could no longer log in, my password was changed. 



3. a few hours  ago,  I could not post the other entry because the buttons were not working.

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End Of The Line

I survived 8 years of Hell. Being a targetted individual for this long is exhausting. I'm so tired and ready to throw in the towel but I continue on my quest for justice each day. The stupid people involved in my pain and suffering shall get the same treatment one day. I don't bother even going out anymore as they'll send their extras or whoever to gang stalk me. I want a resolution to this nightmare. End of the line.

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scream 3


tortured so bad,legs,feet and heart,the pain is soso bad,they want me to take an overdose so i sleep for days at least,how can you sleep with pain thats crippling,pains everywhere,all down the back,they are going full hog and laughing,the sik barstards,they kept me awake last night and now they want me to sleep in the day so i miss everything,thats with a big if aswell,they just want you to keep taking the pills,then more n more,hearts so bloody sore,they dont want me to go out to be kept a slave,isolated,dont know what they are trying to achieve,murder most probably,i aint giving in so the prik can turn up the torture like he is whilst doing this,i want these barstards for myself so i can get on there flippin turntable {figure of speech}i'll gladly mix the flippin pain on  them so the flippin prick suffers for years and so he loses everything he bloody owned then get that much power into his no sense of humour brain and cook the git,and thats been very polite,another night without sleep,trying to brainwash me and everytime i close my eyes they rub my throat so i cant breath,am sososo tired,still torturing legs and throat which my whole body is killing me.they are getting worse and worse and worse

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Motive: The BILLION dollar business

Now going back to the issues that's less of a mystery but is connected to THE TECHNOLOGY, and also to me :

1. The owner of  the business network with a string of companies and affiliates practicing this ARG-type of attack (where I was harassed and where I found proofs of PC attacks) used to have businesses in the same strip as my grandma's business, before I was born.

My mother worked with them when I was a young kid.

2. A very popular person worldwide also had businesses in that same business strip.  They  sold these businesses to #1 long ago. They still have a business venture together. This person is connected to a  world leader whose winning is replete with issues that mirror the technology being practiced at  #1's companies. 

3. A computer supplier to big IT companies in the Philippines, my PC supplier for several years, turned out to be exploiting this technology. They also have their properties and business in the same street.

4. My grandfather who had the business right next to theirs, was into defense contracts. When I researched on the company, i found out that the nephew of that defense company's owner claims that he's the one who created the program for a dog and pony show (peer-to-peer connection) that rings so much of the ARG stuff being done to victims. He also about living your life with the idea that everything's being monitored and seen like a movie show. Right in those pages too are links to actual vocabulary/dictionary list of terms being used in ARG/Fan fiction to talk about perps.

5> The town's actively participating in this game. Curiously, when they started doing that, the company started topping career-based exams nationwide. These exams are computerized.

6. The company in-charge of various education and career-based exams is the same company handled by the one who hypnotized me for a psychology class exercise.

7. One of the professionals in this said company/department has the same surname as #1 (rare surname)

8. The secretary of that department is a dead-ringer for the person who invited my mother to join a church into spiritual warfare.

9.The spiritual warfare materials came from a church it is affiliated with, headed by a pastor who used to be a police and who used to be the assistant pastor of Morris Cerullo.

You may want to read Morris' story here:

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subliminal art this is whats killing america

the worst of it started in mountain home ar. i would here voices that sounded like they were comeing from the static or any loud noise my body would feel like it was electrafied including my eyes my body was being manipulated and my head turned to look at 3d lanscape art at first i was just curious but the longer it went on the more taxing it became on my body so i started fighting there control the harder i fight the more they torture me they run biggoted dialog through my head and continous perverted sexual inuendo accompanied with electro stimulation to everyone i come into contact including my children every time i try to talk to my daughters or son they run disgusting thoughts and imagery with electro stimulation it has completely isolated me from my family because i cant interact with my family they were able to alter my childrens personality and destroy there christian faith this has been going on for years they say they told people they had my signature and i agreed but i never did i would never agree to lose my family for any reason my grandson a very beautiful baby with downsyndrome i cant even get close to him and develope any kind of relationship every time i pick him up or try to get close to him i am electricly stimulated ive had to avoid all contact they keep me so distracted and poor i cant remember anything they dull my senses so i cant feel the anger of an outraged parent and grandfather i couldnt even be with my daughterlast week when she was giving birth to my granddaughter

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The Clear Choice.

*PINEAL GLAND = Cognitive bodily functions, Consciousness, Intuition, Directionability and ultimately how We become Aware of Ourselves, Our Brothers and Sisters, The Universe...The Absolute.

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...or for me and my kid in case this does not get solved while I am still alive.I am too sure now that the stuff they are hiding from me is bigger than my sibling being connected to the gang that's harassed me for a decade now.It is bigger than the fact that I discovered the church my mother brought me and my sibling on a spiritual warfare seminar is connected to the group monetizing the plight of people like me who have been "programmed" most of our lives.I will include details here that I think are important in this puzzle I now recognize as my life.I think my very identity is core to this lifetime of abuse and harassment.
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They have already done everything: electronic attacks, spray, medicine (without permission, without my knowledge) , created stories, created scenarios to make it look like i am the one out of my mind, not them.It's my kid they are not treating right now. The crazy accusations that I had to deal with as a kid i can recall now given the stupid and mean crazed-up insinuations being accorded to an innocent kid.The people here are crazy.I now understand what a guy asked me before (at that time i suspected he was part of the perps' circle but i wasn't sure yet. Now I already know he is):What if there's a kingdom where the well is poisoned and the entire kingdom have already drank from it and are already crazy, will you drink from it knowing it can make you crazy, too? If you do, you will all be crazy, no one will be left. If you do not drink, you will be cast out, isolated, attacked, hated... Will you drink from the well?
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