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I have lived in California since 1976, less 4 years, and I really ask those who are the prayerful kind of person to hope and pray that we do not have a major catastrophe here, weather wise, as it occurred to me today that the since the east coast tragic storm ($71 billion) - the enormity of money to take care of Cal if anything happens- might just be the economic straw that breaks us.......I do not want to be a negative but we have 1/3rd of the population here and still some moneymaking power.......I do not, of course wish this to happen anywhere else......The trouble that bothers me is that it was reported that the super storm that was so awful- could happen again??????? I don't know where they get this info from, but who knows??? Also, let us keep us all, including back East in our prayers, not to mention the rest of the world.....Carol B There is HAARP, but wouldn't it be kind of insane of them if they started this type of thing again......Not to worry, just let's keep hope, grace, love for all.....

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Medical Torture, CEO's letter

Now, I disclose the letter from CEO of The Scarborough Hospital ,who induced the special supervisor, appointed by the Government of Ontario, Canada and got involved in medical torture. 

"CEO of The Scarborough Hospital induced the special 

supervisor, appointed by the Government of Ontario, Canada after I wrote many times to TSH and Mr. CEO regarding:

a. their statements in the above letters;

b. 2 pieces of voice recording of mental status exams conducted by one nurse and one psychiatrist of TSH. TSH refused my request for the access to them all the time;

c. handwritten notes of mental status exams by the nurse. TSH refused my request for the access to it;"


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More and more EH also need to contact Sam

I came across a blog by a James Lico who claimed he was a targeted individual and that he knew how to mitigate the effects of DEW's because he had a background as an electrician.

I thought I would contact him, then googled him and found that here on peacepink, member Sam alleges James is a perp who also hangs out at FFCHS. Scary. He sounded believable.....said he had lost friends due to DEW attacks...

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16 April 2012



Medical reports on torture victims in the state's care are of poor quality and lack clinical judgement, says HM Inspectorate of Prisons

Last week’s HM Inspector of Prisons reporton Harmondsworth Removal Centre contains this shocking observation about so-called ‘Rule 35’ medical reports “relating to detainees who had experienced torture or were unfit to detain.” They “were ofpoor quality, often providing no clinical judgement.”

Rule 35 of the Detention Centre Rules (a statutory instrument) requires doctors working in detention centres to inform the detaining authority of persons about whom they have concerns that they may have been victims of torture before entering the UK. On receipt of such evidence, the responsible official is required to consider this information and release the person.

As a doctor I have examined at least 400 people during or after detention who say they were tortured in places such as Zimbabwe, Sri Lanka, or Iran before fleeing to the UK to request asylum. The vast majority displayed scars from cigarette burns or branding with hot irons, evidence of severe beatings, electrocution, stabbing or gun shot wounds. Most had blatant post-traumatic stress disorder and/or depression that was exacerbated or re-ignited by detention. While examining them, I have had occasion to read their rule 35 reports and detention medical notes. They confirm HMIP’s findings that these reports were generally “of poor quality, often providing no clinical judgement.”

Approximately 26,000 asylum seekers and other migrants are subjected to administrative detention in one of 11 “removal centres” in the UK each year. It is law and policy that those among them (possibly numbering thousands) who are torture survivors, people with serious illnesses and pregnant women should be detained “only under very exceptional circumstances.” Sadly, in pursuit of their targets to remove more “illegal immigrants” than enter the UK each year, the UK Border Agency, routinely, expensively and harmfully violate these principles.

In 2010, the government paid out about £4 million in compensation for wrongful detention and other unlawful acts against asylum seekers. This figure is a gross under-estimate. It fails to account for the legal expenses (roughly £10 million) and for the costs of inappropriate detention itself (perhaps £2 million). Aside from the waste of public funds, the victims, mostly survivors of torture, are often seriously damaged as a result of their incarceration. By the time that many are finally released and determined to have a “well founded fear” of further abuse if returned to their countries of origin – which can take years – they are often seriously re-traumatised and in need of extensive and expensive therapy.

To prevent these undesirable outcomes, Parliament insisted on Detention Centre Rules, including the crucial number 35(see below) which is supposed to protect torture victims from inappropriate incarceration. Unfortunately – as is so often the case – a benign policy is betrayed by deplorable practice, as the Prisons Inspectorate about Harmondsworth (and many previous ones about immigration detention) make clear.

In only three of the more than 400 cases I have seen did a doctor trouble to describe adequately their clinical findings and draw reasoned conclusions based on the international medico-legal standard, the Istanbul Protocol on the documentation of torture. Most reports were written by nurses or administrative assistants, not doctors. This is also in violation of the Rules. Some claimed that the person was“not tortured” despite readily visible cigarette or taser burns. Other Rule 35 reports gave a word-for-word transcript of the patient's description of their physical abuse, but negligently showed no evidence of any examination whatever.

On those occasions where the report was adequate the response from the detaining authority was usually formulaic: it was held not to be “independent evidence” of torture. This reply is intriguing: are UKBA saying that doctors working for them under subcontract are not “independent”, or not sufficiently competent that the products of their examinations may be called“evidence”?

The Inspectorate report mentions that UKBA have attempted —without success — to find training in the evaluation of evidence of torture for the doctors working in detention centres. There is a simple reason for this failure: none of the relevant charities have sufficient confidence in the Agency to be willing to participate. They have seen its behaviour and fear that “training”might be used to justify the rubber stamping of “not tortured” across all forms; this is precisely what happened in other countries when a similar Danish charity agreed to provide training.

Lack of training is no excuse. All doctors have a duty to educate themselves about conditions that they encounter frequently among their patients irrespective of the inactions of their employers. The World Medical Association holds that“the absence of documenting and denouncing acts of torture may be considered as a form of tolerance thereof and of non-assistance to the victims.” And a clinician who cannot document scars and injuries should consider their fitness to practice.

All too often, the problem of the doctors who work in detention centres is not lack of training but a canteen culture, which holds that asylum seekers are, almost by definition, liars.

This perception is reinforced by the governance of healthcare in detention. The Home Office, the paymasters of detention centre doctors, have no known competence in medicine, as evidenced by the still patchy but very substantial improvements that occurred in prison healthcare when it was transferred to the Department of Health.

Doctors who work in detention centres might do well to consider what a Parliamentary committee last week called UKBA’s ‘bunker mentality’, and resist the Border Agency’s often criticised “culture of disbelief”.

In 2006 the Prisons Inspectorate recommendedthat responsibility for detention centre health care be transferred to the Department of Health. That process will finally commence this month. Perhaps this will effect some of the culture change needed to prevent the harms and waste generated by the present system.

Frank Arnold is a doctor. He frequently examines survivors of torture and is sometimes paid for doing so


best wishes n love lots


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screams 2


yet more torture,cooked legs all day,now doing the same all morning,fell asleep for two hours and woken up to horrific pain that drives you insane ,they are pist cos i am on here,another at least person on this forum posted on the main page about the feelings in your feet,exactly what woke me up,they are torturing more so i stop and the police are deffinately hacking into my pc as sent email and struggled to send it cos they trying to stop me doing things,sharpest pains all the time with now and again the most horrific sharp pains ever,they make me close my eyes and then turn up the torture,am that tired i cant stay awake,what do you do???they trying to give me a heart attack,stressing me up so bad.its getting worse and worse and thats what they say day in day out


best wishes n love lots denny

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what a day, cooked so bad on legs i screamed for help and was made to cry myself to sleep,they made me take too many pills and slash arm twice,i hope the police are watching,what you have done to me is inhuman,outrageous,they stopped my internet from working and my pc windows were opening right left and center,now the new blokes on as they shift,6-2,2-10,10-6,the bloke on at 10 is the leader,whatever happens between 10 pm and 6 am is what will happen that day,they are cooking my legs again all day and now getting worse to make me scream thta the neighbours will call the police and so they can put me in the mental hospital,am been setup because they dont want me researching to post on the net,the bloke who is doing it is a slaphead and they use computers obviously more hi tech than ours as i have seen the picture which states quote they have the power to put fear into people,the police was watching me as i went to the shop,everytime i go out i am been watched ,hence they cook my legs so bad so i cant have any outside communication with anybody,at least one good thing was i slept alot,obviously that aint a help,but to make someone so so sore to scream and cry there selves to sleep is disgusting,the pain is horrific and have been told today that ,quote,this is the police force and we want you dead,we hate your fucking guts.originally this was intended so i miss the football on saturdays,now they cooking me again so bad,looks like i will scream again,they have warned me if i do any more research they will kill me,this is our beloved police force,COVENTRY police will end up killing me because i sent them and the goverment my research upon which i had a letter from the coventry police and it stated lies,so i sent them stuff as an eye opener,since then they have lets say got it in for me,its that bad i was in a taxi and refused to pay what was alarmingly twice the amount it normally was and the police {coventry little park st}stated at first they couldnt do nothing,then a copper appeared and stated to wipe that fucking smile off my face,i didnt have a smile,i was ordered to pay the taxi upon which he kept the meter running,so basically i was charged for going to the cop station,then ordered to get a different taxi,outrageous,i was even harrassed by them walking home from the pub upon which i was searched and called  a criminal by the fantastic police,they are bloody terroists and i have made sure if anything happens to me that it will be all over the news,they are suppose too serve and protect,here we pay council tax which every house has to pay which includes paying for the police,if you dont pay it u go to prison,i got in touch with the commisson about the harrassment and found out they were ex  police officers,wow i thought as was told they had nothing to do with the police,the police shot a man in london cos a copper was shgging the blokes misses,he died and in uk they had riots because of it,the police have been involved with sex assaults on the public,hilsborough disaster which they could have saved 41 lives but covered it up to blame the liverpool fans for 23 years,they have had a bloke in custody who had mental illness apparently for 6 mths,he died while in there care,people in the uk are been targetted as apparently its against the law to do certain things even posting pictures on ya windows could see you in prison,so where the freedom of speech gone??thepolice are criminals and most people hate there guts,they tried setting up my friend by putting words in his mouth,i was aslo annoyed as the police came into my  local pub and said in front of everybody i could hear voices ,then asked me to have a chat outside??why didnt he say can i have a word with you outside,then they ordered me to go to hospital to see about my sleep,i went for three hours and got three leaflets,the walsgrave said quote,WE DONT HAVE ANY MEDICINES TO HELP WITH INSOMNIA,its a bloody hospital lol,even the  police said they would follow as i said i  wasnt going with them,i went with sister and they said they would follow incase i jumped  out the car,why the  bloody hell would  i do that for?the attacks have got worse as they dont want me on the internet researching,bloody coventry city police are the terroists.walsgrave hospital had put a band on my wrist,it was so itchy,they took it off after a few mins??the band had my name on with velcro like underneath,which is weird as its normally just a band of plastic,go figure yourself! conspiracy?paranoia?threats!



same thing tortured all morning,cant stand up,its like a vibration thats so painful words cannot describe,its 3.06 am in the morning and for the past 2 weeks for some strange reason they have stopped me sleeping full stop bar yesterday,i think they want me to go out and spend money,because if they wanted me to stay in why is the harrassment so bad???they cant do itas much outside,but make it so difficult that i cant go outside,they keep threatening that its going to get worse and they wont stop till i am dead,thats the police,how wonderful considering i have never been in trouble with the police and am pretty much a saint,so why torture a normal hrd working citizen???research is all i can think of,like i said i sent the police information because they lied in a letter,now the police know i am researching and it got worse since i found out about the sussex police station with the microwave been detected by an author who took readings outside the police station and approached them they said quote we have no interest in microwave even if it does cause cancer etc,he had the frequency counter taken off him by the police,also the antenna that is guarded by a fence so the public cannot go anywhere near it,also in brighton police vans stationary for months,using microwave to clear any trouble or citizens around the area,the information also stated if i was to look deep into this or any subject from above then expect things to get worse,which they have,but why???all its done is prove the police are using microwave frequencies,when i do go out they cook my legs as i walk,if i go to see my mates the closer i get to them the more pain they put on my legs,my legs are soso sore i wanna scream,causing anxiety and stress to eventually cause a heart attack,they also hate labour parties and personally i blame margaret thatcher,she was the one who sold off the frequencies hence tetra which is used by the army,the police ambulances and fire brigade,now for some weird reason the police are every where,even been outside my house whilst going to get food,just imagine a new war,world war 3?if they can use mind control and other countries use it,why be so scared a bout nuke missiles etc,they invaded iraq and shouldnt of,they went in and found nothing yet they went on and killed iniscent people,it had nothing to do with what they did or didnt have,it was about oil.britain like america go to war for one purpose themselves,they couldnt give a monkeys how many hundreds of thousands it kills in between,all i know is i will still fight on and live in hope that one day the harrassers  get whats coming to them,we need to do more to unite the sufferers,untill that happens we have  no chance of changing anything!



yet more torture,cooked legs all day,now doing the same all morning,fell asleep for two hours and woken up to horrific pain that drives you insane ,they are pist cos i am on here,another at least person on this forum posted on the main page about the feelings in your feet,exactly what woke me up,they are torturing more so i stop and the police are deffinately hacking into  my pc as sent email and struggled to send it cos they trying to stop me doing things,sharpest pains all the time with now and again the most horrific sharp pains ever,they make me close my eyes and then turn up the torture,am that tired i cant stay awake,what do you do???they trying to give me a heart attack,stressing me up so bad


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tower busters

Tower Busters (TBs)

We love Tower Busters. Developed by Don Croft to change the harmful energies emitted by cellphone towers into positive orgone, TBs are the simplest of Simple Orgonite, the most versatile of peaceful weapons, the go-to device for gifting.

If you’re new to gifting, we suggest that you read Don Croft’s Gifting Compendium which includes important background information, general gifting recomendations and instructions to make your own orgonite.

Tower Buster: Specifications
Dimensions6 cm (diameter) x 3 cm(depth)
Weight140 g
Materialspolyester resin, aluminum shavings, quartz crystal

Field TBs are meant to be distributed widely in the environment, so they’re not fancy: aluminum filings may stick out a little bit and corners are not sanded. One of these little devices can convert a nasty cellphone tower to a peaceful orgone generator.

Field TBs can improve the energy in practically any ecosystem — in farms, forests, and gardens to increase plant growth while supporting animals and wildlife, in polluted bodies of water to restore vibrancy, and they’re even reinstating healthy weather patterns to deserts.

Field Tower Busters (TBs)
The tower buster is the most simple device for gifting the environment. Each contains a single quartz crystal, aluminum shavings, and amber resin.
best wishes n love lots
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UK: Secret Police in Dock 2012


"Unthinking respect for authority is the greatest enemy of truth."

Welcome to Infoshop News
Monday, October 08 2012 @ 05:58 AM CDT

UK: Secret Police in Dock

An important high court case is currently being decided upon that will, whatever the outcome, have a massive impact on radicals and anarchists, especially those who play an active role in putting their politics into practice.

Secret Police in Dock

An important high court case is currently being decided upon that will, whatever the outcome, have a massive impact on radicals and anarchists, especially those who play an active role in putting their politics into practice.

John Catt, a 87 years old anti-war and anti-militarist campaigner based in Brighton, has launched a landmark legal challenge against the Association of Chief Police Officers (ACPO), and the Metropolitan Police Commissioner over their controversial £9 million publicly funded secret ‘domestic extremist’ intelligence database on political activists.

The lawyer representing Catt told the judges he had come to court to fight for “a citizen’s right lawfully to manifest his political views without being labelled a domestic extremist subject to a special and apparently arbitrary form of state surveillance”.

The police acknowledged in court that they hold a secret dossier on Catt detailing his attendance at 66 different protests over a four-year period. The documents show police logged personal details, including that of his daughter, which are stored and provide ‘intelligence’ for other forces to use. It is also understood the data is sold to clients such as energy companies exploiting power plants and airline companies involved in the expansion of airports and flights, and other businesses that may be targeted by campaigns or activists.

The ‘domestic extremist’ database is run by the discredited National Public Order Intelligence Unit (NPOIU), under the authorisation of ACPO and the Metropolitan Police command. It was this same unit which employed under-cover police spy, Mark Kennedy, to infiltrate environmental groups for several years. It also spent £3 million of public money on spy cameras targeting Muslims in Birmingham, which provoked such a public outcry that they had to be withdrawn.

ACPO is also currently being investigated internally for its role and the manner in which it employed and encouraged undercover police to infiltrate protest and anarchist groups.

Catt, who has been involved in the Smash EDO campaign to get the illegal arms manufacturers closed down, is challenging the legality of the database under Article 8 of the European Convention on Human Rights (right to private life), the Data Protection Act 1998 (breach of legislation on personal and sensitive personal data). If he wins his judicial review it will have far reaching consequences for the already beleaguered secret political police and their surveillance methods, and will open the doors for all those radicals who data is stored by ACPO to pursue a grievance against the private company and have their database destroyed.

In response the lawyer representing both ACPO and the Metropolitan Police told the court: “Where you engage in public activity [demonstrations] you do not have a reasonable expectation of privacy.”

The judges are expected to return their verdict sometime before the summer.

Image courtesy of Smash Edo website:

This article appeared in the March issue of Freedom newspaper see here
Freedom newspaper can be purchased directly from our shop or available at any good radical bookshop/social centre.

Freedom Bookshop

Angel Alley

84b Whitechapel High Street

London E1 7QX

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Children of the Sun Humanitarian Foundation Presents...  

This is also the unified focus for the Planetary Grid Transmissions 
this Full Moon LUNAR ECLIPSE, Wednesday, November 28 







The Rite of Co-Creation  



It is at this moment in our evolution that we develop our abilities to authentically co-create with our beloved Father Mother God and the Councils of Light. 

As a result of Soul Absorption, we may increasingly know and experience ourselves as pure consciousness, living life in a human body while radiating a force of light that greatly affects every person we meet and every creation we desire to bring forth through our illumined form.
The mastery of true co-creation emerges when we are operating from "divine personality" and we have established a direct connection with God. Having fully actualized our intimate connection with Source, we can now realize ourselves as one of the great builders of form and a mighty creator within the planetary scheme.

This Rite of Passage sets into momentum the greater awareness of "how" we magnetize our new creations while serving as a fully conscious Divine Human through which the group consciousness is functioning. 

We are preparing to walk in the world as a true servant of the Divine Plan while working with a completely different mode of manifestation. Through this initiation, we may develop expanded abilities to wield the power to transform instantaneously. We may be granted the ability to effectively wield the Sacred Fire, command the elements and even positively manipulate atomic matter.

This increase in ability also comes with the knowledge that we, of ourselves, can do nothing. It is the Great Spirit within us that quickens all desired acts of our greater service. When our mind, heart and entire nature is reanimated to Spirit first and foremost, our motivations are enlivened with the divine power of co-creation.

Each preceding Rite has brought us to the point where our awareness is now completely focused in the Group I AM Consciousness. As we become more acutely aware of the divine purpose of our group, we give more of our self in which to cooperate intelligently. 

Our smaller plans and ideas will gracefully merge into the greater whole. 






10. The Rite of Co-Creation

 PDF Article

MP3 Audio Transmission










gold check


Children of the Sun Humanitarian Foundation, Inc.
 | | 404 M. Mt. Shasta Blvd, Suite 320 | Mt. Shasta | CA | 96067
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Non-lethal Electronic Warfare

FACT SHEET: DRAFT VERSION (Still Under Revision)

Non-lethal Electronic Warfare-- Possible Electronic Attacks Against Individuals
Personal Privacy and Security in the 21st Century

21st century advances in technology provide people-- individuals, companies, and governments-- with the power to invade other people's privacy. Paradoxically, as technology becomes stronger, people's privacy becomes weaker. This fact sheet is being prepared by a creative freethinker who, after seeing his privacy decimated by advanced technology, wants to thoroughly understand how individual privacy and security can be violated and how individual privacy and security can be secured. (Because this creative freethinker is in a personal crunch, this fact sheet may remain in a hopefully useful draft version for some time.)

Different Types of Mostly Secret & Non-Lethal Electronic/Electromagnetic Warfare Against Individuals

and Tactics
Computer Monitoring, Sabotage, and/or Control.
Gathering Electronic Data
Surveillance Cameras, Bugging, Stalking, and/or Mind Reading.
Also Political Surveillance.
SEND INFO: Communication and/or Sound ProjectionIRRITATE, REPULSE, CRIPPLE, AND/OR PUNISH:
ncludes inflicting pain, discomfort, or even torture.
(Maybe also sleep deprivation.)
Including Bodymind Control. (Might include drugging.)
Also see the monitor/learn category for remote control of computer issues.
STUN OR INJUREPOISON OR KILL: Poison, Radiation, or Biowarfare
How often this occursDaily. Whenever you're connected to the Internet.Infrequently.
Whenever an individual or organization wants to learn about you.
Some workplaces and other places have routine electronic surveillance.Daily. TV, newspaper, spam.Hopefully only very infrequent loud noise disruption.Daily. When you're watching TV.Variable. Remote control of your own, or sometimes shared, appliances.
(Usually using infra-red technology.)
Probably never.Probably never intentionally.
Rare accidental food poisening. (Est. 5% illness rate/year.)
Cheap1. Spyware (can be manually installed on a PC or downloaded from the Internet)
2. Adware (or shareware) spyware.
Often free software that includes hidden extra programs/ functions.
3. Illegal computer hacking tools
4.keyloggers, rootkits.
Google, Investigative Software,
Names, Addresses, & Phone Numbers Database software.
Street Map software.
Internet Databases.
Credit Reports.
Driving Records.
Police Records.
Computer webcams and security camera software.
(Infrared webcams/ surveillance cameras have limited night vision.)
Baby room monitors.
Used spy bugs at eBay.

Talk, email, phone call, fax, letter.
Complain, protest.
CB Radio
Ham Radio
Walkie Talkies.
Also self-help subliminal tapes.
Wireless speakers.
Loud/obnoxious Music/Behavior, Bad Odors, Graffiti, Vandalism, etc.
(Also note electromagnetic rodent/insect repellant technology.)
Verbal and/or physical attack by goons.
Fun: TV (hypnosis and ads), alcohol

positive mind technology

Getting someone drunk with alcohol
Date rape drugs
dosing with LSD
V-chip TV content parental control device. Internet filters for parents and/or employers.
TV-B-Gone. Universal remote controls.
Remote controlled speakers.
Micro FM transmitters.
Computer spyware/ hacking tools. sells cheap, weak stun guns. Legal in many areas. Illegal in many areas. Restricted in some areas.Bad Drinking Water often carries disease.
Disease: contagious disease routinely travels around the planet.
Spoiled/rotten/moldy food must be avoided.
Poison: Many cleaning liquids are poison (and must be kept away from infants, for example.)
Commercially AvailableEmployee Internet and/or email monitoring software.
Probably ISP monitoring software too.
(The FBI claimed in 2003 that they use commercial software.)
Customer Databases,
PI (Private Investigator) Data.
Videocams, Audio bugs, phone wiretaps, GPS vehicle tracking.
Spy Tech Agency.
Est. 200,000 bugs planted.
Subliminal ad messages.
Sound Beam Technology
TV Hypnosis
Subliminal embeds in ads, TV, music, and video
Micro-transmitters for FM, AM, TV, etc.Air Taser Gun M-18 costs $350. The policeman's stun gun. Legal in many areas. Illegal in many areas. Restricted in some areas.
Top SecretComputer sabotage of targeted computer(s).
URL Blocking.
Rare website viewing sabotage.
(Rain=100% chance for rally weather, for example.)
Carnivore. (link2)
1/14/05 FOIA info

1. Probably advanced Internet hacking tools and spyware.
2. Probably fancy hardware and software spy tools, including "rootkits".
3. Probably computer driver, software, and/or BIOS modifications.
4. Computer screen viewing tools.
4.1 ISP tools that can monitor all Internet activity.
4.2 TEMPEST devices that can remotely view CRT (but maybe not LCD) computer monitors by monitoring CRT EMF emissions.
4.3 Probably computer monitors that radio/transmit screen images elsewhere.
Probably advanced electronic data gathering tools. Probably easier access to private databases.Amazing but TRUE: Top secret technology can sometimes read targeted minds.
Here is some evidence (also cached by Google) and more evidence to document how this could technically be true. Here is a detailed scientific paper (in MS-Word format).

(It might be possible to combine an improved version of a 1976 Malech patent device for remotely reading brainwaves by bouncing 2 mixed EMF beams off of a brain and reading filtered bounced-back EMF data from the brain with other technology that can translate brainwaves-to-speech. Also see 100 subliminal suggestion and mind-control patents.)
(It's probably brainwave reading, but it might also work using a supersensitive mike that records internal "brain chatter".).
Sound Beam Technology,
FBI Transponders,
Subliminal Sound Technology.
Probably improved acoustic heterodyne/ hypersonic sound technology.
Pulse-Beaming, probably with Microwave Technology. (Very similar to rodent repellant technology.)Brainwave Manipulation (and monitoring and maybe even recording.)
Amazing technology feats include: sound beam technology, subliminal messages, mind reading, bodymind manipulation probably using brainwaves manipulation, sleep now attacks, influencing dreams, and/or inflicting pain and/or simulated illness.
1. Sound sabotage (and video soundtrack sabotage) technology. ANY WORDS (or even semi-subliminals) can be swapped in to song or video.
(Often combined with in sync subliminal or semi-subliminal screwed up messages to the listener/ viewer.)
2. Remote-controlled machines can be zapped with the correct (often infa-red) remote codes.
3. Computers and other devices can sometimes be partially controlled/ jammed using top-secret electronic zapping,
Electronic warfare disorientation attacks and/or sleep attacks.Biowarfare research labs. (Fort Dietrich, etc.) Also labs studying highly infectious disease.
Whose at RiskEveryone With a Computer Connected to a Network and/or the Internet.
Employees at Work.
Employees at Work.
"anybody with Money, Power, Influence, or access to Sensitive, Classified, or Personal Information..."
Very Influential (or powerful or rich) people receive more communication.People living in crowded urban poverty.
Targeted individuals.
TV viewers.
Information processors.
People with power, influence, and/or money.
Employees at Work using an employer's computer.
Kids with controlling parents.
Anyone connected to the Internet without quality firewall and anti-virus programs.
People who threaten police armed with stun guns.An est.1 billion people without clean drinking water.
Disease, spoiled food: Everyone's at Risk.
Poison: infants are at risk.
Self-Defense1. Computer access password
2. Hardware Firewalls
3. Software Firewalls
4. Anti-Virus software
5. Anti-Spyware software
6. Log off from the Internet when you're you not using it.
7. Hard Drive and Data Backups
8.WiFi (wireless networks) passwords
9. Also anti-spam software.
Unlisted phone number (and/or street address).
P.O. Box.
1. Detailed counter-surveillance ideas.
2. Read real-world bugging frequencies.
If bugs concern you, consider buying a bug detector and/or a frequency scanner in order to maybe find any hidden bugs.
(Full scale spectrum analyzers are probably way too expensive for you.)
(A cheap basic bug detector might cost approx. $50 at ebay or $100 or more new and hopefully extend up to 6 GHz. Excellent RF detectors cost more.)
3. Top secret locations might use expensive TEMPEST computers and/or EMF shielded rooms.
Anti-spam software.

Soundproofing rooms for privacy. (Add more insulation between rooms.)
Nice private home.
Nice neighborhood.

Microwave detectors/Bug detectors/RF detectors might be able to document what is probably microwave pulsebeaming.
(Also, standard straight-line antennas have the strongest signal when they point directly at the EMF wave/beam source.)
Carefully choose quality TV.

Also at-risk people should be aware of capability of top-secret mind-control technology in case they are ever hit with it.
Computer security: a quality firewall and anti-virus scanner, etc.

Technology design suggestion: redesign wireless remotes so that they can be wireless or wired with an optional cable attachment.
Banning/regulating stun guns.
(On the other hand, stun guns might be used for non-lethal self-defense.)
Only drink good drinking water.
Basic food safety and personal hygiene.
Refrigerating food, freezing meat.
Also water purification plants for society.

The Electromagnetic Spectrum

In order to understand electronic/electromagnetic warfare, you need to understand the playing field-- the electromagnetic spectrum. There is a lot more going on than meets the eye or the ear, or even the radio and TV.

Here is an extremely quick introduction to the electromagnetic spectrum. Here is a more detailed official introduction provided by the experts at NASA.

γ = Gamma rays
HX = Hard X-rays
SX = Soft X-Rays
EUV = Extreme ultraviolet
NUV = Near ultraviolet
Visible light
NIR = Near infrared
MIR = Moderate infrared
FIR = Far infrared

Radio waves:
EHF = Extremely high frequency (Microwaves)
SHF = Super high frequency (Microwaves)
UHF = Ultrahigh frequency
VHF = Very high frequency
HF = High frequency
MF = Medium frequency
LF = Low frequency
VLF = Very low frequency
VF = Voice frequency
ELF = Extremely low frequency

Size of electromagnetic waves (also called electromagnetic (EM) radiation).
Source: NASA:

You can get a free download of a full-size 24" x 36" poster of "The Electromagnetic Radiation Spectrum" from You can also buy a printed 24"x 36" full color poster of "The Electromagnetic Radiation Spectrum" from for $10 plus shipping and handling.
Free pdf format poster download at

Radio Frequencies



Here is a very basic radio frequency chart. with plenty of links and explanations.

Here is the very detailed U.S. Radio Frequency Spectrum Full Color Chart in pdf format. 3KHz-300GHz. From the NTIA (National Telecommunications and Information Administration).

Here is what some experts claim are the real-world bugging frequencies.
These experts claim that "The area between 3 GHz and 40 GHz is a serious threat as the eavesdropping equipment in that range is inexpensive, readily available, very low power, and highly directional."

History of Electronic/Electromagnetic Warfare and Mind Control Technology

- Rough Draft. Still under construction and revision -

Electronic Communication History
Here is the history of radio at a glance. The key point about electronic communication technology history is that the electronic communication technology revolution is new and still underway. Primitive wired communication began in the 1800s. Bell invented the telephone in 1876. Wireless communication technology started around 1894, and first radio technology (sound only) and then TV technology (sound and picture) were developed and used in the 1900s.
The Internet was invented around 1969, and the personal computer market was born in 1976. Routine use of the Internet to communicate and share knowledge did not begin until the 1990's. Wireless cell phone and/or palm or notebook PC communication is still being developed and the infrastructure is still being built today.

Electronic/Electromagnetic Warfare and Mind Control Technology History
Along with welcome advances in communications technology, there is also a technological revolution underway in a much more sinister field: electronic surveillance, targeted wireless communication and/or attack against targeted individuals (or even groups), and mind control technology. While the welcome technology allows people to freely pick and choose from a huge selection of electronic information/entertainment options, the sinister technology allows Big Brother (or any wannabe Big Brother) to watch or monitor, harass, attack, and (if they have enough money and technology), try to mind influence or mind control other people.
Here is a very quick summary of mind control technology history. In 1947, at the beginning of the Cold War, the US CIA (Central Intelligence Agency) was established. In order to fight the Cold War and counter Soviet, Chinese, and North Korean mind control work, the CIA established MKULTRA, a top-secret black budget program designed to develop mind-control technology. Unfortunately, very inhumane testing on thousands of unwitting U.S. citizens created the conditions for a major scandal, and then CIA director Richard Helms ordered the destruction of any CIA MKULTRA records in 1973. CIA mind control work began with hypnosis and mind control drugs and even limited surgery (electronic implants). The drug LSD was introduced to America through extensive CIA mind-control research.
Later, research into the use of wireless electronic warfare (using different types of electromagnetic waves) led to the ability to use strange non-lethal electromagnetic warfare to harm people. For example, the Soviet Union beamed the U.S. embassy from 1960-1965 and Greenham Common peace protesters were attacked with electromagnetic warfare in 1985. Different electromagnetic waves at different strengths and ranges beamed at a targeted individual or group may cause damage ranging from temporary illness to death. This dangerous technology keeps improving and the cumulative long term health damage caused by repeated electronic zapping is unknown. It is a growing health hazard.
One article argues that mind-control technology might be being used by Islamic terrorists to motivate suicide bombing attacks, probably including the 9/11/2001 Islamic terrorist suicide attack against America. (He also argues that they might use mind-control techniques first learned in the CIA's mind-control program codenamed ARTICHOKE. He also refers to the alleged mind-control and terrorist techniques of the Persian Hasan bin Sabah and the Assassini long ago from 1094-1250.)
Now, a continuing electronic communications and computing revolution has provided the technology to enable mind control research to develop and use various electronic/electromagnetic/beam weapons to send messages to a targeted individual's brain, actually read a targeted individual's thoughts, and modify the targeted brain's brainwave patterns to cause the brain to feel different emotions, and even cause the targeted brain to manipulate muscles in the targeted body and/or feel pain in different parts of the targeted body. (I believe I was first briefly overtly electronically attacked in 1992, briefly overtly electronically attacked again in 2003, and extensively overtly electronically attacked in 2005, and I can attest to both the accuracy of this paragraph and the improving technology and audacity of my attackers, who I believe were the FBI in 1992 and 2003, and specifically the FBI SID in 2005.)

US Political Repression History
Advanced electronic warfare often occurs in a political context. The extensive history of U.S. political repression in America is carefully documented in a March 2006 ZMagazine article, The Other Domestic Spying: Numerous Domestic Surveillance Programs are Underway Besides the NSA. You might want to quickly scan this article to gain a basic understanding of the history of political repression in America, and maybe read it in detail later at your convenience.

Non-Lethal Weapons History

Non-lethal weapons is a broad category which includes devices for beaming various kinds of energy at human targets in order to temporarily incapacitate them, or to control or affect their behavior. Non-lethal weapons research has been conducted at universities on contract to the CIA, and has overlapped with research on hallucinogens and brain electrode implants. BB 103

In 1991, Janet Morris, one of the main proponents of non-lethal weapons, issued a number of papers. [71] According one paper, US Special Operations Command already had a portable microwave weapon. “US Special Forces can cook internal organs.” [72] Another concept was ‘Infrasound’ using acoustic beams. Laboratories were developing a high power, very low frequency acoustic beam weapon projecting non-penetrating acoustic bullets. Already, some governments have used infrasound as a means of crowd control. Very low frequency (VLF) sound, or low frequency RF modulations can cause nausea, vomiting and abdominal pains. “Some very low frequency sound generators can cause the disruption of human organs and, at high power levels, can crumble masonry.” [73] MC 176-179

Funding of these experiments began in MKULTRA. Subproject 62 documents “certain kinds of radio frequency energy have been found to effect reversible neurological changes in chimpanzees.” [74] Subproject 54 was studying how to produce concussions from a distance using mechanical blast waves propagated through the air. Such a concussion “is always followed by amnesia for the actual moment of the accident.” It also states: “The blast duration would be in the order of a tenth of a second. Masking of a noise of this duration should not be difficult. It would be advantageous to establish the effectiveness of both of the above methods as a tool in brain-wash therapy.” BB 103-105

A confidential report prepared by the US Army as early as 1969 detailed the effect an infra-sonic system would have on humans. These effects range from disruption of nervous systems to death. [75] MC 199, 200

That such weapons have been used can be in little doubt. When the deployment of Cruise missiles at American bases in the UK was at its height, women peace campaigners staged a series of highly publicized peaceful protests outside the perimeter wires. In late 1985, the women in the peace camps at Greenham Common began to experience unusual patterns of illness, ranging from severe headaches, drowsiness, menstrual bleeding at abnormal times or after the onset of menopause, to bouts of temporary paralysis and faulty speech coordination. Electronics Today [76] magazine carried out a number of measurements, and in December 1985 published their report which concluded: “Readings taken with a wide range of signal strength meters showed marked increases in the background signal level near one of the women’s camps at a time when they claimed to be experiencing ill effects.” They noted that if the women created noise or a disturbance near the fence, the signals rose sharply. MC 201

The evidence in hand suggests that the technology to produce ‘voices in the head’ does exist. The Department of Defense has already acquired the technology to alter consciousness through various projects and programs. A patent discusses methods and system for altering consciousness. The abstract from once such program states: “Researchers have devised a variety of systems for stimulating the brain to exhibit specific brain wave rhythms and thereby alter the state of consciousness of the individual subject.” [77] Silent subliminal messages [were] “used throughout Operation Desert Storm (Iraq) quite successfully.” [78] MC 203, 204

A US State Department report suggested it was possible to induce a heart attack in a person from a distance with radar. [79] MC 172

By 1974, Stanford Research Institute had developed a computer system capable of reading a person’s mind by correlating the brain waves of subjects on an electroencephalograph with specific commands. [80] The concept of mind-reading computers is no longer science fiction. Neither is their use by Big Brotherly governments. Major Edward Dames of Psi-Tech said in April 1995 on NBC’s The Other Side program: “The US government has an electronic device which could implant thoughts in people.” Dames would not comment any further. MC 172

The latest development in the technology of induced fear and mind control is the cloning of the human EEG or brain waves of any targeted victim, or indeed groups. With the use of powerful computers, segments of human emotions which include anger, anxiety, sadness, fear, embarrassment, jealousy, resentment, shame, and terror, have been identified and isolated within the EEG signals as ‘emotion signature clusters.’ Their relevant frequencies and amplitudes have been measured. Then the very frequency/amplitude cluster is synthesized and stored on another computer. Each one of these negative emotions is separately tagged. They are then placed on the Silent Sound carrier frequencies and could silently trigger the occurrence of the same basic emotion in another human being. MC 205

The entire non-lethal weapon concept is literally a Pandora’s Box of unknown consequences. MC 179 For more, click here and here.

Here is a brief history of MKULTRA, the CIA's initial major research project on developing mind-control technology. Here is a more detailed version.

Timeline of important dates in the history of electromagnetic technology and mind control:1942-1996, by Cheryl Welch of Mind Justice.
Timeline: Electromagnetic weapons: 1934-1993, by Judy Wall, editor. (Interesting but unconfirmed information.) [Google cached version and's posting.]

Advanced Electronic/Electromagnetic Warfare

- Rough Draft. Still under construction and revision -

Basic Electronic/Electromagnetic Warfare
Basic electronic/electromagnetic warfare usually means 1) bugging and 2) scanning for and removing bugs. While most bugging is illegal, bugging is relatively cheap and some people plant bugs illegally. An estimated 200,000 bugs have been planted in the U. S. and Western Europe.
Removing bugs can be difficult. Why? Because bugs can transmit information almost anywhere along the electromagnetic spectrum. While most cheap bugs probably operate along the lower frequencies of the radio electromagnetic spectrum (under 3 GHz or under 6 GHz), some probably more expensive bugging devices have trickier and less detectable methods of transmitting their data.
If someone suspects they are being bugged, they can buy a spy bug detector or sweeper to locate and remove any bugs. (If they can afford it, they could also hire a professional spy bug sweeper.) Spy bug detectors or sweepers look for RF (radio frequency) transmissions. Some work a little like geiger counters and click faster the stronger the RF signal becomes. While bug detectors only cover part of the radio frequency spectrum, you can get one that detects radio frequency transmissions that are 5.8 or 6 GHz or less in frequency instead of 3 GHz or less in frequency. Before buying a bug detector, read real-world bugging frequencies. (You might also want to read Bug Scanning 101.) Here is more fascinating info on "real world bugging frequencies". (A copy of that list is also posted.)
Amateurs might also plant a wireless speaker, but I guess this would only occur very rarely.
Basic electronic/electromagnetic warfare also includes hacking, spyware, and attempting to monitor, steal info from, and/or slow down and/or control another person's computer.
A GPS tracking device might also be planted.

Intermediate Electronic/Electromagnetic Warfare
Intermediate electronic warfare could be done by anyone with a lot of money but probably isn't. Sound-beam technology is commercially available, and could be used by anyone with money to harass anyone else within the range of the range of their sound-beam machines. This, for example, is the technology the NYPD bragged about when they prepared to cope with large-scale political protest outside of the 2004 Republican convention in New York City. (This was reported by ABC News.)

Advanced Electronic/Electromagnetic Warfare
Advanced electronic/electromagnetic warfare is different from and much more ambitious than basic electronic/electromagnetic warfare. While basic electromagnetic warfare is limited to cheap tactics and commercially available technology, specifically bugging, hacking, and spyware, advanced electromagnetic warfare is much more ambitious and expensive and can include everything.
At this point in time, I believe only governments (and their "independent contractors") are capable of conducting advanced electronic warfare, because they have access to the top-secret technology of advanced electronic/electromagnetic weapons that make advanced electronic warfare possible. In the US, I believe this technology was probably developed by the CIA and is probably used by both the CIA and the FBI SID. Also, some secret police type individuals may have obtained access to or simply "acquired" some of these top-secret electronic weapons.
My tormentors have identified themselves as "FBI SID" or FBI Special Investigation Division. So I presume the FBI has access to this technology. And if the FBI has it, I presume the CIA also has it. Who else has it? Good question. Who else wants it? Probably most secret police forces around the world.
Warning: advanced covert electromagnetic warfare can probably intentionally cause serious illness or even death. I believe the FBI is legally prohibited from killing people using electronic warfare, but their electronic warriors can and do routinely (and probably illegally) threaten to kill. The CIA and many secret police forces in the world probably have no inhibitions about using this technology to injure or kill their selected targets. One advantage to killers using this technology is a mysterious death of their target that would probably be ruled a natural death by a coroner and/or the local police, while an assassin's bullet is impossible to deny. For example, if I am killed anytime soon, you can assume, but probably not prove, that it was from one lethal electronic warfare attack (probably from the FBI SID) after more than 4 months of non-lethal electronic attacks.
The U.S. military and other militaries are probably researching, developing, and deploying both lethal and non-lethal electronic warfare. They often have no need for covert operations, and can openly use electronic warfare to repel, stun, injure, and/or kill people.

If you are targeted by the FBI, the CIA, or someone else who has this technology, then you could be in a lot of trouble. (For example, someone who identifies himself as Jay Pendelton, FBI SID (Special Investigation Division), badge 604, harasses, attacks, tortures, and threatens to kill me with impunity. He has openly done so for 4 months so far. He survives his evil job using lots of prozac, sleep deprivation, and caffeine, and a $50/hour reward for evil behavior.)
Advanced electronic warfare is expensive. I estimate that it costs the FBI $300k-$500k or even up to $1 million a year to persecute, intimidate, threaten, and torture me using electronic warfare. (This include 3 electronic warfare hit squad team members at $25, $25, and $50 an hour working a ton of overtime, 4 or more local FBI-owned (or so they claim) houses stocked with electronic warfare equipment, and a "ground crew" to electronically beam any place I go to (including protests) and to conduct live in-person harrasment. The cost adds up.) For governments that are not running up massive deficits on borrowed money, they might be a little more economical about their spending or even skip this wasteful spending completely.

Advanced electronic/electromagnetic warfare is amazing. Today I will only lightly cover this topic and I hope to cover it in much greater detail later.
Here is what is possible:
The use of standard wireless bugs.
The use of spy versions of wireless speakers. (Commercial wireless speakers cost $100-$200.) These can be planted in critical appliances, like computers.
The use of GPS tracking devices.
The use of sound beam technology, presumably much more powerful then what is commercially available, to electronically and ethereally attack people using limited or constant sound communication.
Here is what I initially figured out in the first 6 weeks that I was under noticeable electronic warfare attack in 2005. After 4 months, here is my most amazing discovery: Limited mind reading capability of targeted minds is TRUE. Second most amazing discovery: Remote electronic bodymind manipulation of targeted bodyminds (probably by electronically overwhelming and manipulating certain brain waves) IS POSSIBLE. Bodymind effects can include mood manipulation (from happiness or ecstasy to stress, sadness, and/or fear to instant drowsiness), to jerking or shaking body parts, to pain jolts (or tingles or numbness), to sharp or dull pains, to massage, to electronically simulated illness (including choking, needing to piss, toothache, heart attack, arthritis, appendicitis, and stroke) and even electronically simulated rape using degrading electronically simulated oral and/or anal sex. Communication includes subliminal messages (you can hear them if you fold your earlobes over your ears with your hands, subliminal messages in music, modified TV and/or stereo sound, and influencing dreams through subliminal and/or audible communication with you while you are asleep. (Here is some additional documentation to back up my 2 amazing discoveries.)
Here is what figured out after years of harassment.

There already is a network of anti electronic harassment websites that list many unproven amazing or outlandish claims of hi-tech electronic harassment. Some of these claims are probably true and some are probably false. I will try to delve in this topic in more detail later.

Surviving Advanced Electronic/Electromagnetic Warfare

- Rough Draft. Still under construction and revision -

Advanced electronic warfare is extremely draining on both the victim and the victimizers. 24-7 electronic conflict involving advanced electronic warfare technology makes life very unpleasant for the suffering victim and the evil greedhead victimizers, who, at least in the US FBI SID, endure a span of living misery in exchange for a high salary.
I believe the easiest way to survive a non-lethal electronic warfare attack is to use serotonin boosters, either prescription prozac or lower-strength non-prescription 5-HTP from Serotonin levels provide your self-confidence, mental strength, happiness, and willpower. If your serotonin level drops to very low levels, you can become depressed, fearful, start to go crazy, or even begin to consider suicide. Keeping your serotonin level up, or restoring it if a conflict or crisis has drained you of serotonin, can save your sanity and/or life. Boosting your serotonin levels can also make you happier, and I sometimes refer to my 5-HTP pills as "happy pills".
WARNING: If you use serotonin boosters, please ask yourself "Why?". The same pill that can enable a victim to survive can also enable a victimizer to keep doing very inhumane activities and have a "vial" personality. If you rely on serotonin boosters to survive, please ask yourself if you are harming other people and seriously considering doing all you can do to change your life for the better and escape the oppressive conditions that make you miserable in the first place.
2nd WARNING: Taking too many serotonin boosters can cause you to become unrealistically self-confident and optimistic. Being upbeat is great, but please stay realistic and grounded and not irrationally overoptimistic about your life and your prospects.
3rd WARNING: If you start routinely using serotonin boosters in a stressful situation, you will be probably become dependent on them or addicted to them. Never run out of your supply of serotonin boosters.

Also, the
Mind Control Information Center provides information for mind control program or electronic warfare survivors.

Footnotes from the Non-Lethal Weapons History excerpt

[71] The USGSC (US Global Strategy Council) has issued a wide variety of papers on the nonlethal weapons concept. For example: “In Search of Nonlethal Strategy,” Janet Morris; “Nonlethality: A Global Strategy – White paper”; “Nonlethality Briefing Supplement No. 1”; and “Nonlethality in Operational Continuum.” For more on this from a US army website:

[72] Wall Street Journal, Jan. 4, 1993.

[73] Morris, Janet. In Search of a Non-lethal Strategy. USGSC (US Global Strategy Council), p. 14.

[74] Baldwin, M., Bach, S.A., & Lewis, S.Z. Effects of radio-frequency energy on primate cerebral activity. Neurology, 10, 178-187, 1960. This publication was a result of MKULTRA Subproject 62.

[75] An Infrasonic System, US Army Mobility Equipment Research and Development Center, Fort Bellever, VA, 1969. See section on “Effects-Human.” In a his book, The Future War, John Alexander, one of the supporters, forerunners and founding fathers of the non-lethal weapons concept, tries to legitimize the acquisition and deployment of these destructive weapons.

[76] Electronics Today, Dec. 1985.

[77] Method and System for Altering Consciousness, Patent 5,123,899, US Patent Office, June 23 1992. To view this patent on the website of the US Patent and Trademark Office, click here.

[78] Letter from Edward Tilton to author Dr. Armen Victorian, Dec. 13, 1996.

[79] Microwave US-USSR, Vol VI, July-Dec. 1976 p. 4, Office of Security, US Dept. of State.

[80] Mind Reading Computer. Time, July 1, 1974, p. 67. See also Rorvik, David M. As Man Becomes Machine. London: Sphere Books, 1979. To order this book, click here.

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Who are we accountable to?

May I ask what hierarchy of values you place on this order of accountabilities?

Mine is:

1. God

2. Humanity

3. Family

4. Country

If you happen to realize something that will place your country in a bad light but will help humanity and is right by God, would you think twice about pursuing that path?

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Note; The at home remedies mentioned in this article, are aimed at temporarily relieving or stopping arrhythmia's and tachycardia.  This article is not designed in any form to diagnose or treat the said listed ailments but is designed for those individuals who are under a doctor's care currently for arrhythmia's and or tachycardia on an ongoing basis, that for one reason or the other conventional medicines are not helping.

Immediate first Steps to calm your heart;

Wash face in ice cold water for approximately one minute.

Chew and swallow a 500 mg magnesium tablet as soon as an episode comes on. You may be low on magnesium and this can cause erratic irregularities in your heart.  Magnesium calms the heart.

Take one 90 mg tablet of potassium, wait an hour and take one more. Drink 2 glasses of water immediately after taking the potassium. Do not drink iced water as ice water can cause heart irregularities,drink room temperature water. You may be low on potassium and this will cause heart irregularities. (Warning!)  Too much potassium can and will cause your heart to stop! Do not take more than two 90 mg of potassium in one day unless directed otherwise by your doctor.

Drink one or two glasses of milk.  Low calcium can cause heart  irregularities.

Drink a whole container of Pedialyte. Low or imbalanced electrolytes can cause heart irregularities.

Try to make your self have a bowel movement. Sit on the toilet and attempt to push a bowel movement out as if you were constipated. This action slows the heart rate by stimulating the carotid sinus nerve.

Second Steps, if the first steps do not work;

Hawthorn herb;  Immediately take a dose of Hawthorn herb as directed on package. Take Hawthorn in emergencies, such as when you are unable to bring your heart rate down from the first or second steps listed or you may choose to include the Hawthorn in your second steps.  If none of these steps work, seek medical attention immediately.

Ice cold wash cloth;  Place an ice cold wash cloth on the center of your breast bone at heart level until it turns warm, then get the wash cloth cold again placing the wash cloth around the back part of your neck. Proceed to follow these same directions for the front of your neck and forehead as well, wrap the cloth around the front of your neck and lay the cloth over your forehead.

Pressure point;  While you're cold wash cloth is on you, proceed to rub both of your closed eyelids for approximately 5-10 minutes.

Pressure point;  Pinch and hold the nook part of the muscle between your index finger and thumb as hard as you can. this is a pressure point that can reduce heart rate.  Firmly hold with constant pressure for approximately 5-10 minutes.

Medical compression stockings;  Put on compression stockings and if you don't have any, put on a pair of tight jeans or put your legs up higher than your heart level on a stool or chair, remain there for as long as it takes. The heart does not work as hard when most of your body's blood is pushed up into the upper trunk of your body.

Things to keep in mind;

Do not eat large, heavy meals. eat very small portions or snack throughout the day. Eating huge meals can irritate the vagus nerve that could lead to the onset of either arrhythmia s and tachycardia.

Do not eat during arrhythmia s or tachycardia because your body's blood redistributes to the digestive system and away from your heart, adding strain on your already unstable heart.

Do not drink iced water as ice water can cause heart irregularities, in an already unstable heart, drink room temperature water.

During arrhythmia episodes, shut down your electric in your home by turning off the main breaker.  Some people are electromagnetic sensitive and during your episodes if you are sensitive to these fields it will make your condition worse. If you don't want to go that far, then make sure you at least shut down any computers, WIFI and wireless devices, take the battery out of your cell phone, sit far away from your Smart Meter's location, on the other end of your house from it, keep your TV off and do not use your cordless phone, instead make sure to buy a hard line phone that you can use.

Do not eat or drink caffeinated beverages or chocolate products, they will stimulate the heart.

Keep the herb Hawthorn on you at all times, in the car, airplane or even mountain climbing. It's your best defense against many different medical emergencies surrounding the heart.

Many other conditions can cause heart arrhythmia's and tachycardia such as a vitamin B deficiency, anemia or respiratory distress. Get these concerns resolved with your general practitioner.

Lung conditions of all sorts can cause arrhythmia's and tachycardia.  If you have even mild asthma and your airways are constricted, this too can be the cause of your symptoms. Allergy induced asthma can be much relieved from a good air filtering system in your home by decreasing allergy inducing pollutants in the air. This will help keep your airways clearer and thus a preventative measure against arrhythmia's and tachycardia for those with allergies.

Items to keep on hand at home for arrhythmia's and tachycardia emergencies;


Molasses; 100 grams of magnesium per serving/per tablespoon.

Magnesium; 500 mg tablets. Follow dosage instructions.

Potassium; 90 mg tablets. Follow dosage instructions.  (Warning!)  Too much potassium can and will cause your heart to stop! Do not take more than two 90 mg of potassium in one day unless directed otherwise by your doctor.

Hawthorn extract;  900 mg a day, divided into 3 separate doses throughout the day. (This depends on the herbal name brand and strength, so be sure to follow your particular herbal name brand dosage recommendations).  

Mucinex;  If your airways are constricted from stress, air pollutants in your home or asthma to name a few, this can cause you to have irregular heart rhythms because your heart is not getting sufficient oxygen to your heart.  Mucinex works the best of any decongestant for this purpose.  

Note; Always confer with your doctor when taking any natural herbs or remedies.

All rights reserved @ Tammy S. (egyptarian)

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UK Targeted Individuals Activism & Safety Watch

The story of the UK TIs Targeted Individuals

Tadeusz Szocik is the most "famous" TI in the UK. He was branded paranoid, although I had seen a TI being attacked with audio harassment already in Greece back in 1984.
Darrim Daoud is the first well known TI, in the TI community, killed at 34, because he was a popular and attractive activist with leader qualities to organize the derelict and dispersed UK TI community.Nobody helps the UK Targeted Individuals. I questioned the UK authorities about their torture on , type my name in their FOI search box: Joanna Iatridou and shows 80 queries so far. I blogged about my 2010 research on TIs in But now it is 2011, Darrim Daoud's inquest is not yet publicized and the UK TIs tend to get incapacitated and "disappear" from the activism and social media scene. I would like to make this a blog with several TI writers and restart meetings with the other TIs. Unless I get vital organ failure and end up crippled like many of the "not seen lately" other UK TIs.
thursday, 5 May 2011

Mike Matloff, DEWs non-stop attacks 2008-2011,looks deterioration

Mike Matloff was under constant DEWs and other electronic attacks, as well as gang-stalking and harassment and during the years 2008-2011 he uploaded a total of 13 videos on his youtube channel, trying to document proof of electronic assaults by DEWs at home and make sense who is attacking him and why. Here is his youtube channel link and photos-stills that picture both cardiovascular-fitness and face deterioration.


This picture dates from aroun December 2006, at the very beginning of the non-stop electronic-DEWs harassment that forced him to document it in social media. His blog is at

Photos from his 13 uploads on youtube, spanning the years 2008-2011:
Shot in the left eye by DEWs 2008

Mike Matloff 2010, the flab and fitness loss is because targets of DEWs feel nausea, dizziness and experience vomiting, tears,snot and sweat when they attempt to powerwalk, jog or exercise because of the large amounts of non-ionizing radiation they absorbed during covert attacks at sleeping time at home. Mike Matloff is very commendable, because he filmed the electronic jolts during sleep time- electronic sleep deprivation, on his channel, which is how usually targeting starts. I have to point out, that if a target insists on "will-power" and "discipline" to keep going to the gym, the result will be inflammation of joints or inflammation of the spine, torn ligaments, infections and lower immune system and heart disease or a sudden cardiac arrest. In fact, struggling against your body to exercise is the first tell-tale sign that you are under covert DEWs attack, electronic harassment during sleep.It has NOTHING to do with laziness as one would imagine.

DEWs GOT HEATING HARMFUL BEAMS USED TO FATTEN THE TORSO, THIS SHOWS ON ME, I PUT ON 4 STONE WEIGHT AND ON MARY HUGHES, Mary is a care worker targeted with DEWs who does not drink or smoke all her life. Women don't want naked torso photos, (no tits out) so I post photos that show how our upper arms gathered fat. These fat layers on the torso are to protect important organs from damage and also destroyed metabolism. This is a POLICE MATTER, with Police crime stopping TIs cannot return to normal health, all their systems are getting destroyed and malfunction no matter what, uless the Police confiscates the weapons and makes arrests. This disfigurement from fat is not funny, its assault and injury and worse organ damage follows, it is part of the "soft-killing" physical transformation.
best wishes n love lots

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torture squad

The torture squads are telling the truth that the electronic torture equipment is Police property and Police protected

This shape of ultrasonic (=DEW-Directed Energy Weapon) with its pocket size dimensions is being sold from what I saw when I was attacked with one in a Paisley park, like a brick mobile: 4" x 3" xFits the description.
The Home office should look under ultrasonic, or infrasound weapons in the ILEF less lethal weapons database. This weapon should be there. If it was omitted, that means that Interpol who trains the Police Forces in 188 countries has told the national Police forces to omit it intentionally. Therefore that means that the ILEF database is biased and incomplete.
What else is known about this: this particular model is used by the torture squads for demonstrations when they move in a new area to harass a target. The criminals make it clear that:
1. This weapon is Police property
2. They are Police protected
3. They are telling the truth about 1 and 2
4. The criminals shoot women to demonstrate to them that it causes a lot of intense pain. They also challenge the women to go to a Police Station and complain about it or call 999 and try doing a crime complaint. The criminals warn the women truthfully that if they complain about it to the Police the Police will “WORRY ABOUT THEIR MENTAL HEALTH AND SEND THEM TO THEIR GP WHERE ALL NHS WITHOUT EXEPTION HAS INSTRUCTIONS TO SECTION THE VICTIM AND ENFORCE ANTI-PSYCHOTICS, SO POISON THEM IN DETENTION (AND POSSIBLY KEEP TORTURING THEM WITH THE SAME WEAPON FROM UPSTAIRS OR NEXT DOOR. THE CRIMINALS TRUTHFULLY WARN THE WOMEN THAT ANY COMPLAIN CAN GET THEM DETAINED AND FORCIBLY POISON-MEDICATED FROM ONE TO SIX MONTHS.
5. From that moment on the women ensure in the community a total CODE OF SILENCE
6. Men are never attacked for demonstration unless they disobey the gang
7. All torture cases like Paolo Fiora, Tim Rifat, Mary Dutton Hughes, and the others mentioned in my FOis to my knowledge are tortured because the Police refused to investigate, enforced mental illness detention. To my knowledge the Police never questioned or arrested anybody for torture of these targets therefore they refuse to enforce the criminal justice act therefore the criminals are telling the truth that this torture equipment is police property and they are police protected and their demos ensure code of silence while the Police refuses to demo to the public or warn them to leave the public vulnerable to torture, and defensless both to torture and forcible detention and seriously damaging, wrong, poisonous medication.
The criminals are telling the truth, NOT the 47 police forces, because they were deceived by the Interpol training that "there is no proff for these directed energy weapons as long as they are used covertly" the 47 ACPO Chiefs did not cross-reference this wrong info with the Non-ionizing radiation departments of HSE,HPA and the NRPB.
Interpol, CIA, MI5 are secret services, they are not famous for integrity, truthfulness honesty integrity, but the 47 Police Forces are accountable to the community and had a duty to do Law Enforcement of the Criminal Justce act as torture is a serious and arrestable offense.
Therefore I will rephrase my FOI to verify how many suspects were investigated in the torture cases I had mentioned and how many arrests were made and how many electronic torture weapons had been confiscated. If the answer is none, from what I know, that means that indeed the criminals are telling the truth and with the demonstration method and code of silence they enforce with their demos, they now shoot targets not only in Hospitals but in Hostels too, as long as they shoot and give a demo to the FEMALE personnel of any organisation, its the women who keep the code of silence going.
Therefore Tadeusz Szocik and Marina Llewellyn Findlay (google them to find their websites) where not tortured and their life and health utterly wrecked because the MI5 tortured them but BECAUSE THE POLICE FORCES IN THEIR AREA REFUSED TO DO LAW ENFORCEMENT AND STOP THE TORTURE WITH THE CRIMINAL JUSTICE ACT.
1. Arrest the squad harassing me, photograph them in the press, disclose their identities (torturers HATE AND FEAR EXPOSURE MORE THAN ANY OTHER REVENGE OR PENALTY) and photograph their torture electronic equiment and educate the public how to spot them and how to deal with this covert threat and attack.
2. ACPO will credibly dissossiate themselves from CIA and Interpol or other secret services lies and deceptions because the Police is accountable and must be trustworthy while the secret services got no need to be honest and trustworthy, ACPO cannot confuse their job sescriptions with the secret services and so far their police officers are getting paid with the taxpayers money to totally deceive the public about covert torture attacks in their own homes.
best wishes and love lots
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Betrayal of the highest order

1. They are protecting their kids and they are willing to feed me to the wolves just so they could cover up for each other.

Worse, they are making sure they can place me in an area they can control so they can take my kid away from me via different scenarios they can stage. 

Do they not understand? Why would I entrust my kid to devils who can sacrifice their own so their crimes would not be laid bare?

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An Open Letter to You:

You know why your machinations will not work and it will be very difficult for me to ever forgive you?

I did everything I could to escape from this place, from this town, from the very people who have harmed me emotionally, spiritually and physically just so I can save my child.

I did everything I could to hurdle all responsibilities so I could ensure I could provide for my kid and she will be safe in my care.

And you with your selfish interests, you made me a pawn in your sick game, waiting every chance you get so you could make each day unbearable, taking every chance you get to sabotage my output, my home.

You colluded with each other so you can exhaust all my resources and force me to the very place I left, the place you all can fully control.

How sick are you to sacrifice a kid so you get the drama you can make your money from?

I already had my life destroyed and for so long I tried to deal with it only with God, on my own.

Is the money you are getting enough to justify destroying an innocent child's life?

More so it's not even your money but funds being taken from people like me.

I have a mouthful to say to you, but let me park this for now.

There's a right place and a right time.

I will do everything I can to expose you.

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