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And to those who are openly harassing...

Rest assured, that with God's continuous guidance, I am trying my best not to counter your cruelty with any meanness.

But rest assured too that I will call your bull for the crap that it really is.

Somebody just threw a remote control at his comrade and hit my slipper instead.

These are the same two guys who have been letting out snide remarks every time I'm here.

The guy's comment when I was hit by the remote "Got you. You're trying to evade so as not to be hit? There, hit you." (supposedly directing the comment to his comrade but the point is: he didn't hit his comrade, I was the one who was hit by the remote he threw).

Then they both laughed.

They didn't say sorry.

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Thank you to those who are helping

There are those who are trying to send me a message in their own way on how i am being harassed.

I appreciate that they are trying to take risks the best way they can to help out a person they do not even personally know.

If i won't identify who you are, please know that I just don't want you to be targets as well. So I choose to not show any reaction even when I understand the message you're trying to put across.


You have no idea how this affects me spiritually. By seeing people like you who are compassionate and who  try to reach out despite the risk, you become God's image in action. Thanks for being Christ-like. Thanks for making a stand for what is right.

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Massie Monroe

I found this while emailing with Solemavis and this lady seems to be a very good candidate.

LWV League of Women Voters of California Education Fund
Los Angeles County, CA June 5, 2012 Election
Smart Voter
Massie Munroe
Answers Questions

Candidate for
United States Representative; District 28


The questions were prepared by the League of Women Voters of California Education Fund and asked of all candidates for this office.
Read the answers from all candidates (who have responded).
Questions & Answers

1. In this time of high unemployment, what are the most important steps that should be taken to improve our nation’s economy?

Provide Construction loans to Americans to be able to build. Mass-produce solar energy products to make them cost effective for the consumers to install solar energy systems. Contribute to clean air and this will result in many employment opportunities.

Strengthen wrongful termination laws and enforce penalties for such.

Create effective job training and placement programs.

Expand the budget for job development programming, particularly in needed areas.

Initiate statutes to ban and penalize workplace mobbing, bullying and violence.

2. How should the federal budget deficit be addressed, now and into the future? How should budget priorities for defense and domestic programs be adjusted?

The billons of dollar budget for war, security and surveillance should be cut. Such budget should be used to provide construction, homeowner, property, and investment loans. We must legislate serious bills to monitor the applications of Nano/energy technology and HAARP which are being used to hurt the people of America. This technology should be used to build America. If such technology is applied in its proper and safe capacity, all aspects of our industry, can benefit. The deficit will be minimized and we can assist Europe and the world in their economic growth.

3. What are your priorities with respect to our nation’s energy policy? Should there be an emphasis on clean energy and reducing carbon emissions, and/or on reducing our dependence on foreign sources?

There should be emphasis on clean energy. We no longer can sustain our existence the way we have lived in the past. I would press for mass production of solar energy products and other alternative energy systems. This has to be made cost effective and readily available for American consumers. Also, applications of Nano/Energy technology have to be available to Americans.This technology is well developed and is the state of the art technology.

4. What, if any, changes should be made to federal health care policies or programs?

The exposure of millions of Americans to satellite energy weapons and HAARP has to be addressed in any health care reform or plan. What is the use of going to the hospitals while being bombarded with satellites and energy weapons? Without consideration of such, which is an ongoing reality in America, all our efforts in any health care plan will result in failure.

5. What, if any, changes should be made to federal rules on campaign financing?

Funds must be available to all candidates equally at all levels. Not only funding issues have to be corrected, also we must be aware that the re-districting in California could be utilized to equally adversely affect qualified candidates.

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Joe Broadhurst/CKUTMK Ultra & McGill University in Montreal (April 12, 2007)

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    There is a new upward trend in people having arrhythmia's from harmful  "electromagnetic waves" due to the increase in home electronics as well as from the new "Smart Meters" that are being installed on the side of peoples homes, replacing the old standard electric meters. "The heart has been found through numerous studies to be very electromagnetically sensitive. This sensitivity extends to all external fields, whether therapeutic or otherwise, including their interactions with each other and with the body"(Pawluk). 

     People are becoming gravely ill, disabled and dying from these Smart Meters, to the extent that the hazard's to humans from these meters have become all too obvious to medical community, authorities and the public alike.  Some area's in California have made the installation of Smart Meters a felony crime and have banned any future installations of these dangerous devices.  California's new Smart Meter laws are but only the beginning of a long up hill battle between the electric companies, judicial laws and American citizens, in the struggle to unveil the hazards of high electromagnetic fields that are penetrating into the bedrooms of sleeping children and living rooms, in homes across the United States.  Here, at this link is the full list of governments opposing the use of Smart Meters, . Laboratory studies conducted at Department of Epidemiology discloses the seriousness of exposing humans to electromagnetic fields 24 hours a day in their own homes, "Adjusting for age, year, race, social class, and active work status, longer duration in jobs with elevated magnetic field exposure was associated with increased risk of death from arrhythmia-related conditions and acute myocardial infarction. Indices of magnetic field exposure were consistently related to mortality from arrhythmia and acute myocardial infarction, with mortality rate ratios of 1.5–3.3 in the uppermost categories" (Savitz, 135-142).  
     During electrical stimulation of the vagal nerves (VNS) for treating arrhythmias, studies show that  the electrical current normalizes the heart rhythm and just as these currents are able to correct an irregular heart, they can also be the cause of an irregular heart beat as well. Our heart has it's own electrical system that can be affected by external electrical currents, such as the use of a defibrillator, that sends electrical jolts into our heart to jump start it beating again. "Even the body’s electrical currents interact with external fields and participate in control of life processes. External EMFs interact with most, if not all, organs and functions in the body. All these interactions clearly paint a very complex picture of EMF actions on the body – leading to the natural conclusion that human functioning is fundamentally inseparable from the EMFs around it (Pawluk). 

      We may confidently ascertain from these findings that environmental electromagnetic fields are not only affecting the hearts electrical system but the Vagus Nerve as well, thus affecting the Vagus Nerve's ability to produce the necessary chemical, Vagusstoff, that is responsible for controlling the heart rate.  In one German study,Rimbach-study, scientists evaluated 60 individuals that live in close proximity to a cell phone tower for the effects of radiation and electromagnetic fields. They proved beyond a doubt that electromagnetic and radiation directly affect the human body's Neurotransmitters, as announced in the journal, Environmentally-medical-social. According to Professor Buchner and Dr. Horst Eger, we can surmise that the Vagus Nerve's Neurotransmitter, Vagusstoff, would also be affected by these fields as well, thus affecting the rhythm of the heart in yet a second compounded fashion, on top of the effects that the electromagnetic fields already have on the hearts electric system. "In this study from Bavaria (Germany), urine samples of 60 study participants were taken to be analyzed for their adrenaline, noradrenaline, dopamine, and phenylethylamine (PEA) levels before and after the activation of a new GSM base station. After the activation of the GSM base station, the stress hormone levels increased significantly during the first six months while dopamine and PEA levels decreased substantially. Even after one and a half years, the initial levels were not restored" (Gustavs).
     What should we conjure from these findings? That electromagnetic fields directly affect the heart, two-fold, by direct electrical stimulation, disrupting the hearts electrical rhythms and the disruption of the Vagus Nerve, causing failure to deliver the Neurotransmitter,Vagusstoff, to the heart. 



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