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GENEVA – UN human rights chief Navi Pillay on Friday warned torturers that they could not escape justice even if they might benefit from short term impunity.
"Torturers, and their superiors, need to hear the following message loud and clear: however powerful you are today, there is a strong chance that sooner or later you will be held to account for your inhumanity," Pillay said.
"Torture is an extremely serious crime, and in certain circumstances can amount to a war crime, a crime against humanity or genocide," she added in a statement to mark Saturday's International Day for the Victims of Torture.
The High Commissioner for Human Rights urged governments, the United Nations and campaign groups "to ensure that this message is backed by firm action."
"No one suspected of committing torture can benefit from an amnesty. That is a basic principle of international justice and a vital one," Pillay added.
GENEVA – UN human rights chief Navi Pillay on Friday warned torturers that they could not escape justice even if they might benefit from short term impunity.
"Torturers, and their superiors, need to hear the following message loud and clear: however powerful you are today, there is a strong chance that sooner or later you will be held to account for your inhumanity," Pillay said.
"Torture is an extremely serious crime, and in certain circumstances can amount to a war crime, a crime against humanity or genocide," she added in a statement to mark Saturday's International Day for the Victims of Torture.
The High Commissioner for Human Rights urged governments, the United Nations and campaign groups "to ensure that this message is backed by firm action."
"No one suspected of committing torture can benefit from an amnesty. That is a basic principle of international justice and a vital one," Pillay added.
Any form of abuse or torture is the LAST thing ANY creature deserves to experience but my biggest torture is the one to my heart and soul - the loss of my loves ones and friends and human connections I used to make in life. That is all gone now, just a memory that I cherish somewhere inside where it hutrs. The loss of connection with humanity is what kills the most.Sorry Happy Easter everyone, its Thursday Easter evening in Oz. I can hear the commotions of people having holiday parties in the houses next door while i sit here alone, im not meaning to feel sorry for myself but that should be me also with my family. I know people have a lot less then that but just to have my FREEDOM back would bring the smile back to my increasingly frowning face. Cherish whatever you have!
that may be wanting to join and get lots of feedback for your group, or solo is excellent, I have been listening to lots of talented people around the world
here is the link and please spread this everywhere you know, with so many talented artists, around, you will get heard by many thousands of people, I do not get any money out of this, and I am just trying to help the many artists that there are.
here is just a taste of what you will hear.
and here is the link If you know anyone that makes their own music.
TripleClicks "Song-of-the-Month" Artist Gateway:
There are guys with different covers,
Inventing realities of life,
The size of the lies the invent
Depends on the pocket size,
The pocket size of some masters
that somehow that somehow do the likes
the pocket size of some people
who don't mix colors in life.
Virtual Data is everywhere
They mix with cruelty, no style
The matter is making money
The death is an everyday fact
They mixed up enough minds
killing people far behind
In fact they don't even care
if they kill their own kind
It doesn't matter if you are good
it doesn't matter if you are right
They can make you a Robin Hood
They can make you a Hollywood Star
Because the fact of the matter
is that there are methods behind
Virtual Data is expensive
So they have killings in mind
To justify their salaries
They have killed their own kind
With that piece of information
What kind you expect from some guys
YOu can be enjoying at a club
And there is a team behind
Perhaps because you answered back
To some guy with a dark mind
The team acts in different fashions
Experience is in their hands
Some are with you in the club
Some go even to your bath
And while your dancing confidently
They create stories behind
Sometimes they hire false witnesses
Other times is the computer hacked
The mixing is almost perfect
They have to destroy a life
Virtual Data is not easy
It is mixed with some device
Devices are not regulated
And can kill you in a while
Non-lethal weapons are called
They used medicines besides
Medicines that instead of curing
Could turn you in a zombie style
Everything is calculated
Who kills who survives who dies
At least their thinking that
Ignoring Einstein advice
The next one with will be with sticks
But when reason is left behind
You think your touching the stars
And suddenly lose your mind.
In the morning High Intensity Ultrasonics were used against me. I felt acute pain in my ears, and parts of my body were sensitive to this attack too. Later on my cardiac rhythm accelerated a lot and I felt like vomiting. Very disagreeable and, I would say, dangerous. This has happened numerous times.
I am very concerned about the lack of regulation for this type of device.
Please comment if you have a victim of similar attacks.
Putin’s statement spark a new arms race, that is, non lethal weapons, mind control weapons, psychotronic weapons ;and “more dangerous than nuclear and atomic weapons.” They have been reviewed as mass destrction since 2002.
According to sources, Putin said ‘such high-tech weapons systems will be comparable in effect to nuclear weapons, but will be more acceptable in terms of political and military ideology.’
Plans to introduce super weapons were announced last week by Russian Defence Minister Anatoly Serdyukov, The Daily Mail reports.
“The development of weaponry based on new physics principles, direct-energy weapons, geophysical weapons, wave-energy weapons, genetic weapons, psychotronic weapons, and so on, is part of the state arms procurement programme for 2011-2020,” the paper quoted Serdyukov, as saying.
Boris Ratnikov , former general of Russia, stated in 2007 that in less than ten years psychotronic weapons will grow more dangerous than nuclear and atomic weapons.
I get nightmares - horrible!! Including graphic images , doe snayone elase get these?? Is there any way to stop them?
I have a problem with faith in God also but I have less faith in the government to do anything. People have been trying all sorts of things from law suits to just trying to get official acknowledgements to these crimes to no avail. There is no-one in power to answer us because no-one can, they are not above the matrix that enslaves them.
We are not above the matrix and no-one is. The only way to help one another is to form TI communities because NO-ONE elase will listen to our pleas for help
I have and it feels so creepy as they are supposed to be the innocents. I mean REAL perping like them repeating your thoughts and things like that. A child is too young to make an informed decision about this scenario so to me this is further proof people are programmed/robotted to do this to us without their consent.
"Can I use the McArthur Complete Skincare Cream on a burn? Not immediately. If you receive a minor burn immerse it in cool water. Once a minor burn is under control you can apply the Complete Skincare Cream. For major burns seek medical attention. McArthur Natural Products will be producing a spray in the future that may soothe the skin at the outset of a burn." From FAQs
Usefull knowledge ...
Good News for the TI Community, Legal Announcement:
On 3.29.12, I discussed litigation matters with the Director of Client Services at & he advised me to make this announcement.
Although individual case evaluations are, $2,950.00, this firm is willing to charge the same fee for a “Similar Group.” This Firm is Clear & Confident in this matter & they assured me that they can help despite the Patriot Act & NDAA Laws. They are also experienced with Mind Control Cases - that is how I found them years ago online!
Of course, if you rather pursue your case individually feel free to contact them via their Intake on their website.
However, if you would like to proceed with an “affordable professional legal plan“, then the group option would make sense! To keep this process as Personal & Confidential please join “TIs Action Network” at for further legal plan of action as a Group!
"Seeking Justice Is a Team Effort...Justice Delayed is Justice Denied."
According to sources, Putin said ‘such high-tech weapons systems will be comparable in effect to nuclear weapons, but will be more acceptable in terms of political and military ideology.’
Plans to introduce super weapons were announced last week by Russian Defence Minister Anatoly Serdyukov, The Daily Mail reports.
“The development of weaponry based on new physics principles, direct-energy weapons, geophysical weapons, wave-energy weapons, genetic weapons, psychotronic weapons, and so on, is part of the state arms procurement programme for 2011-2020,” the paper quoted Serdyukov, as saying.
Boris Ratnikov , former general of Russia, stated in 2007 that in less than ten years psychotronic weapons will grow more dangerous than nuclear and atomic weapons.
Have humans reduced the general population to remote control objects? Moneyed individuals (The Birdsall Family Trust) have informed me through my local cable TV connection (that seems to be producing a 'live feed', and has been for over a week), that myself, my daughter and my two sons are "Remote Control Objects". We are also 'hooked up" like in Futureama with MANY of the SAGS involved in a private island of Second Life, which is a virtual augmented reality game played on the Internet and the XBox.
The problem is, I am not connected to the game SL like most people who logon. I looked into the game when it was mentioned to me a few years ago, but the Shadow Rapists scared me, and I removed my character.
Even before I had looked into this technology which transmits sounds and light waves through fiber optics and satellites using EMF waves at often maximum intensities.
《华盛顿邮报·军事周刊》和中国中央电视台《军事频道》都曾报道美军在伊拉克战场上曾使用脑控武器。人们不仅要问,如果脑控应用在全人类,全世界会怎样?它可以让人与人的思想瞬间传递,也可以让一个人的思想瞬间传遍一个国家甚至全人类。人类如果使用脑控 控制人类,它可以产生强大的社会控制力,同时也存在诸多的危险性,这一切让人类不能不关注脑控与人类的未来。脑控与未来世界的问卷调查主旨是研究不同国家公民对脑控与未来世界的综合认知,推进社会对脑控与未来世界的关系研究。
一、你是否相信社会存在脑控,从那一年开始认知的? *
A. 1985年以前 B. 1986-1990 C. 1991-1995 D. 1996 E. 1997
F. 1998 G. 1999 H. 2000 I. 2001 J. 2002
K. 2003-2004 L. 2005-2006 M. 2007-2008 N. 2009-2010 O. 2011-2012
二、你认为脑控是否合法? *
A. 合法对社会有益
B. 不合法应禁止使用
C. 只有特殊事件才能使用
三、如果脑控应用到全世界以下脑控观点你认为那些是正确的? *
A. 对控制社会犯罪将起到好的作用
B. 对控制社会犯罪将起到坏的作用
C. 对社会的经济发展将起到好的作用
D. 对社会的经济发展将起到坏的作用
E. 对人类文明将有好的影响
F. 对人类文明将有坏的影响
G. 促进人类交流可以防止战争
H. 增加国家间的分歧会导致战争
I. 脑控对人类造成伤害应以其它途径治理
J. 脑控应先经联合国决议再使用
K. 脑控应先立法再使用
L. 人类是高级动物脑控触犯个人隐私是违法行为
M. 脑控产生难以忍受的折磨甚至导致死亡是犯罪行为
四、人类社会秘密存在精神控制,你希望他公开还是继续秘密进行? *
A. 希望公开
B. 不希望公开
五、以西方发达国家的政治思想,会不会像禁止核武器一样,禁止它国试验及应用? *
A. 会禁止
B. 不会禁止共同开发
六、如果有脑控世界的技术,你认为那个国家拥有这项技术? *
A. 美国 B. 日本 C. 德国 D. 中国 E. 俄罗斯
F. 英国 G. 法国 H. 加拿大 I. 印度 J. 巴西
K. 外星国家 L. 其它
七、如果全人类己经确认脑控世界的技术存在,你认为拥有脑控技术的国家会承认吗? *
A. 会承认己经可以跟人类谈话了
B. 不承认继续秘密进行
八、人类使用这种科学控制人类,联合国和全世界所有国家必将为脑控展开争论,你认为脑控应该由谁管理? *
A. 拥有技术的国家
B. 几个发达国家
C. 联合国常任理事国
D. 联合国
九、你是否愿意有一个统一的脑控机构控制世界?以现状来看这是人类没有选择的。 *
A. 原意
B. 不愿意
十、如果人类找到并接管了脑控人类的“人类控制中心”,你认为人类要怎样控制地球? *
A. 全人类统一管理
B. 各个国家分开管理
C. 按宗教的不同分开管理
D. 世界很复杂根本没有办法管理应禁止
A. 你的性名
B. 性别
C. 族别
D. 年龄
E. 你的工作(或学校)
F. 所在省市
G. 身份证号码
H. 家庭住址
I. 其它联系方式