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I dont mean the top level organisers of our harassment (they are the ones doing the mind-controlling) but I mean almost everyone else, from your neighbour, to your doctor, to the strangers in the street who "perp" us.
I have gotten very used to gangstalking but Ive still always wondered HOW/WHY people could act so inhumanely. Now I know it is all through mind programming and manipulation. Electronically this can begin while a baby is still in the womb.
People CAN be remotely mind controlled to behave in ways completely outside of their norm without their "normal" brain even knowing what exactly they are doing. There is a mass of information about this being done to people worldwide, - just google electronic mind programming. Therefore the lack of support we face, people are programmed NOT to help us, unfortunately they are not stronger then this programming and behaviour modification.
Apart from all the internet information on this subject my biggest and most reliable proof is my mum. She has loved and raised me like the best of mums do. She is so gentle and humane she wouldnt hurt a fly. Suddenly in recent times she has started "perping" or harassing me. Then she just forgets it like it never happened. Its as quick as a light switch. At first i thought she knew what she was doing and I was in such shock because she has been nothing but loving all my life.
Then by observation I realised she goes into a zone where her normal brain is being fully manipulated and her normal self completely forgets what she has said or done. Its like she's compartmentalised. Her "right mind" doesnt know what her "wrong mind" is doing.
This is enough proof for me, if they can get my loving, devoted mother to perp and harass me they can get anyone to do it to me. If my own mother is able to be victim of a mind controlled state to the point she can engage in my harassment then it doesnt suprise me at all that they can mind control anyone else to do it to me.
Mind control and behaviour manipulation is extremely powerful, thats why no-one will or can help us. We are living in times of mind control of the masses.
So dont be angry at the everyday people who perp us. I believe their right and natural mind isnt aware of what they are doing. Their own humanity is being robbed from them. We are ALL victims of this evil crime.
Linden Lab and their crew of techno idiots created Second Life and other VR games that allow moneyed individuals to have "human surrogates" just like the movie "Surrogates" 2009. The Birdsall Family Trust is responsible for the electronic torture of my family, and everyone I have been in contact since I was born.
It is also my belief with my family history of government service and the Consumer Testing Institute, that my family may have been part of MKULTRA or a very bad advertising campaign that has totally lost control.
MANY OF THE ACTORS and ACTRESSES are involved in this and it has to do with using the poor population for sex slaves. All of the TV programs show it:
Once Upon a Time
Being Human
Other shows show us the opposite side of the medical profession and educators, which if you look at Linden Lab they are all medical and education professionals. Take a look at:
The sexual experiments along with the feelings of rage or other emotions are for the network to see how much control this man who is the head of the Birdsall Family fortune really has. Mr. Birdsall wants to be the King of the World. He is also part of a homosexual group of RTIs.
Even our homes aren't safe. Not even our minds. Our lives are no longer our own.
From a stalking perspective this is a law that could be utlized for court cases. It would require going to police or law enforcement agency but if it is willfully ignored then a federal law is being broken.
Evidence would have to be collected, but I think this could be provable. Again it would take effort but it might be one way to further a case against this.
MIND TECH established to counter the ethical anarchy existing nanotechnologies invasion of the human brain (brain – computer integration), and hush-hush thinking around experiments with human sacrifice:
This is intrusive, unethical, therefore, must we seek for a debate and political intervention: to engage in mind control. Scientists find continuously new, increasingly sophisticated methods to remotely execute imaging methodology for communicating with the brain. Computer technology will lead to artificial copies of our human brain. Of course there is also a good side: The data could affect mental illness and much more.
Therefore, throughout this borderland, and gray, lawless zones reflected and put under public control.
Human neural network is melting more and more together with digital technology.
No one knows what these new technologies will result.
Why there is in Sweden ethical debates and laws on the subject?
Well, for research in Sweden, europe is currently alone possesses the knowledge of distance communication with the brain.
An ethical debate and subsequent laws would lead to a moratorium on further research.Currently, research is allowed unimpeded run.
In cooperation with the media seem to MIND TECH for an open debate on the subject.
Magnus Olsson
Jungfrudansen 80, 5tr
Tel : 0709 26 30 04
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Project Bluebeam & Diffuse Artificial Thought
“The advancement of techniques propel us toward the third step in the Blue Beam Project that goes along with the telepathic and electronically augmented two-way communication (nano brain implant) where ELF, VLF and LF waves will reach each person from within his or her own mind, convincing each of them that their own reality is speaking to them from the very depths of their own soul. Such rays from satellites are fed from the memories of computers that have stored massive data about humans on earth, and their languages. The rays will then interlace with their natural thinking to form what we call diffuse artificial thought.”
So how could that be possible you ask? Easy. Enter Project Joshua Blue, currently under development by our favourite business machines company, IBM. Joshua Blue is a program with the stated goal of “Evolving an Emotional Mind in a Simulated Environment”, “to enhance artificial intelligence by evolving such capacities as common sense reasoning, natural language understanding, and emotional intelligence, acquired in the same manner as humans acquire them, through learning situated in a rich environment.”
This is software that is capable of learning and developing ‘emotions’ according to a related document “Feeling Fabricated: Artificial Emotion“. Parts of this project involve the development of Joshua so that emotion is part of it’s reasoning and these guidelines are being followed: Naturalness and believability, social effectiveness, and meaningfulness of displays to human observers. In fact, the main goal of Joshua Blue is to achieve cognitive flexibility that approaches human functioning. In other words – this is artificial intelligence that could be diffused with our own thought because it has been designed to ‘think like a human’.
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A new research scandal and the fatal consequences for the wider community.
Online-connected brains and neural networks.
It must be forced that FET and ICT research opportunities to the development of the new computer brain language allowing computers to learn, and to read human thoughts by using injectable brain – machine – interface.
The about same brain-machine interface has carried out research to cure Parkinson’s disease and Alzimers, depression can also be used as a cranial prosthesis for accessing the brain’s memory. With a language software, and can copy the human brain,mind, thoughts and read them.
Professor Goran Hermerén ethical aspects of ICT implants (EUROPEAN commission) in March 2005
The new computer language and the brain brain-machine interface-nano-electronics, and “Europe’s, USAs new information of technology” provides the research opportunity for reading and long-term imageing of the brain’s complexity system of neurons. A method that provides high-resolution copies of the brains cognitive behavior and human perception.
Tomorrow’s high-speed computers and related research has evolved into a sophisticated computer system with mind reading on living people.
How can a serious criminal organization and ICT-FET research on the brain, with fatal consequence be stopped? Not announced research methods, criminality can not be of any acceptance in society’s legal system.
By Magnus Olsson
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Hitler would have loved The Singularity: Mind-blowing benefits of merging human brains and computers
UPDATED: 11:24 GMT, 6 February 2012
Of all the tall tales in the science-fiction TV series Star Trek, what impressed me most when I was a little boy was the Vulcan mind meld.
Laying his hands on the head of a human (or, in one of the films, a humpback whale), Mr Spock could, for a moment, dissolve the distance between two living things.
Each experienced everything the other felt, thought, knew and saw.
Now it seems scientists are about to make the Vulcan mind meld a reality – and go far beyond it.
Ten years ago, the US National Science Foundation predicted ‘network-enhanced telepathy’ – sending thoughts over the internet – would be practical by the 2020s.
Man and machine: Computers could soon be hardwired into the human brain and unlock amazing power.
And thanks to neuroscientists at the University of California, we seem to be on schedule.
Last September, they asked volunteers to watch Hollywood film trailers and then reconstructed the clips by scanning their subjects’ brain activity.
‘We’re opening a window into the movies in our minds,’ Professor Jack Gallant announced.
Last week, the scientists boldly went further still. They charted the electrical activity in the brains of volunteers who were listening to human speech and then they fed the results into computers which translated the signals back into language.
The technique remains crude, and has so far made out only five distinct words, but humanity has crossed a threshold.
We can now read people’s minds. On Star Trek, the Vulcan mind meld had medical benefits, curing a nasty imaginary infection called Pa’nar syndrome.
![Science fact soon?: The Vulcan mind meld](
Science fact: Harnessing the power of the mind was a favourite of science fiction, including Star Trek’s Vulcan mind meld
But the new breakthroughs promise to deliver much greater – and real – benefits.
No longer need strokes and neurodegenerative diseases rob people of speech because we can turn their brainwaves directly into words.
But this is only the beginning. Neuroscientists are going to make the mind meld look like child’s play. Mankind is merging with its machines.
The process began centuries ago with simple devices such as eyeglasses and ear trumpets that could dramatically improve human lives.
Then came better machines, such as hearing aids; and then machines that could save lives, including pacemakers and dialysis machines.
By the second decade of the 21st Century, we have become used to organs grown in laboratories, genetic surgery and designer babies.
By 2020 we may be able to put even cleverer nanocomputers into our brains to speed up synaptic links, give ourselves perfect memory and perhaps cure dementia.
But inserting technology into human brains is not the only thing going on. Some scientists also want to insert human brains into technology.
Since the Sixties, computer chips have been doubling their speed and halving their cost every 18 months or so.
If the trend continues, the inventor and predictor Ray Kurzweil has pointed out that by 2029 we will have computers powerful enough to run programs reproducing the 10,000 trillion electrical signals that flash around your skull every second.
They will also have enough memory to store the ten trillion recollections that make you who you are.
![Adolf Hitler](
Dangerous technology: The huge potential unlocked by the technology raises frightening prospects if it were to be used by evil dictators like Adolf Hitler
And they will also be powerful enough to scan, neuron by neuron, every contour and wrinkle of your brain.
What this means is that if the trends of the past 50 years continue, in 17 years’ time we will be able to upload an electronic replica of your mind on to a machine.
There will be two of you – one a flesh-and-blood animal, the other inside a computer’s circuits.
And if the trends hold fast beyond that, Kurzweil adds, by 2045 we will have a computer that is powerful enough to host every one of the eight billion minds on Earth.
Carbon and silicon-based intelligence will merge to form a single global consciousness.
Kurzweil calls this ‘The Singularity’, a moment when ‘the pace of technological change will be so rapid, its impact so deep . . . that technology appears to be expanding at infinite speed’.
At that point, we will have left the Vulcan mind meld far behind. But even this may not be the end of the story.
Much of the research behind last week’s breakthrough in brain science was funded not by universities but by DARPA, the US Defence Advanced Research Projects Agency.
It was DARPA that brought us the internet (then called the Arpanet) in the Seventies, and DARPA’s Brain Interface Project was a pioneer in molecular computing.
More recently, DARPA’s Silent Talk programme has been exploring mind-reading technology with devices that can pick up the electrical signals inside soldiers’ brains and send them over the internet.
With these implants, entire armies will be able to talk without radios. Orders will leap instantly into soldiers’ heads and commanders’ wishes will become the wishes of their men. Hitler would have loved it.
![Thing of the past: Advances in technology could revolutionise the way armies communicate](
![U.S. Special Forces soldier](
Cyborg-soldier: The defence industry could soon try implanting computer technology into the brain of soldiers
Some of the clearest thinking about the new technologies has been done in the world’s departments of defence, and the conclusions the soldiers draw are alarming.
For example, US Army Colonel Thomas Adams thinks that military technology is already moving beyond what he calls ‘human space’, as robotic weapons become ‘too fast, too small, too numerous, and . . . create an environment too complex for humans to direct’.
Technology, Col Adams suspects, is ‘rapidly taking us to a place where we may not want to go, but probably are unable to avoid’.
As goes war, so, perhaps, goes everything else. The merging of mankind and its machines that Kurzweil predicts for the mid-21st Century may, in fact, turn out just to be a lay-by on the way to a very different destination.
Later in the century, what we condescendingly call ‘artificial’ intelligence might replace us humans just as thoroughly as we humans once replaced all our evolutionary ancestors.
All this will come to pass . . . unless, of course, it doesn’t. Maybe the trends Kurzweil and Col Adams identify will slow down, or even stall altogether.
And maybe the critics who mockingly call the Singularity ‘the Rapture for Nerds’ will be proved right.
But on the other hand, maybe the Nobel Prize-winning chemist Richard Smalley is closer to the truth when he points out: ‘When a scientist says something is possible, they’re probably underestimating how long it will take.
But if they say it’s impossible, they’re probably wrong.’
The University of California’s neuroscientists have taken us one more step towards a final frontier far beyond anything dreamed of in Star Trek.
Project Bluebeam & Diffuse Artificial Thought
“The advancement of techniques propel us toward the third step in the Blue Beam Project that goes along with the telepathic and electronically augmented two-way communication (nano brain implant) where ELF, VLF and LF waves will reach each person from within his or her own mind, convincing each of them that their own reality is speaking to them from the very depths of their own soul. Such rays from satellites are fed from the memories of computers that have stored massive data about humans on earth, and their languages. The rays will then interlace with their natural thinking to form what we call diffuse artificial thought.”
So how could that be possible you ask? Easy. Enter Project Joshua Blue, currently under development by our favourite business machines company, IBM. Joshua Blue is a program with the stated goal of “Evolving an Emotional Mind in a Simulated Environment”, “to enhance artificial intelligence by evolving such capacities as common sense reasoning, natural language understanding, and emotional intelligence, acquired in the same manner as humans acquire them, through learning situated in a rich environment.”
ATTENTION: NEW ANGLE I HAD NOT THOUGHT OF…GO DIRECTLY TO THE GRAND JURY WITH OUR COMPLAINTS. This guy has had some successes with this approach on other things:
Alphabetical ultrasonic tone conversions emitt through all known recievers reaching the victim on a subconcious scale,every subconcious action you use is recieved by way of sight.There alphabetical ultra tone conversions float on the very air we breath,amplifing what you see to the point of a concious thought which is projected to the notion of hearing voices.Speech is a subconcious action that combines with the alphatones which is amplified by your breath aswell as linear sound(air).perpitrators use spotlight audio(holosonics)to convert there vocal within the ultrasonic range which they connect to a p.c broadcasting internet radio(or cb radio)There vocal is discected into thousands of ultratones which reach us on a subliminal wavelength and broadcast undetected on all known recievers e.g television,radio mobile phones .Once the alphabetical ultra tones reach recievers they create pulsars through loudspeakers(all speakers)reflecting the alpha tones back and forth within our homes.Depending on how unwell you are, at desprate times you sometimes search for answers as to why you feel the way you do,if you are in the vercinity of a v2k broadcast and are searching for answers to your paranoia chances are you will start to have real symptons of mental illness which can be exchanged for alpha tone coversions resulting in triggering,this is what seperates us from people with genuine mental illness.Triggering is what v2k broadcasters use to second guess what your thinking, sometimes using retorical questions which once broadcasted give the perpitrator satisfaction of knowing we will hear the reply(through thought projection)with there second person gramma triggers.A trigger is an a vowel alpha tone trigger which exchanges with a set of two constonant alpha tone conversions ,they exchange continuously at the speed of thought spelling the broadcasters alpha by way of sight!
What product is used to give us the nanotech in the form of thin film, is it in our coffee, tobacco? How do they give us the street level nano's that turn us into walking semi conductors?
UN again viewed “Non Lethal Weapons” against civilians.
Not sure how to post to Events, but think you all might learn alot from this event.