English news article (Daily Mail UK)
Chinese news article 中文报导
English news article (Daily Mail UK)
Chinese news article 中文报导
据英国媒体近日报道,一项虚拟现实实验“爱丽丝仙境”使人能够产生一种错觉,变成了芭比大小或者是长大成4米高的巨人。就像爱丽丝喝酒或者吃下奇怪的东西之后身体变大变小一样,实验的被试志愿者们也在实验中“变身”了。瑞典卡罗林斯卡研究所的科学家们在早期关于身体交换研究的基础上加以调整,进行了这项实验。 |
I first noticed my targetting in 2005 and so thought it all began there as with many other TI's we are being introduced to this in this new millenium. But Ive thought back and can now trace this back to peculiar events/dreams in my childhood. Do many of you believe you were a chosen target as a child and they've kept an eye on you until this new millenium where they have chosen to exercise this targetting?
My thinking is I wonder WHY particular people are chosen as targets. I wonder if there is something we have in common. In my experience there are many targetters/stalkers out there so what is it about us that makes us the targets. If we are in fact chosen in childhood what is it about a child that could make them worth targetting???
From Mr. John McKay M.P. , our petition Re. Non lethal weapons, Mind control weapons and Organized stalking was tabled. We still need the following information :
“Please, specify for us the following information:
- Letter of ACKNOWLEDGEMENT RECEIPT of this petition by member of Parliament
- the Member of Parliament NAME who tabled this petition
- Give Assigned NUMBER of Registered Petition
- The DATE the petition was tabled in the House of Commons
- LETTER of the Member of Parliament Notifying the Complainant Ti of the above 45 day awaiting period for the decision .
Please, Note : All government correspondence - replies from House of Commons and or Member of Parliament must be provided in writing .
Telephone " answers' with any persons from the government are not an official mode of reply , and therefore any can be disregarded as hearsay .
On behalf of all Canadian victims of torture here, THANK YOU .”
1. I have been targeted by Tun Dr. Mahathir (former Prime Minister of Malaysia), my own father for trying to expose his lies to his own country, Malaysia and the world.
2. I have been a victim (and not the only one) of brainwave pattern reading and manipulation of undetermined origin either via microwave signals (microwave hearing) or other electronic harassment technologies with the same effect by his orders.
3. That these technologies do exist and have been in development for a long time by the former USSR and United States of America, and NOT as he stated, “Malaysia is the first country to develop a peaceful weapon as an example to the rest of the world”.
4. That this weapon is not “peaceful” but a method of intimidation and also a method to inflict mental torture (as I have experienced) a form of torture technique described in international law as being unlawful.
5. That he is a closeted Freemason and has been working with the very people he has been demonising.
6. That he and Anwar Ibrahim (also a Freemason) lied to the whole nation concerning their supposed ‘fallout’ and that it was a scheme to monopolize the local political environment (similar to the dual party system in the US and other countries) as a means of controlling public opinion and any eventual backlash via his proxy Anwar.
7. That Tun Mahathir betrayed and is a traitor to all the people who helped create the Kuala Lumpur War Crimes Tribunal, because he is working with the very people he claims to be fighting against. That he has all along been working with the industrial military complex via his hidden support of British weapons dealers and makers and a user of these despicable weapons. That the tribunal was doomed to fail from the start because he had orchestrated it to be so.
8. That he lied to his countrymen and Muslims around the world about being a Muslim as a scheme to ‘infiltrate’ and influence the Muslim world and third world countries.
9. That he is a self-professed Atheist in private and does not believe in God, life after death, and angels/demons/jinns (he also drinks alcohol in private during family vacations overseas).
10. That he believes in Islam Allah SWT is referring to man and that he is Allah SWT. That since God is the Creator and man also creates, he is God.
11. That he claims to be Jesus Christ but then restated that he doesn’t believe that Prophet Isa or Jesus Christ ever existed because “there is no historical evidence that he ever existed”.
12. That what all the prophets experienced when they saw or where met by angels were mere “hallucinations” which according to him if people back then had knowledge of modern science would deem it a “medical condition” or “hallucinations”.
13. That when asked if he chose God over Satan, he casually said he chose Satan as god because he doesn’t believe that there is a God to punish him or a life after death to worry about.
14. That he considers himself to be a “gentleman”, and that “gentlemen are above the law”, and that “gentlemen always play dirty” (in response to my outrage of his attempts to silence me)
15. That my own father, Tun Dr. Mahathir has repeatedly threaten to kill me should I inform people of his true self and agendas to dissuade me from talking. He even said it could be made to look like an accident. He has also threatened to have me “disappear” or kidnapped.
16. That he is involved in a criminal enterprise and consider the police force and judicial system of Malaysia his toy, and even said that he could just bribe or give orders to judges and police officials should I report his criminal activities.
17. That he will ensure that I would not get any legal help as he could threaten or bribe any lawyers that would try to help me.
18. That he will convince people that I am delusional as there is no legal protocol in place to report the use of brainwave reading and harassment technologies which is hard to prove without the right scientific instruments and that he could terminate the signal thus rendering any proof of activity as non-existent (the reason why he chose this method or weapon).
19. That he will start a smear campaign against me should I ever divulge any of his secrets (which he has already started) as a pre-emptive measure.
20. That he has lied to his own wife; my mother, my family, Malaysians and the world.
Sony Patent Takes First Step Towards Real-Life Matrix By Jenny Hogan & Barry Fox NewScientist.com 4-7-5 Imagine movies and computer games in which you get to smell, taste and perhaps even feel things. That's the tantalising prospect raised by a patent on a device for transmitting sensory data directly into the human brain - granted to none other than the entertainment giant Sony. The technique suggested in the patent is entirely non-invasive. It describes a device that fires pulses of ultrasound at the head to modify firing patterns in targeted parts of the brain, creating "sensory experiences" ranging from moving images to tastes and sounds. This could give blind or deaf people the chance to see or hear, the patent claims. While brain implants are becoming increasingly sophisticated, the only non-invasive ways of manipulating the brain remain crude. A technique known as transcranial magnetic stimulation can activate nerves by using rapidly changing magnetic fields to induce currents in brain tissue. However, magnetic fields cannot be finely focused on small groups of brain cells, whereas ultrasound could be. If the method described by Sony really does work, it could have all sorts of uses in research and medicine, even if it is not capable of evoking sensory experiences detailed enough for the entertainment purposes envisaged in the patent. Details are sparse, and Sony declined New Scientist's request for an interview with the inventor, who is based in its offices in San Diego, California. However, independent experts are not dismissing the idea out of hand. "I looked at it and found it plausible," says Niels Birbaumer, a pioneering neuroscientist at the University of T¸bingen in Germany who has created devices that let people control devices via brain waves. The application contains references to two scientific papers presenting research that could underpin the device. One, in an echo of Galvani's classic 18th-century experiments on frogs' legs that proved electricity can trigger nerve impulses, showed that certain kinds of ultrasound pulses can affect the excitability of nerves from a frog's leg. The author, Richard Mihran of the University of Colorado, Boulder, had no knowledge of the patent until New Scientist contacted him, but says he would be concerned about the proposed method's long-term safety. Sony first submitted a patent application for the ultrasound method in 2000, which was granted in March 2003. Since then Sony has filed a series of continuations, most recently in December 2004 (US 2004/267118). Elizabeth Boukis, spokeswoman for Sony Electronics, says the work is speculative. "There were not any experiments done," she says. "This particular patent was a prophetic invention. It was based on an inspiration that this may someday be the direction that technology will take us." - From issue 2494 of New Scientist magazine, 07 April 2005, page 10 © Copyright Reed Business Information Ltd.
Dr. William J. Tyler is an Assistant Professor in the School of Life Sciences at Arizona State University, is a co-founder and the CSO of SynSonix, Inc., and a member of the 2010 DARPA Young Faculty Award class.
Every single aspect of human sensation, perception, emotion, and behavior is regulated by brain activity. Thus, having the ability to stimulate brain function is a powerful technology.
Recent advances in neurotechnology have shown that brain stimulation is capable of treating neurological diseases and brain injury, as well as serving platforms around which brain-computer interfaces can be built for various purposes. Several limitations however still pose significant challenges to implementing traditional brain stimulation methods for treating diseases and controlling information processing in brain circuits.
For example, deep-brain stimulating (DBS) electrodes used to treat movement disorders such as Parkinson’s disease require neurosurgery in order to implant electrodes and batteries into patients. Transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) used to treat drug-resistant depression and other disorders do not require surgery, but have a low spatial resolution of approximately one centimeter and cannot stimulate deep brain circuits where many diseased circuits reside.
These illustrations show the surgical invasiveness of deep-brain stimulating electrodes (left) and depict the low spatial resolutions conferred by transcranial magnetic stimulation (right). (Image: Tyler Lab)
To overcome the above limitations, my laboratory has engineered a novel technology which implements transcranial pulsed ultrasound to remotely and directly stimulate brain circuits without requiring surgery. Further, we have shown this ultrasonic neuromodulation approach confers a spatial resolution approximately five times greater than TMS and can exert its effects upon subcortical brain circuits deep within the brain.
A portion of our initial work has been supported by the U.S. Army Research, Development and Engineering Command (RDECOM) Army Research Laboratory (ARL) where we have been working to develop methods for encoding sensory data onto the cortex using pulsed ultrasound.
Through a recent grant made by the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) Young Faculty Award Program, our research will begin undergoing the next phases of research and development aimed towards engineering future applications using this neurotechnology for our country’s warfighters. Here, we will continue exploring the influence of ultrasound on brain function and begin using transducer phased arrays to examine the influence of focused ultrasound on intact brain circuits. We will also be investigating the use of capacitive micromachined ultrasonic transducers (CMUTs) for use in brain stimulation. Finally, to improve upon spatial resolution, we will examine the use of acoustic metamaterials and hyperlenses to study how subdiffraction limited ultrasound influences brain wave activity patterns.
How can this technology be used to provide our nation’s Warfighters with strategic advantages? We have developed working and conceptual prototypes in which ballistic helmets can be fitted with ultrasound transducers and microcontroller devices to illustrate potential applications as shown below. We look forward to developing a close working relationship with DARPA and other Department of Defense and U.S. Intelligence Communities to bring some of these applications to fruition over the coming years depending on the most pressing needs of our country’s defense industries.
Above illustrations show a ballistic helmet fitted with four ultrasound transducers (left) and another functional prototype for achieving human brain stimulation using a single element transducer (bottom-right), as well as a list of potential applications relevant to the defense industry. (Image: Tyler Lab)
Plaintiff was microchipped by DEA for tracking purposes since 1996.
When plaintiff was taken custody by law enforcers, he was asked to sign
documents permitting authority to surgical removal of the chips.
Could be interesting to some of you.
(2002) Implanted Microchip Lawsuit
Instead of the indiscriminate destruction of the atom bomb or napalm, the signature weapon of future wars may be precise, unprecedented control over the human brain. As global conflicts become murkier, technologies based on infiltrating brains may soon enter countries’ arsenals, neuroethicists claim in a paper published online October 31 in Synesis. Such “neuroweapons” have the capacity to profoundly change the way war is fought.
Advances in understanding the brain’s inner workings could lead to a pill that makes prisoners talk, deadly toxins that can shut down brain function in minutes, or supersoldiers who rely on brain chips to quickly lock in on an enemy’s location.
The breadth of brain-based technologies is wide, and includes the traditional psychological tactics used in earlier wars. But the capacity of the emerging technologies is vastly wider — and may make it possible to coerce enemy minds with exquisite precision.
In the paper, neuroscientists James Giordano of the Potomac Institute for Policy Studies in Arlington, Va., and Rachel Wurzman of Georgetown University Medical Center in Washington, D.C., describe emerging brain technologies and argue that the United States must be proactive in neuroscience-based research that could be used for national intelligence and security.
“A number of these different approaches are heating up in the crucible of possibility, so that’s really increased some of the momentum and the potential of what this stuff can do,” Giordano says.
In the not-too-distant future, technologies called brain-machine interfaces could allow the combination of human brains with sophisticated computer programs. Analysts with a brain chip could quickly sift through huge amounts of intelligence data, and fighter pilots merged with computer search algorithms could rapidly lock onto an enemy target, for instance.
Neuroscience could also find its way into interrogation rooms: As scientists learn more about how the brain generates feelings of trust, drugs could be developed that inspire that emotion in prisoners and detainees. Oxytocin, a hormone produced by mothers’ bodies after childbirth, is one such candidate. Perhaps a whiff of oxytocin could dampen a person’s executive functions, turning an uncooperative detainee into a chatty friend.
Other sorts of psychopharmacological manipulation could be used to boost soldiers’ performance, allowing them to remain vigilant without sleep, heighten their perceptual powers and erase memories of their actions on the battlefield. Because neuroscientists are beginning to understand how the brain forms memories, it’s not inconceivable that a drug could be designed to prevent PTSD. Such technology could enable more sinister applications, though, such as creating soldiers who wouldn’t remember atrocities they committed or detainees who couldn’t recall their own torture.
Some of these abilities are more probable than others, says bioethicist Jonathan Moreno of the University of Pennsylvania in Philadelphia. Drugs exist that increase alertness, but so far no drug has clearly boosted brain function. “Honestly, there isn’t much, compared to caffeine or nicotine,” he says.
Giordano and Wurzman also describe drugs, microbial agents and toxins derived from nature that could harm enemy brains in a more traditional way. The list includes a neurotoxin from a shellfish that is water soluble, able to be aerosolized and causes death within minutes; a bacterium that can induce hallucinations, itchiness and strange tastes; and an amoebic microbe that crawls up the olfactory nerve to invade the brain, where it kills brain tissue.
“The article contains an arsenal of neuroweapons, and these raise lots of ethical and legal issues,” says bioethicist Jonathan Marks of Pennsylvania State University in University Park. “Any kind of drug that you administer for national security purposes raises profound questions.”
Some scientists have already committed to resisting the application of their research to what they consider illegal or immoral military purposes. “It’s not enough just to study the issue of ethics,” says Curtis Bell of Oregon Health & Science University in Portland. “The potential for misuse of this knowledge is so strong that the responsibility of neuroscience goes further than just studying.”
Bell has circulated a petition for neuroscientists, pledging signatories not to participate in developing technology that will be knowingly used for immoral or illegal purposes. “Neuroscientists should not provide tools for torture,” he says. So far, about 200 neuroscientists from 18 countries have signed, he says.
Ideally science would have no place in combat, Giordano acknowledges, but that view ignores reality. “On one hand, what you’d like to say is science and technology should never be used to do bad things,” says Giordano, who also holds positions at the University of New Mexico and the University of Oxford in England. “Yeah, and Santa Claus should come at Christmas and the Easter Bunny should come at Easter, and we should all live happily. History teaches us otherwise, so we have to be realistic about this.”
The United States military is investing in brain-related research, though it’s difficult to get a solid estimate of how much research is happening, Moreno says. The Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency, or DARPA, lists several neuroscience-related projects on its website, including “Accelerated Learning,” “Neurotechnology for Intelligence Analysts” and “Cognitive Technology Threat Warning System.”
“The fact of the matter is that we do live in a world in which there are people who would like to do bad things to us or our friends,” Moreno says. “Eventually, some of this stuff is going to be out there.”
DARPA的首席研究员和IBM Almaden研究中心的研究员Dharmendra Modha就说:“它是新一代计算机的种子,而新一代计算机将结合超级计算,神经科学和纳米技术”。如果该人脑模拟芯片最终可以实现商业化生产,那么它将颠覆传统的计算形式,转而以更加具备思考能力的人造大脑的形式代替。其最终的应用将对商业,科学和政府产生巨大影响。
现在,研究人员已完成该项目的第一阶段,也就是设计一个可以不断被复制的基本计算单元,从而最终形成模拟人脑计算机的基本架构。这种新的计算单元(或者称为核心)主要模拟人的大脑。 它不仅能通过“神经元”或数字处理器来计算信息,也有人脑学习和记忆的基础“突触”。此外它还有连接计算机组织的“轴突”或数据通路。
虽然概念听起来很简单,但是该计算单元与现今大多数计算机的运行方式截然不同。 现代计算机主要基于冯诺依曼架构,内存和处理器是分开的,并通过总线作为数据通路连接。在过去的65年,冯诺依曼式计算机已经进化得越来越快了,也能以更高的速度通过总线发送更多的数据。但由于一台计算机的速度往往被总线的容量所限制,导致出现了“冯诺依曼瓶颈。”
而模拟人脑的芯片则不同,内存包含在芯片里面。虽然运行不是很快,发送的数据也只有10赫兹,远远慢于今天的5千兆赫计算机处理器。但是在类似大脑的平行架构内,它能处理很多工作,向各个方向发送信号,让大脑的神经元同时工作。 而大脑的10亿个神经元和10万亿个连接(突触)加在一起就能形成强大的计算能力了。
该研究小组目前已建立起第一批类似人脑的计算单元,由256个神经元,256×256个突触和256个轴突构成。 换句话说,它已经拥有了处理器,内存和通信的基本架构。 此外这种类人脑结构还有另一个好处,运行功耗低,而且在不使用时还可以实现部分关闭。另外这些新的芯片将不会以传统的方式进行编程。 基于它的认知计算机也有望实现学习经验,寻找相关性,建立假设,记住和学习等能力。 由于他们模仿大脑的“结构和突触可塑性”,因而处理过程是分布式和平行式的,而非集中和串行式。
另外这种计算机芯片还能重新创建一种类似大脑中发生在神经元和突触之间的“脉冲”现象。 因而其能够处理十分复杂的任务,比如玩Pong游戏。目前已有两个原型芯片被制造出来正在测试。研究人员也即将步入到第2个阶段,创建一个计算机。 目标是创建一个不仅能立刻通过多种感官分析复杂信息,而且能动态修正自身,与环境互动和识别周围发生的事情的计算机。
另外除了玩Pong游戏,IBM的团队还测试过该芯片解决导航,机器视觉,模式识别,联想记忆以及分类等问题的能力。最终,IBM将把该计算单元完全融入到一个完整的硬件和软件的集成系统中去。 Modha说,IBM希望建立一台包含100亿个神经元和100万亿个突触的计算机。这比人类大脑的功都强大10倍以上。 另外Modha还预测,完整的系统只会消耗一千瓦的功率,而且将占据不到两升的量(我们大脑的大小)。 相比之下,目前最快的IBM超级计算机蓝色基因有147,456处理器,内存容量超过144T,有一个巨大的空调柜那么大,消耗超过2兆瓦的电力。
对于具体应用方面,IBM说可以使用认知计算机通过传感器网络和微型电机网络不断记录和报告数据如温度,压力,波高,声学和海潮等来监测世界范围内的供水状况。 然后,它还可以在发生地震的情况下发出海啸警报。而这样的任务传统计算机根本不可能完成。
据悉,该项目是用DARPA捐赠的2100万美元创建的,包括六个IBM实验室,四所大学(康乃尔大学,威斯康星大学,加州大学和哥伦比亚大学)以及一些政府研究人员。虽然这个项目比较新,但是IBM自其1956年创建第一台人脑模拟器(512个神经元)以来就一直在从事对类人脑计算机的研究 。
Modha就说:“如果一切顺利,这将不是5%的飞跃。而是一个巨大的飞跃。 而且到现在为止我们也已经克服了巨大的能够想象到的困难。”
【PConline 资讯】近日关于苹果的个人语音助理Siri的话题不少,对着Siri说说“I Love You”果粉不计其数,人工智能是否真的可以达到人机互恋的程度暂且不提,至少现在模拟大脑是目前CPU研究的一个方向。关于人工智能的研究,不能不提到IBM,年初的人机大战已经让世界领略到Waston的智能水平,近日国外媒体媒体传出消息,按照目前的进度,IBM蓝色基因计划将于2019年左右完全模拟人类电脑,届时IBM将用约88万个CPU完全模拟人类大脑,对比说来,Siri只能算是小儿科了。
“认知计算机技术”隶属于IBM认知计算(Cognitive Cumputing)研究项目,通过内存模仿突触、通信模仿轴突、计算模仿神经元的方式,IBM能够让这种芯片模仿人类的大脑工作。John E.Kelly表示通过这种仿生学芯片IBM的仿生学计算机在未来能够模拟20亿个人脑的神经元并实现对认知计算的初步完成,这种仿生学计算机将会是计算技术未来发展的一个重要方向。
IBM认知计算(Cognitive Cumputing)研究项目
在本月中旬,IBM研究主管John E.Kelly在墨尔本大学接受采访时表示,IBM目前正在研发的新型仿生芯片,可以模仿人类大脑的运算并能够实现学习和记忆,同时可以触类旁通并实现对知识的创造,这种具有创新能力的设计将会让电脑拥有自我学习和创造的能力。
IBM人工智能新突破 新芯片实现人脑仿生
苹果Siri会“思考”? 背后科技力量揭秘