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  “在人们的传统意识中,对钱学森的成就一般会联想到‘两弹一星’,但他在晚年的科学成就却几乎很少被提及。”尹红凤博士告诉《北京科技报》,“钱学森曾对他的孙子说:‘你记住,上世纪爷爷做的这点事,如果叫伟大的话,那么, 21世纪的爷爷将更伟大。’的确是这样,钱老开创的思维和智慧科学的研究,是中国第一次重大科学问题上的领先突破。我参与了钱学森关于思维科学的研究,深知他开创的这个研究领域将会产生何等深远的影响,这很有可能会超过他以往的科学成就。”

  钱学森从20世纪50年代就开始思考思维科学的研究。在上世纪80年代,他发表了著名的《关于思维科学》一文, 提出人的思维是有规律的,可以用自然科学的方法研究,并将“思维”分为抽象(逻辑)思维、形象(直感)思维和灵感(顿悟)思维三个部分。他特别强调要在“形象思维”研究方面有所突破。钱老还认为计算机模拟对研究人的思维有重要的启发,计算机模拟技术是研究思维的有效工具。







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Hong Kong physicists say they have proved that a single photon obeys Einstein's theory that nothing can travel faster than the speed of light -- demonstrating that outside science fiction, time travel is impossible.

The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology research team led by Du Shengwang said they had proved that a single photon, or unit of light, "obeys the traffic law of the universe".

"Einstein claimed that the speed of light was the traffic law of the universe or in simple language, nothing can travel faster than light," the university said on its website.

"Professor Du's study demonstrates that a single photon, the fundamental quanta of light, also obeys the traffic law of the universe just like classical EM (electromagnetic) waves."

The possibility of time travel was raised 10 years ago when scientists discovered superluminal -- or faster-than-light -- propagation of optical pulses in some specific medium, the team said.

It was later found to be a visual effect, but researchers thought it might still be possible for a single photon to exceed light speed.

Du, however, believed Einstein was right and determined to end the debate by measuring the ultimate speed of a single photon, which had not been done before.

"The study, which showed that single photons also obey the speed limit c, confirms Einstein's causality; that is, an effect cannot occur before its cause," the university said.

"By showing that single photons cannot travel faster than the speed of light, our results bring a closure to the debate on the true speed of information carried by a single photon," said Du, assistant professor of physics.

"Our findings will also likely have potential applications by giving scientists a better picture on the transmission of quantum information."

The team's study was published in the US peer-reviewed scientific journal Physical Review Letters.

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China has opened a string of spy schools since the beginning of the year in an attempt to significantly increase the training and recruitment of its agents.

Last week, China opened its eighth National Intelligence College on the campus of Hunan University in the central city of Changsha. Since January, similar training schools have opened inside universities in Beijing, Shanghai, Xian, Qingdao and Harbin.

The move comes amid growing worries in the West at the scale and breadth of Chinese intelligence-gathering, with MI5 saying that the Chinese government "represents one of the most significant espionage threats to the UK".

In February, China allegedly managed to penetrate the Foreign Office's internal communications network.

Until now, however, the bulk of Chinese foreign espionage is thought to have been conducted primarily by academics and students who are sent to the host countries only for a short period of time.

The new schools aim to transform and modernise the Chinese intelligence services, producing spies who are trained in the latest methods of data collection and analysis. Each school will recruit around 30 to 50 carefully-selected existing undergraduates each year




致中国难友 :











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 新华网伦敦5月17日电(记者 黄堃)只要测量你的脑电波就能知道你在想什么,这听起来像是科幻小说,不过英国一项最新研究已经在这方面取得了一些进展,可以初步解码具备某些属性的脑电波所代表的意义。





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这些所谓的“安全专家”还胡乱指责说,“中国的空间项目与美国的空间项目完全不同,都与中国军方操作有直接关系”,并举出五角大楼去年发布的《中国军力报告》为例,称中国正在计划发展反卫星系统(ASAT systems)。


















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We, the undersigned residents of Canada, draw the attention of the House of Commons to the following:THAT1. There are individuals in this country, victims of Psychotronic (Mind and Body Control) Weapons, who are being targeted unjustly or used as human subjects in experiments without their informed consent. Victims of mind/body control detail the most extreme and totalitarian violations of human rights in human history. Criminals may implant people with microchips or nanomaterials and place them under continuous surveillance. They monitor the human brain, continuously alter consciousness and behavior, directly assault and torture mind and bodies of the human subjects.These are some of symptoms that targeted individuals may experience:a). Microwave hearing, torture with loud noise.b). Visual hallucinations, “dreams”.c). Reading thoughts, retrieving memories.d). Manipulation of thoughts, will, emotions, desires and perceptions.e). Manipulation of human behavior: forced speech, involuntary body movements, transmission of specific commands into the subconscious, compulsory execution of these commands (i.e. the Manchurian Candidate effect).f). Debilitation of mental acuity, loss of memory.g). Sleep deprivation or uncontrollable sleeph). Cramps, spasms, excruciating artificial pain in any part of the body, manipulation of body systems, including heart attacks and other serious medical conditions.2. Some victims are subject to harassement and organized stalking in their communities. Some victims receive false psychiatric diagnosis and in addition become victims of the system from which they are seeking help (medical institutions as well as law enforcement)3. The misuse of such brain and body manipulation technology directly undermines the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms. A Presidential Commission has been appointed by Barack Obama in the USA to discuss the ethics of neuroimaging testing and protection of human subjects.THEREFORE, your petitioners request the House of Commons to appoint a Public Inquiry in Canada to get to the bottom of these gross violations of human rights based upon the evidence collected by victims for many years. Goals of the Public Inquiry should include:• End of misuse of these technologies• Compensation of involuntary human subjects for their damages• Removal of any materials implanted in human subjects, such as microchips or nanomaterials, that send signals to their mind and bodies• People responsible should be exposed and brought to justice for these unspeakable crimes against humanity.Signatures Addresses(Sign your own name. Do not print) (Give your full home address, or your city and province, or province and postal code)________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________
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Please join the civil case of Steve Ahmann..........print out the CIVIL SUIT REVISION 14 + IN FORMA PAUPERIS fill it out and mail it to Steve Ahmann......the civil case is free....thank you.....

Bitte nehmen Sie an der Zivilklage von Steve Ahmann teil, bitte CIVIL SUIT REVISION 14 + IN FORMA PAUPERIS ausdrucken, ausfüllen und an Steve Ahmann schicken.......sie ist kostenlos.....





LAS VEGAS, NV. 89169






Stephen Ahmann,       }                                         Case#__________ }

Guy Potter, Elisabeth Jane Buchanan et.  al.  }     }

Vs.     }         

The United States           }


Comes now plaintiffs to bring action against the defendant for the following reasons including but not limited to:



We, the plaintiffs, have been and/or are currently tortured by the defendant.


Our 8th amendment right to be free from cruel and unusual punishment has been violated by the defendant.


Even if the court refuses to acknowledge that the following does not clearly show we are victims of torture or refuses to define torture as a crime within the United States we are still victims of ongoing felony assaults a violation of US Code Chapter 7 of numerous accounts.

Some plaintiffs are outside US; however, the 1991 Torture Victim Protection Act (U.S. Code (Title 28, Part IV, Chapter 85, and Section 1350)) allows for torture victims to bring action in the United States District Court. 


For most of us, beginning on or about 2001 we, the plaintiffs, became the victims of Cointelpro-style tactics and/or other government operations and these activities have continued up to the present.  This includes tactics like organized psychological and physical operations.  Not all of us became victims in 2001.  For example, we have a whole new generation of victims who are experiencing this now that started recently.  Though our suffering is the same, they are at a different ‘stage’ of these operations. 

Because of this fact, it is apparent that these crimes will continue

unchecked until something is done. 

However the majority of us will state that these operations against us

became extremely obvious beginning in 2001 and have continued, in most cases, unabated to the present. 


We are victims of Cointelpro-style tactics and/or other government psychological and physical operations.  We all experience the same crimes.  We live in different states and have moved to many different states all with the same result. 

The criminal activities cross state/national lines.  Federal government agencies and employees participate; therefore, this falls under federal jurisdiction.


Our right to petition the government for grievances has been violated as in that keeping records of the crimes against us that have occurred for a decade or more is obstructed. Our homes are frequently broken into and journals, logs, and other evidence is stolen. 


Because of the defendant(s) actions it is extremely difficult to function in society making it extremely difficult to gather and keep evidence, keep employment or business, or maintain a place to live.  This violates our right to petition the government for grievances and basic rights to life and liberty. 


Because the defendant’s criminal actions affects the mind and body so badly it makes it very difficult to bring lawful action.  Our  situation is an emergency situation.  Our life, health, and well-being are always in jeopardy.  It is difficult to sleep, think, work, and generally function and live. 

Therefore, all papers are filed under extreme duress.  This is an emergency situation and we demand immediate relief.  These activities are killing us. 


Our right to the pursuit of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness has been violated as we are nearly perpetually stalked, harassed, intimidated, interrogated, humiliated, and threatened by the defendants employing an unknown communication device set at distorted volume over an extended period of time with the intent of causing physical pain and suffering, distraction, confusion, and exhaustion.     The combined effect of these perpetual assaults amount to torture.  Even while sleeping.  That date of occurrence would be on or about 2001 to the present for most of us.


The defendants falsely accuse of breaking laws as the reasoning behind this abuse and, even if were true, would fall under our
protection against cruel and unusual punishment.


The defendants, employing this high tech communication device interrogate us about private and embarrassing things like our sexual behavior and past.  They demand to know all kinds of private details. 

This is done to sexually humiliate. 

They also use it for blackmail. 


Uniformed police officers, FBI and all other government agencies that we have been in contact with participate in the Cointelpro-style activity and other physical and psychological operations...     We have moved many times to different parts of the country and since this follows across state lines it, obviously, is federal, but also employs local government personnel or their agents.  The tactics such as but not limited to: saying things about personal lives in public that only someone spying on us would know, gas lighting,   interfering with

attempts to talk with others/form relationships, interfering with normal activities such as working, sleeping, shopping, etc, street theatre, threats, intimidation, aggravated stalking, provoking, psychological anchoring,  negative NLP (neural linguistics

programming), and conspiracy.   Many of us also report seeing an usually high amount of military and/or law enforcement aircraft as well that ‘ buzz’ them or do other things to upset. 


Our right to petition the government for grievances has been violated.  As we try to obtain the services of assistance of counsel yet all attempts made to secure counsel are blocked by cointelpro-style tactic and/or other operations. 


All forms of communication are tampered/interfered with.  Including mail, email, phone calls.  This has greatly interfered with our right to petition the government for grievances.  As well as, untold amounts of losses. 


Our right to life liberty and the pursuit of happiness has been violated by the defendants using an unknown communication device to employ a hypnotist  and/or some other kind of weapon(s ) to influence us.  We

are then made to see, believe, and forget all kinds of things over the

years.  Some of the things we have been hypnotized/manipulated to experience include but are not limited to:  feel paranoia; believe our thoughts were being read; to fall asleep/trance while at work, grocery shopping, or in public.  We have also felt excruciating chest pains,

pain in other areas, painful dizzy spells, and a feeling of suffocation or throat closing.  All of this was upon command from the defendants letting us know it was them that had the power to give us chest pains; dizzy spells, etc. while they laughed at our situation.  For many of us, these assaults and others like them occur multiple times per hour.


 Our freedom of religion has been violated as the defendants used the unknown communication device to hurt us whenever we tried to  practice our religion.  We have been threatened about our religion, politics, and a host of other beliefs and informed by the defendants that we had to do what they wanted or they would increase their

criminal activities.  We, the plaintiffs come from a wide variety of religious and political areas and it would appear this could be another psychological operation, but we suffer from it all the same. 


Our freedom of speech has been violated by parties unknown to us as we are punished for saying or doing certain things by the defendant’s increased criminal actives and their threats to do so.  This includes threats of prosecution…most recently 6-3-2011 for preparing this suit. 

Some of us have been threatened for attempting to pursue legal remedy. We have been informed through an unknown communication device at about 11:00 pm that if we don’t drop this suit that the defendants would have people testify against us for made-up crimes. This is vindictive prosecution and is illegal.   Threats like this have been made to us countless times over the years. 


We are threatened often, making us fearful and unable to pursue life liberty or happiness. 

Some of the threats we have received include but are not limited to:

threats to kill us, poisoning us, arresting us and holding in jail forever,

stealing our possessions, gang-beating us up with baseball bats, shooting us, raping us, putting cameras in our home and putting compromising pictures of us on the internet, conspiring to defraud us by broadcasting this abuse and profiting from it, paying members opposite sex we encounter not to sleep with us, prosecute us civilly and/or criminally, paying people to harass us, running us out of the country, conspiring to continue to stalk, harass and threaten us and never stop.


Most of us have had numerous cars and other vehicles swerve, obviously pointed right at us, in attempt to intimidate us.  Many of us have been beat up and hospitalized many times.   Some have had entire gangs jump us and been hospitalized.   Since this was quite rare or never happened prior to this start date on or about 2001, these events coincide with the start of all the other operations and are perpetrated by the defendant.  


The defendants conduct a campaign of lies against us.  Almost all of us are victims of slander,  defamation of character, and libel; another aspect of Cointelpro-style tactics, and/or government psychological and physical operations, to isolate us to make sure no one knows

or helps us. This campaign of lies is very effective from the perception the public has to the integrity of the defendant.  

Also, many people think they are being instructed by an authority figure. 


The majority of us are victims of sexual abuse by the defendant a violation of 18 U.S.C. § 2241.

We are victims of the crime of provoking and conspiracy to provoke.   This is perpetrated by the defendant and started for the majority of plaintiffs on or around 2001 to the present. 


Combined these operation cause sleep deprivation, anxiety, panic, physical illness, stress, high blood pressure, and other physical and mental issues such as nervous breakdown.  Many of us have attempted suicide just to get the torture to stop.  Some of us have died. 


Those of us with children, and pets, or elderly family have had to watch as the defendants inflicted the same tortures on them.



I. Actual damages:

a.)   time off work is 10 years time/lost wages and income @ 100,000 per year per plaintiff is 1,000,000 USD


b.)    Hospitalization 30,000 per plaintiff average over 10 year period

c.)    Losses due to thefts and vandalization


d.)   Court costs


II. Pain and suffering


a.) physical pain suffered from torture for a ten year period   is 10 billion USD per plaintiff 


b.) isolation due to libel/slander campaign for 10 years is 10 billion USD per plaintiff

III. Punitive damages is 20.1 billion dollars per plaintiff

Total damages are 40.2 billion dollars per plaintiff.  We, also, petition
the court for an order to cease all the aforementioned.


So Stated under penalty of perjury
on this ______________ day of ____________, 20__

                                                                        ________________________       _________                                                       

________________________       __________

                                                                               ________________________     __________

                                                                                ________________________     _________


 Stephen Ahmann, Katherine Moore,   }                                Case#__ }

Starkeep Potter, Elisabeth Jane Buchanan  }   } 

                vs.            }       


The United States       }


                Motion to proceed in Forma Pauperis

                We, the undersigned plaintiffs, certify that we are too poor to pay for these proceedings.


 stated Under Penalty of Perjury on this _____ date of _____, 20__                                                                __________________________   _________                                                            __________________________   ________


__________________________    ________                                                           

_______________________   _________  



I, Steve Ahmann, swear that a copy of the forgoing has been delivered to the federal Courthouse at 333 S Las Vegas Blvd this ____ day of ____ 20__




All the informations you also find here.......see under documents..........alle Informationen findne Sie hier........bitte unter Dokumente nachsehen........danke/ thank you....



and here: here are the documents/ hier sind die Dokumente


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IBM-Swiss scientists to create artificial human brain by 2015 (Swiss Blue Brain Project - Dr Henry Markram)
Director Henry Markram of the IBM-Swiss Blue Brain project believes that his team of up to 125 researchers is on target to
create the world’s first artificial brain by as early as 2015.
In June 2005, IBM and the Swiss Brain Mind Institute announced a plan to create a digital 3D replica of the human brain.
Named after the IBM Blue Gene supercomputer, the Blue Brain Project has started modeling, in precise detail, the cellular
infrastructure of the cerebral neocortex.
Although Markram expects his creation may eventually learn to speak, he is not holding his breath waiting for
consciousness to rise from its brain. What he is after is something far more useful than a talking machine.
By creating a better understanding of how human brains perform, doctors will learn more about why our brains fail.

More to read on this link :

Probing the secrets of the brain (Swiss Blue Brain Project - Dr Henry Markram)
An ambitious project to understand the functioning – and malfunctioning – of the human brain is hoping to attract
major European funding.
The Human Brain Project (HBP) builds on work already being done by a team at the Federal Institute of
Technology Lausanne (EPFL), under the name of Blue Brain, which is headed by Henry Markram.
The HBP will use everything we know about the brain to make computer models that can then be used to
simulate the way it actually works. The ultimate aim is to simulate the complete brain.

Check out the link below :

Blue Brain Project: Build a virtual brain in a supercomputer
In 2005, a team of researchers at the Brain and Mind Institute of the École Polytechnique in Lausanne,
Switzerland set out to do some truly wonderful things. Led by neuroscientist Henry Markram, the team,
known as the Blue Brain Project, spent two years tearing down rat brains to the molecular level and using
what they learned to reverse-engineer a highly detailed, functioning computer model of a rat's cortical
column—a basic building block of brain structure.

More of the article on this link :
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"Corporate governance and management oversight are flavour of the week with the shenanigans at Rupert Murdoch’s defunct News of the World on every front page. On a vastly different scale, a similar issue has cropped up in the bioethics community. A self-styled watchdog, the Project on Government Oversight, has called upon the chair of the Presidential Commission for the Study of Bioethical Issues to step down after allegations of ghostwriting by professors at her university."
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The Allen Institute for Brain Science has completed what it is calling the first comprehensive gene map of the human brain as part of its development of the Allen Human Brain Atlas, a public resource that it hopes will accelerate clinical understandings of how the human brain works. The genetic mapping of two human brains showed a striking 94 percent similarity between the two, which could help researchers establish patterns and otherwise figure out in which parts of our brains to look for different expressions of genetic differences.

The idea behind the brain atlas is to develop a tool that researchers can access to determine how the genome is expressed in the brain, a process which is--needless to say--complex. Over four years, the ABI crunched more than 100 million data points to pinpoint 1,000 different anatomical sites in the brain that exhibit particular gene expression.


And for good measure--and comparability purposes--they did it with two adult human brains so scientists can see not only how genes are expressed in a particular brain, but the places where the human brain is genetically identical and where differences in genomes are expressed differently in the brain.


That last part is key for research purposes. Clinicians and researchers trying to zero in on the cause of a certain neurological condition or refine the search for a treatment can use the atlas to better understand how a treatment might work or how a mental illness or condition manifests itself.

As the genome becomes increasingly better understood and particular genes are isolated as the causes or indicators of certain disease expressions, anatomical models like the Allen Brain Atlas could go a long way toward helping researchers make the connection between the genome and the physical brain, using data they wouldn’t otherwise have access to. Less time spent connecting all the dots means more time spent looking for the right therapeutic solutions.




The Human Connectome Project Is a First-of-its-Kind Map of the Brain's Circuitry

Mapping the Brain's Circuitry When mapped and color-coded, the brain can be a beautiful thing. © 2010 The Regents of the University of California, UCLA Laboratory of Neuro Imaging. All Rights Reserved.

It took cartographers and explorers thousands of years to map every nook, cranny, and crevasse of planet Earth. Now, a consortium of researchers from across the U.S. is going to try to map the entire human brain in just five. Working with $30 million and just half a decade, the Human Connectome Project aims to create a first-of-its-kind map of the brain’s complex circuitry, detailing every connection linking thousands of different regions of the brain.

The team consists of 33 researchers at nine different institutions, including Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis and the University of Minnesota, the lead universities in the effort and the sites where much of the brain-scanning will take place. Their success will depend in part on another HCP grant to another research consortium headed up by Massachusetts General Hospital and UCLA that will develop advanced, custom brain scanners with higher spatial resolution and increased sensitivity. The funds themselves come from various bodies within the National Institutes of Health.


How big is the project? It’s at least 90 billion neurons big, but that doesn’t even convey the enormity and complexity of the human brain. There are something like 150 trillion synapses – the connections between neurons across which signals pass – that electrical signals must negotiate. These neurons and the connections between them make up the circuitry of the brain, and the HCP aims to create a better picture of that circuitry than we’ve ever had before.


The project aims to tap state-of-the-art brain scanning technologies, including diffusion imaging, various MRI methods, and magnetoencephalography to map not just how messages move through the brain, but how various regions work together via networks and networks of networks to achieve the complexity that is the human mind. With map resolutions down to the voxel – small swaths of grey matter containing about one million neurons each – researchers estimate the HCP will generate about one petabyte of data, which will require its own supercomputer to process.

All that scanning, data gathering, and analysis should pay off though, HCP researchers say. The end result will be an open platform that other neuroscientists can use to test their own theories, hypotheses, and findings against. Such a map should help scientists find their way to deeper understandings of how the brain works as well as cures for complicated neurological disorders.



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I spent close to 2 years trying to find out the websites perps use to harrass us with. I know now and assume that every state has a perp website used to slander and harrass TIs and each state website is interconnected and are sister websites in which perps from one state can go to another state and continue to harrass and slander a TI if he/she moves to another state. It is definitely connected with the neighorhood community watch because every perp, people connected to perps, criminals working for the neighborhood watch seem to know about the website. Most normal people don't know about the website unless they join the neighborhood community watch.


I spent a lot of time using google, yahoo search, and bing -- trying to locate a perp website in NY and in CA but to no avail. maybe it isn't cataloged in these search engines; i tried many search terms.


If one of us TI knows of a perp website please post about it, it would be a major win for us all; we will be able to sue and get rid of 1 method of harrassment and slander from perps/neighborhood watch/corrupt law officials.


It is funny that when i called the cops in NYC about my elderly Italian man perp who loved to spy on me and film me (those pervert perps are also peeping tom video voyuers) and that him and his elderly wife sexually harrassing me and i told the cops that the were putting videos of me in my bedroom (sleeping, eating, changing cloths, naked, etc...) on a website-- and THE COPS DENIED KNOWING OF ANY WEBSITE WITH VIDEOS OF ME OR SLANDEROUS STORIES ABOUT ME. THEY SAID THEY WILL  ARREST THE PERVERT PERPS IF I CAN LOCATE THE WEBSITE FOR EVIDENCE BECAUSE ONCE IT IS ON THE INTERNET IT IS PUBLIC DOMAIN ; IT IS FUNNY AND STRANGE THAT ALL THE COPS I CALLED AND THE ONES I SPOKE TO AT THE POLICE STATION DENIED KNOW ANYTHING ABOUT THE WEBSITE AND YET PERPS ON THE TRAIN WILL ALWAYS MENTION ABOUT THE WEBSITE IN NYC AND EVEN THE PERPS IN CALIFORNIA MENTION ABOUT THE WEBSITE.


If i could only find out the website, i could sue for damages in civil court AND have the perps prosecuted in a criminal suit as well.

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I  went overseas to be with my family and of course they followed me here. As I mentioned in some posts I went to the town were I grew up in. I really got harassed at first, because who knows what the perps told the government officials here, and they did a formal investigation, because in this part of the world all this e-harassment is unheard of. Things are getting a little bit better, ( I hope it is not just my imagination), but people are a lot nicer lately. I have been here for a year, and I am thinking that maybe after a while foreign governments might start to question why they have to spend their scarce resources investigating someone when there is absolutely no evidence against that individual,  they might conclude that the US government made a mistake (or the perps might have to admit to that or risk being exposed) and maybe leave you alone.  Also, this is a relatively low-tech environment. I would consider it if you have some sort of income like student loans or you were forced to go on disability, since jobs are kind of hard to come by here, unless you want to teach English, there is always a demand for that, doesn't pay that much though. If you have friends or family overseas (not in very industrialized countries) and the means to make the trip, maybe worth thinking about. Also, if you have some income, your money would go further than in the US, things are cheaper and you can get by on less. This would also be a way to expose this around the world since your internet activity will be monitored locally, if you visit TI websites, you get the picture.. OK, just an idea...if you don't have anything nice to say, don't say anything....(sorry I had to say that, because I have encountered some very rude people on this website).    

P.S. I have also prayed every nite for this to go away, thank you God. I am still interested in the lawsuit though.

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Be Part of a Mass Exorcism on behalf of children everywhere

Join the Circle of Truth surrounding the Vatican in Rome on Sunday, October 30, 2011 at high noon

Faith communities, indigenous elders, light workers, and people of compassion will gather from around the world to hold a mass Exorcism, prayer vigil and fast outside the Vatican to summon forth the power of truth and love and expel the darkness of centuries of crime, violence and corruption.

Our Convergence is unaligned religiously and politically. Our common ground is an absolute reverence for children and the earth. We come to protect the innocent and expel the force that harms them and protects those responsible.

Beginning at 12 noon on Sunday, October 30, 2011, thousands of us will form a human peace chain around the Vatican and will bring music, prayers and testimonies to exorcise the forces of untruth and violence in the Catholic church.

Our exorcism, prayer and fast circle will continue for 24 hours and will be followed by other events.

Please endorse our Circle of Light and circulate this notice. Join us on October 30 in Rome.

If you cannot, then hold your own circle of exorcism around a Roman Catholic church in your community on the same day.

For more information contact this email.

Caoimhin Ui Niall
County Tyrone, Eire
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This coming August sees the West Yorkshire city of Leeds play host to a series of lectures and films on the question of visitation by extra-terrestrials; asking questions of how the issues would be handled the media, by government and by the military. The politics of disclosure of such an event is defined as Exo-Politics.The 3rd Annual Leeds Exopolitics Expo, a three-day conference held at the University of Leeds on Friday August 5th to Saturday August 7th, will host an impressive line-up of speakers including a former CNN correspondent and now Hollywood producer, a former NASA consultant, several TV Broadcasters and UK journalists - who are published on UFO issues in The Sun, The Guardian and also the for New York Times – all converging on Leeds to debate the dynamics of UFO disclosure.Highlights of the event include former Ministry of Defence UFO desk officer and now journalist, Nick Pope presenting an insider’s view of the news media and it’s interplay with the UFO subject and TV broadcasters Richard D Hall (“Richplanet” UK) and Bill Birnes (“UFO Hunters” US) on Friday 5th August.CNN correspondent-turned-screenwriter Bryce Zabel has created five prime-time television series, notably NBC’s Emmy-winning UFO series “Dark Skies”. He also worked with Steven Spielberg on the TV mini-series “Taken” which deals with close encounters of the fourth kind. In 2011 he published his non-fiction book, A.D. After Disclosure: The People’s Guide to Life After Contact, which is being developed as a weekly television series. Co-written by historian Richard Dolan, himself a regular speaker at the Leeds conference, “AD” is a look into how disclosure might happen and what the repercussions on society might be.Bryce Zabel will present “Life After Contact” and Richard Dolan will present “The Case for the Secret Space Program” on Saturday 6th August.Richard C. Hoagland is a former space science museum curator; a former NASA consultant, and during the historic Apollo Missions to the Moon and science advisor to Walter Cronkite and CBS News. After over 30 years of leading an outside scientific team in a critically acclaimed independent analysis of possible intelligently-designed artefacts on Mars, he is now a regular science advisor on the US radio show Coast to Coast AM. Richard and his team's investigations have in recent years been quietly extended to include over 30 years of previously hidden data from NASA, Soviet and Pentagon space missions to the Moon, Mars and beyond. Richard Hoagland will be giving the Leeds audience his unique insight into The Secret Space Program and what it means for current geopolitics and society in the evening lecture “Dark Mission” on Saturday 6th August.On Sunday 7th August the event looks at Human Encounters with Aliens.According to the International Center for Abduction Research (ICAR), it is estimated that there are hundreds of thousands of people worldwide who have experienced “abduction-like” scenarios. At least 2% of the population may have experienced what has been described as abduction by Extra-Terrestrials. The true nature of the phenomena maybe uncertain but those who claim to have been taken from their homes by otherworldly entities report startlingly similar experiences during their abductions encounters. A common mechanism to cope with, what is for some is often a traumatic experience, many abductees turn to art to express themselves.Kim Carlsberg is a noted photographer, who has worked in Hollywood for years in the television and music industry. Her work has been displayed in publications like Rolling Stone and she even worked on the set of Baywatch. During this time she formally added another item to her CV… “alien abductee”. Since then, she’s struggled to comprehend all that she’s been through and 1995 she published a book titled “Beyond My Wildest Dreams: Diary of a UFO Abductee”, in which she explores what she’s personally learned and experienced with E.T.’s. She has since catalogued other people’s experiences in her new book – fifteen years in the making – “The Art of Close Encounters”. This coffee-table book is comprised of art collected from many people who’ve shared the abduction experience that Kim has endured. Kim Carlsberg will present “Close Encounters” on Sunday 7th August.The event is organised by Keighley based scientist, Anthony Beckett, and Skipton-born Open University tutor Andrew Johnson who now lives in Derbyshire.Anthony Beckett describes the event as “one of the premiere events of its kind with delegates travelling from across Europe to attend.” “There is a growing belief that there really is something going on in our skies that is quite possibly extra‐terrestrial visitation. But if it isn’t ET, then just what could it be that is still being tracked on radar, witnessed by trained military observers and seen by the general public – 60 year after governments told us ‘there’s nothing to see here’... That argument just doesn’t hold water anymore.”For more information please contact Anthony on 07733 323841 or visit or www.thisisdisclosure.comex-o-pol-i-ticsThe art or science of government as concerned with creating or influencing policy towardextra-terrestrial phenomena and extra-terrestrial life
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