To whom it may concern:
I would like to introduce myself to you. My name is Beatrix. I've been through an experience I can only describe as spiritual in nature. Spiritual meaning there are some parts of my story that seem outlandish, unbelievable, or at the extreme, readers might want to label me mentally unstable. I can assure you that one can easily step into a serious situation if you are not aware of what is going on.
How does one go about explaining this. I'll try, here is what I can gather by researching and also by personal experience. This planet/world has been hijacked by an evil consciousness. This evilness will come to you in the form of people (are they really people?). They are not regular people though, they are controlled, manipulated or not even human.
This planet is also ran by occult forces. Hidden, but very powerful, and will destroy you and your families lives if you get in their crosshairs. This has happened to me.
This evilness does not knock on your door and say "Hi, I'm here to ruin your life!". It seeps through the people you know, your family, your job, etc. Until eventually, it surrounds you, robs you (as was done to me), damages your car, turns your family against you. Prevents you from making a decent living, worse case, it wants you in the street homeless and hungry. There is a force that will do this to you.
People, either knowingly or unknowingly, all over the world, trap you. As they did to me in South Korea. Boyfriends will come into your life and you think they really care about you. Then, you realize he's done something to your body/mind and soul. By then it's too late. He's already implanted you, controlled your every move and that of your families. He will pretend to be the perfect boyfriend, especially around your family. This is for future traumatic separation of you and your family. Remember, they want you destitute on the street.
This network of people operate in another realm of reality. They have control over human beings of the easily persuasive kind. Especially ones that like money and will do anything for money. This evil loves these kind of people because they are easy to manipulate. And there are plenty of these on planet earth.
From what I can gather, there are indeed some type of implants in my head. I feel them everyday, there is an "intelligence" to them. They are monitoring and torturing me on a daily basis. I lay in bed at night, and receive electrical "shocks" to my body. This is not my imagination. I sleep with a huge magnet that seems to offset the "connection" to my body. I put the magnet on different areas of my head and neck. I fall asleep with it around my head area. This does give me some relief.
For 45 years of my life, I did not feel these things in my body. Now I do. I am not crazy, the people who did this to me are.
Which brings me to these thoughts. People, especially my family do not want to believe that this is possible. So they label me "crazy" or distance themselves from me. I do not understand why this has happened, I can only guess why.
My guess is that I know. I know what is going on. I do not buy the "official" explanations of anything. I do not watch TV. That alone puts me in a different category than 90% of Americans. I am dangerous because I am curious, intelligent and empathic. I care about people…I want the truth. Not lies. I was harmed by the silicone breast implants, I trust nothing the establishment says.
And now, I trust no one.
Right now, I am fighting for my life, soul and sanity. As we all know, there is something seriously wrong with the world. Just questioning why things are so wrong, can get you in trouble.
My suggestion to you reading this:
Get right with God, call out to your spiritual guides and look into a website:
Learn to be inner sustaining and be the will to God and goodness always. I just want peace and them to leave me alone.