The picture above was uploaded to his gmail account. The moment I saw his picture, I instantly remembered corresponding with him. At that time he was in West Africa and I was very glad to have someone from that region of the world participating in our organization. He was requesting to be added to our Buddy List to which I replied, 'sure.' Then a month later for unexplained reasons, he wanted to deactivate his account.
Due to the nature of the crimes inflicting him, he has been forced out of his home and into the streets. But that has not discourage him from exposing these Targeted Individual crimes against humanity.
He is in need financial assistance so he can use the money to eat, shower and live some level of existence.
Your financial contributions should be sent to Paypal to the email address:
Thank you for your support and have a nice day.
Video: Where To Invade Next? Targeted Individual Awareness
Video 2: I Need Your Help. Please Help Me.
I am seeking your financial support to purchase land. The land will consist of 5 to more acres. We will use it as a safe haven for individuals who are being targeted with electronic harassment and organized gang stalking.
Electronic harassment is a form of torture that involves the use of micro-wave weapons. These weapons are experimental and there use is highly classified. However, they have been known to cause cancer and disabled a person inability to live a normal life. We have been in contact with the government about this problem, but it has been difficult to get them to stop.
Organized Gang Stalking are individuals who have been contracted by the United States government to carry out these illegal experiments. Their role is basically to assist and enforce instructions that is given to them, which includes gathering and reporting data to their superiors.
The land will house a garden and a place for the Targeted Individual to congregate without worrying about some of the harassment that we endure on a daily basis. In the later months, we will use the land to encourage economic independency by encouraging entrepreneurship, which is key to rebuilding our lives.
For instance, we plan to sell some of the produce that we grow to the public. And the other idea is raise awareness by making clothes that highlight our position.
If you believe in Human Rights and want to give us a chance to be whole again, will you consider a kind financial contribution today?
Any amount will be welcome ($1, $5, $25, $50, $100, $250, $500, $1,000) or more. Thank you for your cooperation and we hope we hear from you soon.
Please click this link to donate:
Jeff Hedlun Says: The board got what it wanted, there was no reason to flame Derrick in the Newsletter but they did, so, Derrick’s side of the story:
Peace & Reconciliation Community Conference Call – Monday, November 16, 2015
Greetings, everyone.
There is a group in our community that has been meeting privately who are very concerned about the events that happened which culminated in my being let go as president of FFCHS. Many in the community are disturbed by the total injustice of the situation and are trying to adjust to what they see as a hostile takeover of the organization. I concur that it was a takeover that was hostile – and I feel orchestrated by the perps – as witnessed by the conference call on Halloween night.
There were accusations of embezzlement of funds even though no evidence was brought forth supporting these claims. Because of the hostility of that evening, I was not afforded the opportunity to present my case to the community due to constant interruptions by the new treasurer which led to shouting.
Therefore, this coming Monday, the community will be able to hear my side of these events uninterrupted and have an informed discussion afterwards. Here are the call details:
Peace & Reconciliation Community Conference Call
Monday, November 16, 2015
Time: 9 pm Eastern/ 8 pm Central/ 7 pm Mountain/ 6 pm Pacific
Call-In Number: 1-724-444-7444
Call ID: 115863
Pin Number: 1#
For your reference, I’m enclosing an earlier (although updated) email which served as my defense:
—————————— —————————— ———————
I’m sending this message to many in the community. At present I don’t have access to my usual list so please forward.
The past couple of months have been absolutely surreal on the FFCHS board. It all started with the election of the new treasurer. All manner of chaos has been the state of affairs since then to the present day.
I intend to respond to all of the allegations contained in the recent FFCHS “Halloween Newsletter.”
First of all, I would like to state for the record that there is no embezzlement of funds on my part, there never has been and the board has not brought forth a single piece of evidence to support any of Delores’ claims. These wild claims of hers have been pulled out of the air with absolutely no basis in fact.
The FFCHS Board, in their “Halloween Newsletter,” stated that because of my resistance to Delores Hall as Treasurer, I became impossible to work with which resulted in the decision that they were “reluctant” to make.
For those of you who witnessed Delores Hall Saturday night, October 31, will know who was really impossible to work with and may have an idea of why I resisted this decision of the board’s and why I tried to convince them to reverse this decision.
My resistance to Delores was based on her disruptive, inflammatory, libelous and slanderous conduct AND on her blatant dishonesty. These were strenuous conditions which the FFCHS Board chose to ignore. I simply could not work with a person whose total lack of professionalism, callousness, and relentless aggression for bringing down the presidency were so detrimental to the usual harmony of the board and the community.
She even refused to communicate with me via email or telephone further complicating the transition process.
Due to the constant conflict that Delores brought to board meetings and board emails, I found that I was often alone in trying to resolve brute aggression that was aimed at me with no intervention whatsoever from other board members.
The following allegations are being made by Delores Hall and others during the Saturday night, October 31 conference call and at other times:
1. That I intercepted all of the funds in the FFCHS Paypal account.
Total absurdity! Bank records show otherwise. Ethically, this board had the responsibility to present me with their suspicions and I could have easily addressed their concerns. However, the board chose to hoard their findings and did not afford me the opportunity to offer a proper explanation.
2. That people who had memberships were not properly credited for being a member.
Because the Membership volunteer, did not receive some peoples’ donation amounts, they were not listed. The obvious thing to do when the Treasurer noticed this oversight would have been for the Treasurer to ask the Membership Chairperson about it. However, that’s not the way this Treasurer does things. And also since the Treasurer is not on good terms with the Membership Chair either, (wonder why) this was not done. Instead the Treasurer made the non-sensical assumption that the money was not placed in the Treasury!
3. That I was involved in criminal activity due to not listing FFCHS as a business rather than a non-profit with the bank. When I first opened the FFCHS bank account in 2006, we were not yet a 501 c3 non-profit. That happened a couple years later in 2008. The Treasurer was trying to create an embezzlement case because our account was not re-listed as a non-profit account at the bank upon our 501 c3 designation.
This technicality is not even a legal issue. Please review this link for details:
Can a Nonprofit Have a Regular Bank Account?
http://yourbusiness.azcentral. com/can-nonprofit-regular- bank-account-7766.html
4. That I refused to change the checking account and the credit card to FFCHS’ name rather than my own.
Because the checking account was closing and the Treasurer was opening a new one, I saw no need to rush and make any changes. The bank even stated that to me.
As for the credit card, the board and the Treasurer insisted that I send them the card issued to me jointly in my name and FFCHS. What for? They could not use a card issued in my name. And whatever happens to that card, the liability remains with me if it’s in my name. What they would do with it, who knows? I was not willing to find out.
5. That I had not paid for a Washington Post ad and had instead pocketed the money.
It was stated during the Saturday night call that the donor for that ad, which cost $3000 thought it was going to be published in the main Washington Post paper, not the trendy, free entertainment weekly that the Post publishes. Obviously, Delores did not know that the donor would have had to come up with at least $97,000 more to even think about getting an ad published in the main paper. Plus, there are witnesses who saw the ad when it ran online and also TI’s in the area who went and got free copies of the paper and saw the ad (including myself) after it was published. So the ad did indeed run. I also still have the receipt if anyone would like to view it. This accusation can be easily proven false.
6. There was mention of a “dba t-shirt company.”
This is one of our online stores which is allegedly bringing in $4000/month — another unsubstantiated, false claim. We actually just received our second sales commission after nearly 5 years with this online company for the amount of $190.00
7. That I had absconded with $40,000 bequeathed to me from Harlan Girard — shown by more than one person to be a false claim. Harlan had no Will and no such bequeathals were made. Easily disproven.
8. That I had helped someone to commit suicide who had come to me for money and I said I didn’t have any — another completely unsubstantiated claim.
9. That I had forgotten who Aaron Alexis was two weeks after his initial contact with FFCHS.
I receive many requests for advice and assistance daily from people I do not know. Unless that person makes repeated contact with me (or with most people), there’s no way I or most others would remember their name after two weeks.
10. That I was responsible for the Myron May incident.
I did try to reach out to Myron, however, he did not receive the message I left for him and by the time we established email contact, he had made up his mind what he wanted to do — which he didn’t share with me – and I didn’t get the chance to assist him.
Many witnessed Delores’ behavior during Saturday night’s podcast and were able to see firsthand how she conducted herself during the Board meetings which should suffice to explain why I simply could not work with her. I sometimes had to mute her so we could conduct board meetings without having to hear her shouting.
I implored the board for another person to be brought in as Treasurer that I could work with. This is why I was so resistant to handing over documents and the group’s treasury. I simply did not trust this person as Treasurer who was out to get me and seemed mentally unstable. My requests went unheeded by the board.
In other issues:
— the original board did receive and review copies of the Articles of Incorporation and the By-laws from the company that created them for us.
— I assumed the role of President with the full consent of the community and the board at the time.
— As for our books, they were kept by an accountant that we’ve had for several years. We have even posted our annual financial report at our website.
— The charter is not in my name as a proprietorship as reported. My signature on the Articles of Incorporation lists me as an “authorized representative.” I can send any interested party copies of this document if they wish to see it.
— the only resistance I had to the Treasury was Delores Hall in the position of Treasurer. I had recommended other treasury candidates to the board during this period as a way to re-establish the peace. However, all these attempts were rejected by the board.
Thanks to so many of you that have lent your support at this time. God willing, we will survive and re-build.
Unfortunately, I didn’t see this message until it was too late – apparently I’m the only one left doing any moderating at Mind Control Research Forum, but with over 800 members, frankly, there’s more action taking place here than there. Maybe that will change if Derrick becomes involved again.
8-2 Around 6AM heart palpitation and irregular right arm movement. When I turned to the other side, arm palpitation stopped for a short period, but continued with less frequency. The distant between the viewer area is greater than the area I moved from in the beginning. This clarifies what I already knew the attacks are being made by single individuals carrying the technology. So this theory about satellite attacks is not true in this case. Most of all the attacks are person to person, This does not discount any satellite technology, but it is what is happening to me. I’m familiar with the area and where these criminal groups are working from. I have the name of the business, which I will not disclose at this time, but all info will be submitted to the authorities at a later time in my legal documents.
7/8-2 Throughout the month of July I been confronted with a persistant ear infection affecting my left ear. I can feel were they had embedded this technology (which can be done remotely), in the back of my ear. The technology affects the ability to hear and is down nearly 80 percent. I have tried health aids, but that has not help. Surgery will not be possible as it might allow this criminal organization to put more remote technology in my ear. This is just the ways it is at the moment. When you have this much infiltration, you have to live without heart, bad teeth, potential bad health and crime against humanity.
8-2 In the evening I heard someone in the area. Within 15 minutes of hearing them, the attacks increased. They were focused mainly to the face and head. It felt like electricity all over the body.
8-3 At around 5:30A energy was again turned up. In this situation, it felt like my body was vibrating.
8-3 Around 7:30P after experiencing computer problems initiated by the perpetrators, I accidentally formated my external hard drive. The purpose of formating was to make my SD memory readable. Because of this, I had to load a program that will assist in the recovery of these files. A recovery like this takes about 20 hours. This is just another example of being a Targeted Individual.
8-4 Throughout the night, the targeting was directed at my stomach and than my right foot and toes.
8- 6 Dollar Tree Store 336 N Eastern Blvd, Unit 1, Fayetteville, NC 28301
(910) 484-1388. Manager: Carlos. When I entered the store, it looked like it was recently stocked. I purchased Candy: Mary Jane, Graffiti Taffy and GoLightly Sugar Free Hard Candy Tropical Fruit. The GoLightly was sticky and wet, which meant that it had been sprayed before being rewrapped. This is typical with hard candy as their machines can’t embed this tech into hard candy unlike the other varieties. Also purchased Chewy Oat & Honey and Chewy Peanut Butter Chocolate Chip – both made by Select Choice. TJ Farms Select Onin Rings/Broccoli Cuts, Pagasa Macaroni Elbow and Natural Select Snacks.
Food Lion #0367 342 Northeastern Blvd Ste 2 Fayetteville, NC 28301. Manager on duty Ernest. Several employees and non-employees stocking store. Several “customers” positioning themselves in my perimeter as I shopped. Purchased: Food Lion Brand IQF Chicken Wings, Eastern Peaches, Garlic and 5 pound bag of Red Grapefruit.
8-7 Upon consuming these products, noticeable contamination with GoLightly Hard Candy from Dollar Tree and Grapefruit from Food Lion. Attacks to the stomach, Feet increased.
8-7/8 Throughout the night attacks to the head, feet and stomach were felt. Also experienced a rapid heartbeat, which has been the norm for several weeks now.
8-8/9 Left ear crackling; the infection is still present.
8-10 Food Lion #1612 2071 Skibo Rd Fayetteville, NC Tele. No. 910-867-2454. Manager: Bill Vanwinkle. As I was shopping, I did not see the typical stocking that I see in these business, however, I did noticed some contamination with some of the products, which will be explain later. There was typical “customers” that were perp. One particular “customer” was seen near my bags as I was shopping. I seen this individual again as I was checking out. I had to move my bags several times. Anyway, I purchased Jumbo Turkey Franks from Jennie – O, frozen Corn, Peas, Green Beans from Birds Eye, Frozen Black Eye Beans from PictSweet, Ball Park Beef Franks and Golden Hot Dog Buns, Kraft Original Barbecue Sauce, Oreo Cookies and My Essentials Enriched Long Grain White Rice. Items misplaced or stolen were Pork Country STY Ribs, Pork Neckbones, Turkey Drumbsticks and Food Lion Brand Cheddar Cheese.
8-10 Fresh Market 230 Glensford Dr, Fayetteville, NC 28314. Phone No.: 910 -867- 2588. Manager: Due to lost receipt, I’m not aware, but it could be found in my credit card records. Memory tells me that I purchased bananas, yellow and regular peaches and Snikiddy eat your vegetables Tasty Veggie Chips with Sea Salt. As I was shopping I noticed several perpetrators positioning themselves in my perimeter. The purpose of these individuals coming into my space is to Transmit Directed Energy to my transplanted body. They all carry devices. Also noted is a specific store employee was right directly behind me. He was seen several times.
8-10 Because I was carrying a lot of bags, I could not keep up with everything. Items misplaced or stolen were Pork Country STY Ribs, Pork Neckbones, Turkey Drumbsticks and Food Lion Brand Cheddar Cheese. Between being forced to move to the front and getting off the bus is when these items disappeared, Before getting off the bus, one of the perpetrators rang the bell and rushed to the front of the bus as I got off. He could have used the back door. This is where these items were lost or taken. I was carrying a backpack, other groceries from Fresh Market and Food Lion and a box of new shoes. This made it 6 bags. The area of this bus stop consist of a manufacture business, and car and municipal depot. There is no residence or retail in this area. And the direction this individual was walking was towards downtown. I know this area enough to know that a person can walk to downtown using the street into the railroad tracks into down. The only reason this individual got off the bus is so he can hit me with Directed Energy as I was getting off the bus. And earlier during the targeting, at least one person gets off the bus when it was my stop. I don’t care where I got off. It is how their devices are configured.
8-10 I did not consume any of the products. In the past consuming the products lead to intensive targeting as the implanted technology is “new”. Also because the targeting I received on the bus leads to a more intensive form of targeting later. This is why I don’t eat the day I’m going to be in a close perimeter to people. All the food and rain water has some tech in it. The food and liquids brought from businesses is worse as it is more controlled.
8-11 Upon consuming the yellow peaches from Fresh Market, I was inflicted with diarrhea. I could literally feel the peach being pushed down to my abdomen. So it was heavy sprayed with chemical tech before it was put on the shelf. I did not have any problems like this with the other products from this business.
8-11/12 The Oreo Cookies and to some degree the Kraft Barbeque sauce had tech in it. Upon waking up from a nap, I was inflicted with a rapid heartbeat. Also, throughout the night into the morning I had symptoms that I didn’t had on the night of the 10th. These symptoms includes attacks to the mid-section, feet, legs and head.
8-13 Consumed Food Lion Brand White rice with Black Eye Peas and attacks to the head and stomach became more evident. Later in the night I can feel directed energy and face. And early in the morning I woke up to DE focused on my fingers. It was around 4:30A.
8-13 Persistent ear infection due to the targeting. The targeting consist of perpetrators remotely placing technology behind the ears and using DE to swell the ear canal. So now there is an extra layer of skin blocking the canal. The result: 80 percent hearing lost.
8-13/14 Throughout the day into the next day I was attempting to retrieve files that was accidentally formatted and the machine battery went out. This isn’t the first time a battery went out. Several months now even if the indicator will tell me that a battery is charging, it is not. The criminals manipulate the battery computer. Meanwhile, the main battery that is feed by solar panel dropped it charge rate and could no longer keep the computer on, Had the computer battery not been manipulated, it would have been able to kept the computer until the main battery was able to pick up a charge again. It was around 3A when the computer shut down. It takes 32 hours to retrieve deleted files from a 2 TB external hard drive. This does not include restoring files to the second drive, which is needed to retrieve files from the first drive.
8-14/15 Attacks to the left ear became evident after using hydrogen peroxide. It was particularly noticeable after waking up at 11:45 PM in the evening. The attacks continued to the next day, which included pulsing of my ear. The hydrogen peroxide was purchased at a Roses on 342 N Eastern Blvd #7, Fayetteville, NC 28301. The re-conditioned of products also includes cosmetics.
8-15/16 Did not consume anything the entire day, not even rain water. Device placed in location. Constant attacks to the mid-section. Attacks to other parts of the body minimum, which was restricted to legs.
8-16 After consuming the white rice I purchased from Food Lion, attacks to the stomach was immediate. Then felt tech behind my left ear, which reduce my hearing by 80 percent. I could feel the tech in my mouth as crystals. Later attacks to my head and face became more prevalent.
8-16/17 Numerous individuals walking in areas that I normally don’t see anyone. 100 percent are African American males. Increase traffic in areas not common at this time of day. It was around 9p when I started walking and now it is about 12:33 A. Lastly, as I was walking someone was spot almost directly behind me. This was around 12:15 A. This is very, very uncommon as this area is very rural. However, due to the nature of the stalking prevalence, it is common. I seen him again, but this time he was programing the towers in the area.
Also heard the sound of sensors being placed throughout the area. I talked about these sensors before as they make a peculiar sound that resembles a cricket, but it is very mechanical. Plus the sound is constant, it does not change in tone. There is a squeaking sound when they are first being placed.
8-16/17 Computer hacking. System would not connect to wifi. Had to roll it back, which the results were favorable.
8-17 Manage to find an area to sleep. Attacks to the feet was noticeable. The attacks to the feet subsided after sleeping on my stomach. I was laying on my back when this happen. Around 4A noticed noise in the area. Attacks to my stomach became more noticeable. When I positioned my stomach to the wall of the highway, attacks stops. I did feel attacks to my midsection, but it was minimum.
8-17 Big Lots Store #5310 Northgate Crossing 3915 Ramsey Street Fayetteville, NC 28311-7673 Telephone No: 910-488-6901. It was around 9:30a when I entered this store. Almost immediately I felt a pulsing signal directed at my head. At no time before did I feel such a signal. I also recognized The Manage (given name) Christy. I had seen her several times before. Usually, if I have shopped at a store in the past, the same people can be seen. Anyway, I purchased Arm & Hammer Laundry Detergent (which I saw someone stocking the shelf). I had verbalized purchasing Detergent to myself earlier. Other item include Oatmeal Raisin Granola, Good Seasame Bran Stick, Gimbal Sour Jelly Beans, Marilan Lime Tartlets, Waymouth Honey Raisin Soynut, Donna Chiara Spaghetti, DI Nicola Penne Rigate, Chick O Stick, Tough Organic Green Tea with Mint, BC Alferdo 4 Serving Pasta, FF Soul Seasoning 8 oz., Garlic Seasoning 8oz., French Fry Seasoning, Fresh Finds Raspberry FR, and Dry Roasted Peanut Jar.
8-17 As I was walking towards Ollies, one of the employees of this establishment was text messaging on their cell phone. He was outside the store. Then when I proceeded towards the store entrance, he decided to walk into the store. I was directly behind him. When I diverted away from the store, he looked puzzled. He had GPS my location for directed energy attacks in the store.
8-17 After logging in the previous post, I went into Ollies on Ramsey Street (910) 822-3116 and purchased 4 items. These items were 4oz Sheila G’s Brownie Brittle, Nestle Crunch Thin Mints, Hot Tamales and Tide Laundry Detergent. When I went outside the store, I see the same employee. He was text messaging on his cell phone. He was wearing a name tag “DON”. It stated he was a supervisor manager. The sells person told me his name was Dawn. Anyway, if a supervisor manger would go to this extent to GPS your location, than it obvious the employees of the store will do the same thing. This also includes the restocking of re-conditioning food and liquid products for the illegal human experimentation that so many Targeting Individuals are familiar with.
8-17 Aldi store #72 3447 Ramsey Street, Fayetteville, NC 28311. Manager on duty was Jeff (I was told by a cashier, Kenneth, that he was told to not mentioned his name). This only tells me the intensitive of the infiltration that is happening in this business. As I was shopping I notice a young man that I have seen before placing “new” items on the shelf. Then later I seen him at as a cashier as I was checking out. This is typical to see employees ending their stocking duties after they see me on the line checking out. Purchased Breakfast Best Homestyle Wafflles, Fit&Active Whole Grain Waffles, Navel Oranges, Black Grapes, IQF Leg Quarters, Lentils, Honey Bear, Frozen Peas, Brown Rice, Happy Farms Deli Swiss Slice Cheese, Happy Farms Deli Mild Cheddar Slice Cheese, Onions, Bagged Broccoli, Vine Tomatoes, Frozen Corn, Parkview Smoked Sausage, Honey Trees Honey Flavored Syrup and Cauliflower.
8-17 When I got back to my location, I noticed the area has been saturated with smart dust technologies and other technologies used to aide these illegal experiments. This prompted me to pay special attention to cleaning the area. However, it only minimize the attacks to the body, which was the upper right arm joint and before sun down and 11:15P the face and head.
8-17/18 Most of the attacks were noise heard from the multiple sensors that was placed in the area. The sensors and smart dust particles allows the criminal organization to target me at a distance and with less people. It also gives them the benefit of being in a single location. But these Sensors and smart dust particles are second level attack mechanisms as the Pulsing devices are the primary modes used for attacking a subject (targeted individual).
8-18 As I consumed one of the purchases I made at Biglots, I could taste the tech in the produc. Then I immediately noticed my left ear clouding up. My left ear clouding up resulted in hearing lost. The product was Marilan Tortinhas Lime Tartlet. Also attacks to my righ arm became apparent. And then attacks o my left foot was noticeable in the form of signaling.
The technologies can be tasted in the food in the form of cystals and these crystals have a moveable sensation in the mouth. Also tasted technologies in the oranges that I purchased from Aldis. Now attacks to the right foot is apparent.
The criminals (referred as perpetrators) setup pulsing devices in the area. They are able to work off the signals that these pulsing devices produce. Then they can manipulate the technologies that is consumed in the body. This is via cell phones, which over 90 percent people have and have been setup with an organized GPS (Global Position Satellite) menu system. The GPS menu system represents points of targeting and anyone with a cellular phone can participate in the attacks on a targeted individual.
But these crimes would not be possible without the cooperation of businesses that restock reconditioned Food and Liquid products. Chem-trails, which have not happened in a while (on a large scale) is just an addition to the targeting, it is not the primary mode used.
After consuming the Good Sense Honey Roasted Soynuts, attacks to the right food big toe occurred.
8-18 The Bear Creek Country Kitchens Alfredo Pasta Mix that I purchased from Biglots was heavily contaminated with nano dust (smart dust – nano crystaline) technologies. It was mixed in with the chicken and broccoli meal. When I first ate it, the technologies in the food was not obvious, but after consuming for some 5 minutes, it became obvious. I’m aware of the perpetrators placing technologies in the area and how it can end up in my food. However, I’m also aware on how they can activate this technologies right after you start eating the food. This is why there is no one else complaining about it. For the perpetrator of these crimes, it is a perfect scheme for manipulating the detection system for identifying infected food.
8-18 Breakfast Best and Fit&Active Waffles that I purchased from Aldis was heavily contaminated with nano dust (smart dust – nano crystaline) technologies. The Honey Flavored Syrup was ok.
8-18/19 The night was very unusual. Unlike previous nights, the attacks were coming individuals from handheld pulsing devices. This is the method used when it is raining as the sensoring technology is less effective. Attacks were minimum to the heart as it was elevated several times. Late in the morning, pulsing of my right foot was noticeable, but that quickly vanished when I moved around. Also, the sensoring technology could be heard generally in the area around the warehouse, which is the primary location where the criminal organization resides at.
8-19 Computer would not power on until it was plugged in. The battery indicator showed that the battery was almost dead. There is a separated computer that controls what the battery shows and regulates how the battery charges. This has all been manipulated using frequencies.
8-19 Second computer inoperable after attempting to update the bios. I had done this process many times before without problem. So until then, I will be minimizing my computer time until 2nd (or even 3rd machine) is purchased to minimize operation time. Until then, I wish you peace love and happiness, because the whole world needs a lot of it.
8-19 Difficulty on getting o yahoo and facebook. The INTERNET connection takes longer than usual.
8-19 Contamination in the grapes I purchased from Alds and the red hot tamales I purchased from Ollies.
8-20 When I woke up around 1:15a I felt extremely dehydrated. Other attacks included slight rapid heartbeat.
8-20 Was woken around 7a. Strong rapid heartbeat. Felt directed energy directed at the head and feet. When I got up, attacks to these areas subsided.
8-20 Jelly beans purchased from Biglots! contaminated. This makes more than 90 percent of the products contaminated.
8-21 Woke up to loud sensors.
8-21 Raspberry cookies that I purchased from Biglots was heavily contaminated. It taste like a lot of crystallize nano tech in product.
8-21 In the late Afternoon, felt attacks to the middle-side of my head. It felt like a signal accessing technology attach to a specific part of my head.
8-21/22 Throughout the night into the early morning, I felt my entire right leg under attack. Then I felt energy directed at my head similar to earlier. When I woke up two hours later, it felt like my chest had a device attach to it. I had this tired feeling as if I hadn’t slept for days and urination increased during this period. When I went back to sleep again and woke up around 6a, attacks to the right side of my torso was very noticeable. It felt like a device was attach to this part of body.
8-22 As I pour the dry Macaroni in the a powdery substance filled the air. So as usual I took some rain water and clean the Macaroni several times, then I put the fire on. The next process is to get it hot enough so it would boil and than I clean it again to dissolve any left over reside from the last rinse. The ending result is a safer to eat over-cooked meal with less nano dust contamination. But lessening the affects of nano tech influence requires letting the food sitting over night. The dry Macaroni was purchased at a Dollar Tree store on Eastern Blvd in Fayetteville, NC.
Skipping a day of eating and drinking allows the body to recover from build up of nano tech (other technologies) influences. So at the end, the targeting is minimized.
8-23 Early in the morning I can feel nano tech particles in my mouth. This specifically happened when my side was turned in the opposite direction. When I reverse back to side I was sleeping, the sensations disappeared. The way to understand this is that the particles are placed in the targeted area. Because there is already technology in the targeted body that can be manipulated, perpetrators can then introduce technology to the target without putting it in their food or water.
8-23 As I stated earlier the Macaroni that I purchased from Dollar Tree had nano crystalline in it, but particularly the swiss cheese that I purchased from Alds had it too. The Swiss did not have the white lining in it, but the Cheddar (which was also part of the meal) did. It is very simple “mistakes” like this one that tells me that products are being tampered with. Whether it is for the purpose of illegal human experimentations or not, it is still against the law. But it is also against the law for the government to be involve in this criminal activity as well as ignoring the fact that both malicious food/liquid/water contamination is happening when it is brought to there attention.
8-24/25 Implant found blocking my left ear passage reducing my hearing to about 20 percent. In the night I felt implants in my upper arm joints. It felt like muscle moving against bone. But my arm was not moving. Sharp needle like pain directed at my elbows. In the morning, attacks to the legs and to some degree my head.
8-25 When I place a q-tip in my left ear, I came across a blockage. As I was investigating this blockage, the I hit what appeared to be a metal or plastic part. As I kept moving the q-tip across my inner ear, I can see it was attached my inner ear, which is covering the entire section that would allow hearing. The part refuse to lift up and it was not abrasive, it was hard and smooth.
It has been several weeks and about two months since this implant has been in my ear. When ever my ear is about to open up, I will feel and hear a pulsing sound in my ear. Water gets trapped in my ear, which complicates my hearing.
Later I put some garlic in my ear. I left it there for several hours. Then I applied Hydrogen Peroxide in my ear several times until the garlic was dissolved from my ear. After the garlic was dissolved from my ear something shocking happened. I heard a mechanical sound in left ear.
I never had this problem with implants in my ear (that I’m aware of). I have not had any surgery or my last visit to the doctor was over 10 years ago.So I assume the implants were placed in my food and than attached to my left ear.
8-25/26 Attacks of my ear throughout the night into the morning. The attacks was in the form of pulsing my left ear and the symptom was popping. Minimum attacks to my stomach, legs, head, elbows, arms and feet.
8-26 Constant attacks to my right and left foot. It feels like energy going through my feet.
8-27 Attacks to my feet after waking up around 1a. It felt like electrical current going through my feet. Other attacks were to the legs in the form of bee stings, which is a symptom after the attacks are applied.
8-27 – Attacks to my left foot and bee stings to my left leg after eating brown rice, split peas and sausage. I purchased the split peas and sausage from Aldis, but it was the rice, which I purchased from Biglots that consist of the larger amount of contaminants. The rice needed to be rise down with a larger amount of rain water. However, due to the lack of rain in the area, the rain water used to clean the rice was very limited.
8-27/28 Throughout the night into the morning I experienced a rapid heartbeat. The first rapid heartbeat was strong, but the second was mild in comparison. However, when I was woken the first time, the symptom was limited to my feet. The second time, the symptoms included energy directed to the side of my body I was laying on. Only a nearby pulsing device can produce this kind of sensation. I also felt tired, or like I haven’t slept for days. These symptoms quickly vanish when I get up and start moving around. Moreover, I was given a false dream, which occur every time I go to sleep. But this one had racial connotations in it.
8-28 Did not eat or consumed rain water entire day. Minimum attacks to the feet, legs and arms.
8-28/29 Attacks restricted to the right foot, but nothing like the previous night.
8-29 Hacking and interfering with the time and date mechanism on my computer, which interferes with logging onto Facebook and Yahoo email accounts. The hacking is associated with the targeting or reduced directed energy targeting to the body. When I don’t eat (FAST), the targeting drops significantly.
8-29/8-30 Attacks to the (upper regions of my ) left foot throughout the night into the morning of 2:30A. After banging my feet together for an hour, attacks to my left foot subsided. Attacks to the stomach could then be felt. As I was going back to sleep, attacks to the right foot became evident, but was not as directed as the left foot. Also felt attacks to the head later in the morning.
8-30 I’m upgrading to the Government Sponsored Stalking email service from the Yahoo email service. The purpose is to be able to manage email better, create a list serv for important TI announcements and filter spam much more accurately.
8-30 Constant attacks to the upper regions of my left foot throughout the day.
8-30/31 When I was woken I felt a slight elevation in heartbeat. I ate some kidney beans earlier. I did not have this symptom the previous nights.
8-31 Rain. Used this opportunity to clean the heavily contaminated brown rice I purchased from Big Lots! I also filled all my water bottles. I heard Donald Duck sound in the background. I usually hear this sound when it rains. This is the perpetrator devices that have been modified to put out this sound, instead of the popping sound that I use to hear.
8-31/9-1 Attacks to the right foot throughout the day into the night and the next day. Attacks to this area of my body involves continuous pulsing of the right regions of my right foot. When I hit my feet together, it interrupts the attacks temporary. When I get up, sometimes the attacks stop almost entire. However, when I go asleep and wake up, they return.
Summarize: This concludes the Journal for August 2015. During this month, the attacks were mainly directed at my left ear, which resulted to hearing lost. Until this time, although the attacks have subsided in this area of my body, hearing in my left ear is difficult. Also, due to the lack of rain in the area, I was forced to reside in the same area for an extended period of time. Staying in the same location presents it own unique problems, but having no clean water is just unacceptable. Leaving an area without a significant amount of water would mean that I would be subjected to drinking Tap water or buying bottle water. In the past I have tried drinking both of these options and they were both heavily contaminated. Systems are setup throughout the area to push chemicals and tech in the tap water. And bottle water, which are recently stocked on store shelves, have been reconditioned with the same substances. Although the rain water has tech in it, it is not as controlled. However, during heighten targeting, even the consumption of rain water is reduced. The reduction of rain water always means the reduction of food, because the rain water has help me recover from the consumption of contaminated food. Towards the end of the attacks to the feet have became more evident.
I got German cars showing up every day. Here in Zagreb, I saw 2 today and 1 yesterday. It has been going on for several months even I was in Bulgaria, Romania, Serbia, etc.
We are interested in bringing North Carolina TI's together. If you are from this state and want to network, please contact me at: GSS 980-285-7950 and, or, David Mentz at: 910-264-9445. Thank you for your cooperation.
Hello Everyone,
Thank you for participating in this Thursday’s Blogtalk Radio Show. The show starts at 9:00pm est, the times listed below is Eastern Standard Time. Please call into the show at 8:45pm Eastern Time so the host will have time to get organized. If there are any problems with not being unmuted, etc. please call me at 510-688-7277.
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Darlene Miles – 9:00-9:15
Chris Bronson – 9:15-9:30
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Amy Anderson – 9:45-10:00
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Lynn Gibson – 10:15-10:30
Minister Tammy – 10:30-10:45
Joe Dixon – 10:45-11:00
11:00-12:00am – Questions from the listening audience.
Come join the celebration! We will be hosting the “HPSS LAUNCH PARTY” tonight on the RECLAIX TI COMMUNITY CONFERENCE CALL @ 9PM EST!
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I truly must say this is a poignant moment! After years of hard work, sacrifice, and selflessness displayed by the entire Reclaix team, I am proud to announce that Mellhedek, owner of Reclaix and d…
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Cynthia Goldman was Assassinated by strangulation and house was set on fire. She was an active participant in Targeted Individual conference calls and projects concerning the community. She was a beautiful person both inside and outside and we will be honoring her tonight.
This is an emergency conference call and will be dedicated to her life. We ask you to be respect and give this time to her. Thank you.
GSS conference calls are held on You can call in at 724-444-7444. Code: 83319 # pin: 1 #
We will be setting up a secondary conference call at:
559-726-1200 code: 251496. Thx u 4 ur cooperation at this most horrific time.
Thank you for your cooperation at this most horrific time of our lives.
Chris J. Brunson
The call will not be recorded in her honor.
Occupy Sacramento got behind our cause and Jesse Beltran has been able to speak at several Occupy rallys about our situation.
I contacted several Occupy chapters in different cities about getting members of Occupy to file suit with us “to give us a huge amount of people”
They actually contacted me back and told me that i would need to speak in person at one of their general assemblies, and if the general assembly was ok with it they would get involved.
i dont live in or near any of the cities that contacted me back.
If you live in a city with a Occupy group or near a city with a occupy group “you can check on google search engine, just put in the town name and occupy”
Please contact them to speak to their general assembly.
This would be huge for us.
With just one Occupy chapter behind us we would have several thousand extra people filing with us.
And we would try to get them to get the other Occupy chapters behind us too, that would give us a huge number of people in the suit, like way way overkill.
And also, each occupy chapter has their own attorney who handles things for them, with Occupy on board, their attornies could file for us, probably pro bono, and in each of the cities their chapters are in.
That would be huge, way beyond 4,000 cases filed and repp’ed by attornies in about 15 cities.
This is the kind of overkill slaughter we need.
Try to get Occupy on board.
Let me know what happens
Also, just a reminder, our conference calls are every Sunday and Tuesday, at 6pm west coast/pacific, 7pm rocky mountain, 8pm central standard, 9pm east coast
the next one is this Sunday
the number is 712 432 3900 call number 101016
If you haven’t joined our group yet please do, it’s
12-3 Dollar Tree Store #471 2636 Bragg Blvd Fayetteville, NC 28303. Tele. # 910-486-9050. Manager: Bridget. While shopping at this establishment I seen boxes streamed throughout the alse as if someone started placing new items on the shelf. When I went to the checkout line I could feel multiple pathways throughout my head. This will allow them (perpetrators) to use synthetic technology on these pathways. I did not experienced the burning until I went on the checkout line. The remote devices were placed in this area for this purpose.
12-3 CVS Pharmacy 3026 Bragg Blvd Fayetteville, NC. Phone: 910-860-0863. Manager: Jeff and Dominic. Purchased Arizona Watermelon 613008720209, CVS Electric 7oz I GFSN PWR RZR 1 CT and 1 GLT FMY Shvcr 11oz. Seen a number of individuals who could be identified as perpetrators. One even came into the store to see who I was and then went back outside. Plus, they are hardly anyone in the store when I first start shopping and 7 people join me.
12-3 Manager in the store at the time was dominique. After consuming the Arizona product, I could feel continuous signals below the bottom of my feet. I did not experienced this before consuming this product.
12-3 Since I been walking, I noticed vehicles coming out of the entrances right before I enter the cross walk. This places the vehicle on the right side of me. So the field of resance is now surrounding me, because the engine is in the front of the vehicle.
12-3 13:05 Food Lion #0818 Morganton & McPherson Fayetteville, NC 28301. I purchased Hawaiian Punch Green Berry Rush 014800646429, Assorted Sugar Wafers 725439102889 and Iced Oatmeal Cookies 725439102872. Upon consuming these products, I felt an increasingly amount of electro-magnetic energy underneath my feet, arms and hands. The energy is associated with the chemicals placed in the food/drink. The manager is Jennifer Conway.
12-4 I had to leave the shelter where I’m staying because I seen a number of perpetrators GPSing my location. I even seen a perpetrator accessing two cell phones, which i was able to document over two years ago.
12-4 There’s a stare that I see from individuals when the technology is accessing their brainwaves. It is nothing you regularly see everyday. Sometimes it looks like their eyeballs is rolled up in their head. The technology is feeding their thoughts with coded instructions.
12-5 Vehicle parked in the middle of the parking lot with no other vehicles in this parking lot. This is the second time that I seen this. In this instance the vehicle is a becon for other vehicles passing in the area (or people equipped with GPS devices). The micro-wave transmissions is then used to target various parts of my body.
12-6 As I’m walking the criminal organization will have people positioned along the path that they think I’m going to take. Sometimes they have individuals on foot who will be positioned to walk towards me. Meanwhile, I’m constantly being zapped (exposed) to the micro-wave transmissions from passing automobiles traveling on the street.
12-4 Family Dollar Store #0163 420 Persons Street Fayetteville, NC. Tele. No. 910-483-8835. Purchased Aluminum Foil and Band Aid Adhesive Pad. When I was about to check out an older male stood behind me on the checkout line. He had just came into the store to purchase something, which took less than one minute to do. When I left, I seen a white vehicle parked closes to the store. It had two missing hubcaps, which were on both sides of the store. The vehicle was most likely driven by this individual as they weren’t any other vehicle in the parking lot.
12-1 Walmart 1601 Ramsey Street Fayetteville, NC 28311. Tele. No. 910-488-1800. Manager: Clay Hernly. Saw an indication of perpetrator activity in this establishment stocking new items on the shelf. This including seeing boxes that weren’t completely remove of it items and lots of empty boxes. I even seen a lady placing individuals items on the shelf as she was walking from one alse to another. She took a long stare at me to see what I was holding. I purchased bread 007341011191, Splash Juice 006100013062, MMS 004000024887, Sharp Cheddar 007874212280, GV HNY Ham 007874208328 and Great Value 007874240253.
12-6 Salvation Army. Large amount of perpetrators and infiltrators in this facility. The infiltration includes cell phone GPS devices, chemicals through the water system, which when I use it, I could feel the signals in the applied area. Since being a resident of this facility, I do not eat the food, because anyone who will go to the extent of placing devices in the water system would automatically contaminated the food. Contaminated the food and water makes me susceptible to the electro-magnetic transmissions that is so common with my targeting. When I don’t use the water or eat the food, the attacks are greatly reduced. The metals and chemicals that is in these things allows the operators of this technology to direct the signal more accurately. Also noted. I met with the Director of this facility and her whole deposition was completely inaccurate. Speech, personality and body language was that of someone from a very lower- uneducated background. Even how she was dressed. This speaks volumes as it is quite easy to infiltrate a facility when the leader is not on top of her game.
12-4 Perpetrator vehicles coming from all different directions as I walk. Or vehicles lined up with about 10-15 cars is typical experience.
12-5 Was woken around 4A with aggressive pulsing on the back of my head. Earlier as I was walking from the library I could feel a burning sensation on the very same spot. There was several people on foot GPSing my location before this situation occurred. As noted, it was particularly hot at the salvation shelter I was staying and I had eaten several times throughout the day (rescue mission and CVS). I think it was the exceptional amount of chemicals in the water that lead to this particular attack.
12-4 When I came back to the shelter, the attacks increased. I noticed a white vehicle parked in the parking lot with a missing hubcap. It belongs to one of the security guards who works at the salvation army. When I came into the shelter, one of the residence was GPSing my location. This individual had done this earlier. This does not discount the other shelter mates who might be holding these devices. Generally someone would have to receiver or transmit device to accomplished these attacks. That’s why often I see two vehicles or two individuals in my area.
12-5 Les House. As I was walking up Ramsey Street I seen a number of pedestrian perpetrators with their cell phones GPSing my location. Also a number of vehicles including a police car was positioned at the intersection. The police officer was positioned at this location a lot longer than usual. As stated earlier, vehicles that are positioned in this way are pulsing a micro-wave signal on their frontend. This is why when I cross the intersection, vehicles would always be situated in this area. The dwell times is longer because the vehicle is traveling towards you. Once I got to Les’s House his nurse’s aide was there. She is just one out of many perpetrators of these crimes. When she left, I felt a strong signal directed at the back of my head. This is the same location that I felt the signals around 4A in the morning. They had map out this area of my head the previous day.
12-5 Dollar Tree Store, Inc. #472 3821 Ramsey Street Suite 122 Fayetteville, NC 28311. Tele # 910-482-0896. Purchased Apple Juice, Fruit/Nut Trail MX, Red Hot Candy, Ginger Snaps, Short Bread Cookies and Grapefruit Juice. After consuming these products, I immediately noticed a large number of vehicles focused on my area. Each time I moved to a new location, the traffic flow in that location would increase. The manager was TWYLA.
12-6 Food Mart & Tabacco store on Robenson and Franklin St. Empty boxes of mountain dew and pepsi left on the floor. When I asked who the manager was, I was told he wasn’t the manager or owner. No name was given.
12-6 The are was really hot with electro-magnetic and micro-wave devices. I could feel the signal burn certain parts of my head. This was once I settled down across from Robenson and Franklin Sts. Once I walked from this area, the signals disappeared. It is also a high traffic area, which could explain the availability of people who are being used for GPS tracking.
12-6 Pickup truck parked in the very middle of the parking lot. License plate: ZVY-9049nc. It was a Toyota Tacoma. Seen white mini-van and white car ealier.
12-6 Cumberland County Library (MAIN BRANCH). Purchased Sunkist orange soda 20ft. oz. 078000113402 and Brink strawberry melon 012000638473. Orange sell by 1/16/12 1702GCX101212. Brisk 3/19/12 sell b7y 1135p8111611. Manufacturer: Pepsi/Lipton Tea Partnership. Purchase, NY 10577. 1800-657-3001. Orange Under direct authority of Dr. Pepper/Seven Up, Inc. 5301 Legacy Drive, Plano, Tx 75024 and Sunkist Growers, Inc. Sherman Oaks, Ca. 91423. 1866-Drink-Orange. 12-6 While waiting for the bus, I see a number of perpetrators, which also includes the bus driver. About 6 total.
12-6/7 When I laid down I could feel the signals throughout my body. I particularly felt it focused on my legs. When I moved the blanket away, the signals was reduced. I shook the blanket and then raised my legs and that seemed to make the attacks disappeared.
12-6 They moved someone else into the room I’m staying in. This individual came from the room next door. There was no explanation except that this individual is a perpetrator. I have witness him programming something on his phone. Also, they like using black perpetrators to cover up their racists crimes. I also noticed that this individual did not make eye contact with me the whole time. I noticed another individual perpetrator doing this to me.
12-6 While working on the library computer, several times my website frozed as I was typing my notes into it. It was at the main library on Maiden Lane.
12-7 While taking a shower, 4:30A at first the water pressure was consistant. But after 3 minutes of showering, I could hear the pipes knocking. When I came outside, I could hear someone in another room with the water on. Often times when I use the water the perpetrators would push the chemicals through the piping system. The chemicals makes my body susceptible to the electro-magnetic attacks.
12-7 At around 4:50a after getting back into the bed, the new perpetrator who moved in yesterday decided that he was going to check his phone. A short time later, I felt a signal on the bottom of my feet.
12-7 Supreme Court To Hear GPS Surveillance Case: Website 1:
Website 2:
Future Attribute Screening Technology (FAST) New sensor array used to conduct covert surveillance of individuals who are not suspected of any crime. The sensors secretly collects and record information concerning individuals, including video images, audio recordings, cardiovascular signals, pheromones, electrodermal activity and respiratory measurements. Under the program, DHS will collect and retain of a mix of “physicological and behavioral signals” from individuals as they engage in daily activities. FAST is funded by SET’s Homeland Security Advanced Research Projects Agency and is managed by SET’s Human Factors Behavior Sciences Division. FAST is designed to allow the agency to capture biological and behavior information from subjects.
12-7 Food Lion. One of the employees told me I had to leave my bag in the front. I told them how can I trust someone to not go in my bag when almost so often when I would park my vehicle in the parking lot, someone would go into it. This wasn’t the only store that say I couldn’t shop there because of my bag. The only option was to leave, because I could see that I had already lost time discussing this manner. I did see several individuals placing new items on the shelf. So I needed to rush in to get something quick. This was at the Eastern Blvd Food Lion.
12-7 Family Dollar on Clinton Rd in Fayetteville, NC. The Mello Yello 049000050295 had a large amount of silicone in it. After consuming this product the contents would come up in my thoat. Also, I experienced flu-like symptoms, which included a running nose, watery eyes, and thickness of siliva. The soda also did not have fuzzy, which it tasted watered down. Banquet Crispy Chicken, Family Gourmet Cranberry Pome Grante 0322511014659 and Chips Ahoy original 04455004. All these items had some level of contamination.
12-7 Post Office. 301 Green Street Fayetteville, NC. Andrew “Clerk”. Post Master Dean Fields. Letter to AAA Member Relations Dept. at P.O. Box 29600 Charlotte, NC 28229.
12-7/8 At around 4A I experienced a rapid heartbeat and uncontrollable nervous system. This was followed by aggressive brain-mapping, which transmissions/signals are directed to different parts of my head. The next thing I noticed was one of the shelter mates went to the bathroom. It was so brief that by the time you drop a pen he was back to bed. He did flush the toilet, which was all part of the script. His actions was completely controlled by the operators of this technology as he was sound asleep before this occurrance and snoring there afterwards.
12-7 I seen a burgundy vehicle with a missing hubcap. It belong to one of the security guards on duty.
12-7 While working on the library computer, several individuals sat next to me. One even placed their bad directly within line-of-site of me. And the result of these actions was directed energy to various parts of my body. Earlier, everytime I would get situated at a different part of the library, one of these perpetrators was situated within my perimeter. One even went as far as to follow me outside. This particular action was being controlled directly by the technology as the person’s stans did not change from that position until I left the library. I had had previous problems with the library before this particular harassment occurred. It involved obtaining internet access, which the library was blocking intentionally. When I confronted the directed about this manner, I was given LIP service. However, the situation never was corrected. This DIRECTOR is still an employee of this facility. It could explained why certain areas of the library has been conditioned (or setup) to work with the micro-wave devices as the signals are strongest at certain parts of the library.
12-7/8 Before going back to the shelter, a male in an SUV stopped to ask me if I wanted anything to eat. He said he was taking the food to the HOPE CENTER. He nearly brought traffic to a stand still just so he could give me this food. I was not dress particularly bad, nor did I look like a “typical” homeless person. So his actions was completely suspect. This wasn’t the first time someone offered me food. Someone just randomly approached me as I was parked in an opened parking lot to give me food. I decline of course. In this case I accepted, but I threw the bottle water and peanut butter sandwich away. However, I kept the cookies. When I opened the cookies the day after, they weren’t tightly sealed. Also, the cookies looked like they had been sprayed. When I consumed two cookies, in less than 5 minutes they were about twenty vehicles or more that passed me. One such vehicle even pulled over, which gave a line-of-sight view of my positioned. Anyway, to draw this entry to a conclusion, the malicious food/water-product contamination is associated with the electro-magnetic weapons. If I woul have consumed this food in the night before going to sleep, the attacks would have been relentless.
12-8 I used the water to wash my face this morning and after I finished I could feel multiple transmissions around my face. The chemicals that is pushed into the water system makes the area of my body applied with the chemicals susceptible to electro-magnetic transmissions. I have seen these perpetrators place these systems in the boiler area of the shelter facility that I tooked my shower’s at. It was in the City of Durham, NC called Union Mission. The only way these systems can be installed at these facilities, is the approval of the DIRECTOR – Head Staff.
12-8 Everytime I would move to a different part of the library an individual would positioned themselves in my perimeter. Sometimes the individual would cough one or two times, or they would rub a part of their body like their neck, cheek, eye or the part of body that they want targeted. Individuals would start conversations with another person in my perimeter (transmit or receive). Meanwhile, another individual would be GPSing my coordinates. I have seen phones positioned in different angles on the tables these perpetrators sit at. And they would positioned themselves at different parts of this facility. If I decided to work on the computer, perpetrators who immediately sign up on the computer so they are positioned next to me. Or they would register time that they are not going to use just to prevent me from accessing these computers. Both clients (patrons) and staff participate in the organized cointelpro harassment on different levels. A cell phone does not necessarily have to be present for this activity, although oftentimes the phones themselves are concealed. The program is so intensive that it involves a large amount of individuals, either directly or indirectly – or subliminal or overt. It is obvious to the keen eye (or anyone) who have been placed in the program (FAST).
12-8 Soon as the perpetrator organization think I’m going to leave the library, they would send one of the perps to leave the library too. If I sign up for a computer, one/two perpetrators would get on the line behind to sign up for one too. This would then allow them to get a computer around the same time.
12-8 At around 5:30p while attempting to access my website, I received a 500 internal era. It appears the server wasn’t allowing Government Sponsored Stalking homepage to go through. Just earlier I was able to type notes into the journal. The servers controlling the site is one of the best and is hosted by a reparable company. There’s no reason other than sabotation that lead to this action.
12-8/9 Was woken around 4A and 6A. 4A Consist of aggressive electronic brain-mapping and 6A consist of a rapid heartbeat and uncontrollable nervous system. It was particularly hotter than usual and would have had an impact on the targeting.
12-8/9 I went to bed around 10P. Several times the perpetrator in the bunk below me kept hitting the bed frame. It appeared to be some kind of noise campaign, which is common with these kind of crimes. Then I immediately felt electro-magnetic energy on my leg as if devices was placed in the bed frame. In the middle of the morning the perpetrator that bunk on the bottom side of me hit the metal chair. The chair was positioned next to my bed. The purpose of the perpetrators hitting the metal chair was to get a rise in my heart rate. By getting a rise in my heart rate, the electronic weapons can increase the attacks on my body.
12-9 Dollar Tree Stores, INC # 471. 2636 Bragg Blvd Fayetteville, NC 28303. Purchased Citrus Punch, Cooked Salami, SA SWISS CHEESE, Bar S GARL Bologna, Roasted Peanuts, GUAVA Juice, Short Bread Cookies, RIP IT FRT Punch. Upon eatting these products, I was immediately stung on different parts of my head. It felt like someone sticking a thousand needles/pins on my head. This was worse when certain vehicles pulsing micro-wave passed me. Later, I could feel the continuous signal below my feet. It felt like current or electricity underneath my feet. The manager that was said to be working in this establishment is WILL.
12-9 As I was walking along Bragg Blvd, Pamale Dr. and Country Club Dr., I seen a number of different perpetrators that the criminal organization put along these stretches of road. But it was one perpetrator that shows what lengths they would target an individual. This individual walked a stretch of about two miles before her assignment was ended.
12-9 When I got towards the mail box place, I seen a coca cola truck male placing soda’s in the Laundrymat machine. I purchased sodas from this machine in the past and they were contaminated. So why would I have purchased anything from there this time. I’m constantly reminded that they can do what they want and there’s nothing I could do about it.
12-9 After consuming the food from Dollar Tree. I feel constant transmissions directed at my head and feet. The transmissions is related to the stinging that happened earlier.
12-9 As I was waiting for the bus, they first sent a male, so I let the bus pass. Soon as that bus was gone a female came to wait for the next bus. So the idea here is no matter how long I wait, someone would be sent to ride the bus.
12-9 The perpetrators of these crimes are focusing the technology on my anus. This happens often, but this time the technology is trained on this part of my body for a long period of time.
12-9 Rowan BP Family Fare 225 Rowan St. Fayetteville, NC 28301. Purchased Raspberry ICE Tea Brink 012000024528 and 10 Laffy Taffy Bana. Upon consuming these products my body became radiated with negative energy. It was similar to current (electricity) going through my body. As I was walking I saw a male walking towards me. This is generally what happens after consuming these contaminated products. The perpetrators become aggressive at tracking my signal, because it multiplies when I consume these engineer foods. The store clerks were KIM and Esther. The transaction happened at 17:41:07.
12-9 When I got to the bridge, I went underneath it and laid down. A short time later a male came into the area. He was on foot. He first went behind one of the bridge’s beam. It appeared he was placing something in the area. Then he walked up the embankment. Again, he placed something in the area. This time I clearly see it. The second group of people consist of two individuals. The second individual was dressed in black and red clothing and their cell phone was clearly visible. Later I could feel the signal underneath my feet. This signal is associated with the satellite locating me. During my stay underneath the bridge, I could feel the electro-magnetic signals as if someone was standing over me.
12-9/10 Was woken several times throughout the night with a rapid heartbeat and uncontrollable nervous system. It was little more intensive, because I dranked a soda and ate some candy from a BP Rowan store. The result of these two items was the increase of electro-magnetic energy throughout my body. But I particularly felt it underneath my feet as electricity or current was below. When I got up, I noticed I had a significant back ache. I had these same problems before and it was related to the directed energy attacks.
12-10 Because of the tow fee I paid earlier in the week, I’m unable to afford an apt. I would have to make up the difference next month. Was it necessary to pay this fee? No! I could have waited next month.
12-9 There was a church giving out food today. It was late in the evening or 8p which I found unusual. Also, there was a number of individuals, which I would identified as perpetrators, as they was just standing around. One such perpetrator left when I left. The attendant – church volunteer had given me a bag with items in it. I did not see any other bag of food around. So I guess I was assigned to the bag of food and that’s why when I left, the perpetrator left right along with me.
Update: 12-10 The food wasn’t actually contaminated as I anticipated. The lady had switch the bags in my favor. Note: They are a few of us still around and we will watch out for each other. I had this happened to me before.
12-10 There is so much opportunity for perpetrators who is engaged in electronic stalking to position themselves in my perimeter. Sometimes I can feel the signals coming off their bodies. Having something that lethal so close to you is absolutely bizarre, but I have seen so many unnatural things they do just to direct this negative energy to me. For instance, a few days ago a guy driving a Mercedes Benz nearly tore his car up just so the rear of the vehicle is positioned towards me.
12-10 The store over on Southern Avenue and Gillepsie St. was recently visited. When I went inside I could see that the perpetrators had already been there, because the sodas had not been fully unstocked as some of the cans was still on the floor.
12-10 As I’m walking through town I could identified these individuals in the store, waiting for city buses to come, at the court house, ect., etc., etc. There is definately no shortage of these individuals who have pretty much taken over every aspect of society.
12-10 AHX-1246nc Silver Pickup Truck in front of Rowan St. BP. Did not leave vehicle until after I left the store. I did not purchase anything.
12-10 15:02:25 St. James Liberty 120 Rowan St. Fayetteville, NC 28301. Manager Rosie, Clerk TIA and Asst. Manager Kim. Rosie and Kim were not present. When I first enter the store location, I see a vehicle with missing hubcap. When I went into the store, I was able to identify two individuals as perpetrators. As i was going up towards the line, each one of them wanted to get behind me. So I let them go ahead of me. Before I was about to leave, two women were behind me. I did not see these two women enter the store. They must have grab something quickly so they can position themselves behind me. When someone does this to me, one is transmitting and the other is receiving. Then others can GPS specific parts of my body. Anyway, I purchased two sodas, orange Crystalline 07546092106 and Minute Maid Lemonade soda and Hot Tamales 075602871402 and Sathers Jelly Beans 075602874656. When I consumed one of the sodas, one of the vehicles immediately beep it’s horn. As I was walking, I saw a Taxi (Checker Yellow Cab) in the area that I frequent. The criminals of this program aggressively when tracking the signal coming off my body, because the food/drink turns my body into an antenna for anyone with a GPS device to pick up the frequency.
12-10/11 Noise Campaign: Throughout the evening and morning several perpetrators participate in a noise campaign crusade. The first person was actually on the top Bunk (1I) which is middle right of me. When I realized it, he was already towards his bed. Towards the middle of the night and towards the morning hours (around 5A) the individual that bunks below me (1F) hit the bunk 4 times. These attacks are very coordinated. The second time I noticed the individual that bunks two beds – top (1B) from me, he was GPSing on his cell phone. The purpose of knocking on the bed frame in the middle of the morning lead to sudden rapid heart rate. A person who has been made a target of these covert crimes then becomes convenient for GPS tracking, since this program to decipher the heart rythems and nervous systems of the person.
12-10 The bologna that I purchased from Dollar Tree Stores on Bragg Blvd had large amounts of smart dust particles in it. Each time I bit into the product, I could taste these particles. The packaging was sealed, so there was no reason to believe that the product was contaminated.
12-10 I saw a female walk through the path that I seen several other individuals the day before. She walked the path with great ease as if she had done it many times before. This path is positioned near the bridge that serves Rowan Street. Underneath the bridge is a set of rail road tracks. It is a very isolated area. Later, to my surprised, I seen this same person at the Salvation Army. I never seen this person before, so it gives you the extent how easy these individuals are able to get into places.
12-11 Shower. When I first went into the shower it was fine until I started hearing the pipes knocking. That’s when I had to make a fast retreat. I did manage to get 5 minutes shower.\
12-11 Salvation Army. At around 8A two of the perpetrators passed by me with weird looks on their faces. The next thing I know, I was being attacked with electro-magnetic weapons. It was directed at the very back of my head. Each time I move my head, the perpetrators using the satellite technology kept attempting to direct the signal at a certain part of my head. But before this happened one of the perpetrators called in on his cell phone.
12-11 As I was going to my sitting area, a grey pickup truck positioned itself right across the road. I was close to the street, so it parked itself by a building off the road. What I have been noticing is that as I’m walking a car/vehicle would pull out or in the process of pulling out. Other times the person would be just sitting in the vehicle with the ignition on. It is pretty obvious what each instance that the individual is GPSing my location.
12-11 Salvation Army. I will not be making a cause to stay here as this facility has been heavily infiltrated from the security guard to the director and the shelter mates.
12-10 Library. When I got to the computer, one of the guys that I see very often was already on the computer. When my time ran out, he was still on the computer with an active internet connection. What this meant is that this individual was allotted more than the two hour permitted for the user. This action could have only been done by library administration.
12-11 Food and Mind Control. If you understand the term, “you are what you eat”, then you would understand how the criminal organization can get so many people to go along with their program. The chemicals, smart dust, nano-technology metal that they place in the food allows this criminal organization to manipulate the minds of these subjects with electro-magnetic technology. Without the food contamination they wouldn’t be able to accomplish this task.
12-11/12 It wasn’t particularly a good night. Both the guys in the bunk below me (1F) and the guy in the bunk on the far right side of me (1B) was engaged in heavy conversation. The conversation lasted past 10P, which is the time the lights suppose to be on. But what was most noticeable was how he positioned himself in my proximity. Perpetrators dod this often, as it gives them an accurate targeting point for GPS. When 1B decided to go to bed, he immediately GPS my location. As he was programming his cell phone, I could literally feel the signals as he was going through the menu. I knew all along that he was going to be the primary person used for this program. To make matters worse, the room was particularly heated. When I first arrived in this shelter, it wasn’t nearly as hot and the increased heat is associated with the attacks. Throughout the night I experienced a rapid heartbeat and uncontrollable nervous system. It was like my entire body was a big heartbeat. Meanwhile, I was attacked with electro-magnetic weapons directed at my head and legs. The pain that I experienced with my legs was so intensive that it felt like someone put a pin through it.
12-11 Racial Divide. The criminal organization use of young black males is becoming common place. The intention is to remove blame from the controllers of this program and make it seem like it is a community based action. It is very well a systematic based program built on WHITE SUPREMACY and EUGENICS. The race and class of the people is ill relevant.
12-12 10:49:41 Family Dollar Store # 0068 2873 Owen Drive Fayetteville, NC. Tele # 910-485-1015. Manager: Sarah. Purchased Ferrara Pan Lemonhead 041420126345, Stauffers Shortbread Cookies, 07230180021 and M&M Peanut Chocolate 040000248873. Noticed all the shelves were packed nicely, which mean they were just stocked.
12-12 Salvation Army. From malicious water contamination system, from moving a perpetrator from another room and from blasting the heat so 1) I feel uncomfortable and 2) so the weapon can lock onto my body are all reasons to leave this facility in preference for cold climate outdoors.
12-12 Lynn Weed, the President of KELB, a 501 C3 non-profit organization is involved in several projects to expose government sponsored covert crimes. Such projects included filing a lawsuit against the U.S. government, creating a safe house community, which include organic farming and developing and education campaign that informs the general public about these crimes.
12-12 Library. As I was on the pay phone, two of the security guards stood within 25 feet from me. I was using the payphone, which is position towards the entry point of this facility. Immediately, the second security guard was GPSing my location and the second security guard was the link to this targeting. I tried to get their attention, but I was ignored.
12-12/13 I went to bed around 9P, which I sleep underneath the bridge. However, the electro-magnetic energy was clearly present, although I was nestled between two metal beams and vehicles was passing above. It wasn’t particularly cold last night. The only way I could explain the transmissions and signals is that I consumed food-water that I purchased from Family Dollar and I was surrounded by perpetrators at the main Cumberland County Library. Just before I was about to leave, I see a CSX truck parked right beside the railroad tracks. I believe no one was in it, however, I do believe it was being used to pulse micro-wave energy in the area. I have seen vehicles just parked in an area, so this wouldn’t make it any different. Also the amount of individuals used to terrorize my life is enormous, so there is no limit on the amount of people this criminal organization won’t use. On the plus side I did manage to get a good sleep, even with the presence of trains coming through the area. The trains just keep me more alert and I don’t need to be sleeping through the night, which does help to minimize the targeting somewhat.
12-13 Bronco Square. ZZV-3214nc. At around 10A a young lady around 20 years old. AHD-8667nc at around 12A. Both instances I felt an increase in electro-magnetic attacks when these individuals came around me.
12-13 These Stauffers shortbread cookies taste significantly differently than previously. It’s like they (the government) is manufacturing the products themselves and placing the company packaging on it.
12-13 01:12 V-Point Supermarket 447 Murchinson Rd. Fayetteville, NC 28301. I was in the store earlier and I failed to get a receipt. Earlier I purchased Lil Dutch Maid Cookies Ginger Snaps 086106004036 (upon consuming this product the criminal perpetrators immediately sent a number of people both on foot and cars to this location. The purpose of this activity is to gather signal information. The food and drink makes me susceptible to the electro-magnetic technology. And Lil Dutch Peanut Butter 086106012444. Manager/Owner Joe Council. The second time I purchased Coolie 028800132516 and 2 Sathers cherrry Sours Candy 075602874694. As I was coming towards the store, a large amount of individuals that I would identified as perpetrators came into the parking lot. I had consumed a previous product that I purchased Ginger Snaps. So my body had been electrified by the chemicals sprayed on the product. When I got into the store I saw a Fayetteville, NC police officer. He was not there on my previous visit to the store. Probably they need someone to cover their crimes, because his presence didn’t make since to me. As I was about to leave the store several perpetrators attempted to get on the line behind me, but I let them go ahead of me. After leaving the store, I seen several individuals perpetrators walking by.
12-13 Library. As I was coming towards the Library, the first person I seen is the security guard. He is checking his phone. Then, just before coming into the entrance, I see a number of people all on their cell phones. After entering the library, I requested to use the 15 minute computer. When I got to the computers I could feel a wave of signals transmitting and different parts of my head. The signals was coming from the ceiling. How these devices go there was from the administrators of the facility. The signals are similar to something shooting into my head. The signals get worse when a number of individuals are in my perimeter. This is why perpetrators often assign themselves to the computers, because this allows them to be close to me. However, this is not restricted to this area. If I would go to another section of the library that is not occupied by someone, they would either find a seat or pretend to be interested in a book.
12-13 Chem-trails. The area has been flooded with the introduction of chem-trails. When I first enter the area, chem-trails was not apparent. But after only 30 minutes of my presence I could barely see a blue sky.
12-13 Library. I was positioned by the phones and the security guard positioned himself in my perimeter. Instantly he started GPSing my location, which at some point I could feel the electro-magnetic signal on different parts of my head.
12-13/14 Throughout the night I was burned on my leg by electro-magnetic weapons. This also included attacks on different parts of my head and stomach. But what was so alarming was the induced dream, which was sexually deviant and involved stimulating my penis.
12-15 9:46A Walgreens 110 Grove St. Fayetteville, NC. Tele. # 910-223-0270. Manager Gayle. Purchased Sunkist Orange soda 078000113464 Royal Dansk Cookies 077330500142, Skittles Holiday Mix 022000121363.
12-14 12:32 Kmart/ Big K store 4826 1931 Skibo Rd Fayetteville, NC 28314. Tele # 910-868-7456. Manager Eddie Rainwater. Purchased Oscar Mayer 04470002288, Fresh Salad 07127910302, Ranch Salad Dressing 87694100036 O and SS Chedar & SC 88396729079. After consuming these products I noticed large amount of electro-magnetic waves covering my entire head. This also included thickness of saliva, tightness of the eyes, flu-like symptoms included running nose and coughing. The large amount of silicone, nano technology and other metals/ chemicals is the result of these attacks. As I was shopping, several perpetrators was in the store, but one was a “clerk” who was following me to see what I was buying. After leaving the store and while walking and consuming these products, I witness several perpetrators on foot. I also noted vehicles lining up behind me as I came towards the crosswalk and others on the turn lane.
12-14/15 Before going to sleep, I could see the satellite positioning itself in my location. It looks like a very bright start, but it is significantly lower. I also noticed the presence of chem-trails, which was right above me. And then several aircraft flying directly above me (airplane and helicopter). While sleeping, throughout the night the criminals of this technology kept burning my legs. It felt like someone was laying an iron on my legs.
12-16 Chem-trails. The amount of chem-trails spraying in the area has increased to the point it is done around the clock. This much resources being used on a single person is abysmal. It is not anything you could ever conceive of the government doing to you, but it is happening to me 24/7. This amount of criminality at such a long period of time is unthinkable if you did not considered the United State’s role in international affairs. A war against another nation is a war against the United States citizens.
12-15/16 It was particularly a hot evening, which is not a good if you are being hit with 24/7 Directed Energy Weapons. Throughout this period the criminals of this technology and their contractors have been burning my legs and my head. And when they could not do that, my anus and penis was the focus of the attacks. The results of these attacks is due to the chemicals that I consumed from the food I purchased from Walgreens on Green Street.
12-15 While working on the computer at the FSU Bronco Square several individuals surrounded me. But the attacks were particularly noticeable right after night fall, which involved electronic brain mapping. Generally this happens when I’m in an area for a significantly period of time. There is also the presence of vehicles that parks right outside the building. The amount of heat circulating in this section was not helpful.
12-16 After leaving my sleeping area, I seen several individuals. This isn’t an area where you see people, since this is the railroad tracks. But when you see someone, you know it is a perpetrator who is carrying a GPS/microwave pulsing device (transmit or receive). I did not immediately feel the presence of micro-wave energy until I came towards the rescue mission. There was an older automobile with an older male. The vehicle had parked on the shoulder, of which the man was speaking to someone that he identifies with. However, because this vehicle was pulsing a strong micro-wave signal, the fact that he pulled over was simply to positioned his weapon in my direction. The result of this was multiple burning on different parts of my head. The pain is similar to someone sticking needles on different parts of my head. Anyway, his action was a staged event and often times the perpetrators would ROLE play to meet their goal. Also noted that several areas that I frequent have been setup as attack zones for micro-wave weapons. When I walk in these areas, I can feel the burning on different parts of my head, but sometimes on very discrete areas of my body.
12-15 The perpetrator would call me at all hours of the day, but soon as I pick up the phone, they would hang up. When I pick up the phone, it’s like someone is GPSing my location. The number that I see is a toll-free number. But some perpetrators have used local and out of area toll numbers. Other numbers that are familiar to me is 3 to 4 of the same last digits. For instance, often times I would see “999″, “888″ or “8888″ and “9999″. These are not numbers that are assigned for personal use. Companies pay extra money for these kind of numbers, because they are easier to remember.
12-16 As I was walking on Murchinson Rd, a large truck beeped it horn. The next thing I could see is two people racing to get into their cars so they could pull out of the parking lot, which they did. Since this is a timed program, the engineers of this terrorist program needed to have the two cars at the crosswalk by the time the truck passed me. The idea is to keep me under the control of these micro-wave attack systems.
12-17 The bread that I got from the Rescue Mission has metal particals/smart dust in it. I had to throw it out.
12-17 3:15p Rite Aid Pharmacy Store # 11502 108 Rowan Street. Manager: Robin. Purchased Hersey’s Nuggets 034000016204 62K13321L BB 09 2012, Lemon Iced Tea Brisk 012000202384, Rite Aid Pantry Crystal Lake Spring Water 011822029001 and Simplify Red Pop 2 Liter 011822770118. As I was shopping, I noticed the candy drops packages was opened. Certain items looked like it was just placed on the shelf. I have seen perpetrators staging as store employees placing items on the shelves in hopes that I purchased it. When I left the store, I see a couple of individuals just sitting in their cars in the parking lot. As I was walking while eating the chocolate and drinking the brisk soda, several cars aggressively followed me.
12-16/17 Went to sleep shortly after 7p. The area was visited by a drug addict as it was filled with crack viols. This wasn’t the case the night earlier. I heard a lot of these individuals have been contracted by the DEA (Drug Enforcement Agency) to do this illegal surveillance of Targeted Individuals. I have seen many people that fit this criminal profile. Also noticed the presence of smart dust in my sleeping area. It was radiating significant amount of energy to my body. Throughout the night while sleeping, I was inflicted with an abnormal heart rythems, which affected my entire body. In the middle of the night after being woken by the technology, I could hear an individual saying “what does it say on the phone”. Because of the nature of these crimes, I could only relate the occurrence was relating to the induced heart rate and how it was being measured through the perpetrator device.
12-18 9:56a Food Lion #0367 342 Eastern Blvd Fayetteville, NC 28301. Tele # 910-485-8886. Manager: Ken Culbeth. Purchased CME Iced Oatmeal Cookies 725439102872, CME Chocolate Chip Cookies 725439102919, Chef Boyardee Beef Ravioli 064144045518, Chef Boyardee Beefaroni 06414404334, Chef Boyardee Spaghetti & Meatballs 064144042135 and my essentials sweat peas. Upon consuming products, I noticed a large amount of vehicular traffic following me. Attacks on both my head and stomach with electro-magnetic energy was prevalent.
12-17/18 It was particularly cold when I went to sleep around 10P. Earlier I was speaking on the conference call, which I was responsible for inviting a guest that produces a technology that counteracts the harassment that TI’s are experiencing. Throughout the night the criminals of this technology was burning my legs. This also included a rapid heartbeat several times throughout the night.
12-18 Salvation Army. I was at the Library today and noticed a large presence of residence from the Salvation Army Gpsing my location. Their presence shows that these criminal groups can work from any place.
12-3 Dollar Tree Store #471 2636 Bragg Blvd Fayetteville, NC 28303. Tele. # 910-486-9050. Manager: Bridget. While shopping at this establishment I seen boxes streamed throughout the alse as if someone started placing new items on the shelf. When I went to the checkout line I could feel multiple pathways throughout my head. This will allow them (perpetrators) to use synthetic technology on these pathways. I did not experienced the burning until I went on the checkout line. The remote devices were placed in this area for this purpose.
12-3 CVS Pharmacy 3026 Bragg Blvd Fayetteville, NC. Phone: 910-860-0863. Manager: Jeff and Dominic. Purchased Arizona Watermelon 613008720209, CVS Electric 7oz I GFSN PWR RZR 1 CT and 1 GLT FMY Shvcr 11oz. Seen a number of individuals who could be identified as perpetrators. One even came into the store to see who I was and then went back outside. Plus, they are hardly anyone in the store when I first start shopping and 7 people join me.
12-3 Manager in the store at the time was dominique. After consuming the Arizona product, I could feel continuous signals below the bottom of my feet. I did not experienced this before consuming this product.
12-3 Since I been walking, I noticed vehicles coming out of the entrances right before I enter the cross walk. This places the vehicle on the right side of me. So the field of resance is now surrounding me, because the engine is in the front of the vehicle.
12-3 13:05 Food Lion #0818 Morganton & McPherson Fayetteville, NC 28301. I purchased Hawaiian Punch Green Berry Rush 014800646429, Assorted Sugar Wafers 725439102889 and Iced Oatmeal Cookies 725439102872. Upon consuming these products, I felt an increasingly amount of electro-magnetic energy underneath my feet, arms and hands. The energy is associated with the chemicals placed in the food/drink. The manager is Jennifer Conway.
12-4 I had to leave the shelter where I’m staying because I seen a number of perpetrators GPSing my location. I even seen a perpetrator accessing two cell phones, which i was able to document over two years ago.
12-4 There’s a stare that I see from individuals when the technology is accessing their brainwaves. It is nothing you regularly see everyday. Sometimes it looks like their eyeballs is rolled up in their head. The technology is feeding their thoughts with coded instructions.
12-5 Vehicle parked in the middle of the parking lot with no other vehicles in this parking lot. This is the second time that I seen this. In this instance the vehicle is a becon for other vehicles passing in the area (or people equipped with GPS devices). The micro-wave transmissions is then used to target various parts of my body.
12-6 As I’m walking the criminal organization will have people positioned along the path that they think I’m going to take. Sometimes they have individuals on foot who will be positioned to walk towards me. Meanwhile, I’m constantly being zapped (exposed) to the micro-wave transmissions from passing automobiles traveling on the street.
12-4 Family Dollar Store #0163 420 Persons Street Fayetteville, NC. Tele. No. 910-483-8835. Purchased Aluminum Foil and Band Aid Adhesive Pad. When I was about to check out an older male stood behind me on the checkout line. He had just came into the store to purchase something, which took less than one minute to do. When I left, I seen a white vehicle parked closes to the store. It had two missing hubcaps, which were on both sides of the store. The vehicle was most likely driven by this individual as they weren’t any other vehicle in the parking lot.
12-1 Walmart 1601 Ramsey Street Fayetteville, NC 28311. Tele. No. 910-488-1800. Manager: Clay Hernly. Saw an indication of perpetrator activity in this establishment stocking new items on the shelf. This including seeing boxes that weren’t completely remove of it items and lots of empty boxes. I even seen a lady placing individuals items on the shelf as she was walking from one alse to another. She took a long stare at me to see what I was holding. I purchased bread 007341011191, Splash Juice 006100013062, MMS 004000024887, Sharp Cheddar 007874212280, GV HNY Ham 007874208328 and Great Value 007874240253.
12-6 Salvation Army. Large amount of perpetrators and infiltrators in this facility. The infiltration includes cell phone GPS devices, chemicals through the water system, which when I use it, I could feel the signals in the applied area. Since being a resident of this facility, I do not eat the food, because anyone who will go to the extent of placing devices in the water system would automatically contaminated the food. Contaminated the food and water makes me susceptible to the electro-magnetic transmissions that is so common with my targeting. When I don’t use the water or eat the food, the attacks are greatly reduced. The metals and chemicals that is in these things allows the operators of this technology to direct the signal more accurately. Also noted. I met with the Director of this facility and her whole deposition was completely inaccurate. Speech, personality and body language was that of someone from a very lower- uneducated background. Even how she was dressed. This speaks volumes as it is quite easy to infiltrate a facility when the leader is not on top of her game.
12-4 Perpetrator vehicles coming from all different directions as I walk. Or vehicles lined up with about 10-15 cars is typical experience.
12-5 Was woken around 4A with aggressive pulsing on the back of my head. Earlier as I was walking from the library I could feel a burning sensation on the very same spot. There was several people on foot GPSing my location before this situation occurred. As noted, it was particularly hot at the salvation shelter I was staying and I had eaten several times throughout the day (rescue mission and CVS). I think it was the exceptional amount of chemicals in the water that lead to this particular attack.
12-4 When I came back to the shelter, the attacks increased. I noticed a white vehicle parked in the parking lot with a missing hubcap. It belongs to one of the security guards who works at the salvation army. When I came into the shelter, one of the residence was GPSing my location. This individual had done this earlier. This does not discount the other shelter mates who might be holding these devices. Generally someone would have to receiver or transmit device to accomplished these attacks. That’s why often I see two vehicles or two individuals in my area.
12-5 Les House. As I was walking up Ramsey Street I seen a number of pedestrian perpetrators with their cell phones GPSing my location. Also a number of vehicles including a police car was positioned at the intersection. The police officer was positioned at this location a lot longer than usual. As stated earlier, vehicles that are positioned in this way are pulsing a micro-wave signal on their frontend. This is why when I cross the intersection, vehicles would always be situated in this area. The dwell times is longer because the vehicle is traveling towards you. Once I got to Les’s House his nurse’s aide was there. She is just one out of many perpetrators of these crimes. When she left, I felt a strong signal directed at the back of my head. This is the same location that I felt the signals around 4A in the morning. They had map out this area of my head the previous day.
12-5 Dollar Tree Store, Inc. #472 3821 Ramsey Street Suite 122 Fayetteville, NC 28311. Tele # 910-482-0896. Purchased Apple Juice, Fruit/Nut Trail MX, Red Hot Candy, Ginger Snaps, Short Bread Cookies and Grapefruit Juice. After consuming these products, I immediately noticed a large number of vehicles focused on my area. Each time I moved to a new location, the traffic flow in that location would increase. The manager was TWYLA.
12-6 Food Mart & Tabacco store on Robenson and Franklin St. Empty boxes of mountain dew and pepsi left on the floor. When I asked who the manager was, I was told he wasn’t the manager or owner. No name was given.
12-6 The are was really hot with electro-magnetic and micro-wave devices. I could feel the signal burn certain parts of my head. This was once I settled down across from Robenson and Franklin Sts. Once I walked from this area, the signals disappeared. It is also a high traffic area, which could explain the availability of people who are being used for GPS tracking.
12-6 Pickup truck parked in the very middle of the parking lot. License plate: ZVY-9049nc. It was a Toyota Tacoma. Seen white mini-van and white car ealier.
12-6 Cumberland County Library (MAIN BRANCH). Purchased Sunkist orange soda 20ft. oz. 078000113402 and Brink strawberry melon 012000638473. Orange sell by 1/16/12 1702GCX101212. Brisk 3/19/12 sell b7y 1135p8111611. Manufacturer: Pepsi/Lipton Tea Partnership. Purchase, NY 10577. 1800-657-3001. Orange Under direct authority of Dr. Pepper/Seven Up, Inc. 5301 Legacy Drive, Plano, Tx 75024 and Sunkist Growers, Inc. Sherman Oaks, Ca. 91423. 1866-Drink-Orange. 12-6 While waiting for the bus, I see a number of perpetrators, which also includes the bus driver. About 6 total.
12-6/7 When I laid down I could feel the signals throughout my body. I particularly felt it focused on my legs. When I moved the blanket away, the signals was reduced. I shook the blanket and then raised my legs and that seemed to make the attacks disappeared.
12-6 They moved someone else into the room I’m staying in. This individual came from the room next door. There was no explanation except that this individual is a perpetrator. I have witness him programming something on his phone. Also, they like using black perpetrators to cover up their racists crimes. I also noticed that this individual did not make eye contact with me the whole time. I noticed another individual perpetrator doing this to me.
12-6 While working on the library computer, several times my website frozed as I was typing my notes into it. It was at the main library on Maiden Lane.
12-7 While taking a shower, 4:30A at first the water pressure was consistant. But after 3 minutes of showering, I could hear the pipes knocking. When I came outside, I could hear someone in another room with the water on. Often times when I use the water the perpetrators would push the chemicals through the piping system. The chemicals makes my body susceptible to the electro-magnetic attacks.
12-7 At around 4:50a after getting back into the bed, the new perpetrator who moved in yesterday decided that he was going to check his phone. A short time later, I felt a signal on the bottom of my feet.
12-7 Supreme Court To Hear GPS Surveillance Case: Website 1:
Website 2:
Future Attribute Screening Technology (FAST) New sensor array used to conduct covert surveillance of individuals who are not suspected of any crime. The sensors secretly collects and record information concerning individuals, including video images, audio recordings, cardiovascular signals, pheromones, electrodermal activity and respiratory measurements. Under the program, DHS will collect and retain of a mix of “physicological and behavioral signals” from individuals as they engage in daily activities. FAST is funded by SET’s Homeland Security Advanced Research Projects Agency and is managed by SET’s Human Factors Behavior Sciences Division. FAST is designed to allow the agency to capture biological and behavior information from subjects.
12-7 Food Lion. One of the employees told me I had to leave my bag in the front. I told them how can I trust someone to not go in my bag when almost so often when I would park my vehicle in the parking lot, someone would go into it. This wasn’t the only store that say I couldn’t shop there because of my bag. The only option was to leave, because I could see that I had already lost time discussing this manner. I did see several individuals placing new items on the shelf. So I needed to rush in to get something quick. This was at the Eastern Blvd Food Lion.
12-7 Family Dollar on Clinton Rd in Fayetteville, NC. The Mello Yello 049000050295 had a large amount of silicone in it. After consuming this product the contents would come up in my thoat. Also, I experienced flu-like symptoms, which included a running nose, watery eyes, and thickness of siliva. The soda also did not have fuzzy, which it tasted watered down. Banquet Crispy Chicken, Family Gourmet Cranberry Pome Grante 0322511014659 and Chips Ahoy original 04455004. All these items had some level of contamination.
12-7 Post Office. 301 Green Street Fayetteville, NC. Andrew “Clerk”. Post Master Dean Fields. Letter to AAA Member Relations Dept. at P.O. Box 29600 Charlotte, NC 28229.
12-7/8 At around 4A I experienced a rapid heartbeat and uncontrollable nervous system. This was followed by aggressive brain-mapping, which transmissions/signals are directed to different parts of my head. The next thing I noticed was one of the shelter mates went to the bathroom. It was so brief that by the time you drop a pen he was back to bed. He did flush the toilet, which was all part of the script. His actions was completely controlled by the operators of this technology as he was sound asleep before this occurrance and snoring there afterwards.
12-7 I seen a burgundy vehicle with a missing hubcap. It belong to one of the security guards on duty.
12-7 While working on the library computer, several individuals sat next to me. One even placed their bad directly within line-of-site of me. And the result of these actions was directed energy to various parts of my body. Earlier, everytime I would get situated at a different part of the library, one of these perpetrators was situated within my perimeter. One even went as far as to follow me outside. This particular action was being controlled directly by the technology as the person’s stans did not change from that position until I left the library. I had had previous problems with the library before this particular harassment occurred. It involved obtaining internet access, which the library was blocking intentionally. When I confronted the directed about this manner, I was given LIP service. However, the situation never was corrected. This DIRECTOR is still an employee of this facility. It could explained why certain areas of the library has been conditioned (or setup) to work with the micro-wave devices as the signals are strongest at certain parts of the library.
12-7/8 Before going back to the shelter, a male in an SUV stopped to ask me if I wanted anything to eat. He said he was taking the food to the HOPE CENTER. He nearly brought traffic to a stand still just so he could give me this food. I was not dress particularly bad, nor did I look like a “typical” homeless person. So his actions was completely suspect. This wasn’t the first time someone offered me food. Someone just randomly approached me as I was parked in an opened parking lot to give me food. I decline of course. In this case I accepted, but I threw the bottle water and peanut butter sandwich away. However, I kept the cookies. When I opened the cookies the day after, they weren’t tightly sealed. Also, the cookies looked like they had been sprayed. When I consumed two cookies, in less than 5 minutes they were about twenty vehicles or more that passed me. One such vehicle even pulled over, which gave a line-of-sight view of my positioned. Anyway, to draw this entry to a conclusion, the malicious food/water-product contamination is associated with the electro-magnetic weapons. If I woul have consumed this food in the night before going to sleep, the attacks would have been relentless.
12-8 I used the water to wash my face this morning and after I finished I could feel multiple transmissions around my face. The chemicals that is pushed into the water system makes the area of my body applied with the chemicals susceptible to electro-magnetic transmissions. I have seen these perpetrators place these systems in the boiler area of the shelter facility that I tooked my shower’s at. It was in the City of Durham, NC called Union Mission. The only way these systems can be installed at these facilities, is the approval of the DIRECTOR – Head Staff.
12-8 Everytime I would move to a different part of the library an individual would positioned themselves in my perimeter. Sometimes the individual would cough one or two times, or they would rub a part of their body like their neck, cheek, eye or the part of body that they want targeted. Individuals would start conversations with another person in my perimeter (transmit or receive). Meanwhile, another individual would be GPSing my coordinates. I have seen phones positioned in different angles on the tables these perpetrators sit at. And they would positioned themselves at different parts of this facility. If I decided to work on the computer, perpetrators who immediately sign up on the computer so they are positioned next to me. Or they would register time that they are not going to use just to prevent me from accessing these computers. Both clients (patrons) and staff participate in the organized cointelpro harassment on different levels. A cell phone does not necessarily have to be present for this activity, although oftentimes the phones themselves are concealed. The program is so intensive that it involves a large amount of individuals, either directly or indirectly – or subliminal or overt. It is obvious to the keen eye (or anyone) who have been placed in the program (FAST).
12-8 Soon as the perpetrator organization think I’m going to leave the library, they would send one of the perps to leave the library too. If I sign up for a computer, one/two perpetrators would get on the line behind to sign up for one too. This would then allow them to get a computer around the same time.
12-8 At around 5:30p while attempting to access my website, I received a 500 internal era. It appears the server wasn’t allowing Government Sponsored Stalking homepage to go through. Just earlier I was able to type notes into the journal. The servers controlling the site is one of the best and is hosted by a reparable company. There’s no reason other than sabotation that lead to this action.
12-8/9 Was woken around 4A and 6A. 4A Consist of aggressive electronic brain-mapping and 6A consist of a rapid heartbeat and uncontrollable nervous system. It was particularly hotter than usual and would have had an impact on the targeting.
12-8/9 I went to bed around 10P. Several times the perpetrator in the bunk below me kept hitting the bed frame. It appeared to be some kind of noise campaign, which is common with these kind of crimes. Then I immediately felt electro-magnetic energy on my leg as if devices was placed in the bed frame. In the middle of the morning the perpetrator that bunk on the bottom side of me hit the metal chair. The chair was positioned next to my bed. The purpose of the perpetrators hitting the metal chair was to get a rise in my heart rate. By getting a rise in my heart rate, the electronic weapons can increase the attacks on my body.
12-9 Dollar Tree Stores, INC # 471. 2636 Bragg Blvd Fayetteville, NC 28303. Purchased Citrus Punch, Cooked Salami, SA SWISS CHEESE, Bar S GARL Bologna, Roasted Peanuts, GUAVA Juice, Short Bread Cookies, RIP IT FRT Punch. Upon eatting these products, I was immediately stung on different parts of my head. It felt like someone sticking a thousand needles/pins on my head. This was worse when certain vehicles pulsing micro-wave passed me. Later, I could feel the continuous signal below my feet. It felt like current or electricity underneath my feet. The manager that was said to be working in this establishment is WILL.
12-9 As I was walking along Bragg Blvd, Pamale Dr. and Country Club Dr., I seen a number of different perpetrators that the criminal organization put along these stretches of road. But it was one perpetrator that shows what lengths they would target an individual. This individual walked a stretch of about two miles before her assignment was ended.
12-9 When I got towards the mail box place, I seen a coca cola truck male placing soda’s in the Laundrymat machine. I purchased sodas from this machine in the past and they were contaminated. So why would I have purchased anything from there this time. I’m constantly reminded that they can do what they want and there’s nothing I could do about it.
12-9 After consuming the food from Dollar Tree. I feel constant transmissions directed at my head and feet. The transmissions is related to the stinging that happened earlier.
12-9 As I was waiting for the bus, they first sent a male, so I let the bus pass. Soon as that bus was gone a female came to wait for the next bus. So the idea here is no matter how long I wait, someone would be sent to ride the bus.
12-9 The perpetrators of these crimes are focusing the technology on my anus. This happens often, but this time the technology is trained on this part of my body for a long period of time.
12-9 Rowan BP Family Fare 225 Rowan St. Fayetteville, NC 28301. Purchased Raspberry ICE Tea Brink 012000024528 and 10 Laffy Taffy Bana. Upon consuming these products my body became radiated with negative energy. It was similar to current (electricity) going through my body. As I was walking I saw a male walking towards me. This is generally what happens after consuming these contaminated products. The perpetrators become aggressive at tracking my signal, because it multiplies when I consume these engineer foods. The store clerks were KIM and Esther. The transaction happened at 17:41:07.
12-9 When I got to the bridge, I went underneath it and laid down. A short time later a male came into the area. He was on foot. He first went behind one of the bridge’s beam. It appeared he was placing something in the area. Then he walked up the embankment. Again, he placed something in the area. This time I clearly see it. The second group of people consist of two individuals. The second individual was dressed in black and red clothing and their cell phone was clearly visible. Later I could feel the signal underneath my feet. This signal is associated with the satellite locating me. During my stay underneath the bridge, I could feel the electro-magnetic signals as if someone was standing over me.
12-9/10 Was woken several times throughout the night with a rapid heartbeat and uncontrollable nervous system. It was little more intensive, because I dranked a soda and ate some candy from a BP Rowan store. The result of these two items was the increase of electro-magnetic energy throughout my body. But I particularly felt it underneath my feet as electricity or current was below. When I got up, I noticed I had a significant back ache. I had these same problems before and it was related to the directed energy attacks.
12-10 Because of the tow fee I paid earlier in the week, I’m unable to afford an apt. I would have to make up the difference next month. Was it necessary to pay this fee? No! I could have waited next month.
12-9 There was a church giving out food today. It was late in the evening or 8p which I found unusual. Also, there was a number of individuals, which I would identified as perpetrators, as they was just standing around. One such perpetrator left when I left. The attendant – church volunteer had given me a bag with items in it. I did not see any other bag of food around. So I guess I was assigned to the bag of food and that’s why when I left, the perpetrator left right along with me.
Update: 12-10 The food wasn’t actually contaminated as I anticipated. The lady had switch the bags in my favor. Note: They are a few of us still around and we will watch out for each other. I had this happened to me before.
12-10 There is so much opportunity for perpetrators who is engaged in electronic stalking to position themselves in my perimeter. Sometimes I can feel the signals coming off their bodies. Having something that lethal so close to you is absolutely bizarre, but I have seen so many unnatural things they do just to direct this negative energy to me. For instance, a few days ago a guy driving a Mercedes Benz nearly tore his car up just so the rear of the vehicle is positioned towards me.
12-10 The store over on Southern Avenue and Gillepsie St. was recently visited. When I went inside I could see that the perpetrators had already been there, because the sodas had not been fully unstocked as some of the cans was still on the floor.
12-10 As I’m walking through town I could identified these individuals in the store, waiting for city buses to come, at the court house, ect., etc., etc. There is definately no shortage of these individuals who have pretty much taken over every aspect of society.
12-10 AHX-1246nc Silver Pickup Truck in front of Rowan St. BP. Did not leave vehicle until after I left the store. I did not purchase anything.
12-10 15:02:25 St. James Liberty 120 Rowan St. Fayetteville, NC 28301. Manager Rosie, Clerk TIA and Asst. Manager Kim. Rosie and Kim were not present. When I first enter the store location, I see a vehicle with missing hubcap. When I went into the store, I was able to identify two individuals as perpetrators. As i was going up towards the line, each one of them wanted to get behind me. So I let them go ahead of me. Before I was about to leave, two women were behind me. I did not see these two women enter the store. They must have grab something quickly so they can position themselves behind me. When someone does this to me, one is transmitting and the other is receiving. Then others can GPS specific parts of my body. Anyway, I purchased two sodas, orange Crystalline 07546092106 and Minute Maid Lemonade soda and Hot Tamales 075602871402 and Sathers Jelly Beans 075602874656. When I consumed one of the sodas, one of the vehicles immediately beep it’s horn. As I was walking, I saw a Taxi (Checker Yellow Cab) in the area that I frequent. The criminals of this program aggressively when tracking the signal coming off my body, because the food/drink turns my body into an antenna for anyone with a GPS device to pick up the frequency.
12-10/11 Noise Campaign: Throughout the evening and morning several perpetrators participate in a noise campaign crusade. The first person was actually on the top Bunk (1I) which is middle right of me. When I realized it, he was already towards his bed. Towards the middle of the night and towards the morning hours (around 5A) the individual that bunks below me (1F) hit the bunk 4 times. These attacks are very coordinated. The second time I noticed the individual that bunks two beds – top (1B) from me, he was GPSing on his cell phone. The purpose of knocking on the bed frame in the middle of the morning lead to sudden rapid heart rate. A person who has been made a target of these covert crimes then becomes convenient for GPS tracking, since this program to decipher the heart rythems and nervous systems of the person.
12-10 The bologna that I purchased from Dollar Tree Stores on Bragg Blvd had large amounts of smart dust particles in it. Each time I bit into the product, I could taste these particles. The packaging was sealed, so there was no reason to believe that the product was contaminated.
12-10 I saw a female walk through the path that I seen several other individuals the day before. She walked the path with great ease as if she had done it many times before. This path is positioned near the bridge that serves Rowan Street. Underneath the bridge is a set of rail road tracks. It is a very isolated area. Later, to my surprised, I seen this same person at the Salvation Army. I never seen this person before, so it gives you the extent how easy these individuals are able to get into places.
12-11 Shower. When I first went into the shower it was fine until I started hearing the pipes knocking. That’s when I had to make a fast retreat. I did manage to get 5 minutes shower.\
12-11 Salvation Army. At around 8A two of the perpetrators passed by me with weird looks on their faces. The next thing I know, I was being attacked with electro-magnetic weapons. It was directed at the very back of my head. Each time I move my head, the perpetrators using the satellite technology kept attempting to direct the signal at a certain part of my head. But before this happened one of the perpetrators called in on his cell phone.
12-11 As I was going to my sitting area, a grey pickup truck positioned itself right across the road. I was close to the street, so it parked itself by a building off the road. What I have been noticing is that as I’m walking a car/vehicle would pull out or in the process of pulling out. Other times the person would be just sitting in the vehicle with the ignition on. It is pretty obvious what each instance that the individual is GPSing my location.
12-11 Salvation Army. I will not be making a cause to stay here as this facility has been heavily infiltrated from the security guard to the director and the shelter mates.
12-10 Library. When I got to the computer, one of the guys that I see very often was already on the computer. When my time ran out, he was still on the computer with an active internet connection. What this meant is that this individual was allotted more than the two hour permitted for the user. This action could have only been done by library administration.
12-11 Food and Mind Control. If you understand the term, “you are what you eat”, then you would understand how the criminal organization can get so many people to go along with their program. The chemicals, smart dust, nano-technology metal that they place in the food allows this criminal organization to manipulate the minds of these subjects with electro-magnetic technology. Without the food contamination they wouldn’t be able to accomplish this task.
12-11/12 It wasn’t particularly a good night. Both the guys in the bunk below me (1F) and the guy in the bunk on the far right side of me (1B) was engaged in heavy conversation. The conversation lasted past 10P, which is the time the lights suppose to be on. But what was most noticeable was how he positioned himself in my proximity. Perpetrators dod this often, as it gives them an accurate targeting point for GPS. When 1B decided to go to bed, he immediately GPS my location. As he was programming his cell phone, I could literally feel the signals as he was going through the menu. I knew all along that he was going to be the primary person used for this program. To make matters worse, the room was particularly heated. When I first arrived in this shelter, it wasn’t nearly as hot and the increased heat is associated with the attacks. Throughout the night I experienced a rapid heartbeat and uncontrollable nervous system. It was like my entire body was a big heartbeat. Meanwhile, I was attacked with electro-magnetic weapons directed at my head and legs. The pain that I experienced with my legs was so intensive that it felt like someone put a pin through it.
12-11 Racial Divide. The criminal organization use of young black males is becoming common place. The intention is to remove blame from the controllers of this program and make it seem like it is a community based action. It is very well a systematic based program built on WHITE SUPREMACY and EUGENICS. The race and class of the people is ill relevant.
12-12 10:49:41 Family Dollar Store # 0068 2873 Owen Drive Fayetteville, NC. Tele # 910-485-1015. Manager: Sarah. Purchased Ferrara Pan Lemonhead 041420126345, Stauffers Shortbread Cookies, 07230180021 and M&M Peanut Chocolate 040000248873. Noticed all the shelves were packed nicely, which mean they were just stocked.
12-12 Salvation Army. From malicious water contamination system, from moving a perpetrator from another room and from blasting the heat so 1) I feel uncomfortable and 2) so the weapon can lock onto my body are all reasons to leave this facility in preference for cold climate outdoors.
12-12 Lynn Weed, the President of KELB, a 501 C3 non-profit organization is involved in several projects to expose government sponsored covert crimes. Such projects included filing a lawsuit against the U.S. government, creating a safe house community, which include organic farming and developing and education campaign that informs the general public about these crimes.
12-12 Library. As I was on the pay phone, two of the security guards stood within 25 feet from me. I was using the payphone, which is position towards the entry point of this facility. Immediately, the second security guard was GPSing my location and the second security guard was the link to this targeting. I tried to get their attention, but I was ignored.
12-12/13 I went to bed around 9P, which I sleep underneath the bridge. However, the electro-magnetic energy was clearly present, although I was nestled between two metal beams and vehicles was passing above. It wasn’t particularly cold last night. The only way I could explain the transmissions and signals is that I consumed food-water that I purchased from Family Dollar and I was surrounded by perpetrators at the main Cumberland County Library. Just before I was about to leave, I see a CSX truck parked right beside the railroad tracks. I believe no one was in it, however, I do believe it was being used to pulse micro-wave energy in the area. I have seen vehicles just parked in an area, so this wouldn’t make it any different. Also the amount of individuals used to terrorize my life is enormous, so there is no limit on the amount of people this criminal organization won’t use. On the plus side I did manage to get a good sleep, even with the presence of trains coming through the area. The trains just keep me more alert and I don’t need to be sleeping through the night, which does help to minimize the targeting somewhat.
12-13 Bronco Square. ZZV-3214nc. At around 10A a young lady around 20 years old. AHD-8667nc at around 12A. Both instances I felt an increase in electro-magnetic attacks when these individuals came around me.
12-13 These Stauffers shortbread cookies taste significantly differently than previously. It’s like they (the government) is manufacturing the products themselves and placing the company packaging on it.
12-13 01:12 V-Point Supermarket 447 Murchinson Rd. Fayetteville, NC 28301. I was in the store earlier and I failed to get a receipt. Earlier I purchased Lil Dutch Maid Cookies Ginger Snaps 086106004036 (upon consuming this product the criminal perpetrators immediately sent a number of people both on foot and cars to this location. The purpose of this activity is to gather signal information. The food and drink makes me susceptible to the electro-magnetic technology. And Lil Dutch Peanut Butter 086106012444. Manager/Owner Joe Council. The second time I purchased Coolie 028800132516 and 2 Sathers cherrry Sours Candy 075602874694. As I was coming towards the store, a large amount of individuals that I would identified as perpetrators came into the parking lot. I had consumed a previous product that I purchased Ginger Snaps. So my body had been electrified by the chemicals sprayed on the product. When I got into the store I saw a Fayetteville, NC police officer. He was not there on my previous visit to the store. Probably they need someone to cover their crimes, because his presence didn’t make since to me. As I was about to leave the store several perpetrators attempted to get on the line behind me, but I let them go ahead of me. After leaving the store, I seen several individuals perpetrators walking by.
12-13 Library. As I was coming towards the Library, the first person I seen is the security guard. He is checking his phone. Then, just before coming into the entrance, I see a number of people all on their cell phones. After entering the library, I requested to use the 15 minute computer. When I got to the computers I could feel a wave of signals transmitting and different parts of my head. The signals was coming from the ceiling. How these devices go there was from the administrators of the facility. The signals are similar to something shooting into my head. The signals get worse when a number of individuals are in my perimeter. This is why perpetrators often assign themselves to the computers, because this allows them to be close to me. However, this is not restricted to this area. If I would go to another section of the library that is not occupied by someone, they would either find a seat or pretend to be interested in a book.
12-13 Chem-trails. The area has been flooded with the introduction of chem-trails. When I first enter the area, chem-trails was not apparent. But after only 30 minutes of my presence I could barely see a blue sky.
12-13 Library. I was positioned by the phones and the security guard positioned himself in my perimeter. Instantly he started GPSing my location, which at some point I could feel the electro-magnetic signal on different parts of my head.
12-13/14 Throughout the night I was burned on my leg by electro-magnetic weapons. This also included attacks on different parts of my head and stomach. But what was so alarming was the induced dream, which was sexually deviant and involved stimulating my penis.
12-15 9:46A Walgreens 110 Grove St. Fayetteville, NC. Tele. # 910-223-0270. Manager Gayle. Purchased Sunkist Orange soda 078000113464 Royal Dansk Cookies 077330500142, Skittles Holiday Mix 022000121363.
12-14 12:32 Kmart/ Big K store 4826 1931 Skibo Rd Fayetteville, NC 28314. Tele # 910-868-7456. Manager Eddie Rainwater. Purchased Oscar Mayer 04470002288, Fresh Salad 07127910302, Ranch Salad Dressing 87694100036 O and SS Chedar & SC 88396729079. After consuming these products I noticed large amount of electro-magnetic waves covering my entire head. This also included thickness of saliva, tightness of the eyes, flu-like symptoms included running nose and coughing. The large amount of silicone, nano technology and other metals/ chemicals is the result of these attacks. As I was shopping, several perpetrators was in the store, but one was a “clerk” who was following me to see what I was buying. After leaving the store and while walking and consuming these products, I witness several perpetrators on foot. I also noted vehicles lining up behind me as I came towards the crosswalk and others on the turn lane.
12-14/15 Before going to sleep, I could see the satellite positioning itself in my location. It looks like a very bright start, but it is significantly lower. I also noticed the presence of chem-trails, which was right above me. And then several aircraft flying directly above me (airplane and helicopter). While sleeping, throughout the night the criminals of this technology kept burning my legs. It felt like someone was laying an iron on my legs.
12-16 Chem-trails. The amount of chem-trails spraying in the area has increased to the point it is done around the clock. This much resources being used on a single person is abysmal. It is not anything you could ever conceive of the government doing to you, but it is happening to me 24/7. This amount of criminality at such a long period of time is unthinkable if you did not considered the United State’s role in international affairs. A war against another nation is a war against the United States citizens.
12-15/16 It was particularly a hot evening, which is not a good if you are being hit with 24/7 Directed Energy Weapons. Throughout this period the criminals of this technology and their contractors have been burning my legs and my head. And when they could not do that, my anus and penis was the focus of the attacks. The results of these attacks is due to the chemicals that I consumed from the food I purchased from Walgreens on Green Street.
12-15 While working on the computer at the FSU Bronco Square several individuals surrounded me. But the attacks were particularly noticeable right after night fall, which involved electronic brain mapping. Generally this happens when I’m in an area for a significantly period of time. There is also the presence of vehicles that parks right outside the building. The amount of heat circulating in this section was not helpful.
12-16 After leaving my sleeping area, I seen several individuals. This isn’t an area where you see people, since this is the railroad tracks. But when you see someone, you know it is a perpetrator who is carrying a GPS/microwave pulsing device (transmit or receive). I did not immediately feel the presence of micro-wave energy until I came towards the rescue mission. There was an older automobile with an older male. The vehicle had parked on the shoulder, of which the man was speaking to someone that he identifies with. However, because this vehicle was pulsing a strong micro-wave signal, the fact that he pulled over was simply to positioned his weapon in my direction. The result of this was multiple burning on different parts of my head. The pain is similar to someone sticking needles on different parts of my head. Anyway, his action was a staged event and often times the perpetrators would ROLE play to meet their goal. Also noted that several areas that I frequent have been setup as attack zones for micro-wave weapons. When I walk in these areas, I can feel the burning on different parts of my head, but sometimes on very discrete areas of my body.
12-15 The perpetrator would call me at all hours of the day, but soon as I pick up the phone, they would hang up. When I pick up the phone, it’s like someone is GPSing my location. The number that I see is a toll-free number. But some perpetrators have used local and out of area toll numbers. Other numbers that are familiar to me is 3 to 4 of the same last digits. For instance, often times I would see “999″, “888″ or “8888″ and “9999″. These are not numbers that are assigned for personal use. Companies pay extra money for these kind of numbers, because they are easier to remember.
12-16 As I was walking on Murchinson Rd, a large truck beeped it horn. The next thing I could see is two people racing to get into their cars so they could pull out of the parking lot, which they did. Since this is a timed program, the engineers of this terrorist program needed to have the two cars at the crosswalk by the time the truck passed me. The idea is to keep me under the control of these micro-wave attack systems.
12-17 The bread that I got from the Rescue Mission has metal particals/smart dust in it. I had to throw it out.
12-17 3:15p Rite Aid Pharmacy Store # 11502 108 Rowan Street. Manager: Robin. Purchased Hersey’s Nuggets 034000016204 62K13321L BB 09 2012, Lemon Iced Tea Brisk 012000202384, Rite Aid Pantry Crystal Lake Spring Water 011822029001 and Simplify Red Pop 2 Liter 011822770118. As I was shopping, I noticed the candy drops packages was opened. Certain items looked like it was just placed on the shelf. I have seen perpetrators staging as store employees placing items on the shelves in hopes that I purchased it. When I left the store, I see a couple of individuals just sitting in their cars in the parking lot. As I was walking while eating the chocolate and drinking the brisk soda, several cars aggressively followed me.
12-16/17 Went to sleep shortly after 7p. The area was visited by a drug addict as it was filled with crack viols. This wasn’t the case the night earlier. I heard a lot of these individuals have been contracted by the DEA (Drug Enforcement Agency) to do this illegal surveillance of Targeted Individuals. I have seen many people that fit this criminal profile. Also noticed the presence of smart dust in my sleeping area. It was radiating significant amount of energy to my body. Throughout the night while sleeping, I was inflicted with an abnormal heart rythems, which affected my entire body. In the middle of the night after being woken by the technology, I could hear an individual saying “what does it say on the phone”. Because of the nature of these crimes, I could only relate the occurrence was relating to the induced heart rate and how it was being measured through the perpetrator device.
12-18 9:56a Food Lion #0367 342 Eastern Blvd Fayetteville, NC 28301. Tele # 910-485-8886. Manager: Ken Culbeth. Purchased CME Iced Oatmeal Cookies 725439102872, CME Chocolate Chip Cookies 725439102919, Chef Boyardee Beef Ravioli 064144045518, Chef Boyardee Beefaroni 06414404334, Chef Boyardee Spaghetti & Meatballs 064144042135 and my essentials sweat peas. Upon consuming products, I noticed a large amount of vehicular traffic following me. Attacks on both my head and stomach with electro-magnetic energy was prevalent.
12-17/18 It was particularly cold when I went to sleep around 10P. Earlier I was speaking on the conference call, which I was responsible for inviting a guest that produces a technology that counteracts the harassment that TI’s are experiencing. Throughout the night the criminals of this technology was burning my legs. This also included a rapid heartbeat several times throughout the night.
12-18 Salvation Army. I was at the Library today and noticed a large presence of residence from the Salvation Army Gpsing my location. Their presence shows that these criminal groups can work from any place.
12-18 Rescue Mission. After consuming the food I could feel the signal through my feet and head. I did not experienced the signal this strong when I consumed the food from Food Lion. It just shows that since the food for the homeless is not “regulated” anything could be done to it. From this day on, I will not be accepting shelter food.
12-18/19 It was particularly cold last night into the morning. When I woke up, frost was all over the area. However, that was not really the problem. Throughout the night I experienced several induced rapid heartbeat and an uncontrollable nervous system. These attacks are simultaneous to 1) consuming the food/drink earlier and the presence of electronic stalkers. The first two days wasn’t problematic, however, just today (18th) I realized they have cut a path, which was wider than previously. And before getting up, I noticed pulsing on certain areas of my body . As I was leaving the area, I could hear the popping sounds, which was all too familiar to me when I had the van. So they had setup an area to target me with these devices. So I would have to change my sleeping area often, so that I’m not constantly being hit with these high power devices.
12-19 Victimization. It’s not getting us anywhere! It’s not getting us the kind of help that we need. So common sense should tell you that we need a new strategy. We can still educate the public about this terrorist program and still seek to progress in our goals and aspirations. And collectively we can develop safe communities that will serve to reduce the onslaught of these electronic transmissions and coordinate activists oriented projects.
12-19 As I was walking several individuals are placed in my path. These individuals are equipped with the electronic devices. Many times I have to diverge from my destination to remove myself from the path of these devices. Before, I just couldn’t imagine someone attacking me with these devices, but it is even more startling that they are actually attacking themselves to get me.
12-19 ZZW-2296nc. At around 12A Black vehicle positioned itself to the building at FSU Bronco Square of which driver did not come out of vehicle. Meanwhile, individual who have sat next to me earlier started making weird body language gestures when this vehicle pulled in. Also, the electro-magnetic waves increased since the individual sat next to me, which was within 5 minutes of my arrival. He also scrolling through different webpages and sites without reading through them.
12-19 Transmission to different parts of my head, while I work on the computer at FSU Bronco. Several individuals have came in and out. One individual I seen was GPSing my location. The transmissions isn’t the entire head, it is selective parts of my head, which was pathways created earlier. The pathways are developed by opening (stinging) and GPSing simply opens this access to the criminal perpetrators operating the satellites. I currently am wearing aluminum foil, which is why I’m able to tell which areas of my head they are focusing this technology. For something like this to be happening in this day in time is an absolutely embarrassment for any country. There is not a single individual not responsible for what is happening to me.
12-19 The signal disappeared soon as I left the FSU Bronco computer center.
12-19 Smart dust particals can be tasted in the Chef Boyardee. I purchased it earlier in the week at a Food Lion Cape Fear Plaza store.
12-19 16:52:30 Rowan BP Family Fare 225 Rowan Street Fayetteville, NC 28301. Purchased Laffy Taffy Cher and Sour Apple and Sathers Jelly Beans. Employee Steven.
12-19 Someone or something has just pulled into the parking lot, walks out of a building, walks down the street in an uncrowded corridor in the middle of the night, vehicle pulls into a crosswalk as I’m about to cross it, walks into a store within a few seconds after me, etc., etc., etc. What you just read is called pre-planned harassment.
ACLU Sues U.S. for Information on Targeted Killing Program

Today we filed a lawsuit under the Freedom of Information Act to demand that the government release basic — and accurate — information about the government’s targeted killing program.
Our government’s deliberate and premeditated killing of American terrorism suspects raises profound questions that ought to be the subject of public debate. Unfortunately the Obama administration has released very little information about the practice — its official position is that the targeted killing program is a state secret — and some of the information it has released has been misleading.
Our suit overlaps with the one recently filed by The New York Times insofar as it seeks the legal memos on which the targeted killing program is based. But our suit is broader. We’re seeking, in addition to the legal memos, the government’s evidentiary basis for strikes that killed three Americans in Yemen in the fall of 2011. We’re also seeking information about the process by which the administration adds Americans to secret government “kill lists.” We think it’s crucial that the administration release the legal memos, but we don’t think the memos alone will allow the public to evaluate the lawfulness and wisdom of the program.
We know something about the fall 2011 strikes from media reports. On September 30, the CIA and the military’s Joint Special Operations Command (JSOC) jointly carried out the targeted killing of Anwar al-Awlaki, a U.S. citizen born in New Mexico, using missiles fired from unmanned drones in Yemen. A second U.S. citizen, Samir Khan, was killed in the same attack. Two weeks later, Anwar al-Awlaki’s son, Abdulrahman, a 16-year-old U.S. citizen born in Colorado, was killed in another U.S. drone strike elsewhere in Yemen. The administration has not adequately explained the legal basis for these strikes, and it has not explained the factual basis, either.
Soon after the fall 2011 strikes, we submitted a FOIA request to the CIA, Department of Defense, and Department of Justice (DOJ). Three months later, we have yet to receive a single document in response. Outrageously, the CIA and the DOJ Office of Legal Counsel responded by refusing to confirm or deny the existence or nonexistence of records responsive to our request. Essentially, these agencies are saying the targeted killing program is so secret that they can’t even acknowledge that it exists. More...
- Purchase land in Upstate New York between $20,000 to $35,000
- Purchase storage containers for our living quarters. Each storage container will cost (minimum $500 maximum $1,500 per container (includes shipping)).
- Purchase machinery used for organic farming (cost and types of equipment have not been decided yet. Discussed in next meeting).
- Purchase 2 transportation vehicles (described below).
Click HERE for our savings program
- Solar Panels (cost: $500 - $1,000)
- Wind Turbines (cost: $800 - 1,600)
- Storage Batteries (cost: $500 - $1000)
- Cameras (16 camera DVR system cost: $1,000 - $2,000)
- GPS Jammers (cost: $200 - $500)
- Water Integation System (?)
- Fencing (cost depending on acres: over $5,000)
- Dog (cost: varies)
- Van (cost: $1,000 - $2,000)
- Pick-up Truck (cost: $1,500 - $2,500)
Human Protection Software Suite (Episode: 183)
Dear All,
I want to first wish you all a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.
Anyway, the interview concerning the Human Protection Software Suite was an absolute success! Joselle Rozario provided positive testimony and Mellhedek who designed the software gave us a full view on how it will help us.
The suite is expected to be release in late January. Full details will be provided when the date is announce.
In the meantime, if you were not present for the live interview and want to listen to it, please feel free to visit this link:
Go to Episode 183 (December 23, 2011/9p EST)
If you have trouble accessing this link, please go to type “83319″ in the search area. You can download the interview or your can listen from your computer. It is listed under Human Protection Software Suite (Episode 183)
Thanks for your time and Happy New Year!
Chris J. Brunson
Yahoo Groups:
Other Conference Calls:
KELB: 724-444-7444 code: 80812 # pin: 1 (Wed./Sat. 9P EST)
Re: Community Cooperative Savings Plan
To All Who Read This!
I have compile this savings plan. You are welcome to analyze it at your own leisure. The purpose of this savings plan is to accumulate at least $1,000 by February of 2012.
The idea is to:
- open an Ally Money Market Account (MMA)
- deposit $100 a month (electronic transfer from current bank account)
0.84 will accumulate each month, which means that you will end up more than the goal amount. Actually it will be 1200 dollars plus the interests.
Please read below:
Get the flexibility of a check card and still earn a higher rate than traditional savings.
- No minimum deposit to open
- No monthly maintenance fees
- Other fees, such as those
Please visit there website at: Click Me
RE: "Safe House" Commnity Co-operative Proposal Revisions
Happy New Year!
If you were not at the first "Safe House" Community Co-operative Proposal meeting, here's an opportunity to join us this Friday, January 20th 2012. It will be at 9P EST on Search "83319" or call 724-444-7444. code: 83319 # pin: 1 #.
In this meeting, we are going to open the floor to questions and we plan to draft a new proposal from these set of questions.
Thanks you for your time and I do hope you participate.
Chris J. Brunson
Government Sponsored Stalking/TICSD
phone: (980) 285-7954
Lynn Weed
Keep Ethical Light Burning
Re: Join The Lawsuit Against Electronic Harassment
Greg has asked me to tell you about these lawsuits
Please join in.
Greg’s contact is 6187997839 or or
Yours in the search for openness and respect for universal human rights
John Finch
MAIL: 5/8 Kemp St, Thornbury, Vic 3071, Australia, TEL: 0424009627
Please help us to get this electronic torture, abuse and experimentation stopped!
Keep the Ethical Light Burning
Lynn Weed, the President of KELB, a 501 C3 non-profit organization is involved in several projects to expose government sponsored covert crimes. Such projects included filing a lawsuit against the U.S. government, creating a safe house community, which include organic farming and developing and education campaign that informs the general public about these crimes.