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To all members: If possible-Pls donate any amount that you can afford, so that PeacePink can stay alive//Annie
Since peacepink was established, there are not too much members donate money to us, but lucky, we were still able to survive.
Donation we have received
USD10 Before Oct 2010
USD35 Nov 2010
USD40 Dec 2010
USD50 Jan 2011
USD20 Feb 2011
Total Amount: USD155
Our donation goal: USD50 x 12 mths = USD 600 per year
If we only want partial services from, we still need USD20 x 12mths = USD 240 per year.
If we can get extra money, we also can buy a domain name for, it should be or, or others.
Scrivo per raccontarLe e denunciare la mia triste vicenda.
Sono un avvocato di Fondi (LT),- ITALIA – regolarmente iscritto all’Ordine degli Avvocati di Latina, il mio nome è Mario di Norcia (N.53 McMailTeam), perseguitato ormai da circa 8 anni da quelli che io penso esser i servizi segreti italiani o comunque da una qualche organizzazione governativa considerato quanto sto per segnalarLe.
Una sera della primavera del 2002 ho avuto la sensazione di esser seguito mentre ero di ritorno a casa, sensazione o meglio pensiero che ho capito poi essermi stato inserito telepaticamente dato che di fatto ragionandoci poi ho compreso che in effetti alcuna macchina mi seguiva nel senso stretto della parola, anche perché essendo sera nell’oscurità e nel traffico cittadino era praticamente impossibile accorgersi di ciò.
I giorni seguenti notavo però persone che assumevano strani comportamenti con gesti ripetitivi che all’apparenza potevano sembrare normali ma che ripetuti di continuo mi davano ad intendere che la loro presenza era segnalata allo scopo d... . Persone sempre diverse, a volte più o meno camuffate vistosamente per farmi capire volutamente essere agenti o quant’altro.
Era del tutto evidente l’atteggiamento provocatorio che giuridicamente va identificato con l’espressione agenti provocatori.; la cosa però non mi preoccupò assolutamente essendo il sottoscritto persona onestissima che mai ha avuto alcunché da nascondere e soprattutto che non poteva in alcun modo destare l’interesse di servizi segreti e quant’altro, compreso le normali forze dell’ordine. Pertanto continuai a fare la mia vita tranquilla senza esser minimamente disturbato da tali presenze senza avere e soprattutto senza mostrare né ai miei cari né ai miei amici alcuna preoccupazione come di fatto era.
Pochissimi giorni dopo mi recai presso la multiservice srl con sede in San Felice Circeo (LT), società con la quale per motivi di lavoro collaboravo, il cui amministratore era e presumo sia ancora il “cattolico” dott. Giovanni Sbicca residente in Marino (RM) mio ex amico, nonché mia quasi unica fonte lavorativa essendo io ancora in quel periodo all’inizio della libera professione, riuscendo a mala pena a sbarcare il lunario proprio con il poco lavoro datomi dalla suddetta società.
Appena arrivato presso la sede di tale società, Giovanni Sbicca incominciava nel suo studio a porta chiusa, in assenza di qualsiasi testimone ed impiegata ripetendomi, provocatoriamente per molti minuti senza mai fermarsi, a chiedermi: cosa hai fatto?>>, pur non avendo io in alcun modo dato adito a nulla, non essendo come detto prima, minimamente preoccupato ma anzi in quel giorno particolarmente tranquillo e serafico. Intuendo immediatamente che trattavasi di una provocazione, il giochino durava un bel po’ visto la mia ferma volontà di non voler cedere a tale istigazione e soprattutto capendo che tale comportamento inoltre serviva a farmi comprendere senza esplicite parole che il mio “caro amico” era parte del “gioco”. Dopo molti minuti di tale tentativo di induzione, subivo l’inserimento telepatico di qualcuno o qualcosa che mi costringeva a dire che forse avevo avuto la sensazione più o meno fondata di esser seguito. Non appena pronunciate tali parole, “l’onestissimo amico“ mi minacciava, dichiarandomi che presso la Procura della Repubblica di Latina era pervenuta lettera anonima che mi accusava addirittura di essere un terrorista, e che le persone che mi seguivano avrebbero potuto simulare reati ai miei danni anche con l’inserimento di una bustina di droga nell’auto, a mia insaputa ovviamente, nonché danneggiamenti alle mie cose ecc. ecc.. Lo stesso allo scopo di procurarsi poi un alibi al suo schifoso ed illegale comportamento mi consigliava di recarmi presso i carabinieri per presentare una denuncia di quanto stava avvenendo. Un po’ spaventato ma soprattutto condizionato telepaticamente nelle mie decisioni, mi recavo presso la caserma dei carabinieri di Fondi per presentare esposto – denuncia di quanto stava accadendomi senza però menzionare stranamente nella denuncia quanto dettomi dal sig. Giovanni Sbicca. Di li a poco la situazione precipitò in quanto l’ evasore fiscale Giovanni Sbicca attuava una serie di diversivi e dichiarazioni tali da negare quanto dettomi prima e facendo inoltre di tutto perché si litigasse. In pochi giorni il litigio arrivò anche perché totalmente confuso e/o condizionato nelle decisioni e nei comportamenti per via telepatica, in una violenza costante ove non puoi assolutamente dimostrare nulla di quanto viene fatto e soprattutto impedito sempre telepaticamente nel prender le decisione giuste. Conseguentemente persi tutto il mio lavoro fino in pochi anni a dov...
Procedendo per gradi, ed in ordine, immediatamente dopo la denuncia le cose peggiorarono in quanto incominciai a sentire alla base del mio cranio delle scosse elettri... incominciai a sentire alla base del mio cranio delle scosse elettriche terribili, terrificanti per il dolore provocato, nonché sensazioni fortissime di angoscia, stimoli sessuali, dolori di varia natura, convulsioni, bruciori e soprattutto arrivò la depressione che ovviamente per i medici era dovuta alla perdita di lavoro ma che in realtà io so essermi stata provocata, potendo questi porci destare in me molti malesseri e sensazioni di ogni tipo.
Alcune cose le ho trovate scritte e denunciate sul sito internet Altrogiornale-Dossier sul controllo mentale e sulla tortura tecnologica in Italia 1° edizione, completa, 25-9-2006, Spoleto; è rintracciabile con google: Dossier trovato molti anni dopo l’ inizio di quanto accadutomi.
In un continuo crescendo di imposizioni telepatiche e di comportamenti imposti, venivo e vengo continuamente contattato telepaticamente con violenze atte a farmi capire di non esser più persona libera e senza la possibilità alcuna di potermi difendere e soprattutto al fine di rendermi noto che la mia vita è in pratica nelle loro mani. Più volte condizionato telepaticamente alla guida dell’auto per farmi comprendere che potrei tranquillamente perire in un incidente stradale come aimè ne avvengono tutti i giorni a chiunque, sono stato totalmente sfiduciato difronte al fatto che non solo appari malato agli occhi degli altri se provi a raccontare tale triste vicenda oltre a sottopormi ovviamente al dileggio di molti, ma soprattutto nel sapere che le autorità più o meno tutte sono al loro servizio . La dimostrazione evidente di ciò, mi è stata data un giorno recatomi presso gli uffici della Procura della Repubblica di Latina per un’istanza da presentare presso un loro ufficio per motivi professionali, istanza da me dattiloscritta preventivamente nel mio studio. Allo sportello o meglio all’ufficio ricezione atti vi trovai un individuo a me del tutto sconosciuto e non il solito impiegato! Non appena presentato il foglio da me dattiloscritto il criminale incominciò a farmi lo stesso “giochino” del Giovanni Sbicca, ripetendomi costantemente una domanda del tutto inutile ai fini della presentazione della stessa istanza. Di fatto dopo ripetuti minuti di tale istigazione, subivo nuovamente un abuso telepatico che mi costringeva a scrivere a penna sull’atto quanto richiestomi dal provocatore, frase e cosa che io mai liberamente avrei fatto e/o scritto. Seguirono un’altra serie di schifezze poste in essere nella compagnia dei Carabinieri di Gaeta (LT), quando andai pochi giorni dopo per ritirare il verbale oggetto della richiesta di autorizzazione presentata in Procura.
Dal maggio 2009 è inoltre in cominciato un massacro sempre per via telepatica, con una sorta di colloquio pseudo – psichiatrico unitamente ad altre torture psicologiche, prima volto a giustificare, a mezzo di una psicologia del tutto distorta, le atrocità infinite che mi sono state fatte, che non Le sto tutte a descrivere innumerevoli reati commessi da questi delinquenti di Stato che, oltre alla mia incolumità, in più occasioni hanno messo in pericolo la vita anche di altri) ed a farmi capire come in ogni modo sono stato e posso essere costantemente influenzato più o meno consapevolmente in ciò che ho fatto e che faccio; poi a farmi credere che il tutto viene attuato nei confronti di alcuni soggetti con particolari capacità, allo scopo di reclutare agenti segreti da infiltrare senza alcun collegamento apparente con i “servizi igienici” e dal curriculum insospettabile. Sono seguite una serie continua di false promesse e bugie volte a risistemare in qualche modo la mia vita che oramai hanno distrutto, e che puntualmente sono state tutte disattese……in una sorta di tiro e molla incessante e che dura tutt’oggi, che non trova alcuna spiegazione se non in un’ esasperazione basata sulla menzogna, per una sperimentazione-tortura, in un crescendo di istigazioni e violenze, in una folle ostentazione di forza, violenza ed impunità, volta all’ annientamento psicologico della persona.
Dal luglio 2010 sino al termine dell’estate, a seguito dell’invio a varie istituzioni del presente racconto, in più occasioni vi sono stati tentativi volti nuovamente a provocare incidenti stradali nei quali ho costantemente rischiato la mia vita e dei miei cari, con la scusa di una sorta di rieducazione basata come sempre su comportamenti minacciosi e pericolosi per piegarmi al volere di questi criminali ed a plagiarmi. Le auto venivano anche prestate da persone del luogo probabilmente con la scusa di una collaborazione per un “buon fine” con le forze dell’ordine; quando le stesse erano munite di targhe che in qualche modo potevano risultare “scomode” il sottoscritto veniva disturbato telepaticamente onde evitarne di rintracciare la proprietà. Il tutto comunque risulta inutile visto la partecipazione a tale “programma” da parte di persone che apparentemente sono “civili”, ma che in realtà sono parte dei servizi segreti e/o comunque gente del luogo costantemente strumentalizzata nel convincimento di collaborare ad operazioni di polizia, forse sicura di prestare anche la propria autovettura per fini diversi da quelli reali come già detto, e con la garanzia della copertura e favoreggiamento della Procura della Repubblica di Latina. Inoltre è molto difficoltoso riuscirne a trascrivere le targhe in quanto la maggior parte delle manovre pericolose, avvenivano frontalmente alla mia autovettura, di piccola cilindrata, ad altissima velocità impedendomi cosi di visualizzare le targhe.
In realtà in Italia esiste un servizio segreto composto da persone che non provengono dalle forze dell’ordine e dai reparti militari come regolamentato dalla vecchia legge ancora in vigore, ma da persone infiltrate ovunque cui non è possibile risalire ad alcun collegamento con lo “Stato” come già detto, allo scopo anche di condizionare tutti gli apparati del Paese. Tale compito comporta l’utilizzo di individui dotati di capacità telepatiche che possono essere contattati costantemente e strumentalizzate senza possibilità alcuna di rintracciarli o scoprirli. Tali soggetti, come il sottoscritto, vengono costantemente torturati soprattutto per via telepatica per subire un plagio al fine di esser totalmente utilizzati e asserviti senza possibilità alcuna di potersi sottrarre agli ordini impartiti!
E’ in corso in Italia un vero e proprio colpo di stato bianco che prevede l’inserimento di uomini e donne cosi condizionati e gestiti, pronti a rispondere agli ordini di tale organizzazione criminale allo scopo di poter influenzare occultamente qualsiasi decisione in ambito politico, economico, militare e giudiziario con soggetti in tal modo totalmente strumentalizzabili ed inseriti ovunque, senza appunto destare alcun sospetto.
Il lavoro perso o meglio tolto, viene poi utilizzato unitamente a tutto il resto, quale mezzo di ricatto per costringere a fare ciò che questi maiali desiderano, dopo averti ovviamente affamato!
La invito, a sostegno di quanto da me qui scritto, a visitare i siti internet del sig. Paolo Dorigo e Fedame (Federation Against Mindcontrol Europe) quest’ultimo oscurato a seguito di un attacco informatico, che da anni ormai denunciano tale attività occulta che nel nostro paese evidentemente viene perpetrata anche con l’ausilio della magistratura.
Rimango sconcertato difronte alla partecipazione a tale VERGOGNA della Procura della Repubblica di Latina.
Sono a Sua disposizione per qualsiasi spiegazione e/o domanda che vorrà farmi anche perché questi criminali sfruttano l’incredulità di molti difronte a tali vicende.
Le assicuro che tutto quanto qui descritto corrisponde a verità e che chiunque un domani, potrebbe diventare vittima designata di questi delinquenti senza potersi difendere in alcun modo stante appunto l’incredulità di moltissimi e le coperture istituzionali di cui questi schifosi godono.
Uno dei punti di forza di tale organizzazione segreta sta proprio nel fatto che le vittime per l’insufficienza di prove e per la particolarità di ciò che subiscono preferiscono il silenzio allo scherno!
La prego pertanto, se lo riterrà opportuno, di diffondere il più possibile la presente unitamente agli allegati.
Potrà trovare tutti i miei dati sul sito web dell’Ordine degli Avvocati di Latina.
Allego il dossier sopra descritto con una lettera dell’avv. Romano Nobile del Foro di Roma.
Avv. Mario di Norcia
Aggiornamento memoriale INGEGNERE ANDREA GIOTTI italian case n.174 in verifica
Testimony of an informatics engineer
Un caso italiano di controllo mentale remoto
TITLE MESSAGGE : Lorenzo Dellai and Matthew sono endopatici ?! (23/01/2011)
Ecco cosa scriveva in questa nota un cittadino trentino Domenica 7 Novembre 2010 che "per no saer ne lezer ne scriver" ...
... ( ) la nostra REGIONE è TERRA FERTILE e oltre che pulita un punto STRATEGICO e sul confine. Come si dice in gergo "ZONA FRANCA". La stessa ZONA FRANCA come nel documentario di CARLO PALERMO e cioè molto buona per lasciare qui in deposito carichi di MORFINA BASE per porlarla a SUD per raffinarla ed eventualmente rispedirla ancòra al NORD o in USA e con una compliance oltre che della mafia di servizi segreti come si ode nel documentario. ( ) ...
Qui c'è la nota e la sorgente rispettabile Presidente della Provincia e c'è un autoammonimento e un cartellino giallo per chi l'ha scritta che deve ancòra terminare la ricerca basandosi sulla biblioteca civica in via Taratarotti a Rovereto e che non è nelle condizioni ottimali di salute a causa di una tematica che nessuno vuole affrontare seriamente e in maniera autoritaria come Connie Marshall per il caso nazionale numero 77 vittima da armi elettromagnetiche come avvocato Mario di Norcia,come ingegnere Andrea Giotti,come il Deputato alla Camera maurizio Bassetti e come tante altre vittime civili di tali aberranti e concrete mostruosità.
Qui invece ci sono le sue dichiarazioni o comunque quello che hanno scritto sul quotidiano l'Adige in data Venerdì 21/01/2010 in un trafiletto che è stato adattato per facebook per problemi di upload.
... ( ) Lorenzo Dellai:"IL TRENTINO è terra che fa gola.
Attenzione costante". ( )...
Noto che ora abbiamo qualcosa in comune e non solo un comune e per il bene comune se mi consente il gioco di parole.
SALUTON PRESIDENTE e stia sicuro che NON sono un delirante e con il suo consenso mi permetto di informarla che il mio NON è falso allarmismo e le allego dei dati in un ulteriore post dopo questo nella speranza che NON le passi inosservato neanche questo messaggio perchè se già ho avuto delle conferme con ciò che si è appena verificato a Terlago,con la massima sincerità,la massima onestà e con una certa disperazione sò già di avere ragione anche sui discorsi per nulla semplici da comprendere e da affrontare sulle vittime da armi elettromagnetiche e mi ritengo comunque a sua disposizione qualora voglia cercare di approfondire di persona e non cedendo l'incarico a gente NON competente e di usare la massima cautela. Siamo tutti affamati di conoscenza.
Ritenendo la sua carica una figura prestigiosa e lei persona umana come Connie Marshall,mi auguro che ben presto ci sia interesse per questa tematica che rischia di mietere altri TRENTINI e ALTOATESINI a rischio ed essendo io conscio e lucido di tale pericolosità non mi recai più volte nelle sedi roveretane de l'Adige e del Trentino per cercare di PREVENIRE che altri facciano la mia fine e cioè finire come una sorta di ebreo che non ha scelto certo di fare la cavia da laboratorio.Potrei scriverle un poema,ma mi fermo qui.
Per favore,per piacere,per cortesìa, prendete consapevolezza che nella nostra regione abbiamo delle strutture nuove,ma che vanno prese delle contromisure contro tali crimini su civili e oltre ad una presa di posizione, strumentazioni,ma soprattutto istruire il personale medico con un aggiornamento tecnico specifico.
Questa messaggio e questa email,verrà copiata e incollata anche ad altri ONOREVOLI come il sig. BOMBARDA,BERASI,PACHER e altri ancòra e non perchè cerco notorietà,ma solo perchè richiedo insistentemente ASSISTENZA MEDICO-LEGALE ADEGUATA al caso e con tutte le accortezze.
Se fossi suo figlio e si rendesse conto dei fatti,penso che lei si incavolerebbe come una bestia contro i crimini e gli abusi compiuti verso di lui e vorrebbe che altri concittadini che sono una risorsa NON finissero alla stessa maniera.
Mi sono rivolto al foro di Rovereto e mi hanno dato una lista di cinque fogli con 185 avvocati. Non c'è nè uno che voglia assistere una sorta di causa penale contro terzi.
C'è una legge che imporrebbe al mio stramaladetto Stato e anche alla mia Regione che uno si faccia avanti.
Tutti scettici a priori, tutti "SIENSIATI", tutti presuntuosi di sapere una pagina in più del libro senza neanche averlo letto.
Mi tocca affidarmi ad un avvocato di San Benedetto del Tronto e non ho ben capito se perfino sostituto procuratore.
La burocrazia vorrebbe però che l'avvocato fosse della mia Giurisdizione ed io NON posso fare l'avvocato, il medico, l'investigatore,il relatore.
Ci sono già prove oggettive,ma buttano giù il telefono o ti trattano da "scemo del villaggio" e non hanno VOGLIA mica tempo.
Perchè mi tocca andare a San Benedetto del Tronto, a Firenze, a Torino, a Milano, a Mestre ,a Padova anche per avere al mio fianco i giusti medici?
2° MESSAGGE for LORENZO DELLAI in facebook.
Eccole il 2° post rispettabile Presidente e sò che ciò la farà riflettere.
►ITA : Una conferenza stampa si è tenuta nel mese di aprile 2010. Un candidato sindaco di Louisville nel Kentucky, Stato rappresentativo da Jim Guest, e alcuni membri della FFCHS Freedom From Covert Harassment and Surveillance (Libertà da molestie e coperetura sa sorveflianza satellitare ) parlano.
"Gli oratori del roster alla conferenza, che sono presi di mira con armi a energia diretta e / o tecnologie di controllo mentale, sono altamente istruiti. Queste persone hanno o hanno avuto una carriera come professionisti tra cui un medico, due ingegneri, un pilota di linea in pensione, e un autore. Esse sono tutt'altro che deliranti e sono qui in questa conferenza stampa per affrontare le atrocità che si verificano in questo paese ".
Connie Marshall ha intentato causa contro diversi organismi, statali e contro funzionari federali relativi all' "assalto" via satellite. E 'in corso anche per la carica di sindaco di Louisville.
*un medico, due ingegneri, un pilota di linea in pensione, e un autore,anche noi in Italia non saremmo sprovvisti di tali persone
come Avvocato Mario di Norcia, Deputato alla Camera maurizio Bassetti (deceduto a Ottobre 2010) e ingegnere Andrea Giotti.
Se avrà modo almeno di sbirciare questo LINK noterà che noi avevamo fatto una CONFERENZA però a FEBBRAIO con un EVENTO NAZIONALE PATROCINATO dal COMUNE di SAN BENEDETTO del TRONTO.
In america compare una CRAVATTA PATRIOTTICA AMERICANA, in ITALIA un MAGLIONE fatto a mano €UROPEO e lo sivede dai video se si guardano i particolari.
Worldwide Campaign to stop the Abuse and Torture of Mind Control/DEWs
Worldwide = di tutto il mondo
Le auguro una buona riflessione e mi rammarico di non esser ancòra stato in grado di tradurre tutto e diligentemente meglio possibile nella nostra lingua.
Io studiai Deutsch e non inglese :-(
qui ai miei tempi,essendo zona di confine con Austria si studiava Deutsch. Io almeno non ebbi scelta come seconda lingua e fin dalle elementari. Sà meglio di me la nostra Historia con l'imperatore Francesco Giuseppe di cui sono grande estimatore come di Alcide DE Gasperi,Terracini,Grassi ed Enrico de Nicola.
qui se vuole ecco ciò che dichiarava il Deputato Bassetti (caso nazionale numero 6) ed anche cosa esprime l'avvocato Mario di Norcia anch'egli vittima da armi elettromagnetiche.
BACKUP interview of the deputy Maurizio Bassetti (italian case number 6) and lawyer Mario di Norcia
Adjournment McMailTeam 02/12/2010 (copy and backup in peacepink)
l'Adige venerdì 16/01/2006
l'Adige venerdì 02/12/2010
-Arrestato Colonnello Luigi Verde dei Carabinieri di Bolzano
-Infettati da farmaci, 443 risarciti
*nella foto si vede il Colonnello Luigi Verde in compagnia di un mafioso.
Fraud and forgery,policeman of Levico arrested
Berlusconi "friend" of the mafia
Il Trentino Corriere delle Alpi (20/01/2011)
MAFIA in TRENTINO: arrested a Mayor/provost/sindaco of Terlago (20/01/2011)
Mario Malossini di nuovo nei guai.
Soldi dalla Rigotti,contestato il finanziamento illecito
Guardia giurata rubava negli uffici
Colonnello Lupi dei Carabinieri,dopo le prime accuse del 3 novembre 2007 apparse sui quotidiani trentini,la condanna è definitiva : FALSO IDEOLOGICO e VIOLENZA PRIVATA
09 aprile 2008 - Concussione, carabiniere arrestato dai colleghi
12 agosto 2009 - Le molestie del carabiniere alla ragazzina
12 agosto 2009 - Altre accuse al carabiniere
12 agosto 2009 - «Erano solo giochi, è stato tutto frainteso»
23 aprile 2009 - Molestie ad una disabile, ex carabiniere nei guai11 agosto 2009 - Violenza, arrestato carabiniere
15 gennaio 2010 - Violenza sessuale, patteggia
25 marzo 2010 - Nel caso Marrazzo carabiniere indagato per la morte...
L'Adige martedì 12 Aprile 2011
National Advocacy Organization Provides Statements to Presidential Commission for the Study of Bioethical Issues in Washington, DC
Estimates project that hundreds of thousands of US citizens may be victims of government human experimentation programs, most without their knowledge or consent. With the formation of a new presidential commission, there may finally be hope for relief and freedom.
Cincinnati, OH (PRWEB) March 18, 2011
Freedom from Covert Harassment and Surveillance (FFCHS), a national organization which advocates for a halt to remote neural monitoring and electronic harassment of Americans, gave statements from over 25 individuals at the March 1, 2011, session of the Presidential Commission for the Study of Bioethical Issues, the first such body to be appointed in 10 years. A group of about 40 FFCHS members attended the session from around the country. FFCHS members requested an immediate Congressional hearing and investigation to expose a system of non-consensual experimentation not unlike the Tuskegee syphilis inoculations and the STD experiments in Guatemala, except its scope is significantly more extensive and its stealth, unprecedented. “There are major human rights atrocities happening right here in the US. Non-consensual government experimentation is one of the most important issues that we as a society face today”, says Derrick Robinson, president of FFCHS.
With compelling accounts of the effects of remote neural monitoring, those presenting information told the Commission about the need for citizens’ protection from non-consensual human test subject experimentation. They called for the Commission to give their attention to the numerous pleas and demands that have been made over the years to federal, state, and local officials.
Dr. John Hall, author of "A New Breed: Satellite Terrorism in America" and a member of the FFCHS Medical Committee, informed the Commission of his having personally interviewed "upwards of 1500 victims" whose lives have been impacted by remote electromagnetic frequencies that are used in a covert manner. “We are seeing an alarming increase in the use of electromagnetic weapons - microwave auditory effect, silent sound spectrum, EEG cloning – which has taken the lab out of the laboratory and into the home”, said Dr. Hall.
The existence of these weapons and their devastating effect is well documented in government and scientific literature. In the early 70’s, Congress, led by Senator Frank Church, conducted an in-depth investigation of the intelligence agencies which revealed the existence of the CIA’s secret mind control program, called MKULTRA. After the hearings, the CIA officially abandoned these programs, however, whistleblower reports state otherwise and the corroborating accounts of thousands of victims indicate the illegal, non-consensual research continued unabated. The findings of the Church Committee Reports showed widespread privacy rights abuses in the actions of the CIA, FBI, and NSA which ultimately, were not adequately addressed.
FFCHS was formed to address the human rights violations brought about by the abuse of mind control technologies and to seek justice for those who are their victims. FFCHS therefore, is requesting a vigilant and uncompromising report to the president by the Commission and further seeks congressional hearings and an investigation into the covert activities of all US intelligence agencies.
I just received this via email, and thought it could be of interest to some of you.
News from Michael Aebi
Dear Friends
I am nonstop tortured by the Swiss Governement/Regime since 2007-2011. The Deadsquad wich is set behinde me have activ tried to kill me (13 attempts),prevent that i can reach the Swiss Justicesystem. Since okt.2010 i tried several times to file Courtcases to the European Court for Human Rights and the ICC International Criminal Court,the Swiss Governement/Regime /Deadsquad have snatchd my Files from the Postdeliveryservice (Post & Fedex/DHL) in Trinidadand Tobago (my Residence). In February 2011 i have reciefed a Lettre from the European Court for Human Rights wich state that i have to sent further evidence to the Court,the Lettre lookt genuine but by the second look i have noticed that the Stamp on the Envelope read "Zuerich/Muelligen8010/Swisspost"?????
Info: In the 70is the Swiss Governement/Regime have been approched by the White Governement/Regime from South Africa to help finding a way to control,sickening,manipulate and killing the Blacks. The Swiss owned Wepon Technology Factory "RUAG" was awarded the Contract...then there was a Whistleblower and the whole "Thing" went Public but the Swiss Governement/Regime shot down all Pressreleases and the Skandal was gone in a Week (Pressmanipulation).....But the Swiss Governement/Regime have obviosly continued the developement of the programme and used now on there own People and operating via Satellite Worldwide,. The Victms ar illegally implanted whit electronicaly readable Implants...the rest is op to your imagination...a unbelivable Crime....see my
Michael Aebi 18. 3. 2011 ...........under 24/7 torture since 5.sept.2007
Here is the file. Open Office format. I do not want to share the direct link to the total strangers, but I want to make the file ready for the people interested.
Here is the riddle: last 3 parts, you must consider the Northwestern wind. You must solve the riddle to get the right address.
If you don't get the riddle and still want the file, please contact me at FB.
A, "million light years", is not an answer that describes time. Included at the bottom are comments, mine included. Peter Rosenholm
The blog of the Presidential Commission for the Study of Bioethical Issues
Read your mind? Not in a ‘million light years’
Written by John Donnelly on February 28, 2011 — 8 Comments
The members of the Presidential Commission for the Study of Bioethical Issues received a primer today on recent advances in the use of medical technology on neuro-imagery. It was a session that Dr. Gregory House of the TV show House would have found fascinating – especially the multiple uses of MRI machines to help detect hard-to-diagnosis diseases.
The Commission is considering whether to embark on examining ethical issues surrounding the uses of neuro-imagery and genetic testing.
A panel of scientists said that one cutting-edge ethical issue now involves how private companies could use this technology for what they called “neuro-marketing” in order to advance the sale of products.
But one issue not on the table: whether new technology can help read minds — because it can’t.
Such technology “is a million light years away,” said Dr. Martha Farah, the Walter H. Annenberg Professor in Natural Science and Director of the Center for Cognitive Neuroscience at the University of Pennsylvania.
Science isn’t close to enabling researchers to read the thoughts of others, Farah said in an interview. Still, though, she knows people fear that it will happen. She said she gets asked about it frequently.
“We are nowhere near being able to read sentences or thoughts that are the equivalent of sentences,” Farah said. “But it is the case that we can derive a fair amount of personal information including current mental states, such as mood, intentions, and desire to buy an object” from Functional MRIs, or fMRIs.
But the interpretation of brain imagery, captured in fMRIs, was far from perfect, she said. “There is a lot of significant personal information from fMRIs. It is with a degree of accuracy that is far from perfect, but is well above chance.”
That leads Farah to be wary of neuro-marketing. “The biggest ethical issue to me is the fact that many of the most exciting new applications of brain imaging are being developed entirely with private corporate funding for commercial purposes,” she said. “I don’t think that is going to give us the best new contributions to society, and I don’t think that is going to lead to the greatest transparency concerning what these scans can do.”
Posted in Liveblog Coverage | Tagged Dr. Gregory House, Dr. Martha Farah, neuro-marketing, Presidential Commission for the Study of Bioethical Issues, reading minds, TV show House
8 Comments to “Read your mind? Not in a ‘million light years’”
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sc's Gravatar sc
March 1, 2011 at 1:33 pm | Permalink
I believe that it is critically important to consider the ramifications of issues such as these preemptively. While it may not be exactly hyperbolic to state that we are “nowhere near being able to read … thoughts,” as soon as a company thinks this is a worthy goal and starts to invest heavily in it, the growth will be rapid.
I do not believe that anyone should at all suggest that this is an impossible endeavor, unfortunately. Just because our current imaging technologies are not up to the task does not mean that a more sensitive measure, or a paradigm shifting one, may not be on the horizon.
I would agree that we are relatively far from such technology, but with the current accelerations of technological growth and neuroscience understanding, it would not be surprising to see within the next 50 years.
Also, a light year is a measure of distance and not time. So, unless there is a suggestion that no one within a radius of 9.4×10^21 m has access to this technology, then that quote may have been given in error.
Martha Farah's Gravatar Martha Farah
March 1, 2011 at 6:24 pm | Permalink
Hello and thanks for the reasonable comments. I agree that one should never discount the possibility of a “paradigm shift,” but I feel confident that the extrapolation of current brain imaging methods will not get us there. And given concerns about mind reading with current technology expressed by some members of the public in attendance, it seemed worth making the point in loud & clear terms. There is some impressive work being done to read mental information from the brain. But relative to real mind-reading, it’s like climbing trees to get to the moon — you can make some progress away from the ground and toward the moon, but only so far. Speaking of celestial bodies, I was using a distance analogy — we’re nowhere close, we’re light years away — but it did get lost in quotation! Thanks again for your thoughts. Martha
tmk81's Gravatar tmk81
March 2, 2011 at 12:18 pm | Permalink
Just because public research is far from mind reading doesn’t mean it is not being done… clandestinely. Even Leon Panetta, the director of the CIA, admits “Our biggest problem has always [been] how do we get into the head of somebody”. Note the word BIGGEST. It’s narrow views like those of Dr. Martha Farah that have been leading society to be caught with its pants down.
Gary D Chance's Gravatar Gary D Chance
March 3, 2011 at 4:46 pm | Permalink
The use of language here is extremely important. There’s a skip from neuroimaging to science with the conclusion derived from neuroimaging applied on the broader level of science. There is a whole other area of neuroscience involving detecting and decoding electrical impulses which was not even discussed at all. Neuroimaging fundamentally measures mass which limits what can be done with respect to brain research drastically.
Although we saw the letter “M” on the back of the brain by neuroimaging techniques where sight images are processed, we did not see any neurological work that reflected decoding electrical impulses such as was reported by the BBC News in 1999 where the ability to look through a cat’s eyes was accomplished: The Commission has utterly failed to bring to the surface this aspect of neuroscience today.
I make a similar analogy between mind reading today versus the inadequacy of neuroimaging to accomplish this at all. There has been a lack of any consideration given by the Commission to that branch of neuroscience which decodes electrical impluses that would reveal thoughts (words, sentences and images). This is completely different from neuroimaging.
I am quite concerned about this dismissal which is valid for neuroimaging being used on a broader basis when applied to science or other areas of neuroscience. My concern comes from the facts of my experience for the past decade where those people well known to me using neuroscience based surveillance technology have been able to read my thoughts (words, sentences and images) and repeat back to me what I am thinking by means of electronic transmission of sound, aka, Voice-to-Skull (V2K) so called by the US Army. I will go one step further and say that thoughts can be made audible in this manner, so that what one thinks in terms of words and sentences come out of a speaker because I hear my thoughts through S2K on a slight delay basis.
Those among the 22 public speakers at the end who reported the same experiences from various parts of the US that I have experienced in London revealed that this exists on a global basis and is being carried out as experiments on non-consensual human subjects as these people repeatedly described while they pleaded for help from the Commission to save their lives.
John Donnelly wrote “But one issue not on the table: whether new technology can help read minds — because it can’t.” This is the language problem. “New technology” is limited to neuroimaging when the Commission did not even consider other areas of neuroscience such as decoding the brain’s electromagnetic radiation emissions. “Science isn’t close to enabling researchers to read the thoughts of others, Farah said in an interview.” continues John Donnelly. Again this is a language usage fallacy. One cannot extrapolate a narrow area of research and application to a broader base.
The Commission has done itself and the public a great disservice by not considering all aspects of neuroscience or even science that might be applicable. I think that the Commission needs to go back to this area and do it justice by a thorough review of the current state of neuroscience that takes in decoding electrical impulses of the brain. What is actually being done is far, far from what is being presented by this Commission so far. This hole needs to be filled in, and those who speak from the public listened to very carefully. They are at the forefront of abuse by research.
Derek D. Brodie's Gravatar Derek D. Brodie
March 4, 2011 at 12:24 pm | Permalink
Pesonally if an individual was to actually try to read another individuals mind I believe it would entail this process. Find the vibratory frequency of the tissue of said subjects brain. Then pass that frequency at a low level through said tissue. Being received on the other side of said subjects head the frequency could then be analyzed for distortion due to electrical field functioning in brain processes. If the electrical field of the brain can be mapped. Then an individuals brain can be read by the fluctuations of said fields. Personal opinion not researched.
Peter Rosenholm's Gravatar Peter Rosenholm
March 4, 2011 at 5:36 pm | Permalink
Session 3 of Bioethics Commission
At about 45 minutes into this Session 3 video of the bioethics Commission Lisa Becker asks a question and in Dr. Farah’s response she says subvocal speech recognition is only speech and not mind reading. If knowing a subjects unspoken thoughts is not mind reading then what is mind reading.
I have written on how millimeter wave surveillance that measure heart and breathing rates as well as sweating as being used in concert with V2K/MEDUSA (microwave hearing effect) as being used as a remote lie detector or to enhance remote no-touch-torture using other directed energy weapons. We need to consider emergent and current technology as being components of a weapons system.
Another example might be to stimulate a part of the brain to bring up a memory. Subvocal speech recognition could be used to read the subjects unspoken thought. Similar results might be obtained with brain imaging/FMRI.
No longer can one technology be considered just by its self.
Peter Rosenholm
Jeff's Gravatar Jeff
March 4, 2011 at 6:13 pm | Permalink
jameskdom's Gravatar jameskdom
March 9, 2011 at 3:33 am | Permalink
Neuroscientists are already able to read some basic thoughts, like whether an individual test subject is looking at a picture of a cat or an image with a specific left or right orientation. They can even read pictures that you’re simply imagining in your mind’s eye. Even leaders in the field are shocked by how far we’ve come in our ability to peer into people’s minds. Will brain scans of the future be able to tell if a person is lying or telling the truth? Suggest whether a consumer wants to buy a car? Reveal our secret likes and dislikes, or our hidden prejudices? While we aren’t there yet, these possibilities have dramatic social, legal and ethical implications…
The list of CIA logs below show me MKultra is very much in operation. Experiments, mind Control, Behavior Modification, Torture, Assassination, Electronic Surveillance, Microchips Nanno Mind Reading/ Control Implants, Quantum Computing(Q-Tel), Neurolinguistic Programming for Subvocal Speech recognition, radiation Experiments, Cybernetics, Star Gate, Multiple-Personality Scheme, Relationship Between CIA & Entertainment Industry, Use of Devices Surigally Implanted into Body of Any Person in US, CIA Funding of Mind Control Projects in U.S. Hospitals & Institutions, Mind Reading/Control Implants; Current Policy on Torture & Murder of U.S. Citizens, CIA Mori ID 140394 (Interview W/Hypnosis), Recourse A U.S. Citizen Can Take if The CIA Committs a Crime Against Them, and more, A Study Of Assassination, Remote Viewing and Psychological Re-Programming, Electronic Surveillance By The NSA, SQUID (Superconducting Quantum Interference Device), Remote Sensing Imagery, Attend the next Bioethics Commission meeting! This is your chance to go on record.
For DR. Matha Farah who spoke at the Commission:
pg26(2) 6-30-2005 F-2006-01243 Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging, EEG, Infrared Spectroscopy oOr Measurement Tech To Assist In Or Support Interrogation
Peter Rosenholm
pg2 10-5-2006 F-2007-0004 CD SET OF MKULTRA &BLUEBIRD? ARTICHOKE
pg3 10-12-2006 F2007-00075 MKULTRA, BLUEBIRD,ARTICHOKE,SLEEP
pg3 10-13-2006 F2007-00092 1973 CIA IG REPORT,693 PAGE STUDY,
pg9 11-30-2006 F-2007-00369 LYME DISEASE
pg9 12-1-2006 F-2007-00383 MKULTRA
pg10 12-1-2006 F-2007-00391 MKULTRA & BLUEBIRD/ARTICHOKE RECORDS
pg13 1-5-2007 F-2007-00530 NOWTHATSFUCKEDUP.COM
pg15 1-26-2007 F-2007-00691 MIND CONTROL USED ON US CITIZENS “HERE”
pg41 9-8-2005 F-2005-01940 Quantum Computing(Q-Tel), Neurolinguistic Programming and remote Viewing
pg39 8-25-2005 F-2005-01875 Intell on Cybernetics in the USSR:Chronology of events (1957-64), John J. Ford, CIA Office of Scientific Intelligence, Life Sciences Division, 3/9/65
pg39 8-25-2005 F-2005-01872 Projects MK Delta and MK Ultra
pg37 8-12-2005 F-2005-01806 Stargate Collection
pg35 7-27-2005 F-2005-01711 Project Monarch, MK-ultra and the use of Monarch Victims
pg31 6-20-2005 F-2005-01492 Human Radiation Experiments on Arthor S. Gminski
pg31 6-30-2005 F-2005-01507 Addresses, Phone Numbers and Locations of US Gov't Agency-s that pay rewards for Info Re: Espionage, Treason, Murder, Etc.
pg28 6-7-2005 F-2005-01368 Wallace E. Johnson, The Wallace & Alma E. Johnson Foundation, Walace-E.B. McCool Foundation, Medicenters of America Inc, Dr. Ronald J.Hauser, & Dr. Mendoza in Relation to MKultra/Mind Control Projects
pg26 5-19-2005 F-2005-01289 Use of Devices Surigally Implanted into Body of Any Person in US., & Researchs Involved.
pg25 5-12-2005 F-2005-01258 CIA Funding of Mind Control Projects in U.S. Hospitals & Institutions in Houston , Dallas, & Austin Texas from 1960-1979
pg25 5-4-2005 F-2005-01236 Info. on Self Before Becoming a US Citizen and Records That Pertain to CIA MK-ultra.
pg19 3-17-2005 F-2005-00903 Identity of Any Persons Who Are Part of MKultra or Mind Controlled Scheme
pg18 3-11-2005 F-2005-00887 Mind Reading/Control Implants; Current Policy on Torture & Murder of U.S. Citizens
pg 3-3-2005 F-2005-00847 1950's Operation Called Occultizm in High Places (OHP)
pg16 2-24-2005 F-2005-00805 Improper Influence of Substances Placed ON/IN Marva Sierzega & Anne Holder & Any Electronic Surveillance or Implants ON/IN Requester
pg16 2-23-2005 F-2005-00794 Nanno Mind Reading/ Control Implants; U.S. Sponsored Murder/Assasinations;CIA Involvement W/CHILD Theft
pg16 2-18-2005 F-2005-00786 Multiple-Personality Scheme the Sequence of the Personalities Developed Reactive to MKultra & Similar Programs
pg15 2-18-2005 F-2005-00785 Various Requests on Brain Washing & Hypnotic Mind Control & Devices Used. Phoenix Project, Motorola Satilites and Radios
pg15 2-16-2005 F-2005-00762 3 Vol. CD set of MKultra & Bluebird/Artichoke Records & Shareware Viewer
pg12 1-28-2005 F-2005-00632 Connections Between CIA & Contras in Cocain Trafficking to U.S.
pg12 1-28-2005 F-2005-00628 Relationship Between CIA & Entertainment Industry From 1947 To Present
pg11 1-26-2005 F-2005-00605 Recourse A U.S. Citizen Can Take if The CIA Committs a Crime Against Them
pg9 1-4-2005 F-2005-00512 Changes Made To FOIA and Privacy Acts since 9/11/2001
pg9 1-28-2005 F-2005-00498 Capture/Torture Of Unregistered, CIA, Or "GHOST DETAINEES After 9/11/2001
pg9 12-29-2005 F-2004-00491 Documentation On Name, Chemical Properties, & Manufacturer Of CIA Developed Suicide Pill
pg9 12-28-2004 F-2004-00485 e Requests Pertaining to Mind Control, Telepathy, Psych Manipulation
pg8 12-8-2004 F-2004-00398 The Philadelphia Experiment Done In VA. On 8/12/1943 By U.S. Military (NAVY)
pg6 11-30-2004 F-2004--00317 Publication From 2/20/1966 Titled "Magic And How To Recognize It"
pg6 11-30-2004 f-2004-00316 CIA Mori ID 140394 (Interview W/Hypnosis)
pg4 11-5-2004 F-2004-00193 Set Of 14 CD's Containing the Star Gate Collection
pg4 11-5-2004 F-2004-00191 Allegations That Eugene Dinkins Had Knowledge Of President Kennedy Assasination Serveral Weeks Befor It Happened
pg5 11-17-2004 F-2004-00256 Remote Viewing and Psychological Re-Programming
pg1 10-14-2004 F-2004 00077 Dr. Josef Mengele From 1945-Feb 1979
pg1 10-14-2004 F-2004-0075 A Study Of Assassination Released In May 1997
pg3(2) 10-24-2005 F-2005-00089 Access Industries, Inc
pg3(2) 10-24-2005 F-2005-0090 Aurora Project
pg10(2) 12-30-2005 F-2005-00375 NSA's Special Collection Program
pg10(2) 1-4-2006 F-2006-00386 Isreal As A Military Asset Or Mercinary State Or Means For The US To Expand It's Influence In The Middle East After 1948 & 1967 Wars.
pg10(2) 1-5-2006 F-2006-00398 Electronic Surveillance By The NSA
pg10(2) 1-10-2006 F-2006-00417 Info On The CIA's Office Of Scientific Investigation
pg9(2) 12-14-2005 F-2005-00332 MKultra and Bluebird/Artichoke, and Pandora
pg11(2) 1-11-2006 F-2006-00426 MKultra
pg11(2) 1-11-2006 F-2006-00434 Phone Phreaks And Blue Boxes
pg11(2) 1-11-2006 F-2006-00433 All Domestic Individuals Holding Assets Exceeding 10 Million US Dollars
pg11(2) 1-11-2006 F-2006-00435 MKultra Subprojects
pg11(2) 1-11-2006 F-2006-00436 An Operation Run To Infiltrate And Obtain Info On Scientology
pg11(2) 1-16-2006 F-2006-00488 Star Gate
pg11(2) 1-19-2006 F-2006-00517 CIA's Domestic Collection Division
pg11(2) 1-23-2006 F-2006-00520 Information On experiments Funded By The CIA During The Cold War
pg12(2) 1-24-2006 F-2006-00540 MKultra
pg12(2) 1-24-2006 F-2006-00542 CIA Sponsored Dream Study Programs 1195-2005
pg12(2) 1-24-2006 F-2006-00545 Electronic Surveillance (NSA)
pg12(2) 2-1-2006 F-2006-00568 Warrantless Elec. Surveillance or Physical Searches of Any Person In the US From 9/11/01 That Reference A Requesting Party (NSA)
pg13(2) 2-6-2006 F-2006-00586 Micro-Lithium Strobelight
pg13(2) 2-10-2006 F-2006-00620 Records From The Directed Energy Pilot Collection Program Through 1989
pg 15(2) 2-28-2006 F-2006-00682 The final Technical Report Of United Technologies Research Center Entitled "Bulk Acocustic Wave Devises (BAWD)." Sept 1982
pg16(2) 2-28-2006 F-2006-00684 FOIA And Privacy Act Laws
pg16(2) 2-28-2006 F-2006-00685 Kubark Ommunist Interogation & Indoctrination of "Enemies Of The State" A Report For Technical Services Division, 1956 (Kubark, Kusoda, Kupalm)
pg16(2) 3-14-2006 f-2006-00731 A Mail Intercept/Opening Program Conducted By The CIA In New Orleans in the 1950's
pg16(2) 2-28-2006 F-2006-00687 MKultra And Behavioral Research
pg17(2) 3-14-2006 F-2006-00745 SQUID (Superconducting Quantum Interference Device)
pg22(2) 4-26-2006 F-2006-00963 MKultra And Bluebird/Artichoke Records
pg22(2) 5-3-2006 F-2006-00996 The Human Resouce Exploitation Training Manual
pg22(2) 5-3-2006 F-2006-01004 MK-Ultra - Type Techniques For Brain Probing And Behavior/Brain Control
pg22(2) 5-3-2006 F-2006-01014 Ghost Detainee Memoranda
pg19(2) 4-4-2006 F-2006-00837 Memo And Testimony By Richard Ober To The Rockefller Commission, The Church Committee and the Pike Committee
pg19(2) 4-4-2006 F-2006-00838 All Memoranda And Testimony By John Furfey, Using The Alias Charles Marcules To The Rockefaller Commission
pg20(2) 4-7-2006 F-2006-00874 Remote Sensing Imagery
pg20(2) 4-12-2006 F-2006-00880 Pres Orders Authorizing NSA To Engage In Warrentless Electronic Surveillance Or Warrentless PHY Search in US 9-11-2001
pg23(2) 5-10-2006 F-2006-01035 Directed energy Weapons Or Devises
pg23(2) 5-16-2006 F-2006-01047 Operation Eagle Claw And Project MK-Naomi
pg23(2) 5-23-2006 F-2006-01062 Info/List of Contractors/Affiliations Researching And/Or Testing Weapons/Directed Energy Devices, Greene Cnty, Tennessee
pg23(2) 5-24-2006 F-2006-01078 Microwave Energy
pg26(2) 6-30-2005 F-2006-01243 Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging, EEG, Infrared Spectroscopy oOr Measurement Tech To Assist In Or Support Interrrogation
pg27(2) 7-6-2006 F-2006-01275 Dr. Francis Sooy, Joseph Hamilton, CIA Relations with UCLA, CIA Manual On Assasinations, Human resouce Exploitation Training Manual, Psychological Tactics Manual, Formosa And Other Subjects
pg27(2) 7-13-2006 F-2006-01305 MKultra, Bluebird, MK Delta & Dr. Sidney Gottlieb
pg28(2) 7-19-2006 F-2006-01321 Physiological Mechanisms, Analysis And Behaviorial Significance Of The Electrodermal Response - Final Report
pg29(2) 8-4-2006 F-2006 01417 Remote Control Of Behavior With Rewarding Electrical Stimulation Of The Brain; Final report
pg29(2) 8-2-2006 F-2006-01366 MKultra Documents
pg29(2) 8-1-2006 F-2006-01352 Espionage Satiellites
pg29(2) 8-1-2006 F-2006-01351 Weekly Surveyor Article, Life Sciences And Cybernetics And The Health Of World Leadres, YRS. 1965-1971
pg29(2) 8-1-2006 F-2006-01345 Covert Surveillance or Involuntary Participation In Experimental Mind Control or Drug Programs, 1969 Thru 1972
pg 29(2) 8-1-2006 F-2006-01344 Interogation Techniques (Stress and Duess)
pg30(2) 8-8-2006 F-2006-01439 MKultra For Dates Of 2005 Thru July 2006 & Alien Abduction For Same Time Period
pg30(2) 8-8-2006 F-2006-01441 CIA Operated Aircraft
pg30(2) 8-8-2006 F-2006-01442 MKultra & bluebird/ Artichoke Records
pg30(2) 8-10-2006 F-2006--1518 De-Classified Info 1969 Project MK-Naomi
pg30(2) 8-11-2006 F-2006-01527 5 KHZ Analog Brain Wave
The father is suing the Pennsylvania police for killing his son caught fire when a trooper fire stun gun at him. - Association of Old Crows
Focus on electronic warfare.
Activities geared more toward US DOD, higher learning and industry. - Bioelectromagnetics Society
Focus on biology and medicine.
Their attacks has now changed again. Last week was the most terrible I have ever experienced. It was very close and I gave it a serious thought, ending it myself.
Now they are going back to their "old" habits and tactics. They are making me feel a strange and very unpleasant anxiety that goes deep into the boones and within the hole body, like a pressure and like its crawling all over the inside of body and it makes my hands shake. And they do it with a silence and a deep feeling of being surveillanced and watched.They make my eyes tear and my mouth dry and gives me the feeling of being "prepared" with something. (they used this trick also in the beginning when I didn´t know what was going on, my guess is they want you to think it´s something in the air in your home, so that you will tell people you are being drugged and so that they will think you are "crazy" and discredit you.) This also makes my stomache blow up and the sexual harassment comes along with it. (which normally otherwise happens every night when going to bed) So after learned how their weapons work a bit, I guess this means there is a low frequency of beaming at my body now, 24/7 all the time.//Annie
‘ The Darkness Came Into Our World … ’
The Darkness Came
Into Our World
Spread Like Black Death
Or A Cancer-Smoke Swirl
The Darkness Entered
The Hearts Of Man…
It Had A Monstrous (Gen. 3: 4, 5)
… Evil Plan
It Came To Kill
It Came To Steal
Every Light and Joy
and Peace and Goodwill
And Every Honor
and Every Truth
It Came To Destroy
Even Real Love’s Proof
… To Hide In Shadows
Across The Land
To Blind Every Eye
With Its Wicked Brand (2 Cor. 4: 4)
The Darkness Covered
The Entire Earth (Job 1: 7)
From Bluest Sky
To Deepest Dirt
From Green Rainforests
To Where Deserts Lay
Turned Sights and Seasons
Into Charcoal Grays
Took Over Mountains
Oceans and Seas
It Came To Enslave
What Once Was Free
To Become The Master
Of Every Living Soul
The Darkness Enveloped
In Its Cruel Hold
The Darkness Schemed
In A Malicious Dream
It Brought Us Nightmares
To Hear Our Screams
(Mark 5: 2-13 / Lu. 9: 38-42)
What Is Darkness’ Desire?
Why Did It Do This?
It Wanted To Be ‘ GOD ‘
Worship, Was Its Wish
(Lu. 4: 7-13)
And So With Cunning Envy
The Sinister Perjurer (Gen. 3: 1-5)
Hovers Over Humankind (1 Jo. 5: 19)
As The Great Murderer (Jo. 8: 44)
But Wait … Something Flickered (Gen. 3: 15)
Greater Than It’s Tricky Tongue
Something That Would Undo
All The Bad, Darkness Had Done (1 Jo. 3: 8)
Something That Glowed (Prov. 4: 18)
Loyal Illumination Lit (Ps. 97: 10)
Something That Made Darkness
Greatly Fear It
(Lu. 4: 34 / James 2: 19)
Something - Like Fire
Something - Like Faith
Something - Like Hope
Something - Like Brave
Something That Grew
Bright Like A Sun (Rev. 21: 23)
Something That Announced
“A New Day Had Come!” (1 Jo. 2: 8)
In The Form Of A Star
A Daystar Of Power (2 Pet. 1: 19)
As It Rides In The Heavens (Lu. 21: 27, 28)
The Darkness Cowers (Matt. 24: 30)
For Even Darkness Knows
That The Daystar Of Power
Is Shining To Bring (Rev. 6: 1, 2)
The Darkness’ Last Hours (1 Jo. 2: 18)
… The Darkness Came
Into Our World
Angry That It Had Been
… Cast Out and Hurled
(Rev. 12: 9-12)
So Fear Not The Darkness
All GOD’s Little Children
The Knight-Light Shines (Jo 8: 12 / Rev. 21: 23, 24)
To Save You Always … Amen (Jo. 16: 33)
Written & © : 3/14/2011
Posted By: (LC) Jericho
Here is a site link, I found really encouraging and informative as to all targeted individuals situation:
And the poem above, was posted as a reminder as to who or what is really behind all the evils and treachery in the world. Sometimes, when things happen to us personally, we forget that evil isn't just happening to one person or just 'us' only. We forget the 'Big Picture'. But evil is here upon the whole earth. It is rampant. And, it isn't going anywhere. Evil, isn't just a concept. It isn't just an allegory. It's tangible and makes itself known by the misery it produces. Evil takes many forms and many facades. But it always remains in the depth of itself - wicked. It masquerades under many agendas. But Evil has only one motive that fuels it: To corrupt, damage and divide as many persons as it can away from moral excellence (by any means necessary). (Job Chapt. 1 to Chapt. 3) Evil, attacks each one of us in the human family, in one way or another, (crime, sickness, earth-disasters, death, economic misfortunes, relationship-betrayals, lies, etc.). It's cruel ways are known. It is tied up in the fingers of Mankind. Even as we reach for independence, it enslaves our ideas and actions. Some reach for greatness, only to be fooled into holding hands with Evil. It rests in the bosoms and hearts of some men. And even when the human mind tries to achieve posterity, it lurks within the vicinity, to tamper with and damage many a well-meaning intention. Why, some men, even embrace it! Honestly, Mankind, cannot get rid of pure evil. It is a supernatural mastermind bent on hatred and contempt of human beings. (Because we are a creation and loved by our Creator. We are made in GOD's Image so, we are made for great things. Mankind also has a wonderful future to look forward to. And we have a chance to explore eternity and to ascend. We can also finally achieve what our first human parents lost - complete perfection). And why are we Evil's targets? Because Evil cannot touch GOD, but it can harm us - Those whom GOD Loves. That is the vindictive nature of Evil.
Since Evil came into existence, by it's own rebellious choosing of envy and pride and contempt for goodness - Evil is destined to come to its end. And Evil knows this. And so Evil, is trying to kill all of us off - one by one. With diabolical torture and merciless systems and suffering, evil imprints its desires on those, unaware of its Puppetmaster and tentacle grasp dominion. Evil works behind the scenes of every major and minor, insidious - decision(s) of global import. (Matt. 4: 8, 9 and 1 Jo. 5: 19) Yes, Evil, has been behind every ignominious act of world impact. That is why The Lord Jesus, told us to pray:
"Our Father, Who Art In Heaven,
Holy Be Thy Name,
Thy Kingdom Come
Thy Will Be Done
On Earth
As It Is In Heaven ..."
That is what that prayer means. Millions say it, but few actually realize what they're asking for. But we do indeed need the authority from Heaven, GOD's Kingdom to come and right "every wrong" done on this planet. And bring true, complete justice to everyone. Because Evil, is operating very strongly down here on earth. It is to Evil's advantage of course, that its presence not be recognized or believed. It is thereby easier to manipulate an unwary and ignorant society. Hey, if you don't know who the criminal is, how can you arrest him or her? And if you don't believe they exist, will you even look to protect yourself from them? And what is Evil's latest methodology? - It's latest technique to torture human beings? ... It is the Directed Energy Weapons, yes, the DEW's. Just look at the history track-record of mankinds’ inventions. (The atomic bomb, the hydrogen bomb, nuclear warheads and so forth) Weapons of Mass Destruction. What could and should have been used for the advancement of humankind, (the harnessing of such power) always seems to find (indeed seeks) the pathway of horror for humanity.
But have you never wondered, "If we all want the same things - to live in peace and happiness and safety and prosperity, why can't we achieve this?" Why, if we all know what will happen when nations go to war and employ weapons of such destruction that it would ruin the earth for our children - then why on earth would we go ahead and produce those arsenals of extinction?" "Why for thousands of years, can Mankind never come to actual peace and security, when it is what we all desire most for ourselves and our own loved ones?" The answer: Because it is a Mastermind of evil in the mix. It is a Mastermind of Evil, that will always tempt someone into greed and powerlust, vainglorious pride and prejudicial hatred. Evil, if left unchecked, would forever tempt mankind to maim, torture and murder one another. It's been doing it for thousands of years. Ever since it duped the first human pair. Evil is an expert in atrocity. It is very persuasive in deceit and personal-gain propaganda (remember the Tree and the forbidden fruit?).
Yes indeed, it is Evil, that has incited humans to be a party to our own species fratricide in genocide. Such Wickedness, is a part of Evil's design. It laughs - at each terrorist act that mankind pursues. It laughs as more and more of humanity succumbs to its base, despotic maneuvering. This virulent hatred of what is good and right for all people (that includes you and me). Such a wickedness, is not even in the framework of humanity's hope-structure and it was definitely, Not a part of GOD's Holy Purpose!
But humans cannot eradicate Evil. In fact, Humans are tainted with it. Just look at the news if you don't believe it. The daily and the nightly news is filled with the proof of it. And if we can't get rid of evil from our own selves (have you heard of sin?), how could we ever rid it from the whole earth? Again, I say to you, Mankind cannot get rid of pure evil. Only an Almighty GOD can do that. And GOD has promised to do just that (John 3: 16, Ps. 37: 11-15 and Rev. 21: 4), when the perfect time, that He has decided upon (and has actually set - millenniums ago - Matt. 24: 36) comes. So, we cannot rush GOD. We cannot take His Place. (Adam and Eve and the Devil and others (Hitler, Charles Manson, Jim Jones, David Koresh, etc.) have jealously tried that, and Evil upon the earth, is the tragic result of their actions). Psychotic-Puppets, bent on enforcing their will, (not GOD's Will) on as many individuals as possible. And GOD help the ones that 'they' deem as dissidents. Especially those who are law-abiding citizens. Those who obey the laws of the land, because GOD's Word tells us to. (Titus 3: 1) We, are the ones who 'they' are supposed to be governing with fairness and justice and according human-dignities and human rights. (Micah 6: 8 and Rom. 13: 1-7) Sadly, they too are not immune to the ploy of the greatest enemy and oppressor of people - Pure Evil. There are even some world leaders in their positions, that are truly philanthropic, that may truly want to help people with the authority they have been granted. But Pure Evil, will never leave all people alone in peace. It hates GOD. And It hates us. (Jo. 15: 18 - 23) And even if mankind were all united - we still are no match against Pure Evil. It takes GOD's Almighty Power and His Champion Son To take that battle on - and win. (Jo. 14: 30, Jo. 16:33, 1 Jo. 5: 4 and Rev. 20: 1 - 10)
So, we can only wait upon and within GOD's Mercy, His Wisdom, His Power and His Love. He waits, to bring Justice ... because GOD is trying to save as many people as possible: Giving them time and opportunity to think and change, before it is too late for them. (I know I'm glad GOD waited for me to come to my senses (smile) ... so I know there are other sheep out there too, that He is waiting for them to make the choice between life or death.) But we must not make the mistake of thinking that GOD will not act eventually. That is what Evil wants you to believe. But GOD's patience, will not be put on hold - forever. GOD has promised to come save all those who are His and who are suffering (Rom. 10: 13, Heb. 5: 9 and Rev. 7: 10 - even from the grave if necessary - John 11: 25, 26). So for those of us faithfully waiting - I encourage you to make your voices strong in volumes of truth, with conviction and courage - and keep exposing evil for what it is. And above all else, Keep holding on to GOD - GOD will not be late. GOD is never late. (Isa. 46: 13 and Hab. 2: 2) He has given us signs to look for. Some have already come true to prove His Words are real. And for those who are undecided about the truth of that certainty - please make up your minds, for your own soul's sake. His Mercy is waiting for you ... for those who practice vile things ... to leave the darkness ...
Written and Posted By: (LC) Jericho
You can find out more about my own trials as a targeted individual at my site(s): (and)
I also put the word out there about this situation on Facebook ... I encourage all victims of DEW's to do the same. And may GOD Bless and Help you with your efforts and survival until HE eradicates this menance to society.
(LC) Jericho