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我们是正在遭受脑电磁波武器攻击(又称“脑控”) 日夜残酷骚扰折磨迫害的受害者,这是随着人类社会科技发展而出现的一种崭新的犯罪形式,而我们是不幸的处于在这种高科技技术被人们广泛了解前的第一批受害者。


















最近几年以来,这个技术屡有曝光。如新华社2007121日报道“老翁20多年受困神秘声音 坚信沦为军方试验品”,200879日报道“不战而屈人之兵?美俄被指研究“脑控武器”,日报道“美军神秘武器披露:"脑控武器"已用于实战”,中国中央电视台2007年报道“思维控制物体”——我国脑电波解读技术处于世界领先水平,等等。中国青年报的青年参考等其他媒体和一些网络媒体对这个技术也有不少报道。而且约2008年以来一些使用该技术的民用产品开始上市,如脑电波控制的电脑游戏机等。










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An Case

An Case

I am attacked by electromagnetic wave and so on, point to head, other part of body, and was made the serious injury, From 2005 or may be earlier, serious in this years, may be ten and more hours a day, and some time day and night. The criminal use some kinds of devices, may arrived at weapon level. I may not find them and get direct evidences. They use picture, sound, sex, sense, deleting memory, stimulating, (military)action, shifting, retaliatory, repeat, and other methods to damage my brain important functions in a systematic way, and may not only to my mental psychology twist and harm, and so on, but also to no-corrected, fresh start and the future. May be few person can understand and believe it.

I reported the case to criminal police, China Supreme Court President by EMS (ER262153903CN), Shanghai Police Department (ER262153925CN) at April, 2007. They said to investigate and reply to me. So far it was out of can be compensatory, was sacrifice, may be social advantage. I found someone knew my position, characteristics, situation, and circumstances are not normal. I knew the criminal may hide some truth, and I may lose some change. The criminal continue to crime, they may be sent from high level of China mainland, which said to inherit their generation. When I went to Thailand Bangkok on 31th, May 2007, They came to Thailand and attacked me, on the plane, hotel, beach, road, and other public places, I and may be girlfriend, was made the more important harm. I mailed the case suit documents to Police Ministry Minister Yongkang Zhou (ER263399222CN) and Shanghai Procuratorate on 9th June 2007, and “China Youth Daily”, etc. I had known some background and something, they still do it. The criminal may be organized by china relate departments. When I must to go to Indonesia on 8th July 2007, they came to and attacked me at Bali, Jakarda Indonesia, I sent a criminal suit documents by registered letter to The Supreme Court of the Republic of Indonesia President (CP 000764290 ID) and General Police Head (CP 000764309 ID) on 30th, July 2007, etc. And report the case on the plane when they attacked me on the plane (Garuda Indonesia Airline GA405 at 4th April, they still do the crime on GA834 at 6th April, GA896 at 7th April). I mailed the suit documents to the China Supreme Court President Yang Xiao (ES822010810CN), China Supreme People's Procuratorate (ES822010718CN), the Indonesia Military Courts of Justice President (EA881850934CN), and China Ministry of Public Health Dr. Minister (ES822011545CN), etc. The crime wasn’t stop. I have to come to Thailand Phuket Patong on 21th, August 2007 this time, They also came to Thailand and attacked me. I may have part information. I have mailed the suit documents by EMS letter to Thailand General Police Department (ED637744459TH) on 22th, August 2007, mailed some suit documents to Thailand Supreme Court (ED637739547TH), Phuket Tourist Police, Provincial Police Headquarter, on August, Beijing Ministry of Foreign Affiars Mr. Minister and Consular Protection Center(EE050718372TH), Ministry of Public Health Dr. Mongkol Na Songkhla Minister(ED637742183TH), International SOS Assistance Ltd, on September, etc, and call to them to tell the case. And then send the document to “World Daily”, “Bangkok Post”, “Singtaonet”, “Wenweipo”, “Orientaldaily”, etc. They execute crime also. They criminal may have perfect information, it is not accident, and it is not only one case, upset, sovereignty, privilege, medicine problem, competition, or ethics, etc, may be war crimes, law enforcement corruption, they are criminal, and may be retaliatory now. Then they take their secrets with the honor to be left to send an old man. And they may be not commit the crime and escape, with their thought live free or die hard, undertaken by their organizations.

Now, I go to Shanghai, they still do that, I mailed the letter to CCP 17th congress president group(EQ016549988CN), CCP 17th congress member Boxiong Guo(EQ015587110CN), 17th congress Henan group(EQ016550005CN), Guangzhou ZhongShan No. 1 Hospital Dr. Dean, Chongqin City people congress(EQ016548979CN), “CHINA RADIO INTERNATIONAL”, and so on. Please stop and arrest them as soon as possible and sentence to death and other penalty. I have not remembered something now, and may not describe clearly. This is a brief document in English language, It is
may difficult to tell only by telephone. There have some criminal suit documents in Chinese language. If possible don't tell others my personal information, and please reply to me as soon as possible by telephone, E-mail, mail, or other way. Thanks.

Nationality: P.R.China

PassportNo: G17030649

ID: 510102197103078450


Tel: 13701926103(Shanghai) 13597878369(Hubei)

Address at Bangkok: Welcome Sawasdee Inn 662 629 2321


Oct 29th 2007

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Radiation Research is a scientific journal whose primary focus is on ionizing radiation, with only a minority of papers devoted to the non-ionizing side of the electromagnetic spectrum. Its June issue, however, features five papers, all of which claim to show that EMFs of one type or another have no biological effects.To account for this departure from the norm, Sara Rockwell, the editor-in chief, Bruce Kimler, an associate editor, and John Moulder, a senior editor, have offered an apologia, under the title, "Publishing Negative Results." (In this context, "negative results" refers to studies that show no effects.) The editors want you to believe that they are offering this bumper crop of negative papers as a public service. They are on a mission, they say, to allay "widespread concern" over power lines and cell phones by giving a voice to those who, despite great effort, could not substantiate previously reported findings of "deleterious health effects."The editorial tacitly concedes that Radiation Research only rarely publishes papers showing any type of EMF effects by failing to cite a single example from its own pages. At the same time, it fails to mention that other journals, for instance Mutation Research and Bioelectromagnetics, have had no trouble finding high-quality papers with "positive" results —that is, those that do show biological effects.Many of the negative EMF studies that have been published in Radiation Research were paid for by industry and the U.S. Air Force, both of which seek to control EMF research (often by stopping it) and to show that microwaves are essentially harmless except at high exposure levels. Promoting no-effect studies has long been part of their strategy to keep a lid on the microwave-health controversy.Wireless companies like Motorola have fostered the spurious view that negative studies cancel out positive ones. Their strategy is this: First, seed the journals with no-effect papers that run counter to previously published work which does show biological changes. Then argue: "If we couldn't replicate the effect, it cannot be real." The assumption here is that industry science is superior to everyone else's. They make no effort to resolve inconsistent results.Another important fact goes undisclosed in the editorial: One of its authors, John Moulder, a professor at the Medical College of Wisconsin in Milwaukee, has a lucrative consulting practice on EMFs and health. Over the years, Moulder has earned hundreds of thousands of dollars disputing the existence of adverse EMF health effects, even those accepted by most other members of the EMF community.To explore the potential biases at work, Microwave News investigated a subset of health studies published in peer-reviewed scientific journals. We selected papers on microwave-induced genotoxicity; that is, microwave effects on DNA, the genetic blueprint inside every living cell. With the generous help of Henry Lai of the University of Washington, Seattle, we identified 85 radiofrequency (RF)/microwave-genotox papers published since 1990. Of these, 43 found some type of biological effect and 42 did not. (You can download a complete list of references and abstracts.)Lai is an interested party to this controversy. Together with N.P. Singh, Lai made RF/microwave genotoxicity a major concern when, in the mid-1990's, they were the first to report that microwaves could lead to DNA single- and double-strand breaks. As you can see in Table 1, Lai is the lead author of four of the 43 "effect" or positive studies.[Click on table to download a pdf]There is just about an even split between effect and no-effect papers. But look what happens when we superimpose the funding source for each study (where available): Those sponsored by industry are in red and those sponsored by the U.S. Air Force are in purple in Table 2. (Papers with no declared funding source are in green.)A clear —and disconcerting— pattern emerges: 32 of the 35 studies that were paid for by the mobile phone industry and the U.S. Air Force show no effect. They make up more than 75% of all the negative studies. You don't need to be a statistician to infer that money, more often than not, secures the desired scientific result.One of the three industry studies that did find an effect nearly failed to make it into print. It was carried out by Jerry Phillips under a Motorola contract. Motorola opposed Phillips' decision to write up his positive findings and, according to Phillips, the company tried to stop him. Phillips resisted and succeeded, but it was the last piece of original EMF research he ever completed.A similar loss of balance occurs when you look at only the papers published in Radiation Research. These are colored orange in Table 3.Over the last 16 years, only one positive paper on microwave genotoxicity has appeared in Radiation Research. During the same time, the journal has published 21 negative genotox papers. (Australia's Pam Sykes, the lead author of the lone positive paper, was denied money for a follow-up and soon moved on to other research areas. )When Tables 2 and 3 are combined, you can see that 80% of the negative papers (17 out of 21) published in Radiation Research were paid for by either industry or the U.S. Air Force. These are in red in Table 4.And of these 17, most are associated with a single lab: Joe Roti Roti's at Washington University in St. Louis. Roti Roti's principal funding source is Motorola. The 10 Roti Roti–Motorola papers on RF/microwave genotoxicity are in pink in Table 5.In addition, many other Roti Roti papers on other types of microwave effects, also paid for by Motorola, have been published in Radiation Research. With respect to microwave radiation, it almost appears as if Radiation Research is a house organ of the Motorola Corporation.Who Picks the Peers for Peer Review?Is it possible that all these imbalances can be explained by the fact that only sloppy studies show positive effects and that the superior peer review process at Radiation Research weeds out the chaff leaving only the well-controlled and well-executed negative studies fit for publication? The three editors suggest that this is so: "Negative studies are held to considerably higher standards than positive studies," they write.To refute this line of argument one needs only to look at the now-infamous "dead-mice-walking" study by Tim Kuchel and Tammy Utteridge published in Radiation Research in 2002. That paper appears to have been rushed into print in order to nullify an earlier study, which found that microwaves could promote cancer in mice. (Motorola supplied the exposure equipment for the new experiment.) As we commented when Kuchel's paper first appeared, it signaled a "massive failure of peer review" (see MWN, S/O02 p.19). There were many errors in the paper, but the most obvious and egregious one allowed two figures to appear on the same page in open contradiction to each other. Mice that were shown to have died in one figure were still being counted, picked up, and weighed in the other. Even Q. Balzano, a former senior Motorola executive, told us at the time that, "The paper is chock full of contradictions." Whatever its shortcomings, the Kuchel-Utteridge study continues to be touted by Motorola and Moulder as a key indicator that wireless radiation is harmless.Peer review is only as good as the reviewers. A flawed paper can be published, if the supervising editor selects sympathetic reviewers who will be likely to overlook them. This is what appears to have been going on at Radiation Research.John Moulder: Industry ConsultantWe suspect that much of Radiation Research's bias against EMF effects can be attributed to John Moulder, who came on as an editor in 1991 and was promoted to senior editor in 2000. For this whole time —during which the microwave–genotox controversy became more and more contentious— Moulder has been a consultant to the power, electronics and communications industries, as well as for anyone, it seems, who disputes the existence of EMF-induced adverse health effects. For years he posted his skeptical views on the health impacts of cell phones, base stations and power lines on his Web site, and these serve as lures for potential like-minded clients.Last year, for example, Moulder testified against the family of Richard Beissinger, a professor at the Illinois Institute of Technology (IIT) in Chicago who died of a brain tumor in 2003. His widow and five children were seeking worker's compensation for what they believed was an EMF-induced cancer. Beissinger taught and worked in rooms near electrical transformers. His magnetic field exposures are uncertain, but very high, ranging from 10 mG (1 µT) to 820 mG, and at times probably more than 1 G.At a hearing held in 2005, Moulder stated under oath that, in his opinion, "power-frequency magnetic fields do not cause any kind of brain cancer under any exposure, intensity and duration" [our emphasis].Moulder was no doubt aware that the California EMF program had previously concluded that magnetic fields are a likely cause of adult brain cancer. And that many years earlier, a team coordinated by the Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI) had reported that, taken together, epidemiological studies of workers exposed to magnetic fields pointed to a statistically significant elevated risk of brain cancer.While electric utility industry operatives may have conceded that there may well be a link between long-term exposure to magnetic fields and brain cancer, that did not deter Moulder. He made $10,000-$12,000 trying to deprive the Beissinger family of a small pension. On May 23, at about the same time that the "negative effects" editorial appeared in Radiation Research, an arbitrator rejected Moulder's argument and ruled in favor of Beissinger's family. The decision is under appeal.In the course of his testimony, Moulder acknowledged that he had earned approximately $300,000 in litigation-related fees, on power-frequency EMFs. This probably represents a fraction of Moulder's earnings, since litigation services represents only one part of his consulting practice. For instance, in 2001 Moulder testified at a hearing on behalf of the Minnesota Power Co. and Wisconsin Public Service Corp., which had applied to build a new transmission line. In that testimony, Moulder revealed that he would be paid about $35,000 for this case alone.Nor is Moulder's consulting limited to power-frequency EMFs. In 1999, he prepared a report for the U.K. Federation of Electronic Industry (now called Intellect), which was submitted to the Independent Expert Group on Mobile Phones, better known as the Stewart panel. And the following year he wrote a report for the Australian Mobile Telecommunications Association, which was submitted to the Australian Senate. He has not disclosed how much money he was paid for these opinions, but in March 2001, Moulder told an Australian senate committee that, on average, 8-10% of his income was from the telecommunications industry alone.Those Reporting Positive Results AttackedBack in 2001 after Moulder had moved up to senior editor, he recruited Vijayalaxmi of the University of Texas in San Antonio to join the Radiation Research editorial board. A couple of years earlier they, together with some colleagues from Washington University and the U.S. Air Force, had published a review paper that dismissed any possible connection between cell phones and cancer. This too was published in Radiation Research.As shown in Table 2, Vijayalaxmi is the lead author on seven of the microwave-genotox papers. All were funded by the U.S. Air Force, Motorola or a combination of the two.Last year, while she was still an associate editor at Radiation Research (she stepped down soon afterwards), Vijayalaxmi together with Sheila Johnston, a long-time consultant to the mobile phone industry based in London, launched an aggressive assault against Lai and Singh and their work on genotoxicity. In an e-mail accompanying their analysis of Lai–Singh's research, Johnston wrote: "Lai's science has failed CONCLUSIVELY" [her emphasis]. The Vijayalaxmi–Johnston rant was so amateurishly written that it was largely ignored. What's harder to forget is the virulence of their attack. "They are not scientific statements," Singh told us at the time, "they are personal attacks. They do not want to solve problems, they want to eliminate us."James McNamee of Health Canada in Ottawa is the new EMF specialist on the editorial board of Radiation Research. He has published three negative papers on microwave genotoxicity in Radiation Research. McNamee also has written a review paper with Moulder on cell phones and cancer.Earlier this year, Vijayalaxmi, McNamee and Maria Scarfi, a researcher based in Naples, Italy, wrote an angry letter to Mutation Research warning of the questionable nature of two positive genotox papers —one by Elisabeth Diem (Diem 05) of the University of Vienna and another by Sabine Ivancsits from the same lab on power-frequency EMFs. Vijayalaxmi, McNamee and Scarfi are authors on 14 of the 42 negative genotox papers, as well as one positive one. Ten of their 14 negative papers were published in Radiation Research, as shown in Table 6.The microwave-genotoxicity controversy is a mean and nasty business, made meaner and nastier by the unrelenting attacks on those who dare claim that such effects do exist. But with John Moulder at Radiation Research, the playing field is hardly level, especially when the journal does not disclose its senior editor's ties to industries whose fortunes depend on assuring the public that microwaves have no effect whatever on DNA.At a time when potential conflicts of interest among authors of medical and scientific papers are front page news (see, for instance, the July 11, 2006 Wall Street Journal on a paper published by the Journal of the American Medical Association), and more and more journals are requiring full disclosure of ties to industry, it is surprising —no, astonishing— that a leading radiation journal allows such obvious conflicts to remain unacknowledged. An editorial in the Sunday New York Times on July 23, said that the "best hope" for the credibility of medical journals is for them "to try much harder to find authors free of conflicts." Surely the situation is even worse when a journal's editor, who serves as the guardian charged with ensuring that contributors' potential conflicts are fully disclosed, is mired in his or her own conflicts.Why Don't the Rules Limiting Industry Influence Apply to EMFs?What is it about EMF–health research that allows people to ignore the rules that govern other areas of biomedicine and public health? Why, for instance, did the World Health Organization turn a blind eye when told that Mike Repacholi was taking money from the wireless industry to pay for his EMF program in violation of the WHO rules? Was it really enough that Repacholi had engineered a scheme to launder the funds in Australia before they were forwarded to Geneva?Similarly, Sara Rockwell of Yale medical school, the editor-in-chief of Radiation Research, and the officers of the Radiation Research Society, its publishers, must be aware of the conflicts posed by Moulder's extensive consulting for industry. Yet Rockwell had no qualms about signing Moulder's self-serving editorial, and none of them has felt the need to disclose Moulder's long-standing ties to industry.Radiation Research has become a repository for negative papers and thus an important part of the industry and military strategy to neutralize those who dare to challenge the no-effects dogma. Their work had been made much easier with John Moulder on the inside to ease industry papers into print.Download a pdf of this commentary© Copyright Microwave News 2006-2010. All Rights Reserved.source:
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"There has been much discussion at TreeHugger about the danger of Electromagnetic Fields (EMF) generated by cellphones, routers, power lines and microwave ovens. Some people think it is a serious issue; WIFI is banned at Lakehead University, and in Scandinavia there are cellphone-free beaches for people with electro-hypersensitivity. Clarins even makes a spray to protect your skin from it. Other people feel that it is not a problem.Treehugger Labs wanted to determine this once and for all, and has spent the past year studying the issue. We wanted to pick a life form that would not move around a lot so that we could ensure that there were no other factors, and we are, of course, against animal testing, so we chose trees as our subject. We searched for trees that grew near power lines to see what the effect of the EMF was on the form of the tree.We were surprised to find that maple trees growing up under power lines were profoundly influenced by the lines. They tended to develop a bifurcated "Y" formation as the limbs seemed to grow away from the lines themselves. We call this effect "electrobonsai" because it looks like it might have been shaped by humans.tree3.jpgIn tree after tree, we saw the electrobonsai effect. The limbs clearly are trying to move away from the power lines. They appear healthy and have been around for a long time, but definitely try to keep a safe distance away from the EMF.treebig2.jpgThe wires are rated at 22 KV, 60 Cycle. Most of the city was rewired from 4Kv over the last few years so it appears that there is no relationship between the voltage and the electrobonsai effect.treecontrol.jpgAs you can see from our control group, normal maple trees do not take the bifurcated Y shape but branch randomly.The team concluded that there is no question, tree limbs are distorted by the power lines, and the only thing that could be emanating from the lines is the EMF. Sometimes we have seen that where they could not grow away from the lines, limbs are sheared off as if by a chainsaw, and then exude a brown protective coating to seal the wound. Who knew that plants could develop such sophisticated mechanisms for dealing with EMF.Judging from the average distance of limbs from power lines,(2.4 metres or 8 feet) we have concluded that it is probably prudent to keep transformers, routers, cell phones and hair dryers eight feet from your head at all times."by Lloyd Alter of the many tangilble things you can measure concerning EMF.Source: remember you too can measure EMF by tuning a portable transister radio to AM 530 to pick up on EMF. Or better yet start doing some study of this on the internet. Don't forget to learn about electrosensitivty.
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The Dome of Jerusalem is an ancient communication tower used by beings for scalar wavetransmissions aka communication on sound/energy waves.

Israel is using this system to hold hostage every nation in the entire world and was theone to transmit it into Iraq causing the soldiers to surrender with theirweapons when the country was originally invaded.

Why did the USA invade Iraq? Everyone knows that they did not have the weapons of massdestruction or did they.... since it was Mesopotamia and the original landingplace was sippur did Israel need to access it for something they believeis hidden or perhaps buried nearby?

Why were the museums broken into and the ancient artifacts removed? If anyone came tothe USA and broke into the Smithsonian Museum or went to London and broke intotheir museum there would be hell to pay.

So what is it Israel hopes to achieve with this under handed maneuver?

Could it be world domination of all nations?

Let's take a look at the museum where the stolen artifacts were taken , which museumyou ask...why London museum where the artifacts were taken as they never wentto the United States of America. In fact it is public knowledge that theyoung Prince William also in listed in the armed services. Is his bravery not bazaarbehavior considering the fact that his father Prince Charles gave his lastspeech via HOLOGRAPH because he was afraid to fly.

And while I enjoyed reading Sitchin’s book called ‘The memoirs of Enki’ as it was amusing it can be compared to ESOPSFables as much of it is simply incorrect. It is also notable that he is the one who was flown to London on a topsecret mission to translate something a little more than a year ago and now heis deceased.

Was Zacharia Sitchin Islamic? I am not familiar with all the various sects here onEarth/Gaia at this time I just know he was not born in the United States ofAmerica.

While he professes to be an expert at the translation of religious documents especiallythose of ancient astronauts I personally have to question why he never told anyoneabout the current ancient alien technology being used on Earth right now andbroadcasting throughout the air waves in every nation.

If you read about the Iraq invasion you will see that the first thing they did was take out theIraqi communications so they had to use Ham and digital radio waves. These arethe waves used to transmit the microwave transmissions necessary to projectholographic images and must be fairly local. They could not have been projectedby the United States as geographically the distances too far however the Domeof Jerusalem is in the proximity that would permit such a transmission.

If he wanted to be scholarly he should have compared the Ancient Astronaut theory to theancient religious documents of all religions to put all the puzzle pieces togethersuccessfully.

I came here to Gaia to help you to know the truth however so much crap has been presentedthat the average person does not have a clue what is true and what is not sofirst let me share with you a formula that has never once failed me.

1 + 1 = 2


If it does not then there is an undisclosed hidden variable. You may not be able to recognizeit or find it immediately but you have to keep going back to the originalformula

1 + 1 = 2

It never equals 2.3 or 7.9 or any other number if it does you have done something wrongand need to go back to the beginning and rework the equation.

So Let ‘s Take A Look At a Few Question Shall We?????

Why would a small country such as Iraq fly a plane into the Twin Towers or attach the United States inany way? Would it not be asking forgenocide? Do they in any way, shape or form possess the explosive power to wagewar with a country that could wipe them off the face of the Earth? Do you thinkthat the Iraqi people are this stupid?

I do not think so !!@!!

Could this be a ploy to get American soldiers in the Middle East to do the dirty work of Adamites, Israelitesand others who never appeared anywhere on Earth until the second century afterthe crucifixion and are in no way connected to any of the Nephilim.

Why is there so many coded messages being used to communicate over the internet via various sites andsearches ? If someone has somethingimportant to say and it is not intended to harm anyone why not just spit it outand say it clearly and concisely so that all may hear and understand?

Flim Flam’s Against Humanity

Flim Flam President O’bama - has 2 birth certificates….1 from South Africa and another from Hawaii

Flim Flam Hawaiian Royalty - why is there a ‘Queen’ sitting over an American State that Britain still claims someownership of

Who does Hawaii belong to The United States of America or The Royal Family of Great Britain?

Flim Flam British Royal Family - Nazi’s who moved from Germany and changed their name to give a sense if legitimacy wherethere was none.

Flim Flam New Testament Bible – what was wrong with the old testament?

Flim Flam Translations - with a flim flam rosetta that turned everything around and made it only partially true

The DEJAL – one who will prey on the lambs of all nations - MIT


JAPETH – JAPAN - PACIFIC RIM - I hear a lot of scalar transmissions like this

Japanese agent - agent paging phillipine agent black beauty is her code name she won a miss universe pagent in the past and is now function as a double agent for anycountry willing to pay her






Flim Flam John the Baptist – when you come to the water it means coming through the amniotic fluid of the womb

Why would Jesus want so fool to dunk him in a dam river

Flim Flam Simon - Simon sayeth = simon says

Do as I say thru scalar


FLIM FLAM SETI - Adamites spelled backwards = SETI mad A or SETI MADA

Pick one either is inappropriate considering the Nephilim ships landed in every Nation worldwide in the 1940’s

There were photos published in every paper – did you all forget – we did not

Like I said I have only begun looking at this crap so I am sure there is a lot more to be said and I will say it

Why don’t they send me code blue – they do all the time it just doesn’t work on me

In a recorded conversation I heard recently via scalar waves and the little digital recorder I am using I was privilegeto hear a MIT discussion where the Media Lab was threatening the USA militaryheads by saying. Remember the General who was going to go the British Police,we sent a code blue to his daughter and told him we’d kill the rest of hisfamily if he said another word.

A code blue is a heart attack that is sent by transmitting an electrical pulse to the heart muscle. I do havea photo of this hidden in a wav I recorded.

A code red is when they send an RNA interceptor to cause a disease such as cancer, diabetes, etc…

Have I ever taken a physics class on Earth? No

How do I know about such communication devices used as weapons? I am very familiar with the technologyand have been for aeon, eons, and ions

Who am I? I am someone who has come to help you and I will tell you how to protect yourself

What can you do to protect yourself? You must realize that there isno such thing as paranoid schizophrenia

And that there are over 8 million sites on the internet if you do a search for targeted individuals. Did all ofthese people in all countries worldwide suddenly lose their mind or is someonebeaming voices into their head in an attempt to successfully carry out their ownagenda?

What I found in the Gnostics from Nag Hamadi Library is

I have only read the Apocalyptic Adam which is short and a part of the Pistis Sophia which is quite lengthy . Iwill publish them when I am done reading them and tell you what they are sayingand I guarantee it will make perfect senseto everyone .

Scalar Holographic technology in religion

Halo of angels – the luminous light around the angelic visions is the holographic halo reflection

The voices out of nowhere that speak to you – scalar transmission

The S-quad or ssss - related to Hitler's personal SS protection unit it was how he controlled the world he was not the mostcharismatic individual

These are transmitted via sound waves that do not cause the auditory bones to vibrate and that are why they arenot heard as an actual voice.

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#1024 Bluebird>to Artichoke>MKultra-MKdelta (Name Now?)

This article was written August 2, 1977

Mind Control and MKULTRA Project
Exposed in New York Times Article

.............1950—with Project Bluebird, which evolved into ProjectArtichoke, then became MK-ULTRA - MK-DELTA. With each code name change,they broadened their sweep, until there remained
virtually no avenue of human behavior control they were not exploring.

One of their longest running goals was to develop a way to induceamnesia. They wanted to be able to interrogate enemy espionage agents insuch a way that neither the agents nor their superiors would know theyhad been compromised, and they wanted to be able to wipe clean the
memories of their own agents after certain missions and, especially, when they were going into retirement.

Personally an uncle who seemed to be playing psychology games with
me at his company when I worked for him and was rich has now left his
Meran>an>cedes and home on the Bay for A secured care facility with Alzheimer's
Reading about MKultra with two young girls who were given LSD when they
were 13 and leaving one to eventually be institutionalized for life I see this
connection to family involvement. I have to wonder if people involved it
MKultra or what ever they call it today have to show their loyalty by putting
up a family
member to be experimented on and tortured.

They were interested in simple destruction, too. As with the otherbusiness that made amnesia so attractive, they wanted to be able to getaway with murder without leaving a trace.

There have been three attempts to kill me covertly, I have been
experimented on. In David Larson's recent Pro Se court case which is
rumored to have been won with a gag order attached he
claimed that
MKultra had been restarted and was funded through 2011.
I received a couple Emails supposedly from his wife asking me where
I had heard this. I simply told her it is a rumor. My post she referenced
made no claims about anything like that. She told me to contact
David if I wanted to know the truth. I wrote her back(if it was her) and
told her I had tried to contacted him and that he doesn't reply. I told her
if they didn't want to be bothered that I would leave them be.
This could have been to see if he was abiding by a gag order for all I know.

I think we should try and find out if MKultra has been restarted and is funded
though 2011. We have to stop this once again perhaps.
The list of CIA logs below show me it is very much in operation.

Of course the past names are all over recent documents:

pg2 10-5-2006 F-2007-0004 CD SET OF MKULTRA &BLUEBIRD? ARTICHOKE

pg3 10-12-2006 F2007-00075 MKULTRA, BLUEBIRD,ARTICHOKE,SLEEP


pg3 10-13-2006 F2007-00092 1973 CIA IG REPORT,693 PAGE STUDY,






pg9 11-30-2006 F-2007-00369 LYME DISEASE

pg9 12-1-2006 F-2007-00383 MKULTRA

pg10 12-1-2006 F-2007-00391 MKULTRA & BLUEBIRD/ARTICHOKE RECORDS


pg13 1-5-2007 F-2007-00530 NOWTHATSFUCKEDUP.COM




pg15 1-26-2007 F-2007-00691 MIND CONTROL USED ON US CITIZENS

1-2-4-8-16-32-64-128-265-512-1024 Our knowledge is doubling every year. <;-)

Peter Rosenholm
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"Posted by LBAShareThe Alaska Supreme Court (Court) upheld the decision of the Alaska Workers’ Compensation Board (Board) awarding an AT&T equipment installer 100% disability as a result of his workplace electromagnetic field exposure to radiofrequency (RF) radiation at levels slightly above the FCC RF limit. The award was based on the psychological and cognitive effects of RF radiation and over-exposure. This decision is significant because the FCC RF limit is designed to keep people from being heated and ignores evidence of other adverse biological effects at much lower levels.The RF radiation exposure level in question was well below the FCC’s recognized level of “thermal” harm. The FCC contends that there are no scientifically established harmful health effects below the thermal threshold. The Board decision agrees with the medical experts who found adverse health effects from this RF radiation exposure which occurred above the FCC safety limit but below the thermal threshold. This decision could have a very significant financial impact on the wireless industry going forward.The Alaska Supreme Court found that:Because substantial evidence supports the board’s findings and because the board’s procedural decisions did not deprive AT&T of due process, we affirm the superior court’s judgment that affirmed the board’s ruling.This precedent-setting case opens the door for any wireless industry or maintenance worker who has been exposed to antenna arrays on the job site that have not been shut off to file disability claims should they suffer similar cognitive and neurological symptoms. US wireless service providers are not required to document compliance with FCC RF safety limits by on-site radiation measurements. Millions of workers occupy worksites on a daily basis where operating antenna arrays are camouflaged and where no workplace RF safety program is carried out.BACKGROUNDAT&T worker John Orchitt suffered a slightly elevated RF exposure while installing new computer equipment at a job site where he believed that the amplifier had been turned off before he and his co-worker entered the job site. When the co-worker’s safety meter registered its highest level of RF exposure the two workers realized that there was a problem. They discovered that the engineer who had provided the specifications for their job had misidentified which amplifier needed to be turned off. Orchitt was exposed to a six gigahertz signal operating at approximately 90 watts.Immediately after the accident, Orchitt experienced headaches and eye pain. Later he reported complaints of “mental slowing.” His neurologist ordered an MRI examination which showed “tiny areas of hypersensitivity in the frontal lobes.” The neurologist referred Orchitt to Dr. Marvin Ziskin, professor of radiology and medical physics at Temple University. Dr. Ziskin is also a member of the IEEE”S International Committee on Electromagnetic Safety (ICES). Using information that Orchitt provided, Dr. Ziskin concluded that Orchitt had been overexposed to RF radiation.Orchitt sought treatment at the Brain Injury Association of Alaska. His care provider there issued an opinion stating that he was suffering from a cognitive disorder due to his RF radiation exposure. She provided him with ongoing rehabilitation therapy to address his continuing complaints of mental slowing and mood changes. She also referred him to Dr. Daniel Amen, psychiatrist, who performed a SPECT scan with measures blood flow in the brain to identify functional changes. Dr. Amen concluded that Orchitt had some decreased brain activity as well as depression, and given the history, attributed these neurological impairments to Orchitt’s RF radiation exposure.Numerous subsequent examinations were carried out by the panel of doctors retained by AT&T and also by independent experts retained by the Board, including computer modeling of Orchitt’s RF exposure by Dr. Arthur Guy, professor emeritus of electrical engineering at the University of Washington. Guy has done extensive work in the area of the biological effects of RF radiation. Guy’s comprehensive calculations of the “worst case scenario” produced an exposure that was approximately 9.5% over the FCC’s exposure limits, but “not enough to cause biological effects.”At the conclusion of the hearing process the Board’s decision and order found that Orchitt had been exposed to excessive amounts of RF radiation. The Board decided that Orchitt’s mental deficits and depression were the result of the overexposure. He was awarded temporary total disability and medical benefits.AT&T appealed to the superior court which affirmed the Board’s decision, finding that the decision was supported by substantial evidence and that AT&T’s due process rights had not been violated.AT&T appealed the superior court’s decision to the Alaska Supreme Court. Along with arguing that it was not accorded its due process, AT&T argued that none of the experts upon which the Board relied had sufficient expertise in RF radiation exposure to be able to connect Orchitt’s overexposure to RF radiation.The Alaska Supreme Court decision cites previous case law and states: The board has the sole power to determine witness credibility and assign weight to medical testimony. When medical experts disagree about the cause of an employee’s injury, we have held that as a general rule “it is undeniably the province of the Board and not this court to decide who to believe and who to distrust.’The Court concluded that: The board did not abuse its discretion in its procedural rulings; it therefore did not deny AT&T due process. Because substantial evidence exists in the record to support the board’s findings, we AFFIRM the superior court judgment that affirmed the board’s rulings.*Source: EMR Policy Institute press release (August 20, 2007)NOTE: The EMR Policy Institute has been and advocate for recognition of non-thermal effects of RF radiation, effects not generally accepted by regulatory agencies or “mainstream” RF safety scientists and engineers. This article is provided for information, and does not necessarily reflect the views of the LBA Group companies. " you could establish that EMF causes harm IE radiation sickness in the long term, anyone who would contribute to your EMF, RF exposure could be held to at least account for this. This could include people directly involved with say ...faulty wiring.
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Involuntary Human Experimentation Research and Development continues with the use of Nanotechnology (structures or biomedical devices) the size of which can fit inside a molecule - CHECK OUT BELOW THE excuses THE GOVERNMENT allows themselves TO COME UP WITH FOR necessitating the importance of nonconsensual HUMAN TEST SUBJECT; i.e., guinea pigs which includes the TORTURE INFLICTED ON US that goes along with the experimentation. Imagine the excuse they've come up with for invading and polluting our bodies with nanotechnology; i.e., biomedical devices.

B. "MKULTRA was the principal CIA program

involving the research and development of chemical and biological agents. It was ‘concerned with the research and development of chemical, biological, and radiological materials capable of employment in clandestine operations to control human behavior.’

[ Memorandum from the CIA Inspector General to the Director, 7/26/63 ]

... MKULTRA was approved by the DCI [Director of Central Intelligence] on April 13, 1953 along the lines proposed by ADDP [Associate Deputy Director for Plans] Helms.

... Over the ten-year life of the program, many ‘additional avenues to the control of human behavior’ were designated as appropriate for investigation under the MKULTRA charter. These include ‘radiation, electroshock, various fields of psychology, psychiatry, sociology, and anthropology, graphology, harassment substances, and paramilitary devices and materials.’

... LSD was one of the materials tested in the MKULTRA program. The final phase of LSD testing involved surreptitious administration to unwitting nonvolunteer subjects in normal life settings by undercover officers of the Bureau of Narcotics acting for the CIA.

The rationale for such testing was ‘that testing of materials under accepted scientific procedures fails to disclose the full pattern of reactions and attributions that may occur in operational situations.’

[ Inspector General Report on MKULTRA, 1963, p. 21 ]

... The late 1940s and early 1950s were marked by concern over the threat posed by the activities of the Soviet Union, the People's Republic of China, and other Communist bloc countries. United States concern over the use of chemical and biological agents by these powers was acute.

The belief that hostile powers had used chemical and biological agents in interrogations, brainwashing, and in attacks designed to harass, disable, or kill Allied personnel created considerable pressure for a ‘defensive’ program to investigate chemical and biological agents so that the intelligence community could understand the mechanisms by which these substances worked and how their effects could be defeated.

... As the Deputy Director for Plans, Richard Helms, wrote the Deputy Director of Central Intelligence during discussions which led to tile cessation of unwitting testing:

‘While I share your uneasiness and distaste for any program which tends to intrude upon an individual's private and legal prerogatives, I believe it is necessary that the Agency maintain a central role in this activity, keep current on enemy capabilities the manipulation of human behavior, and maintain an offensive capability.’

[Memorandum for the Deputy Director of Central Intelligence from the Deputy Director for Plans, 12/17/63, pp. 2-3 ]

... On December 17, 1963, Deputy Director for Plans Helms wrote a memo to the DDCI, who with the Inspector General and the Executive Director-Comptroller had opposed the covert testing. He noted two aspects of the problem:

(1) ‘for over a decade the Clandestine Services has had the mission of maintaining a capability for influencing human behavior;’ and

(2) ‘testing arrangements in furtherance of this mission should be as operationally realistic and yet as controllable as possible.’

Helms argued that the individuals must be ‘unwitting’ as this was ‘the only realistic method of maintaining the capability, considering the intended operational use of materials to influence human behavior as the operational targets will certainly be unwitting. Should the subjects of the testing not be unwitting, the program would only be ‘pro forma’ resulting in a ‘false sense of accomplishment and readiness.’’

[Memorandum for the Record prepared by the Inspector General, 5/15/63]

... Helms noted that because of the suspension of covert testing, the Agency's ‘positive operational capability to use drugs is diminishing, owing to a lack of realistic testing. With increasing knowledge of the state of the art, we are less capable of staying up with Soviet advances in this field.’

[ Memorandum from DDP Helms to DCI, 6/9/64, pp 1-2. ]"

Project MKULTRA, the CIA’s Program of Behavior Modification,
Appendix A, XVII. Testing And Use Of Chemical
And Biological Agents By The Intelligence Community,
Joint Hearing before the Select Committee on Intelligence,
U.S. Senate, 95th Congress, 1977

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#1022 Psychology Today: Mass Surveillance and State Control

Mass Surveillance and State Control: The Total Information Awareness Project
by Psychology Today

My Comment:
They are further along than you think
Submitted by Peter Rosenholm on November 29, 2010 - 6:07am.

Thank you for this article. I just watched where separate courts arebeing set up for soldiers and police. They might need specialconsideration after committing a crime because of PTSD and such.
Another separation is involuntary human experimentation. Today being put under a FISA surveillance leaves the target no legal recourse for attacks and experiments done by mind control and human behavior modification techniques, another name for torture with directed
energy weapons like MEDUSA and V2K. The court is one sided and thesurveillance can be ordered with only an accusation by law enforcement.The accused can not defend themselves or be represented by legalcouncil. There are thousands already under these programs meeting up online discussing the group stalking, chipping and no-touch-tortureemployed on them. All seem to be decent people and some are whistleblowers. Authorities ignore any complaint by these people and will notwrite anything up to leave a paper trail. Of course authorities are notallowed to comment on an on going investigation. These are life longinvestigations though, even conducted in the privacy of the victims ownhome. Night after night while the target is stationary some of the worstthings are done. I found medical records that police had mehospitalized while they searched my home for bomb making materials. Ihad legally bought the materials for refilling bullets for hunting and
the range, but nothing was ever said to me and no charges were filed.That is all it takes today because unfortunately there is a shortage ofactual domestic terrorists in the US today. It actually seemed more likethey were trying to evoke a violent reaction on my part through theirefforts.
The sad thing is federal grants to universities are actually funding anddriving the development into these areas of study that are invasive tous even if they are covert in nature like the surveillance and no touchtorture. They are far further along than many might guess.
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Ozone, O3 has been used clilnically to clean blood Intra venously (IV) in certain countries like Russia, Cuba

and I think US for decades.

Would like to highlight this therapy here for discussion and maybe ring a bell to any TIs who find situation has

become unbearable, as an option. Ozone just oxidize impurities and also micro organisms during the IV filtration.

Please google search. There is one clinic in Malaysia as I know, the doctor was trained in Germany. But I will not try it for the moment. It costs MYR500 per session (half hour) and takes 4 or 5 sessions for a old aged patient to relieve from high blood, cardio related problems, high cholesterol etc etc.

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"Building wiring can be, and often is, responsible for high electromagnetic fields (EMFs) in the home, school and workplace. High levels of EMFs can aggravate, or even cause, a number of chronic health problems.""llnesses such as cancer and depression, are associated with living in electromagnetic fields above 0.2 microtesla (magnetic field) and ME has also been linked with high electric fields (measured in volts per metre)." Russians call this "microwave sickness". The faulty wiring part, I think, is crossing the hot wire with a neutral. This can induce many of the health problems many TIs experience. This could be a large part of the "crazy making" part of the program. What it really is is an induced electromagnetic sensitivty.The way to test for heavy elctromagnetic fields is to use a transistor radio set at AM 530 with the volume set high, this will give you an audio representation of the potential EMF found in your living space.
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I went to the church, and I donated so many stuffs because of peculiar EgyptAir baggage limit policy. I shared my precious holy waters from Croatia and Lourdes, France. I also gave some other private things to slim down my suitcase.

The EgyptAir office was funny right after I entered this afternoon. The security man near the entrance suddenly got phone call and left the building. The people in the counter remained there and the employees were still the same. Then only the counter 11 and 8 started to get 3-4 customers for each seat. After 20 minutes or so, my turn came. Meanwhile, I saw the guy at the casher put a white vase on the window to the right corner. I don't really know why they are acting like that when a TI came in. I saw a white woman who did not take the number just took the seat next to the left end of the counter. And others just reminded on the seat and only two were moved from their seat when their numbers were called at the counter 11 and 8. Did they just made up the numbers and tried to be pretend to be the customers but only used two counters to reduce the complexity of the customer-employee setting? Perps often do this like that.

By the way, 485DDF is perp's car licence number. I saw suspicious 4 young men riding on the car with custom parts and looking at me especially at night.

At the church today, I did not see the woman with the scarf similar to I bought at Budapest visiting the dinner table inside. Instead, I experienced a strange occasion. It was a wide basement room build below the church and sounds are heard to quite far. I started to experience vibration on my body around the area of my neck to the chest. Also, I started to experience my ear drams are ringing very hard as if they catch really high pitch tones. The water in the water bottle on the table was waving like in the sea. The waving did not stop, so it might be related with how I felt the vibration on my body.

The school now got a student, Fernando, from Brazil. I don't know why my school always getting the students relate with where I travel or visited; Japan, US, UK, Switzerland, Italy, and Brazil.

They seem to be targeting my watch for next move at the custom, and the perps wants to take my pendant in somewhere. I don't know how this would happen tomorrow or in Italy.

I might not have connection for few days, but it's just my luck to find an Internet Cafe.
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This was posted in FFCHS Newsletter. I didn't know if you've seen it.

Wednesday, November 17, 2010Last Update: 8:36 AM PT

CIA Must Disclose Data on Human Experiments

(CN) - A federal magistrate judge in San Francisco ordered the CIA to produce specific records and testimony about the human experiments the government allegedly conducted on thousands of soldiers from 1950 through 1975.
Three veterans groups and six individual veterans sued the CIA and other government agencies, claiming they used about 7,800 soldiers as human guinea pigs to research biological, chemical and psychological weapons.
The experiments, many of which took place at Edgewood Arsenal and Fort Detrick in Maryland, allegedly exposed test subjects to chemicals, drugs and electronic implants. Though the soldiers volunteered, they never gave informed consent, because the government didn't fully disclose the risks, the veterans claimed. They were also required to sign an oath of secrecy, according to the complaint.
The veterans filed three sets of document requests to find out who was tested, what substances they were given, and how it affected them. Between October and April, the government produced about 15,000 pages of heavily redacted records, most of which related to the named plaintiffs only.
The CIA argued that much of the information requested was protected under the Privacy Act and the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act.
U.S. Magistrate Judge James Larson acknowledged that some of the requests were too broad and ordered the veterans to be more specific and to reduce the total number of requests.
For example, Larson said the plaintiffs' definition of "test program" is "overbroad," as it not only named experimental programs like "Bluebird," "Artichoke" and "MKUltra," but also included "any other program of experimentation involving human testing of any substance, including but not limited to 'MATERIAL TESTING PROGRAM EA 1729.'"
He ordered the veterans to provide a list of specific test programs and test substances.
But once the plaintiffs narrow their requests, Larson said, they are entitled to most of the information. Each government agency must respond individually to each request, he said, and if an agency denies any request, it must explain -- in sufficient detail -- why the records are purportedly privileged.
The CIA has already claimed that some documents are protected under the state-secrets privilege, but Larson said the agency needs to be more specific. He asked for a "supplemental declaration explaining with heightened specificity" why the documents are considered state secrets. Because these documents might contain sensitive information, the judge allowed the CIA to file the declaration under seal.
Larson rejected the government's bid to limit the scope of discovery, saying doing so "removes the remaining hurdle" for the CIA to respond to the veterans' sets of requests.
"Defendants should respond in earnest to Plaintiffs' discovery requests, regardless of any ongoing or prior searches, investigations, or litigation," Larson wrote. He said the government can't limit disclosure to information about the six individual plaintiffs.
The CIA insisted discovery was unwarranted in its case, because it never funded or conducted drug research on military personnel.
Larson wasn't convinced.
"[T]his court rejects the conclusion that the CIA necessarily lacks a nexus to Plaintiffs' claims, and orders the CIA to respond in earnest" to the veterans' requests, "particularly because defendants have presented evidence that would appear to cast doubt on that conclusion," he wrote.
The government also tried to avoid deposition, claiming too much time had passed since the alleged experiments, and any witnesses familiar with the projects likely no longer work for the government. The CIA further argued, unsuccessfully, that the court should stay discovery until the Department of Defense completes its investigation of the experiments.
Larson reminded the CIA that it "cannot use the DoD investigation as an excuse to avoid discovery responsibilities."
He then addressed which topics are fair game for deposition, saying the government must produce witnesses to testify about the following: communication between the VA and test subjects on their health care claims; a 1963 CIA Inspector General report on an experiment called MKUltra, and the basis for each redaction on that report; the scope and conduct of document searches; the doses and effects of substances administered to test subjects; any contract or research proposals concerning the experiments; a confidential Army memo about the use of volunteers in research; all government-led human experiments from 1975 to date, but only those that involve specific drugs; and whether the government secretly administered MKUltra materials to "the patrons of prostitutes" in safe houses in New York and San Francisco, as the veterans claimed.
Judge Larson ruled for the CIA on other issues, however, saying the agency's not required to testify about test subjects who withdrew their consent or refused to participate; devices allegedly implanted into certain test subjects; the alleged use of patients at VA hospitals as guinea pigs in chemical and biological weapons experiments; or the drug research studies conducted by Dr. Paul Hoch, who was purportedly funded by the government and caused the death of a patient named Harold Blauer.
Though Larson declined to sanction the government, as the veterans sought, he warned that he would impose sanctions for any "future unjustifiable discovery recalcitrance."
Named plaintiffs are the Vietnam Veterans of America, Swords to Plowshare, the Veterans Rights Organization, Bruce Price, Franklin D. Rochelle, Larry Meirow, Eric P. Muth, David C. Dufrane and Wray C. Forrest. document.ico

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Now I will write something that probable will upset some of you. But, this community is important in making progress for recognizion and belief in both media and among people that are not victims. I send posts to newspaper and so on, and then advise them to go in to this community and have a look for them self, that so many worlwide are victims of this horror. Still, there are a lot of posts here that do not have anything to do at all with mind control and electronic harassments. If we are gonna be heard and taken seriously, it is important to only put in posts that are serious and are not rubbish. Otherwise we will be suspected to be really "crazy" and that is the least thing we need right now.

So pls everebody, if you have something one your mind-and I know for sure,the perps can play with us, so that you don´t know what´s reality and what´s imagination in the end-send messages to eachother instead, do not post it as a blogpost or a discussion. Otherwise we can not advise people, relatives, media etc. to go in here and read. So that they believe this is really happening in this world 2010 to people that are NOT mentally ill and NOT crazy, just had the very bad luck to be a victim of this science cruelty that is going on worldwide. I hope I don´t upset someone too much by this post, but this is important to remember.

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I have been experiencing the EH that seems to be artificially caused but the result seems from the natural cause. For example, when I climbed up Mt. Sinai, I heard V2K talking about the high altitude. Soon, I started to get the breathing problem and sudden tiredness. My feet started shaking as if I'm exhausted from the walk. Normally, I could feel the muscle pain little by little and I would start to feel the need of taking a rest at a rest area when I go hiking. However, the my feet did not have any pain but I felt they are just shaking and I could not put power to brace my legs to the ground.It's November already and getting cold or flu is normal. In my case, I started to have problem of coughing by sudden heating or pressure from just the below of my tongue attached in the throat. Because liquid (saliva)was continuously coming out from that area, I started coughing as it started to flow into my lungs. It was to distract my research activities.Next, I was in the train, and found out no one sat near my seat for 15 minutes or so. The seat next to me was empty, and the rows in front and the back are the same. Then I caught cold.When I try to sleep in my bed, I started to feel my throat suddenly heated up and got very high fever around my throat for last 2 days. I did not do anything at home.For the throat problem, I feel the area my tongue attached near throat to the center of the tongue in my mouth bloating. It gets white color and became dry. I don't know if these are something relating with the EH on the throat area.Also, I became really sensitive to smoke from the people smoking cigallets.
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Gaia aka the Earth is the Nephilim Home.

Nibiru is a mother ship approximately the size of Earth.

It takes about a millennium to make the elliptical orbit necessary to maintain the Universal membranes and the amount of energy they contain within each dimension.

The Nephilim are the original Masons and build the membranes and structures such as the planets.

Sofia is Machqui and creates the energy that fills each layer. There is a fixed amount of energy in each layer.

In the beginning they chemical interactions are begun under a dome called an e.din.

After this is established an atmospheric membrane is created and then the chemicals reactions that can sustain life such as oxygen, hydrogen and carbon dioxide to name but a few are increased, expanded and maintained artificially by a pyramid reactor with a crystal on top of it that acts like a pressure cooker and releases a regulated energy flow until the filling of the atmospheric layer is completed and adjusted for the species that is to inhabit the new planet. This is continued until a state of equilibrium through osmosis is reached.

If the membranes are not maintained and the energy not adjusted to accommodate the degree of life it must support the universal layer will collapse in on itself.

The Nephilim maintain all of the Universes and their layers. During this time Atlantis is usually submerged in Bimini at a very deep level that hu.mans can not explore due to the extreme pressure at such a depth.

During one of the routine maintenance rounds several species called Amdromedan, Liran and Pleadian trespassed and set up homes on Earth without permission. Upon the return of Nibiru they were told to go home and take the progeny they had created with them during their unauthorized stay, however they claimed there was insufficient room on their ships and they would have to build accommodations for the additional beings. After hearing numerous excuses as to why they had not done as they were told, the Nephilim set a timer to denote how much time remained for them to accomplish this task.

There is not time in the universe like here on Gaia because it was never an actual clock it was a timer. As it came close to the end of their allotted time they decided they did not want to assume responsibility for the life they had created and abandoned when they were forced to leave and suggested that the Nephilim terminate the others due to corrupt behavior that they did not wish to bring into their own Universal Sector.

This was unacceptable behavior as the Nephilim take creation seriously. If you create life you also be responsible for that which you choose to create and nurture it.

For their transgression against GOD by trespassing when he was away they were simply told to go home and do not come and visit after they remove everyone.

For their transgression against those they left behind and failed to see value in they were recently genocide along with their own universes as this behavior is not permitted.

These individuals were considered level 1 civilization and called themselves Anazazi, Mayan, Aztec, etc. This is why there was a sudden disappearance of civilizations which appeared to be more advanced than those they left behind.

There is not much information about the Nephilim because we are very private about our personal lives.

The timer was to run out in 2012 however since the ones who trespassed against hu.manity no longer exist new accommodations are being made for everyone. While you may not have seemed important to those who left you behind you are very important to us.

We have actually been on surface Gaia for some time working on new e.dins so everyone will have a safe place to live.

The most disturbing thing about this is that those who left you entrusted you with energy weapons such as these:


Syntel – synthetic telepathy

S Quad – SSSS – silent sound

V2K – voice to skull


MIT Media Lab 6th sense

While these may have originally seemed like great new inventions to use on each other no one bothered to tell you that these irradiate the handler more than they irradiate the targeted individuals. They are the same type of energy used by the arc of the covenant and are meant to be used in dimensions where there is a more rapid movement of molecules which renders them harmless to those with the physiology to exist in such dimensional densities.

It is much like water and steam – when you heat the water it turns to steam and rises in a gas state and can permeate surfaces that solids cannot pass through.

So due to this situation not only has the energy been usurped by this technology but the majority of individuals here are being affected by the radiation.

If this wasn’t enough the Nazi’s in their infinite lack of wisdom decided they could create a super soldier and here is the methodology they used:

- Chemical exchange in the body is done using a key and keyhole method. Another way to think of this is like the game board we had as kids with holes, squares, stars cut out and then pieces that would fit into them. Everyone knows you can not fit a square peg in one shaped like a circle.

- When the body needs something like sugar or any other substance that is necessary for it to function disease free as intended the organ that regulates that process releases a chemical messenger into the blood stream and it circulates until it comes across a cell membrane where it fits and it slips into that space.

- The membrane then sends a message to something called RNA that it has an order for something and needs the blueprint to build it.

- RNA goes to the middle of the cell called the nucleus where the DNA is kept. The DNA is the basic blueprint for everything the body needs. It tells the DNA that the body has placed an order for something specific and the instructions for that single specific protein is given to the RNA when then travels back to the cell membrane and releases the instructions into the blood stream.

- These instructions then circulate in the blood stream until they reach the organ that actually builds the protein to make exactly what the body needed to run in tip top shape.

Hitler’s Dr. Mengele in his infinite state of ignorance and arrogance decided to develop a system that would chemically intercept the RNA after it got the necessary DNA blueprint and traveling back to the cell membrane where it was to be released into the blood stream.

This caused the altered instructions to be released and therefore the body built something other than what it ordered and needed. This is responsible for many diseases but the most troubling to me are those that cause irregular cell growth and those that spontaneously mutate much in the way an artificial intelligence computer virus does.

Cancer and most skin problems are caused by irregular cell division.

Virus’ such as AIDS, HIV, Herpes and the common colds are not curable because they spontaneously mutate and therefore become resistant to anything that tries to kill them.

The Human Genome Project released the results of their study and 10% of our genetics actually contribute to who we are. They also disclosed the fact that the remaining 90% of non contributory was comprised of 28 different alien species.

Hitler had no problem using humans as non consensual guinea pigs for medical research and neither does the MIT Media Lab.

Now we come to the reason that hu.mans are experiencing such bazaar things such as morgellans disease. It has been proven beyond a shadow of a doubt that MIT has been illegally adding RNA interceptors for diseases and also including the alien genes to the satellite transmission, ring tones of nokia phones and scalar beams they direct at innocent unknowing people worldwide.

They have absolutely no idea what these other species are so the track and monitor these targeted individuals just watching them and waiting to see what happens.

They are aided by jobbers that write codes to execute these genes most of which live in Delhi and Russia. The information on this is easily found online by doing a google search for Dr. Peter Garaiev who openly brags of his self proclaimed GOD like ability to change by morphogenesis and embryonic holography a frog into a salamander by creating a holograph of the salamander embryo and then shining a low read laser through the holograph into the frog embryo. This causes the frog embryo genetic structure to reorganization into that of the salamander.

We all like science fiction but not when performed on unknowing hu.mans.

These links are site that explain the entire procedure.

MIT then decided they would create designer disease and they apply for grants to cure them.

We are correcting this situation as they may play Haarp, Darpa and Gwen but they do not play the angelic harp and every time one of the corrupt sound waves bounces the universal membrane it is recorded and sent to the universal matrix which alerts the Nephilim.

This is not the first time this crime has been perpetrated against hu.manity and these individuals knowing did this to the innocent. THE GUILTY WILL ALL BE HELD ACCOUNTABLE BY GOD




SUPREME COMMANDER LORD ANU - aka Anubis leader of ANU World Order

SUPREME COMMANDER LORD EN - aka Enlil, Jehovah, Yahweh

SUPREME COMMANDER LORD EA – aka Enki, Lucifer, Samael, Jesus Christ

EA’s SOFIA – Enki’s Sofia, Sofia of Christ, Magdalene,Lillith

I am Sofia - wife of Supreme Commander Lord EA and daughter of Supreme Commander Lord Anu

Mother of RA – aka Amun Ra, Marduk, James the child chased through the streets at the crucifixion by Roman soldiers, JP

Mother of Ava Maria - aka the HOLY GRAIL. I carried her in utero when we landed in France after the crucifixion and gave birth to her at Masada
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to soleilmavis

soleilmavis your a beautiful person they're the dirty one's not you! your heart is massive you give great strength to all us true ti's there's a lot of love for you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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#1018 legal, productive and non-violent work we can do

I have a
TI who called me who once did something like that and ended up writing a
threatening letter. He was actually lucky in that he only got 5 years

He was desperate to stop his targeting and his brother had died.
I read the writings of another man who wrote a letter to Cheryl Welsh. He got
locked up in a mental hospital by his states Attorney General. This is how many
of us have had that happen. My Attorney General would never answer that question
when I posed it to them. This man though was force injected with Resperitol. He
wrote letter after letter apologizing and begging help to stop the forced injections.
He ended up committing suicide in the mental
Our targeting would be a crime should we ever be allowed to plead our case to
a jury, but we don't get that oopportunitypossibly because the one sided FISA
court has been turned against the American people. These fusion centers are
armed to the hilt with
covert weapons, surveillance and man power.
I never wrote a threatening letter but was still committed and tortured brutally for
twelve days. I have found a number of TIs that only wrote letters to their elected
officials about illegal iimmigrationand then became TIs.
Although I ssympathizewith anyone going through the torture we do, don't make it
worst because it can be worst. It can be deadly. In this country there is a history of
making change by exposing crimes and unfair practices by our government through
peacefully exposing these practices. That is the only way I can see for us to
do something about our torture. I know they are
trying to stop this ability of the people but this is where our efforts need to be focused.
In a FOIA request on CIA logs I was only able to see the titles. They are writing
reports/logs onstuff like:

pg2 10-5-2006 F-2007-0004 CD SET OF MKULTRA &BLUEBIRD? ARTICHOKE

pg3 10-12-2006 F2007-00075 MKULTRA, BLUEBIRD,ARTICHOKE,SLEEP


pg3 10-13-2006 F2007-00092 1973 CIA IG REPORT,693 PAGE STUDY,






pg9 11-30-2006 F-2007-00369 LYME DISEASE

pg9 12-1-2006 F-2007-00383 MKULTRA

pg10 12-1-2006 F-2007-00391 MKULTRA & BLUEBIRD/ARTICHOKE RECORDS


pg13 1-5-2007 F-2007-00530 NOWTHATSFUCKEDUP.COM




pg15 1-26-2007 F-2007-00691 MIND CONTROL USED ON US CITIZENS

Now that last one would be in reference to us I imagine. The logs
listed were of just a little more than a three month period. There is
far more in this FOIA request than what I just listed. F-2007-00663 was
that to silence the president the day after 911? f-2007-00629 is this
admission of CIA involvment in drugs? MKULTRA is all over this, is it
true as David Larson said that MKULRA is funded through 2011?

This is legal, productive and non-violent work we can do to try and expose what has been happening to us.

I will have to read F-2007-00530

Peter Rosenholm

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