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John Verichip
John N. Anubis Info On Towers East And Locations Of Masters In New England.
John Verichip As For Mike He Dentys Implants Alot He Talks To. He Has A Neighbor ThatMoved In And I Do Not Know Who He Is The Guy Talked to Mike About a Chipand I Know He Knows About a Implant He Keeps Asking How It Can Be True.Im Sure He Knows Alot O...fStuff Mike Went On Tour He Might Have Been Connected To By Another AndAltered This Is What Digital Dose And There Are Others Afraid To BeCaught Digital Was Made By Danny Castillo. There Were 2 Others MyselfAnd MY Wife May Have Been Put On A Violent Offenders Frequency SomePeople Got Off Of It And Learned To Hack. Mike Dose Not Know Every ThingThere Were Mods Made There Is a Rapist Mod Made By Danny Going AroudPaul Frances And Dennis Smith Were On His Side Of The Was In This War.Some Of These People Were Digitly Altered With A Mod I Have Been Tryingto Stop It for Years. It's Basicly Scripts And Embeddings There AlteredThe Implants I Mode A Way To Beat Them On 2007 2008. This Is MoreProgramming But Around New England There Telling Others Not To TalkAbout The Implants And They Have Been Attacking Them. This is How Theyare Hideing Themself. They Have Been Trying To Get Intro Chips To AlterThem For Year. I Finally Got Some Of Them Caught and Word Is Starting ToSpread. This Is Basicly A Implant Virus Mike Knew Jason Swift. A PersonThat Was Killed Years Ago in 2008. The Police Shot Him. These OtherGuys Might Have Took Off. This Is The History Of What Happened. MikesFriends Knew Jasosn They Through A Memorial Concert For 3 Years,. ButPeople Are Just Statrting To Find Out About It Here. Most Do Not Know IHad To Do Alot Of To Get This Found Around This Part Of The Country.This is Why Mike Is Claiming Im Crazy. He Know Or He Dose Not Know. ThisMods Was Made To Master People With Programing And There Are Alot OfPeople That Have It. It Needs To Be Found And Fixed. The People InvolvedTalk All Nice Some of Them And Then They Try To Do Stuff To Others. ThePolice Will Not Talk About It. But If Mike Dose Not Know The They Wouldnot Tell Him About It And Try To Get Him To Talk To Others Alter Him ToLie About It. Some People He Met Might Not Be Good For Him And TheyWill Not Tell Him About Everything. One Minute He Knows About TheImplant Now He Discredits What I Know This Is Some Of The Behavior OfThe Ones That Were Involved In This. The Clears Hollutionations OfPeople That Are Not There Guy Potter Reported Seeing One All The Way InCalifornia. So This Is Very Far Spread. It's All Programing It Needs ToBe Fixed. And I Know No One Else That's Implanted To Help. So PeopleNeed to Find Out To Fix It All. I Have A Page A out It Mike Keeps SayingIt's Contradicting Myself It's 4 Years Of Info On How This Started. ILinked It Before In Facebook If You Scroll Down Please Excuse TheLanguage But Before I Found The Other TI's ( Targeted Individuals ). NowIm Open The Side Of The TI's Trying To Help And Give Info To Fix ThisAll. But I Was Stuck On A Feguencie With Only A Few People For Years IFinally Found Other People To Let Know About It.
MAYBE, just maybe, Jack Smith will be a man
and call off the local dogs who torture innocent
civilians with V2K (Voice to Skull, Voice Of God technology)
and microwave burn weapons that the DOJ passed down
from DOD to local governments.
These are similar to the microwave burn weapons that
will be used in LA jails for "non-lethal" prisoner control.
They are made by good old reliable Raytheon who
over charged the city $750,000.00 & will soon
come up with a hand held similar burn ray weapon.
This is done by and with the cooperation
of active local law enforcement or
private security (retired LE). I and
People like Dr Vaughan Bell (Mind Hacks) dismissed them
as paranoid schizophrenics, he was wrong.
List Of TowersEast My Resadance List Of People Some Are TI's
( Targeted Individuals ) Some Are Masters. Please Read I Need To Know
If Any Of Them Are Know As Stalkers Or Wanted For Electronic Harassmnet.
This Is On My Swedish Server Host. Other People That Were Implanted May Have Been Pawtucket Labor Ready Workers And From Other Labor Readys In New England In Rhode Island, Massachusetts The Go To Jobs Sights With The Franchise In and Connecticut. Alot Of Them Migrate To Job Sights In All 3 States And I Got Info Some Masters Were Working There And And Some Of Them. May Have Been Involved In Attacks On Others Involving Some People Who Had a Chip Problem With Doing Thigs To TI's ( Targeted Individuals ) Includeing Sexual Harassment Also. Trying To Master People Into Sex. In The Past 1 - 2 Years. Some Of These People Tryed To Make Money Off Of Selling Women For Sex By Mastering Them Into It. And Repeativley Imposeing Themself On Women. More Then Ferquently. Frequently Offering Drugs That Others didn't Want Also.
My Wife Jennifer Was Also Targeted On Job Sights.
I Figure It's Posably Rape Altering Ones Mind To Be Agreeable For Sex Is Rape.
Maybe They Should Look Into This And Make Some Laws.
Remote Neural Monitoring : A Technology Used For Controlling Human Brain
80HAVE you ever thought about something you never shared with anyone, and havebeen horror-struck at the mere thought of someone coming to know aboutyour little secret? If you have, then you probably have all the morereason to be paranoid now thanks to new and improved security systemsbeing developed around the world to deal with terrorism thatinadvertently end up impinging on one's privacy.
Some of the countries involved in such programmes include USA, UK, Spain,Germany and France. Recently, the National Security Agency (NSA) of theUS has developed a very efficient method of controlling the humanbrain. This technology is called Remote Neural Monitoring (RNM) and isexpected to revolutionise crime detection and investigation.What is it?
RNM works remotely to control the brain in order to read and detect anycriminal thought taking place inside the mind of a possibleperpetrator. Research studies have shown that the human brain thinks ata rate of about 5000 bits per second and does not have the capacity tocompete with supercomputers performing via satellites, implants andbiotelemetry. The human brain has a distinctive set of bioelectricresonance system. For the RNM system, supercomputers are being usedand, thus, with its help, supercomputers can send messages through animplanted person's nervous system in order to influence theirperformance in a desired way.
RNM has been developed after about 50 years of neuro-electromagnetic involuntary humanexperimentations. According to many scientists, within a few years itis expected that DNA microchips will be implanted in the human brainwhich would make it inherently controllable. With RNM, it will bepossible to read and control a person's emotional thought processesalong with the subconscious and dreams. At present, around the world,supercomputers are monitoring millions of people simultaneously withthe speed of 20 billion bits per second especially in countries likeUSA, Japan, Israel and many European countries.RNM has aset of certain programs functioning at different levels, like thesignals intelligence system which uses electromagnetic frequencies(EMF), to stimulate the brain for RNM and the electronic brain link(EBL). The EMF Brain Stimulation system has been designed as radiationintelligence which means receiving information from inadvertentlyoriginated electromagnetic waves in the environment. However, it is notrelated to radioactivity or nuclear detonation. The recording machinesin the signals intelligence system have electronic equipment thatinvestigate electrical activity in humans from a distance. Thiscomputer-generated brain mapping can constantly monitor all electricalactivities in the brain. The recording aid system decodes individualbrain maps for security purposes.What does it do?
For purposes of electronic evaluation, electrical activity in the speechcentre of the brain can be translated in to the subject's verbalthoughts. RNM can send encoded signals to the auditory cortex of thebrain directly bypassing the ear. This encoding helps in detectingaudio communication. It can also perform electrical mapping of thebrain's activity from the visual centre of the brain, which it does bybypassing the eyes and optic nerves, thus projecting images from thesubject's brain onto a video monitor. With this visual and audiomemory, both can be visualised and analysed. This system can, remotelyand non-invasively, detect information by digitally decoding the evokedpotentials in 30-50Hz, 5 millwatt electromagnetic emissions from thebrain. The nerves produce a shifting electrical pattern with a shiftingmagnetic flux which then puts on a constant amount of electromagneticwaves. There are spikes and patterns which are called evoked potentialsin the electromagnetic emission from the brain. The interesting partabout this is that the entire exercise is carried out without anyphysical contact with the subject.
The EMF emissions from the brain can be decoded into current thoughts, images and sounds in thesubject's brain. It sends complicated codes and electromagnetic pulsesignals to activate evoked potentials inside the brain, thus generatingsounds and visual images in the neural circuits. With its speech,auditory and visual communication systems, RNM allows for a completeaudio-visual brain to brain link or a brain-to-computer link.
Of course, the mechanism needs to decode the resonance frequency of eachspecific site to modulate the insertion of information in that specificlocation of the brain. RNM can also detect hearing via electromagneticmicrowaves, and it also features the transmission of specific commandsinto the subconscious, producing visual disturbances, visualhallucinations and injection of words and numbers in to the brainthrough electromagnetic radiation waves. Also, it manipulates emotionsand thoughts and reads thoughts remotely, causes pain to any nerve ofthe body, allows for remote manipulation of behaviour, controls sleeppatterns through which control over communication is made easy. Thiscan be used for crime investigation and security management.
With all the given benefits of RNM for tracking the illicit and treacherousactivities, there are many concerns and risks being pointed out byhuman rights activists and other scientists. The agencies of humanrights around the world have criticised RNM as a violation of basichuman rights because it violates privacy and the dignity of thoughtsand activities of life. Several countries have protested against it andrefer to it as an attack on their human and civil rights. Thescientists protesting against the use of RNM believe that people whohave been implanted involuntarily become biological robots and guineapigs for RNM activities in the guise of security. This is an importantbiological concern related to microchip implantation, which is a hiddentechnology using microwave radiations for the control of the mind.
Scientists believe that like leukemia and the cancerous risks posed by mobilephones which also emit microwaves, RNM can also pose similar threats toa subject's overall health as the heating effect of tissues with thespeed of light is a known effect of high powered microwave andelectromagnetic pulse weapons.
Thus, RNM remains a controversial technology which is being used in many countries for security maintenance and surveillance.
August 13, 2010
Federal Bureau of Investigation
Federal Building
11 Elmwood Avenue
Burlington, Vermont 05402
Re: Violations of Civil Rights of Lynn Clarise Bahrenburg
Criminal Stalking – Electronic Harassment
To Whom It May Concern:
The FBI is the lead agency for investigating violations of federal civil rights laws. Your website states that your agency takes that responsibility seriously yet I have seen no evidence of it.
I have not heard from you regarding previous correspondence advising you that U. S. military stealth weapons are being used against me for the purpose of intending to do the following: Frighten, terrorize, threaten, harass, injure and kill. This applies to family members as well. I am asking once again for your agency to do its job and look into the matter.
My son has had his Driver’s License stolen as well as his U. S. Passport and cell phone containing an extensive listing of friends and business acquaintances. They have threatened to do harm to my son and in the past year alone he has been caused great bodily distress including projectile vomiting on (3) separate occasions. He is also being subjected to enormous stress and subliminal messaging into his brain in an effort to destroy not only our relationship but his career at a time when he needs to be healthy and focusing on a career change.
As you know, it is being carried out by devices used to emit or radiate an electronic or electromagnetic pulse, current, beam, signal or microwave intended to cause harm to me and my family and also to destroy or disrupt my electronic equipment.
There seems to be no punishment for these criminals and their stalking cohorts who have caused me great personal injury and property damage. Criminals in high places who are allowed to go about freely without penalty and the Federal Bureau of Investigation keeps silent about the assault and abuse that targets me 24/7 compliments of United States government agents and agencies.
Enclosed are identities of a few lead stalkers here in your Burlington area. You may or may not be interested in adding their names to the FBI’s list of criminals allowed to roam the streets freely stalking single men and women and young girls.
Very truly yours,
Lynn Bahrenburg
cc: Attorney General Eric Holder, U.S. Department of Justice 950 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW, Washington, DC 20530-0001
Morgellons Exposed - Telling The Truth You Were Never Supposed To Know. FaceBook John Verichip
Social network website has many features like blogging and others. It would be nice to know others who are on the list more, so that only few active people from the list is not the ones capable of communicating to each other. If it's possible, the people on the list might be able to create a group to join and to know each other in the discussion. Because the list has been awhile on the net, and we don't know what happened to all the people who voluntary filled the form. I thought it helps to keep the victims tied in one place together.
The point is that the survey was done by the mail team and some team members have own social networks, so it would be nice if one of them who is interested in this option could take the responsibility and contact the people on the list for invitation to the network to belong.
Like, I've been a TI since 2006, so it's already 4 years for me. I am just curious how others who have been on the lists doing. Like it's a chance of reunion, you know.
automatic reaction where my mind generates it's
own responses....thought broadcasting in the voice
of our mercenary "friends".
So much crap has
been downloaded into my brain that anytime
I'm not concentrating on a particular thing
my brain mechanically and automatically goes into repetitive
machine generated talk. This sounds like out loud
speech but it isn't. It's thought broadcasting
which comes about when you are sleep deprived.
How much of my "conversation" with tortureboys
is just me generating both ends of the conversation?
A lot. This is why "they" don't want you talking out loud.
My mind is entrained to generate responses that I
think are V2K but it's just me talking to myself.
Anyone unfamiliar with remote torture will
naturally conclude that, 'yes you are talking
to yourself and yes you are crazy'.
This is why it is so easy to get away with this stuff.
It can never be proved that I am not crazy b/c
it is common for ppl with scz to say just that.
This is why
How devious is that?