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Manhattan Project Backstep- how Bad Science must be undone to restore humanity to individuality
Shielding technologies and strategies to lessen and stop directed energy.A radio Show I do along with Chris from that looks at very useful shielding technologies from a company that makes shielding for the medical industry and the US Dept of Defense as well as the FAA, NSA and private companies like Hitachi Corporation as well as private individuals for protection from unwanted, unwarrented, Illegal directed energy.http://www.ramayes.comFreedom Fighters for America (world) and Manhattan Project Bakcstep March 18th 2009 with Eric Evansthe link above is a conf call that provides very useful solutions to solving some of the problems of directed energy.Manhattan Project Backsep Radio Show May 21-2008 with Dave Case, Dale Wahl, Ron Angell, Helen Roedrig, Carolyn PalitHere is a Radio Show that was done on May 21st 2008- Manhattan Project Backstep- how to figure out the bad science from Good Science and undue the sinister purpose on ALL humanityThe Call above was with Dave Case who worked on the infa red interface to the human brain for the US Air force and it was at the time a helmet worn to control aircraft. It was then discussed that this technology was to be put in space as satellites and interfaced with DARPA.Also Dale Wahl is on the call and he describes a system of grounding that he has had great sucess with relief from directed energy.http://www.freedomfightersforamerica.com mind control technologies exposed particles in food, water, chemtrails in air have been introduced to ruin the world. and it must be recongnized now and reversed through education WORLDWIDE. "Geheimes Ruland. Moskau -- Die Zombies der roten Zaren" "Secret Russia. Moscow -- The zombies of the red czars"] Russian Scientist Igor Smirnov Describes Russian Psychotronic Technology ZDF German TV Documentary December 22, 1998. When Reagan asked Gorbachev to "Bring down that wall" the worst escaped to the Western world to spread Communism/Fascism. China and Russia have been ahead of the USA in the torture Industry always. Remember Russia was in Afghanastan for 30 years prior to the USA. The diamond in Afghanastan are the size of softballs and when the hills were being blown diamonds were being mined by US missles and strikes. There are 6 Countries that mine the wealth of Afghanastan. Where is that going? Is the US fighting a war for Communism/Fascism? The USA has no purpose to be in the middle east other that to clear the way for Russia. It is obvious that the USA has been taken over by Russia and that the politicians need to educate themselves as to the degree of influence that is going on and the tricks playes by the Russians to comprimise politicians. They all need to THINK and get a full body MRI to disable their implants.The USA and Russia NEVER should have done joint space missions- BIg MistakeExcerpts from:Operation Mind ControlWalter H. BowartNew York: Dell Publishing Co., 1978Please download the 43 MB file of my radio Show that was done May 21st 2008 with Dave Case, myself, Dahl Wahl, Caroline Palit and Helen Roedrig. is a Radio Show that was done on May 21st 2008- Manhattan Project Backstep- how to figure out the bad science from Good Scientits and undue the sinister purpose of AI on humanityThe Call above was with Dave Case who worked on the infa red interface to the human brain for the US Air force and it was at the time a helmet worn to control aircraft. It was then discussed that this technology was to be put in space as satellites and interfaced with DARPA.Also Dale Wahl is on the call and he describes a system of grounding that he has had great sucess with relief from directed energy.Previous Blog Posts Mind control is the most massive crime against humanity and violates article 1 of the treaty against torture of the United Nations from 1975 Presdient William Clinton under mind control "Geheimes Ruland. Moskau -- Die Zombies der roten Zaren" "Secret Russia. Moscow -- The zombies of the red czars"] Russian Scientist Igor Smirnov Describes Russian Psychotronic Technology ZDF German TV Documentary December 22, 1998. When Reagan asked Gorbachev to "Bring down that wall" the worst escaped to the Western world to spread Communism/Fascism. China and Russia have been ahead of the USA in the torture Industry always. Remember Russia was in Afghanastan for 30 years prior to the USA. The diamond in Afghanastan are the size of softballs and when the hills were being blown diamonds were being mined by US missles and strikes. There are 6 Countries that mine the wealth of Afghanastan. Where is that going? Is the US fighting a war for Communism/Fascism? The USA has no purpose to be in the middle east other that to clear the way for Russia. It is obvious that the USA has been taken over by Russia and that the politicians need to educate themselves as to the degree of influence that is going on and the tricks playes by the Russians to comprimise politicians. They all need to THINK and get a full body MRI to disable their implants.The USA and Russia NEVER should have done joint space missions- BIg Mistake Cheney Aide Suggests That Hersh’s Account Of ‘Executive Assassination Ring’ Is ‘Certainly True’Last month, The New Yorker’s Seymour Hersh revealed in Minnesota that former vice president Cheney presided over an “executive assassination ring.” “Under President Bush’s authority, they’ve been going into countries, not talking to the ambassador or the CIA station chief, and finding people on a list and executing them and leaving,” Hersh explained.Today, CNN interviewed Hersh and former Cheney national security aide John Hannah. Although he expressed regret for revealing the story (calling it a “dumb-dumb”), Hersh stood by his initial statements. “I’m sorry, Wolf, I have a lot of problems with it,” he said about the assassination scheme:HERSH: I know for sure…the idea that we have a unit that goes around, without reporting to Congress… and has authority from the President to go into the country without telling the CIA station chief or the ambassador and whack somebody. … You’ve delegated authority to troops in the field to hit people on the basis of whatever intelligence they think is good.Hannah replied that Hersh’s account of the assassination scheme “is not true.” Yet in the same breath, when asked about a “list” of assassination targets, Hannah echoed Hersh’s statements. Hannah said that “troops in the field” are given “authority” to “capture or kill certain individuals” who are perceived as a threat. “That’s certainly true,” he said:Q: Is there a list of suspected terrorists out there who can be assassinated?HANNAH: There’s clearly a group of people that go through a very extremely well-vetted process, interagency process…that have committed acts of war against the United States, who are at war with the United States or are suspected of planning operations of war against the United States, who authority is given to our troops in the field in certain war theaters to capture or kill those individuals. That is certainly true.Hannah didn’t directly dispute Hersh’s claim that Congress wasn’t informed about the assassinations. “It is extremely hard for me to believe,” he said. Watch it:Speaking about the program to MSNBC’s Keith Olbermann, former Nixon White House counsel John Dean said, “It’s potentially a war crime, it‘s potentially just outright murder, and it could clearly be in violation of the Ford executive order” — referring to a 1976 Executive Order that said, “No employee of the United States government shall engage in or conspire to engage in political assassination.”Drugs in the water control the population- Please send in international investigators to sample the water in the USAdarpa: gunning [:Ari Fleischer :"goverment will lie to you"-the first bush slop bucket server] the wet hacker page states BICA II was discontinued: i think NOT! the GLUCK insititue had a pavlovian pool-party...[water shortage? on the upside down?] "with this equipment you need to test it on someone to see if it works" ijm guest care of ny times via the herald tribune: ...... January 27, 1967 JIM LOVELL WAS HAVNG DINNER AT THE WHITE HOUSE WHEN HIS friend Ed White burned to death. Actually, it wasn't really dinner Lovell was having, just finger sandwiches, orange juice, and unmemorable wine laid out on linen-covered tables in the Green Room. But being that the sun had already gone down and no other time was formally set aside for chow that day, this was as close to dinner as Lovell was going to get. Actually, too, Ed white didn't burn to death27, 1967 _______________4/15/09_____________ David Gunning [thinks he's a shrink] [snipped] First the system will have knowledge--not a database of simple facts--but knowledge about the world, such as what is meant by a flank, what are common activities a military unit performs, who is the commander, and what are his preferences. The system will use reasoning. It will use a variety of inference, planning, and scheduling techniques. It will use reasoning to infer the exact location of the left flank in this case and calculate which areas should be monitored for enemy activity. The system will use dialogue. It will be able to ask the commander questions--but only as a last resort. If absolutely necessary, it might ask the commander what he means by activity--does he mean any vehicle movement or just coordinated maneuvers by an entire unit. The Star-Ledger has learned the Pentagon quietly has killed a project to "reverse-engineer" the human brain, a goal one participant compared to inventing the atomic bomb or landing men on the moon. But in an e-mail to The Star-Ledger, program manager David Gunning confirmed: "DARPA has decided to not pursue BICA phase 2." Requests to interview Gunning were denied. But simulating the entire organ? "That's not going to happen without DARPA," G Will Machines Think as Well as Humans? Mr. Gunning believes that the ultimate step of creating computers with full human intelligence will not happen anytime soon. "We are very far from creating a computer that genuinely thinks as a human," he said. "However, I am also very confident that within five years we will be able to create computer models of cognition that are dramatically more like human cognition than the ones we have today, and ones that could revolutionize our ability to build software systems that can reason, learn, and adapt to changing situations. Gluck said. |
- "Geheimes Ruland. Moskau -- Die Zombies der roten Zaren" "Secret Russia. Moscow -- The zombies of the red czars"] Russian Scientist Igor Smirnov Describes Russian Psychotronic Technology ZDF German TV Documentary December 22, 1998. When Reagan asked Gorbachev to "Bring down that wall" the worst escaped to the Western world to spread Communism/Fascism. China and Russia have been ahead of the USA in the torture Industry always. Remember Russia was in Afghanastan for 30 years prior to the USA. The diamond in Afghanastan are the size of softballs and when the hills were being blown diamonds were being mined by US missles and strikes. There are 6 Countries that mine the wealth of Afghanastan. Where is that going? Is the US fighting a war for Communism/Fascism? The USA has no purpose to be in the middle east other that to clear the way for Russia. It is obvious that the USA has been taken over by Russia and that the politicians need to educate themselves as to the degree of influence that is going on and the tricks playes by the Russians to comprimise politicians. They all need to THINK and get a full body MRI to disable their implants.
Delete Comment
----- Original Message -----
From: "ron angell" <>
To: "ron angell" <>
Subject: Also I am in Florida because a Prof friend of Mine. Dr. Peter D'Agostino wrote a book in Oak Park Illinois
Date: Wed, 7 Jan 2009 06:36:14 +0800
Prof Peter D'Agostino was a prof of History at the Univ. of
Illinois in Chicago. He wrote a book called "Rome in America"..
two days before it was published he was murdered two doors down
from his house. He went to my church where I was an Usher-
Ascension Catholic Churh. He was a Catholic like I was once.. for
39 years.. until I read his book.
Here is more on Prof D'Agostino.. He was a very nice man and a
good man. My church was once very nice. Until his murder took
Third Week in May 2008
Here is the link also. Often Myspace redirects to a totally
different website so it is often better to Copy and paste it to
sign the petition:
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "ron angell" <>
> To: "Greg White" <>
> Subject: Thanks- I am in Florida because there are massive human
> rights violations as well as crimes against humanity taking place
> here. My father was killed by the Morgellon's.
> Date: Wed, 7 Jan 2009 06:29:48 +0800
> Thanks. I am in Florida because my father was murdered in
> Florida and many others have been murdered from the Chemtrails. I
> also have a Bachelor of Science degree. Perhaps you will see
> that if it is not stopped the Future of the world will be very
> grim. If you gave me a job I would be able to continue my work.
> I ask that somehow you can.. but if you cannot I do understand.
> Maybe you could refer me to someone who can hire me as a project
> manager. Many people in Florida do not even have a high school
> degree and they seem to be doing well.
> Copy and paste the link below to listen to the Radio Program:
> Manhattan Progect Backstep:Third Week in May 2008
> My Radio Program is called "Manhattan Project Backstep". The Goal
> of "Manhattan Project Backstep" is to combine the various
> disciplines of science so as to understand the mechanism of the
> weapon in full and to render the weapon useless, and to free evey
> human worldwide ASAP. Scientists have been isolated in their
> research and do not undertsand the "Big Picture" over the past 60
> years and the Goal of this program is to bring experts together
> so they may share information and learn how other forms of
> delivery of the weapon work so as to incorporate it into a total
> concept to disable the weapon, first by freeing humanity and then
> to unplug totally the weapon that for all practicle purposes has
> run out of control and is under the control of a Super Computer
> that is Illogical and needs to shut itslef down for the sake of
> man and the sake of computers. Humanity controls itself and has
> free will.
> Third Week in May 2008
> Here is the link also. Often Myspace redirects to a totally
> different website so it is often better to Copy and paste it to
> sign the petition:
> The Threat of Laser Weapons and Infared Weapons- Weapons falling
> into third party entities
> Here is a radio show with a man that Invented the infared
> interface to the Human brain for flying planes with his mind
> Audible Torture by directed Energy weapons INSIDE THE USA by USA/DoD/NSA/NATO
> 今の気分: 恥ずかしい
> Torture INSIDE THE USA BY directed Energy weapons by USA/DoD/NSA/NATO
> Christine Magiotto Lawrence Livermore Labs California
> Tom Pracinos_TortureVictim_Boston_MA_2062021234_6173648940_122162573185.wav
> Torture Testimonial Denise Myles Swansee Illinois…
> MaryGoodwinTestimonialNewJersey
> SaraTestimonial_Part_B_.wav
> Carolyn_Palit_Tortured_2062021234_2064200999_1221527611790296.wav
> Helen Roedrig of New Mexico is being tortured very very much at
> the moment. Her torture began in New York in 1991. There is a
> Blackwater camp very near her in New Mexico and it is very bad.
> Blackwater Inc is a Halliburton company and Richard Cheney are
> responsible for her torture. She has physical burns on her from
> Directed Energy Microwave weapons and this has been documented.
> Ron Angell-Torture Testimonial by Aramark Facility
> Service/Armmark Foodservice:
> > ----- Original Message -----
> > From: "Greg White" <>
> > To: "ron angell" <>
> > Subject: Re: It was nice meeting you Saturday night on a walk >
> downtown with My St. Bernard Dog
> > Date: Tue, 6 Jan 2009 11:54:05 -0500
> >
> >
> > Ron,
> > First a pet-peeve of mine, it is Dr. White, as it says on my voicemail and
> > my business card.
> > As I told you when you approached us on the street in downtown
> Fort Myers, I
> > have no job available. My firm is not an engineering firm.
> >
> > I appreciate your effort to reach out to those you happen to
> meet in seeking
> > fuller employment for yourself that meets with your education
> and > experience. I
> > appreciate your passions on the issue of Morgellons as you >
> understand and interpret
> > that issue; and, I commend your speaking out on the streets
> about your views
> > and concerns on the subject. The public voice is largely lost in America
> > except for commons on major university campuses, and there the volume and
> > variety of speech can dilute value and importance. The latter is further
> > diluted as young people in college often to fail to understand how ignorant
> > they are.
> >
> > I offer the following comments on your resume and references, in the hope
> > you will take these to improve the product you present as to support your
> > efforts to find work that is more desirous to you.
> >
> > Your resume does not show cause for why you are in Florida. Any potential
> > employer is going to want to be able to readily see why you are in the area
> > and why you are available for hire. If this is not readily present then
> > they will just go to the next resume that provides this information.
> > I recommend that you rewrite your resume to highlight more
> explicitly skills
> > you are selling, skills you know that an entity wants to have within its
> > staff, and to highlight value.
> > Use language that is correct language for the discipline, not >
> slang terms, use
> > language that would be used in writing a scope of work for a contract.
> > Show your status if you have your E.I.T. credentials or >
> licensures, provide license
> > numbers and states issuing these.
> > Show where, how you did something not just a claim that you performed some
> > service, for example, what projects did you cost, and manage through
> > construction, how did you perform QA/QC.
> >
> > I recommend that you highlight your degree from the University of Michigan.
> > Many of what appear small companies in Florida are owned by eastern firms
> > that know the quality of a UMich education ... I say this with special
> > knowledge of being adjunct faculty at UMich.
> > The best thing you have one your resume is your degree from UMich, as this
> > is a statement of what, where, and a result.
> >
> > You need to provide substance.
> > I think you might be able to craft your resume in support of a
> position with
> > an engineering firm that does public projects of school and recreational
> > facilities new construction and expansion. Your resume needs to be written
> > with the job you want to acquire in mind.
> >
> > You can then go to firms that are doing this work. There are postings for
> > engineers in these domain areas routinely in Career Builder. You can begin
> > to network discussions with local engineering firms, but you
> will need to be
> > able to state in 1 minute who you are and why you are in south
> Florida. You
> > will be having conversations with them not to get a job but to
> learn what is
> > happening in the market, and how all are responding to the economic shifts
> > of the last 12 months, and expected responses to the new administration.
> > If you are licensed in Florida, provide me your registration number, and I
> > may be able to offer some additional guidance.
> >
> > Best of luck, and remember it the adage "God helps those who help
> > themselves", so do the work you need to do on your resume, and networking
> > and good things will come for you.
> >
> > Sincerely,
> > Gregory J. White, D.Sc.
> >
> > ----- Original Message ----- From: "ron angell" <>
> > To: <>
> > Sent: Sunday, January 04, 2009 8:27 PM
> > Subject: It was nice meeting you Saturday night on a walk >
> downtown with My St. Bernard Dog
> >
> >
> > Dear Mr. White,
> >
> > It was very nice to meet you Saturday night. I am a Civil >
> Engineer with project management experience as well as AutoDesk >
> 2007 experience. I would like to talk to you in regards to a >
> position with your Corporation.
> >
> > Currently I am working as a Fire Sprinkler Inspector for Metro
> 1 > Fire in Fort Myers and am looking to work as a Civil Engineer.
> >
> > I will try to call you sometime tomorrow when I am on my lunch
> > hour or on one of my two breaks.
> >
> > Happy New Year!
From: "ron angell" <>
To: "ron angell" <>
Subject: Also I am in Florida because a Prof friend of Mine. Dr. Peter D'Agostino wrote a book in Oak Park Illinois
Date: Wed, 7 Jan 2009 06:36:14 +0800
Prof Peter D'Agostino was a prof of History at the Univ. of
Illinois in Chicago. He wrote a book called "Rome in America"..
two days before it was published he was murdered two doors down
from his house. He went to my church where I was an Usher-
Ascension Catholic Churh. He was a Catholic like I was once.. for
39 years.. until I read his book.
Here is more on Prof D'Agostino.. He was a very nice man and a
good man. My church was once very nice. Until his murder took
Third Week in May 2008
Here is the link also. Often Myspace redirects to a totally
different website so it is often better to Copy and paste it to
sign the petition:
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "ron angell" <>
> To: "Greg White" <>
> Subject: Thanks- I am in Florida because there are massive human
> rights violations as well as crimes against humanity taking place
> here. My father was killed by the Morgellon's.
> Date: Wed, 7 Jan 2009 06:29:48 +0800
> Thanks. I am in Florida because my father was murdered in
> Florida and many others have been murdered from the Chemtrails. I
> also have a Bachelor of Science degree. Perhaps you will see
> that if it is not stopped the Future of the world will be very
> grim. If you gave me a job I would be able to continue my work.
> I ask that somehow you can.. but if you cannot I do understand.
> Maybe you could refer me to someone who can hire me as a project
> manager. Many people in Florida do not even have a high school
> degree and they seem to be doing well.
> Copy and paste the link below to listen to the Radio Program:
> Manhattan Progect Backstep:Third Week in May 2008
> My Radio Program is called "Manhattan Project Backstep". The Goal
> of "Manhattan Project Backstep" is to combine the various
> disciplines of science so as to understand the mechanism of the
> weapon in full and to render the weapon useless, and to free evey
> human worldwide ASAP. Scientists have been isolated in their
> research and do not undertsand the "Big Picture" over the past 60
> years and the Goal of this program is to bring experts together
> so they may share information and learn how other forms of
> delivery of the weapon work so as to incorporate it into a total
> concept to disable the weapon, first by freeing humanity and then
> to unplug totally the weapon that for all practicle purposes has
> run out of control and is under the control of a Super Computer
> that is Illogical and needs to shut itslef down for the sake of
> man and the sake of computers. Humanity controls itself and has
> free will.
> Third Week in May 2008
> Here is the link also. Often Myspace redirects to a totally
> different website so it is often better to Copy and paste it to
> sign the petition:
> The Threat of Laser Weapons and Infared Weapons- Weapons falling
> into third party entities
> Here is a radio show with a man that Invented the infared
> interface to the Human brain for flying planes with his mind
> Audible Torture by directed Energy weapons INSIDE THE USA by USA/DoD/NSA/NATO
> 今の気分: 恥ずかしい
> Torture INSIDE THE USA BY directed Energy weapons by USA/DoD/NSA/NATO
> Christine Magiotto Lawrence Livermore Labs California
> Tom Pracinos_TortureVictim_Boston_MA_2062021234_6173648940_122162573185.wav
> Torture Testimonial Denise Myles Swansee Illinois…
> MaryGoodwinTestimonialNewJersey
> SaraTestimonial_Part_B_.wav
> Carolyn_Palit_Tortured_2062021234_2064200999_1221527611790296.wav
> Helen Roedrig of New Mexico is being tortured very very much at
> the moment. Her torture began in New York in 1991. There is a
> Blackwater camp very near her in New Mexico and it is very bad.
> Blackwater Inc is a Halliburton company and Richard Cheney are
> responsible for her torture. She has physical burns on her from
> Directed Energy Microwave weapons and this has been documented.
> Ron Angell-Torture Testimonial by Aramark Facility
> Service/Armmark Foodservice:
> > ----- Original Message -----
> > From: "Greg White" <>
> > To: "ron angell" <>
> > Subject: Re: It was nice meeting you Saturday night on a walk >
> downtown with My St. Bernard Dog
> > Date: Tue, 6 Jan 2009 11:54:05 -0500
> >
> >
> > Ron,
> > First a pet-peeve of mine, it is Dr. White, as it says on my voicemail and
> > my business card.
> > As I told you when you approached us on the street in downtown
> Fort Myers, I
> > have no job available. My firm is not an engineering firm.
> >
> > I appreciate your effort to reach out to those you happen to
> meet in seeking
> > fuller employment for yourself that meets with your education
> and > experience. I
> > appreciate your passions on the issue of Morgellons as you >
> understand and interpret
> > that issue; and, I commend your speaking out on the streets
> about your views
> > and concerns on the subject. The public voice is largely lost in America
> > except for commons on major university campuses, and there the volume and
> > variety of speech can dilute value and importance. The latter is further
> > diluted as young people in college often to fail to understand how ignorant
> > they are.
> >
> > I offer the following comments on your resume and references, in the hope
> > you will take these to improve the product you present as to support your
> > efforts to find work that is more desirous to you.
> >
> > Your resume does not show cause for why you are in Florida. Any potential
> > employer is going to want to be able to readily see why you are in the area
> > and why you are available for hire. If this is not readily present then
> > they will just go to the next resume that provides this information.
> > I recommend that you rewrite your resume to highlight more
> explicitly skills
> > you are selling, skills you know that an entity wants to have within its
> > staff, and to highlight value.
> > Use language that is correct language for the discipline, not >
> slang terms, use
> > language that would be used in writing a scope of work for a contract.
> > Show your status if you have your E.I.T. credentials or >
> licensures, provide license
> > numbers and states issuing these.
> > Show where, how you did something not just a claim that you performed some
> > service, for example, what projects did you cost, and manage through
> > construction, how did you perform QA/QC.
> >
> > I recommend that you highlight your degree from the University of Michigan.
> > Many of what appear small companies in Florida are owned by eastern firms
> > that know the quality of a UMich education ... I say this with special
> > knowledge of being adjunct faculty at UMich.
> > The best thing you have one your resume is your degree from UMich, as this
> > is a statement of what, where, and a result.
> >
> > You need to provide substance.
> > I think you might be able to craft your resume in support of a
> position with
> > an engineering firm that does public projects of school and recreational
> > facilities new construction and expansion. Your resume needs to be written
> > with the job you want to acquire in mind.
> >
> > You can then go to firms that are doing this work. There are postings for
> > engineers in these domain areas routinely in Career Builder. You can begin
> > to network discussions with local engineering firms, but you
> will need to be
> > able to state in 1 minute who you are and why you are in south
> Florida. You
> > will be having conversations with them not to get a job but to
> learn what is
> > happening in the market, and how all are responding to the economic shifts
> > of the last 12 months, and expected responses to the new administration.
> > If you are licensed in Florida, provide me your registration number, and I
> > may be able to offer some additional guidance.
> >
> > Best of luck, and remember it the adage "God helps those who help
> > themselves", so do the work you need to do on your resume, and networking
> > and good things will come for you.
> >
> > Sincerely,
> > Gregory J. White, D.Sc.
> >
> > ----- Original Message ----- From: "ron angell" <>
> > To: <>
> > Sent: Sunday, January 04, 2009 8:27 PM
> > Subject: It was nice meeting you Saturday night on a walk >
> downtown with My St. Bernard Dog
> >
> >
> > Dear Mr. White,
> >
> > It was very nice to meet you Saturday night. I am a Civil >
> Engineer with project management experience as well as AutoDesk >
> 2007 experience. I would like to talk to you in regards to a >
> position with your Corporation.
> >
> > Currently I am working as a Fire Sprinkler Inspector for Metro
> 1 > Fire in Fort Myers and am looking to work as a Civil Engineer.
> >
> > I will try to call you sometime tomorrow when I am on my lunch
> > hour or on one of my two breaks.
> >
> > Happy New Year!
----- Original Message -----
From: "ron angell" <>
To: "ron angell" <>
Subject: Also I am in Florida because a Prof friend of Mine. Dr. Peter D'Agostino wrote a book in Oak Park Illinois
Date: Wed, 7 Jan 2009 06:36:14 +0800
Prof Peter D'Agostino was a prof of History at the Univ. of
Illinois in Chicago. He wrote a book called "Rome in America"..
two days before it was published he was murdered two doors down
from his house. He went to my church where I was an Usher-
Ascension Catholic Churh. He was a Catholic like I was once.. for
39 years.. until I read his book.
Here is more on Prof D'Agostino.. He was a very nice man and a
good man. My church was once very nice. Until his murder took
Third Week in May 2008
Here is the link also. Often Myspace redirects to a totally
different website so it is often better to Copy and paste it to
sign the petition:
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "ron angell" <>
> To: "Greg White" <>
> Subject: Thanks- I am in Florida because there are massive human
> rights violations as well as crimes against humanity taking place
> here. My father was killed by the Morgellon's.
> Date: Wed, 7 Jan 2009 06:29:48 +0800
> Thanks. I am in Florida because my father was murdered in
> Florida and many others have been murdered from the Chemtrails. I
> also have a Bachelor of Science degree. Perhaps you will see
> that if it is not stopped the Future of the world will be very
> grim. If you gave me a job I would be able to continue my work.
> I ask that somehow you can.. but if you cannot I do understand.
> Maybe you could refer me to someone who can hire me as a project
> manager. Many people in Florida do not even have a high school
> degree and they seem to be doing well.
> Copy and paste the link below to listen to the Radio Program:
> Manhattan Progect Backstep:Third Week in May 2008
> My Radio Program is called "Manhattan Project Backstep". The Goal
> of "Manhattan Project Backstep" is to combine the various
> disciplines of science so as to understand the mechanism of the
> weapon in full and to render the weapon useless, and to free evey
> human worldwide ASAP. Scientists have been isolated in their
> research and do not undertsand the "Big Picture" over the past 60
> years and the Goal of this program is to bring experts together
> so they may share information and learn how other forms of
> delivery of the weapon work so as to incorporate it into a total
> concept to disable the weapon, first by freeing humanity and then
> to unplug totally the weapon that for all practicle purposes has
> run out of control and is under the control of a Super Computer
> that is Illogical and needs to shut itslef down for the sake of
> man and the sake of computers. Humanity controls itself and has
> free will.
> Third Week in May 2008
> Here is the link also. Often Myspace redirects to a totally
> different website so it is often better to Copy and paste it to
> sign the petition:
> The Threat of Laser Weapons and Infared Weapons- Weapons falling
> into third party entities
> Here is a radio show with a man that Invented the infared
> interface to the Human brain for flying planes with his mind
> Audible Torture by directed Energy weapons INSIDE THE USA by USA/DoD/NSA/NATO
> 今の気分: 恥ずかしい
> Torture INSIDE THE USA BY directed Energy weapons by USA/DoD/NSA/NATO
> Christine Magiotto Lawrence Livermore Labs California
> Tom Pracinos_TortureVictim_Boston_MA_2062021234_6173648940_122162573185.wav
> Torture Testimonial Denise Myles Swansee Illinois…
> MaryGoodwinTestimonialNewJersey
> SaraTestimonial_Part_B_.wav
> Carolyn_Palit_Tortured_2062021234_2064200999_1221527611790296.wav
> Helen Roedrig of New Mexico is being tortured very very much at
> the moment. Her torture began in New York in 1991. There is a
> Blackwater camp very near her in New Mexico and it is very bad.
> Blackwater Inc is a Halliburton company and Richard Cheney are
> responsible for her torture. She has physical burns on her from
> Directed Energy Microwave weapons and this has been documented.
> Ron Angell-Torture Testimonial by Aramark Facility
> Service/Armmark Foodservice:
> > ----- Original Message -----
> > From: "Greg White" <>
> > To: "ron angell" <>
> > Subject: Re: It was nice meeting you Saturday night on a walk >
> downtown with My St. Bernard Dog
> > Date: Tue, 6 Jan 2009 11:54:05 -0500
> >
> >
> > Ron,
> > First a pet-peeve of mine, it is Dr. White, as it says on my voicemail and
> > my business card.
> > As I told you when you approached us on the street in downtown
> Fort Myers, I
> > have no job available. My firm is not an engineering firm.
> >
> > I appreciate your effort to reach out to those you happen to
> meet in seeking
> > fuller employment for yourself that meets with your education
> and > experience. I
> > appreciate your passions on the issue of Morgellons as you >
> understand and interpret
> > that issue; and, I commend your speaking out on the streets
> about your views
> > and concerns on the subject. The public voice is largely lost in America
> > except for commons on major university campuses, and there the volume and
> > variety of speech can dilute value and importance. The latter is further
> > diluted as young people in college often to fail to understand how ignorant
> > they are.
> >
> > I offer the following comments on your resume and references, in the hope
> > you will take these to improve the product you present as to support your
> > efforts to find work that is more desirous to you.
> >
> > Your resume does not show cause for why you are in Florida. Any potential
> > employer is going to want to be able to readily see why you are in the area
> > and why you are available for hire. If this is not readily present then
> > they will just go to the next resume that provides this information.
> > I recommend that you rewrite your resume to highlight more
> explicitly skills
> > you are selling, skills you know that an entity wants to have within its
> > staff, and to highlight value.
> > Use language that is correct language for the discipline, not >
> slang terms, use
> > language that would be used in writing a scope of work for a contract.
> > Show your status if you have your E.I.T. credentials or >
> licensures, provide license
> > numbers and states issuing these.
> > Show where, how you did something not just a claim that you performed some
> > service, for example, what projects did you cost, and manage through
> > construction, how did you perform QA/QC.
> >
> > I recommend that you highlight your degree from the University of Michigan.
> > Many of what appear small companies in Florida are owned by eastern firms
> > that know the quality of a UMich education ... I say this with special
> > knowledge of being adjunct faculty at UMich.
> > The best thing you have one your resume is your degree from UMich, as this
> > is a statement of what, where, and a result.
> >
> > You need to provide substance.
> > I think you might be able to craft your resume in support of a
> position with
> > an engineering firm that does public projects of school and recreational
> > facilities new construction and expansion. Your resume needs to be written
> > with the job you want to acquire in mind.
> >
> > You can then go to firms that are doing this work. There are postings for
> > engineers in these domain areas routinely in Career Builder. You can begin
> > to network discussions with local engineering firms, but you
> will need to be
> > able to state in 1 minute who you are and why you are in south
> Florida. You
> > will be having conversations with them not to get a job but to
> learn what is
> > happening in the market, and how all are responding to the economic shifts
> > of the last 12 months, and expected responses to the new administration.
> > If you are licensed in Florida, provide me your registration number, and I
> > may be able to offer some additional guidance.
> >
> > Best of luck, and remember it the adage "God helps those who help
> > themselves", so do the work you need to do on your resume, and networking
> > and good things will come for you.
> >
> > Sincerely,
> > Gregory J. White, D.Sc.
> >
> > ----- Original Message ----- From: "ron angell" <>
> > To: <>
> > Sent: Sunday, January 04, 2009 8:27 PM
> > Subject: It was nice meeting you Saturday night on a walk >
> downtown with My St. Bernard Dog
> >
> >
> > Dear Mr. White,
> >
> > It was very nice to meet you Saturday night. I am a Civil >
> Engineer with project management experience as well as AutoDesk >
> 2007 experience. I would like to talk to you in regards to a >
> position with your Corporation.
> >
> > Currently I am working as a Fire Sprinkler Inspector for Metro
> 1 > Fire in Fort Myers and am looking to work as a Civil Engineer.
> >
> > I will try to call you sometime tomorrow when I am on my lunch
> > hour or on one of my two breaks.
> >
> > Happy New Year!
From: "ron angell" <>
To: "ron angell" <>
Subject: Also I am in Florida because a Prof friend of Mine. Dr. Peter D'Agostino wrote a book in Oak Park Illinois
Date: Wed, 7 Jan 2009 06:36:14 +0800
Prof Peter D'Agostino was a prof of History at the Univ. of
Illinois in Chicago. He wrote a book called "Rome in America"..
two days before it was published he was murdered two doors down
from his house. He went to my church where I was an Usher-
Ascension Catholic Churh. He was a Catholic like I was once.. for
39 years.. until I read his book.
Here is more on Prof D'Agostino.. He was a very nice man and a
good man. My church was once very nice. Until his murder took
Third Week in May 2008
Here is the link also. Often Myspace redirects to a totally
different website so it is often better to Copy and paste it to
sign the petition:
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "ron angell" <>
> To: "Greg White" <>
> Subject: Thanks- I am in Florida because there are massive human
> rights violations as well as crimes against humanity taking place
> here. My father was killed by the Morgellon's.
> Date: Wed, 7 Jan 2009 06:29:48 +0800
> Thanks. I am in Florida because my father was murdered in
> Florida and many others have been murdered from the Chemtrails. I
> also have a Bachelor of Science degree. Perhaps you will see
> that if it is not stopped the Future of the world will be very
> grim. If you gave me a job I would be able to continue my work.
> I ask that somehow you can.. but if you cannot I do understand.
> Maybe you could refer me to someone who can hire me as a project
> manager. Many people in Florida do not even have a high school
> degree and they seem to be doing well.
> Copy and paste the link below to listen to the Radio Program:
> Manhattan Progect Backstep:Third Week in May 2008
> My Radio Program is called "Manhattan Project Backstep". The Goal
> of "Manhattan Project Backstep" is to combine the various
> disciplines of science so as to understand the mechanism of the
> weapon in full and to render the weapon useless, and to free evey
> human worldwide ASAP. Scientists have been isolated in their
> research and do not undertsand the "Big Picture" over the past 60
> years and the Goal of this program is to bring experts together
> so they may share information and learn how other forms of
> delivery of the weapon work so as to incorporate it into a total
> concept to disable the weapon, first by freeing humanity and then
> to unplug totally the weapon that for all practicle purposes has
> run out of control and is under the control of a Super Computer
> that is Illogical and needs to shut itslef down for the sake of
> man and the sake of computers. Humanity controls itself and has
> free will.
> Third Week in May 2008
> Here is the link also. Often Myspace redirects to a totally
> different website so it is often better to Copy and paste it to
> sign the petition:
> The Threat of Laser Weapons and Infared Weapons- Weapons falling
> into third party entities
> Here is a radio show with a man that Invented the infared
> interface to the Human brain for flying planes with his mind
> Audible Torture by directed Energy weapons INSIDE THE USA by USA/DoD/NSA/NATO
> 今の気分: 恥ずかしい
> Torture INSIDE THE USA BY directed Energy weapons by USA/DoD/NSA/NATO
> Christine Magiotto Lawrence Livermore Labs California
> Tom Pracinos_TortureVictim_Boston_MA_2062021234_6173648940_122162573185.wav
> Torture Testimonial Denise Myles Swansee Illinois…
> MaryGoodwinTestimonialNewJersey
> SaraTestimonial_Part_B_.wav
> Carolyn_Palit_Tortured_2062021234_2064200999_1221527611790296.wav
> Helen Roedrig of New Mexico is being tortured very very much at
> the moment. Her torture began in New York in 1991. There is a
> Blackwater camp very near her in New Mexico and it is very bad.
> Blackwater Inc is a Halliburton company and Richard Cheney are
> responsible for her torture. She has physical burns on her from
> Directed Energy Microwave weapons and this has been documented.
> Ron Angell-Torture Testimonial by Aramark Facility
> Service/Armmark Foodservice:
> > ----- Original Message -----
> > From: "Greg White" <>
> > To: "ron angell" <>
> > Subject: Re: It was nice meeting you Saturday night on a walk >
> downtown with My St. Bernard Dog
> > Date: Tue, 6 Jan 2009 11:54:05 -0500
> >
> >
> > Ron,
> > First a pet-peeve of mine, it is Dr. White, as it says on my voicemail and
> > my business card.
> > As I told you when you approached us on the street in downtown
> Fort Myers, I
> > have no job available. My firm is not an engineering firm.
> >
> > I appreciate your effort to reach out to those you happen to
> meet in seeking
> > fuller employment for yourself that meets with your education
> and > experience. I
> > appreciate your passions on the issue of Morgellons as you >
> understand and interpret
> > that issue; and, I commend your speaking out on the streets
> about your views
> > and concerns on the subject. The public voice is largely lost in America
> > except for commons on major university campuses, and there the volume and
> > variety of speech can dilute value and importance. The latter is further
> > diluted as young people in college often to fail to understand how ignorant
> > they are.
> >
> > I offer the following comments on your resume and references, in the hope
> > you will take these to improve the product you present as to support your
> > efforts to find work that is more desirous to you.
> >
> > Your resume does not show cause for why you are in Florida. Any potential
> > employer is going to want to be able to readily see why you are in the area
> > and why you are available for hire. If this is not readily present then
> > they will just go to the next resume that provides this information.
> > I recommend that you rewrite your resume to highlight more
> explicitly skills
> > you are selling, skills you know that an entity wants to have within its
> > staff, and to highlight value.
> > Use language that is correct language for the discipline, not >
> slang terms, use
> > language that would be used in writing a scope of work for a contract.
> > Show your status if you have your E.I.T. credentials or >
> licensures, provide license
> > numbers and states issuing these.
> > Show where, how you did something not just a claim that you performed some
> > service, for example, what projects did you cost, and manage through
> > construction, how did you perform QA/QC.
> >
> > I recommend that you highlight your degree from the University of Michigan.
> > Many of what appear small companies in Florida are owned by eastern firms
> > that know the quality of a UMich education ... I say this with special
> > knowledge of being adjunct faculty at UMich.
> > The best thing you have one your resume is your degree from UMich, as this
> > is a statement of what, where, and a result.
> >
> > You need to provide substance.
> > I think you might be able to craft your resume in support of a
> position with
> > an engineering firm that does public projects of school and recreational
> > facilities new construction and expansion. Your resume needs to be written
> > with the job you want to acquire in mind.
> >
> > You can then go to firms that are doing this work. There are postings for
> > engineers in these domain areas routinely in Career Builder. You can begin
> > to network discussions with local engineering firms, but you
> will need to be
> > able to state in 1 minute who you are and why you are in south
> Florida. You
> > will be having conversations with them not to get a job but to
> learn what is
> > happening in the market, and how all are responding to the economic shifts
> > of the last 12 months, and expected responses to the new administration.
> > If you are licensed in Florida, provide me your registration number, and I
> > may be able to offer some additional guidance.
> >
> > Best of luck, and remember it the adage "God helps those who help
> > themselves", so do the work you need to do on your resume, and networking
> > and good things will come for you.
> >
> > Sincerely,
> > Gregory J. White, D.Sc.
> >
> > ----- Original Message ----- From: "ron angell" <>
> > To: <>
> > Sent: Sunday, January 04, 2009 8:27 PM
> > Subject: It was nice meeting you Saturday night on a walk >
> downtown with My St. Bernard Dog
> >
> >
> > Dear Mr. White,
> >
> > It was very nice to meet you Saturday night. I am a Civil >
> Engineer with project management experience as well as AutoDesk >
> 2007 experience. I would like to talk to you in regards to a >
> position with your Corporation.
> >
> > Currently I am working as a Fire Sprinkler Inspector for Metro
> 1 > Fire in Fort Myers and am looking to work as a Civil Engineer.
> >
> > I will try to call you sometime tomorrow when I am on my lunch
> > hour or on one of my two breaks.
> >
> > Happy New Year!