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Revelations 2:26
26 To the one who is victorious and does my will to the end, I will give authority over the nations-- 27 that one 'will rule them with an iron scepter and will dash them to pieces like pottery' --just as I have received authority from my Father. 28 I will also give that one the morning star.
FBI Symbol.
Genesis 3:5 and 3:22
When you know the difference between good and evil then you shall be like God.
Daniel 7:3
"And four great beasts were coming up from the sea, different from one another. "The first was like a lion and had the wings of an eagle. I kept looking until its wings were plucked, and it was lifted up from the ground and made to stand on two feet like a man; a human mind also was given to it. CIA (look at there symbol)
"And behold another beast, a second one, resembling a bear. And it was raised up on one side, and three ribs were in its mouth between its teeth; and thus they said to it, 'Arise, devour much meat!'
D(r)ug Enfo(r)cement Administ(r)ation
DEA (between it's tee-dea-th)
Shine a light behind bear and read the shadow
After that, I looked, and there before me was another beast, one that looked like a leopard, and on its back had four wings like that of a bird. This beast had four heads, and it was given the authority to rule.
DHHS (there symbol looks like it has 4 heads and 4 wings)
After that, in my vision at night I looked , and there before me was a fourth beast - terrifying and frightning and very powerful. It had large iron teeth, it crushed and devoured its victims and trampled underfoot whatever was left. It was different from all the former beasts, and it had 10 horns.
IRON CURTAIN = NWO, Gangstalkers
Communism / Berlin Wall / Castro Revenge
Revelation 13:1
And the dragon stood on the sand of the seashore.
NSA (1952 Year of the Water Dragon / Oceanside)
Then I saw a beast coming up out of the sea, having ten horns and seven heads, and on his horns were ten diadems, and on his heads were blasphemous names.
** (Diadems) DIA
Revelation 13:2-7
And the beast which I saw was like a leopard (FBI), and his feet were like those of a bear (DEA), and his mouth like the mouth of a lion (CIA) Because they lie with authority
Leopard = LEO July 23 - August 22
* FBI = Created July 26, 1908
CIA (Lying) & FBI = (Lion)
(and his mouth like the mouth of a lion)
Mark of the Beast.
6×6×6= carbon or 216
36 (666)
#6 Commandment
Thou shall not Kill. 666
Number of Man
God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son that whoever believed in him shall not parish but have everlasting life. 3:16(7) = 21
Revelation 11 : Two Witnesses
(rape victims)(Grapes)
CoronaVirus. Corona stands for crown
CoronaVirus = releases on 1/21/2020.
There were earthquakes in Mexico.
(Mexico opposite side of Egypt, Desert & Pyramid)
(Sodom : Sodomy)
(USA : Jerusalem)
(Seashore : Oceanside)
Mayan Calendar 12-21-2012 (7 years)
Ever since. 12-21-2019 (3-3-3)
12/22/2019 Heard God say my name.
Christmas : 12/25/2019
Revelations 2:17 (2+1=3:7) Mana = revive/energy and white stone = Desoxyn
Revelations 1:7
7 “Look, he is coming with the clouds,”[b](U)
and “every eye will see him,
even those who pierced him”;(V)
and all peoples on earth “will mourn(W) because of him.”[c]
So shall it be! Amen.
Revelations 1:13
God created Man which is Adam. Adams rib created Eve who is Woman.
Anyone after Adam would be a Son of Man.
Like (J) A SON of Man.
Son of Man would be Anthony.
So Like A Son of Man would be
(J)aylene Daughter of Man.
My Mom's was killed by her husband in a murder-suicide because her husband was a Target Individual. He lost it and shot my mom then himself. I body found on 1/19/1999
John P. Ross death certificate says 1/17/1999.
My mom was born a
Metal Dragon.
My Daughter gave me a 2 Headed Dragon from the Build a Bear Workshop. The dragon birth certificate says 6/19/2016. The Tag on the Dragon says 1/16 which is the day I believe my daughter was shot.
Revelations 13
The Two Headed Dragon my daughter gave me. One of the heads had a fatal wound but it healed.
My Daughter : Jaylene 76
Year of the dog : god
was born 7 years and 3 months and 3 days when my mom died.
I was born on 10/25/1976
Fire Dragon.
Anthony born Year of the Rat = Wrath
John 3:16
Exodus 3:13 (3 Angels 7+6=13)
God of (I)saac, (A)braham, and (J)acob.
Father of (Ivy), (J)aylene and (A)nthony.
Remain in Mexico. The Rhapture
The concentration camp that they were cloning people.
As the article below suggests, this week has been quite busy for the issue of microwave weapons attacks with reports that the White House, the Senate Intelligence Committee, the Pentagon, the CIA and the State Department are all investigating incidents of microwave weapons attacks, reports of which seem to be increasing.
During the past years, some victims had tried to complain the microwave attacks to Senator Marco Rubio on the Intelligence Committee.
All of this is great news for victims as more reports continue rolling in.
Link: U.S. Senate intelligence leaders say mystery illness attacks increasing
I believe that we should all club together and produce a web site of different methods that perps try on T.I's and if you do that it might bring about awareness of what these machine are doing it will be useful for reports and also people who need it for courts of law as a reminder and also they might wish to express themselves in another's language and also find better ways of putting things forth. There are memory functions on the machine that also try to stop people from remembering but they are tricks, there is autosuggestion used. It can also help the people to understand what methods are used bring public awareness of the issues and will help T.I. to challenge authorities or non-authorities over use of cyber torture and other methods of torture world wide.
This one method you might know. Word games and blank complete the sentence, let's go over what you've said or not, let's test you, shorten it, lengthen it, cut it up, arranging it in a different order, add to it, change it's context or meaning etc, or from another party.
To be, or not to be, that is the question:
Whether 'tis nobler in the mind to _____
The slings and arrows of outrageous fortune,
Or to take Arms against a Sea of ________
And by __________ end them: to die, to sleep;
No more; and by a sleep, to say we end
The heart-ache, and the thousand natural shocks
That Flesh is heir to? 'Tis a consummation
Devoutly to be wished. To die, to sleep,
To sleep, perchance to Dream; aye, there's the rub,
For in that sleep of death, what dreams may come,
When we have _______________________
Must give us pause. There's the respect
That makes Calamity of so long life:
For who would bear the Whips and Scorns of time,
The __________ wrong, the proud man's Contumely,
The pangs of dispised Love, the Law’s delay,
The insolence of Office, and the spurns
That patient merit of th'unworthy takes,
When he himself might his Quietus make
With a bare Bodkin? Who would Fardels bear, [F: these Fardels]
To grunt and sweat under a weary life,
But that the ____________________
The undiscovered country, from whose bourn
No traveller returns, puzzles the will,
And makes us rather bear those ills we have,
Than fly to others that we know not of?
Thus conscience does make cowards of us all,
And thus the native hue of Resolution
Is ________o'er, with the pale cast of Thought,
And enterprises of great pitch and moment, [F: pith]
With this regard their Currents turn awry, [F: away]
And lose the name of Action. Soft you now,
The fair Ophelia? _______, in thy _________
Be all my sins remember'd.[1]
First Witch
When shall we three meet again?
In __________________
Second Witch
When the hurly-burly’s done,
When the _________ lost and won.
Third Witch
That will be ere the set of sun.
First Witch
Where the place?
Second Witch
Upon the heath.
Third Witch
There to meet with Macbeth.
The play opens with the Witches greeting each other in Act I, scene 1. From the opening, the dark and disturbing tone of the play is clear. The Witches speak easily of warfare as something to watch avidly until it’s time to meet with their newest victim: Macbeth.
First Witch
All hail, Macbeth! Hail to thee, thane of Glamis!
Second Witch
All hail, Macbeth! Hail to thee, thane of Cawdor!
Third Witch
All hail, Macbeth, that shalt be king hereafter!
Measure for Measure Act III, Scene 1
CLAUDIO Ay, but to die, and go we know not where; To lie in cold obstruction and to ____; 130 This sensible warm motion to become A kneaded clod; and the delighted spirit To bathe in _________, or to reside In ________________________; To be imprison'd in the viewless ______, 135 And blown with _________ round about The pendent world; or to be worse than worst Of those that lawless and incertain thought Imagine howling: 'tis too horrible! The weariest and most loathed worldly life 140 That age, ache, ______ and imprisonment Can lay on nature is a paradise To what we fear of ________.
Send it to me via email or even +44 01252 612392, send it to me by post to Miss Barbara Rogers, 7 St Nicholas Close, Fleet, Hants GU51 4JE.
Questionnaire For Targeted Individual's
I would you to complete this questionnaire, for your own personal use for complaints and court appearances even helping you with the recent news of the questionnaire that you might fill out for the UN - Nils Melzer - Accountability Report - for the High Commissioner see Blog, and also for might be useful for diary entries
I would like your feedback over machine use in your area, functions that are being used, and literature you have found helpful, any contacts that you have found helpful, any environmental problems in your area, strange occurences created by machine (i.e. sycorax, see Dr Who, Flashes in towns or cities).
The rest is obviously sensitive data and is for you to think about
Page One
Chemical Spray Incidents with Approximate Dates and Times even years would help and witnesses?
Have you been sprayed at home or in your home village, town, city and locations?
What kind of mind manipulation/control have you endured?
If you can, what methods can you describe the gangstalkers using i.e. NLP? Dates and Times of Incidents or diaries kept?
What personal information have they found of yours or been paranoid about themselves - is this why they are picking on you? Source of Information?
Harrassment Incidents?
What Tortures (See Wikipedia for more information)?
What abuse have you encountered?
Crminal acts aginst you encountered ie. Stealing, invasion and intrusion of property, beatings ABH/|GBH, Accidents (Domestic Accidents)? See Canada Law on Google sites
Who are you in contact with in T.I. community?
What was mentioned on Street Theatre to label gangstalkers i.e. the mention of certain books for instance Raunni Kilde MD Bright light on Black Shadows or Mark M Rich's Hidden Evil?
who have you tried to contact professionally? When?
Have your complaints failed and why?
Are they accusing you of anything ar they libelling, slandering, defaming and blacklisting you?
Is politics discussed at all? India, China, Russia, any other country - or tenuous political relationships
What do they want to know about your or others religious practices - is it ethical or moral?
Has war been mentioned in any way and why?
Where is the major source of information coming from - have they infringed Data Protection?
Has music and copyright been infringed - have you had to endure music torture at any time?
Have YOU been told you are a copyright infringer - for wanting to know about gangstalking or anti gangstalking?
Are you able to get hold of the information or are people (perps) trying to stop you?
Has your solicitor or legal representation been threatened in any way? Have they tried to obstruct the course of justice?
When the voices and body map are used or wave applied against you, what type of incidents can you report?
Who has spoken even with a disguised voice on your street theatre?
Have you found connections to gangstalking via authority figures?
Have you frequented any places where there is irradiation even in low form?
Have you been electrocuted - in which way - and think of Hospital and Emergency Room Visits?
Have you had to adopt any special behaviours or actions to cut down Irradiation levels?
Have you reported radiation or pollution to the relevant authorities for your area or nationally?
Have you been asked to clear away irradiation or adopt special practices by perps?
Have you been threatened with FEMA or Deportment?
Have you been Threatened with death?
Have you been threatened with rape or had rape - Mind and body rape?
Have you been sexually abuse or tortured, sexual touching or hypersensitivity applied?
Have you been able to ascertain which machines are being used in your area? Voice to skull, DEW's.
Have you noticed areas of pollution, death of plants, affected wildlife, pets , or extra Co2 in your rea ie. ponds, lakes, waterways?
Have you endured cruelty to animals and pets?
Has the weather been affected?
Have you felt a special kind of wind around you - functions on machine?
Any unusal flashing in the sky or sycorax type flashes - see Dr who Christmas Invasion (David Tennant)?
Questionnaire Part 2
Further to my other questionnaire see - 1st on 19th April
Continued -
Have you been threatened with hospital or FEMA stay?
Have you encountered anything like special practices where people beat people up in a 'backroom' situation or has it been reported on street theatre?
Have they threatened you with suicide? Have they talked to you about suicidal?
Are they trying to kill you, brainwash you in any way - see mind manipulation? Are they using special language to repeat?
Are they ignoring you - when it comes to reporting what's happening in your area?
Have you tried to approach your Governmen teven with advocacy?
Have you also noticed anyone in your local area or county etc - who is also reporting these incidents?
Have you managed to stop transmission of their machines?
When it comes to street theatre are there any people on it you did not expect ? Are they trying to sensitise you at all through parading through the town, city or village?
Has there been film footage of this or has film footage been replaced on street theatre - have people not wanted film footage in the courts of law?
Have you tried to stop seeking legal redress?
Have you been contaminated or paranoid in any way?
Has there been any special symbols left after intrusion or around you at all?
Are there some unusual practices by perps through the machine?
Have you tried to buy anti radiation items in order to stop it?
Have you tried to label your 'straffenholler' or gang stalking street theatre by buying any special merchandise i.e. wearing t-shirts, carrying mugs - so it can be seen for the cameras?
Have you tried to give out leaflets to people? STOP GANGSTALKING for instance or Campaigned at all?
Media involvement at all? Approaches to Media or Publishing Houses?
Has there been ad campaigns or special pictures to try and sensitise featuring those gang stalking or the gang stalking crowd?
Any of the illuminati involved on the defence list?
See Human Rights Infringements - involve those
Health concerns and private health information discussed and questioned - or dissociative states?
Has your mental and physical health been affected?
Are you feeling that they are trying to behaviour modify you?
Are they trying to 'cure' you? Have they mentioned the word 'cure' at all?
Are they trying to look into medical or sexual information?
Are you being MOCKINGBIRDED - see C.I.A Mockingbird program? Are they using a voice function to contraol your voice or what you say - either at home or in public?
Are they keeping notes?
Threatening to blank or block information?
Have psychologists shown up - or people with computers or woolly hats wearing ear plugs or relatives of authority figures involved?
Do you feel what they are doing is fair?
Have they tried to medically test you on machines in the presence of doctors, psychiatrists, psychologists, medical staff?
have they voice prints of stars or anybody you've known or even professionals and also has there been any reference to C.I.A methods i.e. Flintstones voice prints etc? or old TV shows?
Have you had visits from celebrities, fake stars or even their voice prints after dissociative states or mental states at all or even without these states?
Any private detection agencies involved? Tricky Dickies?
Breaking of rules of professional bodies or even people who may be abusing their power in ways that are wrong? people pretending to be the police force or authority figures?
Have there been any problems with a Kilde, Mark M Rich, or Dr John Hall and some strong opinions of perps?
Barbara Rogers would like to hear from you see questionnaire one and Barbara Rogers 7 St Nicholas Close, Fleet, Hants GU51 4JE, United Kingdom. Tel +44 01252 612392.
I am happy that just believe has got back to me. Keep on fighting. I wan't to make sure that people realise what people are saying here as perps and people need to fight and challenge what they believe of our sitaution. Barbara
With special permission of perps not, who have helped with this little book of |GO for you. Think how many times you've said it, in how many ways. This should make you laugh or titter at very least. They've helped to contribute with this one. Whilst I Have told them to go.
I'll leave you alone. Go!
I'll listen in on you. Go!
I'll talk to you when you don't want to. Go!
Then it'll be a nice book. Go!
Then I'll listen in to you on the web. Go!
I want to govern your life. Go!
I want to tell you what to do with your hair. Go!
I want to be in your personal space. Go!
You do as you are told by me. Go!
I'll nose into your personal business. Go!
I want to know all your sexual information. Go!
I want to know how you work. Go!
I want to linger round you. Go!
I won't leave you. Go!
I don't want to go. Go!
You are someone who thinks I'm a criminal. Go!
Well I am a criminal around you. Go!
I don't know the laws your citing. Go!
I don't intend to pay attention to you. Go!
There's no excuse it's only my way or nothing! Go!
I don't understand you, I don't like you, I don't want you here. Go!
I can't take the hint to go!
I'd like to murder you! Go!
I want to be inside you. Go!
I want to explore you. Go!
I want to be impersonal with you. Go!
Why would I go? You need me! Go!
Goodbye go!
I know everything, you know nothing! Go!
I think I know you very well! Go!
It's going to cause a stink in the courts of law according to a Barista on the wall of Starbucks or his voice print's being used and also the stars apparently involved and very embarrassed.
International copyright The Street theatre at Barbara Rogers' Town of Fleet in Hants.
First page of the list was the perps contribution to that!
How a real life zombie apocalypse is possible and how to protect yourself.
Under the internet of things scientific patent number US 6965816 we can be physically controlled from a distance by our central nervous systems. This is achievable because nano technology inside our bodies which we have unknowingly inhaled and ingested is linked by unknown means to computerized systems. In this way, a number of us can now be physically remote controlled similar to robots. We can be taken over and forced to commit acts against our wills. Further to this, we can still be remote controlled after we are dead. This is simply science and technology in action and it might be deployed in the future in order to introduce fear into society because a fearful society is a maleable society. However, there is an easy solution. If you wear bluetooth enabled bone conduction headphones on a continual basis the digital signals being transmitted to you which are being used to biorobotize you without your awareness will be distorted and you will be protected from biorobotization. You must have several bone conduction headphones so you can wear one while another is charging
Kill your street theatre through the mention of Dr Rauni Kilde Bright lights on Black Shadows - take it down what they say - search for their function - it's out of print here in UK apparently. babs
Further to my other questionnaire see - 1st on 19th April
Continued -
Have you been threatened with hospital or FEMA stay?
Have you encountered anything like special practices where people beat people up in a 'backroom' situation or has it been reported on street theatre?
Have they threatened you with suicide? Have they talked to you about suicidal?
Are they trying to kill you, brainwash you in any way - see mind manipulation? Are they using special language to repeat?
Are they ignoring you - when it comes to reporting what's happening in your area?
Have you tried to approach your Governmen teven with advocacy?
Have you also noticed anyone in your local area or county etc - who is also reporting these incidents?
Have you managed to stop transmission of their machines?
When it comes to street theatre are there any people on it you did not expect ? Are they trying to sensitise you at all through parading through the town, city or village?
Has there been film footage of this or has film footage been replaced on street theatre - have people not wanted film footage in the courts of law?
Have you tried to stop seeking legal redress?
Have you been contaminated or paranoid in any way?
Has there been any special symbols left after intrusion or around you at all?
Are there some unusual practices by perps through the machine?
Have you tried to buy anti radiation items in order to stop it?
Have you tried to label your 'straffenholler' or gang stalking street theatre by buying any special merchandise i.e. wearing t-shirts, carrying mugs - so it can be seen for the cameras?
Have you tried to give out leaflets to people? STOP GANGSTALKING for instance or Campaigned at all?
Media involvement at all? Approaches to Media or Publishing Houses?
Has there been ad campaigns or special pictures to try and sensitise featuring those gang stalking or the gang stalking crowd?
Any of the illuminati involved on the defence list?
See Human Rights Infringements - involve those
Health concerns and private health information discussed and questioned - or dissociative states?
Has your mental and physical health been affected?
Are you feeling that they are trying to behaviour modify you?
Are they trying to 'cure' you? Have they mentioned the word 'cure' at all?
Are they trying to look into medical or sexual information?
Are you being MOCKINGBIRDED - see C.I.A Mockingbird program? Are they using a voice function to contraol your voice or what you say - either at home or in public?
Are they keeping notes?
Threatening to blank or block information?
Have psychologists shown up - or people with computers or woolly hats wearing ear plugs or relatives of authority figures involved?
Do you feel what they are doing is fair?
Have they tried to medically test you on machines in the presence of doctors, psychiatrists, psychologists, medical staff?
have they voice prints of stars or anybody you've known or even professionals and also has there been any reference to C.I.A methods i.e. Flintstones voice prints etc? or old TV shows?
Have you had visits from celebrities, fake stars or even their voice prints after dissociative states or mental states at all or even without these states?
Any private detection agencies involved? Tricky Dickies?
Breaking of rules of professional bodies or even people who may be abusing their power in ways that are wrong? people pretending to be the police force or authority figures?
Have there been any problems with a Kilde, Mark M Rich, or Dr John Hall and some strong opinions of perps?
Barbara Rogers would like to hear from you see questionnaire one and Barbara Rogers 7 St Nicholas Close, Fleet, Hants GU51 4JE, United Kingdom. Tel +44 01252 612392.
Many men and women are being secretly implanted with technology which is wirelessly connected to networks of computers. The evil doers who operate the networks of computers transmit information into the brains and bodies of the victims causing them to hear voices, to see visions, to experience pain, electric shock and injury and also to experience forced muscle movement and even to experience unwanted sensations in their private areas. This has been occurring for many decades and the victims are often being pronounced by those who dont know the full facts as being either mentally ill or are undergoing supernatural experiences.
There are solutions as follows:-
If you wear bone conduction headphones or else bone conduction sunglasses in order to listen to music by means of your skull bones rather than by means of your ear canal this act alone will cancel out all inner voice hearing. It will also stop or else distort the digital signals being sent to your brain and body so that you will no longer see visions, or experience any of the other aforementioned unwanted experiences.
If you wear an orgone generating ornament on your person at all times, the energy coming from the orgone generating ornament will turn the negative radiation coming from the directed energy weapons and neurological weapons into more positive energy, which will protect you from getting cancer or from feeling frightened or depressed.
Moi je n’ai pas d’implants dans le cerveau ou de micro puces et je n’ai pas entendu de voix . Je n’entends pas de voix .
Par contre je suis victimes d’agressions grâce à une énergie dirigée , électromagnétique .
quelqu’un peut il m’informer mieux sur ce genre Energie dirigée ou électromagnétiques?
Je n’ai pas d’implants dans le cerveau ou des micropuces et je n’ai pas entendu une voix . Je n’entends pas de voix.
D’autre part, je suis victime d’agressions grâce à l’énergie dirigée, électromagnétique.
quelqu’un peut-il mieux m’informer sur quel type d’énergie dirigée ou électromagnétique?
Des dizaines de messages facebook et gmail certains destinés a des contact a Soleilmavis de plus de 80 ont été et bloqués , ces messages n’ont pas été transmis à leurs destinataires. Et je n’ai jamais eu de réponses alors que je dénonçais la torture, le harcèlement et plus grave.
Qu’est-ce que je peux faire ?
Des dizaines de messages facebook, certains destinés à des contacts à Soleilmavis plus de 80 ont été et bloqués, ces messages n’ont pas été transmis à leurs destinataires. Et je n’ai jamais eu de réponses quand j’ai dénoncé la torture, le harcèlement et plus grave.
Qu’est-ce que je peux faire ?
I would you to complete this questionnaire, for your own personal use for complaints and court appearances even helping you with the recent news of the questionnaire that you might fill out for the UN - Nils Melzer - Accountability Report - for the High Commissioner see Blog, and also for might be useful for diary entries
I would like your feedback over machine use in your area, functions that are being used, and literature you have found helpful, any contacts that you have found helpful, any environmental problems in your area, strange occurences created by machine (i.e. sycorax, see Dr Who, Flashes in towns or cities).
The rest is obviously sensitive data and is for you to think about
Page One
Chemical Spray Incidents with Approximate Dates and Times even years would help and witnesses?
Have you been sprayed at home or in your home village, town, city and locations?
What kind of mind manipulation/control have you endured?
If you can, what methods can you describe the gangstalkers using i.e. NLP? Dates and Times of Incidents or diaries kept?
What personal information have they found of yours or been paranoid about themselves - is this why they are picking on you? Source of Information?
Harrassment Incidents?
What Tortures (See Wikipedia for more information)?
What abuse have you encountered?
Crminal acts aginst you encountered ie. Stealing, invasion and intrusion of property, beatings ABH/|GBH, Accidents (Domestic Accidents)? See Canada Law on Google sites
Who are you in contact with in T.I. community?
What was mentioned on Street Theatre to label gangstalkers i.e. the mention of certain books for instance Raunni Kilde MD Bright light on Black Shadows or Mark M Rich's Hidden Evil?
who have you tried to contact professionally? When?
Have your complaints failed and why?
Are they accusing you of anything ar they libelling, slandering, defaming and blacklisting you?
Is politics discussed at all? India, China, Russia, any other country - or tenuous political relationships
What do they want to know about your or others religious practices - is it ethical or moral?
Has war been mentioned in any way and why?
Where is the major source of information coming from - have they infringed Data Protection?
Has music and copyright been infringed - have you had to endure music torture at any time?
Have YOU been told you are a copyright infringer - for wanting to know about gangstalking or anti gangstalking?
Are you able to get hold of the information or are people (perps) trying to stop you?
Has your solicitor or legal representation been threatened in any way? Have they tried to obstruct the course of justice?
When the voices and body map are used or wave applied against you, what type of incidents can you report?
Who has spoken even with a disguised voice on your street theatre?
Have you found connections to gangstalking via authority figures?
Have you frequented any places where there is irradiation even in low form?
Have you been electrocuted - in which way - and think of Hospital and Emergency Room Visits?
Have you had to adopt any special behaviours or actions to cut down Irradiation levels?
Have you reported radiation or pollution to the relevant authorities for your area or nationally?
Have you been asked to clear away irradiation or adopt special practices by perps?
Have you been threatened with FEMA or Deportment?
Have you been Threatened with death?
Have you been threatened with rape or had rape - Mind and body rape?
Have you been sexually abuse or tortured, sexual touching or hypersensitivity applied?
Have you been able to ascertain which machines are being used in your area? Voice to skull, DEW's.
Have you noticed areas of pollution, death of plants, affected wildlife, pets , or extra Co2 in your rea ie. ponds, lakes, waterways?
Have you endured cruelty to animals and pets?
Has the weather been affected?
Have you felt a special kind of wind around you - functions on machine?
Any unusal flashing in the sky or sycorax type flashes - see Dr who Christmas Invasion (David Tennant)?
Peace pink is apparently is not registered as charity according to recent reports on Fleet's in Hampshire street theatre - perps belive that you are illegal without charitable status - I have defended you against such onslaught and I do not like what they say - have others had this at all - I have told them that you have charitable status, and they say that you will be stopped from appearing on the web at all. I am not happy with Fleet's perps or the Crown Commissioner's in Winchester's decision that my claims are spurious at all. Very unhappy with result I got, the process of a civil complaint goes through the crown commissioners in this country and the police can turn up at your door and not hear street theatre. I've had to go through IPT, and have to complain about the decision there that they made and Commissioners up held that, and the home office were more helpful with the 10 years sentencing ruling being spelled out, yet they only make the legislation and have to leave it to the crown commission - come on Ranil Jayawardena, we've had the BBC and QVC channel broadcasting it - world wide service apparently - with a Benedict Cumberbatch turning up. My perps are even calling Nils Melzer's February 2020 article - fake news!
“We have a few blissful years left until enforced telepathic readings”
Quote by Julian Assange, founder of Wikileaks.