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urgent  message 1

If  the Supreme Court of Canada, Canadian Government can't stop what are happening to me in Ontario of Canada...


Robin Yan

Canadian victim of torture

urgent  message 2

17 years, 6205 days. That is the tip of the iceberg. Their dirty hands are not only on me, on anyone who has contacted me, such as, International Bar Association

Robin Yan

Canadian victim of torture


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Some individuals have already had signals lock on to their brains and bodies on a permanent basis so that they can be illegally controlled on a mental, physical and psychological basis permanently throughout their entire lives. Those signals can be triangulated from tall phone towers or other paraphernalia in their geographical regions on to permanent implants inside those individuals or else on to the unique brain signature of each individual. Psychiatrists are being used to cover up this crime by illegally certifying that such individuals are mentally ill even though they are totally sane.
Psychiatric diagnoses are all based on consensus of the opinion of vested interested parties who wish to sell pharmaceutical drugs or who wish to find a way to control their fellow human beings without going through legal channels or who simply wish to earn money from practicing psychiatry. Psychiatry is not science. It is pseudo science at best. The theory of chemical imbalance in the human brain has never been proven.
All those who hear intelligent voices coming from inside their own head do so because because energy is being transmitted inside their heads which carry voices and simulations of voices as well as other sounds. Energy is being used which carry subliminal hypnotic voice commands into the heads of unaware individuals who then act out of character because of this subliminal hypnosis. Some of those individuals who are being subliminally hypnotised in this way are some psychiatrists themselves.
Nobody benefits from psychiatry other than the partially hidden world wide dictatorship who are using psychiatry to wrongly incarcerate those who they illegally experiment on by the use of directed energy weapons and neurological weapons and they also use psychiatry to incarcerate many others who get in their way of attaining world dictatorial control.
Other government staff other than psychiatrists are also mind controlled to enslave their fellow country men and women. Government staff throughout most of the world, because of being technologically mind controlled, have turned on their fellow country men and their fellow country women with water cannons and by other means and are treating them as their enemies simply because they have been either subliminally hypnotised or have had their neural pathways stimulated by means of transcranial magnetic stimulation by technology inserted inside their military helmets or by some other means.
All technology which is suspended in the skies over our heads such as drones, (satellites which are purported to be sixty five thousand miles over our heads are simply hoaxes) depend on ground based paraphernalia in order to function. Therefore, all we need to do in order to free ourselves from the world dictatorshp is simply to have all such ground based technology disassembled and banned forever and to keep a constant check that no dangerous signals are generated ever again.

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Optogenetics is being used to remotely and wirelessly enslave many men and women throughout the world in a completely invisible deniable way.
Green algae is light sensitive.
A protein in green algae causes green algae to swim towards or away from light.
Light is now being used to control the behaviour of human brain cells.
Criminal neuro science operatives take the gene that encodes the green algae protein and another piece of DNA called a promoter and put them in a virus which they then inject into unaware human beings while those human beings are unconscious. Neurons in the human brain will activate the promoter. The virus grows inside the human brain where it infects neurons and delivers the gene. The green algae protein is then expressed in the brain cell membrane. This situation gives the criminal neuro science operatives the ability to precisely control portions of the brains of non-consenting and unwilling living, moving, human beings and they can achieve this brain control from a distance by the use of pulsed microwaves while remaining unknown to the brain controlled victim.
This method of controlling the brains of human beings from a distance is being used to both physically control the movements of some human beings andis also being used to control the thinking processes of other human beings most especially senior officials in each country throughout the world. I know about it because I have been partially enslaved by it for many years.
If the team ofcriminal neuro science operatives who have partially enslaved me by the use of optogenetics find a way to fully enslave me by the use of both optogenetics and preprogrammed algorithms they will then use optogenetics and preprogrammed algorithms to control and enslave you as soon as they have managed to persuade you to or to mandate you to accept a vaccination which contains green algae protein plus a promoter.
According to an article by Mojimar Babacek called 'Optogenetics: A New Technology to Control the Human Brain' to be found online 'Dr Sarah Lisanby from the National Institute of Mental Health in Maryland, United States, can use brain maps to make different parts of the human body move by the magnetic stimulation of the brain, even against this will of the human beings in question.
I am a subject of non-consensual neuro experimentation which is being carried out from an unknown remote location on me by means of signal intelligence. I have lost the right to control some of my own muscles which are now being externally physically controlled by an unknown team of criminal neuro science operatives who remote control me on occasion from unknown remote locations. What will I do in order to regain sovereignty over my own human body and brain? I know others who have also lost the right to control their own muscle movements at random times. We remain unable to prove this external remote control of our physical bodies because this capability is invisible and highly deniable. What is to be done about this. Why are tax payers continuing to finance brain science because it is being used against those tax payers who finance it?
Please raise awareness of this serious matter. I will not return to the police to report my situation because the last time I reported my situation to them they brought me for mandatory psychiatric evaluation which immediately made it unsafe for me to continue explaining my situation to them. This is the way that most if not all targeted individuals of remote wireless non-consensual experimentation and manipulation are being dealt with by the police in their respective countries. I believe that the police are under technologically induced mind control.

I am a non-consensual and unwilling targeted individual of neuro research and I do not know who those who are researching my brain and central nervous system are because they conduct all of their research from unknown remote locations while remaining unknown to me. Dr Michael Persinger in his document which is called 'On the Possibility of Directly Accessing Every Human Brain by Electromagnetic Induction of Fundamental Algorithms' asserts that all brains on this earth can be accessed in a similar way to the way my own brain and body are being accessed. This is not the case. We are being forced to accept a false worldview by those at the top of the false hierarchical based chain of command in this world and this false worldview is being forced on us for many centuries. If we challenge it we are ridiculed or accused of being mentally ill. Both church and state enforce this false worldview on us from our birth to our deaths. However, our own intelligence and ability to think logically tells us not to accept this false worldview. The false worldview I am referring to the spinning ball earth worldview. The earth is fixed and flat which means that not all parts of the earth are under full spectrum surveillance. There are parts of the earth which have never been sprayed with electrically conductive metals or other nano materials which are meant for human control and surveillance. Those at the core of the false hierarchical based chain of command live in those parts of the earth. The reason for the spinning ball earth hoax is to make us believe that we are all under the same level of surveillance and full spectrum control. However, those that are perpetrating the hoax have become very frightened that we will wake up to this hoax so they constantly present us with what are imaginary images of a spinning ball earth and they also repeat the word 'global' on the main stream media dozens of times each day so as to create deeply entrenched neural pathways in our brains to force us to believe this hoax throughout the course of our whole lives without us ever questioning it. In order to fully escape from the slow and incremental enslavement which we are experiencing right now we must fully accept that the earth is fixed and flat, a fact which is easily scientifically proven in a myriad of different ways.
All of the creaters of the spinning ball earth myth have been freemasons. From Pythageros to Copernicus, Galileo and Newton to modern astronauts such as Aldrin, Armstrong and Collins to Director of NASA and Grand Commander of the 33rd degree C Fred Kleinknecht all the creaters and promoters of the spinning ball earth have been freemasons. The Duke of Kent in the United Kingdom who is a first cousin of Queen Elizabeth the second of England is the head of freemasonry throughout the whole world. He has alot to answer for.
Because the earth is fixed and flat some parts of the earth are obviously not under surveillance from the skies and therefore not all human brains can be accessed by electromagnetic induction of fundamental algorithms. For further information on the fixed and flat earth please read the following book 'Two Hundred Proofs That The Earth is Not a Spinning Ball' by Eric Dubay.
My website which I alone own and control is called My name and address are as follows :-
Gretta Fahey, Newbrook, Claremorris, Co. Mayo, Eircode F12 Y560, Republic of Ireland.
My landline home phone number is 094 9360901.
My email address is

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Optogenetics is being used to remotely and wirelessly enslave many men and women throughout the world in a completely invisible deniable way.
Green algae is light sensitive.
A protein in green algae causes green algae to swim towards or away from light.
Light is now being used to control the behaviour of human brain cells.
Criminal neuro science operatives take the gene that encodes the green algae protein and another piece of DNA called a promoter and put them in a virus which they then inject into unaware human beings while those human beings are unconscious. Neurons in the human brain will activate the promoter. The virus grows inside the human brain where it infects neurons and delivers the gene. The green algae protein is then expressed in the brain cell membrane. This situation gives the criminal neuro science operatives the ability to precisely control portions of the brains of non-consenting and unwilling living, moving, human beings and they can achieve this brain control from a distance by the use of pulsed microwaves while remaining unknown to the brain controlled victim.
This method of controlling the brains of human beings from a distance is being used to both physically control the movements of some human beings andis also being used to control the thinking processes of other human beings most especially senior officials in each country throughout the world. I know about it because I have been partially enslaved by it for many years.
If the team ofcriminal neuro science operatives who have partially enslaved me by the use of optogenetics find a way to fully enslave me by the use of both optogenetics and preprogrammed algorithms they will then use optogenetics and preprogrammed algorithms to control and enslave you as soon as they have managed to persuade you to or to mandate you to accept a vaccination which contains green algae protein plus a promoter.
According to the following article by Mojimar Babacek called 'Optogenetics: A New Technology to Control the Human Brain' to be found online 'Dr Sarah Lisanby from the National Institute of Mental Health in Maryland, United States, can use brain maps to make different parts of the human body move by the magnetic stimulation of the brain, even against this will of the human beings in question.
I am a subject of non-consensual neuro experimentation which is being carried out from an unknown remote location on me by means of signal intelligence. I have lost the right to control some of my own muscles which are now being externally physically controlled at random times by an unknown team of criminal neuro science operatives who remote control me on occasion from unknown remote locations. What will I do in order to regain sovereignty over my own human body and brain? I know others who have also lost the right to control their own muscle movements at random times. We remain unable to prove this external remote control of our physical bodies because this capability is invisible and highly deniable. What is to be done about this. Why are tax payers continuing to finance brain science because it is being used against those tax payers who finance it?
Please raise awareness of this serious matter. I will not return to the police to report my situation because the last time I reported my situation to them they brought me for mandatory psychiatric evaluation which immediately made it unsafe for me to continue explaining my situation to them.

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Optogenetics is being used to remotely and wirelessly enslave many men and women throughout the world in a completely invisible deniable way.
Green algae is light sensitive.
A protein causes green algae to swim towards or away from light.
Light is now being used to control the behaviour of human brain cells.
You take the gene that encodes the green algae protein and another piece of DNA called a promoter and you put them in a virus which you then inject into human beings while they are unconscious. Neurons in the human brain will activate the promoter. The virus grows inside the human brain where it infects neurons and delivers the gene. The green algae protein is then expressed in the brain cell membrane. This situation gives the neuro scientists the ability to precisely control the brains of non-consenting and unwilling living, moving, human beings and they can achieve this brain control from a distance while remaining unknown to the brain controlled victim.
This method of controlling the brains of human beings from a distance is being used to both physically control the movements of some human beings andis also being used to control the thinking processes of other human beings most especially senior officials in each country throughout the world. I know about it because I have been partially enslaved by it for many years.
If the team of neuro scientists who have partially enslaved me by the use of optogenetics find a way to fully enslave me by the use of preprogrammed algorithms they will then use those preprogrammed algorithms to control and enslave you as soon as they have managed to persuade you to accept a vaccination which contains green algae protein plus a promoter.
Please raise awareness of this serious matter. I will not return to the police to report my situation because the last time I reported my situation to them they brought me for mandatory psychiatric evaluation which immediately made it unsafe for me to continue explaining my situation to them. What next?

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The approximately three hundred families who privately own most of the central banks throughout the world wish us to believe that which is false so that they can more easily control and eventually enslave all of us.
They forcefully impose a false regimented worldview on to the minds of their fellow men and women. Most if not all organised religions, state controlled education, main stream media, academic as well as the entertainment industry is under the private control of those private banking families and their allies.
They are doing all in their power to suppress alternative information from getting through to those who use the internet by using pre-programmed algorithms which are based on each individuals private computer use to firewall relevant and enlightening information off from appearing on their computer screens.
They use the overwhelming power of ridicule on anyone who challenges the false worldview they are forcing upon us by suggesting that the challenger is mentally deranged and by having pretrained government personnel detain any challengers of the enforced false reality inside psychiatric hospitals.
They are secretly using the science of Remote Neural Monitoring to transmit specific commands into the subconscious minds of the masses of individuals through the use of electromagnetic radiation waves.
They use transcranial magnetic stimulation which is being employed from a distance to disrupt portions of the human brain which are associated with cognitive reasoning and narrative comprehension in order to force individuals into believing what they would normally never believe and to also force them to disbelieve that which has found to be true. Whenever neural pathways have been set up in our brains through inculcation our enemies can then stimulate those neural pathways either through constant repitition and images of a daily basis and also through the aforementioned Transcranial Magentic Stimulation of those already formed neural pathways.
They are now using a hoaxed pandemic in order to keep us isolated from each other so that we might have no choice other than to use smart phones and smart computers to communicate with each other because they are aware that they can control our behaviour, thinking patterns and emotions while we are bathed in the type of artificial electromagnetic radiaiton which comes from all smart devices. Do not purchase an electric car or an electric bicycle because those types of of electric vehicles can be immobilized on the road by remote means by those who have the knowledge to immobilize them.
The aforementioned three hundred families who privately own most of the central banks throughout the world now have the means of introducing cultures into human neurons through a process called transfection and this process would enable those human neurons to make or express encoded proteins which would then allow others to use a process known as optogenetics to remote control the physical body of any human being that accepted such cultures. Largely unaware people would be manipulated to accept those aforementioned cultures via vaccines because they would be wrongly led to believe that they were protecting themselves from a virus by accepting such a vaccine. After the culture grew inside the body of the human being they could be paralysed from a remote location if they dared to challenge the dictates of the worldwide dictatorship.
The most important lie which the three hundred families and their allies are attempting to conseal is the fact that the earth is flat and fixed and because of that not everybody is being subjected to full spectrum dominance and that not everybody is being sprayed with conductive materials from the skies over our heads. Madagascar has been pinpointed as the possible lair of those who wish to enslave us without our knowledge or consent. They have invented false enemies in order to distract us from who they really are such as extraterresterials, sentient artificial intelligence, supernatural spirits, climate change or viruses, none of which are true. Our enemies are a group of megalomaniacs who through hoarding knowledge and money for multigenerations now believe that they have the right to control us by our central nervous systems now.
For further information on the process of transfection please listen to the online lectures of Celeste Solum.
For further information about remote physical control of human beings via their central nervous systems please study a subject called optogenetics.

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update: From UN. It is too late.

If  the Supreme Court of Canada, Canadian Government can't stop what are happening to me in Ontario of Canada...

un human rights

Twitter, Facebook and Google CEOs testify before Congress – /2020/oct/28/section-230-hearings-live

From that, it is true that Twitter, Facebook and Google did filter, block and hack all my posts and evidence at the same time by one task system.

UN Human Rights
UN Human Rights Council
Amnesty International
International Bar Association
International Criminal Court
Canadian Government

After UN Human Rights emailed me one letter; after Amnesty International "visited "my home, after the Supreme Court of Canada has ruled only people benefit from the charter protection against cruel or unusual punishment,  my neighbors, who are bridging my home internet ( confirmed by computer expert) , killed my baby birds in this way. They killed one baby bird one day. Five days, they killed all of them:



After Amnesty International "visited "my home, one morning my neighbors  stood in line to threaten and harass me :

Now  my neighbors are  entering my house at any time  without opening any doors. They even hide in my house attic, stay in my house to attack my head, hearing, my heart, my body with all possible Non-Lethal Weapons, and to do everything evil that you can not imagine . So, I can't sleep and work normally everyday. It has been 17 years. 

Even, evilly, they are remotely  attacking and controlling my heart rate and my hearing. You all have the evidence I have provided, again, plus the evidence from this being hacked paragraph :

"Recently ,  one professor of University of  California, San Diego stated: If you are secretly forced to take one medicine called " sensitizer ", they can start their torture, terror and murder by Microwave, Radio Frequency...because you are now very sensitive to  Microwave, Radio Frequency. Even, they can do these remotely."  ( This paragraph is being filtered.)

Even, evilly, they are poisoning me in this way after UN contacted me:

1) McDonald's Philippine  cashier, who poured coffee for me.

2) By floor vibration lights, I found they wore invisibility cloak to poison me and forcibly inject me. Uptill now they refused to disclose what they injected into my body. All Canadian media reported this a few years ago. The photo which had needle on my body was destroyed.

Please see the security alarm I put and the ceiling.

Ceiling :

In addition, please see the picture regarding " systemic racism " :

Recently, the Supreme Court of Canada has ruled only people benefit from the charter protection against cruel or unusual punishment.

Recently, Prime Minister of Canada stated on behalf of Canadian government : "We will stand up loudly and clearly for human rights around the world... "

However,  they, UN,... can't stop their ongoing brutality and evil by my neighbors, by those who are gathering around and in my work place ; by those who are putting their dirty hands on everything I am using, including my car, my home security cameras.

All Canadian lawyers refused my request and stated 14 years ago : " You have nowhere to go if want to file complaints against Canadian police and doctors. "

Fight  for my life being  threatened ; fight against ongoing (psychological ) torture, terror and attempted murder by every possible means,  I am not alone and I need your help.

Robin Yan

Canadian victim of torture


Please forward this  to International Bar Association, UN Human Rights Office
by fax  and
, thanks.

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Some observations and analytical thoughts:

-both twin tower were finished around 1970/1973 and contained asbestos for over 25years! 400+ tons of asbestos.

-existing GLADIO(since 50's) and Remote-Viewing-Program(since 1978) from past years, GLADIO is proven state-sponsored terrorism, Remote-Viewing allegedly wasn't accomplished convincingly with own resources but was just realized when a radical turkish PSI-group was assigned or self-proclaimed to be domestic operatives for the purpose of PSI-Terror affecting hundreds of thousands or millions of citizen permanently to realize PSI-manipulative methods and PSI-weapons, insofar this is also necessarily realized as a state-sponsored terrorism especially if a state like Germany omits/denies/counters to investigate and name the real PSI-Perpetrators exhaustively and even starts deception campaigns in favor for these psychopathic turkish PSI-perpetrators or malevolently tries citizens to talk into the believe of other normal citizens being the alleged continuous origin of homicidal and evil PSI-activity. Kilic's PSI-Terror is a form and manifestation of turkish right-wing terror.

-Kilic's PSI-activity was known in Baden-Württemberg many years before 1990

-Kilic appears to have urged over many years in advance different services (e.g. local CIA-Heidelberg and obviously also in N.Y.) with the information that there are tons of harmful asbestos materials, practically poisons, talking them into the believe PSI-Terror is because of asbestos and chemical hazards, and how urgent this allegedly is, what also played a pronounced role was Kilic's attacking through the timezones and molesting citizens in other countries and continously commenting telepathically about their issues, he bragged about this "dual perspective" many times and what he allegedly caused telepathically here or elsewhere, it appears he even partially used german language for example: "Nun schau' Dir doch mal an wie Du dastehst...." and obviously choose a personal form to address people, it appears Kilic urged telepathically to achieve changes and this was meant more and more politically, it was known in Heidelberg at every point in time that Kilic caused severe problems.

-many people, my person included, dreamt of dangerously shaking skyscrapers, dangerously shaking floors while being in a floor in incredible height, many years before 911 and also afterwards, as I understand it this happened along the lines of what later became known as "dream telepathy"(a mindcontrol product from Kilic Heidelberg!), also sudden acrophobia suggested over telepathy played a role, this re-occoured in later years but in the clear context of natural earthquakes or collapses of buildings which actually followed and occurred

-in 1999 I worked in the DKFZ Heidelberg(German Cancer Research Center) as a civil servant, several scientific employees made strange hints like "sonst bricht hier aaalles zusammen...." (or everything collapses), i misspelled the german word "alles" to show how this was stressed by these employees back then, obviously something was known back then and it was an unsolvable problem or a combination of unsolvable problems. I understood this the way PSI-activity, telepathy, psychokinesis and mindcontrol from the turkish household Kilic was meant and was/is a serious problem. The story goes further. Some employees(names available) of DKFZ knew this turkish household Kilic and later visited several times in 1999 and 2000 and probably also in later years. I have many details about Kilic PSI-activity in this research institution. Many employees appeared to be molested or disturbed by this turkish PSI-Terror, especially considering the relatively close proximity to Kilic's apartment back then. Every employee there had a qualified and experienced opinion about the basic question of telepathy, psychokinesis and mindcontrol but in the special context of Kilic and Kilic's PSI-group in the town Heidelberg and mentioned here and there several details, fragments and own experiences, made some hints, probably to ease pressures and to inform others. 

The situation changed since then, the institution E0400 moved a few hundred meters on the campus.

-when living in Humboldstraße 24, 69120 Heidelberg-Neuenheim, at one time Kilic showed with thumb and finger "a pronto" maybe an italian "pronto please", this was one year or a little more before 09/11/2001, one of the younger turkish brother who always claimed to have special knowledge in math, he showed this "pronto" out of the window in the first floor, he knew he could be seen and showed it nevertheless at one time when I left the house, this younger brother Kilic also owned a cellphone at that time and showed himself several times demonstratively making a call before the opened window, he laughed and played, it was a parterre apartment to the right, he clearly tried to suggest some monumentally important information. Did he refer/hint to the cellphone paradox in advance?

-yet some months later, before 911, he demonstratively started giving telepathic commands in different directions: "Legt los...!" and "Fangt an...!" These commands could be perceived partially in german and as continuous telepathic comments and while being directly in the floor above them! The direction appeared to be north from Heidelberg and maybe in cities far away. 

-the role of the older Mrs. Kilic("Für Ihr Grüßen können Sie sich mal") in the pre-911 timeperiod is highly relevant. Back then Mrs. Kilic played an eager feminist, strenghening during nighttime her calves, breaking the proud of victims, targets and citizens, with PSI-Sex-Rape-Terror and making it appear solely the work of a woman or herself, in reality this turkish PSI-Terror is perpetrated by a male/female PSI-Group, Mrs. Kilic apparently played "tout calves of a woman", she was walking during the night(sounds!) with heels put on in the apartement(below) where I was living, these heels made disturbing sounds during the night, Mrs. Kilic stressed over telepathy on many occasions that she prefers to keep in a position of "all time ready to leave the house", still clothed for outside and to leave, all these informations were telepathically present but as I lived there in 1999 I know for sure they were physically awake during the nighttime quite quite often, they also stayed awake for many days probably up to weeks many times, Mrs. Kilic also laughed nastily and spitefully even over telepathy and I am quite sure this is characteristic for her. It was/is part of the sabotage, a Sex-PSI-Terror sabotage weakening society and deceiving about what had/has priority, the subversion of the modern society with Sex-Terror over telepathy, psychokinesis and mindcontrol, in combination with this PSI-Sex-Terror many political details were distinct, for example: over many nights Mrs. Kilic and the other members of this radical PSI-Group, especially Kemal Kilic, brought telepathically: "Saddam...."(only this name!) while a woman could be seen telepathically, as if presenting a women, holding her hand high, or presenting the name, also the words "hore of babylon"(babylonische Hure) occurred several times explicitly over telepathy, also extreme jealousy was distinctly present, these and other detailed contents played a role over many years before and after 911 and this is undoubtedly tied to Kilic's PSI-Group in Heidelberg

-the role of the very loud and clear telepathic comment from around 1997/1998 from this turkish PSI-Group: "Hähäh...dem wurde das Gesicht abgesägt...", it could mean to attack somebody or the time after a PSI-attack against somebody occurred, it certainly could also mean to sabotage somebody, if somebody was sawn off it means he was thrown out.

-another oddity from this pre-911 timeperiod was for example Kilic's provocative act to change for a time the name on the door to "Kowalski", it actually does not belong to Kilic but it might be a hint to/for Kemal Kilic himself, also several other residents noticed this immediately, the most probable explanation for the name and the purpose besides distracting all residents in this house is Kilic's pervert attack of one university employee, working at that time as an administrative employee, in german: Verwaltungsangestellter, at an institution of the university(full name available, years later I met that man!) Kilic apparently attacked this man over telepathy that much heavily and that much sadistically and over a long time, Kilic choose habitual victims for joy and satisfaction, he often laughed about his victims and that they were almost pushed trough the walls, it must be perceived a form of insulting and an attempt to malevolently imitate another person and another identity but of course also to ignite forms of extreme domestic terror by this solely turkish family Kilic(born Güldane) from Heidelberg, so this means Kilic was that much aggressive and self-confident in the time before 911, he PSI-raped like a butcher and attacked and assaulted numberless residents of all kind with psychokinesis to the genitals, it is probably Kilic's sadistic, bragging and pervert nature that let him write the name of one of his habitual PSI-victims on his own door. That's true!

-Kemal Kilic owned an older wine-red Opel Kadett "Life"(poor condition!) at that time with the license plate HD-KI1296 (a note: Kilic obviously choose initials of his own name and probably the month/year of admission), in later years he owned a black VW-Golf in Heidelberg, as far as today authorities block any official and formal requests to hand out the precise names of these turks, although we now know that it is also about the name "Güldane", I have stated as a reason my intend to initiate a lawsuit against Memet Kilic(Die Grünen) which is of course true. Interested citizens and lawyers from any country from the international community can try themselves to get from german authorities information about Memet Kilic(Die Grünen) and his dubious PSI-group, male and female relatives and friends of Memet Kilic(Die Grünen), for a formal lawsuit. Highly relevant to the question how the pre-911 timeperiod was and what role PSI-Warfare played and that former governmental "psychics", actually the real psychics or "PSI-active psychics" from the Star-Wars-Program, played the main role over the last 30 years, changed their behaviours and deranged more and more, developed terminal behaviour, to the poor state economically, socially and considering HR that we have now.

-yet another oddity became recognizable when living at this Humboldstraße 24 apartment, at one time a female turk was extremely upset, obviously because "a certain bizarre plan was accepted with approval", this female turk wondered that it actually was approved and was happy about it: "Hääh, die haben es tatsächlich gemacht..."(defense circles and israel?), this also happened in the months before 09/11/2001, this bizarre plan probably also includes Kilic's PSI-adapted version of Mindcontrol, False-Flag-operations, synthetic terror and submitting the whole world, what resulted was an advanced PSI-catalyzed or PSI-supported False-Flag-manover, basically a PSI-catalyzed amok with the help of modern methods of telepathy, psychokinesis and mindcontrol, at that time practically no amok cases were known in germany, but it is my understanding that outside germany a long history of PSI-catalyzed amok crimes exist, which became known in much later years, in the 90's these turks were extremely arrogant, attacking, insulting and PSI-raping each and every citizen, it is my judgment from careful observation that they were interested in making/advancing terror laws, a proven phenomenon we especially heard in the U.S., actually and honestly Kilic's PSI-Terror, a form of synthetic terror, played a most important role, and it was out there over all past years, these turks evoked the impression that they are going to have a brilliant future in Heidelberg, financially independent and almost untouchable, one the other hand it appeared they gained their confidence solely from repeated pervert PSI-rapes of numberless residents in Heidelberg, each and every target could be touched("Kilic erreicht nicht...."), and each and every target must accept their pervert terms which is of course only Kilic's maniac world view and nothing more, it is also possible that with the approval of a certain most bizarre plan Memet Kilic(Die Grünen) got promoted within the intelligence community, his PSI-group played an important role in arranging several conditions including the guaranteed possibility of domestic PSI-Terror, there are rumors he and his PSI-group was promoted and invited for a career in Germany after accomplishing or allegedly helping with the fall of the Berlin Wall with PSI-methods, but this is not necessarily the case because the fall of the Berlin Wall was a long planned geostrategic, territorial, intelligence coordinated and administrative act, facially it looked like a PSI-supported peaceful revolution opening up the possibility to introduce PSI-manipulators in modern society as alleged heroes, but we all know how this story continued: Kilic and his PSI-group became malevolent, paranoid and homicidal, leading the whole world from one catastrophe to just another catastrophe, namely the synthetic terror, PSI-Terror and hundreds of thousands of amok cases, economic wars and desaster capitalism and all this fundamentally tied to Kilic's yearslong terrorizing PSI-Terror in Heidelberg.

-another oddity back then in Heidelberg: the strong telepathic impression of religious delusions or even delusional disorder(Sendungswahn oder missionarischer Wahn/Missionswahn), it appeared Kilic experimented preferredly with this at that time and probably was already experimenting with this since years with any victims, it appeared as if somebody should be made doing/committing something maybe for the first time, at several occasions Kilic even showed telepathically a man holding a blank and shiny silver cross before himself in his hands, this as a fact also points into the direction of religions or religious delusions, sometimes Kilic showed telepathic images from the Neckar and the Neckar bank(towards Neckargemünd), all perceivable easily over Kilic's telepathy and part of an experimental mindcontrol-setup. So with other words: it was known back then that Kilic is actively experimenting with dangerous Manchurian-candidate-style telepathy, psychokinesis and mindcontrol, an indept urge to do this or to do that was present, and one of the turkish sisters(probably sister of Fidan Ulucan Kilic) together with one or more brothers manipulated these "individual targets", it seemed they enjoyed their pervert urges, at that time they were active day and night, I had the impression of a privately sustained operative basis, all members of this turkish PSI-group are participating, females and males, active day and night, regular overnight PSI-Terror. I am remembering the malicious intend of this turkish male/female PSI-Group to arbitrarily select potential victims who do not know at all about telepathy, psychokinesis and mindcontrol, moreover to preferably select just those targets being psychoanalytically unacquainted or unknown to principles of consciousness enhancement, because these turks would be more easily successful with totally unacquainted/unwitting targets. But it was also about the proportions of conscious/unconscious of an arbitrarily selected victim's consciousness, itself. The female turks of this PSI-Group preferredly attacked vulnerable, unacquainted, uninformed targets, it seemed to me the role of conscious|unconscious occouring in the same point fascinated them at that time.

-finally, one the day of 09/11/2001 around 15:00CET Kilic appeared to point into a far direction over telepathy, he probably meant the collision in N.Y., alarming citizens even over telepathy, almost showing them a virtual perspective, as far as I know this was accompanied with explicit and strong telepathic activity from this turkish PSI-group even on a 1:1 time basis and through the timezones with the exact time.

-in later years it became known to me, that sometime before 1990 Kilic repeatedly thought loudly about the "Jihad" like "das ist dann nur noch der Jihad" or "da ist dann nur noch der Jihad". The question is what does it mean and does it belong to any other consideration? For example it could belong to the question where and how wars could be ignited and started. It could also refer to the problem that in modern times intelligence was deemed almost unnecessary and outdated. The cold war was over. The Military Industrial Complex needs targets. If there are no natural targets, they must be created. To create them people must be elicited to be hateful, full of rage. And it should look naturally and genuine, the perfect false-flage-manover is a PSI-false-flag-operation, almost all people can be elicited with this, actually it is a known problem in europe and a problem caused by Kilic Heidelberg.

So it appears this was and is accomplished with Kilic's telepathy, psychokinesis and catalyzing mindcontrol and PSI-rapes and with PSI-torture, prohibited and most banned methods. They constitute a C.A.H., a Crime Against Humanity.

So this means: Kilic started to talk about Jihad before 1990(nobody knew even the word back then, it wasn't common!) using telepathy and psychokinesis to elicit people over years, he organized, invented and formed new military targets so that new wars became possible, actually using telepathy and psychokinesis over years and living in Heidelberg, Baden-Württemberg. Another reason for this development was Kilic's own high interest to join the intelligence community, but he could only have an intelligence-related job, if the reason for this job exists in reality. If it doesn't exist it must be forcefully created. That's Kilic's crime and longterm characteristic: creating synthetic targets and synthetic terrorisms with his own PSI-Terror-method, a radical, discriminating, degrading, PSI-rape method and direct PSI-assault by this turkish PSI-Group.

In later years it became known: "911 ist eine Intelligence Operation zur Erschaffung und Sicherung neuer Aufgaben und neuer Aufgabenbereiche...". With Synthetic Terror and of course also with synthetic PSI-Terror, both of this is one whole piece now.

Some have called this War-Games, others have called it Synthetic Terror, what is almost missing is this most important piece, the socalled PSI-catalyzed terror, which is essentially terror in it's own. Kilic's domestic PSI-Terror from Heidelberg. I am pointing out, that Kilic's PSI-Terror is not only a C.A.H. it is also strongly connected to generating pre-war conflicts, conflicts leading to war or constituting the reasons for a war, and it is part of a war crime, constitutes the crime of aggression. These crimes are perpetrated in a/with help of a selected circle of highest intelligence, a special interplay of factors in the chosen country germany, the interplay of 18 or more intelligence services in germany, several CIA-staging units in germany, the Mossad, certainly the military government in germany, and the dubious turkish family Kilic(born Güldane) moving for the special purpose of a covert intelligence career to germany, molesting, terrorizing and torturing millions of citizens, making numberless laws effectively impossible, installing and establishing domestic forms of dangerous terror, synthetic terror, submitting the rest of the country and the rest of the world, leading to many different crisis on all levels, leading to impoverishment for millions in all countries, to unemployment and economic worsening with the resulting impossibility to instate citizens, leading to economic wars and desaster capitalism. A longtime known goal of criminal intelligence groups or special self-proclaimed intelligence enthusiasts and PSI-actors(Kilic Heidelberg) is their agenda goal to get and keep people unemployed, financially ruin them or creating the highest dependence from intelligence groups or the military industrial complex and associates. More Kilic PSI-Terror produces more synthetic terror and that's good for the MIC and associates. Kilic probably perceives himself the big MIC-Star, an entertainer and telepathic mediator: "Ihr könnt doch sonst nicht mit ihm reden....."(Kilic meant the MIC!), who can make synthetic terror and wars infinitely often. Yet the question actually leads into the direction that this whole synthetic terror is a direct answer, and not a new one, specifically to Kilic's PSI-Terror, the MIC attacked itself in Heidelberg, Baden-Württemberg. Kilic's credo is also: if you don't like wars, military, weapons, destruction and killing, then you can be made consensus using PSI-methods, you'll experience yourself completely different after several weeks of PSI-rapes. And so on.

On the other hand Kilic's domestic PSI-Terror threatens and blackmails citizens to cover him or making citizens to patsys or abusing/involving innocent citizens as his PSI-alibi. His own "survival" as a PSI-Terrorist within a "limited operation/maneuver" depends strongly on an intimidated background-mass of fearful citizens.("Kilic braucht immer jemanden mit dem er macht...").

This together makes up the big picture and one closed circuit. 

If it wasn't for this forum and blogs like these, the truth wouldn't even be out there.

In the UN there is a right for the truth, and this is not a secondary right! There's no right in the world for criminal intelligence services for claiming anything unlawful from any citizens, and yet this is precisely what is happening here, paranoid turks who rise pervert terms, overruling legal standards with overnight PSI/Psycho-Terror against unconscious/sleeping citizens, playing fate with the lifes of others persons and thousands of other perversions more, we all know it leads only to desasters and not to improvements of any kind but to horrendous worsenings on multiple levels everywhere.

We have a right to know if criminal insane turkish PSI-manipulators(Kilic in Heidelberg), or deranged Star-Wars-Psychics, now in a role against the own civil society, try to lead us to wars, destruction, impoverishment, psychological/PSI-torture and terminal developments. It is also about millions of lifes being destroyed politically, socially, economically and as a h-u-m-a-n b-e-i-n-g by only one single malevolent and evil turkish household, namely the turkish household and the PSI-group behind Memet Kilic(Die Grünen). The answer is quite simple: there is no right to terrorize a civil society with pervert, sadistic, sexually oriented, malevolent and malicious PSI-Warfare.

We, the citizens, still do not have the full answers:

Was there an intelligence split-up(IL/Saudi/US) due to Kilic's PSI-Terror from Heidelberg in the 90's?

Why was it, that the leader(Jarrah) of the "Hamburg cell" back in 1999 was the cousin of a known mossad agent and did not stop unlawful developments? Most certainly he was himself a mossad operative, a cell-operative.

Did Kilic's PSI-group help telepathically to synchronize the operations of this manover leading to 911, as a combined psycho-physical perpetrated operation in total, for example coordinating with telepathy operatives but also by eliciting hatefully potential targets at the right time, which lead (as in other cases) to committing crimes? Kilic's principle over years: "ausgehöhlte/ausgestopfte Identität/Personality", quasi like two separated worlds quite close to each other, especially a potential "candidate" does not know the full picture, only Kilic knows. A principle of secrecy, related to psychology of secrecy, in modern time this was very much modified/adapted with Kilic's PSI-methods and was and is part of Kilic's PSI-methods of subversion and deception. A dual method with fetish for binarity, grotesque and bizarre.

Did Kilic specifically interfere with his right-wing PSI-Terror in the Afghanistan war of the late 80's, did he interfere with CIA-intelligence operations up to a state of "out of control" from his Heidelberg apartment, did he attack Mujahedeen-fighters in the 90's or did Kilic's PSI-Terror interfere with another part of this one huge Star-Wars-Program in the 90's? A self-interference as he is part of the game! 

Why was it, that warnings of more than ten international intelligence services were neglected prior to the events of 09/11/2001?

What's to Kilic's later telepathic statement that 911 is beneath other goals also a mean and a method to avoid(!) people getting as rich and as wealthy as the rest of the western world? Kilic over telepathy: "Ja, Ihr sollt nicht alles haben...". Fact is that global impoverishment started after 911 step by step, it has reached new horrendous records in recent times.

-Why is it, instead of countering foreseeable terrorists threats the Defense Department and some special units or intelligence circles choose to plant demolitions devices in the Twin Towers, concretely planning to destroy the buildings including over 3000 employees(plus approx. 1600 cancer deaths) not being informed in advance. Instead a future crime scene was staged in advance. Countering terrorists threats of limited persons contra mass murder/genocide or predetermined casualties. They choose mass murder and probably political programs for decades affecting the rest of the world socially, financially, politically and as a human being. The role of Kilic's PSI-Terror plays an extraordinary role not only in staging this crime but moreover in perpetrating the perfect crime. Everything was staged, Kilic's PSI-Group a comfortable way to commit an (almost) perfect crime, an almost untracable crime, and to motivate strong political changes. Kilic plays on both sides.

In the time period after 1990 Kilic began his inhuman, pervert and cruel PSI-Terror, many telepathic images occurred over the years, many names fell, too much activity we don't accept and allow. But what is important: How can it be explained that some telepathic images were extremely aggressive, in extreme rage? One such example I have noticed, just until some years back, is the following telepathic image: the 19th century chemist Mendelejew posing eagerly or a little bit expressive but very characteristicly on a historic foto. Everybody knows this historic foto. Kilic oftenly focused hatred, threads, warnings and giant rage together with this telepathic image on selected victims, a clear and undoubtful telepathic manipulation from Kilic. But why? And why a historic chemist? Did/does Kilic believe Mendelejews eyes or facial features around the eyes resemble somebody in a way? And was this somebody also a chemist in a special field? As far as I know this detail existed since the eighties and molested victims over years. Did Kilic hint to the early "Tim Osman" from 1981?


Why is it, this Kilic PSI-group wasn't committed into a mental or forensic institution in the last years, although thousands of precise and justified reports and testimonies exist? Kilic's PSI-group poses an active homicidal threat/danger to all peaceful, lawful and healthy living citizens.

My First-Hand-witness account about this turkish PSI-Terror:

I am offering to any serious reporter, researcher, humanrights lawyer with interest in 911 or PSI-Warfare or the Star-Wars-Program(RV) and the truth and my personal witness testimony about the relevance and the meaning of turkish PSI-Terror from Kilic Heidelberg in the pre and after 911 timeperiod, how this developed and all other thinkable details and bits and pieces around this turkish PSI-group. There are many witnesses to 911 but only few when it's about very special details. PSI-Terror definitely belongs to the Star-Wars-Program, but was just realizable after 1990 largely. PSI-Terror must be understood as a part of synthetic terror, a criminal bypass of UN-Charta and highest legal standards, an illegal product of maniac and paranoid intelligence and defense circles.

You can contact me anonymously over this blog, we can also meet at a location of choice(when possible!) and we can have a discussion about all the details I know about Memet Kilic's PSI-group in Heidelberg and especially Kemal Kilic, a most radical and pervert turk with certainly a main role within this turkish PSI-Terror.

You can also ask me publicly any question, which I prefer, about this most important and highly illegal PSI-Warfare manipulation from Kilic Heidelberg, Baden-Württemberg in Germany. PSI-Terror or PSI-Warfare as a special part of synthetic terror played definitely a role for the events of 911, in the final analysis the socalled synthetic terror is a paranoid, genocidal and maniac answer directly to Kilic's PSI-Terror.

The true story of the fraudulent war on terror and previous 911-trigger event is by far not told completely. Considering the role of Kilic's PSI-Terror it is with certainty a combined PSI-PSY-Warfare operative manover, probably triggered and maybe even oversight using telepathy and other PSI-methods. 911 is a double layered specially staged manover, one part is manipulating future victims(PSI), the other part is staging a future crime scene with nanothermite and other required components on a physical level in advance. Both of it interacted together. One the other hand Kilic's PSI-Group is already proof in itself of CIA/Mossad involvement.

Still the question remains how much drones/drone-airplanes were necessary for this manover. Did some Mossad operatives together with Kilic's highly psychopathic PSI-Terror from Heidelberg trick, brainwash, incite, guide the future hijackers, focusing only on selected persons, to commit real crimes? Did only 2 of the four alleged heavy airliners crash, the other 2 undamaged and switched with small corporate jets(both had very similar debris, blue/red) being later shot down? Why wasn't Jarrah, Hanjour and Atta in one group in the same airliner and lived in 40 miles separated apartments in Florida in the months before? If all those future hijackers were in one group, why was it, Jarrah's apartment and "Jarrah's money" was allegedly always very limited and kept very much separated from the others, while Atta had allegedly very much money all the time? Was this separation necessary to avoid possible suspicion/traces and because Jarrah was a cell-operative, operating and manipulating a cell? Mossad-operatives, that means cell-operatives, separated from incited hijackers. 

We must never forget the fact that PSI-Warfare, Remote-Viewing, Mujahedeen-fighters and later follow-up creations is all within one large program, the Star-Wars-Program from the 80's, over all past years and even now all these features are part of one and the same program.

Last not least in modern days we still observe the "cell-operative-scheme" with KILIC-PSI-GROUP in different areas, which also speaks for the fact that this belongs to "a big masterplan", a principle in the intelligence community where synthetic terror and bizarre plans are drafted, coordinated and synchronized. It is about leading figures in groups leading only selected members to a predetermined goal of choice. Cell-operatives attempt to find others, who can be tricked, trapped, brainwashed and if necessary blackmailed, to do the "real dirty work".

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  1. 9143227300?profile=original
  2. 9143227261?profile=original

Brainwash ist Gehirnwäsche, das ist klar. Und diese erfolgt bekanntlich auch über die Zeitungen. Um wirklich restlos unbekannte Details klären zu können, muss man erst mal Personen oder Bürger finden welche wirklich Wissen haben. Wird das durch Journalisten geschickt umgangen, kann eine Vertuschung und Vereitelung der Aufklärung von Wahrheit vorgelegt ud vorpräpariert werden. Dann sind wir im "Schummel-Journalismus" von welchem ja auch oft berichtet wurde. Man kann ebenfalls gerade all die möglichen Kandidaten aussparen und gar nicht erst fragen und dann ist das Ergebnis ebenfalls eine journalistische Verfälschung und Unterschlagung von Wissen, Details und Zusammenhängen.

Zwei schräge Beispiele für grenzwertigen üblen Journalismus mit Annäherung an Beleidigung des deutschen Volkes/Volksverhetzung oder Zusammenhang zu Erbrassismus und Schönheit/Erfolg habe ich oben einmal als Fotos beigefügt.

Mit dem ersten Foto erfolgt die Unterstellung lediglich und besonders Deutsche kauften Toilettenpapier und sonst keine Nation und nun würde kein Toilettenpapier mehr gehamstert. Andere Nationen?

Im zweiten Foto wird ein unzulässiger Zusammenhang zu Erbgut/Genen bzw. Erbrassismus und Modelerfolg hergestellt, nur weil es "gute Gene seien" wäre der Modelerfolg beschieden. Schlimm überhaupt von "guten Genen" zu quatschen.

Ist das nicht alles ein Griff in's Klo....?

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Memet Kilic(Die Grünen), born Ali Güldane in 1967, is closely tied to this PSI-Terror and was a visitor to this turkish PSI-Group and was seen several times visiting the house where I was a neighbor (Humboldstrasse 24, 69120 Heidelberg-Neuenheim).

We have profound reasons to assume that there is a danger to the public. This turkish PSI-group has shown and proven more than once their homicidal nature. But is it sufficient to say they are simply psychopaths, sadists, sex-lunatics, perverts, deranged minds, PSI-rapists and saboteurs?

Of course, it is a tremendous election fraud, a tremendous political manipulation, since many years being clearly attributable to this turkish family and to Memet Kilic(Die Grünen). The origin of all modern political PSI-Terror, manipulations of society and of voters, terminal experiments in reality with numberless deadly consequences, the weakening of economy, rising numbers of school massacres and rampage actors and many other things more, all of this is attributable to the devastating psychological factor of experimental PSI-Terror or should we say experimentally political-PSI-Terror.

I am of the opinion, on the basis of detailed observation, that this was and is their full intend, all facts point in one direction.

By the way, the telepathic PSI-Group I am referring here and in my other blogs is not pictured anywhere together as a group in the internet. And the guys on Memet Kilics' Facebook page are not the real persons. There are family relationships between the turks from the PSI-Group and Memet Kilic, they are brothers and brothers in law and probably a sister. The real and actual perpetrators are different persons, according to what I came to know 8 turkish males and 2 turkish females, very special characters that one cannot overlook. Almost Voodoo-characters. But rumors say that single turks from this PSI-group are pictured and can be found in the internet.

If anyone is interested I can state what I believe actually to be a genuine picture from one of the persons of this turkish PSI-group from Heidelberg.

It appears these turks knew that continuously provoking, assaulting and insulting other citizens, authorities and other politicians can lead to serious consequences like crisis and states of emergency. I wondered about a telepathic phrase from them as early as 1999. After one very PSI-active night with barely or no sleep at all a female turk from this PSI-group, probably the sister, suddenly started over telepathy: " geht es nicht weiter, wir müssen den Notstand ausrufen....". I wondered very much about this in 1999, because nobody could imagine what that meant at that time. Today we know much better what is meant.

The last 20 years were a pure nightmare, synthetic terror, wars of economy, desaster capitalism, impoverishment of whole cities and generations and by far not enough jobs all that happened specifically before the background of PSI-methods, telepathy, psychokinesis and mindcontrol and with a concrete relation to Kilic Heidelberg, to one single turkish household, acting from a private apartment and terrorizing, provoking and molesting the rest of the world.

Supposedly the third world war can be precluded at all, strategists would swear. Others say, my person included, that PSI-Terror by Kilic is the one and the only authentic preliminary origin of all and every hatred, infinite rage, and all thinkable escalations in the last 30 years, and we have solid proof for this assumption. It was present over years and originally started in the 80's and always had most disastrous multidimensional impact. We all must understand, that this turkish PSI-Terror lead to disastrous consequences and that it is most probably about manipulating and programming people to permit and even endorse and then favor a war. Although it was and is a domestically perpetuated psychological warfare or state-sponsored-terrorism there is no reason to endorse a war. By sexually oriented PSI-Terror Memet Kilic(Die Grünen) and his turkish PSI-group incited almost all citizen to favor radical, pervert and inhuman living styles with much hatred present. He incites the general public and all generations and probably even benefits from his fatous experiments.

Now, 20....30 years later we know what it means if one single turkish household of deranged minds was permitted to continue their dubious and illegal domestic game in closest proximity to healthy citizens, without being removed, without being livelong commited to forensic institutions. It damaged and psycho-transformed a whole society and it finally catalyzes or catalyzed and provoked forms of international war or international wars. Kilic's PSI-Terror is a False-Flage-Operation, a combination of PSY(psychological) and PSI(telepathic) methods, together this is a dangerous combination because everybody in every condition can be incited.

Democracy, processes involving the masses are overruled by this Kilic PSI-group utilizing PSI-methods, PSI-manipulations and psychokinesis. Most frequent observed method is to overrule the unwitting and sleeping society by night with wild PSI-TERROR, Telepathy and sexually-oriented or genital-oriented Psychokinesis. Kilic's PSI-group stays very, very often awake(!) and then, overnight, democratic processes are developed further without the citizens. That's true! Exists since Kilic's first telepathic appearance in southern Germany and probably also back in Turkey.

  • The repeated KILIC-PSI-TERROR we "experience" over and over again is also tied politically to the old "GLADIO" STAY BEHIND Army, once deemed to be necessary to fight the Russians, in the end just only a most maniac CIA/MOSSAD-NATO-TERROR-GROUP against civilians was formed, covered legally by CIA-Administratives in every country. A special situation arose when KILIC-PSI-GROUP was ordered to move to Heidelberg, Germany, only a few hundred meters away from a known US-NATO-Headquarter, because this was the point in time when, actually, PSI-Methods, telepathy and PK were to be molded in one giant intelligence/NATO-monster-Operation, even if this took KILIC some years to convince/persuade relevant people here or there, fact is, it became one giant operation.
  • From today there seems to be no doubt about these illegal developments, but nevertheless it is a truth together with fraudulent investigations, highly politically biased opinions, clandestine pro-CIA opinions, fraudulent misconduct, corrupt judges and many other ugly things more that finally came to daylight. Also, we should never forget what the revengeful right-wing jewish agendas/politics brought to daylight, ALBERT EINSTEIN, the german-jewish physicist wrote as early as 1948 a most enlightening article in the N.Y. Times, condemning sharply recent right-wing developments in Israel and how equivalent they are compared to N.S. - Nazism.
  • So this means, KILIC-PSI-TERROR must be understood as a modern part of an extended "GLADIO-STATE-SPONSORED-TERRORISM-PROG" combined with illegal, inhuman and cruel PSI-TERROR-Methods/KILIC-PSI-TERROR from Heidelberg, and as it looks, also tightly connected to the socalled "Moderate-Muslime-Prog.", all these are sub-features of the giant 80's Star-Wars-Prog., and it seems after developments in the 90's it became also effectively combined with Israel's Yedon-Plan, all this combined in one giant operative program, using former structures, operatives, agents. And look what came out: all those criminals managed to keep their jobs and do more illegal, inhuman, cruel crimes against humanity. All those developments wouldn't have been possible without illegal KILIC-PSI-TERROR. KILIC is a criminal and a war/terror-maker. Without this family it seems questionable if all those pervert developments would have happened. Developments go back to the very early years of the US-Remote-Viewing-Prog. back in 1981...1982 maybe. And the problem is, what developed hasn't much to do with self-defense(UN-Charta), it is about synthetic TERRORISM, existing former programs from the 80's against civilians, it's about perpetual warfare/war/terror and it's about the biggest fraud we can imagine. We must never forget that all these details must be taken together into one whole and truthful picture of what cruel things developed on our planet.
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If  the Supreme Court of Canada, Canadian Government can't stop what are happening to me in Ontario of Canada...

UN Human Rights
UN Human Rights Council
Amnesty International
International Bar Association
International Criminal Court
Canadian Government

After UN Human Rights emailed me one letter; after Amnesty International "visited "my home, after the Supreme Court of Canada has ruled only people benefit from the charter protection against cruel or unusual punishment,  my neighbors, who are bridging my home internet ( confirmed by computer expert) , killed my baby birds in this way. They killed one baby bird one day. Five days, they killed all of them:



After Amnesty International "visited "my home, one morning my neighbors  stood in line to threaten and harass me :

Now  my neighbors are  entering my house at any time  without opening any doors. They even hide in my house attic, stay in my house to attack my head, hearing, my heart, my body with all possible Non-Lethal Weapons, and to do everything evil that you can not imagine . So, I can't sleep and work normally everyday. It has been 17 years. 

Even, evilly, they are remotely  attacking and controlling my heart rate and my hearing. You all have the evidence I have provided, again, plus, the evidence from this being hacked paragraph :

"Recently ,  one professor of University of  California, San Diego stated: If you are secretly forced to take one medicine called " sensitizer ", they can start their torture, terror and murder by Microwave, Radio Frequency...because you are now very sensitive to  Microwave, Radio Frequency. Even, they can do these remotely."  ( This paragraph is being filtered.)

Even, evilly, they are poisoning me in this way after UN contacted me:

1) McDonald's Philippine  cashier, who poured coffee for me.

2) By floor vibration lights, I found they wore invisibility cloak to poison me and forcibly inject me. Uptill now they refused to disclose what they injected into my body. All Canadian media reported this a few years ago. The photo which had needle on my body was destroyed.

Please see the security alarm I put and the ceiling.

Ceiling :

In addition, please see the picture regarding " systemic racism " :

Recently, the Supreme Court of Canada has ruled only people benefit from the charter protection against cruel or unusual punishment.

Recently, Prime Minister of Canada stated on behalf of Canadian government : "We will stand up loudly and clearly for human rights around the world... "

However,  they, UN,... can't stop their ongoing brutality and evil by my neighbors, by those who are gathering around and in my work place ; by those who are putting their dirty hands on everything I am using, including my car, my home security cameras.

All Canadian lawyers refused my request and stated 14 years ago : " You have nowhere to go if want to file complaints against Canadian police and doctors. "

Fight  for my life being  threatened ; fight against ongoing (psychological ) torture, terror and attempted murder by every possible means,  I am not alone and I need your help.

Robin Yan

Canadian victim of torture


Please forward this  to International Bar Association, UN Human Rights Office
by fax  and
, thanks.

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If you are being wirelessly violated inside your own home by unknown criminals who are using wireless directed energy weapons and neurological weapons to remotely violate both your brain and body and who also may be using voice transmission technology to force you to listen to them against your will and without your permission you should say the following words to them in order to raise awareness among their colleagues as to what they are doing while they are posing as doing some other type of computer work as follows:-
'Stop wirelessly violating me via your computer keyboard , you unknown sadistic wireless weapon user.'
I know that this will alert unknowing  colleagues of the perpetrators to what they are illegally doing while claiming to perform legitimate activities in any and every workplace throughout most countries in the world now.

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This Sums' Our Planet Up in One!


'Exploring the Psychology of Creativity.'

National Gallery of Canada, 3 years ago.  YouTube

I hope as many people who can see this because it states very early on in the debate the point of true creativity and the manner in which it is treated over the whole of our planet, not just Canada.

NB:  There is a old film that exemplifies the life of an 'Artist,' called, 'The Hustler.'  Starring Steve Mc Queen.  I know that some of you who google that, or know, will immediately state that, that film is about a Pool Player.   The original script for that film was about an 'Artist,' trying to make his living via his talent, however the producers & makers decided that the script was that sad, they changed it to a pool player instead.

I would like to state that I never bang my own gong for anything in particular, but it is worth exemplifying what is wrong with it all, as we are moving directly to Global Corporatism.  NB Capitalism died about 30 years ago.


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Illegal human experimentation which is being conducted by wireless means from remote unknown locations on millions of non-consenting men and women is now widespread throughout the world. Whenever the victims complain they are informed that they are mentally unwell and they experience forced psychiatric detainment along with forced legally mandated ingestion of toxic chemicals. The psychiatrists themselves appear to be under the influence of technologically induced mind control because they refuse to acknowledge the existence and widespread use and abuse of Remote Neural Monitoring.
Remote Neural Monitoring is a form of functional neuroimaging,  that is capable of extracting EEG data from the human brain at a distance. A human subject’s bioelectric field can be remotely detected, so subjects can be monitored anywhere they are. With special EMF equipment, NSA cryptologists can remotely read evoked potentials (from EEGs). These can be decoded into a person’s brain-states and thoughts. The subject is then perfectly monitored from a distance.
Unique EEG patterns corresponding to each spoken word, each verbal thought, each images and each muscle movement can be translated at the speed of light by fully automated supercomputers into what a non-consenting human subject is saying, thinking, hearing, seeing and doing and this can all be achieved from a long distance from the human subject simply by remotely analysing the bioelectric field of the human subject. All of these aforementioned unique EEG patterns can be retransmitted back  into the central nervous system of the human subject thereby forcing that human subject to hear words which originate intercranially, see unwanted images some of which are pornography and experience his or her own muscles being forced to move against his or her will.
Remote Neural Monitoring is now being used for the purposes of transcranial magnetic stimulation from a distance. Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation from a distance enables unknown operatives to disrupt the portions of your brain that are associated with cognative reasoning and narrative comprehension in order to force individuals to believe what they would normally not believe and do what they normally would not ever do. For more detailed information on this ability to induce or disrupt thought processes please read an online article called 'Whistleblower Reveals Military Mind Control Project at Major University' and this article is to be found at Please print it out if possible because the truth is being deleted from online resources on a continual basis.
Organised criminals have taken over the main stream media and they are using it to force us to accept a false worldview. They forcefully impose a false regimented worldview onto their fellow men and women through academia, the school system, the main stream media and entertainment. They use the overwhelming power of ridicule against anybody who contradicts their false reality construct and in some instances they even forceably place non-believers under the care of psychiatry. If anybody dares to contradict or challenge their false reality construct the challenger will be accused of being unstable, paranoid or mentally unwell.

The aforementioned organised criminals forcefully invalidate what is self evident to all logical thinkers such as the fact that the earth is flat and fixed. The organised criminals ultimately wish to wireless enslave us by the use of remote neural monitoring. They themselves do not live in regions of the earth which are under aerial surveillance and they do not live in regions of the earth where technological brain entrainment or technological mind control of populations is being carried out. They have had the skies over our heads sprayed with conductive heavy metals and other nano technology for the purposes of physically controlling our central nervous systems by wireless remote means . I suspect they live in Madagascar because it has been pinpointed as a possible area which has never been sprayed with these aforementioned conductive heavy metals or nano technology.

The real reason the spinning ball earth hoax has been maintained for so many years is to make naive and gullable individuals believe that we are all living under the same rules and that we are all being subjected to remote neural monitoring and full spectrum dominance. However, the would-be slave masters live safely and secretly above all surveillance and control while they plan our further enslavement.
The aforementioned organised criminals wish to take over the world and enslave us under the protocols which have been set forth in U.N. Agenda 2021.
They have invented threats so that we would ask for their protection. Some of those invented threats include the covid-19 hoax and the climate change hoax.
They successfully faked space travel , the moon landing and a spinning ball earth because all of those involved in those aforementioned hoaxes are freemasons who have sworn oaths of secrecy which they are either afraid to break or are happy to uphold.
The group of wealthy organised criminals who wish to enslave the rest of us covertly use frequencies to alter our thinking processes and behaviour into docile states but they can only alter our thinking and processes when we are in artificially induced electromagnetic fields. For further information on this phenomenon please read a book called 'Project Soul Catcher' by Robert Duncan and the Mind Hacking Strategy Group.

They wish us to give up all of our rights to own private property under the guise that by owning and using private property we are hurting the earth.
They wish us to belong to an organised religion and almost any organised religion will suffice because when we are successfully inculcated into any organised religion we are no longer able to think logically so that we can be further mind controlled. It is sufficient to obey moral law and to love our fellow man. Organised religions have nothing to offer. They deny their followers the right to think and speak logically and this denial of the human rights of their followers is enforced throughout the entire life of the religious follower. This is a form of widespread abuse.
They wish civilians to hand over their guns to the state so that those civilians are then more easily controlled and enslaved.
They are now implementing a health dictatorship because they successfully manipulated many individuals into believing that the covid-19 hoaxed pandemic is a real phenomenon.
They imply that we live in a planet of limited resources. This is not the case. We have been denied the right to place industrial hemp products in the market place. Industrial hemp is the worlds number one resource and it is capable of generating sixty thousand different products including building materials, animal food, paper, furniture, carpets and bio-degradeable plastic among many other products. It only takes industrial hemp ninety days to grow to full maturity.

The aforementioned organised criminals plan to continue the lockdown, mask wearing and social distancing forever along with enforcing mandatory vaccinations which would contain nano materials which would make it possible for them to connect each and every vaccinated individual by by-directional wireless means to a computerized enslavement system.
We can easily stop this enslavement process by raising awareness of this situation, by refusing to accept any and all vaccinations, by having all infrastructure which allows wireless technology to work disassembled and banned and by having all aerial spraying of the skies over our heads with any and all materials banned immediately. Please do your part to make this happen.
Freemasonry is a secret society. Secrecy allows evil to flourish. Full disclosure allows good to flourish. NASA is a freemasonic organisation. Most of the actors who roll play 'astronauts' are openly members of freemasonic lodges. The leader of freemasonry throughout the whole world is the Duke of Kent who is a first cousin of the Queen of England, Queen Elizabeth ll. The Duke of Kent aught to be questioned why his organization has hoaxed the moon landing and faked space travel in general and why his organisation has accepted large amounts of tax payers money by falsefying the sending of satellites into outer space, none of which were actually ever sent. So called 'space rockets' are in fact helium filled balloons with Jet Assisted Take Off. NASA and other false scientists are receiving fifty two million dollars of tax payers money each and every day for faking the phenomenon of sending satellites into outer space.
We aught to urgently have the infrastructure which they are using to remote neural monitor us and to wirelessly physically enslave us disassembled and banned. The infrastructure which we need to have disassembled and banned are all microwave transmitters and all phased arrays. That will totally cancel their plans to be slave masters of the world.

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