health (28)

Whether it's low fat, fat-free, or low carbs, people today are trying to find out how they can live healthier lives. And most pharmacy products, such as fenbendazole, have begun to face a great loss of interest among consumers. A compound that has been gaining increasing attention is Fenbendazole. Originally developed for other medical purposes, recent discussions suggest that it may hold promising benefits for human health. However, the question is whether this medication is truly one of the next big things in wellness.

This article deals with the potential of Fenbendazole, its mechanisms, and its role in holistic health management.

What Is Fenbendazole?

Fenbendazole is a benzimidazole compound that has been researched to see the effects on cellular health and immune function. A group of people that count their deeds in gold to find that they pitied and helped a poor beggar who was disfigured with the disease is the first result. They have started to investigate if it can cause metabolic adjustment, enhance immune support, and overall well-being.

The sector of pharmacy is looking for the safest & most gentle attempt to keep us healthy. So, there is a move to find if it is. Unlike drug therapy, Fenbendazole has been selected for a very safe while still highly effective way of enhancing general health.

The Role of Fenbendazole in Cellular Health

Cells are entities that form the human body, and they have their own function which is vital for both long life and youth. Moreover, the recent study has suggested that it may create a healing microtubule dynamics, which is the leading cause of cellular repair and consequently, everlasting health. This can occur through mechanisms that play a major role in the human body's natural process of staying healthy and strong.

Fenbendazole and Metabolic Regulation

But when glucose cannot be used to make energy or to keep the body in a good balance without diabetes, the body starts using fat as a second fuel source. According to the findings of some research, Fenbendazole may disturb the glucose metabolism process, but in return, the energy efficiency and the metabolic function will be improved. Thus, people will benefit from augmented energy expenditure and well-being.

Boosting the Immune System

Immunity is an over-busy and often more effective system that supposes to fight any intruders and keep the body away from the illness. Recently, however, it has been proven that the immune modulating, which is being treated with Fenbendazole, leads to the resilience of the body against the assaults of microbes.

In light of the increased number of people resorting to natural and alternative medicine to boost their immune system, the popularity of Metabolic Regulation and its benefits in health are soaring up.

Antioxidant Properties and Cellular Protection

The advancing lifestyle takes in everlasting stress, food of moderate to low value and of course, stress. Oxidative stress is the result of environmental toxins, improper dietary habits, and stress. The oxygenated molecules that float in the blood, called free radicals, can wear out very quickly and start aging very fast.

Researchers have been doing everything possible to investigate whether Fenbendazole has an antioxidant role in this process, which helps cells to survive oxidative stress by knocking an even higher level of health and vitality.

Why Is Fenbendazole Gaining Popularity?

Among all these health trends, Fenbendazole for humans has made its way to the top. Looking for new ways to keep oneself healthy and fit are some ways by which health-conscious individuals may be using it. However, as the scientific research and anecdotal evidence come out, it becomes clear that the tabracin is a perfect part of the holistic wellness strategy.

How to Use Fenbendazole Safely

Hey, for you who are thinking about adding more Fenbendazole to your stuff, you should take note of some points so that you will safely practice it:

Start with a Low Dosage: Try out the new product by taking a small amount of it and see how your body reacts to it.

Stay Consistent: Do it every day for this way will help you get the very most out of all the different cell and metabolic reactions.

Seek Professional Guidance: Have a talk with a medical provider to gain approval before you take it along with your regular supplement list.

Combine with a Healthy Lifestyle: Fenbendazole could maybe work best as part of a diet that is rich in the right kind of nutrition, and include exercise, and rest to some extent as well.

Potential Side Effects and Considerations

Some cases suggest that even healthy people might have adverse reactions to the treatment. The adverse effects of this medicine are:

  • Feeling a bit upset in your belly
  • Feeling too tired after the treatment

It is recommended to track your body's responses and visit a doctor if necessary. Supplying a proper usage regimen makes it possible to have a good experience while minimizing the risks to a large extent.

Scientific Research and Future Potential

Fenbendazole appears to be one of several medicines that have been selected for research in this field. The different areas of research are:

  • Assisting cells in regeneration and regrowth procedures
  • Checking, aiding the body's metabolism, and reducing hunger level
  • Supporting the immune system

Additional growth of the scientific literature may elevate Fenbendazole to be an accepted partner of a bio-tribe in the future, consequently, setting off other medical applications as well as bridging the gap.

Fenbendazole in Holistic Wellness: A Complementary Approach

The use of Fenbendazole alongside other activities aimed at overall wellness has several health advantages. A lifestyle rich in nutrients coupled with regular physical activities and calming techniques is a sure way to general well-being.

To maintain a balanced and healthy lifestyle, you can consider the following activities:

  • Start with nutrient-dense foods that not only provide nourishment but also support cellular function.
  • Embrace a regular workout and a balanced diet that would cover your nutrient demand, thus ensuring a higher metabolism and vertical energy levels.
  • Take some time to rest and relax by using mindfulness meditation and deep breathing exercises.
  • It is crucial to get enough sleep in order to allow your body to recover and be able to carry out routine activities that boost your immune system.

Final Thoughts: Is Fenbendazole the Next Big Thing in Health?

Today, the quest after natural ways by which human beings can keep themselves away from disease leads to the mounting recognition of the great potential of some drugs and their use in holism, biosci, and metabo-medi-magical. Who knows if it'll be binding on our bodies as essential vitamin D injections are?

The results are also positive but everything isn't disentangled yet. Research is ongoing so, taking natural routes may yield positive feedback, which leads people to kick start their wellness journey.

Whether Fenbendazole becomes a mainstream wellness tool or remains an emerging trend, its potential is worth exploring. Nonetheless, it's the hope of continuing research, and its advantages that drive individuals who seek natural preventive and curative therapies to give it a try.

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I am currently on a health drive for the purposes of attaining optimum health so I have been researching health videos online for some time. Here are my findings many of which I have implemented into my lifestyle already and I plan to implement the rest of them soon:-
Cut out carbohydrates.
Cut out fibre. You can do both of those simply by switching to a carnivore diet for a while such as simply eating meat, fish and eggs. If you feel that a carnivore diet is too extreme for you then add back above ground vegetables after a month because all other carbohydrate food is very high in glucose to the extent that if you eat any of it your digestive health will not improve. Some examples of above ground vegetables are celery, cucumber, avocados, cauliflower, broccoli, peppers, cabbage and spinach among many others. There are many books which are widely available now about the safety and health value of the carnivore diet or any type of low carbohydrate diet.
Avoid dairy.
Add Apple Cider Vinegar in a small amount of water before each meal in order to increase stomach acid.
Add Lemon Juice or ginger tea in the morning on an empty stomach.
Add Bethane Hydrochloride before meals which is a formula which will make your stomach acid stronger.
Eat mono meals for example, eat only eggs for breakfast and eat only meat for lunch.
Take purified bile salts. You might be deficient in bile if you dont have enough good bacteria. Take them on an empty stomach. They break down the fats into smaller particles. They help cure constipation. They helps convert thyroid hormones from T4 to T3. They help cure hypothyroidism. They reduce the risk of Small Intestinal Bacterial Overgrowth aka SEBO. Bile is toxic to bacteria and it kills off all the bacteria in your small intestine and it then gets reabsorbed into the liver so it does not kill off the bacteria in the large intestine. Bile protects the liver from inflamation.
Four tactics to improve bile flow.
1. Chew Slowly. 2. Take choline which is found in eggs, cauliflower or beef. 3. Incorporate fermented foods into your diet, such as sourkrout, kimchi and kimbouchi. Incorporate bitters into your diet such as Apple Cider Vinegar, Watercress, Kale, Ginger, grapefruit.
Take Vitamin D which cures inflamation.
The underlying causes of SIBo are intestine motility and stomach acid deficiency, both of which are caused by stress.
Some Causes of low stomach acid are as follows:- the presence of H pylori, genetic predisposition, auto immune gastritis and chronic stress. Your stomach should be at similar acidity to that of car battery acid.
Signs of low stomach acid which is also known as hypochlorhydria are Excessive fullness after meals, constipation, bad breath, bloating, gas, mineral deficiency, undigested protein in the stool and Slow gastric emptying among others.
Take Apple Cider Vinegar, bitters or bethane hydrochloride to increase stomach acid. Start with taking apple cider vinegar in water before meals. Bethane Hydrochloride is very strong and should only be taken if the Apple Cider Vinegar does not improve your digestive health.
Put a tablespoon of Apple Cider Vinegar in water and drink it five minutes before a meal and it will help greatly with digestion. You can buy a bitter formula and take three droplets in water fifteen minutes before meals.
Use Hydrochloric Acid only if low stomach acid is very severe because it is very strong. eg of HCL is Bethane Hydrochloride.
Eat very slowly.
Practice intermittent fasting which is a process whereby you eat your meals each day within an eight hour window and then you fast for sixteen hours. This fasting period will give your organs a rest and will give time to your body to generate more stomach acid for the purposes of digesting the next meal you eat. Never eat between meals because if you do so there will not be enough stomach acid in your stomach to digest the next meal because it will all have been used up. If a medical professional advises you to eat small meals often, that medical prefessional has been misadvised by those who control medical training schools and it is strongly believed that medical training schools throughout the world are now being controlled and run by unethical occultists who have a hidden agenda of worldwide depopulation for the further purposes of worldwide enslavement to the extent that they have ensured that medical students are being deliberately misinformed and pharmaceuticals are being deliberately blended with very slow acting poisons in almost all instances.
Avoid drinking liquids thirty minutes before and after meals lest the liquid should dilute your digestive juices.
Relax when you are eating and eat mindfully without having the radio on in the background.
First thing in the morning on an empty stomach drink a glass of water containing a quarter teaspoon of baking soda. If you burp within fifteen minutes that it a sign that there is acid in your stomach because the baking soda is reacting with the acid and making bubbles.
Signs of Insulin Resistance are as follows:- protruding belly, frequent urination, food cravings, tired after eating.
Normal blood glucose reading is 80. Prediabetes blood glucose reading is 100 to 125. Diabetes is over 125. If you eat high levels of carbohydrates or if there is a high frequency of eating food then a huge amount of insulin will be released from the pancreas. The insulin works hard in order to keep the blood sugar down. High levels of insulin are very toxic to the body. Eventually the pancreas becomes exhausted from pumping out insulin so the amount of insulin goes down and the blood sugar correspondingly goes up giving you full blown diabetes. The Cure is to eat a low carbohydrate diet and intermittent fast every day for approximately sixteen hours while eating your meals during an eight hour window. Do not eat between meals.
I am not a health professional.
Start off by eating two meals per day and then reduce to one meal per day for at least one month in order to improve your health. Do it gradually.
Your body has made alot of ketones after fasting for sixteen hours.
You are insulin sensitive rather than insulin resistent after fasting.
After you eat your body processes that food and later after fasting for several hours your insulin level drops again and you become insulin sensitive again.
The longer you fast, the more you promote insulin sensitivity, the more ketones you make, and the more autophagy you generate.
Some people who have become used to eating only one meal per day often fast for thirty six or forty eight hours occasionally in order to promote better health.
You will eventually stop thinking about food and become totally able to control your appetite for food. You will have gained total self mastery over food.
You will lose weight, you will reverse insulin resistence and you will become very healthy and full of constant energy.
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A Sure-Fire Way to Look and Feel 10 Years Younger


First off, I think most of us can agree that aging is an inevitable part of human life.

And with aging, we tend to experience a decline in efficiently performing simple tasks.

Unfortunately, overall brain function also deteriorates, which fosters memory gap and forgetfulness.

Do you ever forget where you put your car keys or where you left your cell phone? Ya, me too.

With these drawbacks in aging, we tend to seek out ways to maintain a younger state of being.

We try dieting, exercising, and even supplements. All in an effort to look and feel younger.

But, what’s reassuring to know, is that even as you go about your daily life, scientists are always on a constant search for formulas that may serve as an effective solution to help you combat aging.

Based on my own personal experience GenF20 Plus is one of those solutions.

GenF20 Plus is a trending all-natural formula that truly curbs the effects of aging.

Human Growth Hormone — HGH

Human Growth Hormone otherwise commonly know as HGH is not something that comes up in regular conversation very often.

Almost every other health factoid or issue has found commonplace in our society except HGH.

It’s just not something we talk about. Yet, our HGH levels have a big impact on our mood, energy, and libido.

Most people feel the effects of aging and like low energy, decreased cognitive abilities, and low libido but a lot of people aren’t aware that, in most cases, these symptoms are due to low levels of HGH.

HGH is produced by our pituitary gland. It’s a hormone that keeps us feeling energized and youthful.

As we age, our bodies produce less HGH resulting in us feeling “old”.

Science shows that there is a direct correlation between low levels of HGH and the typical signs of aging, such as weight gain, loss of interest in sex, sagging skin and muscles, wrinkled skin that lacks good tone and texture, and flagging memory.

GenF20 Plus is an HGH releaser that utilizes powerful all-natural ingredients to encourage our body to produce more HGH.

Keeping our HGH at optimum levels allows us to feel like we did when we were in our 20s.

GenF20 Plus

I want to clear something up really quick, full disclosure. I just want to let you know that I’ve become very genuinely passionate about spreading the information about HGH.

I originally started out promoting HGH solely for monetary reasons. As an experienced marketer, I felt that I could market this project and just watch the cash roll in. Well, my mindset has changed.

I’m truly invested in the science behind how all of this works because I found it very difficult to find information about HGH but it is enhancing lives on a daily basis.

I feel compelled to tell you because I want to always be as transparent as possible.

Moving on..

GenF20 Plus is truly a remarkable product. The people that are taking this all-natural supplement have really started to enjoy their life again.

You are welcome to visit the Official GenF20 Plus website by Clicking Here.

The benefits of this formula include diminished wrinkles, crow's feet, laugh lines, and age spots.

As well as:

  • Skin that looks and feels firmer and smoother.
  • Increased physical stamina.
  • Weight loss with decreased body fat.
  • Increased lean muscle.
  • Strengthened nails.

No to mention, it also strengthens bone and cartilage and improves cognitive functions.

For a full and complete review, you can visit GenF20 Plus Review and Warning.

I should add that HGH is administered in a number of ways. The two most popular are by doctor administered injections and by a releaser like GenF20 Plus.

The injections are very pricey. They can range from $10,000-$30,000. This is synthetic HGH. This type of HGH taken without a prescription isn’t legal.

An HGH releaser simply encourages your body to produce more HGH. And when your HGH is at optimum levels, you'll look and feel 10 years younger.

Final Thought

If you’ve been looking for an effective anti-aging solution, consider GenF20 Plus.

Its formulated with all-natural ingredients and there are no known side effects.

Within weeks you’ll start feeling the difference. As always, you should consider checking with your doctor before taking any supplements.

For more life-enhancing articles and products, visit The Vitamin Hippo today!

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A brain computer interface is being used to feed electrical signals into my brain against my will due to the fact that I have been given an organic brain implant which relies on direct wetware to wetware connectivity. Organic brain implants can be given to us via smart vaccines or via ingestion or inhalation against our wills and without our permission. This organic brain implant has allowed unknown others to take external control of my brain and central nervous system and has rendered me a wireless slave. The same fate is in store of you all .
I did not gain any advantage from this situation. My brain does not interface directly with cloud A.I. My interface does not allow me to communicate directly with robots or automobiles or other technology. Instead I experience constant voice commands, unwanted visions including pornography, instant disablement, pain, electric shock, and forced muscle movement and partial virtual reality holds which I find it difficult to pull myself out of. I am now a wireless slave . An organic brain implant will be given to you without your permission and it is not a digital upgrade. It is a downgrade into total and absolute enslavement where you may be denied permission to move a single muscle in your body if you dare to challenge the slave masters who are the British and American Pilgrim Society who own and control the United Nations and the World Health Organisation. We might have a way out of this enslavement if the infrastructure which allows wireless connections is disassembled and banned. Otherwise babies will be born into enslavement from this time on, under dark Luciferian and Satanic control for all eternity.
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Many individuals throughout Ireland and the rest of the world are being illegally implanted both on their skin and inside their bodies by illegal spraying of the air with metallic chips in a process which is being called geo-engineering.  These targeted individuals are then being wirelessly linked to networks of computers from their brains and bodies via other illegal implants which are being induced to make contact with these metallic chips by wireless enabled technology.    I am one of these Irish targeted individuals.  I have informed the world of my experiences on my website which is called   ; All experimentations which are continually being conducted on Irish and other targeted individuals are being covered up by the mental health act.   All individuals throughout Ireland who are being illegally and immorally experimented on by wireless means via illegal implants are being dismissed as schizophrenic.  Censorship of their online blogs is currently in the works.   Electronic mind control is being encouraged to be used against all of the Irish people who are not already aware of the process of wireless enslavement of human beings which is a future possibility for them and their children.

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Virtual reality headsets are no longer necessary.  If you have imbedded nano particulates inside your brain and body which many believe are being sprayed from the sky you can experience an unexpected virtual reality experience where signals which generate  sound, vision, smells and sensations are injected into your brain.  You can be made to hear voices, see videos, and feel sensations which can be pleasant or unpleasant.    Your own muscles can be made to move against your will.   For added effect, focused ultrasound can be used to move the furniture in your room and break your ornaments.   This is the only explanation for near death experience, poltergeist experiences, demonic possession experiences,  extra-terrestrial experiences and a wide variety of other experiences that have been used to cover up the existence and abuse of wireless neuro weapons and a wide variety of other advances in technology.  The mental health act is also being used to cover up these wirelessly enabled abuses.
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"Twenty years ago, Paul and Percival Goodman estimated that just five percent of the work then being done would satisfy our minimal needs for food, clothing, and shelter. Most work serves the unproductive purposes of commerce or social control."
From "The Abolition of Work" by Bob Black.

If you work in the area of social control such as the police, military, psychiatry, social work, intelligence services, prison services, the legal system and many other government department...s you are helping to slowly and incrementally enslave the human race and thereby you are also helping to enslave yourself and your children.

If you work in the area of technological development or in the area of microwave transmitter installations you are helping to technologically enslave the human race and thereby you are also helping to technologically enslave yourself and your children.

If you work in the area of weapons development, weapons manufacturing, weapons distribution or weapons being used against human beings you are helping to enslave the human race and thereby you are also helping to enslave yourself and your children.

If you work in the area of alcohol, cigarette or refined sugar manufacturing and distribution you are helping to destroy the health of the human race.

If you are working to enslave the human race you are doing so on behalf of the dark luciferian control matrix who have deliberately set you up to enslave yourself.

It is only necessary for human beings to work one day per week in order to create and maintain abundance on earth.

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The sick men behind the fake smile

This is an extract from Theodore Millon's "Personality Disorders in Modern Life", Antisocial Personality Disorder section:

At the very boundary of normality and pathology, we find persons who have never
come into conflict with the law, but only because they are very effective in covering
their tracks. Although these individuals share with most antisocials a guiltless willingness
to deceive and exploit others, they are not overtly physically cruel. Instead,
their premeditated restraint often makes them seem more sadistic than antisocial.

Stereotypes include industrialists and entrepreneurs who flourish in the gray area of
legal technicalities, as well as savvy corporate executives who exploit some market position, monopoly power, or regulatory loophole for huge advantage, even at great costs to others. Individuals who systematically dismember corporations for their own self-gain through hostile takeovers, for example, cannot be regarded as completely normal, much less altruistic.

Similarly, for many politicians, the deception of doublespeak is a talent necessary for
survival. Skirting the edge of deceitfulness, they “spin” objective events by minimizing
negatives and exaggerating positives. When cornered, they focus attention on mitigating
circumstances and lie by omission by failing to report the total circumstances and full
motives of their actions. Moreover, they deliberately create public policy so complex
that any particular aspect might be singled out to impress the special interest of the moment.

All are “premeditating antisocials.” In everyday life, they flourish in the form of
the smooth-talking businessman and the less-than-forthcoming used-car salesman.
Their damage to society is not as vivid as that of the murdering psychopath, but it is
more common and just as great and constitutes an important reminder than any scientific
theory of the antisocial personality must span both normality and pathology.

And this one is from Wikipedia's "Personality Disorder" page:

In 2005 and again in 2009, psychologists Belinda Board and Katarina Fritzon at the University of Surrey, UK, interviewed and gave personality tests to high-level British executives and compared their profiles with those of criminal psychiatric patients at Broadmoor Hospital in the UK. They found that three out of eleven personality disorders were actually more common in executives than in the disturbed criminals:

Histrionic personality disorder: including superficial charm, insincerity, egocentricity and manipulation.

Narcissistic personality disorder: including grandiosity, self-focused lack of empathy for others, exploitativeness and independence.

Obsessive-compulsive personality disorder: including perfectionism, excessive devotion to work, rigidity, stubbornness and dictatorial tendencies.

According to leading leadership academic Manfred F.R. Kets de Vries, it seems almost inevitable these days that there will be some personality disorders in a senior management team.

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Cancer Cures

   These weapons cause cancer. Below are some links and videos to known cancer cures. These are alternative medicine and not believed to do anything by the powers that be and the doctors themselves.

  Cancer medication is a multi billion dollar industry around the globe. Why release cures to an ailment that makes the pharmaceutical corporations money? Greed I say, eugenics plays a large roll in this as well. They want depopulation and controlled breeding habits.

  Artemesinen: A chinese herb that has been proven effective. Below is a video of a doctor explaining it's benefits.

  Vitamin B17: The safer way to beat cancer and in the below video seems to shrink tumors.

  Cannabis Oil: A favourite amongst stoners as well as people who know the many benefits of pot.

  Baking Soda: In the below video a doctor explains that cancer is a fungus and cancerous tumors can be killed by injecting them with baking soda

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Physical health changes

Since gang stalking and mental torture began last year, I've been experiencing better heath.

I used to have high blood pressure, tachycardia, nosebleed, eye floaters, swollen and painful fingers during very cold days, dizziness during physical effort, numb limbs, and pains and stings all over the body (heart, liver, pancreas, stomach, kidneys, lungs, neck, head, bladder, testicles, penis and rectal pains). These have occured constantly in a 4 years period.

I also had a lot of panic attacks in 2009, but unlike the symptoms I have listed, the panic attacks were produced by hign anxiety levels, while during the other symptoms there was no anxiety involved. The panic attacks started one morning when upon waking up I felt my heart tingling (something that I feel on a daily basis now). That's why I'm inclined to believe that all these symptoms were the product of their manuvering.

As I was saying, since last year I've been experiencing better health (low blood pressure, normal heart rate, and all the other symptoms are gone). Also, I can't even remember when was the last time I caught a flu. But the most notable change is that my eyes are always wide open and I blink much less often now.

They do fake heart attacks from time to time, when I refuse to do what they want. (for example, one day last year I said that I would not return to the industrial farm I was working at, so they faked a heart attack to make me change my mind). So far they have faked about 4 or 5 heart attacks.

Has anyone else noticed physical/health changes since they began being stalked/tortured?

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Fighting back with better health

  Health is important, why else would they attack us when we are at our weakest, or conspire to make us ill?

  I have been reading about general health. A couple years ago I got an outbreak on the bridge of my nose. I looked for a cure. This seems cosmetic and vain but it was irritating, the skin would flake and get into my eyes.

  A couple of months ago I came across a article that claimed to cure my ailment. There was a catch, there was a remedy but the real cure lied in my intestines, or more accurately my stomach. You see, you're stomach holds your gut flora and in turn your immune system, about 90% I think, resides there.

  Over the years living in my old place I would get bouts of upper respiratory infections which developed into pneumonia. I had taken antibiotics to get rid of the sickness.

  When you take antibiotics they wipe out any foreign viruses, but there are also healthy microbes in your gut flora that antibiotic drugs destroy. This can be bad on your immune system and cripples it.

  There is also an ailment that thrives in a gut that has been left the opportunity to thrive by antibiotics. It is called candida.

  Read about it here:

  If you read through the articles you'll figure out how many ailments candida is responsible for.


  I began juicing yesterday for a healthy immune system. That was the goal to begin with. I drank my concoction consisting of organic vegetables and it hurt. If you try this it will cause you pain. But the symptoms were also very similar to when they would attack me. I believe that the perps target your candida within your stomach, as they do to me.

  The reason for this pain I was experiencing is common for people with overgrown candida in their stomach. As the Candida dies it releases gasses and toxins into your gut that the liver cannot deal with all at once. It is a process many go through, and it is their weapon for targeted individuals. Bloated, aching stomach and you crave unhealthy foods.

  The weapons these perps use work best on a subject who's ill. I am fighting back by strengthening my immune system, the last cold I got had me in bed for three days straight and I was running a fever for two, pretty heavy. I don't like being that vulnerable.


  I encourage you to read a few of the articles in the link and decide whether this is the right treatment for you. It is much easier to fight back and keep a positive mood if you are healthy.

  The process will be uncomfortable and many T.I's have enough problems with discomfort and pain as it is, but It can help alot in the long run. Colds and the flu are awful things to deal with especially when they are attacking you.

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