FOR VICTIMS OF DIRECTED ENERGY AND NEUROLOGICAL WEAPONS, AND COINTELPRO operations TORTURE AND ABUSE ALL OVER THE WORLD (ALSO KNOWN AS MIND CONTROL WEAPONS, PSYCHOTRONICS, MCW, DEW, MW, EMFW, RFW). (People who claim that they are victims of Organized Stalking or GANG STALKING are also suffering from above-mentioned torture.)
Produced by Soleilmavis(English and Chinese) , And Translated by Mr.Zhou (German), Mokureni (Japanese), Ms. Monika Stoces (Dutch), Mr. Rudy Andria (French, Spanish), Jc christian (Danish)
1)Hot and Cold Flashes
3)severe sweating
4)Induced Sleep
5)Sleep deprivation
6)Extreme Fatigue
7)Blurred Vision
8)Sensations of pain in internal organs
9)Sensations of pain in Backbone, arms, legs, muscles
10)Numbness and tingling, Paresthesias, Loss of sensation
11)Muscle Cramps /Spasms/tension
12)Sudden Headaches
13)Irregular Heartbeat
14)False Heart Attacks
15)Tooth Pain
17)Acute inflammation/autoimmunity reactions
18)autoimmune disorders like Fibromyalgia
19)Urinary tract infections
20)Skin problems and skin irritations
21)Change in growing of hair and nails
22)female problems which eventually lead to hysterectomy
25)Flulike Symptoms /Sneezing
26)Dizziness or Loss of Balance
27)Sudden loss of consciousness
28)Benign or Malignant Tumors
29)Sensation of Electric Current Running through the Body
30)Induced Thoughts/telepathic communication, messages
31)Hearing "voices" (reception of auditory acoustic weapon transmissions or similar)
32)Seeing "Holograms"
33)Dream Manipulation
34)Artificial Emotions (induced fear,anger,shame,joy,hate,sadness)
35)Sudden unexpected" Sexual Arousal
36)Genital manipulation
37)Induced Smells
38)Sudden extreme moodswings (depression - euphoria)
39)Induced pleasure-aversion reactions towards people or objects
40)Making you say things (forced speech)
41)General behaviour control in some situations
42)Manipulation of Memory (forgetting/remembering/screen memories)
43)Remote steering of eye movements
44)Remote steering of body movements /motor control
45)Virtual reality experiences while awake
Note from Soleilmavis:
“Voices” which victims heard:
1)A lot of victims heard that “voices” came from nearby, or from neighbors’ houses. Victims must understand that they did hear the "voices." But the “voices” which victim “heard”, are not the scopes of human hearing the sonic frequency range20-20000HZ. They emitted electromagnetic waves (or other microwave) to stimulate the auditory brain neurons, our brain “feel” their signals, our brain “hear” their “voices”.
2) Many of the victims claimed that they had "hallucinations voices"; sometimes the person next to them did not speak, but victims heard the speaker. Victims have no hallucinations voices. They did hear the "voice." But the “voices” did not come from the next person. The “voices” were from the terrorist, they emitted electromagnetic signals. Victims’ brain neurons were stimulated by the electromagnetic signals, and the "brains" "hear" the "voices."
3) Many of the victims claim that they even have heard the voices sounded like their friends and relatives. The “voices” that our brain heard were “signals” which our brain “heard”. Voice synthesis technology has been developed to the stage that anyone’s voice can be imitated; Use Microwave can easily transmit synthesized voice into human brain. The "voices" can imitate anyone. These “voices” can sound like they come from upstairs neighbor or neighbors; or come from the house where specific.
Some doubts of some victims
(1) Doubt 1: how can Terrorist send sound and image into the victim's brain? Microwave technology has been able to do that. In 2002, the Air Force Research Laboratory patented precisely such a technology: using microwaves to send words into someone's head.V2K (voice to skull):
(2) Doubt 2: Victims can hear the voice of a friend or a neighbor from the terrorist’s voices. Voice synthesis technology has been developed to the stage that anyone’s voice can be imitated; Use Microwave can easily transmit synthesized voice into human brain.
(3) Doubt 3: Sleeping victims will be forced to "do a lot of dreams." The development of film has let us see the superb image synthesis technology. Use Microwave can easily transmit synthesized image into human brain.
(4) Doubt 4: How can terrorist lock a certain target with their microwave weapons? Some technologies, such as dolphins echo technique can easily do that.
(5) Doubt 5: Many of the victims often referred some colleagues or friends or other people who uttered a bit of small conflicts when they described their stories. Then they thought those who had contradictions with them would use such advanced technologies to torture and abuse them. Or they often mentioned a little bit wrong things they did. Then they thought a certain government department would use such advanced technologies to torture and abuse them because a little minor faults.
If they though those who uttered little contradictory with them had involved the torturers, it was because these terrorists deliberately creating the false impression. These terrorists violence are just some fascist thugs who owned advanced technologies. Their purposes are just not let the victims know who they are.
(6) Doubt 6: Why can terrorist attack victims no matter where victims are---in the airplane, underground, under water…..?
Electromagnetic have wide application in many fields. Such as: electromagnetic geological exploration, satellites geological exploration and others. As the extensive use of the electromagnetic wave in these areas, we at least know the electromagnetic technologies in the military are far advanced in the field of civilian aspects. Even able to detect the brain wave. When they launched an electromagnetic frequency consistent with the brain wave frequency, both frequencies build resonance; it will affect people's behavior.
List of mind control symptoms,whether the related technology is scientifically proven and if there is military interest or funding of the related technologyby Cheryl Welsh, March, 2003Thank you to those who sent me much of this information: Tessa Puglia, Harlan Girard, Margo Cherney, and John Ginter. Symptoms
More information about Mind Control technologies
You can discuss shielding information from the following links:
How to scan and remove implants?
How to get evidences of mind control abuses and tortures
1 Varm Kall omvartannat
2 Illamående
3 Kraftiga svettningar
4 Inducerad sömn
5 Sömnbrist
6 Extrem trötthet
7 Suddigt syn
8 Smärtor i de inre organen
9 Smätor i ryggrad, ben, armar & muskler
10 Domningar & stickningar, förlamning, känselbortfall
11 Kramper,spasmer & spända muskler
12 Plötslig huvudvärk
13 Oregelbunden hjärtverksamhet
14 Falsk hjärtattack
15 Tandvärk
16 Diarré
17 Akuta inflammationer, autoimmuna reaktioner
18 Autoimmuna sjukdomar såsom Fibromyalgi
19 Urinvägsinfektion
20 Hudproblem, irriterad hud
21 Förändring av hår & nageltillväxt
22 Underlivsproblem
23 Cancer
24 Feber
25 Influensa liknande symptom, nysningar
26 Yrsel, balansproblem
27 Plötslig medvetslöshet
28 Goda el. elakartade tumörer
29 Elektriska strömningar genom kroppen
30 Inducerade tankar, artificiell telepati
31 "Höra röster i huvudet" (perception av inducerade artificiella ljud från elektroniska vapen)
32 Se Hologram
33 Manipulerade drömmar, inducerade artificiella drömmar
34 Artificiella känslor, inducerad rädsla, ilska, skam, lycka, hat, ledsamhet
35 Plötslig inducerad artificiell sexuell upphetsning
36 Manipulation av underlivet
37 Inducerad artificiell lukt
38 Häftiga humörsvängnigar (depression-eurofori)
39 Inducerat artificiellt välmående-avsmak för person el. sak
40 Inducerat tvingande tal
41 Kontrollerat beteende i speciella situationer
42 Manipulation av minnet (glömska/articificiella minnen "skärmminne")
43 Styrning av ögonrörelser
44 Styrning av kroppsrörelser, motoriska rörelser
45 Virtuell uppfattning av verkligheten vid vaket tillstånd
Table 1 diagrams some of the aspects of the study of human effects as applied to NLT.
Individual Behaviour, Motivation
Behaviour may be modified to avoid/reduce unpleasantness, pain, or the threat thereof.