All Discussions (3297)
"Who's he going to listen to?" (another CODEPINK alert...)
November 19, 2009 Dear mikal, President Obama is expected to announce his next moves in Afghanistan when he returns from his Asia trip. Will he send more soldiers into harm's way? Or will he listen to Karl Eikenberry, U.S. Ambassador to Afghanistan
Read more…Planet Good Radio
This week on Planet Good Radio, Peter Barnes, co-founder and former President of Working Assets joins us to talk about the ideas in his book, “Capitalism 3.0.”
Read more…反脑控传单
中国国家安全部通过国际反恐和脑控试验合作的方式,在中国和民主国家实施秘密脑控试验。将华人移民作为几内亚猪送给外国做实验。如果脑控能量不高,受害者往往不能发现问题,而将异常归结为普通的健康问题。海外华人移民很多被做成脑控的几内亚猪,实施秘密试验迫害。民主国家脑控特工也会利用这种可能来利用华人受害者来进行脑控试验,以避免用本族人做脑控试验。 加拿大的法轮功家属常常被中国政府选为中加脑控合作试验的几内亚猪。当前的加拿大成为很多华人受害者的坟墓。请华人同胞们广为散发这个消息。 (一)脑控 涉及定向能武器
Read more…TALKSHOE Re. Glabal Protest
by Debbie Newhook Episode Notes: These calls are dedicated to the goal of United groups of targets globally. We will continue to discuss the progress made in gaining unity as well as the upcoming protest that is planned for October 14. Collectively a
Read more…How is Canadian Government playing a game when dealing with a torture case through the use of ....
Dear Media and Organizations: Updated Topic: A phone call from Prime Minister of Canada regarding appealing to him to order a public inquiry into a torture case through the use of non-lethal weapon, happened in Canada. Please be advised that I wil
Read more…Online with Andrea welcomes Lee Waterworth from One Love for Music
Online with Andrea welcomes Lee Waterworth from One Love for Music to share his initiative to get radio stations to play Bob Marley's hit "One Love" for the United Nations International Day of Peace.
Read more…Disclosure of the evidence to the Prime Minister of Canada Re. a torture case
Dear Prime Minister of Canada: Via: Fax and email Topic: Disclosure of the evidence to the Prime Minister of Canada Re. a torture case through the use of non-lethal weapons, gang-stalking, and acts of serious violation of human right. I am now pro
Read more…Why is "A public inquiry" so important to the victims of torture through the use of....?
Dear all of the victims As a victim of torture through the use of non-lethal weapons, gang-stalking, acts of serious violation of human right, happened in Canada. I have an idea as follows: Virtually, what ever those criminals are using on innocen
Read more…屏蔽和检测
立体声诱导作用音调可以帮助大脑控制武器受害者 立体声诱导作用音调可以帮助干扰大脑控制武器使用者所发射的各种阅读思维,虐待和骚扰的电磁波频率。从以下网站下载软件,并运行干扰电磁波信号。 尽量每天24小时听这些大脑诱导作用电磁波信号。希望您有两个音箱,然后在3英尺以外。最好您可以用电脑重复播放。您可以选择不同的频率,比如白天,大多数受害者被他们的电磁波骚扰,大脑处于兴奋状态,您可以选择θ波(频率在4一7Hz之间)和
Read more…大脑控制武器受害者症状
一份非记名大脑控制武器受害者调查问卷 (该问卷截至2009年12月)
制作Soleilmavis(英文和中文), 翻译: 周先生(德语),Mokureni(日语)Monika Stoces (荷兰语), RudyAndria先生(法语), Jc christian (丹麦语)。仍然在寻求帮助翻译成其他语言。您可以选择如下任何一个连接, 采用您喜欢的语言回答这份调查。也请您转发给更多的受害者。
9000 Nazi precious "spoils" brought to America
New Auschwitz concentration camp 1. Crimes, Lies, and Mind Control [2005/10/01 updated] "Crimes, Lies, and Mind Control" is the tentative title of a Proj
Read more…HD TV
More Evidence: HD TV is a Set Up for Mind Control A. True Ott, PhD | Educate January 30, 2009 This:
Read more…Mailteam Mass Petitions
Mailteam calls all victims to send their Mass petitions to Governments, Military/Security Agencies, International Organizations, Human Rights Organizations, Universities, Scientific and other Institutions, and the International Media all over the wor
Read more…Maintain your health with China medicinal Herbs
In modern society, more and more people maintain their healthy with China medicinal herbs. Many China medicinal herbs have become delicious dishes on the dining tables. We know that many normal fruits and vegetables are also China medicinal herbs, su
Read more…Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders+mkultra
(the key fact: both of these first began to be part of the public record in the year 1953) World War II saw the large-scale involvement of US psychiatrists in the selection, processing, assessment and treatment of soldiers. This moved the focus away
Read more…Do you believe in any god ? may i ask why ?
I will be the first to say i dont but up to my late twenties i did because i was afraid once my body dies i would be completely dead! Thats it really, its not because i felt or wanted gods love or a presence in my life i just found the idea we die a
Read more…食用中草药花草茶的正确方法
现代社会, 越来越多的人喜欢中草药的养生保健的作用,很多的中草药类野菜变成了人们餐桌上的美味佳肴, 很多的花草也变成了人们日常养生保健的花草茶,中草药也成了越来越多人喜爱的美容佳品. 但是在大部分人们相信了中草药的日常养生保健的作用的同时, 却有很多人在食用中草药或者饮用花草茶时,因为不注意中草药的性味功能,不但达不到养生保健的目的, 反而适得其反, 给身体带来了伤害. 所谓"是药三分毒"就是这个道理. 但是, 是否您就否认了中草药野菜或者花草茶的养生保健作用了呢? 或者对此望而却步了呢? 其实
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