I am sharing the following words of Rosanne Schneider who became a TI similar to her mother. Please take a moment to watch her video and learn more from her story!
From Rosanne: "...I am a 60 year old victim of Cointelpro ta
Does anyone feel they can figure out the mind control with others around them? What I mean is can you ask specific questions in your head when with people and pick up on answers based on behaviors, ticks? Say for yes/no?
I have found recently that t
My last few blogs are involved in my break through. I've made many mistakes here on peacepink, especially in the last few days. What mistakes I made in all my interactions here I am glad I made. I would've never seen the problem. I can see from the l
Hello I am getting tortured badly by mind control and speech. They control me and make me do things I don't want to do. They are yelling into my ears at times. They are threatening to murder or to jail me. They are raping my wife and daughter while w
Perps like degradation, depression, control, etc. Here's some songs about freedom, never surrender themes, etc. There is lots of heavy metal, some softer stuff. It might not deliver you from demons but it can improve your mood. Best played at max vol
The infographic linked below shows the various effects on the body from the use of directed energy weapons. Furthermore, the first un-classified successful transmission of the human voice directly into the sk
I was this video online. We can contact this people. Join us and campaign internationally, contact governments with support of red cross and amnesty international to stop the mind and body control we experience
For those who are followed every where they go. I want to share a book that has been helpful to me. It's called "Surveillance Countermeasures: A serious Guide to Dectecting, Ending, and Eluding Threats to Personal Privacy. I've tried some of th
WASHINGTON — The National Security Agency has implanted software in nearly 100,000 computers around the world that allows the United States to conduct surveillance on those machines and can also create a digital highway for launching cyberattacks.
Sharon Weinberger Wired.com 03.07.07 Yesterday’s post on the "vomit beam" (don’t those words just roll off the tongue?) drew some great comments from readers who noted that the idea of a nausea-inducing device is hardly new (although arguably Invoco
This morning. I was shown exactly what it is and who is behind it. This will be my very last post on peacepink as well. I will not to you who and what it is but believe me when i say that this is way over our goverments head. I will tell you how to l
People do not under go training. People should not to sujulgate of others People do not have to meet the satisfaction of other People are different from human beings are human persons People do not sell,therefore, should not be bought by "wantingand
What makes the C.Elegans worms glow in the dark these are transparent.i believe in is Apoaequorin protein found in jelly fish that glows in the dark.Calcium binding protein and they say that it is Safe to put in FOOD . MORGELLONS AND NANOMACHINES LIO
None of the schizophrenics seem to remember part of their brain 'fumbling' about learning to communicate with them. Instead the voices show up remarkably well trained to watch, speak, and hide the thoughts of the speaker. A technology would typica
According to Phil Schneider, there are Grey aliens working along with humans and conducting cross breeding and mind control experiments underground. Phil Schneider and his colleagues were severely injured during a confrontation with the Greys’ when d
My New's resolution was to IGNORE cousins and live my life on my own. Well, this lasted until 3:00 AM. Then she began to DRUNKENLY start to send JABS of PAIN to me while threatening me to give her EXTORTION MONEY for her HELP? she has given me? A sl