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Being a TI & exposed

Hi Everyone (TI)

I think I've been a victim of EH for over 10 years  since 1997 when I was in U.S until now I found incident my self and I've been exposed (Broadcast) as well.

First thing that notice me when friends were teased about my thoughts, da

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One of the twenty-first century’s greatest violations of human rights is the proliferation of mind control technologies and their accompanying abuse and torture. Despite of disagreements of religions

One of the twenty-first century’s greatest violations of human rights is the proliferation of mind control technologies and their accompanying abuse and torture.

Despite of disagreements of religions, I indeed believe that everyone should fight agai

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TI's suffer a lot of verbal abuse. Try not to add to the problem if you are in a lousy mood by venting on people here. You might not insult endlessly but all of the negativity adds up. Take a moment to remember what people have been through. Spread p

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my Handlers are using WiFi. My oldest son come by to visit, and six WiFi. one disappeared, Bright Eagle. dose anyone have an answer that might Help? one of my Handlers said they could change to another, should I find the one or ones they are using. I

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Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim (in the name of God the Compassionate the Merciful)

Salaamalaykum (peace be upon you)

Fellow brothers and sisters  who have faith in the one true god, who believe in the prophets and the messengers, the Angels, divine reve

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Do not get side tracked

If you are a victim of brain control. Do not let people say you are sick. These are the people hurting you and they also come onto the forums and lie about you maybe sick or have some mental problem.


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