It is impossible. I just read an article about how they can place a fiber that is as small as a strand of hair in the optic nerve. It can't even be detectable or removable. You can't take 140 Clonipen 2mg each to killl yourself. The only way is to ru
Read more…I posted a video where benjamin creme (a Wlorld renowned new age channeler) is giving a lecture to a group and he is supposedly being channeled by the near coming christ. THE PART I MOST WANT YOU TO SEE IS AT THE VERY END OF THE VIDEO where he talks
Read more…the challenges in facing fascism...tiring. sometimes when i feel sick to my stomach i drink a lot of milk because i am lactose intolerant and then i wait. after awhile it just comes out like a flood. today, about ten minutes ago i gave such a shit i
Read more…A large compaign of decredibilisation, nullificationm villification, and gossip has been launched since few months...The aim is to isolate me, to intimidate me and to make me shut me up ...
Despite what is happening, and after a period of despair and
Read more…交流“控制大脑武器”QQ群:103571811 创建人 上海本本和和 QQ:630527934
學會堅強的信念QQ群:103280641 被封了,创建人 福建张铮 QQ:867881818
好好生活 QQ群:119059245 创建人 福建张铮 QQ:867881818
反击高科技侵害 QQ群:26047540 创建人 湖南雨田 QQ:344458246
我有一个梦受害者交流群:73739365 创建 comes up third on google when searching for the term "synthetic telepathy" out of 164,000 pages. Does anyone watching perps have access to functioning synthetic telepathy technology? Email me at if you ar
Read more…Stalking
Fla. Stat. § 784.048. Stalking; definitions; penalties. (2008)
(1) As used in this section, the term:
(a) "Harass" means to engage in a course of conduct directed at a specific person that causes subst
Read more…Im from melbourne australia. A friend of mine John Finch also from melbourne used to be a strong activist of mind control. Does anyone know of his whereabouts, as he has dropped offline, I'm looking for him everywhere...
Read more…刘华茗之自杀之前曾向难友倾诉再也忍受不了射频电子武器的残酷折磨
We should urge government start investigating the abuse and torture of remote electromagnetic mind control technologies from cases which have strong evidences. If government start investigating few cases which have strong evidences, all victims will
Read more…科幻成真:通过脑机接口黑掉你的大脑(图) 诞生于上世纪80 年代的“赛博朋客”(cyberpunk)科幻小说中,经常会出现所谓的“神经植入装置”——一种把人脑和电脑直接相连的东西。就像在那部由威廉·吉布森(William Gibson)的小说改编的、让人看过就忘的电影《捍卫机密》(Johnny Mnemonic)中,主演基努·里维斯(Keanu Reeves)所宣称的那样:“我往脑子里存了几百MB 的文件”。 离不开轮椅的四肢麻痹患者,借助电极帽采集到的脑电波能够穿过虚拟的街道 在那个区区1
Read more…some things: i refuse to call myself a "TI". what a paranoid expression, and also under - descriptive! if we as activists blame those we seek to expose for being 'too strong" and keep on doing things that DON'T WORK -- it will go on this way. there
Read more…TalkShoe / Summary / Electromagnetic Weapons
"Mind Control"
"Radio Waves used as Weapons"
TalkShoe / FFCHS / Electromagnetic Weapons / 09/04/2010
I'm starting what I hope with be a full scope illustration of the science behind the awful phenomenon. Feel free to contribute responsibly. I will attempt to do this in a more or less chronilogical manner. There are parallels in any industry and I wi
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