It's nothing new that TIs report harassment from security guards (myself included) in different ways, maybe just by being "extremely aware" of the TI presence, to intimidate or participate in more traditional ways of street harassment like saying things or just "being there" when the TI goes around.
This is of course a way to exploit legitimate surveillance to perform harassment, as these persons are guaranteed to stay in the same place at the desired time. In the case that the surveillance person is extremely aware of you, then it can be dismissed as it's "part of the job", so it serves as a tool for the perps.
I think that information can be obtained from these persons as they aren't just involved in a superficial way, for example, who would be supposed to care about neighborhood breakins? or unusual people/cars? what about obvious perps staying around? In case that sub-human perps attempt anything or TIs report odd things, what/who would serve as an apparently legit source of witnesses? surveillance people/companies.
What's the bad part of the deal for these persons? Anything goes wrong and they are the "wrong" (strong for us) witnesses, that can be easily get rid of considering this is a more dangerous than normal job.
So we should be aware of this, as it would be interesting that we research again present-past events, examining polemic events where surveillance was either involved, acted as witnesses or responded in an unusual way.
I think it's common to read posts about people claiming that they are TIs and that the stalking isn't just organized, it's "everybody" and "everywhere". I think this is a simple failure of logical principles, that TI don't usually fall for it, but sometimes happens.
These perceptions might be exacerbated by the organized stalking, as different individuals seem to present a singular behavior towards the TI (including security guards who seem somehow alerted of the TI presence) and here is the first logical mistake: generalization. Do NOT extrapolate the singular behavior or dozens of people into "everybody", as this is exactly part of the gaslighting used on the psyop by the perpetrators. Use the same example with cars that seem "of the same color". Of course you can analyze further if you want to research about pedestrian count and mobility in a city or a street, so the illusion would be weakened by logic.
People also often forget the thousands and hundred of thousand of other TIs, so where's the place for other victims if everything is about you in a sort of solipsism? That's another way to improve your reasoning towards the situation and fight further to destroy the illusion that perps have planted in your perceptions.
And something I think I don't even have to mention: Do NOT play their game or by their rules. Some people might believe that perps "broadcast" valuable or useful information through their V2K. Just avoid another step over a fabricated illusion and never pay attention to anything they say, as nothing of value will ever come from the perpetrators.
The idea of "see through eyes, hear through ears and read thoughts" can be extremely self-defeating, let me explain why: People usually stops doing everything they usually do and enjoy because they felt the most atrocious criminal invasion of humanity, and instead starts doing "strange activities" to remove those foreigners from themselves. Also they forget street activism because of the fear of being imprisoned, even if there's no actual crime on flyers or stickers.
I think it is wrong and people is being gaslighted into stop living their life and enjoying things, even being extremely careful with thoughts because the feeling of permanent judgment or retaliation. Some even believe in super natural powers, witchery or others new beliefs due to the harassment and stalking. The issues come when people can't see their beliefs are guided and manipulated, that the most exotic beliefs don't contain such logic and consistency as originally thought (like everybody against a single TI, or that they can predict the future or have super powers).
We probably know about the MKULTRA efforts to control and manipulate the minds, that didn't really stop in the 50s, and similar techniques were used to manipulate people, guiding them to believe that they had super powers, that everybody was acting against them or that they were victims of witchery.
Try to remove that veil from your eyes, that it's the result of manipulation and gaslighting, as the matrix might be more specific and less global, might be creating a veil around your eyes through psychological psyops and disinformation. The matrix might be your own and not everybody, as our minds can be guided into unreasonable mistakes.
So, in the end same as always, remember to never ever follow anything that perps seems to coerce you to do. "see no evil, hear no evil, speak no evil"
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