Javier's Posts (6)

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Advice every TI to buy a bodycam

I was checking some TI videos and I found a very interesting one, as it's the usual "shoplifting" street theater or "robber" street theater many TIs experience. The security guards or store employees gets "warned" by the sub-human perps and the harassment gets shifted into a legitimate authority, while the real criminals roam around or actually leave the store.Considering many stores promote the idea of reporting unusual behavior, this is useful tool for harassment. I'm actually impressed by this video and the idea of recording every perp hired by these sub-humans to roam around the store, contact security guards or report unusual behavior to the store employees. My only opinion is that this TI is very smart to gather harassment evidence.General advice should be, buy a bodycam ASAP.https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WvZJrBkKmYM
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It's nothing new that TIs report harassment from security guards (myself included) in different ways, maybe just by being "extremely aware" of the TI presence, to intimidate or participate in more traditional ways of street harassment like saying things or just "being there" when the TI goes around.

This is of course a way to exploit legitimate surveillance to perform harassment, as these persons are guaranteed to stay in the same place at the desired time. In the case that the surveillance person is extremely aware of you, then it can be dismissed as it's "part of the job", so it serves as a tool for the perps.

I think that information can be obtained from these persons as they aren't just involved in a superficial way, for example, who would be supposed to care about neighborhood breakins? or unusual people/cars? what about obvious perps staying around? In case that sub-human perps attempt anything or TIs report odd things, what/who would serve as an apparently legit source of witnesses? surveillance people/companies.

What's the bad part of the deal for these persons? Anything goes wrong and they are the "wrong" (strong for us) witnesses, that can be easily get rid of considering this is a more dangerous than normal job.

So we should be aware of this, as it would be interesting that we research again present-past events, examining polemic events where surveillance was either involved, acted as witnesses or responded in an unusual way.

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I posted many times about the issue of permanent slight numbness in the tip of my fingers that started some few months after the electronic harassment started, also about the feeling of energy over my forehead somehow seem to getting lower to my upper teeth.

Well, I probably posted something about this: now I'm suffering a very strange symptom related with my throat, where I feel like the muscles don't properly move when I want to swallow, which causes me a lot of anxiety because I feel I'm going to choke (also feel extremely cold but I'm not sure if this is part of the anxiety). This swallowing problem seem to be directly related to the "radiation" intensity that I feel at the time, and unfortunately the intensity is mostly strong.

I find interesting that after staying outside and getting into buildings that aren't just planned (last time 16 floor building), the overall feeling of this energy is dramatically reduced. I felt incredibly good the rest of the day, even focused more. My subjective assumption would be that the harassment (or the "illuminated" devices with these directed energy devices, if there are implants involved) lies on the same principle than microwave energy and heat: accumulation.

Today I was feeling the usual intensity, that feels like a mild headache over the top of the head and forehead, some mild dizziness. The disrupting thing about this is that I've very poor focus, so I was just fighting to keep doing some IT related tasks that I'm trying to learn (for +1 year the disruption is so bad that this is big effort).

Now the bad part: when I tried to use a VR helmet (that totally covered my forehead) I started feeling more overall intensity, and right there happened again! I tried to swallow and the muscles didn't respond, so I had to move the neck little and swallow again, this time successfully. I kept going, and started feeling strange, almost as "disconnected" and barely any energy intensity for some minutes, also very cold but not the extreme coldness from other days. After this happens I always feel terribly bad (cold, aware of swallowing, mild twitching of my jaw), and the mild dizziness and feeling of energy gets slowly back. This is absolutely HORRIBLE and the most terrible physical disruption caused by perps. I'm being slowly and painfully murdered and there is nothing I can do to stop it.

I'm aware that all TIs are attacked with directed energy weapons 24/7 or with a strong intensity, some even just stalked, so this is one of those times that I remember why I can't easily judge other people shielding attempts or angry rants... This feels like being murdered, maybe slowly but the maximum possible physical and psychological pain. These criminals lost their humanity a long time ago and I can't even call them inhuman, so don't be surprised whenever I call them sub-human torturers.

An update about the intestinal issues (keeping absolute transparency over dignity): The doctor says I have "Hypertrophied anal papillae" that it wasn't touched/removed/treated during the colonoscopy, but fortunately the pain is A LOT LOT less now and without the terrible constipation. Maybe the colon cleaning that preceded the colonoscopy helped, hard to know.
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False belief of global conspiracy against single TI

I think it's common to read posts about people claiming that they are TIs and that the stalking isn't just organized, it's "everybody" and "everywhere". I think this is a simple failure of logical principles, that TI don't usually fall for it, but sometimes happens.

These perceptions might be exacerbated by the organized stalking, as different individuals seem to present a singular behavior towards the TI (including security guards who seem somehow alerted of the TI presence) and here is the first logical mistake: generalization. Do NOT extrapolate the singular behavior or dozens of people into "everybody", as this is exactly part of the gaslighting used on the psyop by the perpetrators. Use the same example with cars that seem "of the same color". Of course you can analyze further if you want to research about pedestrian count and mobility in a city or a street, so the illusion would be weakened by logic.

People also often forget the thousands and hundred of thousand of other TIs, so where's the place for other victims if everything is about you in a sort of solipsism? That's another way to improve your reasoning towards the situation and fight further to destroy the illusion that perps have planted in your perceptions.

And something I think I don't even have to mention: Do NOT play their game or by their rules. Some people might believe that perps "broadcast" valuable or useful information through their V2K. Just avoid another step over a fabricated illusion and never pay attention to anything they say, as nothing of value will ever come from the perpetrators.


The idea of "see through eyes, hear through ears and read thoughts" can be extremely self-defeating, let me explain why:  People usually stops doing everything they usually do and enjoy because they felt the most atrocious criminal invasion of humanity, and instead starts doing "strange activities" to remove those foreigners from themselves. Also they forget street activism because of the fear of being imprisoned, even if there's no actual crime on flyers or stickers.

I think it is wrong and people is being gaslighted into stop living their life and enjoying things, even being extremely careful with thoughts because the feeling of permanent judgment or retaliation. Some even believe in super natural powers, witchery or others new beliefs due to the harassment and stalking. The issues come when people can't see their beliefs are guided and manipulated, that the most exotic beliefs don't contain such logic and consistency as originally thought (like everybody against a single TI, or that they can predict the future or have super powers).

We probably know about the MKULTRA efforts to control and manipulate the minds, that didn't really stop in the 50s, and similar techniques were used to manipulate people, guiding them to believe that they had super powers, that everybody was acting against them or that they were victims of witchery.

Try to remove that veil from your eyes, that it's the result of manipulation and gaslighting, as the matrix might be more specific and less global, might be creating a veil around your eyes through psychological psyops and disinformation. The matrix might be your own and not everybody, as our minds can be guided into unreasonable mistakes.

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Opinion on stalking and bullying epidemic

This is evident for everybody: the stalking and bullying at education institutions is increasing all around the world, and even if the was some sort of "concern" , it only exposes the society enormous failure to approach both.
Just from reviewing the bullying issue we can determine why stalking is so successful, as the usual suggestions are matter of "coping" instead of addressing the "initiators" behavior. For example, I read about a person being bullied at school and the school never helping him, but after a school shooting spree his  classmates reported him because they thought he could do the same, and he got suspended. No bullying/harassment ever stopped, and the only concern was that he could snap and attack his classmates, not the bullying nor it's psychological effect.
In my opinion this situation is similar to organized stalking, usually there isn't an identifiable individual or group of individuals over long term, but the target gets pushed into an unmanageable situation due to physical and psychological stress. In the end the perpetrator who is holding on the abuse against the victim, blames the target to possibly act or attack them (who knows, maybe even the unusual encounters with the police are less of a convicted criminal and more a "we abused and abuse this person and he/she might snap one of these days", but I believe it might be both). Whenever we talk about murderous TIs (those who seem to hurt others because "they are perps") we are bringing this stigma all over us considering that there isn't clear evidence to prove the TI testimony, well the product of these claims will be more articles about "delusional people claiming directed energy weapons and organized stalking who are also dangerous and kill people". As I stated before, turning the victim into a perpetrator, and when the tables seem to turn the perpetrator "new victim" WILL have the evidence of the TI retaliation, unlike us, as testimonies and anecdotes have a null value in court (unless we have actual evidence, which is ideal). This scum attempts to create both perpetrators and victims to destroy individuals, and we shouldn't play their game.
We shouldn't forget that we are surviving to stop these fucking criminals, and we should start being more observers than victims, as strange as that sounds, to determine the best social strategy to solve an issue without letting the perps destroy our "public person". This is useless against electronic harassment which only leaves our health to shielding, but believe it or not, social interaction might either provide us the credibility we need, or condemn us as usual. We are isolated everyday, usually by our own will, so the possibilities to resist smearing or gossips is almost null for us.
And to be clear, I'm not suggesting we should cope with the abuse, but cope the best we can with our social environment to protect ourselves, and I'm saying this after leaving emergency room due to unidentified hearth problems after an electronic harassment increase.
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Strange street theater (planned Organized Stalking)

Well, yesterday I experienced one of those strange occasions where perps directly do weird shit.
This is usually uncommon these days, but the few times that happened makes me remember why some TIs might believe that perps are expectant of a TI action and try to "communicate something", as in expecting not just a violent response or retaliation, but in the sense of following certain actions that the TI might or might not be guided to interpret situations or actions accordingly to per-shared rules that the TI "need to understand".

Some TIs label this Alice In Wonderland MKULTRA programming, as you might be "guided" to interpret things like colors/numbers/signs or hand signs and others behaviors (of course when the TI isn't over interpreting, and the perps aren't ambiguous). I see this like a plain attempt to take the TI out from a comfort zone to be guided into taking risks and follow what some call "the perp game", like finding things in your home that aren't yours and being guided into take it and give it to someone/somewhere, following V2K commands to approach someone, say something, do something. This is the worst situation a TI can do, as you might be tricked into thinking that "following commands" the perps might leave you alone, when you really ignore if the purpose of the harassment was exactly to take you to that point of following those commands, and the punishment is never-ending harassment and "inability to enjoy your privileges" (as someone told me).

Of course this isn't the kind of thing you'd like to tell a non TI as it's easily linked to simple "reference delusions" and "voices commands" that are common in schizophrenics. It's not that a TI would follow an expected behavior from a perceived hostile situation anyway, at least not most of the time, other times just wondering why perps won't communicate "what to do" or why don't seem to respond directly to TI requirements/inquiries (they don't), other times the TI might do and the harassment really didn't stop. I base these conclusions based on my own experiences and after reading other experiences, although I really never thought to follow "a plan" or guiding regardless of my own assumptions of the possible source.

I'll try to describe what I call street theater from last night:

-Was coming home after walking my dog, a man in front of the street looking directly at me
-A car that seemed to pick him arrived
-He still looking at me
-Someone from a different building starts whistling at the same street and no one else is around, this man looks at him (the man at the building), then look back at me
-Other guy keep whistling, I of fucking course, won't turn my head as I ignore everything harassment related
-I get into the building, the security guard from the block gives me the correspondence from a different apartment, yet knowing where I live (maybe a coincidence, yet first time this happens)

Recent days:

-Walking the dog with my grandmother
-Hear someone laughing when we are at the corned of the block, it's a taxi driver in a cab
-Starts rolling up the window while staring at me, maybe implying I could retaliate
-Some cabs get around here with no passengers, one time when I was walking the dog one dumbfuck partially got off the road making a strong noise.

From years ago:

-Found what it looked like a little electronic component in my bed
-Felt the urge to take it for some reason (I didn't)
-After I got into a bus, felt the urge to give it to someone in the bus that start staring at me (i didn't have it but i wouldn't do it anyway)

So, in the end same as always, remember to never ever follow anything that perps seems to coerce you to do. "see no evil, hear no evil, speak no evil" https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Three_wise_monkeys

Edit 1:

BTW to clarify, the electronic part (just some kind of industrial shaped led) I found over my bed wasn't even mine and never saw it before. It disappeared from my room the same day when I came back. This happened  a long time some months after the harassment started.

Edit 2:

To update on this, that security guard I talked about is actually the nicest person there and it was just a coincidence.
Another security guard is actually strangely saying thing under his breath but loud enough for me to hear like "you don't understand" and yesterday, an actual insult after I came back from a store. This doesn't have any explanation beyond the harassment as I don't even know him.
BTW, interesting enough he's loud enough for me to understand, as I have certain degree of hearing loss or difficult listening on the outside/places with background noise, so if a perp say something with a soft voice or in another conversation there's 99% possibility I wouldn't notice.

Next time I'll just keep the phone recording whenever i pass over there (Although those encounters should be recorded by the security cam...), because I'm not going to fall for the perp suggested "alternatives" like a supposed event "I'm not understanding".
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