Joseph Ante's Posts (2)

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I DO NOT CONSENT to 5G covid-19 electronic flu genocide of 90% of the worlds population planned by major governments of the world and by the secret space programs of Antarctic, Moon, Mars, and Ceres.  The 5G electronic flu is a planned epidemic conducted in secret by the governments of the world to reduce the world population by 90% by 5G electronic flu and covid-19 vaccines that kill or sterilize the populations of the world.  I do not consent to genocide openly nor in secret,. 
I DO NOT CONSENT to the depopulation of the world with ALL the unnatural vaccines that have been used to kill and maim populations for the past 80 years,  I do not consent to covid-19 testing, tracking, and vaccinations of any kind as these are a gross violation of individual and human right of a sovereign people and individuals.
I DO NOT CONSENT to the wholesale poisoning of drinking water with the rat poison fluoride used worldwide to pacify and reduce brain function of the pineal gland to dumb down the world populations and make them susceptible to mind control from illegal subliminal ads flashed on television programming of broadcasters.
I DO NOT CONSENT to the wholesale destruction of livestock and food crops in the past nor in the future to create starvation of 1/4th of the world populations.  Animals with the flu symptoms recover in a few days time like humans and cooking easily deactivates ANY germs and pathogens in them regardless.  Animal and crop destruction in the past was used to harm small farmers and make the public think this is normal and permissible in the future for the planned starvation of humans with further destruction of food animals and crops.
I DO NOT CONSENT to the wholesale ownership of the media in corporate hands nor to the wholesale use of fake news by most ALL major television newscasters worldwide to deceive the public about world and national events.  Propaganda and fake news in the television media is fraud and a crime against humanity and will be prosecuted to the full extent of the law against those who cooperate with this fraud to terrorize and mind control the public with fake news,
I DO NOT CONSENT to false flag operations by ANY government, military, or private agency to create wars, race riots, and a "New Normal" of activity to intentionally divide populations by race, ethnics, or gender to create wars, violence, riots, and divisions to make populations compliant to the loss of civil liberties,  False flags, fake news, and crisis actors that participate in these events to create them are performing a terrorist act and a crime against humanity.
I DO NOT CONSENT to secret space and satellite programs in or outside of our solar system especially those on the Earth, Moon, Mars, and Ceres.  Until full disclosure of these secret space programs to the public is given all humans must stop cooperating with their activity and productions that supports them.  Secrecy begets decisions such as the current depopulation of 90% of Earth's populations by our own world governments and will not be tolerated by a free people.
I DO NOT CONSENT to the hoarding of technology by individuals, corporations, and governments of the last 100 years by the elite that have sought to create their own break-away civilizations in space and on other worlds.  Free energy, anti-gravity, and medical advancements that heal all diseases and allow voluntary birth control by both male and females must be for all mankind and not just the elite and privileged few.
I DO NOT CONSENT to any secret oaths by government, military, and private organizations which have conspired against humanity,  All oaths kept or not shall forever be the decisions of the individual as a sovereign individual with the love and concern for their fellow man,
I DO NOT CONSENT to the use of many human clones, AI robots, cybernetic beings in society without full disclosure of their existence and education of their benefits and harms which might result from their widespread inclusion in our society,
I DO NOT CONSENT to the secrecy of humanities' past and of alien life contacts and important discoveries from other worlds whether hostile or friendly.,  Humanity must meet the future together with informed consent and debate on how to go forward and not allow leaders to work in secret.
I DO NOT CONSENT to the secrecy of time travel and past and future viewing technology.  Public understanding and use of these technologies will enable humanity to move forward and understand the past and future in ways that no other technology has done before.  The discovery of the nature of our reality is of prime importance and interest to all of humanity to learn better how to go forward in the future, -- J.E. Ante
All of my text articles may be shared, translated, EMAILED, copied and texted, and reprinted anywhere without permission., -- J.E. Ante.
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This theory of 911 assumes that media electronic trickery and militaryholographic airliner images were used to create the images of the 911airliner Twin Tower crashes. The 911 false flag operation of the TwinTowers necessitated the use of electronic deception in the media and airtraffic to complete their mission. The four civilian passenger planesmost likely were diverted to a secluded area of the Atlantic Ocean andcrashed and sank quickly with all hands in the deepest part of the oceanor more likely just off the coast of New York. The major Navy trainingoperations which were conducted on the same day of 911 off the New Yorkcoast were most likely a cover for the clearing of this secluded area ofspace in the Atlantic Ocean where the four planes were to be crashedand sank. And most people have forgotten that there was a majorhurricane off the coast of New York on 9/11 which also blocked all airand ship traffic to and from Europe. So few if any eyes were presentoff the Atlantic coast on 911.

This area of exploration in theAtlantic for remote viewers and salvage ships might one day locate andrecover these four 911 airplane crash sites to begin the trueinvestigation of 911 and the criminal acts of terrorism by our owngovernment officials.

The first Twin Tower plane crash was anelectronic ghost airplane or media doctored footage which covered anolder USAF circular drone UFO craft loaded with explosives as was thesecond plane to hit the second Twin Tower. These holographic airplaneimages are painted over the circular drone UFO crafts and can be seen inthe 911 footage as the unknown circular appendages on the airlinerimages which crashed into the Towers. See the Richard D. Hall footageon the internet --
The Pentagon was most likely hit by a missile fired point blank from amissile installation under the Pentagon's own helicopter pad. Andlastly, the Pennsylvania airplane crash sight was probably multiple USAFairplane missile strikes to the ground to make it look like an aircrash sight.

I doubt that the 911 government and militaryconspirators would bother with flying the four 911 airplanes to adistant location to imprison the 400 or 500 airline passengers. Theycould not risk the possible truth coming out if anyone escaped or thehundreds of jailers who might talked about the 911 passengers that wereimprisoned. So most likely they were all killed in one area of the ofthe Atlantic Ocean on 9/11. This will probably be the way that 911 iseventually revealed and truly disclosed -- with the physical Atlanticairliner crash sites discovered and salvaged underwater.

Lastly,a fifth major airliner was downed just off the coast of New York a fewweeks later than 911 with possible fuel tank problems. But this wasalso likely an intentional downing of an aircraft to cover any wreckagethat might one day come to shore from the four previously downedairliners in the Atlantic. If any airliner wreckage washed up onbeaches then it can be said to be from this latest airliner crashwreckage.

So perhaps the four airliners may not reside in thedeepest parts of the Atlantic's Laurentian Trench off of the Canadiancoast but much more close by just off the coast of New York. Why elsewould a fifth airliner be sacrificed so quickly to mask possibleairliner wreckage coming ashore. With remote viewing or the Titanic typelocator technology perhaps one day the truth of 911 will be known tothe world.

This and all of my 100 plus articles on the internet can be re-posted anywhere without permission. -- J.E. Ante

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