Book “Twelve Years in the Grave - Mind Control with Electromagnetic Spectrums, the Invisible Modern Concentration Camp”, authored by Soleilmavis Liu, provides the sound facts and evidence about the secret abuse and torture with remote voice-to-skull and electromagnetic mind control technologies.


The Fact and evidence

Mind Control with Electromagnetic Frequency

Soleimavis Liu presented this paper at the E-Leader conference held by Fudan University (China) and Chinese American Scholars Association (USA) in Shanghai, January 5-7, 2015.

Soleilmavis was controlled by remote Voice to Skull technologies and Mind Control technologies, and she was brought inside US Embassy in Hong Kong


The Arguments:

Soleilmavis case summary of mind control abuses and tortures

An anonymous Survey for Mind Control Victims (result on 19 Dec 2009)

Some lawsuits filed by Soleilmavis

Some News articles about Soleilmavis


I have collected many victims stories and wish everyone could remember their sufferings.


Books published by Soleilmavis

The first, “Twelve Years in the Grave - Mind Control with Electromagnetic Spectrums, the Invisible Modern Concentration Camp,” provides the evidence of secret abuse and torture with voice-to-skull and remote electromagnetic technologies.

 The second, “The Struggles of an Ordinary Man - The Turbulent History of China Through a Farmer’s Eyes from 1900 to 2000,” is the true record of one hundred years of modern history in rural areas of the Eastern Shandong Peninsula from the 1900 to 2000.

 The third, “The Queen of the South in Matthew 12:42”,  is a strong and well-reasoned piece that demonstrates who the Queen of the South is, by using plenty of historical facts. 


Other Scholarly Papers Presented and Published by Soleilmavis.

Thank you all, ICC.

Former Philippine president was arrested over ICC warrant for crimes against humanity.

I have seen our world is not theirs, criminals against humanity, war criminals, torturers.

For over 20 years, both Prime Ministers and Canadian government refuse to take actions to stop their terror, psychological torture, and MK Ultra, by all my neighbors, at least 5 Philippine couples ( now 3 Philippine couples )....Force Canada to hand them and their superiors over…

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Regardless of everything, they are are stopping me from uploading this photo above , evidence, please share and send, thanks.



"Canada", at least 5 Philippine couples, Canada' s No.1 internet and mobile provider, Rogers' Fido...extremely don't like Amnesty International, UN Peacekeeping, UN and UN Secretary-Generals, UN Human Rights Council because they are 405ing, 404ing, 403ing and filtering them all. Please send them below immediately to them because in some…

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After ICC prosecutor, UN Human Rights Office/UN contacted me with one special tool recently... I know I am not alone.
Please send it immediately for yourselves. It is time for "final account ".


If you all, listed at the bottom, are together, you must and can stop what they are still doing in Ontario, Canada although you all have stood up and have spoken out for me, not only for me for over 20 years.

After ICC prosecutor, UN Human Rights Office/UN contacted me…

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I have one worthy idea. If they are together, if they work together, " Canada...." will immediately abide by all UNs resolutions.
All my neighbors, at least 5 Philippine couples...they have nowhere to hide, and nowhere to run. Please send to them, UN PEACEKEEPIUN....


This urgent message to UN Special Rapporteur on torture and other cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or
punishment /UN Human Rights Chief /UN Human Rights Council, UN Peacekeeping , International…

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After seeing what they in Ontario, Canada are doing, you must at once send them below to them because they extremely don't like them, UN PEACEKEEPING, UN Human Rights Office/Chief, UN Human Rights Council, plus UN Secretary-Generals...not only for myself.


UN Human Rights told me " Human Rights can't not be comprised."

" If they shut up your mouth, all allegations are real."

After searching key words "Electronic Nervous Virus" one time, now they are 100% filtering…

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After seeing what NATO , UN , UN Human Rights Office/Chiefs, UN Human Rights Council discloused for all of us , you all ,
listed at the bottom of this request, must take all possible actions for what are still happening in Ontario, Canada .Please send, not only for myself.


Now, their computer expert is tracing me "everywhere" I use public WiFi.

Firstly, please see what crimes they in Ontario, Canada commit and how they covered up…

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please send at once, they are mad, mad, mad



Please send to ICC prosecutor , UN Human Right Council , UN Peacekeeping and UN Human Rights Chief, UN Security Council...Thanks.


Rogers' Fido is extremely , madly hiding and filtering this file from backstage after I save it as PDF. So, I can't upload to file transfer.

Please send to Prime Minister of Canada, Canadian government , ICC , UN's Highest Court , UNS Peacekeeping and UN Human Rights Chief, UN Security Council... because of their…

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Canada's internet provides , Rogers' Fido
by refreshing the webpage , is stopping me from sending message to UNs Peacekeeping. So, I send it again, thanks.


Stop them, force Canada to arrest them to hand over them ; and force Canada to...

This website is " last stop" for me. No any social medias will allow me to write and post what I want after a few days. Imagine they in Canada…

Read more…

Activity Feed

Robin Yan commented on Robin Yan's event Must hand over them to ICC, and UN's highest court or allow them with UN Peacekeeping to arrest Canadian torturers, criminals against humanity in Canada
"Thank you all, ICC.

Former Philippine president was arrested over ICC warrant for crimes against humanity.

I have seen our world is not theirs, criminals against humanity, war criminals, torturers.

For over 20 years, both Prime Ministers and…"
Mar 13
Robin Yan commented on Robin Yan's blog post Thank you all, ICC. We will win. Please send to them, for yourselves, thanks.

Non-Lethal Weapons, , EMF Hearing Jammers, "Electronic Nervous Virus".

After seeing what NATO , UN , UN Human Rights Office/Chiefs, UN Human Rights Council discloused for all of us , you all ,
listed at the bottom…"
Mar 13
Robin Yan commented on Robin Yan's blog post Thank you all, ICC. We will win. Please send to them, for yourselves, thanks.

Regardless of everything, they are stopping me from uploading these photos below , evidence to cover up their ongoing serious crimes in Ontario, Canada.


Mar 13
Robin Yan posted a blog post
Thank you all, ICC.Former Philippine president was arrested over ICC warrant for crimes against humanity.I have seen our world is not theirs, criminals against humanity, war criminals, torturers.For over 20 years, both Prime Ministers and Canadian…
Mar 13
Robin Yan commented on Robin Yan's blog post "Canada", at least 5 Philippine couples, Canada' s No.1 internet and mobile provider, Rogers' Fido...extremely don't like Amnesty International, UN Peacekeeping

Non-Lethal Weapons, , EMF Hearing Jammers, "Electronic Nervous Virus".

After seeing what NATO , UN , UN Human Rights Office/Chiefs, UN Human Rights Council discloused for all of us , you all ,
listed at the bottom of this request, must…"
Feb 23
Robin Yan posted a blog post
 Regardless of everything, they are are stopping me from uploading this photo above , evidence, please share and send, thanks. 1"Canada", at least 5 Philippine couples, Canada' s No.1 internet and mobile provider, Rogers' Fido...extremely don't like…
Feb 23
Robin Yan commented on Robin Yan's event We have fought against torture, evil, terror... for a century .However they are becoming more evil and brutal
"After ICC prosecutor, UN Human Rights Office/UN contacted me with one special tool recently... I know I am not alone.
Please send it immediately for yourselves. It is time for "final account ".

If you all, listed at the bottom, are together,…"
Feb 15
Robin Yan commented on Robin Yan's event Everything is clear, their dirty and brutal hands not only me, but on UN...but on my 2 cars. Please send this to UN Human Rights Chief /Office, UN Human Rights Council, UN Security Council, UN Peac
"After ICC prosecutor, UN Human Rights Office/UN contacted me with one special tool recently... I know I am not alone.
Please send it immediately for yourselves. It is time for "final account ".

If you all, listed at the bottom, are together,…"
Feb 15
Robin Yan commented on Robin Yan's event Must hand over them to ICC, and UN's highest court or allow them with UN Peacekeeping to arrest Canadian torturers, criminals against humanity in Canada
"After ICC prosecutor, UN Human Rights Office/UN contacted me with one special tool recently... I know I am not alone.
Please send it immediately for yourselves. It is time for "final account ".

If you all, listed at the bottom, are together,…"
Feb 15
Robin Yan posted a blog post
After ICC prosecutor, UN Human Rights Office/UN contacted me with one special tool recently... I know I am not alone.Please send it immediately for yourselves. It is time for "final account ". If you all, listed at the bottom, are together, you must…
Feb 15
Robin Yan posted a blog post
I have one worthy idea. If they are together, if they work together, " Canada...." will immediately abide by all UNs resolutions.All my neighbors, at least 5 Philippine couples...they have nowhere to hide, and nowhere to run. Please send to them, UN…
Jan 31
Jeffery Ward replied to Robin Yan's discussion Together, we are more powerful, exceeds what they can imagine. Please send this to them because they are hacking them, thanks.
"How about geometry dash lite?"
Jan 23





Scarborough, ON


February 28

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