The real boss of the family controlled CIA mind control FIRM has to be a former or concurrent technical staff, who enabled all the killings all the tortures and all the other bad things using Remote Surgery and Remote Mind Control two secret technolo
If media report on mind control was allowed in 1999, how many lives have been saved?
The hearing in 1995 and the interviews of Ted Gunderson with former CIA employees in 1998 and 1999 were drugs of the CIA boss to sooth the employees by giving them
I have been a target of Psycological and Electronic Dew for several years now,a friend of mine I lost contact with popped back into my life about about 7 months ago.We soon discovered we were both targets almost without saying anything you just k
I picked up a Pico3404B and recorded my brainwaves. It'll function as a high speed eeg(it's much faster than a normal eeg. Here's a link to the unfiltered data. My best guess is I've been embedded with some form of nanotech. The Pico only goes up
"the larger “targeted killing” toolkit, is now the focus of a U.N. investigation, (Harwood)."
"Although we’re not at war with Pakistan, Pakistanis feel under attack from the United States. “Drones hover twenty-four hours a day over communities in no