寒冰's Posts (58)

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Star of does the world civilization, how long glitter? ( 世界文明之星,还能闪多久?)The long dim light of night in blinks in the star light cancels dimly hazy,Raises the human nature in the green star ray,In the human society from does not have the reasonable path,Human nature instinct \ selfish \ combative \ swallow, tenacious,Turns extinguishes the objective development principle,the truth finally wins,but the humanity in thousand hundred sores, facing the indifferent wilderness,in the creation only then felt humanity's stupidity, many strengths stop well,21st century, in spiritual atomic bomb panic, the world is shouting wildly!!The humanity enters reads the brain time, takes a look humanity's disaster:The reading thought (Mind reading), the spiritual control (Mind Control), the electromagneticwave weapon (Electromagnetic weapon), the sound wave weapon (Acoustic Weapon),perhaps also has the ultrasonic wave weapon (Ultrasonic Weapon), infrasonic wave weapon (Infrasound weapon),microwave weapon (Microwave Weapon) and so on weapon torture maltreatments and harassment.In humanity's not balanced happiness and the disaster goes forward,any civilization all once by approached destroys the human survival the tragedy, deducted in four seasons transformation wilderness.The spring, summer, fall, and winter is through ancient times invariable,the human culture in destroys in the \ deconstruction to progress, several millenniums pursue the reasonable survival principle with hardship the philosopher,absolutely has not prevented the deconstruction the shadow.The advance in technology, we long for even in dreams,however after we in cheers jumps for joy, only then discovered,we leave the blue color star deconstruction the distance to be nearer.Pitiful scientist, when creation, did not know actually how is the truth which the humanity progresses,21st century, human survival in technical deconstruction star haze!The wind, still strokes the heart,the rain, still the Run will of the people,snow, ever did not change the mind the baptism,pine Tao summons in the far mountain,the spray howled in the tip, the white clouds looked down at in the blue sky regard.Asian \ European \ Americas \ Oceania has not been tranquil, the long-distance electronic input and the sensation thought technology is wreaking havoc,electromagnetism weapons and so on directed energy do not have in the protection in the good people to test!!Remembers 2008, an extraordinary year,July 8-9, the world glitters the hope ray in the rationality.The European victims assemble the \ appeal in European Union Headquarters;On October 11, the various countries abuses in the counter-technology, in human peace and human dignity and freedom.The mammoth parade and the assembly, resounds through the skies, the humanity no longer silences.Saves the human dignity and the right, is humanity's duty.To evil and ignorant farewell,makes great strides forward to the counter-terror,human nature charm often in wind and rain!!!!For our beautiful star, the day blue, the star is brighter, the peaceful path is rounder!!Let us for the world humanity appeal fulfills one's obligation!!!!!!
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Listens imaginary the tragedy(幻听下的悲剧)

Listens imaginary the tragedy(幻听下的悲剧)cuckoo white clouds deep place, is Uncle Zhang the beautiful hometown.Ancient times Pan Gu opened the day, left behind the green hill Xiu water, flew the waterfall hanging curtain, the jade bead four splashes, natural flying apsaras.The hills green jade valley, the greenery fine jade is colored, the mountain deep place is mounting hollow blue sky, the ease blue sky on in hills, is in the mountain mirage? Pan Gu's masterpiece and day Qi Chang.Humanity's blustery activity appears delicately in front of the nature.The simple common social practice nostalgia had continued several millenniums, the old tree, the running water, the bridge, others, traces plainly, classically elegant, the sorrow and joy village ancient is falling, in the revolutionary age, the outside wind blows, once was becoming New Fourth Army to carry on the Sino-Japanese War the base, has raised a generation of revolutionary person of integrity.The historical trend limped entered for the 21st century, at a technical disaster, sent greetings in the state which into flooded densely, one kind of artificial objective existence, created the vicissitudes of life were what kind pitiful, had confuses, has the indignation, the interrogation ......Heaven perforated?Recently, in this beautiful small village, appeared all over the mountains and plains all in the sob.“The God, how don't you keep eyes open, .....”pitiful, the sorrowful sound resounds through the skies, how many surrounding flows off the sincere tears. Yes, Uncle Zhang, the poor life, the warm-hearted life, the neighborhood does not have struggles the life, thinks in the village also does not hear his refreshed speaking voice again and could not see the gentle smiling face, how many street neighbouring work place sad \ difficult shed \ to lose all. Walked too has been sudden, previous two days also heard him at home, unexpectedly said died three days. “In during the first two sky overheads also the fishy, how, doesn't Uncle Zhang come out chats, passes through when his main house gate surface all is Guan Zhu, originally wants to knock on a door inquires, but indistinct hears him to say,” the human rights can't not say,…Has no alternative but to run .....”these two days, in his family also all has the speaking voice, because everybody to imaginary listened” to become accustomed to”, in with was unclear to Uncle Zhang in the judgment, creates the eternal regret, Qian mountain, the four seasons ever green, sobbed for you, lives the idle capital is the common matter, who would have thought the beacon-fire play gentlemen imaginary listened to, the tragedy which created, you walked too the injustice. The villagers only could seek his heroic spirit \ smiling face from the memory, the villagers innermost feelings lose.
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日本发明防止脑控技术的设备以下是日本专利厅所公开、对于思考窃听的对策所发明之专利反盗听装置机器。参考原文公报内容 专利文件。本人非理工系所毕业 不敢妄自对于这些专业发明给百分百的信凭度。希望有较专精的学人、可以提出讨论、证实这个发明是否有其成熟应用的可能性。日本国特许庁(JP)【公报种别】公开特许公报(A)【公开番号】特开平7-306259【公开日】平成7年(1995)11月21日【発明の名称】生体情报送受信によるテレパシーシステムに対する防御装置【国际特许分类第6版】G01S 7/38思考盗听确实存在思考窃听的科学证明、非一言两语所能够详述清楚。 爲了对抗且针对思想窃听者的存在及其所造成的思想窃听的犯罪行为、针对此犯罪现象而发明了防御机器、 甚至出现提出特许申明者。 希望早日粉碎生体情报窃听的不法行为。公报内容如下【目的】利用雷达波锁定被盗听对象的谈话、思考、甚至于身体状态的窃听装置的发明、已经被证实确实存在。这种窃听装置的探测范围可达至极远距离、且几乎没有死角。而此专利发明则是为了保护被此种窃听装置所锁定人物的个人机密及隐私为目的。【构成】窃听电波在通过被盗听者之身体时、会引起共振、而此人之个人生体情报、则会发出因共振所引起之另一种辐射波。生体情报会发生各种不同波形、而这些波形都可发出警报讯息、并且可有效做输出处理。根据这些生体波形反应所发出的警报讯息、可通报给政府有关管辖单位、查出恶质性雷达窃听电波的发生所在、以杜绝这种恶行发生。【特许请求范囲】【请求项1】特徵1:此专利发明装置利用盗听设备对人体的共振周波数所设之窃听送信波、将此电波资讯做输出处理、使其产生警报通知讯息。【请求项2】特徵2:此专利发明装置、基于第一项的窃听电波之特徵、可再混加入杂音讯息、做输出处理。【発明的详细说明】【0001】【産业用】防止因被窃聴时、所需保护之个人隐私及机密为目的之装置。【0002】【在此之前的技术】在此之前的窃听技术、是利用电话回綫或行动电话或搭载盗听器的无线送信及可透过水泥牆壁及玻璃等的窃听器。 对于无线式送信方式的窃听器是发出妨害干扰电波为对策。【0003】【解决课题】窃听者的脑波等生体情报与被锁定为目标者之人体共振周波数合併为雷达波送信、偌辐射被锁定者、此人的生体情报将被置换为可接收微弱电波、 而此人的谈话、思考、甚至身体状况已被窃听的技术、已证实开发成功。此窃听技术的雷达波窃听可远距控制、这种可穿透建造物的电波、除非有电子遮蔽的建造物、否则将无法阻止此电波的侵入。此种利用生体情报所发出的各种不同波形、对于普通的电视机收音机等等影音设备不会造成影响、是极高度隐密性的窃听、对于被盗听者身体也可以做出恶质困扰(比如性器攻击或内脏器官的电击或身体部位及皮肤的不快感及痛楚感等等)。因个人有不同的共振周波数、使用窃听器、是以个人为单位从事窃听机器运作。其存在不易判明、即使被盗听者有明确察觉週遭有电波及辐射的存在。若无反窃听发现器材及雷达波等逆探知装置、是种难以採取对策的窃听方式。【0004】【解决手段】当接收到由窃听者的生体情报所发出的发信用雷达波时、此发信电波在电波自波周围震动。 藉此震动警报来解决及防止盗听。【0005】【作用】窃听者的生体情报会随著窃听用雷达电波被送出、这些电波除了与被盗听者发生共振外、其他电波则穿过或反射、从被盗听者身上、窃听者与被盗听者的生体情报会发生出另一种辐射震动波。结果、在辐射被盗听者身上、可取得随著雷达波而来的窃听者之生体情报会发出相当强烈程度震动电波、是可被做输出处理的警报电波。【0006】【実施例】随身携带此专利发明之警报电波装置、将可保护个人的隐私及企业、团体或国家机密。将窃听者所送出之生体情报所产生的各种不同波形的电波、直接反射或反击窃听发信源处或是发出有防止窃听的既定类型之干扰电波。此防御装置会根据探知对方有无发送窃听电波、而产生输出反应。因波形等的不同、不会对于其他的音声及映像讯息产生干扰现象。即使通过广带域、反窃听防止所发出的干扰电波的方法对于周围的影响亦无大碍。【0007】【発明効果】常时携行此发明装置、将此装置发出的警报讯息所在、向有关电波等管理机关单位报案、将可能发现发射恶质窃听电波的雷达波发信地可根绝恶行再发。虽然这种防御对策装置、一般说来通常都会有新防御项目追加开发、而窃听防止电波混入杂音讯、可使其防阻功能共为完善。对于阻止窃听器的滥开发有其效果。知道更多 有关此专利及防御装置 E-Mail :takacyan69@hotmail.com  尚、この防御装置は试用版を贷し出しておりますのでお问い合わせください。提供试用版 请E-Mail洽询http://blog.udn.com/bjjoe/1683545
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Gone, when I look back ( 走了,蓦然回首)

Gone, when I look backUnreal is it? In real life you have? We will answer the mildly.Green mountains and blue waters, the four seasons. With the warm spring wind is gathering flowers fairy paradise; summer flowers and green leaves, is worth two cents of their dance scene; of the fall harvest season and as warm as in spring, is the desire of God at a time when Enron; winter The cold is expected Qiao, Snow White is the time to travel the world ... ... all reflect the living environment of human society in the way goods.Yes ah, the harmony between man and the environment. Do not need to worry about here, and a technological disaster in the country, the number of people back into their homes as Roma-moving, bringing the number of people in a variety of ways to stay in Waixiang . The other, his hometown; do, I raise my Health Green Mountain Sweet Water, the heart of the discourse is difficult to tell the truth, but the satellite remote control has become a persecution of thinking that we never forget the outside of a driving force to stay away from disaster, and we hope for the future , Each different, it is difficult to grasp the "technological disasters" would fall on us, only in the field of Waixiang up hope, not for us to sigh, we will miss you, delicate home; we will linger in the dream , The hometown of their fellow.European civilization of light, we hang high, glorious civilization for thousands of years, we have the indelible wisdom of the vast tide of history, civilization and progress of discord, technology and other non-disaster against civilization, we left some of the Trauma treatment in the home might be able to make up a triad, the well-off people too numerous to mention the cruel persecution of the people fear the technical left to form their awareness of terror have no alternative to flowers, no turn for the better days.The same blue sky, white clouds after another; the same river, gurgling waves, mountains, far from wild, the sea is far, far days, we have a track. In the field, experience less of terror, experience less pessimistic. The return is more concerned about here is a considerable probability, you and I were non-existent superiority.Recalling the past, Zhengrongsuiyue draw a blueprint, now is not only to meet Tianshan snow. Kunlun's call of technical intimidation, the Long March has not yet, the surging Yangtze River water, the course was difficult, there is no abuse of Fadu, caused by worries, we have in reality been more than a decade of knowledge, the best way to go. In Waixiang, the bright hope of the motherland tomorrow's arrival of the rule of law, the top decision-makers can not throw away the minimum needs of the people - survival of the human rights.走了,蓦然回首是虚幻吗?现实生活中有吗?我们会婉转地回答的。青山绿水,四季分明。春天的风和曰丽,是百花仙子的聚会天堂;夏季的千红万绿,是百鸟舞仙的尽展舞台;秋天的春华秋实,是愿望之神的安然之时;冬天的春寒料俏,是白雪公主的人间旅行时光……无一不体现出人类社会生存环境中的绝品。是啊,人与环境的和谐,这里不需要担忧,而一个国度中的技术灾难,多少人如同吉普赛人背进离乡式的外迁,造就的是众多人以各种方式在外乡停留。别了,家乡;别了,生我养我的绿山甜水,内心的话语很难表白,,空中的技术灾难成了我们刻骨铭心的一种外驱力,远离重灾,我们前途的希望,各人的不同,我们很难把握“技术灾难”会不会降临我们身上,只有在外乡撑起希望的田野,不要为我们叹息,我们会思念你们的,家乡秀气;我们会萦绕在梦想中的,家乡的父老乡亲们。欧洲的文明之灯,我们高高挂起,几千年的辉煌文明,我们有不可磨灭的智慧,历史潮流浩如烟海,文明进步中的不和谐因素,技术灾难等非文明的侵害,留给我们些许的创伤,在他乡或许能疗补,一种黑社会、富裕阶层罄竹难书对老百姓迫害的残忍技术留下恐惧,形成他们的认识,恐怖中的无可奈何花落去,柳暗花明不见天。同样的蓝天,白云朵朵;同样的江水,浪花潺潺,远山、远野、远海、远天,我们追寻着。在外地,少一分恐怖,少一分悲观。回归,是多一些担忧,在这里是概率相当,不存在人你我的优越性。忆往昔,峥嵘岁月绘蓝图,而今是只见天山不见面雪。昆仑的召唤,在技术恐吓下,万里长征人未还,滔滔长江水,艰难的心里历程,毫无法度的滥用,造成的后顾之忧,我们在现实中的十几年得到的认识,走为上策。在外乡,祈盼祖国明媚的法治明天的到来,上层决策者不能丢弃人民最低的需求——人权生存之本。
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For a life milestone ------Mindcontrol of lifeLife is a White Paper,In the fine mist and micro-waves on the lake, the mighty,In the wave of small bumps on the boat,Always looking forward to the other side.The waves moment after another as a partner,Dancing life confused,In the shore whereMindcontrol weapon in the lives of people,Every day to put up with cancer-free as available torturedMoment in the erosion of the cancer society,Tragic injuries, endless terrorist organizations before flying table,Harassment of a better life in \ stress \ interference in the world enjoy sadWe have a responsible attitude to the world oath:Despair in the life of rampant technology,Good moral character only remnant of the papers off Chien-degree days in the seaHidden oasis of life when time is now against the yellow sand inFalling in the forest trail Pianpian leavesRecords of the lives of premature deathMindcontrol, scientific and technological magic of the bottle,Cleared wisdom, Baring its fangs and brandishing claws of human civilization disasterHeaven Is determined toJustice and the forces of ignorance and inertia in the other direction very, To assume responsibility for the evil in the spread of, The sleep of the decision-makers to forget what the course of eventsThe voice of the people in their eyes as transit snow fly awayInternal problem lies in the fact thatIs not the same as the power into the system and the peaceful evolutionDoes not collapse in the dream of feedAt present, no time, they only transform the terrible sense of itThe effectiveness of geometry???Just look at all of human self-confidence, I have the ability toOn the basis that there is no basisA lovely nation, a strong vitalityOh, I do not know who was in power Shangshang Qian,Mindcontrol Why fight the power???Alas, the free float in the air from time to time the sky is the irritating drizzleSpring Flowers and Autumn Moon in the not too much of the abundant love andThe hot summer has not inject glycol,The human world and more trouble, more corrupt elements in the world to increaseConflict-inspired ------- MindcontroLLovely country, in the Mochizuki ZhaosimuxiangA perfect human rights, the dream for many years and several generations of people in the water in the MoonWe have to look on, step away, is no longer a distant legendHuman nature is sometimes very brutal, one of the aging Naogua, in the eye over a number of obstacles in the wrong thingWang Chuan a people, not as unworthy of the black sheep of conscience and powerHow many people sad and hopeless grief in this life,Could have some high-speed, but in a cover-up of human rights, achievements and civilization reactiveProgress of world civilization, human beings have a more rational pursuit of perfection in a more perfectMoral agreement is to survive into the conventional,Science and technology in disaster setbackIn which authority? Indisputable right of the people is only reasonable for the ethics agreementWhat is the living conditions? Loud laughter on governance,The pulse of life in the spring of longing, a strong beatMileage for a life spent in that unforgettable experience and understanding of realityOnly in the human analog of adjustmentAny obstruction in the human development initiativeMust have purpose, we have seen the terrible internalDo not know is not entirely the power to fightThe most progress in the implementation of the human person,To be able to play the next release itHuman civilization is the implementation of thisDo not understand ?????一段生命里程Mindcontrol下的人生生命是一部白皮书,在烟波浩荡的湖面上,颠簸在小浪尖上的小舟,时时寻找着彼岸.浪花朵朵时伴舞,跳着人生的迷茫,岸在何方生命在mindcontrol weapon人群,每天忍受癌症般无着落的折磨,时刻在社会癌细胞的侵蚀中,悲歌哀哉,无尽的恐怖飞棹摆橹,美好的人生在骚扰\胁迫\干扰中享尽人间悲哀我们以对世界负责的态度誓词:人生绝望的技术在肆虐,美好的品格只有残篇断简式的苦海中度日生命绿洲时隐时现在黄沙的侵害中飘零在林间小径的片片树叶,记载着生命的早逝Mindcontrol,科技界的魔瓶,智慧散尽,魔爪张牙舞爪,人类的文明灾难试问苍天,谁主沉浮正义与力量在无知与惰性中走向另一极,邪恶在责任承担中蔓延,睡梦的决策者忘怀乾坤为何物人民的呼声在他们眼中如雪花中天飞走内部出问题在于,同样的不作为化为权力与制度的和平演变不垮的梦想在雾里看花时现时无,他们内心的可怕只有改造吧成效几何???试看人间都自信,我有能力认为有基础,也是无基础一个可爱的民族,坚强生命力呵呵,权力内不知谁得上上签,Mindcontrol为哪般争权力???唉,自由的天空时时飘洒令人烦燥的细雨在春花秋月中没有过多的盎然与相思炎热的夏季没有注入甘醇,人世间多烦恼事,腐败分子更为人间增加矛盾激发器-------MindcontroL可爱的祖国,在朝思暮想望月人权的完美,梦幻多年,几代人在水中望月我们望天,一步之遥,不再是遥远的传说人性有时很残暴,一个个衰老的脑瓜,在遮眼障中误了多少事人民一眼望穿,不作为的败类愧对良心与权力多少人民在伤心与悲愤中今生无望,本可以高速些,却在人权的障眼法中,有成就而文明无功世界文明进步,人类有更合理的追求,在完美中达到更完美生存道德是约定从俗成的,在科技灾难中呈现倒退权威在哪?人民不争权只争合理道德的约定什么是生存条件?笑声连天谈治理,生命的脉搏在向往春天中,有力跳动一段生命里程在一点体验中度过难忘而现实的认识人类只有在类比中进行调整任何阻碍人类发展在举措必然有其目的性,我们看到内部的可怕不是不认识,完全是权力之斗人类最进步的实行者,能提的起放的下吗实行人权是文明之本不懂?????
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The dawn on the horizon

10 years, I have daily physical pain and mental suffering through -- 24 hours a day. 在人生的长河中,这十几年是最可宝贵的,是生命中的黄金季节,是为国奋斗体现人生意义的关键时期,是理想转化为现实 ,为人类文明增添属于每一个人应有的注笔这一伟大使命奋进的美好岁月。In the life span, 10 years is the most precious, life is the golden season States struggle to embody the meaning of life in the critical period is the ideal into reality. add to human civilization belongs to each individual should have the injection of T advance this great mission of the good years.十几年了,弹指一挥间,蓦然回首,我的人生太冤枉了,我的人生还在起点,什么时候折断的翅膀逾合,重新展翅翱翔,为有意义的人生而奋斗。10 years, passed when I look back, my life is too unfair, my life is the starting point When broken wings over with, the Youth Pre-employment Training fly again for a meaningful life and struggle. 这是多么美好的盼望、追求,他时常萦绕在我的思想中、梦中,多少岁月“梦游天姥吟留别”——人生创造的道路在哪里?This is such a beautiful, I hope that the pursuit, and he often echoed in my thoughts, dreams, How much more time "to stay sleepwalk Tian Mu Yin other" -- created life on the road where?十几年欲速而不达,在困难与折磨中艰苦奋斗,以毅力支撑,以信念坚持,以理想为坐标,在人生缈漫而崎岖的长河中进行着夸父追日。The progress of the past 10 years not to the difficulties and tribulations hard work, perseverance to support and uphold the conviction. to ideals of the coordinates in life and rugged 98,000 diffuse the river for a fleeting. 一天天,一年年------One every day, 2001 ------风起云涌,漫无边际------Surged, open-ended ------一个社会总有为国做贡献者,从我们的工作来讲,其贡献重如泰山,它促进科技的发展,透彻地说它群策群力地从逻辑思维力、可靠性、灵敏度、工艺性、对人的影响、隐蔽性、完美性.A total social promising States did contributors, from our work in terms of its contribution to the heavy as Taishan, which promote the development of technology. work it thoroughly from logical thinking, reliability, sensitivity, craft, on the impact of secrecy. Perfection. .. .. .. .. .. 它对世界文明造成的影响是巨大的,只能说“塞翁失马,焉知祸福”.It civilized world the impact is enormous and can only say "a blessing in disguise, how can we know woe." .. .. .. .. ..一个技术的成功,离不开两方面,一是科学技术人员在主观条件与客观存在的技术缺陷进行良心发现般的研究、改进、提高,尽可能尽善尽美;二是技术受实验人员进行着杨利伟式的工作,以坚强的毅力,化出身心的代价,十几年无索无怨,体现着伟大的忘我主义勇气,这是何等的气慨、何等悲壮、何等的高风亮节,造就技术有用,甚至人们评价为一种舍生忘义、坚忍不拔精神,这本身就是一种舍生忘死的英雄壮举。A technical success, can not be separated from the two, First, science and technology personnel in the subjective and objective conditions of the technical defects conscience like research, improve, improve, perfect as possible; by two technical officers carried out experiments based on the Yang Liwei, a strong willpower, out of the physical and psychological price, 10 years without cable grievances and reflects great courage Marxist ecstasy, which is how whose masculinity. how tragic, how debauchery, creating useful technology, even for the evaluation of a people give up before right, indomitable spirit, This is in itself a heroic defiance of death.曾几何时,我们已中流击水,存在可以改变,惰性弱智式决策与人类文明发展是不相适应的,主要矛盾与次要矛盾颠倒是不可想象和思议的,势必阻碍人类思想境界向更高层次发展,不能不说科学技术的发展与道德、法治、正义等的滞后将造成人类最为担忧的技术灾难,那将是人类文明的倒退,人类文明史上的悲哀。Before long, we have mid-stream splashing into the water, there can be changed inert mentally handicapped decision-making and the development of human civilization is incompatible. main and secondary contradictions reversal is inconceivable and incomprehensible, it is bound to hinder human ideological level to a higher level. admit that the development of science and technology and morality, the rule of law and justice to the cause of human lagging most worrying technological disasters, It would be a retrogression of human civilization, the history of human civilization as well. 为着技术而默默沉受着,没有为之转入良性发展,更是良心的悲哀。For the technology and silently posed Shen, 22.26 to healthy development, but also the conscience of the tragedy.历史的天空,星聚云散,东方地平线上撒满金色的曙光,光怪陆离的现象逐渐被理性思索所冲淡,太阳最终会跃出地平线。History of the sky, cloud-scattered Poly, feet on the eastern horizon golden dawn bizarre phenomenon has been diluted by rational thought, the sun will eventually jump out of the horizon.
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Ye Yuan first broke

Ye Yuan first broke夜色朦胧,弦月素雅,零星的灯光穿透雾似轻烟的大街小巷,给零仃的行人带来凄凉的寒意。Obscurity night, Tseng simple and elegant, isolated light fog seems Light Smoke penetrating the streets, to the pedestrian-alone brought misery to the cold. 江淮中学高中三年级学生们上晚自习放学了,袁野与已往一样在淮海街三岔口与同学分手,孤身一人与青春作伴,一路小跑,进了深深小巷。Jianghuai three-year high school students on a school night, Ye Yuan and the same as in previous Huaihai Street Hui parted with the students, young unmarried with the comfort and companionship of road running, deep into the alleys. 平常,每当这时候,总有父母在巷口迎接,无论是月明星稀,乌雀南飞的日子,还是举杯邀明月,对影成三人的皎洁夜晚,风雨无阻。Usually, whenever that time, the total street corners to meet the parents, both Rumengxingxi Ukrainian birds fly south the day, or toasted invited to the moon, the impact of bringing three into the night, in all weather. 这些天都减免了特殊待遇,袁野已适应一个人回家。These days, a relief for special treatment, Ye Yuan has adapted a home. 晚10点50分,按平常的规律,走进小巷,这条小巷走过了无数个春秋,眨着眼睛都能跑。Late 10:50, according to the normal law and into the narrow lanes and alleys of this through numerous springs and autumns, and can run as she flutters her eyes.朝气逢勃的袁野,象往常一样,踏着青石板,如行浮云,哼着流行歌以壮一箭之地的夜行,在走入巷尽头转弯之处,今天的情况有点特别,耳中感到在转弯处有切切私语,颤颤抖抖地,心中十五个吊桶打水——七上八下,特不安,幻与听,真与假,脑中不时闪过歹徒拦路抢劫的镜头,两脚颤抖,不知天上还是人间,忐忑不安地走过一段艰辛而恐慌的路段,将到拐角时,耳边只听到“逮到他,不放过,往死杀”,不得了,是歹徒,传音入密在这时已不起作用,完全分不清是幻听还是真觉,幻听多了也是真觉,真觉中是幻听,在恐慌的环境中是错中真,真中错,一个宗旨,逃离恐怖环境为妙,风弛电掣,卷起秋风劲,“卟嗵”一声,头撞南墙,世上多了一位崂山道士。On the vitality Bo Ye Yuan, as usual, acting bits, if a floating clouds, singing popular songs to cheer stone to the nocturnal, in the end turn into the alley between, the situation today is a bit special, the ears of the course was a slice murmur. Shiver walking to the hearts of 15 bucket Wells -- Riding special concern, and hearing magic, truth and falsehood. Scoundrel brain from time to time flash of the camera highway robbery, two legs trembled, I wonder if heaven or on earth, trepidation through a tough section and panic, to the corner, the ears can only hear "catch him and would not let go. to die killing, "Hurry up, which is not even enough, acoustic-secret has been non-functional at this time, completely unsure of hallucinations or they McGREGOR, hallucinations more McGREGOR is real, real McGREGOR is hallucinations, panic in the environment which is really wrong, really the wrong one purpose, fleeing from terror to employ Wind flip switch, strong autumn wind whipped up, "Porphyrin More than 30 days" As soon as the first running up against a stone wall, a world more Laoshandaoshi.第二天,老师说袁野今天病假。The next day, the teacher said Ye Yuan sick today. 一个星期后,袁野还没有上学。A week later, Ye Yuan also did not attend school.
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技术迫害何时了?电子脑控或电子精神控制技术,是一种发射信号到受害者大脑,并接收受害者大脑信号的技术。它能知道受害者的想法、记忆,并灌输思维、梦境和各种痛苦的感官信号给受害者。同时也能干扰受害者家庭的电器。一年又一年,时光飞渡,痛苦架起时间桥梁,黑色的阿拉伯数字,记载着岁月沧桑 ,留下坚韧、毅力、折磨、摧残中乐观人生者坚实印痕。残酷的现实,客观存在的技术迫害,并没有摧毁我们热爱生活的毅志,我们涛声依旧,绿海雪涛有我们呼啸的余音,任何协迫、骚扰在我们有力回击中黯然失色。他们钻技术迫害留给他们有利的空子,以残无仁义的潜在本能,对我们进行恶意攻击、打扰、亵渎、折磨……表演的丑态百生,活生生的一部人性心理扭曲、道德败坏……我们受害了,他们显得渺小、卑劣、为世人所唾弃。我们理性认识——人生的本质在于奋斗,热爱生活,我们内心崩发出力量,我们是生活主流中的一员,在广阔的主流天地里,我们游刃有余,世界是美好的,生活中充满了爱,是我们生活的延续。“雪海寒天冰消融,七月流火凉沁心。”理性的呼吁,人权与法制的呼唤,如大森林中松涛阵阵;走进田野乡村,奔驰在广袤的平原、粗犷高原上,牧歌激昂,阐述着亘古不变的真理——实事求是,技术迫害摧毁人的生存能力,是人类文明进步中的道德衰退;荡漾在湖泊江河上,清脆的桨声伴随着时代的强音,生存法则中不允许有魔鬼技术对人的摧残;漫步在喧闹都市里,一个人才堆垒创造巨大财富的天地里,共同呼吁着人性、法治、道德、正气,理性认识电子脑控或电子精神控制技术等——是和谐社会必不可有的。我们现在奋斗的正是千千万万公民共同应认识和已认识的,也正是我们权利的追求。“菊花零落品无限,梅花含苞欲争春”,时代法治的强音撑起我们希望之花,鼓起我们曝光的勇气,认识技术的危害、滥用,了解受害者实际存在的痛苦、折磨、艰辛,以及受害者在申诉的漫漫征程中的希望和失望,才会体验出你们理性的关爱的重要。你们呼吁是关键,唤起政府的重视,改变存在的客观现实。海
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这是给外国受害者的一篇文章,对国际法我们不是很懂。我想,外国受害地在进行战斗中要有一个鲜明的主题。进行国际立法是一个过程,任重道远,也不是我们需要立即解决问题的所心想的。但众所周知,这种受技术迫害已在世界范围内为世人所知,并且外国已在高校进行讲座,社团进行道德与人类文明与生存等激烈争论,进行了一糸列游行集会活动,欧盟也承诺要成立专门委员会进行收集调查,最终目标是形成国际协议进行制约与有序性。我们需要的是他们特别是国际人权组织等能对世界受害者进行一个个调查,调查解决问题是主要的,我们大家都有做世界义工吧!!!世界公民要求联合国制定<<关于禁止针对公民使用远程电子精神控制技术和定向能等隐蔽侵害武器>>立法议案案名:关于禁止针对公民使用远程电子精神控制技术和定向能等隐蔽侵害武器的法律增修案提案人:世界各国政府及各国人权组织联合向联合国提交在世界范围内出现众受害者.他们经历着阅读思维(Mind reading),精神控制(Mind Control),电磁波武器(Electromagnetic weapon),声波武器(Acoustic Weapon),或许还有超声波武器(Ultrasonic Weapon),次声波武器(Infrasound weapon),微波武器(Microwave Weapon)等武器的酷刑虐待和骚扰。他们都站出来揭露这些法西斯分子的残暴,世界上还有新的受害者被他们开始虐待。受害者被剥夺了合法公民都有权享有的自由和人权。受害者被剥夺了读书的权利;被剥夺了正常工作的权利;被剥夺了身体健康的权利;被剥夺了正常与人交往的权利;被剥夺了享受生活乐趣的权利;也被剥夺了正常睡眠的权利;甚至政治权利好受限。也有很多受害者遭到饥饿\贫困,失去独立生活的能力。把人类生存需要的各种环境破坏,把人类文明道德推向倒退边缘.面对已经出现技术上更隐蔽更方便地危害社会和公民的安全,需要采取更明确和严格的技术立法措施来应对它构成的法律和社会挑战。保障公民的人权.有利世界各国进行国际调查与审判.人的脑内思维是公民个人信息中最根本\最重要和最为隐私的信息。在脑内进行自主思维而不被干扰、窃取和操纵,是迄今为止人类任何文明得以建立和存在的最神圣不可侵犯的核心权利。人类的精神特性及其脑思维自治,表征着人的基本价值属性、奠定着人性尊严和个体人格的核心基础。它既是个体一系列经济、社会、政治权利的自身构成前提,也是人类一切智慧创造的基本条件。在以往的社会生活中,任何人尚不具备获得他人脑内思维信息的技术条件。无论个体生活于其中的社会环境条件多么恶劣,任何人至少存在可以不被打扰地在自己脑内进行自主思维的最后隐私空间,这也是人类社会长盛不衰的精神园地,理性认识事物专属区.但是这一人类思维和正常生活的最后堡垒由于精神控制技术(Spirit control technique)的出现和泛滥面临巨大的威胁。科技资料和事实表明,精神控制技术(脑控技术)可以通过向人脑发射电磁波,解读人的脑电波数据,进而窃取、灌输和传播人的脑内思维信息。这种高技术武器可以使普通公民在其不知情或没有任何对抗能力的情况下,被他人窃取脑内思维,并被强制进行每天24小时的同步传播。这无疑使个人隐私受到根本性地侵占,人格尊严遭受颠覆性的损害。该技术从其外部强制向人脑进行信息灌输和干扰的能力,也使公民在精神上处于极度恐慌和被完全控制的奴役地位,出现严重的人道主义危机。可以说,一旦被精神控制或生理武器所攻击和侵害,任何公民和社会的人格体系、生活体系、工作和社会关系体系将是全面崩溃。一种在最大可能性上可以把人变成一具脑思维被他人控制进而任何行为被人操控之僵尸的技术及其对普通人的使用,无疑是人类对待自己同类的所有恶行中最恐怖、最无耻、也最邪恶的暴行。精神控制武器的出现和针对普通人的使用,在其基本性质上是以更隐蔽的方式对人类先天思维特性进行精神控制和杀伤的军事进攻行为,是一种恐怖主义的反人类罪行。它对人类价值、公民和社会的正常生活造成的恶劣影响和危害,丧失了文明社会最起码的人道主义原则。鉴于这些技术武器的滥用对人类精神特性、公民脑思维安全和正常生活造成极端严重的社会危害性;鉴于这些技术武器极高的隐蔽侵害能力使普通受害人很难知晓和知晓后难以查证;也鉴于这类技术武器的隐蔽使用特性所实现的技术可能性大幅度增加了它被滥用于危害社会和普通公民的行为动机,以及滥用这些武器去获取利益和侵害公民权利的行为已经在我国多处出现,从而已经构成危害普通公民脑思维信息安全和正常社会生活的巨大威胁,我们建议,联合国根据《世界人权宣言》保障公民人身自由权利的基本原则,<<国际刑事法院罗马规约>>借鉴俄罗斯等国在该领域的立法经验(《俄罗斯联邦议会关于禁止信息及心理生理武器法律草案的决定》),欧盟人权委员会立即开展其A40005/1999第27款的工作!采取明确和严格的技术立法措施来应对精神控制武器构成的对法律和安全挑战,保障公民不被窃取、干扰和控制地在自己脑内进行自主思维的权利,解除隐蔽侵害技术对公民和文明社会的恐怖主义威胁,指导世界各国加强对脑控武器及相关技术使用的重视.从已经存在的世界受害者在生存环境中的悲惨,进行理性分析得出实质是:在现实生活中,社会广泛中存在的是分裂人群、分裂社会、分裂家庭制度直至分裂人类社会特点。这类隐蔽技术掌握和使用,已经构成危害普通公民脑思维安全和正常社会生活的巨大危险和威胁,已接近导火线边缘。它对人的隐私权、私人空间和任何合理的知识、商业及国家秘密构成彻底的伤害和侵占,并产生具有侵害和威胁不特定多数人的公共安全问题。该技术的泛滥使一个社会任何关于尊重保障个人隐私、商业和技术秘密、国家秘密的法律法规和社会道德形同虚设.损坏的是整个人类社会合理的生存法则.!!!!定向能武器,是指向某一由使用者确定的目标方向发射技术能量以达到杀伤目标的武器。由于该武器和技术是用发射如激光、电磁波、超声波、次声波、各种射线和粒子束等技术能量和物质来达到杀伤人的目的,所以,它不同于普通武器的使用中有肉眼可以观察得到的预见性和可查证性。它具有隐蔽性杀伤能力很强的特征。普通公民很难具有抗击和查证定向能武器进攻的技术条件。使用一种武器被查证的风险降低,也就增加了该武器的掌握和控制者滥用它的可能性。定向能武器作为国家军事能力的一部分,应当约束在军事武器使用规范中的特定战争时期和战时对敌攻击目标。在世界和平时期,针对本国任何公民使用定向能武器超出了维护国家宪法秩序所需要的国家强制能力范畴。它在技术使用上的隐蔽性特征不具备在规范的政治和法律程序下作为使用国家强制力应当具有的公开性和可查证性。所以,它既不应当作为公安、国家安全部门和武装警察部队的警察暴力手段来使用,更不应当由国家军队针对普通平民来使用。!!!需要指出,定向能武器可以被运用于攻击性精神控制技术中。它向目标发射电磁波、次声波以作为读取人的脑电波信号的技术载体,也可以与精神控制武器一同使用或者作为精神控制武器的一种功能,在利用完被精神控制的人后杀害被控者的技术武器。所以,禁止针对公民使用精神控制武器,应当同时禁止针对公民使用定向能武器。这些对公民的脑思维精神安全与生命安全构成严重威胁和侵害的高技术武器应当远离一个人民需要尊重、自由、和谐和幸福的文明社会。!!!从法理上讲,任何强制人类精神和心理生理特性发生不同于日常状态的危害性变化,均构成反人类罪行。所以,精神控制、定向能等各种残忍攻击性技术在有的国家已经被列为禁止在本国使用的技术(参见附件资料一、二)。初步调查表明,目前世界已经拥有并正在针对普通人使用攻击性精神控制技术,并对人民的脑思维安全和基本人权造成了非常严重的侵害后果。!!1所以联合国及其相关人权组织\安理会、联合国大会及国际刑事法院等部门,首先组成专门委员会,对世界范围内的受脑控技术及定向能技术侵害的公民进行调查.掌握第一手资料,判断性质的严重性,及给世界会造成的后果,进行综合评估,并立即停止对公民的侵害。他们应当机立断进行特别技术立法或增加法律条款.!!!他们可以在《国际刑事法院罗马规约》第七条,危害人类罪,为了本规约的目的,“危害人类罪”是指在广泛或有系统地针对任何平民人口进行的攻击中,在明知这一攻击的情况下,作为攻击的一部分而实施的下列任何一种行为:5. 违反国际法基本规则,监禁或以其他方式严重剥夺人身自由;6. 酷刑;11. 故意造成重大痛苦,或对人体或身心健康造成严重伤害的其他性质相同的不人道行为!!增加禁止对公民使用攻击性精神控制技术和定向能等各种隐蔽武器进行侵害。对非法使用、买卖、运输等攻击性精神控制技术和定向能等各种隐蔽武器的,实行国际监督.对世界公民进行侵害的,国际有权力进行干预。签名名单: 世界各国主要人物:世界各国主要学者(世界受害者)附件:译文(不一定准确,高手可以帮助修改)Citizens of the world for the United Nations develop < < on the prohibition on citizens to use remote electronic mental control technology and orientation to cover against arms > > legislative motioncase: on the prohibition on citizens to use remote electronic mental control technology and orientation to cover against weapons of the law has amendmentsIn the world, there are many victims.. They are experiencing the reading thought (Mind reading), the spiritual control (Mind Control), the electromagnetic wave weapon (Electromagnetic weapon), the sound wave weapon (Acoustic Weapon), perhaps also has the ultrasonic wave weapon (Ultrasonic Weapon), infrasonic wave weapon (Infrasound weapon), microwave weapon (Microwave Weapon) and other weapons of torture abuse and harassment.. They also expose the fascists, brutal, there are new victims were their abuse..The victim has been deprived the freedom and the human rights which the legitimate citizens all are authorized to enjoy.The victim has been deprived the right which studies; Has been deprived the normal work right; Has been deprived the health right; Has been deprived normally the right which associates with the human; Is deprived has enjoyed the joys of life the right; Also has been deprived the normal sleep right; Even the political rights feels better limits.Also has very many victims to encounter hungry \ to be impoverished, loses the independent life ability.Each kind of environment needs which the human survival destroys, pushes to the human culture morals backs up the edge. There has been faced with the technology to facilitate more hidden danger to society and the safety of citizens, to adopt a more clear and strict technical legislative measures to deal with it a legal and social challenges. To guarantee citizens' human rights.The advantageous various countries carries on the international investigation and the trial.In human's brain the thought is in the citizen individual information is most radically most important also the most privacy information.Carries on the independent thought ,but in the brain not to disturb, to steal with the operation, is most sacred inviolable core right which human any civilization can establish and exist until now.Humanity's energetic characteristic and brain thought autonomous, attributes human's basic value attribute, is establishing the human nature dignity and the individual personality core foundation.It not only is individual a series of economies, social, the political rights own constitution premise, also is the human all wisdom creation basic condition.In the former social life, anybody still did not have obtains in his human brain the thought information engineering factor.Regardless of the individual life is bad in social environment condition, anybody exists at least may not disturb to carry on in oneself brain the independent thought the final privacy space, this also is the human society prosperous energetic field, the rational knowledge thing exclusive area.The brain thinking is that individual citizens in the most important and most privacy of information. In the brain for independent thinking and not be disrupted, theft and manipulation, is by far human any civilization has been established and the most sacred and inviolable core rights.It is both individual and a series of economic, social and political rights of their own constitutes a prerequisite, but also all aspects of human wisdom created by the basic conditions. In the midst of a person does not have access to others the brain thinking information technology. both individual and social life in the how bad conditions, there are at least a person can not be interrupted in their own within the autonomy of the final privacy thinking, the human society is not long ago the spirit Shing Garden, rational knowledge things exclusive zone.However, the human mind and normal life in the last bastion for spiritual control technology (Spirit control technique) the emergence and spread faces a great threat.scientific and technological information and facts show that the spiritual control technology (The control technology through to the launch electromagnetic, read the brain waves, and theft, education and dissemination of the brain thinking.This high technology weapons to ordinary citizens do not know or have no combat capabilities of others to steal the brain thinking, and be compulsory for every 24 hours a synchronous communication. There is no doubt that personal privacy is fundamental to occupation, human dignity against subversive damage. The technology from its external force to the information education and interference in the capacity of the citizens in the spirit in alarm and control of slavery, there was a serious humanitarian crisis.It can be said, once being attackstone by the spirit control or the physiology weapon and violating, the personality system of any citizen and society,live the system,work and will be completely to collapse with society's relating to the system.While sowing in the biggest possibility up can become a brain thinking of persons is been operate by the person by the others control n any behavior of come to a deadlock the technique of the corpse and it to the usage of the common run of people doubtless BE most terrible,the most shameless in all immoral conducts that the mankind treat oneself's of the same kind and also the most evil unruly conduct.The spirit controls the emergence of the weapon and the usage that aims at the common run of people, on its basic property in more concealment way to mankind the inborn thinking characteristic carries on the spirit control and kill the military of the wound to take the offensive the behavior, is a kind of anti- mankind's criminal acts of policy of terror.It is worth to mankind,the normal life of the citizen and society result in of bad influence and endanger, the humanitarianism principle that lose the civilization the society most at least.In view of these arms abuse to the human spirit characteristic, citizens of thinking safety and normal life caused by extreme harmful to society, in view of these arms are extremely high hidden against capacity to ordinary victims hardly known and unknown, it is difficult to ascertain, in view of this kind of technology weapons hidden use characteristics of technological possibilities have greatly increased its misuse to harm to society and ordinary citizens' motives and abuse of these weapons to reap the benefits and against citizens of the Act is in our region, which constitute crimes against ordinary citizens of thinking information security and normal social life of the world. we suggested, the United Nations according to "Universal Declaration of Human Rights" to safeguard the citizen personal freedom right the basic principle,<< the international criminal court Rome terms of an agreement>> profited from countries and so on Russia in this domain legislation experience ("Russian federation Parliament about Prohibition Information And Psychological Physiology Weapon Law Draft Decision") European Union Human rights commission immediately does its A40005/1999 27th section work! to take a clear and strict technical legislative measures to deal with mental control of weapons of the legal and security challenges and to protect citizens from being stolen, interference and control in their brain for independent thinking of the right to remove hidden against the citizens and civil society of the threat of terrorism, and to guide the world for the control weapons and related technology use attention.From world victim's in survival environment pitifulness which already existed, carried on the rational analysis to obtain the essence was: Until in the real life, the society widespread exists is splits the crowd, the fission society, the fission family system splits the human society characteristic.This kind of covert technical grasping and the use, already constituted the harm ordinary citizen brain thought security and the normal social life huge danger and the threat, already close wick edge.It to human's right of privacy, the private and any reasonable knowledge, commercial and the national secret constitution thorough injury and invades, and produces has the violation and the threat unspecific most person's public security question.This technology is in flood causes a society any to safeguard individual privacy, commercial and the technical secret, the nat
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安检机器直接读你的想法美国国土安全部测试一种能读取人们脑海中想法的检测仪    无孔不入的恐怖分子让美国人防不胜防。为加强机场等重要场所的安检措施,美国国土安全部正在测试一种“能读取”人们脑海中想法的检测仪。  不接触就能读思想  机场现在应用的大多数检测设备只能用于寻找爆炸品或其他对航空安全构成威胁的物品,但被称为“玛林腾特”的新设备有望成为安检员的重要帮手。这种新设备用于检测人,而不是物品。它能通过读取脉搏和呼吸频率以及体温等隐形线索找出潜在的恐怖分子。  据福克斯电视台网站报道,“玛林腾特”由国土安全部人类因素部门研发,由一系列传感器和成像仪等组成。  恐怖分子和犯罪分子实施行动前心律和体温可能发生变化,而传统安检仪器捕捉不到这些线索,且安检员通过肉眼也无法判断。这意味着,“玛林腾特”可大显身手。  与传统手持安检仪不一样,“玛林腾特”可不与人体接触就读出数据,就像接受X光检查一样。  扫描思维和情绪  国土安全部上周在马里兰州给它做了实地测试,扫描144人,其中大部分人不知实验具体内容。  这些人以为他们仅是通过入口处参加一次技术测试,但实际上经过的却是一系列传感器,遭“恶意”扫描。  国土安全部还从这些人中选出了23人伪装坏人。这23人每人得到一个“破坏性装置”参与测试,与其他人不同,这些人知道自己“有任务”。  福克斯电视台记者透露了一些“玛林腾特”的工作流程:当传感器发现某种不寻常情况时,会把数据传给分析师,由分析师决定是否对旅客展开进一步调查。这种设备会分析旅客面部肌肉微小变化,以判断旅客的情绪和目的。国土安全部已研制出一种能通过面部肌肉变化发现、定义、衡量7种常见情绪。  根据设计,这种设备能在一到两分钟内扫描完一个旅客。  隐私问题  如果旅客着急或压力在身,可能会释放出焦虑的信号,但“玛林腾特”不会受骗,现有的技术已能让它区分出恐怖分子和着急旅客间的差别。即使旅客因为自然原因汗流浃背,也不会被它当成坏蛋。  针对人们关于它会侵犯隐私权的%E
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最神秘武器之 "电子精神控制武器" 解密

最神秘武器之 "电子精神控制武器" 解密本文资料来自三个方面一自己受美国中情局电子精神控制武器20年监控迫害的亲身体验二 世界各地的电子精神控制武器受害者的叙述三正式媒体对电子精神控制武器的相关公开报导此文是为了打破有关方面对大众的技术封锁,普及电子精神控制技术知识,使电子精神控制技术应用于对人类进步有益的方面,阻止目前此种超级技术主要用于违法犯罪活动的情况,本文全面介绍了电子精神控制武器的工作原理 基本功能 应用现状和应用前景,缺少证据的电子精神控制武器受害者甚至可以拿本文充当报案材料,向公安部门申请帮助。电子精神控制武器的工作原理.................电子精神控制技术包括读脑技术与控脑技术两方面。我们都知道人的一切生理心理活动信号都是靠生物电波传输的,人脑实际上是一台生物电脑,我们的大脑无时不刻在产生传输脑电波,而有电流产生就会有电磁辐射伴生,大脑会产生不同但有规律的脑电波反应,所以根据脑电波变化特征研制出破译思维的仪器并非难事。电子精神控制技术就是根据这一原理,通过高灵敏的接收元件接收并放大大脑活动所产生的微弱脑电波电磁辐射信号,经专门的译码软件处理就可读懂大脑内部的思维活动,反过来通过向神经系统发射调制后的特定脑电波信号,也可以向人脑直接写入信息,从而实现对人脑的直接遥控。电子精神控制武器的基本功能.................就象指纹一样每个人都有特定的脑电波特征码,首先在百米内用接收器对准人的头部,采集该人脑电波特征码,存入电脑后,由译码软件根据脑电波特征码进行解码,从脑电波信号中分离出视觉听觉语言情感等各种神经活动信号,以图像文字方式%
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这是给外国受害者的一篇文章,对国际法我们不是很懂。我想,外国受害地在进行战斗中要有一个鲜明的主题。进行国际立法是一个过程,任重道远,也不是我们需要立即解决问题的所心想的。但众所周知,这种受技术迫害已在世界范围内为世人所知,并且外国已在高校进行讲座,社团进行道德与人类文明与生存等激烈争论,进行了一糸列游行集会活动,欧盟也承诺要成立专门委员会进行收集调查,最终目标是形成国际协议进行制约与有序性。我们需要的是他们特别是国际人权组织等能对世界受害者进行一个个调查,调查解决问题是主要的,我们大家都有做世界义工吧!!!世界公民要求联合国制定<<关于禁止针对公民使用远程电子精神控制技术和定向能等隐蔽侵害武器>>立法议案案名:关于禁止针对公民使用远程电子精神控制技术和定向能等隐蔽侵害武器的法律增修案提案人:世界各国政府及各国人权组织联合向联合国提交在世界范围内出现众受害者.他们经历着阅读思维(Mind reading),精神控制(Mind Control),电磁波武器(Electromagnetic weapon),声波武器(Acoustic Weapon),或许还有超声波武器(Ultrasonic Weapon),次声波武器(Infrasound weapon),微波武器(Microwave Weapon)等武器的酷刑虐待和骚扰。他们都站出来揭露这些法西斯分子的残暴,世界上还有新的受害者被他们开始虐待。受害者被剥夺了合法公民都有权享有的自由和人权。受害者被剥夺了读书的权利;被剥夺了正常工作的权利;被剥夺了身体健康的权利;被剥夺了正常与人交往的权利;被剥夺了享受生活乐趣的权利;也被剥夺了正常睡眠的权利;甚至政治权利好受限。也有很多受害者遭到饥饿\贫困,失去独立生活的能力。把人类生存需要的各种环境破坏,把人类文明道德推向倒退边缘.面对已经出现技术上更隐蔽更方便地危害社会和公民的安全,需要采取更明确和严格的技术立法措施来应对它构成的法律和社会挑战。保障公民的人权.有利世界各国进行国际调查与审判.人的脑内思维是公民个人信息中最根本\最重要和最为隐私的信息。在脑内进行自主思维而不被干扰、窃取和操纵,是迄今为止人类任何文明得以建立和存在的最神圣不可侵犯的核心权利。人类的精神特性及其脑思维自治,表征着人的基本价值属性、奠定着人性尊严和个体人格的核心基础。它既是个体一系列经济、社会、政治权利的自身构成前提,也是人类一切智慧创造的基本条件。在以往的社会生活中,任何人尚不具备获得他人脑内思维信息的技术条件。无论个体生活于其中的社会环境条件多么恶劣,任何人至少存在可以不被打扰地在自己脑内进行自主思维的最后隐私空间,这也是人类社会长盛不衰的精神园地,理性认识事物专属区.但是这一人类思维和正常生活的最后堡垒由于精神控制技术(Spirit control technique)的出现和泛滥面临巨大的威胁。科技资料和事实表明,精神控制技术(脑控技术)可以通过向人脑发射电磁波,解读人的脑电波数据,进而窃取、灌输和传播人的脑内思维信息。这种高技术武器可以使普通公民在其不知情或没有任何对抗能力的情况下,被他人窃取脑内思维,并被强制进行每天24小时的同步传播。这无疑使个人隐私受到根本性地侵占,人格尊严遭受颠覆性的损害。该技术从其外部强制向人脑进行信息灌输和干扰的能力,也使公民在精神上处于极度恐慌和被完全控制的奴役地位,出现严重的人道主义危机。可以说,一旦被精神控制或生理武器所攻击和侵害,任何公民和社会的人格体系、生活体系、工作和社会关系体系将是全面崩溃。一种在最大可能性上可以把人变成一具脑思维被他人控制进而任何行为被人操控之僵尸的技术及其对普通人的使用,无疑是人类对待自己同类的所有恶行中最恐怖、最无耻、也最邪恶的暴行。精神控制武器的出现和针对普通人的使用,在其基本性质上是以更隐蔽的方式对人类先天思维特性进行精神控制和杀伤的军事进攻行为,是一种恐怖主义的反人类罪行。它对人类价值、公民和社会的正常生活造成的恶劣影响和危害,丧失了文明社会最起码的人道主义原则。鉴于这些技术武器的滥用对人类精神特性、公民脑思维安全和正常生活造成极端严重的社会危害性;鉴于这些技术武器极高的隐蔽侵害能力使普通受害人很难知晓和知晓后难以查证;也鉴于这类技术武器的隐蔽使用特性所实现的技术可能性大幅度增加了它被滥用于危害社会和普通公民的行为动机,以及滥用这些武器去获取利益和侵害公民权利的行为已经在我国多处出现,从而已经构成危害普通公民脑思维信息安全和正常社会生活的巨大威胁,我们建议,联合国根据《世界人权宣言》保障公民人身自由权利的基本原则,<<国际刑事法院罗马规约>>借鉴俄罗斯等国在该领域的立法经验(《俄罗斯联邦议会关于禁止信息及心理生理武器法律草案的决定》),欧盟人权委员会立即开展其A40005/1999第27款的工作!采取明确和严格的技术立法措施来应对精神控制武器构成的对法律和安全挑战,保障公民不被窃取、干扰和控制地在自己脑内进行自主思维的权利,解除隐蔽侵害技术对公民和文明社会的恐怖主义威胁,指导世界各国加强对脑控武器及相关技术使用的重视.从已经存在的世界受害者在生存环境中的悲惨,进行理性分析得出实质是:在现实生活中,社会广泛中存在的是分裂人群、分裂社会、分裂家庭制度直至分裂人类社会特点。这类隐蔽技术掌握和使用,已经构成危害普通公民脑思维安全和正常社会生活的巨大危险和威胁,已接近导火线边缘。它对人的隐私权、私人空间和任何合理的知识、商业及国家秘密构成彻底的伤害和侵占,并产生具有侵害和威胁不特定多数人的公共安全问题。该技术的泛滥使一个社会任何关于尊重保障个人隐私、商业和技术秘密、国家秘密的法律法规和社会道德形同虚设.损坏的是整个人类社会合理的生存法则.!!!!定向能武器,是指向某一由使用者确定的目标方向发射技术能量以达到杀伤目标的武器。由于该武器和技术是用发射如激光、电磁波、超声波、次声波、各种射线和粒子束等技术能量和物质来达到杀伤人的目的,所以,它不同于普通武器的使用中有肉眼可以观察得到的预见性和可查证性。它具有隐蔽性杀伤能力很强的特征。普通公民很难具有抗击和查证定向能武器进攻的技术条件。使用一种武器被查证的风险降低,也就增加了该武器的掌握和控制者滥用它的可能性。定向能武器作为国家军事能力的一部分,应当约束在军事武器使用规范中的特定战争时期和战时对敌攻击目标。在世界和平时期,针对本国任何公民使用定向能武器超出了维护国家宪法秩序所需要的国家强制能力范畴。它在技术使用上的隐蔽性特征不具备在规范的政治和法律程序下作为使用国家强制力应当具有的公开性和可查证性。所以,它既不应当作为公安、国家安全部门和武装警察部队的警察暴力手段来使用,更不应当由国家军队针对普通平民来使用。!!!需要指出,定向能武器可以被运用于攻击性精神控制技术中。它向目标发射电磁波、次声波以作为读取人的脑电波信号的技术载体,也可以与精神控制武器一同使用或者作为精神控制武器的一种功能,在利用完被精神控制的人后杀害被控者的技术武器。所以,禁止针对公民使用精神控制武器,应当同时禁止针对公民使用定向能武器。这些对公民的脑思维精神安全与生命安全构成严重威胁和侵害的高技术武器应当远离一个人民需要尊重、自由、和谐和幸福的文明社会。!!!从法理上讲,任何强制人类精神和心理生理特性发生不同于日常状态的危害性变化,均构成反人类罪行。所以,精神控制、定向能等各种残忍攻击性技术在有的国家已经被列为禁止在本国使用的技术(参见附件资料一、二)。初步调查表明,目前世界已经拥有并正在针对普通人使用攻击性精神控制技术,并对人民的脑思维安全和基本人权造成了非常严重的侵害后果。!!1所以联合国及其相关人权组织\安理会、联合国大会及国际刑事法院等部门,首先组成专门委员会,对世界范围内的受脑控技术及定向能技术侵害的公民进行调查.掌握第一手资料,判断性质的严重性,及给世界会造成的后果,进行综合评估,并立即停止对公民的侵害。他们应当机立断进行特别技术立法或增加法律条款.!!!他们可以在《国际刑事法院罗马规约》第七条,危害人类罪,为了本规约的目的,“危害人类罪”是指在广泛或有系统地针对任何平民人口进行的攻击中,在明知这一攻击的情况下,作为攻击的一部分而实施的下列任何一种行为:5. 违反国际法基本规则,监禁或以其他方式严重剥夺人身自由;6. 酷刑;11. 故意造成重大痛苦,或对人体或身心健康造成严重伤害的其他性质相同的不人道行为!!增加禁止对公民使用攻击性精神控制技术和定向能等各种隐蔽武器进行侵害。对非法使用、买卖、运输等攻击性精神控制技术和定向能等各种隐蔽武器的,实行国际监督.对世界公民进行侵害的,国际有权力进行干预。签名名单: 世界各国主要人物:世界各国主要学者(世界受害者)附件:译文(不一定准确,高手可以帮助修改)Citizens of the world for the United Nations develop < < on the prohibition on citizens to use remote electronic mental control technology and orientation to cover against arms > > legislative motioncase: on the prohibition on citizens to use remote electronic mental control technology and orientation to cover against weapons of the law has amendmentsIn the world, there are many victims.. They are experiencing the reading thought (Mind reading), the spiritual control (Mind Control), the electromagnetic wave weapon (Electromagnetic weapon), the sound wave weapon (Acoustic Weapon), perhaps also has the ultrasonic wave weapon (Ultrasonic Weapon), infrasonic wave weapon (Infrasound weapon), microwave weapon (Microwave Weapon) and other weapons of torture abuse and harassment.. They also expose the fascists, brutal, there are new victims were their abuse..The victim has been deprived the freedom and the human rights which the legitimate citizens all are authorized to enjoy.The victim has been deprived the right which studies; Has been deprived the normal work right; Has been deprived the health right; Has been deprived normally the right which associates with the human; Is deprived has enjoyed the joys of life the right; Also has been deprived the normal sleep right; Even the political rights feels better limits.Also has very many victims to encounter hungry \ to be impoverished, loses the independent life ability.Each kind of environment needs which the human survival destroys, pushes to the human culture morals backs up the edge. There has been faced with the technology to facilitate more hidden danger to society and the safety of citizens, to adopt a more clear and strict technical legislative measures to deal with it a legal and social challenges. To guarantee citizens' human rights.The advantageous various countries carries on the international investigation and the trial.In human's brain the thought is in the citizen individual information is most radically most important also the most privacy information.Carries on the independent thought ,but in the brain not to disturb, to steal with the operation, is most sacred inviolable core right which human any civilization can establish and exist until now.Humanity's energetic characteristic and brain thought autonomous, attributes human's basic value attribute, is establishing the human nature dignity and the individual personality core foundation.It not only is individual a series of economies, social, the political rights own constitution premise, also is the human all wisdom creation basic condition.In the former social life, anybody still did not have obtains in his human brain the thought information engineering factor.Regardless of the individual life is bad in social environment condition, anybody exists at least may not disturb to carry on in oneself brain the independent thought the final privacy space, this also is the human society prosperous energetic field, the rational knowledge thing exclusive area.The brain thinking is that individual citizens in the most important and most privacy of information. In the brain for independent thinking and not be disrupted, theft and manipulation, is by far human any civilization has been established and the most sacred and inviolable core rights.It is both individual and a series of economic, social and political rights of their own constitutes a prerequisite, but also all aspects of human wisdom created by the basic conditions. In the midst of a person does not have access to others the brain thinking information technology. both individual and social life in the how bad conditions, there are at least a person can not be interrupted in their own within the autonomy of the final privacy thinking, the human society is not long ago the spirit Shing Garden, rational knowledge things exclusive zone.However, the human mind and normal life in the last bastion for spiritual control technology (Spirit control technique) the emergence and spread faces a great threat.scientific and technological information and facts show that the spiritual control technology (The control technology through to the launch electromagnetic, read the brain waves, and theft, education and dissemination of the brain thinking.This high technology weapons to ordinary citizens do not know or have no combat capabilities of others to steal the brain thinking, and be compulsory for every 24 hours a synchronous communication. There is no doubt that personal privacy is fundamental to occupation, human dignity against subversive damage. The technology from its external force to the information education and interference in the capacity of the citizens in the spirit in alarm and control of slavery, there was a serious humanitarian crisis.It can be said, once being attackstone by the spirit control or the physiology weapon and violating, the personality system of any citizen and society,live the system,work and will be completely to collapse with society's relating to the system.While sowing in the biggest possibility up can become a brain thinking of persons is been operate by the person by the others control n any behavior of come to a deadlock the technique of the corpse and it to the usage of the common run of people doubtless BE most terrible,the most shameless in all immoral conducts that the mankind treat oneself's of the same kind and also the most evil unruly conduct.The spirit controls the emergence of the weapon and the usage that aims at the common run of people, on its basic property in more concealment way to mankind the inborn thinking characteristic carries on the spirit control and kill the military of the wound to take the offensive the behavior, is a kind of anti- mankind's criminal acts of policy of terror.It is worth to mankind,the normal life of the citizen and society result in of bad influence and endanger, the humanitarianism principle that lose the civilization the society most at least.In view of these arms abuse to the human spirit characteristic, citizens of thinking safety and normal life caused by extreme harmful to society, in view of these arms are extremely high hidden against capacity to ordinary victims hardly known and unknown, it is difficult to ascertain, in view of this kind of technology weapons hidden use characteristics of technological possibilities have greatly increased its misuse to harm to society and ordinary citizens' motives and abuse of these weapons to reap the benefits and against citizens of the Act is in our region, which constitute crimes against ordinary citizens of thinking information security and normal social life of the world. we suggested, the United Nations according to "Universal Declaration of Human Rights" to safeguard the citizen personal freedom right the basic principle,<< the international criminal court Rome terms of an agreement>> profited from countries and so on Russia in this domain legislation experience ("Russian federation Parliament about Prohibition Information And Psychological Physiology Weapon Law Draft Decision") European Union Human rights commission immediately does its A40005/1999 27th section work! to take a clear and strict technical legislative measures to deal with mental control of weapons of the legal and security challenges and to protect citizens from being stolen, interference and control in their brain for independent thinking of the right to remove hidden against the citizens and civil society of the threat of terrorism, and to guide the world for the control weapons and related technology use attention.From world victim's in survival environment pitifulness which already existed, carried on the rational analysis to obtain the essence was: Until in the real life, the society widespread exists is splits the crowd, the fission society, the fission family system splits the human society characteristic.This kind of covert technical grasping and the use, already constituted the harm ordinary citizen brain thought security and the normal social life huge danger and the threat, already close wick edge.It to human's right of privacy, the private and any reasonable knowledge, commercial and the national secret constitution thorough injury and invades, and produces has the violation and the threat unspecific most person's public security question.This technology is in flood causes a society any to safeguard individual privacy, commercial
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________________________________________一则新闻背后的世纪大阴谋《北京日报》(2005年1月19日)本报讯(记者侯莎莎 通讯员高志海):1996年, 当事人福建武先生怀疑公安机关的机器24小时监视自己的一举一动,整日坐卧不安。2001年,武先生通过报刊广告联系上北京市九众律师事务所。律师事务所主任李昆向武先生说明,能通过诉讼帮助他解脱“福建省公安厅跟踪大脑机器伤害”,律师事务所经查证,未发现武先生有任何异常,就和武先生签订了委托代理协议,并收到武先生汇来的代理费33万元港币。其后,律师事务所多次派律师前往福州,与福建省公安厅联系“大脑跟踪机器伤害”一案。因福建省公安厅一直不给答复,所以决定进行诉讼。一审法院审理过程中,认为武先生患有“精神分裂症”,无民事行为能力。一审法院判决后,律师事务所不服,上诉到二中院。二中院经审理认为,作为“一般生活常识”,武先生要求提供法律服务的“公安厅跟踪大脑机器伤害纠纷”应不可能存在,不允为武先生的该纠纷提供法律服务。因此,二中院维持了一审判决:双方签订的委托代理协议无效,律师事务所取得的33万元港币应当返还。另外,此案审理期间,北京市司法局和律师协会作出决定:吊销九众律师事务所营业执照,并对所主任李昆处以7天拘留和罚款。朋友们,这则消息可不一般啊!!!如果你稍微懂得一些神经元脑电波以及电磁波和芯片技术,相信你就会知道是怎么回事了。十几年前,这项计划刚执行时候,我就曾经撰文反对过,本人的校友,现供职中国社科院法研所的邓子滨博士在2001年5月1日《南方周末》第6版中说得更明白:“某些专家拥有了这种技术,实验室就比法庭更有效,更不可抗拒地揭示真相,最终使法 庭、沉默权、无罪推定之类,都成为一钱不值的东西 ,到那时,专家就是我们的法官”。“那些执掌该项技术的人,就能控制我们,支配我们,事先知道我们要干什么,事后知道我们干了什么,随着技术的不断改进,最终做到让我们干什么我们就干什么”。“我们可以看到一个拷问精神的幽灵在大地上游荡,我们对真相的追求只能服从于某种更高的社会价值,从被削弱、被操控的意识中攫取事实,每一项这样的技术都是对隐私权和意志自由的侵
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俄总统保镖爆料多国研制“心理武器”王涛2007-09-04 08:45:20 来源:中国国防报【 字号:大 中 小 】 【 我要打印 】 【 我要纠错 】 【 Email推荐: 】  据俄媒体报道,俄联邦警卫局退役少将、前总统叶利钦的保镖鲍里斯·拉特尼科夫近日透露,俄、美、日、以等国都在研制能够随意摆布对手的“心理武器”,即通过心理作用,控制他人意志,指挥对方无意识地执行各种任务。俄研制“幻觉炸弹”拉特尼科夫说:“苏联自上世纪20年代开始,就已经在心理影响领域取得研究成果。20世纪80年代中期,苏联在基辅、列宁格勒、莫斯科等地共有20个研究人类心理作用的大型秘密中心,全部由克格勃负责。很多科学家研究这个课题。苏联解体后,所有这些中心都关闭了。”拉特尼科夫承认,作为俄联邦警卫总局副局长,他本人没有参与制造这类“心理武器”。但他知道,在俄国内外,仍有人在从事类似工作。据悉,俄正在研制能产生幻觉形象的特种仪器,即“幻觉炸弹”。它能影响人的神志、知觉,迫使人混淆现实与虚幻,服从借助特种设备发出的指令。20世纪末,俄情报部门掌握了美国研制“幻觉武器”的研制情报,于是也开始秘密研制能对人产生心理生理影响的系统及其对抗系统。早在20世纪90年代中期,美国就成功进行了类似武器的非同寻常的试验,在虚拟战场上借助最新激光技术、全息技术制造目标幻觉形象,包括飞机、坦克、舰艇、整支战斗部队等形象,也可制造各种有影响的人物形象。美搞“传音入密”武器拉特尼科夫表示,美国也在积极研制“心理武器”。如美正在研究东方心理生理系统基础上,借助催眠术、神经语言学编程、计算机应用心理疗法、生物钟刺激等,从事心理影响方面%E
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