I have been harassed into not going back to work, unfortunately i am in a bad financial situation and i communicated this to my boss. i sent an email requesting to go back to work. they want me to go for a psychiatric evaluation. these people know whats going on but are not going to admit to it.
i need advise.
i am in my final year of studies and i require the funds to complete my degree.
i really need advise. i am going to meet my boss on thursday.
MIND CONTROL EUROPE, and the brain reading computers, brain-remote, neural monitoring, experimentation!
For all the governments of European countries (About Mind Control)
One of the most powerful weapons are now targeting some of the civilian population during its development. The weapon is called brain implants and synthetic telepathy. Synthetic telepathy covers mind reading, and artificial intelligence. People who are involved in the development of invasive imaging of the brain and nervous system without their consent has no legal protection, no human rights, and no medical help. Instead of receiving protection diagnosed these people to suffer from a mental illness. Research is conducted 24 / 7 over the aging process.
The most frightening implications of this technology is the serious risk that it facilitates totalitarian control of humans.
It is alarming to governments in this emerging technology masks the effects of the illegal research behind the incorrect diagnosis, that the victims suffer from a mental illness.
Nazi torture in concentration camps with the miniaturization of electronics has moved directly into people’s brains to copy the brain signalsysstem, a procedure that takes the lives of many people who can not keep. It’s about a chip that works as a search engine / ESM systems in the brain. This feature can be “Googling” your memories, read minds just before consciousness and copy your feelings. The chips are described in the future be used to “Googling” directly with the brains of tomorrow’s Internet. The scheme is to give people an expanded memory, be a communication system for the military and an escort system for Alzheimer’s disease.
To retrieve information directly from the brain to evaluate it is called by Swedish professors for alternative nanotechnology diagnostics. The diagnosis affects strangely successful people, this may be because the technology is being abused?
Should it be accepted that automated monitoring of self-learning, computers and brain implants with synthetic telepathy can drive people to suicide? This technology changes the man’s integrity, identity and autonomy.
Should scientists and government representatives who are aware of this research to obtain further confidence when they are aware that these technologies developed through research on civilians without their consent?
What would you do if you ran into this copy of the brain? When you are looking for help in the rough torture as copying, so did you hear that you had delusions
It is the tax money that pays for this research?
Can we be sure that all the crimes committed by people with voices in his head is disease-related? Could it be that the perpetrators have been manipulated and tortured by the computer-brain integration for committing crimes?
Is the whole research brain implants and related networking technologies a completely lawless area of research?Swedish and European professors warned of this trend back in 2004!
How long has this research been going on in secret?
By: Magnus Olsson
MINDCONTROL EUROPE, and the brain reading computer-brain-chip
Within 5 years, IBM will come out with their new systems, which among others can read our thoughts and interact with our brains.
Many believe it’s science fiction but in reality it is a technology which is imminent. IBMclaims that said that there is something they want to publish about 5 years and according to them it will revolutionize the world. You mention 5 areas as they focus on and which they will work with over 5 years. The project is called “Five in Five”.
It may seem as if it’s just a promotional video, but in fact, IBM has recently again been out and saythey will come with these brain-reading computers within a few years. In the clip up above, you can even hear them say that it is not science fiction, and that it actually is something that has been invented already.
The world is changing fast–maybe faster than we ever thought. And within five years, science fiction is going to turn into non-fiction. We’ll be able to read each other’s minds, forget all our passwords, and create all our own homes’ energy.
These are just three of the five predictions IBM announced this morning as part of its annual “5 in 5” prognostication project.
The list is meant to promote long-term work being done under Big Blue’s Smarter Planet initiative–and the company says “5 in 5” already has a track record of success. In 2008, IBM says, it suggested that within five years, consumers would talk to the Web–and the Web would respond.
This time, the predictions are perhaps a bit more fanciful:
Mind reading is no longer science fiction.
You will be able to power your home with the energy you create yourself.
You will never need a password again.
The digital divide will cease to exist.
Junk mail will become priority mail.
It would seem the most interesting idea posited by IBM is the one about reading minds. But lest you think that what its scientists are saying is that you’ll be able to glare at a friend–or perhaps more importantly, an enemy–and know what he or she is thinking, that may be more than five years off. Rather, this is about how our brains might someday be synced with computing devices:
If you just need to think about calling someone, it happens. Or you can control the cursor on a computer screen just by thinking about where you want to move it.
Scientists in the field of bioinformatics have designed headsets with advanced sensors to read electrical brain activity that can recognize facial expressions, excitement and concentration levels, and thoughts of a person without them physically taking any actions.
Within five years, we will begin to see early applications of this technology in the gaming and entertainment industry. Furthermore, doctors could use the technology to test brain patterns, possibly even assist in rehabilitation from strokes and to help in understanding brain disorders, such as autism.
Another potentially world-changing development that IBM thinks is less than five years away is that we’re soon going to be able to produce all the energy we need for our home–ourselves. This is a radical idea, and one that could shake up the entire energy industry. But in a world where every new pound of carbon dioxide that goes into the atmosphere has the potential to help wreak havoc on the planet, this could be a very, very good thing if it turns out to be true.
“Anything that moves or produces heat has the potential to create energy that can be captured,” an IBM “5 in 5” release reads. “Walking. Jogging. Bicycling. The heat from your computer. Even the water flowing through your pipes. Advances in renewable energy technology will allow individuals to collect this kinetic energy, which now goes to waste, and use it to help power our homes, offices and cities.”
That means, IBM believes, that we may be able to generate power with, for example, the help of small widgets we put in the spokes of our bikes.
No more passwords
Another big innovation IBM believes could soon be improving everyday lives is the death of the password. And that, it says, could come within five years due to each human’s unique biological underpinnings. “You will no longer need to create, track or remember multiple passwords for various log-ins,” says IBM. “Imagine you will be able to walk up to an ATM machine to securely withdraw money by simply speaking your name or looking into a tiny sensor that can recognize the unique patterns in the retina of your eye. Or by doing the same, you can check your account balance on your mobile phone or tablet.
This is all because of a set of systems that may well be on their way down the pike known as multifactor biometrics. And as a result of our individual faces, voices, and retinas, we may soon be able to access all the things that today require passwords without having to remember anything.
Talk about progress.
When you take all the technology and transfer it into practice, we begin to be afraid and the authorities will surely love to use it. If you are naive might think it would be used to get information out of criminals and terrorists, but actually you can implant thoughts, etc., and thus make people guilty even though they are not.
Many of these scenarios have been up for sci-fi stories and the future as a TV series talks about is probably closer than we like …
One of the most powerful weapons are now targeting some of the civilian population during its development. The weapon is called brain implants and synthetic telepathy. Synthetic telepathy covers mind reading, and artificial intelligence. People who are involved in the development of invasive imaging of the brain and nervous system without their consent has no legal protection, no human rights, and no medical help. Instead of receiving protection diagnosed these people to suffer from a mental illness. Research is conducted 24 / 7 over the aging process.
The most frightening implications of this technology is the serious risk that it facilitates totalitarian control of humans.
It is alarming to governments in this emerging technology masks the effects of the illegal research behind the incorrect diagnosis, that the victims suffer from a mental illness.
Nazi torture in concentration camps with the miniaturization of electronics has moved directly into people’s brains to copy the brain signalsysstem, a procedure that takes the lives of many people who can not keep. It’s about a chip that works as a search engine / ESM systems in the brain. This feature can be “Googling” your memories, read minds just before consciousness and copy your feelings. The chips are described in the future be used to “Googling” directly with the brains of tomorrow’s Internet. The scheme is to give people an expanded memory, be a communication system for the military and an escort system for Alzheimer’s disease.
To retrieve information directly from the brain to evaluate it is called by Swedish professors for alternative nanotechnology diagnostics. The diagnosis affects strangely successful people, this may be because the technology is being abused?
Should it be accepted that automated monitoring of self-learning, computers and brain implants with synthetic telepathy can drive people to suicide?
This technology changes the man’s integrity, identity and autonomy.
Should scientists and government representatives who are aware of this research to obtain further confidence when they are aware that these technologies developed through research on civilians without their consent?
What would you do if you ran into this copy of the brain? When you are looking for help in the rough torture as copying, so did you hear that you had delusions
It is the tax money that pays for this research?
Can we be sure that all the crimes committed by people with voices in his head is disease-related? Could it be that the perpetrators have been manipulated and tortured by the computer-brain integration for committing crimes?
Is the whole research brain implants and related networking technologies a completely lawless area of research?
Swedish and European professors warned of this trend back in 2004!
How long has this research been going on in secret?
By: Magnus Olsson
“The events at the international political scene, in the last few years, confirm that the concept of remote control of human brain is a matter of negotiations. In January 1999 the European Parliament passed a resolution where it calls for an international convention introducing a global ban on all developments and deployments of weapons which might enable any form of manipulation of human beings.”
The term “Mind control” basically means covert attempts to influence the thoughts and behavior of human beings against their will (or without their knowledge), particularly when surveillance of an individual is used as an integral part of such influencing and the term “Psychotronic Torture” comes from psycho (of psychological) and electronic. This is actually a very sophisticated form of remote technological torture that slowly invalidates and incapacitates a person. These invisible and non-traceable technological assaults on human beings are done in order to destroy someone psychologically and physiologically. Actually, as par scientific resources, the human body, much like a computer, contains myriad data processors. They include, but are not limited to, the chemical-electrical activity of the brain, heart, and peripheral nervous system, the signals sent from the cortex region of the brain to other parts of our body, the tiny hair cells in the inner ear that process auditory signals, and the light-sensitive retina and cornea of the eye that process visual activity. We are on the threshold of an era in which these data processors of the human body may be manipulated or debilitated.
Definition of psychotronic (psycho-physical) weapons
Psychotronic Weapons (PF- weapons) this is the totality of all possible methods and means (techno-genic, suggestive, pharmacological, paranormal, complexes, and others) of hidden, forced influences on the psyche of a person for the purpose of modifying his onsciousness, behavior and health for what is desired in the way of influencing aspects of control…” This is not only dangerous, this is deadly!”
The First phase is the harassment/surveillance program.
They use Echelon, Tempest, microchips, implants, see through wall radar, obtain informants, neighbors, and co-conspirators to harass, discredit, and harm an individual. Victims loose their families, jobs, homes, and cars. Ultimate goal to destroy a persons life which will isolate them from family, friends. The isolation is needed to have access to the person to conduct many of the experiments on them.
The second phase is the assaults of Directed Energy Weapons.
After a victim becomes isolated from everyone in the world. The victim now having feelings of regret, remorse, of loss, trauma, and are drained and broken emotionally and physically. During this time many have been implanted with microchips. Many begin experiencing extreme pain to their head. Some hear voices. Then pain is delivered to various other parts of their bodies. The pain is delivered by Directed Energy Weapons.
Directed Energy Weapons.
Some of the weapons were known as non-lethal weapons. They use such weapons as extremely low frequency Elf electromagnetic weapons (which has been used in mind control), acoustics, harmonics (which have been used as a mind control technique), ultrasound, microwave audiograms, microwave pulsed, and radio frequency. Another electromagnetic energy beam can be used to induce “considerable agitation and muscular activity” or “induce muscular weakness and lethargy” this weapon is know as Ultra High Frequency EM. Psychological warfare tactics are being used against unsuspecting citizens to destroy their jobs, their families and their lives. The perpetrators will stop at nothing. Their objective is to utterly destroy a person, very often resulting in a person taking his or her own life, or ending up in a mental hospital. This has been taking place for years and nothing is ever said about it. Nothing is ever written about it. Some people also experience electronic harassment. This is extremely distressing, painful and invasive, and feels like one’s mind and body is undergoing constant rape, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. The technology used to do this is unknown, but hundreds of victims report the same physical sensations and experiences. Many take their lives in an attempt to escape the horror. The technology involves the use of electromagnetic waves of various frequencies to achieve different results. Some frequencies will make a person tired, while others may cause confusion or memory loss. “Electronic harassment” or e-harassment is a catch-all term used to describe a group of circumstances which a large number of people are currently experiencing in common.
Saturday, Februar 19, 2011
In October 2010, the congressman Denis J. Kucinich introduced in the American Congress A bill, obliging the American president to get engaged in the negotiations aimed at the ban of space based weapons. In this bill the definition of a weapon system includes: any other unacknowledged or as yet undeveloped means inflicting death or injury on, od damaging or destroying, a person(or the biological life, bodily health, mental health, or physical and economic well-being of a person) through the use of land-based, sea-based,or space-based systems using radiation, electromagnetic, psychotronic, sonic, laser, or other energies directed at individual persons or targeted populations or the purpose of information war, mood management, or mind control of cush persons or populations. As in all legislative acts quoted in this article the bill counts with sound, light or electromagnetic stimulation of human brain.Psychotronic fweapons remain, at least for a layman uninformed of secret military research, in the sphere of science fiction, since so far none of the published scientific experiments was presented in the way which would allow for its replication.
That it is feasible to manipulate human behavior with the use of subliminal, either sound or visual, messages is now generally known. This is why in most of the countries the use of such technologies, without consent of the user, is banned. Devices using light for the stimulation of the brain show another way how the light flashing in certain frequencies could be used for the manipulation of human psychic life. As for the sound, a report on the device transmitting a beam of sound waves, which can hear only persons at whon the beam of sound waves is targeted, appeared last year in the world newspapers.
The beam is formed by a combination of sound and ultrasound waves which causes that a person targeted by this beam hears the sound inside of his head. Such a perception could easily convince the human being that it is mentally ill. The acts presented in this article suggest that with the develpment of technology and knowledge of the functioning of human brain new ways of manipulation of human mind keep emerging. One of them seem to be the electromagnetic energy.
Magnus Olsson is a rescent victim of modern Mind Control technology in Sweden.
Robert Asher, Sandia National Laboratories
June 2002,Arlington, Virginia
Increasingly, the human is being asked to take in multisensory inputs, to make near-instantaneous decisions on these inputs, and to apply control forces to multitask and control machines of various sorts. The multitasking, multisensor environment stresses the human, yet, more and more s/he being asked to operate in such an environment. As an example, the visionary project on uninhabited combat vehicles discusses an increased workload in piloting combat vehicles. DARPA has a brain-machine interface program about to start. This program has as its goal human ability to control complex entities by sending control actions without the delay for muscle activation. The major application for this program is control of aircraft. The intent is to take brain signals and use them in a control strategy and then to impart feedback signals back into the brain.
The DARPA program could be extended to include a broader range of potential impact by including the possibility of other applications: learning and training, automobile control, air traffic control, decision-making, remote sensing of stress, and entertainment. Learning and training might be implemented as information coded into brain signals and then input into the person. Air traffic control in increasingly busy skies can use such capability: the controller has multiple inputs from multiple aircraft. These can be input into his brain in a 3-D aspect and an alertness signal used to “wake him up” when his attention drifts beyond acceptable limits. Not only intellectual data might be passed from one person to another without speaking, but also emotional and volitional information.
Decisionmaking may become more precise as emotional, fatigue, and other cognitive states can be appraised prior to making a critical decision. The potential impact on automobile safety is great. The driver can have quicker control of his automobile (Fig. E.15), allowing for safer driving while reducing the car-to-car spacing on congested highways. This would help alleviate highway congestion and the need for more highways. Furthermore, it would allow for safer driving as driver attention can be measured and the driver “alerted” or told in some manner to pay attention to his or her driving when attention wanders beyond safe margins. It can allow for detection of driver impairment so that the vehicle may be made either not to start or to call emergency.
Direct connection into the brain could yield a revolution in entertainment, as people may be “immersed,” MATRIX-style, into the midst of a movie or educational show. Can you imagine the impact of being immersed in a fully 3-D audio-visual simulation of the battle of Gettysburg?
Hands-off control of an automobile through a device for reading and implanting brain waves.
Role of Converging Technologies
Nano. The brain-machine interface effort will require nanotechnologies in order to make the required experimental measurements and to implement the devices for both receiving brain electromagnetic signals and transmitting signals back into the brain.
Bio. This is a highly biological, neuroscience effort, which requires detailed understanding and measurements of the brain’s electromagnetic activity. It requires a significant measurement protocol.
Cogno. This effort by its very nature will directly affect the cognitive aspects of the individual by externally applied electromagnetic fields by implanting information for the individual. Thus, this effort can lead to increased learning and other cognitive results.
Transforming Strategy to Reach the Vision
To achieve these goals, enter a partnership with DARPA to fund additional technologies and applications that would enhance the brain-machine interface effort. Work should be focused on the goals of using the technologies for cognitional aspects, understanding memory, and learning brain function to be able to design devices to increase their capabilities.
Estimated Implications
This effort would yield a technological revolution, in applications from computers to entertainment. It would give the United States a global competitive advantage while yielding solutions to specific domestic problems such as air traffic control and highway safety in increasingly crowded environments. It will revolutionize education. This effort will yield devices that may be applied to a number of activities and be sufficiently small as to be wearable in a car or at home.
The human mind has never been a simple project. Because of its complexity and plasticity, it has yet not been completely understood. Under the dark ages of brain research, scientists have nevertheless learned how to stimulate and partially control the human brain’s responses. At any time it has been done, it has caused pain and suffering for the owner of the brain: the human subject.
Backed up by the “best” scientists, sponsored by the military and the secret service, thousands of individuals have their lives destroyed in the quest of developing technologies that are not science fiction anymore.
The human brain, is seen as a computer where information can be downloaded and from where information can be uploaded. Cloning the individual’s brain and nervous system is the only hope today’s scientists have to understand the human brain and develop advanced artificial intelligence and synthetic telepathy, allowing people to communication by thought, not speech. The European and World countries governments, faced with this “challenge” are unable to protect their citizens against the greatest possible violations of their human rights. There are no excuses whatsoever for researchers to destroy people’s and entire families lives. Under the secrecy of “national security”, they violate human rights conventions and every universal human right a human being is born with, going deep into the very consciousness of the person that is affected.
Many human rights campaigners from around the world have spent years working on countless books, videos, websites, rallies and symposiums which highlight these matters. These include efforts by prominent persons like Dr Nick Begich, Dr Rauni Kilde (ex chief medical officer for Finland) and well known author Gloria Naylor. To date, all of it has been ignored by the criminally owned/controlled media. However, most importantly, there has been open condemnation of these methods by major political entities and I ask you to focus on these…
1. The United Nations – UNIDIR – (The UN Institute for Disarmament Research) officially recognised a range of weapons (both lethal and non-lethal), including the ones previously listed, and recommended that they ALL be banned as weapons of potential mass destruction. Naturally, the press releases and media guides that they issued on this matter were totally ignored by the mainstream media. This media treachery is the reason the public is unaware of the dangers.
2. The European Parliament – In January 1999, the European Parliament passed a resolution where it calls ” for an international convention introducing a global ban on all development and deployment of weapons which might enable any form of manipulation of human beings. It is our conviction that this ban can not be implemented without the global pressure of the informed general public on the governments. Our major objective is to get across to the general public the real threat which these weapons represent for human rights and democracy and to apply pressure on the governments and parliaments around the world to enact legislature which would prohibit the use of these devices to both government and private organisations as well as individuals.” (Plenary Sessions/ EuroParliament, 1999)
3. US Federal politician Dennis Kucinich – In October 2001, Congressman Dennis J. Kucinich introduced a bill to the House of Representatives which, it was hoped would be extremely important in the fight to expose and stop psycho-electronic mind control experimentation on involuntary, non-consensual citizens. The Bill was referred to the Committee on Science, and in addition to the Committee on Armed Services and International Relations. In the original bill a ban was sought on ‘exotic weapons’ including electronic, psychotronic or information weapons, chemtrails, particle beams, plasmas, electromagnetic radiation, extremely low frequency (ELF) or ultra low frequency (ULF) energy radiation, or mind control technologies. Despite the inclusion of a prohibition of the basing of weapons in space, and the use of weapons to destroy objects or damage objects in space, there is no mention in the revised bill of any of the aforementioned mind-invasive weaponry, nor of the use of satellite or radar or other energy based technology for deploying or developing technology designed for deployment against the minds of human beings. [the original Bill was called The Space Preservation Act, 2001 (HR 2977) it was reintroduced as The Space Preservation Act, 2002 (HR 3616 )]. Kucinich’s efforts mirrored similar attempts made some years earlier by ex astronaut, Sen. John Glenn.
4. US Federal politician Jim Guest – recently wrote to all members of the US legislature asking for help for the countless victims of electronic harassment/torture (agency black operations being secreted from congressional scrutiny thus allowing corrupt officers to frame/torture innocents). To date, nothing concrete has come of this approach.
5. French National Bioethics Committee – In January 1998, an annual public meeting of the French National Bioethics Committee was held in Paris. Its chairman, Jean-Pierre Changeux, a neuroscientist at the Institut Pasteur in Paris, told the meeting that “advances in cerebral imaging make the scope for invasion of privacy immense. Although the equipment needed is still highly specialized, it will become commonplace and capable of being used at a distance. That will open the way for abuses such as invasion of personal liberty, control of behaviour and brainwashing. These are far from being science-fiction concerns.and constitute “a serious risk to society.” (“Nature.” Vol 391, 1998)
satellite/computer monitoring of all telecommunications worldwide) To intercept conversations, emails etc. To steal ideas and harass targets (writers, whistleblowers etc).To monitor and stop terrorists and other criminals
(Allowing 24/7 surveillance of anyone, even in their homes) To gather blackmail-friendly material; to oppress targets and other citizens; to feed results to media/political criminals.To monitor and stop terrorists and other criminals
16-1-90 L. Rowan. To spy on political targets etc by finding, locking onto and tracking those victims so as to terrorise/torture them To monitor and stop terrorists and other criminals
(Sat-based – Pat US #5123899, 23/6/92 J. Gall + Pat US #5289438, 22/2/94 J. Gall) To alter targets moods by stimulating the brain to exhibit certain rhythms (angry, sad, sleepy etc); EEG cloning/feedback To help the emotionally distressed
BRAIN WAVE ANALYSERS (Remote neural monitoring & electronic brain linking, via sat – Pat US #6011991, 1/4/00
A. Mardirossian) To read the minds of targets; to rob, rape, terrorise and oppress completely yet covertly. Experiments in mind control, AI & cloning are also carried out To help interrogate criminals
(Sat-based – Pat US #3393279 16/7/68 P. Flanagan + Pat US #3647970 7/3/72 P. Flanagan) To make the target hear voices via the laser/MW/R.wave direction of sound that’s been converted to electrical impulse to go straight to the targets brain To communicate with the deaf, stroke victims etc
NOTE: Alone, or in conjunction with subliminal and visual technologies, as well as role playing etc, these technologies can be used for trickery including apparent schizophrenic episodes, paranormal or “alien” encounters and much more.
These Directed Energy (DE) internships are concerned with the research, development and testing of high energy laser and high power microwave components, systems and effects at Federal laboratories and universities at sites around the country. Most of these positions are made possible by funding from the High Energy Laser Joint Technology Office.
Internship Qualifications
These paid summer internship positions are available for currently enrolled undergraduate and graduate students at U.S. colleges and universities. Positions are open to U.S. citizens only. The disciplines include but are not limited to these:
• science – physics, chemistry
• engineering – electrical, optical, chemical, mechanical, and materials
• mathematics and computer science
Position Descriptions
Generally, interns will work for the summer in a laboratory or university under the tutelage of full time researchers. Work may include experimental, theoretical, or computer modeling and simulation, depending on the position. Specific work assignments, hours and pay will vary.
The organizations below are expected to offer these internships in 2012. Advertising for open positions will begin in December 2011.
• 711 Human Performance Wing – Texas
• Air Force Institute of Technology – Ohio
• Air Force Research Laboratory – Hawaii, New Mexico
• Army Research Laboratory- Maryland
• Naval Postgraduate School – California
• Naval Research Laboratory (satellite) – Washington, D.C., Florida
• US Army Space and Missile Defense Command – Alabama
A Pilot Study
Arnold J. Mandell, Karen A. Selz, Tom Holroyd, Linsay Rutter
and Richard Coppola
NIMH Core MEG Laboratory and Cielo Institute
Supported in part by the Fetzer-Franklin Trust, DARPA
(Microelectronics) and the Space and Naval Warfare Center
The Eyes Closed, Resting Record
The time dynamics of global brain electromagnetic field activity, recorded in humans as continuous, eyes closed resting MEG (and EEG) records, are regarded by some as reflections of physiologically and psychologically relevant, emergent macroscopic behavior of nonlinearly coupled, cooperative brain systems (Basar et al., 1983; Bucolo et al., 2003; Chen et al., 2003; Friedrich et al., 1989; Haken, 2 1996; Mandell, 1983a). Others, more involved in neuronal current source localization studies of task or state-related magneto-encephalographic records (Cornwell et al., 2008; Fife et al., 2002; Garolera et al., 2007; Nolte et al., 2004) have treated the globally distributed, spontaneous neuronal current generated, brain magnetic field activity as “…high-ranked (leading eigenvalued) background activity… interfering magnetic fields generated from (not relevant) spontaneous brain activities…intrinsic brain noise…” (Sekihara et al., 1996; Sekihara et al., 2008; Sekihara et al., 2006). Covariance matrix-derived beamformers from several minutes of the eyes-closed resting record have been used in “prewhitening techniques”, adding noise in order to get around linear dependency in the matrix if it is too low dimensional and to minimize interfering low dimensional intrinsic brain magnetic field noise (Sekihara et al., 2008; Zumer et al., 2007; Zumer et al., 2008).
Another view of spontaneous magnetic field fluctuations have been
influenced by studies of spatial (neuroanatomical) brain localization using concomitant fMRI techniques. They have suggested the existence of spontaneous, regional, above baseline activity in the normal eyes closed, resting state. This activity is particularly pronounced in medial
prefrontal, parietal and both posterior and anterior cingulate, and is suppressed during goal-directed behavior (Damoiseaus et al., 2006; Griecius et al., 2003; Gusnard & Raichle, 3 2001). Activity in this “network” has been labeled “default activation” by Raichle (Raichle ME et al., 2001). The many second time scale of fMRI imaging demonstrated density variations that were characteristic for the normal eyes closed, resting condition (Biswal et al., 1995). Importantly, the spontaneous activity in the resting state also appears to involve neural network activity across several time scales (Honey et al., 2007).
In two state, task-no task, experimental designs, the resting activity, “default activation, ” has been speculated to reflect spontaneous, task unrelated, images and thoughts (Greicius & Menon, 2004; Greicius et al., 2004; Raichle ME et al., 2001; Vincent et al., 2007).
These transient mental events in the eyes closed, resting condition have also been called “daydreaming” (Singer, 1966 ), “task-unrelated-thoughts,” TUTs(Giambra, 1989), “unrest at rest”(Buckner & Vincent, 2007), “wandering minds,” and “stimulus independent thought”, SITs (Gilbert et al., 2007). Psychologists that have studied inner life subjectively, William James (James, 1902) and Sigmund Freud (Freud, 1914/1955 among many others, have focused on these autonomously arising transient streams of free associations and imagery. James analogized them to the turbulent eddies of the hydrodynamic flow of consciousness which he believed these transients to be among the universal properties of the conscious human brain. Examinations of a subject’s spontaneous 4 internal activity as exteriorized by the psychoanalytic instruction, “…say everything that comes to your mind…” has been central to the practice of psychoanalysis for over a Century {Fenichel, 1945 #8190). It appears that the ostensibly resting “default brain activity” in the “default network” persists in monkeys through anesthesia-induced changes in states of consciousness (Vincent et al., 2007). This result is consistent with a several decade history of research using priming, evoked potentials and task recovery paradigms to demonstrate implicit, working memorial events that occur during even surgical anesthesia (Jordon et al., 2000). The implied relationship between 2-5 second epochs of MEG activation such as that seen below in Fig. 5 as intermittent helical vortices (we call them strudels) and TUT or SIT-like subjective phenomena must remain entirely speculative.
General Premise and Hypothesis
It is the underlying premise of this pilot study of intrinsic brain magnetic field fluctuations that they manifest signatory patterns in transformations and measures which can discriminate among global brain states. We examine this premise by partially isolating and qualitatively and quantitatively characterizing 12.5, 54, 180 or 240 seconds of eyes closed, resting spontaneous magnetic field activity in ten resting controls and ten medicated schizophrenic probands. From our previous 5 work in brain-related physiological systems (Mandell, 1979; Mandell, 1983b; Mandell, 1987; Mandell et al., 1982; Mandell & Selz, 1993), a more specific hypothesis is suggested:
Compared with controls, magnetic field fluctuations in schizophrenic patients will demonstrate relatively higher values for indices of emergent dynamical structure and relatively lower values for a variety of measures reflecting the dynamical entropy “used up” in their formation (Mandell & Selz, 1997c; Selz & Mandell, 1991; Selz et al., 1995; Smotherman et al., 1996).
A MEG Derived Data Series: Symmetric Sensor Difference Sequences, ssds(i)
Ten normal controls and ten age- and sex-matched schizophrenic proband subjects (see Subjects below) were studied in the National Institutes of Mental Health’s Core MEG Laboratory in Bethesda, MD. A 275 channel, superconducting quantum interference device (SQUID radial gradiometer system from CTF Systems Inc. Port Coquitlam, BC, Canada (Anninos et al., 1986; Cohen, 1972; Rutter et al., 2009; Weinberg et al., 1984) was used in data collection (see Magnetoencephalographic Data Collection below).
6 Our approach to MEG-derived signals abrogates source orientation localization and inverse problem tools such as leadfield matrices (Dale & Sereno, 1993; Hamalainen et al., 1993), adaptive synthetic aperture magnetometer, SAM, beamformer techniques, or projection onto Talairached MRI image reconstructed volumes (Dalal et al., 2008; Dalal et al., 2004). For these approaches to this data set, see Rutter et al (Rutter et al., 2009). In their study of spontaneous activity in the eyes closed, resting state, they found a statistically significant decrement in the amplitudes of MEG recorded posterior regional gamma (30-70Hz+) activity in schizophrenic patients compared with normal controls (Rutter et al., 2009). In that study as well as these, a high pass, 0.6 Hz, as well as 60, 120, 180 and 240 Hz notch filters were routinely applied to the individual sensor records before the computation of the sensor pair ssds(i), (the difference between the two sensor). It is our presupposition that the “…spontaneous activity… all over the brain…” (Sekihara et al., 2008) reflects global and neurophysiologically meaningful patterns of complex neuronal activity-generated magnetic field fluctuations in interaction with MEG SQUID sensors (Barone A & G., 1982; Braiman & Wiesenfeld, 1994). A magnetic flux applied to the SQUID magnetometer, gives rise to a circulating current, which in turn modulates the inductance of the autonomously oscillatory Josephson junctions (Landberg et al., 1966; Levi et al., 1977). The great sensitivity of the SQUID devices permits measuring changes in magnetic field associated with even a single flux quantum.
7 If a constant biasing current is maintained in the SQUID device, it is the voltage which is modulated by changes in phase at junctions. Phase at Josephson junctions is sensitive to the quanta of magnetic flux. We dismiss a common generalization of many MEG practitioners that most or all local polarities of the intrinsic magnetic field noise “cancel out.” In the context of the somewhat analogous magnetic dynamo problem: “…given a flow in a conducting fluid, will a small seed magnetic field amplify exponentially with time…” (Finn & Ott, 1988)–we show below that ssds(i)s do– it was argued that the magnetic flux loops nonuniformly stretch and fold into themselves manifesting only partial cancellation and diffuse fine scale oscillations, in a process which can be quantified by a fractional cancellation exponent (Ott et al., 1992) and measures made on temporal-spatial intermittency.
In addition, if some currents run parallel to magnetic fields, which is expected to be the case with poorly localized, multiple neocortical neuronal sources, the magnetic field lines may follow a variety of dynamical shapes in which the magnetic pressure gradient is balanced by the magnetic tension. For example, there may not be any Lorentz force, J x B = 0, leading to a measurable field configuration without any net electrical current at all. We thus don’t infer a particular neuronal current source (or event) for the data series. Characterizing the fluctuations allows the elucidation of patterns in the brain’s global magnetic field flux dynamics without reference to anatomical location (Clarke, 1994).
8 example, we find a common dynamical pattern often involves intermittently appearing, multiple time scale helical vortices. We call them unwindable strudels lest they lead to the brain being called a critically loaded sand pile that spawns avalanches (Beggs & Plenz, 2005; Levina et al., 2007)). In comparison with the several second time resolution of fMRI, the MEG’s superior temporal resolution, ~ 1 ms, combined with its “underdetermined” weaknesses with respect to specific brain localization when used alone (Hamalainen et al., 1993; Im et al., 2005; Lee et al., 2007; Sarvas, 1987; Uutela et al., 1998), suited our goal of characterizing magnetic field (rather than inferred neuronal) properties of what has been called intrinsic physiological brain noise (Nagarajan et al., 2006; Sekihara et al., 1997; Sekihara et al., 2005). The use of ssds(i) exploits the hemispheric symmetry of the human brain (Geschwind, 1970) and serves several purposes:
(1) It imposes a natural gauge (distance serves as a traveling, local normalization procedure; (3) The ssdi(i) reduces the penetrance of electromagnetic field correlates of blink, cough, and movement as well as the cardiac and respiratory artifacts that both symmetric sensors generally share; (4) Using ssds(i) instead of the raw MEG time series tends to cancel the symmetrically shared generic MEG (and EEG) Δ, Θ, α, β, and γ modes, as well as other patterns of bihemispheric covariance; (5) Advantageous from the magnetic field point of view is the fact that using ssds(i) makes issues of 9 neuronal current source location moot; ; the spatial sensitivity profile of the ssds(i) considered as a virtual sensor typically covers a large volume of the brain. The techniques similar to that used here of paired sensor difference series, ssds(i), have been used to reduce or remove the mean and double or more the higher moments in analyses of nonstationary neural membrane conductance noise.
(Conti et al., 1980; DeFelice, 1977; Sigworth, 1981).
NAVAL – research laboratory experiments (NRL) Florida
Behavior PROTECTING HUMAN ASSETS Bio-Silico Interface
Brain technology ENHANCED HUMAN PERFORMANCE Energy transduction
Engieneering Proteomics
Pentagon report investigated lasers
that put voices in your head
February 18, 2008
by Lisa Zyga
A recently unclassified report from the Pentagon from 1998 has revealed an investigation into using laser beams for a few intriguing potential methods of non-lethal torture.Some of the applications the report investigated include putting voices in people’s heads, using lasers to trigger uncontrolled neuron firing, and slowly heating the human body to a point of feverish confusion – all from hundreds of meters away.
A US citizen requested access to the document, entitled “Bioeffects of Selected Non-Lethal Weapons,” under the Freedom of Information Act a little over a year ago. There is no evidence that any of the technologies mentioned in the 10-year-old report have been developed since the time it was written.
The report explained several types of non-lethal laser applications, including microwave hearing, disrupted neural control, and microwave heating. For the first type, short pulses of RF energy (2450 MHz) can generate a pressure wave in solids and liquids. When exposed to pulsed RF energy, humans experience the immediate sensation of “microwave hearing” – sounds that may include buzzing, ticking, hissing, or knocking that originate within the head. Studies with guinea pigs and cats suggest that the mechanism responsible for the phenomenon is thermoelastic expansion.
Exposure to the RF pulses doesn´t cause any permanent effects, as all effects cease almost immediately after exposure ceases.
As the report explains, tuning microwave hearing could enable communicating with individuals from a distance of up to several hundred meters.
The report explains:
The phenomenon is tunable in that the characteristic sounds and intensities of those sounds depend on the characteristics of the RF energy as delivered… Because the frequency of the sound heard is dependent on the pulse characteristics of the RF energy, it seems possible that this technology could be developed to the point where words could be transmitted to be heard like the spoken word, except that it could only be heard within a person´s head.
In one experiment, communication of the words from one to ten using ´speech modulated´ microwave energy was successfully demonstrated. Microphones next to the person experiencing the voice could not pick up these sounds. Additional development of this would open up a wide range of possibilities.” The report predicts that communicating at longer distances would be possible with larger equipment, while shorter range signals could be generated with portable equipment. Putting voices in people´s heads could cause what the report calls “psychologically devastating” effects. The technology might even allow for communicating with an individual hostage surrounded by captors, although this would require “extreme directional specificity. With another weapon, electromagnetic pulses could be used to disrupt the brain´s functioning, although this technology was still in the theoretical stages at the time.
Under normal conditions, all brain structures function with specific rhythmic activity depending on incoming sensory information.
Sometimes, the brain synchronizes neuronal activity in order to focus on a specific task, but the degree of neuronal synchronization is highly controlled. However, under certain conditions (such as physical stress or heat stroke), more areas of the brain can fire in a highly synchronized manner, and may begin firing uncontrollably. The report describes a method for replicating this highly synchronized neuron firing across distances of several hundred meters. High-voltage (100 kV/m) electromagnetic pulses lasting for one nanosecond could trigger neurons to fire, disrupting the body´s controlled firing activity. Short-term effects may include loss of consciousness, muscle spasms, muscle weakness, and seizures lasting for a couple minutes. These high-voltage pulsed sources, which would require an estimated frequency of 15 Hz, exist today.
Another form of non-lethal torture described in the report is microwave heating. By raising the temperature of the body to 41°C (105.8°F), humans can experience sensations such as memory loss and disorientation, and exhibit reduced aggression. According to the report, humans can survive temperatures up to 42°C (107.6°F), at which time prolonged exposure can result in permanent brain damage or death. The microwave heating technique was tested on a Rhesus monkey, where a 225 MHz beam caused an increase in the animal´s body temperature.
Depending on the dosage level, the temperature increase occurred within a time of 15 to 30 minutes. After the beam was removed, the animal´s body temperature decreased back to normal.
The report suggests the technique could be useful for controlling crowds or in negotiations. While the investigations reveal intriguing techniques for non-lethal torture, the report does not mention plans for carrying out specific experiments or studies in the future.
Amendment for my last post based on visual information Here is the reason for being targeted by these techniques. When I did my compulsory service in Iran Army Air Force, I revealed that revolution of Iran in 1970S was performed by some master minds in UK Intelligence service MI6. They created Ayatollahs system (leaders of Iran and its sattelite countries in the region) to control the policy of the region. They are indirectly ordering the government Of Iran to purchase Eastern powers military equipment to make a synthetic enemy in the region and controlling the policy of the region.Their agents in Iran were trying to prevent my travel to North America. From when I came to Canada several Years ago, agents of Iran intelligence service working with one wing of MI6 wings and some of Canadian intelligence agents interested in Iran Ayatollahs system are trying to do brain washing by inducing voice messages ( to read what I am thinking in my mind) and inducing synthetic dreams when I am sleeping to put me in a status to forget the secret. They also watching trough my eyes when I am awake by RV techniques during the days. They were planning to return me to Iran to plan my physical death. However, now they are trying to create a brain injury or cancer by electromagnetic waves through inducing scary dreams and reading my mind voice while I am thinking now.Their agents in Canada tried to prevent me to pursue my PhD studies or find a job by blocking my emails. They made some dummies using biomimetic technology and matched my central nervous system with them and they can induce touching senses when I am sleeping using those dummies. The technology that are using in this operation are combination of UK, Japan and Canadian technology. Their agents are located in Canada, Europe and Iran. The transformation of data is being done by collecting signals of brain nervous cells using cellular phone wireless network in the city and tensferring them to special center in Canada and sending them to centers in Europe and Iran and viceversa to my brain.
The main goal of operation that was designed by one of MI6 wings was withdrawing US forces from the region and keeping power in the hand of Ayatollahs who have been created and are controlled by some of MI6 masterminds.
Other technical information about these techniques are welcomed.
The ghost police authoritarians in electro-neuro mind control have been putting a mind smudger on me for over 4 years used most continuous of a 15" Wide Box 12" to 15" thick. The device is concave to head, in Orange color(2X more radiation than blue), and is used every time I go to turn off my toggle switch (anti-theft) to my vehicle being that if I don't turn it off the battery it will go dead. They block my mind to make me recheck a neuscense.
The 12" W X 10" H Blue is used to keep me from doing things that can generate money, delaying things a few days, because once they do it extreme I do not resume doing it for 2 days recovery being one of the most cruel in mind control abuse.
I require help with something and I hope you guys can assist by giving me ideas and clarity. What we are going through is a human rights violation. Every bill of rights or constitution protects its citizens or should protect its citizens basic human rights. Our rights to privacy and dignity are being violated. What other rights as per any bill of rights (any country) is being violated? I am looking at the Constitution of South Africa to look for more. Let me know your thoughts and ideas.
so i leveled a complaint against this radio station that continuously slanders and defames me subliminally everyday. even got some of the crap they say on tape. today i get a call from the station saying, "i have been through our tapes and nowhere do i hear your name or the vulgarities you claim in your complaint." my response was simply to say that i would also like the copies of your tapes and i have recordings of my own and in the event that my recordings contradicts what you are saying, there's going to be a problem (which it does - my full name is mentioned in a broadcast along with vulgar false crap). their response - " we will get back to you."
at this stage i am just making complaints for record purposes with very little expectation that these neanderthals will take it seriously and see the errors of their messed up ways.
ironically though, these are the very people who attempt to give you a lesson on morals, scruples and ethics while doing the most immoral, unscrupulous and unethical crap.
but what can you do - just another day in the life of a TI.
My number is +27 744 555 000. Invite me if you are interested. we can use this as a platform to motivate each other and discuss all the problems / troubles we face on a daily basis.
Hey guys. Hope all of you are well. Has anybody else experienced the following:
1. Told that you are disgracing yourself or your family / your family is disgracing you. 2. When having a bad memory or a negative memory about a certain person and their previous actions, you are told by the gang stalking "perps" that you are jealous. 3. Blamed constantly for their (the perps) actions. 4. Told that the individual or company responsible for the mind reading wants you in jail, is going to pay you large sums of money, is going to see you on Monday or Friday to resolve the issue or going to send you on holiday. 5. Threatened into given false confessions of something you did not do - even told that you are stupid because they evidence against you (when you don't mentally verbally give a false confession). 6.Every time you send an email or receive an email or a call / text, the gang stalkers react like animals that has escaped from the menagerie. 7. Told you were dreaming of something sick or vile even though you know you weren't. Alternatively told you were dreaming about something you know were not dreaming of. 8. Accused of having incestuous relationships with family members (and dreaming about it), of being a pedophile or a molester.
The above mentioned are a few things that are repeated to me most frequently. I have actually caught my gang stalkers confusing the con / script that was supposed to be used on me on a number of ocassions. Just wondering if anybody else is experiencing the same crap. Regards, Anneline
Software Defined Radio (SDR) is sweeping the consumer market that essentially is a computer based radio scanner. This device is not new. However, because of competition, low chines manufacturing cost and the popularity of being able to listen to everything from police, fire and even military has opened up a whole new market. Unfortunately, those who would use such a device not for entertainment, but of devious opportunity also have access to these low cost radio receivers. Not only on some models can you receive large portions of the radio spectrum, you can also transmit radio signals from low band to microwave. This means for those who would use this device in criminal ways now have an unlimited means of digital, analog hacking via radio waves not known before. This also means everything from unlocking or decoding garage door openers and your car doors as well. Even hacking into your cell phones at a click of the mouse by the a non techy. Since this dongle device is software driven. New open source software is being made available to these criminals and gang stalkers each day for free on the Internet. That now means everyone from irate neighbors to disgruntle ex-spouse can take your life to a new level of hell not possible a few years ago. Not to mention taking gang stalking to a whole new level as well by anyone! See examples at Tin Foil Hat Club.com
Posted by Steven Jones on September 10, 2017 at 9:41am
Anyone here feeling a little EH from RF energy today? ¡?¡ This software has Radio DF input choices for E-field antenna and H-field antenna or both. A setting for rotation of antenna is also available.
Note the nice little microwave dish as the icon for the software.
Posted by Angeline Klas on September 9, 2017 at 11:33pm
Hi everybody,
Today koste water by so kant people in one day. Nu date jeeps on ontsporing out date. Nu sisters houd diens koste water me Today. He hates me. I hate hun too. Nu youngest jeeps on ma King excuses why she can't hang with me. I quess she don't REALLY like me. Nu mother told me one day that my sisters don't really like me. MY COUSINS Refuse to tell me the truth about the Social Media hype thing. They think it's all a big joke. By keeping it quiet They support the perp. Every is turning their back on me.
It's like the harder I try the more people run away from me. The perps keep on telling them about my grieve and Frustration. And makes it even worse because these people do'nt tolerate my thinking. They will hate me for it. ONE OF MY COUSIN accused ME OF BEING JEALOUSE of him because I don't I have a boyfriend. Then when I am alone at home the Neigbours start bullying me. People break into my home and lock the door behind them. So you see I am not wanted. My family doesn't want to watch my house for me.
As I am writing this blog the Perps use Social media to tell everybody and anyone what I do, say and think. They feel like they are in control. They rape me a least 2 times a day. They enjoyed to see me cry I only tried to do good, but it's not appreciated. Nobody will speak out for me.Nobody will say leave her alone. I JUST have to be my own hero. Every time I am in trouble nobody is there. Even my little cousin I use to care for hate me now, I even lifted one with the stroller when I was pregnant. ENDANGERING my unborn child. I cleaned their dirty daipers, now They feel to old to even say hi. Or run up to me to say hi, now I am just a bad smell to them. They don't respect me for it. My time will come, now I am Just not wanted. It's mean and heartless of them.
My time will COME . EVERYBODY WHO ever fellt like I was nothing will want to a a part of my brighter days. I will put up a fence so that they can't reach me. They are not welcome. Well people I had to vent. You see I have nobody to talk to. The Perps Call it Gossip. When I talk it's Gossip, all my speech the call Gossip. THE TELL PEOPLE I KNOW THAT I GOSSIP. So people can hate me even strangers. So I quess I am done crying.
Posted by Angeline Klas on September 9, 2017 at 11:33pm
Hi everybody,
Today koste water by so kant people in one day. Nu date jeeps on ontsporing out date. Nu sisters houd diens koste water me Today. He hates me. I hate hun too. Nu youngest jeeps on ma King excuses why she can't hang with me. I quess she don't REALLY like me. Nu mother told me one day that my sisters don't really like me. MY COUSINS Refuse to tell me the truth about the Social Media hype thing. They think it's all a big joke. By keeping it quiet They support the perp. Every is turning their back on me.
It's like the harder I try the more people run away from me. The perps keep on telling them about my grieve and Frustration. And makes it even worse because these people do'nt tolerate my thinking. They will hate me for it. ONE OF MY COUSIN accused ME OF BEING JEALOUSE of him because I don't I have a boyfriend. Then when I am alone at home the Neigbours start bullying me. People break into my home and lock the door behind them. So you see I am not wanted. My family doesn't want to watch my house for me.
As I am writing this blog the Perps use Social media to tell everybody and anyone what I do, say and think. They feel like they are in control. They rape me a least 2 times a day. They enjoyed to see me cry I only tried to do good, but it's not appreciated. Nobody will speak out for me.Nobody will say leave her alone. I JUST have to be my own hero. Every time I am in trouble nobody is there. Even my little cousin I use to care for hate me now, I even lifted one with the stroller when I was pregnant. ENDANGERING my unborn child. I cleaned their dirty daipers, now They feel to old to even say hi. Or run up to me to say hi, now I am just a bad smell to them. They don't respect me for it. My time will come, now I am Just not wanted. It's mean and heartless of them.
My time will COME . EVERYBODY WHO ever fellt like I was nothing will want to a a part of my brighter days. I will put up a fence so that they can't reach me. They are not welcome. Well people I had to vent. You see I have nobody to talk to. The Perps Call it Gossip. When I talk it's Gossip, all my speech the call Gossip. THE TELL PEOPLE I KNOW THAT I GOSSIP. So people can hate me even strangers. So I quess I am done crying.
Posted by AtlantiTeo on September 6, 2017 at 8:00am
Con sensibile dedica a Francesco Franco MastroGiovanni morto dopo 87 ore di agonia e mostrato a RAITRE, a tutte le persone decedute in detenzione coatta, o indotte al suicidio, e ai reduci delle sperimentazioni farmacologiche partite dalle lobby farmaceutiche del Comparaggio
Carta dei doveri del giornalista (ODG)
ART. 70) La rettifica delle notizie inesatte o ritenute lesive degli interessi delle persone coinvolte costituisce diritto inviolabile di ogni cittadino ed è protetto dalla legge. I giornalisti investigativi e gli organi di informazione qualificati considerano il diritto di rettifica e diritto di replica tra i loro fondamentali vincoli etici.
ART. 45) Il giornalista investigativo deve rispettare, coltivare e difendere il diritto all'informazione di tutti i cittadini; per questo ricerca e diffonde ogni notizia o informazione che egli ritenga di pubblico interesse, nel rispetto della verità dei fatti e con la maggiore accuratezza documentale possibile.
ART. 50) La responsabilità del giornalista investigativo nei confronti dei cittadini prevale sempre nei confronti di qualsiasi altra. Il giornalista non può mai subordinarla ad interessi di altri e particolarmente a quelli dell'editore, del governo o di altri organismi dello stato.
Prologo:Il protagonista della vicenda nefanda di settembre 2009 fui io e chiesi di persona Diritto di Replica (o Diritto di Rettifica) alla redazione del Quotidiano Trentino facente parte del gruppo Espresso già a fine 2009 quando il Trentino aveva ancora una sede a Rovereto operativa 24/24;ad oggi (2017) riferiscono che la sede a Rovereto in Via Fontana è chiusa per essere ristrutturata e non è più operativa a differenza di quella de l’Adige che dà su Corso Rosmini ed è ancora operativa.Nell’articolo, ci sono alcune cose fuorvianti e sbagliate a cominciare dal fatto che fa la sua comparsa Renzo de Stefani il quale non ho capito a che titolo parla visto che non fu presente ai fatti e i dolori alla mano (ricevetti 3 giorni prognosi) e al CU destro non sono immaginari (vedi altra documentazione ottorino); in tale 2009 asserirono (Zanin) che non essendoci nomi e cognomi, a parer loro, tale diritto non era proprio auspicabile. I nomi dei protagonisti e degli antagonisti li misi io nella mia replica online tutti storpiati di proposito; ad oggi, dopo il caso Soricelli di dicembre 2016 me ne foxxo (tt) perché sono furibondo. «E' stato morto un altro ragazzo» come recita lo slogan del muratore 48enne Stefano FRAPPORTI e di nuovo c'è lo zampino di Emanuela Di Lernia come nel TSO illegale inflitto per velleità personali alla mia persona. Finii per replicare su di uno mio spazio web, scrivendo un lungo poema omerico causa inesperienza e ignoranza delle basilari 5W (chi dove come quando perché).
In essa è presente anche un accenno agli attentati a Kabul del 19 settembre 2009 perché colto di sorpresa, dovetti combattere la mia di battaglia con sangue freddo (Si vis pacem para bellum) senza opporre resistenza ai vigili manovrati come manichini. Sarà il 23 settembre 2009 che andrà in stampa questo articolo che mi verrà coerentemente segnalato dal ragioniere Paolo Roat una volta terminata l'ingiusta detenzione. A novembre 2009 avremo una pizza in 6 (sei): io & la mia ex morosa bionda (a sx), la signora Catterina Verona & il suo compagno, l'avvocato Claudio Severini & il ragioniere Paolo Roat con addosso una vistosa t-shirt gialla del suo CCDU. Una gran bella serata in ottima compagnia nella pizzeria Ghiottone nella città di mAla.
Mesi dopo, tal Emanuela Di Lernia (la stessa del caso Soricelli a dx) mi chiedeva nel suo ufficio cosa ci facessimo in una pizzeria tutti assieme in sei e perché avevo ingaggiato CCDU. Và ricordato che la psichiatria in generale non può vedere CCDU. Si detestano l'un l'altro come cane e gatto e gli psichiatri sono sempre nervosi quando arriva CCDU ad indagare su potenziali abusi psichiatrici e farmacologici e violazioni dei diritti umani. CCDU aveva iniziato già nel 2007 ad indagare e documentare le psichiatrie trentine e a Rovereto divennero nervosetti e belligeranti ipocriti e pronti a far scudo l'un l'altro affinchè non venisse messo in dubbio il loro prestigio, la carriera e il loro operato.
Il paese è piccolo e la gente mormora. Forse fu la t-shirt gialla con la vistosa scritta CCDU del ragionier Paolone Roat ad attirare ancor più attenzioni morbose nella pizzeria della città di mAla e delle malelingue.Fatto sta, che Emanuela fece una misera figura nel farsi registrare a pettegolare e lo stesso vale per tali scagnozzi che erano in pizzeria e che fecero una puerile stupidaggine perché poi si viene a sapere chi è il lestofante e infame di turno.Anche questo particolare dell'«Intelligence psichiatrica»(spie) ben peggiore dell'OSAverrà denunciata online e riferita al Ragioniere che è un uomo che prende subito nota sul quadernino come iCarabinierie come ho imparato a fare io. Come prenderà nota del fatto che sulla bacheca nei corridoi del CSM a Rovereto, tal messere Roberto Pergher (che nel 2009/10 fu Primario Provvisorio sostituendo →Giacomo di Marco←andato in pensione) appendeva fotocopie di un articolo deL'Espressodal titolo:La Ragnatela Scientologyfotocopiata dal cartaceo. Ad oggi, immettendo tale titolo si trova ancora la versione online datata23 settembre 2009. Inoltre fornivano ad altre persone che frequentavano tale CSM di Rovereto e/o ai parenti, fotocopie (pagate dai noi contribuenti) di tale articolo su Scientology collegati aCCDU onluse predicando e allertando alla loro manieracontro gli «infedeli» della «Chiesa di Hubbard»acerrima nemica proprio della loro «Chiesa Psichiatrica»ubicata nel loroMonastero confinante con la chiesa cattolica di Santa Maria del Carmine a Rovereto. Ne sono ancora in possesso di tale fotocopia attinta da l'Espresso e non scordo come tali«preti psichiatrici»facevano «conferenza» sugli Scientology (come li chiamano loro) e non certo spiegando cosa erano e cosa sono CCDU e soprattuttoTelefono Viola di Coppola(wikipedia) e cosa è il MoVimento Antipsichiatria nato nel 1920 ca e ristilato nel 1960 da Franco Basaglia e perché nacque. Esiste anche l'Antimafia ed è nata con un preciso scopo come l'Antipsichiatria. E questa è storia ragazzi! Questa è crono-storia e «historia di vita-æ» documentata, perché oramai c'è un uomo che è come il figlio del giornalista Perozzi di Firenze: «Questo vede tutto, nota tutto e scrive tutto» come nella famosa battuta del film Amici Miei Atto II.
19 settembre 2009: Emanuela di Lernia infliggeva un TSO immotivato a me.
03 maggio 2016: Emanuela Di Lernia (che mi ha promesso un TSO) a Catterina (vedi screen attinto dal gruppo fb ASTRARESI pubblicato il 3 maggio 2016)
19 ottobre 2016: Luca Soricelli lasciava un messaggio eloquente su Emanuela di Lernia.
Io ne conto ben 3 e sembra abbiano fatto la stessa scuola Aldo SEMERARI il quale perse la testa nel 1982.
26 secondi di filmato che si ricollegano allo screen-shot attinto da gruppo ASTRARESI di maggio 2016 col nome della psichiatra che aveva minacciato Catterina. Maggio 2016 cioègiusto pochi mesi prima che Luca nel dicembre 2016 decidesse di incendiare il distributore a Rovereto e guardacaso, per la terza volta c'è sempre implicata la stessa psichiatra donna di Rovereto.
[( ✚ 21 )] 2016Trentino _ Luca Soricelli 35 anni di Rovereto (nato 12 ottobre 1981) deceduto la notte tra il 16 e il 17 dicembre 2016 nel carcere a Spini di Gardolo a Trento causa istigazione alla violenza (414 cp) e istigazione suicidio (580 cp) acutizzata da Emanuela Di Lernia classe 1958, una famosa psichiatra autoritaria megera e scompensata di Rovereto. Dapprima il 19 ottobre 2016 lasciava un messaggio fb (a dx) in cui si dichiarava senza uscita perché privato delle patenti superiori, incollocabile al lavoro, agli sgoccioli economicamente e incapace di togliersi le meschine «attenzioni psichiatriche» e nauseabondo era pronto ad imbracciare la motosega; vedi messaggio a dx inviato alla sua Avvocatessa, alla Procura e al Circolo Cabana Stefano Frapporti. Alle 2 di notte del 13 dicembre 2016 passava dalle parole ai fatti bruciando in un atto dimostrativo scomposto e disordinato un distributore di benzina a Rovereto finendo per impiccarsi in carcere a Trento oramai totalmente remissivo verso qualunque camice bianco autoritario e malsano e senza spiccicare più una parola nemmeno con l’Avvocato Alessandra Zoccatelli classe 1979 o in aula davanti al giudice. Scavando a fondo negli archivi si accerterebbe che la psichiatra roveretana nata a Como nel 1958 è recidiva al pari di altri colleghi dei reparto di Rovereto e Arco (prov. Trento). ►Il fratello coerentemente e coraggiosamente, dopo comprensibile titubanza generata dal forte impatto mediatico ha sporto denuncia di chiarimento alla Procura attraverso l'Avv. Stefano Trinco subentrato all'Avv. Alessandra Zoccatelli intervistata a RTTR e visibilmente scossa la sera del 19 dicembre 2016 dal titolo: «Una tragedia evitabile».
A seguire un articolo del Presidio in Piazza Loreto a Rovereto del 17/01/2017.Gli articoli inerenti al Caso Soricelli classe 1981 (come di molti altri deceduti) non sono da prendere per oro colato e del tutto attendibili. Ad alcune testate è stato inviato (come alla Procura, alla sua ex Avvocatessa e al Circolo Cabana) ciò che fu il messaggio fb di suo pugno di ottobre 2016 riproposto sopra. Non sono attendibilissimi perché sono redatti da semplici provinciali e non da muckraker del calibro di Elizabeth Cochran che fu perfino capace di farsi passare per matta pur di entrare nei manicomi e poi descrivere nei suoi articoli gli abusi sulle degenti e salvarne alcune. Nel carcere di Spini di Gardolo in data 15 o 16 dicembre 2016 a Luca venne messa di fronte come «periziante» per decidere se egli fosse compatibile con carcere proprio la stessa identica medesima megera autoritaria psichiatra menzionata nel messaggio di suo pugno del 19 ottobre 2016. Si può ben immaginare che ulteriore acidità avrà scatenato in lui visto che la menzionava proprio ad ottobre e la additava assieme a tutto il CSM di Rovereto ed infatti si era chiuso nel silenzio. Non parlava più. Nemmeno con la sua Avvocato o in aula. Totalmente muto e chiuso nel silenzio. Una psichiatra che non ha poche responsabilità nonostante abbiano archiviato tutto alla svelta (come sempre accade in questi casi) vista la fama negativa di cui gode assieme ad altri colleghi autoritari e chefingerà di essere addolorata causa impatto mediatico; una volta calmatesi le acque, continuerà come sempre il suo «lavoro» di «distributore di medicine» attraverso le ricette e/o i depot (iniezione deposito) a cadenza mensile fino alla pensione proprio come la tanto sospirata pensione per il PM Edmondo Bruti Liberati che fa rima con Nicoletta Calchi Novati.Come se non bastasse, il «giornalista» Matteo Perozzi Junior ha portato alla ribalta nel 2017 un articolo molto critico dal titolo Psichiatria trentina incessantemente sotto inchiesta dopo il caso Luca Soricelli dove lo stesso Matteo e la sig.ra Catterina ebbero problemi con la stessa identica medesima psichiatra. Allucinante che sono ben tre: Luca, Matteo Catterina.
Nicoletta Calchi Novati la puoi ascoltare a partire dal minuto 5:28 con il suo tono di voce che la rende più avvicente
Le testuali parole dell’ex dirigente medicodi psichiatriaalNiguarda diMilano dott.ssa Nicoletta CALCHI NOVATI:“La psichiatria (come viene gestita oggi)èuno strumento di controllo sociale e non di cura”.
"Una delle proposte che mi sono permessa di portare avanti io, è che se si vuole cambiare la psichiatria come mi sembra che sia in un po' in auge l'argomento di adesso, è che devono cambiare gli psichiatri. Ovvero, occorre che l'utenza abbia un certificato di garanzia da parte dello psichiatra e chelo psichiatra per primo si sia curato perché io non ho mai conosciuto un collega libero da problemi. Non ne ho mai conosciuto uno (che poi lo si neghi questo và benissimo fa parte della natura umana), ma che poi i problemi esistano e che si evidenziano durante per esempio la pratica contenitiva è certo. Io stessa, prima di divenire eterodossa, sono stata ortodossa per cui seguivo una scuola biologica, uno scuola farmacologica una scuola di inquadramento di etichettamento marchiatura eccetera eccetera.
Erano i primi anni '80 quando ho cominciato il mio percorso di analisi ed ho avvertito il sottile piacere di legare al letto le persone (sadismo). Non ho vergogna a dirlo. E' un sottilissimo piacere del potere (che dà alla testa) perché non c'è niente da fare. La psichiatria come viene gestita oggi è uno strumento di controllo socialee non di cura.
Il TSO quando viene utilizzato?
Quando il paziente non si presenta ai controlli.
Quando si rifiuta (perché disinformato) sulla somministrazione della fiala (depot).
O quando espone un suo malumore con il suo carattere che può essere più o meno agitato.
Mentre invece il TSO ha precisi criteri di applicazione e sono tre e devono esistere tutti e tre in incontemporanea:
La presenza di uno stato che necessiti un intervento *leggi lo stato di acuzia (*vedi wikipedia o altri siti-web)
L’impossibilità da parte del paziente di accettare naturalmente quello che è il presidio farmacologico.
Nessuna possibilità di trattamento all'esterno.Invece sono tre e devono esistere tutti e tre in contemporanea. Chiaro?!Tutti e tre in contemporaneasennò è illegale!
In nome di tutta questa cosa, io sono stata messa a casa, perché ad un certo punto sono entrata in rotta di collisione giacché pensavo che un paziente dovesse essere principalmente amato e non perserguitato”.
Invece sono tre e devono esistere tutti e tre in contemporanea. Chiaro?!Tutti e tre in contemporaneasennò è illegale ed è quello che si noterà nella sintesi a seguire perchè hanno scritto:"Non frequenta il Centro e non assume terapia" e dal momento che non esistevano i 3 presupposti in contemporanea ed ho telefonato apposta all'Avvocato con la mano sana, si evince che Emanuela Di Lernia in data 17 ottobre 2009 ha inflitto un TSO illegale. Non lo dico solo io. Lo dice la legge e lo spiega la psichiatra di Milano. Non ho più ricevuto alcun TSO anche grazie a questo articolo stringato del TRENTINO CORRIERE DELLE ALPI, ma gli abusi di Rovereto restano, come una madre (Catterina) minacciata e un camionista (luca Soricelli) deceduto per una schifosa in carriera!
La sintesi il più stringata possibile della replica e rettifica all’articolo andato in stampa il 23:-
Rovereto- Verso le 10:35 AM del 17 settembre 2009 entravo nel reparto di primo intervento (Pronto Soccorso) perché in mattinata, mentre mi accingevo a spostare un giradischi Technics 1210 del peso di ben 12 KG, uno strano «ronzìo» che da molti anni scatta come se "un qualcuno" lo possa attivare, alzare, abbassare di frequenza, rumore ed intensità a distanza, si impennava proprio mentre ero sul difficile generando una "scossa elettrica" nell'emisfero destro. Rischiando di farlo cadere e di sfasciarlo, attutivo l'urto e mi schiacciavo una mano. La mano si gonfiava a dismisura, in specifica il mignolo che non riuscivo più a muovere. Mi recai al Pronto Soccorso con la mano vistosamente gonfia temendo micro frattura al mignolino.
Da diverso tempo, avevo mandato a quel paese il CSM di Rovereto perché inadatto e non potevo sapere che tale reparto aveva lasciato disposizioni su tutti i computer dell'Azienda Sanitaria Locale (ASL) di essere subito contattati qualora mi fossi presentato per una qualsiasi eventualità in un qualsiasi posto dell'ospedale. Del tutto ignaro di tali disposizioni «da DIGOS», la psichiatra Emanuela di Lernia (la stessa di Messer Soricelli e di Madame Catterina del 2016), avvisata dalla collega del PS dott.ssa Maria Rosaria RAGUSA (originaria del Cilento come Francesco MastroGiovanni) si precipitò facendosi ben 150 metri tra scale e corridoi per giungere dall'ala nord (CSM) all'ala sud (Pronto Soccorso). All'esterno dell'ospedale c'è un cartello visibile che mostra matematicamente la distanza dall'ala nord all'ala sud che è proprio di 150 metri. Venne solo per velleità e ripicche personali per infliggermi un TSO immotivato e illegale perché maleducatamente l'avevo mandata affancxxx sgarbatamente da molto tempo sbattendo la porta. Infatti non ebbi nulla da dire alla dott.ssa RAGUSA che fece il suo lavoro fin troppo bene e dandomi ben tre giorni di prognosi per la mano, tuttavia la vidi in netta difficoltà e nervosa una volta giunta la psichiatra.
Nonostante 3 giorni di prognosi (come da referto) della paziente e premurosa dr.sa Ragusa del PS e con una mano tutta bendata, fasciata e unta di crema (nessuna micro frattura al mignolo), una volta resomi conto di ciò che non poteva capire la buona, graziosa e inconsapevole dott.ssa Ragusa, telefonai all’Avvocato Severini, il quale prese nota e chiamò il Ragioner Roat. Fui costretto a farmi trasportare nella SPDC ad Arco senza opporre resistenza, ma guardando Emanuela fissa negli occhi che mostrava sorriso malizioso e pungente. Ne nacque questo articolo di giornale che a tratti è fuorviante e privo di replica, ma utile alla causa. Renzo de Stefani -menzionato nell'articolo- è un altro fanfarone fuori luogo perché i dolori al CU destro (condotto uditivo) non sono e non erano per nulla immaginari senza tralasciare che ho referto di tre giorni per la mano e a parer mio la replica era congrua e da conseguire ad opera di chi ha scritto l'articolo che comunque torna utile per rimarcare che fu veramente una gran baldraccata Aziendale ASL perché anche le novizie del PS, nonostante fin troppa premura e professionalità possono essere manovrate come manichini/burattini da furbette in carriera prossime alla pensione proprio come i vigili e i sindaci. Ed oggi abbiamo un giovane classe 1981 (Luca Soricelli) che stufo di tali baldraccate psichiatriche e incatenato al CSM solo per avere il certificato da esibire alla Commissione Patenti (altra banda di criminali col camice bianco che non ha nulla di Ippocrate,ma solo di Burocrate) ha messo in atto ciò che potevo fare io allora anziché con la motosega (come da suo ultimo messaggio fb prima di morire in carcere), con il seghetto alternativo. Sono fortunati che invece di incendiare un distributore come atto dimostrativo, Luca non abbia bruciato il loro CSM tirandogli bombe molotov come accadde a Odessa in Ukraina nel 2014. Se non frequenti il loro CSM niente certificato per il rinnovo patente. Altra maialata da Provinciali perché non possono capire che di tale cavillo burocratico ne abusano per costringe le persone a sottomettersi ai preti e pretesse della Chiesa Psichiatrica e poi esplodono. Se si dovessero registrare altri attentati è logico che tale cavillo della Patente Psichiatrizzata và riformato immediatamente come suggerito all'attivista Gabriella Maffioletti. Sarebbe meglio che ci pensassero fin da ora, ma è logico che lasceranno che altri/e continuino ad immolarsi pieni di ira per poi chiamarli terroristi come fossero cellule dell’ISIS o di Al-quaeda. Chi ha invaso Afhghanistan, Iraq e poi Siria con la scusa del 911 in un inside Job? Gli angloamericani e vi sono sotto interessi di carattere economico!
Documento Vigili Urbani firmato dal Comandante Gianni Pollo
L'errore della data di nascita ad opera dei Vigili Urbani manovrati come manichini, solo perché tantissime persone hanno ancora il vizio di scrivere la data di sei cifre e non in otto cifre. Meglio scriverla sempre di 8 (otto), piuttosto che di 4 o 5 o 6. Abbiamo già rischiato il Millennium Bug nella notte di San Silvestro del 31/12/1999 e proprio per pigrizia e lassismo. Quella lezione di vita non ha ancora sortito i giusti effetti. Io e altri amici/che quella notte in cui giunse il III° millennio, avevamo all’evenienza una torcia elettrica in tasca se si fosse bloccato tutto come era nelle possibilità del Millenium Bug ed abbiamo imparato un'altra lezione. Altri invece non hanno imparato nulla da quel Bug informatico.
Nella loro documentazioneho inoltre trovato:
Professione: PENSIONATO
Nato: 27-01-2007 (c’è il documento visibile dei Vigili chiamati solo per vendetta e manovrati come burattini)
Praticamente sono diventato una bambina di 2 anni già meritevole della pensione nonostante la Legge Fornero. (O_o) Sia chiaro che non beneficio di alcuna pensione o sussidio. Ho un libretto di lavoro con diverse esperienze lavorative e delle referenze scritte dall'Hotel Alaska (Folgarida) oltre ad aver lavorato ad Hamburg (Deutschland). Ho inoltre un documento firmato dalla dirigenza in cui negli anni 90 mi avrebbero assunto al Gran Hotel Trento 4 (o 5 stelle) dopo aver superato le selezioni e non assumono il primo che passa.
Mi hanno inoltre inviato a casa per mero errore la documentazione del signor Tullio BERTAIOLLA di Riva del Garda che non sò nemmeno chi sia, ho accertato con la GdF di Rovereto che hanno pure perso documenti agli atti su appuntamento concordato col Direttore Sanitario Luca FABBRI grazie alla GdF di Rovereto verso pasqua 2014, e ne hanno combinate di tutti i colori peggio di Pierino oltre a falsare le carte.E’ logico che una persona sensata non può altro che scappare più veloce di Speedy Gonzales e stare alla larga il più possibile da tutta la loro ASL. La dott.ssa Ragusa ha segnato 3 giorni di prognosi ed hanno scritto di tutto senza alcuna mia firma sotto dettatura della vecchia arpia: «Non frequenta Centro e non assume terapia» e l'ha pure firmata. Affari suoi. Se passerà di qui si farà un esamino di coscienza e in futuro eviterà di farsi manovrare come un manichino, idem i vigili e il sindaco. Ovvio. Li ho mandati affacxxx e lo metto di nuovo a verbale e sempre li manderò affancxxx visto che ho somatizzato e documentato troppe loro coglionate. Chi non li manderebbe affancxxx? L’articolo del quotidiano + la mia replica di mio pugno + la sig.ra Caterina minacciata dalla dottora a maggio 2016 + il caso Luca Soricelli deceduto per 580cp chi volete che segua Vostra Chiesa psichiatrica gestita dall'Arcivescovo Monsignor Renzo De Stefani o si rivolga alla Vostra ASL che è una specie di fabbrica o Azienda a differenza della USL e che tratta la gente fossero o oggetto o cosa o merce? Solo un folle seguirebbe tali cialtronerie e sono menzionieri, falsificatori, si perdono carte, atteggiamenti criminali, si danno ragione l'un l'altro senza alcuna arbitrarietà e con un Renzo De Stefani pronto a parare il cuxx manco fosse il nuovo Luigi Bressan di tale loro Chiesa Psichiatrica. Senza tralasciare la campagna mediatica sui vaccini & antivax a cui assisto dal 2015/16 con novelli genitori senza possibilità di scelta.
Se a Rovereto i NAS funzionassero, li avrebbero già bloccati e svolto indagini mirate & intercettazioni. Pietro Bisanti sul Fatto quotidiano del 21 febbraio 2017 è stato duro e fin troppo chiaro. E meno male che l’ART 14 dei Diritti del Cittadino dice:
DIRITTO ALLA RIPARAZIONE DEI TORTI: Ogni cittadino ha diritto, di fronte ad una violazione subita, alla riparazione del torto subito in tempi brevi e in misura congrua.
Consente / non consente. Cosa è un consenso informato?
Successivamente, molto tempo dopo tale 2009, ho misurato più volte in uno studio privato dall'ottorino ciò che è diagnosticato ufficialmente come ACUFENE SOGGETTIVO DA CAMPO MAGNETICO (foto a dx). Si si, ho scritto corretto. La diagnosi definitiva è proprio questa ed è agli atti perché questa è la diagnosi ufficiale completa che infatti si trova su più documenti di ambulatori privati ed anche della pubblica ASL, la quale, ha una TRECche si può bucare (hackerare) o alla quale possono accedere malintenzionati col camice bianco nonostante io e molti cittadini non abbiano firmato loro nessun consenso informato che tra l’altro, al pari di una delega si può sempre ripudiare in un secondo momento una volta che ci si rende conto che ti/ci hanno infinocchiati. I documenti buonissimi dei medici privati non li dò proprio a nessuno e lo metto sempre a riga. Parenti e medico di base (MMG medico medicina Generale) non devono averne copia tuttavia hanno continuato a violare tale legge. Si fa notare che mi sono sempre rifiutato di firmare il consenso firmato che proprio Emanuela Di Lerniavoleva a tutti costi farmi autografare ed è stato più volte scritto con Istruttoria alla ASL. Quindi tecnicamente è tutto ulteriormente illegale se non c’è firma. Per chi non lo sapesse, su di una multa (ammenda) o un verbale invece di firmare si può scrivere in stampatello:“Si rifiuta di firmare,ma riceve copia” oppure "si rifiuta di firmare e chiede copia". Chiunque leggesse si faccia spiegare questa dicitura invece di firmare senza leggere poiché Toghe, Camici Bianchi e Divise lo sanno, ma non te lo vengono a dire. Solo Bisanti Pietro te lo farebbe presente sul suo blog.
Ai massimi picchi, con misurazioni dell'ottorino, tale acufene soggettivo da campo magnetico giunge oltre gli 8.500 herz, genera ipertermia, dolori acuminanti, scosse elettriche problemi equilibrio (allargo le braccia istintivamente), rigonfiamento occhio destro, linfonodi sempre vicino all’orecchio, otiti infiammatorie, arrossamenti interni, dermatite sulla guancia destra perché scalda e disidrata la pelle e altro ancora e prosegue da novembre 2007. Tutto documentato. L'unica cosa che sono stati capaci di fare a Rovereto è stata di continuare a dare antidolorifici, antibiotici, cortisonici fino a farmi arrivare a 140 chili e mai a collaborare ai fini utili di indagine in modo da determinarne le vere cause scatenanti. Ho effettuato autonomamente misurazioni con strumento scientifico ACECO il quale accerta anomalie evidenti solo a ricercatori e medici seri (o a muckraker e giornalisti scientifici come Jane Bürgermeister) e non certo a strampalati meduncoli di paese troppo impegnati a vendere pastiglie, vendere diagnosi e dichiarazioni farlocche, come lo stesso Renzo che doveva parare il cuxx alla solita «dott.ssa Di lErnia al disco in lombosciatalgia sacrale prematurata antani a sinistra» e alla sua cerchia. E questo lo confermerebbero anche il Professor Dottor Sassaroli famoso luminario di medicina conosciuto al bar del Necchi, frequentato da «amici miei» come il giornalista Perozzi, l'Architetto Melandri, il Conte Mascetti. (foto a dx).
N.B. ««« Emanuela di Lernia ha promesso un TSO alla sig.ra Caterina Verona (Porta Nuova) ed è implicata nell'istigazione suicidio di Luca Sorricelli. E così, ufficiosamente adesso siamo in 3 (tre) ad additarla. Sono sufficienti per un esponente? Possibile che anche per il Caso MastroGiovanni un medico già condannato abbia poi contribuito a far morire un altro degente del Cilento? »»»
Ciò che scriveva CCDU nel 2009 con interrogazione regionale del Consigliere Regionale Mauro Delladio (a dx) è corretto: TSO immotivati e aggiungo io, inflitti come coercizione per riportare chi li ha mandati affancuxx di nuovo sotto la loro ala in una forma di circonvenzione coercitiva (ART 613bis) con metodi simili alla Chiesa di Geova Dio che quando registra apostati usa metodi sofisticati per riportarli all’ovile. Cercati chi sono gli apostati di tale altra chiesa. D’altronde stiamo parlando di una chiesa ben peggiore e che ha metodi similari: la chiesa Psichiatrica. Non avrai altro Dio all’infuori di me! E Il Consigliere Regionale Mauro Delladio di Trento aveva ben ragione in tale 2009 a segnalare che non effettuato indagini serie sulle concause scatenanti, ma si limitano a «tamponare» con vagonate di pastiglie e goccioline o punture ciò che è perfino un problema di salute fisiologico e non psicologico.
Secondo la risposta all’interrogazione del consigliere provinciale Mauro Delladio, nel periodo gennaio 2008- febbraio 2009 i pazienti che devono presentarsi regolarmente per una puntura di psicofarmaci a rilascio graduale o per la somministrazione forzata di psicofarmaci sono ben 397 solo nelle prime tre unità operative.I dati delle unità operative 4 e 5 (Rovereto, Arco, ecc.) non sono pervenuti, proprio dalle zone in cui, sempre secondo lo stesso documento, nel corso del 2008 sono stati effettuati ben 22 TSO rispetto ai “soli” 10 di Trento.(...)
Si fa inoltre notare che su accessi al Pronto Soccorso causa dolori acuminanti (dolore acuto) compare sempre: acufene soggettivo dx con #ronzio persistente. Mi venne inflitto il farmaco Risperdal. Sul foglietto illustrativo di tale farmaco(a sx),tra gli effetti collaterali compare che può provocare “ronzio nelle orecchie". Invito Sir Massimo F. che è una persona attenta e meticolosa come la attivista Gabriella Maffiolettia verificare tale bugiardino della scatola del farmaco in questione seppur lunghissimo. Qui c'è una scansione della parte interessata. Si trova proprio in fondo al bugiardino nella parte a sinistra. Genera anche problemi al ciclo mestruale come si può notare. E se in base ai loro documenti sono diventato una bambina di 2 anni pensionata è ancora più sconsigliato!
Fatto notare questo dettaglio a tale branca medica, ancora asserivano che devo assumere tale riprasidone (risperdal). Ed invece ad averlo eliminato da anni, io ho molti meno problemi fisiologici e nessun accesso all’ospedale (PS o Guardia Medica), perché io ho problemi al CU (condotto uditivo) che sono FISIOLOGICI e non PSICOLOGICI. Spero sia chiara la differenza, comunque c’è un interessante articolo di una madre statunitensi di origini italiane che lavorò per la NASA. L'esempio figurato che formuli loro, fu che assumere tale farmaco (che genera ronzio all'orecchio come da foglietto illustrativo) sarebbe come dare zucchero a un diabetico ed è completamente sbagliato perché il primo medico è sè stesso e te ne accorgi che esso peggiora le cose. E’ solo un banale esempio, una metafora, un accostamento, un paragone, ma formulato ad uno dei tanti otorini privati, tale dottor Silvano PROSSER di Rovereto specialista in Otorinolaringoiatria, dopo altri esami medici, asserì subito la stessa cosa dopo avergli io fatto notare il bugiardino sottolineato e ciò che riportavano i loro stessi documenti ASL con la stessa parola: "ronzio". Cosi l'ottorino telefonò loro chiedendo se fossero matti ad insistere perché effettivamente il mio esempio del diabetico a cui sommistri zuccherò lo convinse appieno ed ha la specifica di Otorinolaringoiatria mica di psichiatria pseudoscienza. Nulla da fare. Insistevano, poi volevano infliggere chissà quale altra porcheria chimica cambiando farmaco e li ho mandati di nuovo affancuxx e quando e se telefonano rispondo loro: "Grazie dottor psichiatra, ma non compro niente. Siamo abituati a fare la spesa al supermercato o nella cooperativa di paese e non in farmacia"!
Pezzi di emme che stanno seduti in cattedra a far carte marze, a inventarsele di sana pianta, si fanno dar ragione dall’Arcivescovo Renzo de Stefani, operano ricatti e vendette, vendono vagonate di ricette e pastiglie senza nessuna pertinenza scientifica, diagnosi farlocche in stile Aldo Semerari (wikipedia) fanno girare i maroni a parecchia gente che piuttosto di frequentarli ancora preferisce suicidarsi come Holly la minorenne di RTTR ALTO ADIGE del 1° agosto 2015. Dei veri «scienziati» come spiega lo psicologo di Trento Giuseppe Raspadori in una sua citazione famosa ed io li ho proprio mandati al diavolo.
Dottor Giuseppe Raspadori psicologo di Trento: “La psichiatria è l'unico campo, si badi bene, in cui avviene che uno «scienziato» possa permettersi il lusso di diagnosticare una patologia grave e un altro suo pari affermare che la stessa persona è perfettamente sana. Non avviene in nessun altro campo della medicina. Ma nessuno batte ciglio, o osa chiedere i danni di tanto arbitrio, o mandare tutti al diavolo.”
N.B. successivamente da ecografi privati ho riscontrato corpi estranei ipersonici millimetrici di natura non biologica millimetrici (da referti) che in base al corretto protocollo medico scientifico andrebbero asportati chirurgicamente, passati ad anatomopatologo per effettuare esami istologici e determinarne gli isotopi. E questa si che è scienza con il corretto protocollo medico scientifico. Inutile che chiedano le ecografie o altra documentazione pertinente perché gli rifilo un 2 di picche. Se proprio proprio, te le porto, te le mostro, ti mostro anche il referto dettagliato dell'ecografo privato e me le riporto a casa perché non si può dare nulla alla ASL visti i trascorsi e chi vi può accedere e certa gente non finisce nei documentari di 45 minuti per puro caso. Perché compare la mia faccia in questo documentario di 45 minuti? E perché Petrit mi saluta a più riprese?
Non mi sento differente da questa madre di nome Loretta FALCONE che lavorò per la NASA e fa la sua comparsa su La Repubblica nel 2015. Ho dovuto comprarmi strumenti ACECO e frequentare ambulatori privati di otorini e altre vere branche mediche, o ricercatori privati pagando perfino più di 100 €uro ogni volta, ma sicuramente più competenti e che amano la ricerca e andare oltre. Visti i trascorsi, a tali medici della ASL di Rovereto non darò mai la documentazione sensata e corretta ed ho barrato sul consenso informato dei medici privati che non voglio assolutamente che giungano copie a nessuno della documentazione certosina ad ogni visita privata di cui ho copia solo io e loro proprio perché negli archivi ASL vi accedono tutti e vi sono perfino coglionate evidenti scritte apposta da psichiatrici vendicativi che come evidenzia Raspadori di Trento sono «pseudoscienziati» e privi di alcun elemento oggettivo o esame biologico e non sono di certo l'unico che fa queste amare scoperte col tempo.
25 settembre 2015 - Monza - "Suo figlio è schizofrenico", mamma trova la cura: era faringite. Diciassette giorni in un reparto psichiatrico e una diagnosi dura da digerire: schizofrenia. La madre però non si fida dei medici e scopre da sola la causa della malattia: un'infezione da streptococco piuttosto rara. Diciassette giorni in un reparto psichiatrico e una diagnosi dura da digerire per un ragazzino di dodici anni: schizofrenia. E invece no. Si trattava di una semplice - seppure rara - forma di faringite da streptococco, guaribile con un normale antibiotico. A scoprire tutto la madre del ragazzo, Loretta Falcone, una statunitense di origini italiane con un passato da ricercatrice alla NASA. Ma andiamo con ordine. Dopo il verdetto dei medici, la "mamma scienziata"studia notte e giorno tutti i più recenti articoli scientifici sui sintomi che suo figlio mostrava. "I sintomi (angoscia e disturbi ossessivo-compulsivi, come la mania di lavarsi continuamente le mani) - spiega la donna a Repubblica - si erano manifestati all'improvviso dopo una faringite. Dopo 5 giorni mi sono imbattuta nella ‘Pandas’ ma i medici del San Gerardo hanno detto che non potevano credere che un batterio potesse causare quel danno e si sono rifiutati di fargli il tampone faringeo, un esame che costa 9 euro". Scoperta nel 1988 la sindrome Pandas (acronimo di 'disturbi neuropsichiatrici infantili autoimmuni associati a infezioni da streptococco') conta circa 150 ceppi, ma una cinquantina di essi - spiega Repubblica - "può dare origine alla sindrome di cui è rimasto vittima il 12enne". "La cosa incredibile - racconta la mamma - è che il bambino ha trascorso 17 giorni nel reparto psichiatrico dell'ospedale San Gerardo di Monza, quando sarebbe bastato un tampone faringeo per scoprire che la causa dei sintomi era un batterio, e sarebbe bastato un 'banale' antibiotico per guarire".
Una cosa lurida e becera datata 12 settembre 2009 (prima di tale TSO illegale) e relativo articolo del Trentino Corriere delle Alpi del 23 ottobre 2009 è che hanno tradotto tale mio acufene in: "allucinazioni uditive" e schizofrenia. Non aggiungo altro perchè la documentazione erronea firmata da loro c'è e non mi sento differente da Loretta FALCONE con questa vivenda del PANDAS. Da fisiologico e psicologico c'è una differenza netta.
Nel 2010/11 iniziai a frequentare l’ambulatorio dello psichiatra forense Paolo CIONI in via delle Panche a Firenze, il quale, a differenza della psicoterapeuta dott.ssa AnnA Fubini di Torino Presidente della ONLUS denominata AISJCA-mft con vicepresidente fino al 2004 il Giudice Carlo PALERMO non aveva ancora buona conoscenza di tali possibilità «elettromagnetiche a distanza» ed era comprensibilmente dubbioso, scettico e spaesato. Dopo 5 anni, ad averlo rimpinzato di materiale informatico certificato sulla sua email box tiscali e vodafone ed aver io inviato nel suo ambulatorio diversi altri soggetti tra i quali un ingegnere, una chirurgo e un docente che lamentano problemi elettromagnetici, alla fine si è letteralmente convinto anch’egli del fatto che c’è del vero e adesso si sbilancia con coraggio e audacia in pubblico, scrivendo libri e rilasciando interviste in italiano, francese ed inglese. Il primo suo volume in cui inizia a mettere nero su bianco con alcune testimonianze di "vittime da elettromagnetismo" si trova nella seconda edizione di NEUROSCHIAVI uscita ad ottobre 2016.
Lo psichiatra forense Paolo Cioni ci ha messo ben 5 (cinque) anni per ricredersi. (2011-2016)
Lo psichiatra il 24 agosto 2016 scriveva testualmente sul suo account fb:
«Nella nuova edizione di Neuroschiavi in uscita a settembre/ottobre è dato largo spazio a un caso di torture elettromagnetiche a distanza, utilizzando la testimonianza della vittima».
I capitoli di rilievo nella 2a edizione di NEUROSCHIAVI reperibile nella biblioteca di Rovereto sono:
Capitolo 9: Manipolazioni della psichiatria e della psicologia
Psicologia e psichiatria
Diagnosi psichiatrica: malattie mentali o disturbi psichici?
Effetti collaterali, danni iatrogeni da farmaco e psicoterapie.
Condizionamenti culturali e dei mass media. Malpractice di psichiatri e psicologi
Gravi inadeguatezze delle perizie psichiatriche
Formulazione e comprensione dei quesiti: distorsioni inevitabili?
Opinio legalitatis
Psichiatria imposta: il TSO (Trattamento Sanitario Obbligatorio)
Ho una marea di interventi in messa sicurezza strade e ho chiesto all'ingegner Ivo Erler VdF la verifica e lo storico:
ho dovuto soccorrere incidentati e dirigere i primi lavori di soccorso, segnalare animali selvatici investiti da altri e in 2 casi, dei distratti hanno smarrito la targa del loro mezzo, stalattiti pericolose in inverno da far abbattere, autostoppisti raccattati ovunque perché delle 3 Virtù TEOlogali la più importante è la Carità. Non ho mica capito perché devo andare a piedi e loro hanno perfino il portaborse. Vorrei mai che va a finire come per Luca Soricelli visto che certe «risorse trentine» anti-sBoldriniane sono finite in anarchia. Avendoli buttati su giornali e mandati affncxxx ho un’altra baldraccata aziendale ASL in cui dovrei frequentarli solo per avere uno stupido certificato senza tenere conto che con tale punteggio piuttosto alto, qualcosa di assolutamente losco e incongruo c’è per una persona dotata di senso civico, intelletto, intuito e istinto. Fino a quando non imbracci il seghetto alternativo o la motosega e invii solo esposti e istanze non si muove nulla. Se bisogna far danni, vedremo di organizzarci. Complimenti. Avete creato un altro Ⓐrché Tipo con le Vostre Burocratiche Baldraccate Aziendali ASL da provinciali perché certa gente non sta legata alla catena dei tuoi vaccini e dei tuoi farmaci messi in piedi dai lobbisti della farmamafia!
►►21 febbraio 2017 - Psicofarmaci, “Suicidi di Stato in pillole”. La bibbia igienista contro la psichiatria scritta da un carabiniere (►in servizio). Si chiama Pietro Bisanti e presta servizio a Milano, presso il nucleo Radiomobile di via Vincenzo Monti.
...( ) Il doppio lavoro di Bisanti non è però ben visto da tutti, a partire dagli psichiatri che giudicano i suoi messaggi pericolosissimi per i pazienti e fino allo stesso Comando dei Carabinieri dove presta servizio. “Hanno provato a instaurare un procedimento disciplinare con la scusa che non avevo notiziato del mio blog, ma hanno dovuto desistere. Lo scorso novembre ci hanno riprovato: l’indomani dovevo andare a una trasmissione televisiva ma all’ultimo mi chiamano dal comando per ammonirmi di non farlo perché non ero stato autorizzato. Siccome conosco il codice militare non ci sono andato, ma ho già chiesto l’autorizzazione per l’8 giugno a Telecolor. E vedrai se poi non mi chiama Canale5”.
Per questo accanimento il maresciallo che predica l’igienismo ha una sua spiegazione. “Non ho alcun tipo di stima nell’addestramento, nella capacità di dialogo e di empatia tanto dei medici quanto delle forze di polizia e degli apparati statali. ►Ma tu pensi ancora che le amministrazioni dello Stato abbiano a cuore i problemi dei cittadini? ►Che i carabinieri si arruolino per fare del bene ai cittadini? ►Che nella mia caserma, quando la gente comincia le pattuglie, tutti escano dicendo cosa potrò fare di buono per il cittadino? ►Pensi davvero di entrare in una caserma con un problema serio e di avere qualcuno che sia lì, pronto a spendersi anima e corpo, per risolverti il tuo problema? ►E’ inutile sfoggiare sondaggi sul grande apprezzamento di cui gode l’Arma. ►Basta vedere come rispondono al telefono. ►Per quanto mi riguarda possono congedarmi domani, non ho problemi di soldi. Io però ho una missione e un messaggio sociale da portare avanti. E per farlo andrò fin tra le gambe del Diavolo”. ( )…
C’è caso e caso, ma la metodica STASI (ex D.D.R soviet☭) è ancora ben funzionale ai nostri giorni. Tutti schedati, marchiati, etichettati nei terminali e nessuno che guarisce mai una volta finito/a nel loro circuito, semmai tutti cronicizzati. A Rovereto tutti «pazienti noti» perfino se ci si reca al Pronto Soccorso per un’algia alla mano o un’otalgia al CU. E bisogna ricalcarlo ovunque senza nemmeno aver firmato consenso informato. Ci hai ragionato sul fatto che lo scopo di un medico è assicurare la guarigione anziché la cronicizzazione e la schedatura?
Questo spazio web non rappresenta una testata giornalistica poiché viene aggiornato senza alcuna periodicità. Non può pertanto considerarsi un prodotto editoriale ai sensi della legge n. 62/2001. Alcune delle immagini pubblicate sono tratte da Internet e quindi valutate di pubblico dominio. E' consentita la libera pubblicazione attraverso la rete internet, a titolo gratuito, di immagini e musiche a bassa risoluzione o degradate, per uso didattico o scientifico e solo nel caso in cui tale utilizzo non sia a scopo di lucro. Qualora la loro pubblicazione violasse eventuali Diritti d’Autore, vogliate comunicarlo via e-mail all'indirizzo teoten77@hotmail.it ed esse con un pò di pazienza verrannorimosse prematuratamente in antani a sinistra.Un salutone a Gastone Moschin deceduto proprio oggi in data 4 settembre 2017 PCN alla veneranda età di 88 anni che come il 77 è multiplo di 11.
Posted by Brian Dodge on September 2, 2017 at 9:32pm
We all know about https, right? Well, make sure you check your address every time you sign into PP. If the addy is not preceded by https, then your PP account and you are at risk. It takes only a moment to add the https to your PP address
Change your password as a routine security measure, EVEN if you believe "they" can read your mind. There's no sense in helping them by being sloppy.
Evidence of Torture by DEW and Mind Torture since March 2016. Victim of organised stalking since January 2012.Initially, this consisted of a phoned death threat, an implied death threat by video (me in bed and a superimposed figure of a silhouetted, hooded figure lunging a siloutte of a dagger into my chest region. Following that, there were intrusions to my home, damage to property with white dots, and noxious smells followed by sustsined stalking by vehicles and pedestrians, street theatre with ambulances and people acting-out in crowds or mimicking. . In Match 2016, I began being subjected to DEW attacks resulting in facial burns, scarring, burnt soles of feet leading to gross inflammation of my ankles and excruciating burn attacks to my knees. The Wednesdax before last I was confused from a poisoning attempt, followed by violent vomiting at a friend's where I had sought refuge after the attack outside my home. I have photographic evidence on DVD's.
Read more…
Posted by Angeline Klas on August 28, 2017 at 7:42pm
Hi Everybody,
Today the perps are taking all the gramma away from me, worse than before. They delibarately start taking all the gramma away from me. They start to say all kinds of words with the same meaning so that there is no space for me to form my own speech. Then they say to me you are not using your own words. IT'S VERY Childish. They believe It's effective. Every thought I have the wanna turn into their way of thinking and talking. They are not really bright. They talk in a dumb way. They want me sound just like them.They want me act just like they want. This a status of how I am doing.
16 He causes all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and slave, to receive a mark on their right hand or on their foreheads, 17 and that no one may buy or sell except one who has the mark or[f] the name of the beast, or the number of his name.
18 Here is wisdom. Let him who has understanding calculate the number of the beast, for it is the number of a man: His number is 666.
(Inform Christians congregations online and offline and get their prayers and support)
Amendment for my last post based on visual information
Here is the reason for being targeted by these techniques.
When I did my compulsory service in Iran Army Air Force, I revealed that revolution of Iran in 1970S was performed by some master minds in UK Intelligence service MI6. They created Ayatollahs system (leaders of Iran and its sattelite countries in the region) to control the policy of the region.
They are indirectly ordering the government Of Iran to purchase Eastern powers military equipment to make a synthetic enemy in the region and controlling
the policy of the region.Their agents in Iran were trying to prevent my travel to North America. From when I came to Canada several
Years ago, agents of Iran intelligence service working with one wing of MI6 wings and some of Canadian intelligence agents interested in Iran Ayatollahs system are trying to do brain washing by inducing voice messages ( to read what I am thinking in my mind) and inducing synthetic dreams when I am sleeping to put me in a status to forget the secret.
They also watching trough my eyes when I am awake by RV techniques during the days.
They were planning to return me to Iran to plan my physical death. However, now they are trying to create a brain injury or cancer by electromagnetic waves through inducing scary dreams and reading my mind voice while I am thinking now.Their agents in Canada tried to prevent me to pursue my PhD studies or find a job by blocking my emails. They made some dummies using biomimetic technology and matched my central nervous system with them and they can induce touching senses when I am sleeping using those dummies.
The technology that are using in this operation are combination of UK, Japan and Canadian technology. Their agents are located in Canada, Europe and Iran. The transformation of data is being done by collecting signals of brain nervous cells using cellular phone wireless network in the city and tensferring them to special center
in Canada and sending them to centers in Europe and Iran and viceversa to my brain.
The main goal of operation that was designed by one of MI6 wings was withdrawing US forces from the region and keeping power in the hand of Ayatollahs who have been created and are controlled by some of MI6 masterminds.
Other technical information about these techniques are welcomed.
Some information about RV- remote viewing techniques that has been revealed, can be found in this paper: