A moral society is necessary for that society to live in safety and freedom but organised religion is the suppression of free thought in all cases. Morality without religion is what we should wish for throughout this world. The Catholic Church is controlled opposition to the current worldwide dictatorship. The current Pope and the Vatican are heavily controlled and in agreement with the current worldwide dictatorship who are known to be Luciferians and Satnaists. The Vatican has been under the financial control of the Rothschild banking family ever since the Napoleonic wars. The Vatican bank is being used for illegal and immoral purposes.
I should tell you. Frying the implants with a powerful magnet could be dangerous. It's the responsible thing to tell you. I was excited before, I'm sorry. If you are a T.I and you fry these implants the perps won't want to let you go. You will need to have a backup plan. Leaving everything behind and getting a fresh start, or staying and fighting. If you are worth it to them they will try to implant you again, watch what you eat. You will probably be killed if they can't target you anymore. Running might be your only option. Decide for yourselves. If you run you will have to go off the radar, leave no clues behind. It is up to you. Frying the implants is risky.
freedom fighters for america
For millions of years well informed human beings have known that it is much easier to use mind control cults in order to control their fellow human beings rather than to keep them under their control by the use of a standing army. These well informed bloodline families have become experts in the type of psychology that is necessary to keep the masses under mind control rather than body control. These bloodline families have created most if not all of the organised religions on the planet and they have done so over thousands of years if not hundreds of thousands of years.
Logical thinking has no part to play in organised religions. The control cult leaders dissuade all use of logic in the primary and secondary school system. When initiating any new organised religion the control cult leaders use any and all means possible to initiate their possible followers into a new false belief system. They use repetition and reverence and ritual. They use opulent displays and magnificent surroundings. They use fear as the corner stone of all belief systems. If they succeed in convincing their congregation that something of a super-natural nature has taken place during a solemn procedure then they are well on their way to success in the takeover of the whole country via the minds of the population.
From that day on they begin to organise themselves into a hierarchical based control system. Heirarchical based systems are always intrinsically evil because once you belong to a hierarchical based system you are expected to be obedient to the hierarchical based chain of command. You are dissuaded from using your own free will. You are persuaded to unquestioningly follow the dictates of the leader. In order to do that you must never exercise your own conscience. Whenever somebody asks you to ignore your conscience and obediently follow their orders without any perspective of their true objectives they are the embodiment of evil.
Human beings have enjoyed freedom of expression ever since we first lived on earth. Archaeologists have found evidence to suggest that humans have lived on earth for at least five hundred million years. Therefore human beings have enjoyed freedom of expression for at least five hundred million years. Who has the authority to take away our freedom of expression after five hundred million years of us enjoying it. Nobody of course. However, leaders of control cults are well aware that their organised religions will fall into disuse if we are freely allowed to express the truth of what they really are. They really are mind control methods which are in widespread use to persuade us to abandon logical thinking, and to give away our money and our free will to individuals whose true agenda we can never know.
The logical definition of the phrase " a faith based belief system " is a belief system that has been given to children at a very young age. They have never been taught to analyse the faith based information logically. It is taught that if they question the faith based teaching they could face eternal damnation. They are inculcated into the false belief that having "faith" without analysis is a positive attribute when in actual fact it is a negative attribute. Constant repitition in the form of prayer and church attendance is then used to keep the faithful inside the false belief system. Because of this repetition, they are unable to deprogram themselves for the entirety of their lives. The controllers of the organised religion then become wealthy and powerful and enjoy a high status in society.
If the Irish referendum is passed on 26th October, 2018, blasphemy will no longer be a criminal offence and that is wonderful news.
Eight hundred evil-doers, mostly composed of dark luciferians and satanists have decided to inform the rest of the seven billion members of the human race that we are no longer entitled to freedom of speech even though we have enjoyed freedom of speech for five hundred million years or more. We the seven billion members of the human race will continue to practice freedom of speech for the next five hundred million years in spite of these deluded megalomaniac dark occultists who have lost touch with reality and have begun to play God. They think they are gods on this earth now that some scientists have given them directed energy weapons to play with and showed them what buttons to press in order to transmit pain signals and voices to us by wireless means. They can now transmit pain signals wirelessly to us because both our brains and bodies are imbedded with nano-bots because of all the chemtrail spraying our skies. We aught to urgently disempower them and render their weapons impotent simply by dismantling all mobile phone towers and stopping all chemtrail spraying of our skies.
Unless what it was told in some ocations and for the first time in a while, I've talking to the perps in my garden. I could confirm they hear to us. I was, for example, talking about nacism and I heard in my head they saying something like 'so you are the jew' (I write in english, but the actually talk in spanish, my native language). There was also a comment they made days ago, also in night. They talked to my head saying 'This time he doesn't speak'). I am also sure they said something as they were from DARPA.
Listening to me and talking to my head is not the only thing they are doing. They also send electro-shocks to my muscles and torturing my spine with rays all day long.
I will follow the advice of you people and not talking to them anymore in the future. Talking to them is a waste of time. I only sing the national anthem sometimes and pray out loud for the promt liberation of the damnifies. I hope God listens.
The highly influential World-Check database has also listed major charities, activists, and mainstream religious institutions under its category of "terrorism". Dozens of terror profiles in the database owned by Thomson Reuters seen by VICE News include:
Our lives in a nutshell . . . The FBI is going to help? Bull.
Domestic terrorists and watch-listed individuals: Creating the false narrative
Who is watch-listed?
Who else can be placed on a watch-list?
The Anthrax Files: US Forces Conducted Multiple Secret Anthrax Experiments in South Korea
The initial admission by the Department of Defense that one sample of live anthrax was inadvertently sent to Osan Air Base in South Korea has now been revealed to be grossly inaccurate.
According to a recent report by a US/South Korea joint working group, a US military defense laboratory at Dugway Proving Grounds mailed anthrax to South Korea at least fifteen times prior to the previously acknowledged March, 2015 delivery. These other anthrax samples were delivered to Yongsan Garrison, in central South Korea, between 2009 and 2014. In addition, a 1-milliliter sample of the Yersinia pestis bacterium (which can cause the bubonic plague) was sent along with the anthrax to Osan.
The United States has denied accusations that it lied in a May press release, which stated that: “The laboratory biological defense training, part of the Joint United States Forces Korea Portal and Integrated Threat Recognition Program at Osan Air Base, has been halted pending further review… This was the first time the training has been conducted.”
In an email reply to the Washington correspondent with Korean publication JoongAng Daily, Pentagon spokesman Bill Urban wrote: “Following the inadvertent delivery of potentially live Bacillus anthracis, the 51st Fighter Wing at Osan Air Base correctly informed the public in the Osan area that the shipment supported the first Joint U.S. Forces Korea Portal and Integrated Threat Recognition program’s training at that location.”
JoongAng went on to report that Urban suggested that the press release had been misunderstood and the intended meaning was that “the first time” training only referred to the first in Osan, not in all of South Korea.
It has recently come to light that the Pentagon FedExed live anthrax to all fifty states and to nine foreign countries. The Department of Defense has declared that errors in the process of inactivating the anthrax resulted in the inadvertence wherein live anthrax was FedExed to foreign and domestic laboratories.
The joint working group has refused to discuss the amount of the anthrax samples used in Yongsan, citing “military secrets.” The working group’s conclusions are already under fire, with allegations being mounted that it relied too heavily on input from Washington.
Under current regulations, the US does not need to inform the South Korean government if it sends “inactive” germs. Since the recent crisis involving live anthrax being sent to South Korea and elsewhere, recommendations are being considered to change this practice to include advisories to foreign countries that biological materials are being shipped in, and for what purpose.
The US states that the anthrax sent to Osan was to be used to test protective gear. The US has consistently stated that North Korea maintains an offensive biological weapons program and is manufacturing weaponized anthrax and smallpox, among other agents, at a facility at Pyongyang.
In response, the North Korean government has offered to throw open the doors of the Pyongyang plant and has invited the Americans in to check the facility, which North Korea states is a pesticide manufacturing plant. As reported in The Guardian, a spokesman for the North Korean National Defence Commission said, “Come here right now, with all the 535 members of the House of Representatives and the Senate as well as the imbecile secretaries and deputy secretaries of the government who have made their voices hoarse screaming for new sanctions.”
A report from US Undersecretary of Defense Frank Kendall concerning the DoD review of the laboratory procedures which resulted in the purported failure to inactivate the anthrax has raised further questions. Kendall states that Dugway Proving Grounds has had “a relatively high incidence (20%) of post-inactivation viability tests that showed unsuccessful inactivation, but failed to address all the root causes of this high incidence.” (emphasis added)
Kendall also makes a curious reference to an apparent intent behind the failure to inactivate anthrax at Dugway. He writes: “I agree with the Review Committee that the combination of unique characteristics at DPG, to include high volume production, low sampling size, intentionally impure products, and more immediate post-inactivation viability testing are possible contributing factors.” (emphasis added) The report by Kendall does not elaborate on why “intentionally impure products” might be utilized or manufactured at DPG.
A former member of the military disagrees with the purported “inadvertence” of the live anthrax mailing. Speaking under terms of confidentiality, a source with former military connections had this to say about the US’s biological weapons program: “…weaponizing bio & chem materials is in full swing at government research labs (Dugway & Tooele being one of the biggest – as I witnessed back in the late 1980’s). The obvious thing is that they could not have shipped out such quantities with the level of relevant ease if they were not in full swing.”
According to Department of Defense spokesperson, Adrian J.T. Rankine-Galloway, Major, U.S. Marine Corps, “To date, there have been no joint working groups in addition to the Republic of Korea-United States Biological Defense Cooperation Joint Working Group.”
It would therefore appear that the other eight countries known to have received live anthrax from the US– Japan, United Kingdom, Australia, Canada, Italy, Germany, Norway and Switzerland –did not exhibit extensive concerns about the receipt of the active germ warfare agent.
And really, what’s the problem with a bio-bomb among friends, anyway?
Janet C. Phelan, investigative journalist and human rights defender that has traveled pretty extensively over the Asian region, an author of a tell-all book EXILE, exclusively for the online magazine “New Eastern Outlook”.
First State Legalizes Taser Drones for Cops, Thanks to a Lobbyist