Rich (3)

Industrial hemp is the worlds number one resource and it is capable of generating sixty thousand different products and yet it has been banned from the market place by individuals who wish to empoverish us for some of the following reasons:-
The first step to taking over a country and its people is to first of all find ways to empoverish the people of that country. That has already been achieved by banning industrial hemp and by thereby banning all of its products from the market place. We could build, furnish and carpet and power our homes by using industrial hemp as the main raw material to achieve this. We could feed our animals with industrial hemp. It takes only ninety days for industrial hemp to grow to full maturity from seed. It has been banned from the world market place by individuals who wish to take over our countries and to enslave us.
A second step to taking over a country and its people is to destroy the health of the people of the country which has been designated for takeover and enslavement. In medical school, students are being deliverately misinformed about all aspects of human health. This has now become apparent because medical practitioners are coming to the fore online and relating stories of how they given misinformation at medical school and since then through their own private endeavours have found much better ways of treating and curing illnesses, information which was denied to them during their medical training. Further to that, Iatrogenic events in medical practice is the third leading cause of death in the United States at this time.
A fourth step needed in taking over a country and its people is to intellectually dumb them down so that they are unable to think logically and rationally. Magical thinking is encouraged in all areas. Government education is mainly about subjugation, brain washing, mass control and conformity. Children are not been taught how to think critically. A future dictatorship does not wish to be challenged by individuals who are truely educated and independend minded. They would like the population they control to think collectively because they hate individuality because they can not and never could mind control individual thinkers. School has become a process of non-educational programming. Schooling is also being used to make children aware of time constraints so that they could be controlled by this means in the future. Public schooling is now being used to indoctrinate students into the political principal of collectivism which means central control of people.
A fifth step needed to take over a country and its people is to take total control over the main stream media which has already been achieved throughout the world. The dark occultists and others who aim to enslave us have purchased most newspapers, magazines, television stations,publishing houses and film studios. They push the same propaganda from all avenues so that it then becomes more believable when people begin to hear the same message from several different sources. All avenues of information have now been centralized into fewer and fewer hands and those fewer hands are attempting to manufacture a false reality where we would be given fewer basic human rights that those within the dictatorship.
A sixth step needed to take over a country and its people is to take control of the police of that country. At present, masts over police stations affect the beta rhythm of their brains which is responsible for sound judgement in emergency situations. Police are being forced to enforce unjust laws. Police are being denied access to information about directed energy weapons and their true capabilities. They are being wrongly guided to send complainers of directed energy weapons attacks for mandatory psychiatric evaluation, thereby mistakingly covering up in-home wireless torture and in-home attempts at wireless enslavement of good living people through attempts at controlling them through their central nervous systems. An attempt to turn human beings into cyborgs through control of their nervous systems has been partially achieved. With the use of invisible and silent weapons, peoples biological and electrical systems and their minds can be controlled via telephone masts.
A seventh step needed to take over a country and its people is to use brain entrainment and subliminal programming of the populace through television, smart phones and wifi whenever the would be enslavers wish to introduce unjust government ligitation such as privatising property which is owned by the people of that country and thereby allowing it to be purchased by unknown investors who are acting for the dictatorship. Such brain entrainment and subliminal programming and other mind control techniques are being used on you without your knowledge and consent during elections, political meetings, conferences, demonstrations, large consumer purchases such as when purchasing private homes or holiday homes, as well as during court cases. Brain entrainment and subliminal programming has become so advanced now that it can be used to cover whole countries or whole continents at the same time.
An eight step needed to take over a country and its people is to keep them working continually while often performing pointless tasks so that they will not have time to figure out what is really occurring behind the scenes in their lives. It has been widely discovered that at least eighty percent of all work being performed across the world only benefits the would-be enslavers of the human race. In order to provide ourselves with everything we need and in order to lead lives of absolute abundance each man and woman in this world would really only need to work one day per week. Further to that, it is advantageous to the would-be dictatorship to keep both students and workers permanently tired and stressed because conditioning which is installed when somebody is in a state of stress or fatigue goes deeper that conditioning which is installed at other times.
A nineth step needed to take over a country and its people is to deny the people a platform of complaint whenever they are being subject to unjust treatment or when they are being wirelessly tortured inside their own homes. The main stream media refuse to print our stories and politicians refuse to act on our requests for assistance and they refuse to provide technology which would enable us to prove that we are under wireless attack. Universities refuse to reply to our requests for help.
A tenth step needed to take over a country and its people is to encourage everyone to belong to groups or teams. Anyone who lives alone or who acts alone or who is an individual thinker is to be portrayed with suspicion by agents within the main stream media. Group members try to minimize conflict in order to reach a consensus often without critical evaluation of alternative viewpoints. If you belong to a group you are often isolated from outside influences.
An eleventh step to taking over a country and its people is to manipulate the young people into becoming addicted to substances and to sexually depraving themselves by offering them misleading advice when they are too young to be able to assess it critically. If we live lives of loyalty and fidelity to one partner throughout our lives and if sexual behaviour is moderate rather than extreme then we will have peace of mind throughout our lives. The nuclear family is destroyed when people become sexually promiscious thereby paving the way for greater intervention into our lives and manipulation of our lives by a would-be dictatorship.

A twelfth step needed to take over a country and its people is to deny the people adequate living space because by living in over crowded spaces we are being subjected to undue stress which would make us move maleable to being controlled by false authority figures . If there were a stable six billion individuals on earth and each apartment building was only six floors high we could then give every man, woman and child on earth their own large fifty square metre apartment for the duration of their whole life and it would take approximately twelve million acres of space to build those six floor apartment buildings on and considering that there are thirty six thousand, seven hundred and ninety four million acres of land on earth, after we subtracted the twelve million acres of land needed for the spacious apartment blocks, we would then have thirty six thousand, seven hundred and eighty two million acres of land left for food and for wild animals.
36,794,000,000 Acres of land on earth.
- 12,000,000 Acres needed to give every one their one fifty square metre apartment for life
provided each apartment building was six floors high and the population of earth
remained at a stable six billion.
36,782,000,000 Acres left over for farm land and wild land.
We should enact laws where we are all entitled to own personal property such as our own fifty square metre large home which could be built by industrial hemp building blocks and furnished by industrial hemp furniture and carpeted by industrial hemp carpets. Nobody could then accuse us of wasting the resources of the planet because it only takes ninety days to grow industrial hemp from seed to full maturity so therfure we would not be burdening the planet in any way whatsoever. We would no longer allow laws which would entitle us to own private property such as land, roads, lakes, seas, apartment blocks, banks, museums and government buildings because these publicly owned resources are now being privatized all over the world and are being purchased by the same group of would-be dictators of the world who if allowed to continue would eventually own all of the resources of the planet and legally enslave the rest of us so that we would not be able to live if we ever dared to challenge their future dictatorship. Please raise awareness of this.

Whenever those who run governments from behind the scenes commit crimes they apply the word "classified" to each crime and by this means secrecy allows evil to flourish. Senior politicians and other government staff should refuse to sign secrecy clauses and they should disclose whatever they know about government criminality because full disclosure allows good to flourish. Honesty and truth holds society together.
We must become self-sufficient within each country. We must refuse to finance the intelligence services. We must switch back from digital to analogue communications. We must own and control our own central banks. We must use common law courts whose laws would be enforced by a peoples militia. We must take down HAARP phased arrays. We must not allow children to become unquestioningly obedient order followers because by becoming unquestioningly obedient they could in later life easily be persuaded to commit acts of extreme evil by the would-be dictatorship.

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The Pilgrim Society.

What the Pilgrim Society and their minnions  have feared the most down through the past few decades is that technological progress would enable the rest of us to disempower them which would end their plan of enslaving the world under their own rule.  To that end they have consistently sabotaged all beneficial world progress over the past few decades  and it is my belief that the corona virus is just another of their attempts to sabotage the worldwide economy in order to set up a system of socialism across the world which would then eventually lead to worldwide enslavement if not stopped.  They have  attempted tot enslaving us by wirelessly tethering many of us  by our central nervous systems to their computerized control and genocide system as well as using smart phones to bio-digitally program still others into a false reality of indifference to the now encroaching worldwide enslavement system. One solution is as follows:-   Each of us must wear on a constant basis a head band which has repelling magnets attached to it while will enable us to keep safe from wireless directed energy attacks while we go to war against them.  Many of the people who have awakened to this real truth of what is now happening know who the members of the Pilgrim Society are and where they are located. Many if not all of them are dark occultists and they hide behind many organised religions while they ply their trade. 

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A selection of good will, good living Irish human beings have become mental slaves through a wireless enslavement process which is meant for all Irish people other than a small group of enslavers. If urgent action is not taken by all of us against our enslavers you will shortly become wirelessly linked to a network of computers from your brain and body by a two way wireless link. That wireless link will enable your enslavers to issue voice commands which you will hear coming from inside your head. If you refuse to obey these voice commands you may receive a pain signal which will be delivered to you through the wireless link or you may automatically have money deducted from your digital bank account. There is an easy solution. This wireless enslavement network needs microwave radiation and shortly millimetre wave radiation to empower it. Ask the Irish army to disassemble and destroy all microwave transmitters and millimetre wave transmitters in our country. I have been enslaved by this wireless method for sixteen years. I know many other Irish targeted individuals. Members of the Irish government may already be enslaved so do not wait for them to do anything to help. My name is Gretta Fahey, from Newbrook, Claremorris, Co. Mayo, Ireland. My landline home phone number is 0949360901. My website is

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