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Toms comment on amateur arias and perpetrators...

These owners of these amateur instillations are going to use the stupid excuse that they didn’t know. For example they are given a band at say 1.5 Mhz. They will play stupid and say “oh, we thought that we can use all of that band width from 1hz to 1.5Mhz. sorry were stupid didn’t know”  but they did. These amateur transmitters can be bought like a Star Bucks. And they pump out volts to steal clients from other transmitters that are playing buy the rules. But when they pump out these stronger voltages it is cause us harm, Thank you regulators for your negligence.


Sincerely, Tom   

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what happened to eileen-ebook what a read

She cried out… Nobody came!


It turned out to be a global thing…

It could


To PRINT this Booklet

Please visit Page:  Booklet – Public Awareness

What happened to Eileen?

Proudly written (2012) by (pseudonym) Wendy Newman



Eileen came from a middle class family.  She enjoyed her life and was known as an

honest, respectable, law abiding citizen that had everything anyone could want. Having

studied hard during her school days, she continued her education, and secured herself a

highly paid management job, lived in a lovely home in a good area, and had many loving

friends & family around her. Until one day back in early 2004 when…

Her Life Suddenly Changed,

She started to endure, Horrific experiences…

NO-ONE believed her!


Those that should have Helped - DIDN’T…

Her health started to deteriorate.  She often felt extremely tired & drained, with very deep

headaches that never seemed to go away.  Pulsating headaches, that painkillers never

alleviated.  A good nights sleep, soon became - a thing of the past too.  Yet doctors said

"Nothing is wrong with you Eileen".  


She soon started to feel Wired.

Yes wired – electrified as some sort of current ran its way through her body – unnaturally

energising her to stay awake.  Her body felt as if it had an invisible electrical cord

plugged into it, pulsating, electrocuting, burning, stabbing to the extent she was often…


Pinned to her bed - In severe pain -

Unable to move!

Getting out of bed in the morning became a painful event –  often dizzy with such deep

pain moving through her body,  internal burns - burning deeply as her body temperature

increased - reactivating the deadly pulsating shocks moving inside her.  As the weeks

turned into months her internal organs began to feel crushed & bruised - giving off signs

of major organ failure.  Her health complaints continued to escalate further. Yet when

tested – nothing showed up.  By now - the many doctors she had seen were…



Trying to label her as Paranoid delusional!

Eileen learnt - NOT to tell them anything further about her ordeal.  Relieved she hadn’t

told them about the invisible friends that now accompanied her, whispering sweetness

into her head, and then tormenting & mocking her randomly with evil threats!  Voices

that echoed from the universe.  Often accompanied with static sounds and piercing

pitches, penetrating deeply into her head & ears.  Sometimes - shrieking so loudly, her

head would vibrate.  Sounds - so similar to a radio playing, slightly off the station.  


Tormenting her 24/7

They knew everything

she did - And commented!

Privacy was now a thing of the Past!

Hell was the New Beginning!

Due to how ill she had become, she was unable to stay focused on her management job

requirements, and was finding it impossible to do a full days work.   She had no choice

but to take a lower paid, part time cleaning job. To survive financially she had to move

into cheaper, rundown accommodation and was a regular visitor to the local food bank.

Any Dreams of fulfilling Future Goals – No longer a Reality.


As if her ordeal wasn’t already unbearable, she would also come home to find someone

had been inside her house - and they wanted her to know!  This became a regular

occurrence.  Strange games were being played and many items got tampered with. Eg:

Her fridge mysteriously turned off at the wall, all frozen items no longer safe to eat. 

Various food items would often taste odd.  Items were also moved around in her home.

Often items she had used recently. Sometimes these items were swapped for similar

ones eg: a beige light shade being swapped for a lighter coloured one.  Carefully set for

only her to notice and swapped back to the original setting a day or so after she had

noticed.  Electrical appliances would breakdown a lot – but suddenly work when others

were present. The list of bizarre but carefully orchestrated tactics multiplied. So well

organised – Proof was impossible to get. There was…


Never any sign of a forced break-in.

Changing locks didn’t stop the problem.

Hidden video cameras often showed scrambled footage that others blamed on a faulty

camera. Eileen new the camera wasn’t faulty – she had had it checked, but  strangely,

the report letter stating this - disappeared from her home, and the technician later

claimed, no knowledge of having written a letter to her. The more she reported her

ordeal to law enforcement, the less she was believed, and the higher the risk became of

being committed to a Mental Institution.  Her ordeal so carefully coordinated to make her

sound nuts… 


She again learnt -To stop reporting her Issues 

And continued to suffer - In Silence.

Even going down to the local shops became an ordeal for Eileen.  A high amount of

strangers started to abuse/insult her for NO apparent reason.  Verbal and non-verbal

tactics were used.  Again nothing she could prove.


As Bizarre things were Constantly Ongoing,

Friends, Family & Colleagues…

Started to turn their backs on her. 


Eileen was made to feel silly when she explained one bizarre ordeal after another to

others.  No one really believed her.  Often she was asked…

"Why would someone do this to you anyway?"

"Why are you singled out?"


(Questions she asked herself – Questions she couldn’t answer)

Even though she had NO proof, she continued to tell the TRUTH.  She knew she wasn’t

going nuts, and had guessed that she was not likely to be, the only one experiencing

these horrific issues.  Things were too well organised for her to be the only one.  All she

wanted was to be taken seriously, and to have an investigation done, so the hell would

stop.  It seemed it was up to her to prove the impossible, as her continuous cries for help

- Had fallen on deaf ears.

So deeply Betrayed by those that should help her!

The abandonment by those that she should have been able to count on – made her feel

alone, chastised & punished.  Her invisible voice intruders, gloating, mocking, laughing -

enjoying every minute.


Now Isolated and more

Frightened than ever,

Eileen spent her spare time Researching

Then the Door of Knowledge Opened…

After she spent the last of her savings on a computer and started to search, she

eventually came across many others from all over the world – The number countless.

These people came from many different backgrounds, cultures, educational & income

levels, and are known as Targeted Individuals. She found that Children and pets are

not exempt

from the victim count either.  All…

Experiencing the same Devastating Ordeals as Her!


Effects of being stunned - so they cannot move!

With Excruciating Pain & Deep burning to…

Selected - Body parts.

Some felt a Beam on them at these Times…

And were able to move out of the beam range to seek some reprieve, until, they moved

back into the beam range.  Sadly when one feels they are out of the range – they often

find that they can be awoken from sleep during the night, with the beam penetrating

deep into their body.  Demonstrating, its torturous effects. 



Not all victims feel this remotely run beam, as often the beam is too wide to 

    distinguish as being a beam - coming from a directed source.   But the effect of it is 

    often excruciating.


Many awake in the morning feeling extremely ill and deeply burnt – to the extent the    

selected body part/s can feel bruised.



The un-natural electrical type energy now in the body - can take days, weeks, months   

     to disperse, creating many ill health effects in the process.  


Usually others near/next to the victim or in the same house, DON’T feel these    


Resulting in the victims losing more credibility and being believed – even   


The after effects can last for Days - Weeks - Months


The victim soon realises they are being watched, as no matter where they go within

    their home, when out, or in a new home or country – they eventually/continuously

    experience the same directed tactics.  Any reprieve – near impossible to get.


Often when a victim is trying to get help or close to being believed by some   

     one that may be able to help – the torturous effects reach extreme levels as an 

attempt, to prevent the victim from being able to explain their issue, to achieve the

     help needed.  

EG: Some examples

Sleep deprivation beforehand – so victim sleeps through appointment time or

looks drugged out.

Continuous electrifying currents to the head – to create extreme headache &   

           various neurological effects, including temporary memory blanks, dizziness. 

Tampering with vehicle so the appointment is missed etc



Some Common Symptoms



                   Electrical currents running into/through various body parts

                                    Electrical shocks to various body parts

                                        Electrical jolts to random body parts

                                        Deep pain/aches various body parts

                    Burning sensations to various body parts (often internally) 

                                Pressure in the head and various body parts

                                     Clicking/popping, sounds in the head

                                            Heart problems, palpitations

                                                     Major organ failure 

                                                        Various cancers  

                                             Involuntary body movements 

                                          Forced speech, stuttering, gagging

                                                     Slow memory recall

                                      Erased memory of set periods of time 

                            Continuous headaches (that pain relief cannot fix) 

                                        Ear aches, ear hums, buzzing, clicking  

                             Piercing high pitches & static sounds inside ears

                                                   Sensitivity to chemicals

                         (also known as MCS – Multiple Chemical Sensitivity)

                                                Sudden unconsciousness 

                                                  Irregular sleep patterns

                               Mimicked voices/conversations to the head 

(But no one is there)

Sore/achy muscles – for no apparent reason

Drained – for no apparent reason





                           A victim doesn't always look as sick as they are.

                           The pain levels these victims endure is often excruciating.

                           Pain relief – is often of NO Help to reduce pain.

                           The effects can come on suddenly and stop suddenly.



Eileen and countless others experience voices to the head…

But don’t have any history of Mental illness.

These voices often seem to be coming,

From an external source…

From behind the head,

As if someone is playing a radio tape.

Often Chattering - 24/7

Some have reported hearing recordings of other people having a conversation   

at these times.   

The voices can be in various languages to any one victim.

Often the voices mimic a loved ones voice.

Often play a love/hate game with the victim…  Commenting on what the victim

does in negative/positive ways. 

 It is not unusual for one to be awoken from a deep sleep by these voices, & at     

times to be accompanied with sharp but deep pitch’s, a hum, hissing & static


It is CRUCIAL for the victim NOT to TRUST these voices - as the objective is to

get the victim to trust them – then to command the victim to be irrational and

worst case scenario, to commit a serious crime – such as murder.  Or to

eventually commit suicide!

Did YOU Know…


The cause of these voices is most likely to be, 


And in-fact - NOT likely to be,


See why on following pages….

Modern day Technologies have Created…

An Easy Way to Invisibly…

Abuse an Individuals Body, Mind & Privacy



From a Remote Location.

Technologies that leave NO Trace!

Eileens voices to the Head are known as…

Artificial Telepathy, Synthetic Telepathy, Voice to skull (V2k)

(MindTech – Sweden)

The experience of "Artificial Telepathy" is really not that extraordinary. 

It’s as simple as receiving a cell-phone call in one’s head


Most of the technology involved is exactly identical to that of cell-phone


Satellites link the sender and the receiver.

            A computer "multiplexer" routes the voice signal of the sender through      

            microwave towers to a very specifically defined location or cell.

The "receiver" is located and tracked with pinpoint accuracy, to within a few feet

            of actual location.

But the receiver is NOT a cell phone. It’s a Human Brain!


Some history

During World War II, Military technicians working in the vicinity of radar antennas

discovered they could hear buzzing, clicking sounds. It appeared to be coming from

inside their skulls. This buzzing & clicking was being caused by the invisible waves, of

very short pulses of microwave/radio frequency signals.  Each pulse causing a single

click. More research revealed, The Mind Has No Firewall - resulting in successfully

being able to beam voices/sounds directly into an individuals head – from a remote


(More about Voices to the head) 

(Histories, Declassified docs etc of the Technologies that create this)

Visit Page: Booklet-Public awareness & Informative Links - Section: BOOKLET 2

Dr Barry Trower speaks out about these Technologies…

Retired Military Specialist, Physicist, former Agent.

(Re Interview: ‘30 Minute Reality Update’ )

(Re Interview:  MI5 agent Dr. Barrie Trower: Dangerous Radiation Everywhere)

Former Agent reveals - How Intelligence Agencies

Misuse Microwave Frequencies,


Influence People's Bodies,

Including the Brain

These Invisible Frequencies can induce…

Fake symptoms of real pain & illnesses anywhere in the body.

Fake symptoms of Mental illness to the extent a psychiatrist cannot tell the

difference. Including beaming voices into the head.  (Resulting in many

innocent victims being institutionalised!)

Real heart attacks, Organ failures as well as fake symptoms of these.

Various thoughts and behaviours – that are not naturally your own.

The various capabilities of these technologies can track, see & hear everything a

chosen victim does and says.  Even in the privacy of ones home.


The Usages & Effects Induced by these Technologies 

are near

Impossible to Prove!

Most of these Technologies & the usages of them are derived from Government

departments such as the Military, Intelligence agencies, various hospitals &

subcontracted to various privatised organisations.

Innocent Citizens

are Chosen Randomly

For research of…

Medical, Weaponry & Behaviour Modification/Control.

Without Notification

or Prior Consent!

This all made sense to Eileen – She now knew how the torturous beam could find her –

no matter how she tried to hide, and why no forms of extra security in her home

stopped the break-ins and tampering etc.  All tactics common to Targeted Individuals.

(To view video Interviews with Dr Barry Trower)

(More about what these Technologies & the reasons behind beaming voices into the head)

Visit Page: Booklet-Public awareness & Informative Links – Section: BOOKLET 2

In Addition to these Technologies the Microchip plays a part….

Illegal Implanting of the Human Being, 

Has become a Trend.

Particularly for …

Targeted Individuals like Eileen.


Eileen found she had a Microchip inside her!

Without her Prior Knowledge or Consent

  (Another form of the Technologies discussed on page 9)

The RFID Microchip is usually smaller than a grain of rice and operates like a tiny

computer. Once inserted/activated it can be used for tracking, recording & monitoring…

Over the past few years the general public has been familiarised, with microchip

technologies being  inserted into bank cards, medical records/devices, passports, pets &


various grocery items (within the barcode) etc.  As the 21 century unfolds, more is

publicised about the amazing benefits of the microchip: Eg - To help a blind person to

see, a deaf person to hear, a paralysed person to move etc.

What is NOT discussed so OPENLY


The Microchip can easily – Be used as a Weapon

When accessed Remotely - by the Wrong Hands.

And is also Susceptible to Catching a Virus & being Hacked into.

(Just like any other computer interfaced device.)

Eileen and many other Targeted Individuals have found…

Any X-rays/reports  they have had showing possible implants – vanish from the 

            practitioners office as well as any copies the victim has at home.

Most Doctors & Legal entities do NOT want to get involved as to who/how/when

these implants got inside the body.

In many cases when an individual asks for an x-ray because they feel they have

been implanted – They are often classed as mentally ill and admitted to a mental

institution, against their will – With NO x-ray done!


For information on what to do - If you think you have been illegally Implanted:-

Contact the ’International Center Against Abuse of Covert Technologies’

(For more information on the Benefits, Risks, Histories of Microchips & Victim Testimonies etc)

Visit Page: Booklet-Public awareness & Informative Links – Section: BOOKLET 2

Eileen Was Nothing but an Experiment…. WHY?

Eileen was made aware quite early in her ordeal, that the tactics done to her were very

deliberate, organised & professionalised.  Leaving her totally gob-smacked, when she

found out, that she was nothing but an experimental guinea pig, in the eyes of many

trusted professionals.

Many times - Questioning Herself


What have I Done Wrong?

WHO is BEHIND this?

As Retired Military Specialist, Physicist and former Agent Dr Barry Trower 

(Informed us in the video interviews on page 10)…

Eileen hadn’t done anything Wrong! 

She was simply just – Chosen!

These deliberate UNETHICAL experiments for Medical, Weaponry & Behaviour

modification/control research are done by government scientists on unwitting citizens, by

beaming invisible microwave frequencies on them! Funded by many governmental

departments, such as: Military, Intelligence agencies with various stages being carried

out in other governmental departments such as hospitals, institutions, prisons etc, and

sub contracted to various privatised organisations. 




In Active use – for Decades)

Able to Track, Record, Torture & Kill 

Set to destruct any pacific organ/s of an individual – the Brain

is not exempt!

Set to mimic any  symptom of any injury or illness

Capabilities to give any real illness

Creation of Fake Mental illness  


(For more information about these Technologies)

Visit Page: Booklet-Public awareness & Informative Links – Section: BOOKLET 2


These Scientists are ABOVE the LAW!

(They are NOT held ACCOUNTABLE for their ACTIONS!)

Their research 

& Technologies they work with,

Are often under the,



Scientists employed by the Government…


by the

Official Secrecy ACT!

(A License to Kill!)


Those working with sensitive information (usually in governmental departments) are

commonly required to sign a statement to the effect that they agree, to abide by the

restrictions of the Official Secrets Act. 

The Official Secrecy ACT - is a LAW

It’s not a contract, and individuals are bound by it whether or not they have signed it.

Signing it is intended more as a reminder to the person that they are under such

obligations. It is common to sign this statement both before and after a period of

employment that involves access to secrets. Violating this Law is punishable.

History tells us there have been

many Top Secret…

Human Experiments - Done in the past.


MKULTRA -  A series of illegal unethical experiments involving  covert applications of

chemicals, hypnosis, torture, sensory deprivation, electric shocks, isolation, verbal &

sexual abuse -  is a well known example of a governmental experiment!

(For more informations about MKULTRA & many proven cases of  illegal Human Experimentation)

Visit Page: Booklet-Public awareness & Informative Links – Section: BOOKLET 2

So Why have I NOT Heard of this Before?

There has been a lack of public awareness into these experiments both past & present.

Mainstream media outlets… 


Often have Silence Bans & Threats placed upon them, 

Ensuring Silence!

Enabling the Deadly Abuse to Continue!


Many of the Proven Cases - on previous page

Were NOT Investigated, 

Because the Victims reported their Cases.

They were In-fact…


Uncovered by Accident  – WITH PROOF – Decades later!


  Many of the recorded illegal experimentations report they are based in the U.S.

History tells us, they usually branched out into other countries too – But due to lack of

public awareness & knowledge in other countries, many cases never got an


Targeted Individuals - all over the world, have reported their cases to law enforcement,

politicians etc - With a common result of – Ignorance & NO thorough investigation done.

Many honest doctors and legal professionals are NOT taught about these histories or

the capabilities these technologies have – resulting in NO training to investigate current

& future cases of these barbaric experiments.  Nor are many of them interested in

learning when a Targeted Individual advises them of the histories, current declassified

documents etc.  It is also NOT uncommon for any reports that have some proof to what

the victim is saying –To go missing from the writer and the victims’ home.


Some History into the Psychological Attacks & Home Invasions… 

(Done easily with illegal Tracking Methods)

As a big goal in this crime is to break down the individual psychologically – more

methods are usually applied.  Psychopaths determined to make the victim jobless,

destitute & isolated.   An easy task to accomplish when one has access to these

remotely run technologies to track the target at all times, with an endless supply of

criminal elements (including in white collar circles), to carry out the ongoing stalking and

associated tactics etc.  

Tactics are usually accomplished with little or NO substantial evidence to incriminate

these perpetrators. 

All of this is done Cleverly/Secretly,

And is usually known only to the Attackers,

And the Victims!

Other people around the victim are usually oblivious as to what is going on. Interestingly,

these stalkers can be found in every level of society. This type of harassment is known

as Stalking, Gang stalking, Cause Stalking, Street theatre. Some examples of abuse…

Bullying at work, & eventually by some friends and family.

Gang stalking - A high amount of rude people in crowds abuse/insult for no 

apparent reason.  (Using both verbal and non-verbal communication).           

Up to 20 or more strangers strategically placed giving hateful looks – for no 

apparent reason.  This scenario starts to happen every time the target 

goes out.  Sometimes it looks like they have some kind of skit/scheme and the

harassment follows a pattern.  When it achieves a certain goal, they reset

themselves and it starts all over again.

It can take many different expressions.

eg: Skit may change to attackers doing a set body movement each time you

have eye contact etc.

  Break-ins with no sign of forced entry – household items moved around &

       put back to original setting – once noticed by the victim. Vandalism to 

  various items.  Food tampering.  Sabotage of computer & electrical 

       appliances.  Many of these tactics were derived from the illegal 

       Cointelpro Programme - run by various law enforcement officials.

  Cointelpro a (Counter Intelligence Programme) was a series of covert

and often illegal projects conducted by the United States (Federal Bureau

  of Investigation) FBI aimed at surveying, infiltrating, discrediting, and 

  disrupting domestic…


  NOTE: They say it stopped and was only in the U.S – Not true…

(More about these Tactics, Cointelpro and the Histories of them)

Visit Page: Booklet-Public awareness & Informative Links – Section: BOOKLET 2



So what Happened to Eileen in the End?

Eileen thought she had it all once… Like countless others did.

Until early 2004 when…

Her life was completely Invaded – Sabotaged!

Having endured these horrific tactics that continued to escalate for over 7 years and…

Left with:-


Ill health

In constant pain

Jobless & penniless

Forced to live in a rundown area

Isolated and abandoned from the ones she thought she could count on

With NO SIGN of any long-term protection from these torturous tactics

Eileen was…  

Driven to SUICIDE!


Rest in Peace Eileen

A Sad Reality for - So many victims that are Ignored!




YOU, Your Family, Your loved ones!

Victims are Simply

Chosen Randomly!

(NOT chosen because they did something Wrong!)


(A global problem)


What Can YOU do?

This crime is carefully but professionally orchestrated, 

To make the victim 

LOOK, SOUND & to eventually go Mental!

Hidden Technologies used Covertly!

Enabling easy access to harm the Victim from a Remote Distance!

Technologies that leave NO Trace!

A Crime that can Happen to Anyone!


Help educate others… 

Your family, friends, colleagues…

By sharing these information’s.


To enhance the chance of a thorough investigation into these Crimes)


Feel free to conveniently leave a flyer on a table in a Cafe, Library, Bus stop, Mall…


Prevent this Horrendous Crime Continuing into,



The Time to ACT - Is NOW!


Visit Page: Booklet-Public awareness & Informative Links – Section-BOOKLET 2                 

Please contact a group near you.

International Center Against Abuse of Covert Technologies

(U.S & Europe)

Association Against the Abuse of Psychophysical Weapons



Freedom From Covert Harassment & Surveillance 


Organised Crime of Covert Electronic Assault NZ

(New Zealand)


Targeted Individuals Europe




Targeted Individuals


She Cried out – Nobody Came!

just scroll down page till you get to the book

best wishes n love lots

denny my facebook page

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They again messed up the PC

.. and it was too obvious they planned it because I saw the file placed right before it conked out plus the one who was the handy woman when it comes to such things rushed to save her files first  just as soon as I sat down (not her usual way).

All my files were destroyed in the drive (except that I already knew what they were gonna do so I made sure I backed up everything.

How can people who act so judgmental be this evil?

They force me into a situation where I don't have any way but to be in the corner they want me in....

...and when I'm already in a place they can control, they steal everything I create, and do everything so they can destroy everything , intent on leaving me without my output (which they have already stolen).

What kind of freaks have these people become?

Or did I even really know them?

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How can these people act so self-righteous when they so brazenly collude with each other in committing crimes?

They work together in silencing me so they can maintain the facade that they are good when they are nothing but judgmental voyeurs getting their life by destroying somebody else's!

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To My Hackers , etc.

Since I have moved here in May a loud crackling sound went through the inside of my walls (the maintenance didn't seem to find it out of ordinary & never checked.)    I am writing this especially to you HACKERS who are constantly in my computer - checking my reactions with visuals & mouse & flashing certain things at me through the net I do not appreciate ..........Let me tell you, I have been going through this enough and my high tech team I pay extra for  can trace you even if you have a 'fake' IP address or on a different wave.......I am really tired of assumptions; mental control tricks and it will backfire on you.  I can also contact their fraud department so be off with can get into trouble!!!! When you weren't using the radio or tv now this........Get out of my computer NOW!!!!  not good for you.......And anymore unkind flashes at me when I go outside or sit on my couch or just talk to someone will not go on this time....Fed up Carol B   I will from now on lead my life normal as posssible & tolerate no more abuse from anyone because like the lady said 'As God is my witness, I will let you know right away'   Outside my house or inside......I have work to do ...........Heed this Carol

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Dear Madame  Please be advised that we do not represent any persons involved with this matter and this appears to be a fraudulent scheme being used to solicit funds from innocent victims illegally using our good name and reputation.

This matter has been reported to the FBI and the web host,  and the illegal site has been taken down following our letter of demand to the web host. Under no circumstances should you advance money to this individual as we are not soliciting funds and no one has the right to solicit funds in our name. We have no interest in this matter and have never expressed any interest in same let alone solicited $25,000 from anyone.
Please advise any parties with whom you may be in contact in respect of this matter of our position.
Yours very truly,

Neil H. Stein for

Stein & Stein Inc. Lawyers, Avocats

Professional Corporation

4101 Sherbrooke St. West

Montreal, Quebec

H3Z 1A7

Tel:  (514) 866-9806 ext. 209

Fax: (514) 875-8218



Notice: This message is confidential and privileged. If you are  not the addressee, please inform the sender by return e-mail immediately and delete this message and destroy all copies.

Avis: Ce message est confidentiel et protégé par le secret professionnel. Si vous n'êtes pas le destinataire, veuillez informer l'expéditeur par courriel immédiatement et effacer ce message et en détruire toute copie.






We do not wish to keep repeating ourselves. We do not and have not represented any persons in this matter nor have we been contacted by any individual to so do. We have insisted that the web sit created by Mr. Gamache be dismantled and the web host has complied to this request. We have no interest in representing any persons in this matter and do not practice in this area of the law.
Alan Stein is a lawyer with his own law practice and is independent from Stein & Stein Inc. We have verified with him and he has no interest in this matter and has not instituted any actions or represented any persons in this matter.

Neil H. Stein for

Stein & Stein Inc. Lawyers, Avocats

Professional Corporation

4101 Sherbrooke St. West

Montreal, Quebec

H3Z 1A7

Tel:  (514) 866-9806 ext. 209

Fax: (514) 875-8218



Notice: This message is confidential and privileged. If you are  not the addressee, please inform the sender by return e-mail immediately and delete this message and destroy all copies.

Avis: Ce message est confidentiel et protégé par le secret professionnel. Si vous n'êtes pas le destinataire, veuillez informer l'expéditeur par courriel immédiatement et effacer ce message et en détruire toute copie.

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The News Today in Connecticut

     I am not a holier than thou person - but please to all who Believe in Prayer - let's put ourselves aside for awhile today and say prayers for comfort and some peace to the many young mothers, fathers and families who's children were killed at the school in Connecticut- one parent said she didn't want Christmas but just wanted to die instead, -I think at times we can all here relate.........Thank you,  Carol B God Bless & Help us all....these days......or send thoughts of hope they'll get through this....

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12/08/12 CANADA PSYCHIATRIST CONCERNED ABOUT REMOTE INFLUENCING WEAPONRY AFFECTING MENTAL AND PHYSICAL HEALTH - Amin Muhammad is a Clinical Professor of Psychiatry at Memorial University of Newfoundland, Faculty of Medicine. October 2009, he writes a paper with the title “Terrorism and Mental Health: The issue of Psychological Fragility” published in Journal of Pakistan Medical Association. In the paper he talks about psychological long term effects that result from terrorist activities on civilians, including behavioral problems and post-traumatic stress.

He also notes that with the introduction of remote influencing technology, and the new weapon systems, it might be challenging for a psychiatrist to tell the difference between real mental and physical problems and induced ones, asking one crucial question: Are we prepared for this challenge?

“The matters in terms of violence are advancing with the passage of time that may possibly bring in more serious issues related to both physical as well as mental health.

Of late, there are reports of a new and dreadful invention of weapons of violence that are called Bio-electromagnetic Weapons. According to the description by an Institute of Science in Society, these weapons operate at the speed of light, can kill, torture and enslave without making physical appearance. It further adds that voices and visions, daydreams and nightmares are the most astonishing manifestations of this weapon system, it is also capable of crippling the human subject by limiting his/her normal range of movement, causing acute pain the equivalent of major organ failure or even death and interferes with normal functions of human senses. It can cause difficulty with breathing and induce seizures besides damage to the tissues and organs.

Through this form of terrorism, it is possible to persuade subjects that their mind is being read; their intellectual property is being plundered and can even motivate suicide or murder. Pulsed Energy Projectiles (PEPs) are another form of weaponry that is used to paralyze a victim with pain. According to Peter Philips, a scientist from USA, circumstances may soon arrive in which anti-war or human right protestors suddenly feel a burning sensation akin to touching a hot skillet over their entire body. Simultaneously they may hear terrifying nauseating screaming, which while not produced externally, fills their brains with overwhelming disruption. This new invention is dreadful addition to the armamentarium of weapons of abuse and torture. Manifestations of the effects of these occult weapons can mimic mental ill health and add further to the misery of the victims.

The potential threat from use of biological warfare agents is more devastating as they are not detectable before the attack and can lead the possible victims to a state of constant vigilance and anxiety.”

Link to the entire article:

See Amin Muhammad’s bio.
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Health Magnesium Oil V2K

The understanding of this simple thing, the making and use of Mag oil.  A 50/50 mix of Epson Salt or Mag Chlorate and clean water.  The tap water is not clean if you don’t know about Fluoride read the Fluoride Deception by Christopher Bryson.

Be prepared it will piss you off. Mag oil is used without Calcium, Magnesium is blocked by Calcium it will not be absorbed. The Cal Mag supplement does nothing. LOL Which I always suspected. The ocean is loaded with Magnesium but no one would bathe or swim in, too cold too polluted. So, mix 2 Table spoons Mag

and 2 table spoons water and rub or spray it on. Keep it clean, Mag will carry toxins into the blood stream just like DMSO.


  Someone said Magnesium is the cornerstone of health. I think that is an understatement. It will help beat down Cancer and the causes for it. Mag supports over 200 enzymes whereas Fluoride is an enzyme defeater.

LOL Mag oil as tooth wash well there is nothing better. Mag oil changes the galvanic skin response. There is no proof on this it is a guess and I have my reasons. I believe it helps resist V2K (spit).  Magnesium is required for life and what I like the most is the spot treatment. Got pain rub it on.  Every doctor out there can give a 3 hour lecture on inflammation. Mag oil controls inflammation relaxes muscles. It can spot treat organs. Heart lungs liver pancreas kidneys brain and back knees hips. Most people don’t know Mag is transdermal, absorbed through the skin. 


The lymph nodes when these guys get inflamed it feels like a bee sting

and pre cancer to cancer condition, (sometimes). A system of nodes that run

from the neck arms chest back thighs. One way check valves a waste system with pumps that move out toxins. I thing Mag Oil treats inflamed nodes the best as well.  


Estimates are at 80 to 95% that we are Magnesium deficient this simple info

will change your health and your life. Good luck to all and don’t give up or quit.

Fight hard and live a good life,,  Later J  

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peace poem written by Fr Shay Cullen

I have just come across this poem written by Fr Shay Cullen (Preda) who stepped out of the safety of life to live his vocation as Jesus did - God Bless him....

PEACE is not the silence of the guns, the end of war. It is nor pretending that evil never stalked this land Or the innocent dying in suffering and in chains. Peace can only come when justice has been done To ease the pain of open 
wounds and heal the angry hearts. Is the road to peace down the pathways of the past, To forget and cover-up misdeeds and smother truth? When those we loved were torn away and killed?
Will we forget the darkest night when the wretched of the earth Hung from prison walls for their truly held beliefs The darkened dungeons echoed with their cries and screams, Enough to shrink the bravest heart with fear?
An uncaring world stopped up its ears and looked away While eyes were gouged and human limbs were broken One by one or electric shocks made them beg for death.
Their torture has no end. No peace for them, not even the silence of the grave to end their torment, It pursued them in the nightmares of their minds, On the brightest day, in the darkest night, to the farthest mountain peak There is no escape from the memories of the maniacs Who pleasured as they pained.
The bravest stood serene Enduring all wit conviction un-betrayed. Reviled and spat upon with dignity they died. Their spirits roam this troubled land seeking peace For both the living and the dead. Justice they demand.
Forgiveness is never easy To those who suffered torture and endless loss. Crying "peace" will never heal the vicious wounds of war. Only justice has the power to purge the soul and give The freedom to understand injustice, forgive an enemy, Overcome the torment and the fear and make this nation new.
Forgiveness, the kind that heals the victim, sows the seed of peace. Like a desert cactus touched by gentle rain, It brings to bud a flower we never thought could be.
Peace is when the land theirs who work it and die on it. It is when the prison gate opens for the innocent and closes on the guilty. Peace is when a nation's wealth brings an equal chance to all. It fills the mind with knowledge, the hand with skills, the home with food. Peace is a nation standing against violence and brutality. It prosecutes the unjust, it frees the innocent, It brings light into take darkness. Peace thrives on the truth. It is giving not taking. It is when people become friends.
Peace is a passionate lover of life, Like music to the ear, it is balm to soul, it's in the song of a bird, the sound of the breeze, The color of the sunset, the gentle beating of the heart. It grows among us when we respect and listen, When we share our thoughts and feelings, When we have compassion and concern.
Peace is the harmony of creation. The dance of the stars, the waltz of the plants The galactic swirl.
It is the voice of the universe talking to itself It is in us when we touch the Almighty, It is the beginning of life and its true end.
Shay Cullen
Published in the Philippine Daily Inquirer Dated: January 02, 1994
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There is someone I need to thank well as some people.

I can not name you.

You know why I can't.

I want to explain some things, though.

There are a lot of times I was too angry at you, spewing angry words albeit they are being spoken when I am alone (although I know you can hear them because you reply every time I do so).

I am not apologizing for the angry words. I am not apologizing for being angry at you.

Let me explain why.

Your ways can push somebody to commit suicide.

Your ways can push somebody to go berserk.

Your ways can push someone to get back at you for the pain you have been inflicting on him.

I do not know what your intentions are. I will not go as far as assuming I do.

For the sake of being fair, though, I will entertain the possibility that you want to help.

Allow me then to explain why playing the game of  tipping and provocation isn't morally and psychologically right.


What does it achieve for the victim?

Nothing if she kills herself because she can no longer take the pain. Nothing if she plummets down the cliff you pushed   her in. 

What does it achieve for you?

You get the pride of 'solving' the mystery for the victim.

Did you even listen to the victim? Did you care about the irreparable damage such a "learning tool" can do to her?


I give you this hypothetical questions to drive home the point that you are not helping an Electronic Target or a Directed Energy Weapon Target by targeting him yourself.

You cannot help a person who had been mind played by continually playing mind games  on him.

Whatever your intentions, you are contributing to the trauma by continually exposing him to the pain that he could have already been healed from if you have not continually brought it to his attention in hurtful manner not even meant to heal but to engage the victim in a game that benefits the one engaging , not him.

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Could it be that someone is imitating Greg in attempt to smear him? And also it is obvious that there is a group of LOSERS attempting to smear and discredit this lawsuit! Also BOHRER is in charge of the suit NOT Stein & Stein, Dee do you not
understand that? my guess is that someone has giving you the task of attempting to discredit this suit? To the ones attempting to smear or discredit this lawsuit you WILL be BURNT and ROASTED!


In relation to: 


Public Event · By James Walbert

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121212, Christmas and New Year!

I wish everyone a happy day of Declaration of love, December 12, 2012.

I wish everyone a happy Christmas day,  December 25, 2012

I wish everyone a happy New Year.


121212, December 12, 2012, which is pronounced in Chinese pinyin as 'yao ai, yao ai, yao ai' (wish love, wish love, wish love), is regarded by young people as the Day of Declaration of love.

Many people make lifetime commitment, hold the wedding ceremony, or make romantic proposal on the day of December 12, 2012. Many couples celebrate together too.


In my opinion, 1212 should become the Day of Declaration of Love each year, not only for lovers, but also for everyone showing their love to others.


I celebrated this day every year since young to thank the love from my parents. After December 12, it will be December 25, Christmas day, the day originally for celebrating the birth of Jesus Christ, then the New Year's day.

Celebrating December 12 each year since I was young was the deliberate arrangement by God, not by my parents and me. It was such a lucky coincidence for me.

I think that celebrating December 12 as the Day of Declaratioin of Love is also the deliberate arrangement by God before celebrating December 25 as Christmas day, the birth of Jesus Christ.

The Bible had prophesized that the Lord would do nothing without revealing his plan to his servants the prophets (Amos 3:7), and would send his messenger who would prepare the way before him, then suddenly the Lord would come to his temple (Malachi3:1).

The day of December 12 is for remembering the messenger, and celebrating the birth of the messenger (who walks the earth in the form of a woman); it is before the Day of December 25, which is for remembering Jesus Christ, and celebrating the birth of Jesus Christ (who walked the earth in the form of a man). And then the new year comes.


The sequence of celebrating these important days also makes me think of another story in Revelation 12.

(1) At first, the woman of Revelation 12 gave birth to a son;The Woman of Revelation 12 wore a crown of twelve stars on her head.

(2) Later, Jesus Christ, the salvation and the power and the kingdom of our God, and the authority of his Messiah, and the Lamb (in Revelation 12:10-11), walked the earth in the form of a man.

(3) Then brothers and sisters triumphed over Satan by the blood of the Lamb (Jesus Christ) and by the word of their testimony. Constantine (27 Feb 272 – 22 May 337) reversed the persecutions of his predecessor, Diocletian, and issued the Edict of Milan in 313, which proclaimed religious tolerance of Christians throughout the empire. The New Era of Jesus Christ came.


The sequence of celebrating these important days makes me think of the Judgment days.

(1) At first, the Lord sends his important messenger to the earth to warn unrighteousness mankind, the messenger has a lot of miracles relating the number 12. (The messenger has connection with the Woman of Revelation 12, who wore a crown of twelve stars on her head.)

(2) Later,  Jesus Christ comes again.

(3) Then the new earth is ready.


The 12th day of December 2012 of the lunar Calender is on January 23, 2013.

Chinese Traditional Festivals are based on Lunar Calender, are there some people celebrate that day too?



Mary (who gave birth to Jesus Christ) and The woman in Revelation 12 ( who gave birth to The Son.)

The Queen of the South

Matthew 12:42 The queen of the South will rise at the judgment with this generation and condemn it; for she came from the ends of the earth to listen to Solomon's wisdom, and now one greater than Solomon is here.

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For the Record:

An uncle who's in on the harassment on me (who suddenly amassed "wealth" right after he and his wife started to "tell stories" meant to destroy my relationship with other family members) and a cousin came here three time to mention the "stuff" they left here which they said they are gonna get but actually did not get. The other day another cousin also looked for the same "stuff".

These are the very people who communicated with a former workplace via another uncle to supposedly ask for news about me, etc. Quite weird when the last time we met, they were almost forcing me and my kid to the streets, insulting us as if we were not people who also could get hurt (the time I was still looking for work but could not be mobile because I had to look after my kid). And suddenly they'd contact me for small chitchat to give the impression to the one I was working for that it was ok for them to contact or ask them about me? What the! 

I woke up coughing again and it felt like dust was sprayed on me. The same time I did, my kid was fidgeting in distress. The animals too, on top of the cage where they placed "the stuff they left" on was too noisy, also seemingly in distress.

I do not care what they are gonna say their part in the game now. Shift in the roles , from harassers to tip-givers and vice versa does not remove the fact that they know about the harassment and they are willing players on it, toying with us as part of their game instead of directly telling me what they know about the abuse.

The other cousin is the one I saw in the place where I got my kid's nanny, the one who was harming her and was sabotaging me inside and making sure I do not get important calls even at home. In the office, they were the ones blocking and filtering my call. It was such a "stroke of coincidence" that they were in the same place as the nanny would be when that place is far-flung away from any of our areas, more so that he was supposed to be in the metro, 12-14 hours away from that place.

I've observed this cousin's involvement in so many instances: positioning the pc camera right where my kid and I are at in  a manner they plan to be unobtrusive but which I have observed still,etc...

This cousin's involvement on the harassment dates back to the years I was in school when his sister was my main perp, contacting people in my circle and spreading stories that would make them attack me.

His brother is the link to a lot of my main perps.

These siblings would appear in or near the buildings I've been staying in and would say they have some friends there.

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