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I felt it yesterday and couple days before that I felt this extreme sensation going through my body .I couldn't breathe or swallow.I experience extreme thirst at first I thought I was experiencing a panic attack but this was so different.Ive had anxiety my whole life since I was a kid I can pretty much control it or you would never noticed outward that I was experiencing one.I felt as if my whole body was being electrocuted like if you ever accidentally shocked yourself.I thought maybe it was just me but other around me seem to be affected too.I was so exhausted afterwards.My wife today went to purchase a dress and ending up running out of the mall feeling exactly the same way today.I have in past overheard a person that owns a kiosk in middle of mall describing myself and my son saying that we are here also notice security following myself and son.I didn't want to alarm my son until a perfect stranger pointed it out to us that he thought we were being watched. I said huh do you think.just wanting to know why he noticed.He said he was walking behind us in the mall and was shopping for his at another store and noticed us but as i passed him being ten to 15 feet ahead a man in plain clothes was talking i to a mic attached to his shirt.He noticed that the gentlemen had a side arm thinking he was a detective.I asked him did he see this same guy in the store that we were at now he said know but a guy he was talking too is over there as soon as the guy noticed he was made he started to leave walking away very quickly.
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I know that there is programs out there that can use structures of people face . A face recognition program . casino use them and large corporation use them..etc.Does anyone know the name of program or how much its cost.I want everyone. Start taking picture video of who you think are perps.I want to slowly start the task of identifying one perp at a time tracing them to their group of origin.I want to know if same perps are harassing multiple people in same area or city.Using this program and identifying them will render them useless and they will become a liability to their employers.Helping us also in court or court of opinion.We must use the same tatics as investigators we must organize a video log and journal of everything that happens from this day forth save receipts to everything stapling them to your journal if an event just happen so we will be able to subpoena video if it's in a local place always describe the situation also must use date time indicate is it am or pm rainy sunny etc give full description of perp along with picture video licenses plates because we need a central data base to run all I information out of and making it available to every Ti
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Who still has faith in a good God?

The last straw.....after losing all faith in mankind the perps have led me to lose faith in Christ. He was all I had left who was constant goodness to me. The perpetrators tell me THEY are God and they are constantly using their powers to prove to me they run this universe. They have told me they fabricated the entire story of Jesus to build the church and make huge money from suckers like me. I know I shouldnt believe them but with all their power and the efficiency they use it with I dont know what to believe anymore, and with peoples evil actions towards me its like they are worshipping an evil god.

Im scared to trust in Jesus now because they say they'll prove me wrong (and i dont want to go thru that hurt).....the last thing I had left was faith and they are robbing me of this also.

Do you people still have faith in a good God?

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"Numerous analysts studying these issues have stated that discussion is long overdue and should begin immediately, particularly with more transparency, accountability and information available to the public in several countries. The domestic and international implications of the use and misuse of several exotic weapons and nonlethal variants are serious and require a higher priority by the Canadian government and international fora."



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I couldn't leave without first sharing my concern

for the genuine Targeted Individuals in this forum

   I think that we, need to be more careful now than ever, because there seems to be a sudden big push for the criminals to silence those of us who know what is happening. My advise is to be VERY careful TIs about who you trust and especially about who has CONTROL of support groups. Make sure it is someone who has a long standing and good reputation as a Targeted Individual, because any others could be perps who can be VERY convincing as they lead you into more hell. (I was just able to avoid such a situation) PLEASE Listen to your Hearts above all else, no matter what kinds of red carpets are claimed to be laid out for you.



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Techs being destroyed...

Technical equipment in my home has lately been destroyed. First my laptop crasched. Then two modems were made useless. And yesterday my TV went down. (an old model, but I somehow thought this would be harder to destroy since its still analog? Maybe stupid and naive..I know) All of this has happened whitin one to two months in time.

Lightbulbs are constantly destroyed, it works for a week or two, then it just pops. Overall this could possibly not be a coincidence... I am myself, constantly "overloaded" with "sparks" in whatever I touch.

Does anyone out there experience the same, and any advise in how to get around it a bit?/Annie

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Last Straw

   I'm feeling like I need to back out of this forum, for now. I want to thank those of you who have chatted with me, with genuine care - you have been a life line for me, during times when I had nothing else. I wish it were ALL so supportive.

   My situation, right now is too fragile to open myself up to more discord in this place where I came looking for help and support. I can't handle anymore. I just can't right now. I've been at the end of my rope on literally every level and have come to the conclusion that it may be easier for me to deal with this alone by myself, instead of having to deal with slanders that other TIs believe and support against me. . .like this morning's episode. I had trusted enough, out of my own foolish desperation, to give my phone number to someone who'd offered "help" but has ended up slandering me here, because I did not feel comfortable racing off to meet him in the middle of the night... and because I'd needed time to let trust build before doing that.

  I have been honest and genuine with everything I have shared here, but there is nothing I can do to prove that to any of you.  I feel deeply hurt and feel like I really honestly can NOT take anymore. I can't. This morning was the last straw for me.



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I recently was asked for help by someone who claims to be a TI victim.My wife and I offer this person help housing food money shelter etc...Because I wouldn't send money to A P.O Box in the timeframe that she wanted I now been called a perp.First time for everything. I responed to her misinformation on her blog but my response was blocked.But let me be clear no one try to lure you anywhere Rose asking to meet for lunch so you could meet my wife is not weird.You made a statement that you were hungry and tired of eating from the dollar menu at Mac Donald's that also why I offered for all of us to meet sounded like we all had alot in common.You told me you had no money to get your car inspected I offered to pay for it.You later called to say you already had it done .I didn't understand I thought you didn't have money to get this done.But I listen to your story and I shared mine when my wife called on the other line and I put you on hold I told her about your situation she said offer her a job we could help her get back on her feet.SO that's why employment was offered also because you said you where unable to work because perps where sabotaging you getting you fired.I offered to get you a hotel room using my points from hotel loyalty program I just needed to ask them the right way of doing that because I have never done that you told me never mine I rather sleep in my car.You ask if I would send you money to rent a place for R&R or vaction being $800 I asked if I could pay by the week you told me that I would get the discount if I did it that way.Next I said I would talk to my wife to see what we could do.You wanted me to blindly send a large amount of money to a I didn't do this in the timeframe or send the amount you wanted telling you I would help ad long as it didn't take away from my family....Now You are calling me a perp...This is why people stop helping because of situation such as this..I offered you food ,,pay for a hotel..your car inspection...etc...but I guess it wasn't the help you were looking for a large cash payment but you blackmail me by calling me a perp..My actions speaking louder than words I truly hope you are a Ti and you are not manipulating people funds .I can't stand to see anyone suffer that why am we offered to help
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Do your perps call you a fake?

My perps call me a fake all the time, including all of the people who know me and have turned on me and volunteered in my harassment. As a result, I have lost a lot of my dignity because of this harsh treatment. I also get called a number of other things. Am I the only one who gets called a fake or are there other Targeted Individuals out there who get called a fake?

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A Miracle in the Wind

Last night I "chatted" with someone here on Peace Pink. . .and, after hearing of my plight, he said, "Look for money in the wind." I laughed so hard I cried.

   A couple hours later, I pulled into a parking lot with an almost empty tank of gas, and climbed into the back seat to pray myself to sleep.

   After a night of perps blaring music next to me and banging car doors into my car, I woke around 5am, freezing and tired, to a man banging on my car window yelling, "THERE IS NO OVER NIGHT PARKING HERE! YOU HAVE TO LEAVE!"

   As I rushed to scrape ice off the inside of my windshield, (There is no heater in my car), he returned to yell some more. So, I rolled down my window and firmly said, "Where are your manors? I am trying to clear my windshield so I can see to drive away." He left and then returned a few minutes later and said, "I'm sorry, I never know who I will run into out here." "You look like you could use some help," he said as he handed me $40. 

Little miracles do happen!

I now have a full tank of gas in my car/home. Its not much but its more than I had yesterday. Trying to look on the bright side.


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I think it is so important that we have a support group face to face to support one another.The meeting will take place in Providence R I.. March. .17 my lawyer office in his boardroom or at a church.Please sign up by calling me or send me a message.305-767-9220...I will lead the group.No topic is off limits we are here to support one another.Ill have pizza brought in or the group can go out to dinner once we are done.Any suggestions please feel free to call me...I hope everyone can make it.Thanks. Matt
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television harassment

Has anyone else experienced this?? I am constantly being watched and harassed via tv/radio. At first I thought it was only "live" television (which made perfect sense) but now Ive realised its happening via what should be pre-recorded television shows, like they are actually acting them out in realtime. I can change channels and it will still be happening on the next channel. This one is completely baffling to me. How do they do this??

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We need a community or safe house for Ti

Hi everyone,We need to start setting up safehouses or a community for Ti.The perps use psychological warfare against us.Rendering us helpless and unable to be able to fight back.We must start a respite or safe house where we come together and help one another.The most common results from being a Ti is that we become isolated making it easier for the perps to accomplish the goal of torment or etc.If we don't we run the risk of being islolated and being picked off one by one.We must accept that this is bigger than us that we are no match for the unlimited about of funds and resources that are perps or us government has access too.We are kidding ourselves almost in a state of denial that we able to deal with thus alone or somehow by an act of god this will stop or go away.It won't we are an investment and the (perps) won't stop until they have gotten a return on their investment.I have been a victim spanning 3 decades I have a good background of our legal systems and how it works.We will never win in the courts only in the public court of opinion.This is a global issue no where can you move that will end this torment.That why if we don't come together now we will be here on this sane forums. And blogs complaining about the torture we are enduring.It up to us to put a end to this.Any ideas or suggestions Matt Overton 3057679220. I use my real name because I'm not ashamed or scared of the perps I will not live in fear I will not be controlled no one elected them to decide by fate.So kiss my ass perps because what you do today I will make sure you pay tomorrow ten fold.So suck it
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I am a 53 year old woman/writer who has been a targeted individual for over two decades and have undergone such unbelievable chains of gang stalking, electronic harrasments, sabotaged jobs and relationships...etc., that I don't know how I am surviving it.
  I believe I must have at least two chips planted inside my body. One of which may have been inserted in 1985 or 1986 when I had two minor surgeries on my back.
   My life turned upside down after the surgeries, beginning in small ways and then grew into larger ones.
   I'd never had heart problems before, but suddenly my heart was often not beating normal and I felt unusually fatigued. My sister started behaving weirdly and my husband started treating me in ways that were not like him...etc. I divorced my husband and was forced to separate from my whole family of origin.
   In 1995 my own government took my home and destroyed my business through their "rights of emanant domain" and never paid me for the business. This process was done with shocking cruelty and with threats to shove me into poverty if I spoke to the media...
 In the late 1990s I was referred, by a "friend", to a dentist who suddenly cut an unnesessary deep gash into my upper gums. At the time I thought he was just psycho and never returned to him. But I now believe he may have installed a second chip.
  After this I was targeted to the point that most of my pets either died or were suddenly missing, my daughter was suddenly hit with an unexplainable neurological problem effecting her speech...etc., my dear friend suddenly died of a heart attack, which I believe was not natural, and my house was burned down in a suspicious fire...etc. (Both of my children and every person I had been close to were also targets to some degree)
   In the years following this I felt numb and weak and couldn't think straight....beyond what normal shock would induce. I traveled a lot.
  In 2005, I stumbled back onto my feet with my writings and took off with a publication that focused on bringing more love into the world and helping people through tough times. . .and was again hit so hard that my own estranged sister was suddenly flying into rages - publicly declaring me insane and evil. . .my whole neighborhood was suddenly gone in a flash flood from a strange storm and a plugged culvert (four of my neighbors were killed!). . .and people were suddenly treating me rudely everywhere I went. Even my own children began turning against me.
   Since then I have been receiving cryptic threats and repeated attempts to kill me in ways that would look like a natural death. (I nearly died in 2006 from the "Lupus", which I believe they were electronically inducing.)
  Since last August, after reporting a couple gang stalkers who were actually plotting the murder of a man, whom they were trying to convince me was the one behind targeting me..., I have been through literal hell, with constant around the clock gang stalking, threats, being shot with lasers, almost constant high pitched satellite scans of my brain...etc. The only reason I am still here is because I've kept on the move and have been sleeping and living in my vehicle under wal-mart and bank surveillance cameras as much as possible.
  There is so much more to this than I can list here. My story is truly unbelievable. My fight to survive has been long and more difficult than words can even begin to express.

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I'm suggesting that we pull together and whoever wants to move on a compounded that protects people in situation such as ours.We could put our thoughts together and our resources to find a solutions.The perps have the upperhand with unlimited resources and technology would could repel any kind of attack emf. RF. Or other technology being used to torture us.I suggest that we move aTo an area of country where the town had a low population putting our ti in office of power making it illegal and punishable life in imprisonment if any technology is being used against us in our town.Not only we would elect our own sheriff and mayor all ti this is the only way to insure our safety and our family safety and having the resources to bring this issue to the world attention..please call me 305 767 9220. 0r email me
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