Cointelpro (67)

GSS Conference Call Was A Total Success

GSS Conference Call Was A Total Success

Dear Comrades,

The conference call was a success. We were able to interview two TI’s about the crimes happening to them. Affidavits are currently beingprepared for them, which they agree to take to a notary next week.

We do hope that you follow their direction, as we are close to starting the coalition.

Next conference call will be Thursday at 11PM on Or call 724-444-7444 id 83319 # pin 1 #

Affidavits and descriptions outlining your crimes should be submitted to:

If you will like to be place on the talkshoe list for future conference call, contact me at

Our website is located at:
Our Affidavit is located at:

Thanks for your time and hope you attend the next conference call.

Chris J. Brunson

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Thursday Night Teleconference

Thursday Night Teleconference

Good Day Comrades,

We are in the fight for our lives and it is not getting easier. Butone thing we do have is each other. Won't we take this this opportunitybefore it passes us by?

What I'm referring to is the idea to create this coalition. But firstI need you to do one thing. Won't you put together an affidavit so wecan began the process of ending these horrific crimes?

The crimes I'm referring to is organized gang stalking, electronic harassment, chemical warfare and so on.

If you want these crimes to stop you will take heed. If you areunable to fulfill that mission, I won't just let you go, but I do needyour help.

If you find it too difficult to write this affidavit, in return, I can accept a summary description outlining these crimes.
It should start with when the crimes happened (specified date), whowas involved (name of person(s) and place), what techniques were used(organized gang stalking, electronic harassment, chemical warfare, etc),and how can your elected official assist you in stopping it.

All correspondents should be sent to:

Other matters. Recently, there has been a lot of rumors that acoalition should not happen. But this is the reason why it shouldhappen. Perpetrators don't like coalitions, because they operateindependently from government sponsored 501c3 organizations.

First of all, Targeted Individuals will dictate what happens with thecoalition, not some IRS corporation that operates in Washington DC. Wewill make decisions whether the government likes or not.

Another issue is the sudden interests in these other conference callsaround the importance of creating an affidavit to document thesecrimes. Do not be fool by this new position as it is there to distractyou away from forming this coalition.

The members of these conference calls are affiliated with anorganization that has failed TI's for over 5 years. Don't think for aminute it will change. It would be business as usual once the coalitionis no longer a factor.

Please do not let this happen.

If you need help with putting this affidavit together, I will help you every step of the way.
Do not believe that the affidavit is all you need to stop thesecrimes. The affidavit is just one process in stopping these crimes.

I have written 5 affidavits and since this time, my crimes havegotten worse. Reason? I did not have an organization behind me.

Now that we are almost there, all it will take is YOU willing tosacrifice an hour of YOUR time to put this affidavit together.

Anyway, if you are still hesitant in making this decision, just thinkabout your current situation. Is not doing an affidavit worth 5, 10 oreven 20 more years of cointelpro targeting?

If I thought so, I probably would not being pushing this idea.

It cost dearly to do this every week and I don't get paid a red cent.I don't expect to. But I do expect that there is enough TI's willing tosupport this idea.

What do we have to loose? One more Saturday teleconference of constant blabber?

Weekly conference calls that repeat the same message about how bad things are, but never have a solution of how to solve it?



We can't sacrifice anymore of our PRECIOUS life for this NONSENSE!!

We must get down in the drenches and tell the world that if these crimes continues, THERE IS A BIG PRICE TO PAY!

Are you tired?
Teleconference are held every Thursdays (TODAY) at 11PM on or call 724-444-7444 id 83319 # pin 1 #
Chris J. Brunson - GSS 3

PS: If you will like to be place on the list for future conference calls, contact me at

Important links:
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Thursday Night Conference Call 11PM EST

Thursday Night Conference Call 11PM ESTTOPIC: We will be having a writing workshop to produce Affidavits. If you have not receive the Affidavit sample, you can find it below:Link: purpose of producing these Affidavits is to develop legal standing. By developing legal standing your credibility is upheld.Web Connection: If you have a persistent web connection, you should visit and click on "LIVE". Then you should search for "GOVERNMENT SPONSORED STALKING". Once you have found this room, you should click on "JOIN IN". Another browser window should open up. You will be listed in the room as guest until you create a talkshoe account. Creating a talkshoe account will give you your own identity and at some future date, allow you to create your own room.PHONE: If you don't have a persistent web connection, dial 724-444-7444. You will be prompted for an ID, which is 83319 # (pound sign). Then the operator will ask you for your PIN, which is 1 #. If you already have an account, your PIN is usually a phone number that you assigned. Just type that in and the "#" sign and your identity will show up in the chatroom.For any reason you have trouble getting into the conference call, please feel free to contact me at 347-285-7954 or email me at: bmarkforce@yahoo.comHope to see you tonight!Chris J. BrunsonKWALSPONI
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Thursday Night Conference Call - Affidavit Completion

We are accepting Affidavit drafts today and expect that it would becompleted next week. Then we will move forward in starting theCoalition. This involves naming, electing a chair, creating committeesand much, much more. Hope you join us.

If this is your first time seeing this message, please go here:

Conference calls are held every Thursdays at 11PM EST and 8PM PST Just click on "LIVE" and scroll down until you seeGovernment Sponsored Stalking. Or if you preference, call: 724-444-7444.They will ask you for an id. Just type in 83319 # (pound) and your pin 1#.

If you have trouble, just contact me at or 347-285-7954.

We want to move forward in creating this coalition and if you seriouswant to stop these crimes, you will put your Affidavit together.

I will assist you at your convenience.

Thanks for reading and have a good day.

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Room Closing

Room Closing

If you are a regular participant of Government Sponsored Stalking andwas in the room on Thursday July 29th, I apologize. The controversysurrounding the room closing is very complicated and I learned avaluable lesson from this experience.

If I'm not able to moderate the next call, I will send out a notice informing you that it won't be open this week.

I do apologize for the abrupt closing as this was not of my doing. Igenerally will keep the room open after recording has ended.

Because I was not moderating the room at the time of closing, I hadno control over this action that was taken against my will.

No longer will I be entertaining secondary moderators.

Thanks for your acknowledgment to this understanding.


PS: This isn't a SUPPORT call. Calls are hosted on Thursdays at 11PM EST. 724-444-7444 id 83319 # pin 1 #
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Operating System

Even with the best of "protective" programs, myoperating system is being hacked. But I have found a and offer more benefits and doesn't cost youanything. It runs under a Linux based environment and that means it ismore stable than MS windows.

The best thing of them all isthat you don't have to install the operating system. You can run itdirectly from the cd you create when you download the files.

I like this option very well, because the criminals can't delete files that compromises the integrity of the system.

I'm also looking at other alternatives to MS and will be posting here. Thanks for reading.
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