Conference (25)

Conference Call Thursday 9PM Eastern Time

Dear Comrades,

I will be hosting my own talkshoe program on Thursday, May 27th at 9:00 PM Eastern Time. It will be an introduction to a work meeting we plan to develop through the conference call. Other highlights of the call will be recorded interviews and music interludes. 724-444-7444 id 83319 then 1#

Chris J. Brunson
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Affidavit Completion

Affidavit Completion

Dear Participants,

I want to thank you all for participating in last week's GSS conference call (our teleconferences are every Thursdays at 11PM on Call 724-444-7444 id 83319 # pin 1 #). It was a pleasure to present you with all the information you need to complete your Affidavit. As you know, affidavit completion is the first thing we need to do to get rid of these crimes. The next step is to create a coalition and elect officers.

If you are serious about getting rid of these crimes, you will have your affidavit completed by Thursday's conference call. This is the time that I will set aside to go through the affidavits that was submitted to me.

Remember, I will be checking your affidavits for grammatical errors and content reliability. Once this has been completed, your affidavit will be resubmitted to you.

Here's my email address to submit you affidavit:

Once your affidavit is completed, you should:

1) take your affidavit to a notary republic and have them sign and stamp it. Please have your id or license.
2) make 5 copies (3 copies will be submitted to the parties listed in the affidavit).
3) send your affidavit in a 9' by 12' envelope and ask for certified return receipt from your local post office before mailing it.

We are shooting for 10 competed Affidavits before discussion of a coalition occurs. So please make this possible.

If you need assistance, I can be contacted by:

Phone: 347-285-7954

Once 10 Affidavits are completed, we will be discussing the new coalition next week. This includes:

1: name
2: mission
3: elections
4: robert rules of order
5: forming committees
6: duties concerning committee members
7: outreach

At this point, GSS will no longer be hosting this conference call. The date of the next conference call will be decided by the chair and voting members.

Thanks for your assistance.

Chris J. Brunson/Kwalspony/Qolspony
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Thursday Night Conference Call 11PM EST

Thursday Night Conference Call 11PM ESTTOPIC: We will be having a writing workshop to produce Affidavits. If you have not receive the Affidavit sample, you can find it below:Link: purpose of producing these Affidavits is to develop legal standing. By developing legal standing your credibility is upheld.Web Connection: If you have a persistent web connection, you should visit and click on "LIVE". Then you should search for "GOVERNMENT SPONSORED STALKING". Once you have found this room, you should click on "JOIN IN". Another browser window should open up. You will be listed in the room as guest until you create a talkshoe account. Creating a talkshoe account will give you your own identity and at some future date, allow you to create your own room.PHONE: If you don't have a persistent web connection, dial 724-444-7444. You will be prompted for an ID, which is 83319 # (pound sign). Then the operator will ask you for your PIN, which is 1 #. If you already have an account, your PIN is usually a phone number that you assigned. Just type that in and the "#" sign and your identity will show up in the chatroom.For any reason you have trouble getting into the conference call, please feel free to contact me at 347-285-7954 or email me at: bmarkforce@yahoo.comHope to see you tonight!Chris J. BrunsonKWALSPONI
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Thursday Night Conference Call - Affidavit Completion

We are accepting Affidavit drafts today and expect that it would becompleted next week. Then we will move forward in starting theCoalition. This involves naming, electing a chair, creating committeesand much, much more. Hope you join us.

If this is your first time seeing this message, please go here:

Conference calls are held every Thursdays at 11PM EST and 8PM PST Just click on "LIVE" and scroll down until you seeGovernment Sponsored Stalking. Or if you preference, call: 724-444-7444.They will ask you for an id. Just type in 83319 # (pound) and your pin 1#.

If you have trouble, just contact me at or 347-285-7954.

We want to move forward in creating this coalition and if you seriouswant to stop these crimes, you will put your Affidavit together.

I will assist you at your convenience.

Thanks for reading and have a good day.

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Room Closing

Room Closing

If you are a regular participant of Government Sponsored Stalking andwas in the room on Thursday July 29th, I apologize. The controversysurrounding the room closing is very complicated and I learned avaluable lesson from this experience.

If I'm not able to moderate the next call, I will send out a notice informing you that it won't be open this week.

I do apologize for the abrupt closing as this was not of my doing. Igenerally will keep the room open after recording has ended.

Because I was not moderating the room at the time of closing, I hadno control over this action that was taken against my will.

No longer will I be entertaining secondary moderators.

Thanks for your acknowledgment to this understanding.


PS: This isn't a SUPPORT call. Calls are hosted on Thursdays at 11PM EST. 724-444-7444 id 83319 # pin 1 #
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