Conference (25)

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Persistant Widespread Food & Product Contamination

Dear Minoo Mehrotra,

I'm submitting my evidence concerning widespread food & product contamination.

Here's the information you requested:

Chris J. Brunson
3439 Ramsey Street PMB #122
Fayetteville, NC 28311
phone: 347-285-0000

I contacted the headquarters of IGA Carlie C's Supermarket and spoke to Jay Mclamb. He works in the Business Department and can be reached at: 910-892-4124. Two key areas: 1) service deliveries to the establishment and 2) how many employees are assigned to a store at a given time.

I told he about the gang stalking, electronic harassment and on-going food and product contamination I'm receiving from these criminal organizations. References should also be made to Nano Technology and the affects of SILICONE, since there is a large presence of these two ingredients in the products.

Anyway, please contact me at your earliest convenience. There should be enough to file a complaint with your office.

Chris J. Brunson
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Targeted Individual Coalition for Self-Determination


Attention Coalition Members!

We were able to accomplish the following things in the first meeting:

Name: Targeted Individual Coalition for Self-Determination (tentative until we reach 20 members).

Mission Statement: Advocate for Targeted Individuals of Government Sponsored Organized Stalking, Directed Energy Assaults and 24/7 Surveillance. And seeking a resolution in stopping these crimes (tentative until we reach 20 members).

Peter's version: Possibility for production and gathering of legal paperwork and conjurer people who want to authenticate our individual targeting experiences (discussion mode).

Statement Of Principles

1. We are against all forms of electro-magnetic torture concerning the use of directed energy weapons. (tentative)

2. We are against the use of mind control tactics that negatively influence human behavior. (tentative)

3. We are against using technology for the purpose of modifying human behavior. (tentative)

4. We support strong legislation that restricts the use of micro-wave torture weapons, organized stalking tactics, chemical spraying, privacy invasions and vandalism of personal property. (tentative)

5. We support strong enforcement that will protect our vital infrastructures: food, water and manufacturing systems. (tentative)

Committee Formation: The Affidavit Committee was formed. The purpose is to interview targeted individuals who submitted their statements and to assist them in the completion of the Affidavit process.

The meeting was attended by Chris J. Brunson, Jeff Murray and Peter Perez.

Absence: Lindsay Baldwin

Next meeting: Currently not schedule.

PS: If you will like to attend future coalition meetings, please visit this link:

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GSS Spiritual Revival 8PM EST/5PM PST Conference Call 3202011Government Sponsored Stalking (GSS) Conference Calls are held every Sunday Nights at 8PM EST or 5PM PST. The call is hosted on or call: 724-444-7444 code: 83319 # pin 1 #We will have guest minister Juanita. The call will feature bible study, spiritual prayer and live testimonies. If you desire the word of GOD and appreciate the comfort of fellow targeted individuals, please join us. And remember, God loves you!Chris J. BrunsonInvestigatorElvira WilliamsSenior ModeratorMEHRZAD MALEKZADEH(Constitution Lost)Senior PastorJuanitaGuest PastorAmy AndersonResearcher — Thurs. Nights ModeratorPeter Perez Supportive ModeratorHomepage: http://govsponsoredstalking.infoFacebook:…Yahoo Groups: For International Callers 1) creating an skype account and 2) connecting to the username “QOLSPONY”. Once you have connected to this account, you must contact me before 9PM EST. This will give me time to setup the connection between you and the conference call. If you have questions about this setup, please respond to this message. And thanks for you participation.
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At this present time I'm seeking statements from the Targeted Individual community. 1) When your crimes started 2) Who is responsible 3) What are they doing to you 4) The methods that they use 5) How are you affected by it and 6) What are you doing to get help

Once this statement has been submitted to me, the next stage is to interview you. The interview will translate to me putting together an AFFIDAVIT on your behalf. When the AFFIDAVIT is completed, it will be email to you. Then your job would be to get it NOTARIZED. 

Once your AFFIDAVIT has been NOTARIZED, the next step is to 1) send me a copy via email and 2) mail it to the three PARTIES that is listed in  your AFFIDAVIT.

The purpose of creating the AFFIDAVIT is to DEVELOP LEGAL CREDIBILITY. Once you DEVELOP LEGAL CREDIBILITY than NO ONE can say it isn't happening. But it does not stop there. Once the AFFIDAVIT has been completed, we will be closer to forming a Coalition. By having a Coalition, we can represent each other through the completed AFFIDAVITS. For instance, we can reach out to your political representatives as a group, which together with the AFFIDAVIT makes your case legitimate.

Therefore, if you want to do something, this is where we must begin.

Thank you for your attention in this manner.


Chris J. Brunson


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GSS Thurs. Free Forum 11PM EST or 8PM PST Conference Call 3032011Government Sponsored Stalking (GSS) Conference Calls are held every Thursday's Nights at 11PM EST or 8PM PST. The call is hosted on or call: 724-444-7444 code: 83319 # pin 1 #This Week: Amy Anderson, moderator of the Thursday's Night Program (Nigel Nicholson 2/4), is seeking your support for her upcoming trial. All she needs from you is a statement describing how you found out about her, your targeting and why your support her getting resolution for her case. Please contact me at and I will be happy to assist you in writing the statement.Your assistance in this manner will be gladly appreciated!Chris J. BrunsonInvestigatorElvira Williams’Senior ModeratorNigel NicholsonAnalyst 2/4 Thurs. Night ModeratorAmy AndersonResearcher - Thurs. Nights ModeratorLiam AndersonAssistant ModeratorPeter PerezAssistant ModeratorHomepage: http://govsponsoredstalking.infoFacebook:…Yahoo Groups: Spiritual Revival is every Sundays at 8PM EST/5PM PST and is moderated by our spiritual leader Pastor Anthony CarstarphoneOther Conference Calls:KELB: 724-444-7444 code: 80812 # pin: 1 # Wed./Sat. 9PM ESTNIGEL: 724-444-7444 code: 81062 # pin: 1 # Tuesdays 11PM ESTSkype For International Callers1) creating an skype account and 2) connecting to the username “QOLSPONY”. Once you have connected to this account, you must contact me before 9PM EST. This will give me time to setup the connection between you and the conference call. If you have questions about this setup, please respond to this message. And thanks for youparticipation.
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GSS Friday Group Session 9PM EST/6PM PST Conference Call 3112011

Government Sponsored Stalking (GSS) Conference Calls are held every Friday Nights at 9PM EST or 6PM PST. The call is hosted on or call: 724-444-7444 code: 83319 # pin 1 #

This Week: At this present time I’m seeking statements from the Targeted
Individual community. 1) When your crimes started 2) Who is responsible
3) What are they doing to you 4) The methods that they use 5) How are
you affected by it and 6) What are you doing to get help.

Once this statement has been submitted to me, the next stage is to interview you. The interview will translate to me putting together an AFFIDAVIT on your behalf. When the AFFIDAVIT is completed, it will be email to you. Then your job would be to get it NOTARIZED.

Once your AFFIDAVIT has been NOTARIZED, the next step is to 1) send me a copy via email and 2) mail it to the three PARTIES that is listed in your AFFIDAVIT.

The purpose of creating the AFFIDAVIT is to DEVELOP LEGAL CREDIBILITY. Once you DEVELOP LEGAL CREDIBILITY than NO ONE can say it isn’t happening. But it does not stop there. Once the AFFIDAVIT has been completed, we will be closer to forming a Coalition. By having a Coalition, we can represent each other through the completed AFFIDAVITS. For instance, we can reach out to your political representatives as a group, which together with the AFFIDAVIT makes your case legitimate.

Therefore, if you want to do something, this is where we must begin. Thank you for your attention in this manner.

Your participation will be gladly appreciated!

Chris J. Brunson

Elvira Williams’
Senior Moderator

Nigel Nicholson
Analyst 2/4 Thurs. Night Moderator

Amy Anderson
Researcher — Thurs. Nights Moderator

Peter Perez
Supportive Moderator

Liam Anderson
Assistant Moderator


Yahoo Groups:


GSS Spiritual Revival is every Sundays at 8PM EST/5PM PST and we are currently looking for a new spiritual leader to moderate this call. If you are interested, please contact me (email): Thanks!

Other Conference Calls:

KELB: 724-444-7444 code: 80812 # pin: 1 # Wed./Sat. 9PM EST
NIGEL: 724-444-7444 code: 81062 # pin: 1 # Tuesdays 11PM EST

Skype For International Callers

1) creating an skype account and 2) connecting to the username “QOLSPONY”. Once you have connected to this account, you must contact me before 9PM EST. This will give me time to setup the connection between you and the conference call. If you have questions about this setup, please respond to this message. And thanks for you
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GSS Friday Group Session 9PM EST/6PM PST Conference Call 342011This Week: We will be spending a lot of time talking about the what happened at the Bio-ethics Commission, what to look forward to in the future and live testimonies of the speakers who attended this conference.Next, we will dedicate a large amount of time to the Middle East Crisis. Recently, there have been large protests in two major middle eastern countries: Egypt and Libya. Now the United States is sending troops to protect their financial interests.Last, we will end the show with other current events that reflect our lives.Your participation will be gladly appreciated!Chris J. BrunsonInvestigatorElvira Williams'Senior ModeratorNigel NicholsonAnalyst 2/4 Thurs. Night ModeratorAmy AndersonResearcher -- Thurs. Nights ModeratorPeter PerezSupportive ModeratorLiam AndersonAssistant ModeratorHomepage: http://govsponsoredstalking.infoFacebook: Groups: Spiritual Revival is every Sundays at 8PM EST/5PM PST and is moderated by our spiritual leader Pastor Anthony CarstarphoneOther Conference Calls:KELB: 724-444-7444 code: 80812 # pin: 1 # Wed./Sat. 9PM ESTNIGEL: 724-444-7444 code: 81062 # pin: 1 # Tuesdays 11PM ESTSkype For International Callers1) creating an skype account and 2) connecting to the username "QOLSPONY". Once you have connected to this account, you must contact me before 9PM EST. This will give me time to setup the connection between you and the conference call. If you have questions about this setup, please respond to this message. And thanks for youparticipation.GSS2
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GSS Spiritual Revival Conference Call 8PM EST/5PM PST 3132011We are excited to bring to your attention a new guest. His name is Constitution Lost. He runs several sites on Youtube and is actively pursuing a minister career.In respect to GSSSR, he will be interview for part two on Orgone technology (part one can be heard on episode 101 under GSS Group Session (GSSGS)), how spiritual warfare impacts the TI community, bible teaching and personal testimonies from all who attend.This is an introduction to his pastorship on the GSSSR conference call and the orgone project we plan to develop with it.Also, we have contacted Juanita. She runs her own prayer call and have been doing it for sometime. An alliance with her will allow us to increase our reach to a greater TI community.However, this alliance is still be decided upon her approval.Calls are hosted on under “Government Sponsored Stalking”. Please give us a call at 724-444-7444. Code: 83319 # Pin: 1 #.Your participation will gladly be appreciated. God Bless You.Chris J. BrunsonInvestigator
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GSS FREE FORUM Conference Call 11PM EST/8PM PST 2102011

Please join us tonight at 11PM EST/8PM PST on, or, give us a call at 724-444-7444 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting              724-444-7444      end_of_the_skype_highlighting. ID: 83319 # pin: 1 #. Amy Anderson begin_of_the_skype_highlighting     end_of_the_skype_highlighting (moderator) is seeking your support for her upcoming court case.

Thank you for your support and have a good day.

Chris J. Brunson

Amy Anderson begin_of_the_skype_highlighting     end_of_the_skype_highlighting
Thursday Nights Moderator

Elvira Williams
Senior Moderator

Nigel Nicholson
2/4 Thursday Nights Moderator

Peter Perez
Assistant Moderator

Liam Michaels
Assistant Moderator

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GSS Friday Night 9PM EST or 6PM PST Conference Call 2112011

Government Sponsored Stalking (GSS) Conference Calls are held every Friday Nights at 9PM EST or 6PM PST. The call is hosted on or call: 724-444-7444 code: 83319 # pin 1 #

This Week: Free Forum - What ever is on your mind.

Your participation will be gladly appreciated!

Chris J. Brunson

Elvira Williams’
Senior Moderator

Nigel Nicholson
Thursday Nights Moderator

Amy Anderson
Thursday Nights Moderator

Liam Anderson
Assistant Moderator


Yahoo Groups:


GSS Spiritual Revival is every Sundays at 8PM EST/5PM PST and is moderated by our spiritual leader Pastor Anthony Carstarphone

Other Conference Calls:

KELB: 724-444-7444 code: 80812 # pin: 1 #
NIGEL: 724-444-7444 code: 81062 # pin: 1 #

Skype For International Callers

1) creating an skype account and 2) connecting to the username “QOLSPONY”. Once you have connected to this account, you must contact me before 9PM EST. This will give me time to setup the connection between you and the conference call. If you have questions about this setup, please respond to this message. And thanks for you participation.


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Testimonies For TI’s Needed

I’m looking for testimonies from the Targeted Individual community. You must be willing to be interview on the Friday 9PM EST/6PM conference call. We will have several important representatives from the religious community listening to our call. Please contact me at I will setup a time when we can talk on the phone. The interview will be 15 minutes and the questions will be tailored to the interview.



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Please join us in spiritual prayer with Pastor Anthony Carstarphen from New Hope Evangelistic Ministries Church Of God In Christ. The call will feature Prayer, Bible Study, and Testimonies From Participants. If you will like to attend, please call us at (724) 444-7444, id 83319 # pin 1 #. The call is hosted on under the name: Government Sponsored Stalking.

Chris J. Brunson

Pastor Anthony Carstarphen
Spiritual Leader


Yahoo Groups:


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GSS Spiritual Revival Conference Call 8PM EST/5PM PST 2272011Pastor Anthony Carstarphen has resigned from ministrying the conference call. He said that he recently received a job “promotion” and that his time will be limited. This is coupled with all the “new” people seeking his help. As a TI community we know these recent occurrences are related to the kind of targeting we are receiving and that is isolation.But this event has only made us more determine to connect the TI community to the spirit of GOD. Because we understand that this is part of the spiritual warfare we are enduring.Anyway, we will be connecting with an already established spiritual call. Simulcasting will take place from 8PM to 9PM EST/5PM to 6PM PST.Calls are hosted on under “Government Sponsored Stalking”. Please give us a call at 724-444-7444. Code: 83319 # Pin: 1 #.Thanks for Peter from Connecticut.Chris J. BrunsonInvestigator
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GSS Friday Night 9PM EST or 6PM PST Conference Call 1212011

Government Sponsored Stalking (GSS) Conference Calls are held every Friday Nights at 9PM EST or 6PM PST. The call is hosted on or call: 724-444-7444 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting              724-444-7444      end_of_the_skype_highlighting code: 83319 # pin 1 #

This Week: TI Testimonies will be heard by over 50 ministers across the United States.

Your participation will be gladly appreciated!

Chris J. Brunson

Elvira Williams’
Senior Moderator

Nigel Nicholson
Thursday Nights Moderator

Amy Anderson
Thursday Nights Moderator

Liam Anderson
Assistant Moderator


Yahoo Groups:


GSS Spiritual Revival is every Sundays at 8PM EST/5PM PST and is moderated by our spiritual leader Pastor Anthony Carstarphone

Other Conference Calls:

KELB: 724-444-7444 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting              724-444-7444      end_of_the_skype_highlighting code: 80812 # pin: 1 #
NIGEL: 724-444-7444 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting              724-444-7444      end_of_the_skype_highlighting code: 81062 # pin: 1 #

Skype For International Callers

1) creating an skype account and 2) connecting to the username “QOLSPONY”. Once you have connected to this account, you must contact me before 9PM EST. This will give me time to setup the connection between you and the conference call. If you have questions about this setup, please respond to this message. And thanks for you participation.



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Please join us in spiritual prayer with Pastor Anthony Carstarphen from New Hope Evangelistic Ministries Church Of God In Christ. The call will feature Prayer, Bible Study, and Testimonies From Participants. If you will like to attend, please call us at (724) 444-7444, id 83319 # pin 1 #. The call is hosted on under the name: Government Sponsored Stalking.

Chris J. Brunson

Pastor Anthony Carstarphen
Spiritual Leader


Yahoo Groups:


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Please join us in spiritual prayer with Pastor Anthony Carstarphen from New Hope Evangelistic Ministries Church Of God In Christ. The call will feature Prayer, Bible Study, and Testimonies From Participants. If you will like to attend, please call us at (724) 444-7444, id 83319 # pin 1 #. The call is hosted on under the name: Government Sponsored Stalking.

Chris J. Brunson

Pastor Anthony Carstarphen
Spiritual Leader


Yahoo Groups:




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GSS Friday Night 9PM EST or 6PM PST Conference Call 1142011

Government Sponsored Stalking (GSS) Conference Calls are held every Friday Nights at 9PM EST or 6PM PST. The call is hosted on or call: 724-444-7444 ID 83319 # pin 1 #

This Week: Six people killed and several people wounded at an Arizona shopping center. What could have cause it and who is responsible? Your comments and questions on this most important topic.

Join us also for Current Events This Week, TI interviews and more.

Your participation will be gladly appreciated!

Chris J. Brunson

Elvira Williams


Yahoo Groups:


PS: We are looking for hosts for our Thursday night conference call. It will be at 11PM EST and 8PM PST. If you have what it takes to co-moderate this call, please contact me by responding to this message.

GSS Spiritual Revival is every Sundays at 8PM EST/5PM PST and is moderated by our spiritual leader Pastor Anthony Carstarphone

Conference Calls:

KELB: 724-444-7444 code: 80812 # pin: 1 #
NIGEL: 724-444-7444 code: 81062 # pin: 1 #

Skype For International Callers

1) creating an skype account and 2) connecting to the username "QOLSPONY". Once you have connected to this account, you must contact me before 9PM EST. This will give me time to setup the connection between you and the conference call. If you have questions about this setup, please respond to this message. And thanks for you participation.



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Happy New Year From GSS!

Happy New Year From GSS!GSS Friday Night 9PM EST or 6PM PST Conference CallGovernment Sponsored Stalking (GSS) Conference Calls are held every Friday Nights at 9PM EST or 6PM PST. The call is hosted on or call: 724-444-7444 ID 83319 # pin 1 #Your participation will be gladly appreciated!Chris J. BrunsonInvestigatorElvira Williams’Co-ModeratorHomepage: http://govsponsoredstalking.infoFacebook: Groups: We are looking for hosts for our Thursday night conference call. It will be at 11PM EST and 8PM PST. If you have what it takes to co-moderate this call, please contact me by responding to this message.GSS Spiritual Revival is every Sundays at 8PM EST/5PM PST and is moderated by our spiritual leader Pastor Anthony CarstarphoneConference Calls:KELB: 724-444-7444 code: 80812 # pin: 1 #NIGEL: 724-444-7444 code: 81062 # pin: 1 #Skype For International Callers1) creating an skype account and 2) connecting to the username “QOLSPONY”. Once you have connected to this account, you must contact me before 9PM EST. This will give me time to setup the connection between you and the conference call. If you have questions about this setup, please respond to this message. And thanks for you participation.
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Affidavit Completion ReEXAMINE

Affidavit Completion ReEXAMINE

We were hoping to get 3 Affidavit in this weeks conference call.Unfortunately, we did not meet our mission. So I want to know how can Iget an affidavit from you so that we can start this coalition? As youknow, the coalition will be setup to assist us in addressing thesecrimes, because the coalition will be run and control by TI's.

The Affidavits will establish legal credibility, while giving TI's the confidence to know who we are dealing with.

Lets move forward with this affidavit so we don't spend the next 5, 10, 20 years being assaulted.

Contact me at with a brief description about howyour crimes started and the parties involved. Then summarize how youwant these crimes to be dealt with and I will write the affidavit foryou to have notarize.

Once this has been completed, we will start moving forward with the coalition.

Chris J. Brunson
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