"We will put your name on the board of directors".
The above sentence among others is often said to individuals who have previously been placed under negative neuro linguistic programming in order to boost their egos so that they would become extremely controlling in the way they treat their colleagues. This type of negative neuro linguistic programming is being carried out among the British police as well as medical students and presumably many other professions.
A top down based chain of command is being set up throughout the whole human race. In order to achieve this purpose negative neuro linguistic programming is being implemented across the board. First of all, both students and staff of many disciplines are being asked to answer detailed questionaires as well as doing psychometric tests in order to identify the most suitable personality types, i.e. the people with the biggest egos in order that they would then undergo neuro linguistic programming so that they would then become dictatorial and controlling.
For information on neuro linguistic programming in the United Kingdom please watch the following youtube video featuring Brian Gerrish https://www.bing.com/profile/history?FORM=EDGEHS&fsi=1
For millions of years well informed human beings have known that it is much easier to use mind control cults in order to control their fellow human beings rather than to keep them under their control by the use of a standing army. These well informed bloodline families have become experts in the type of psychology that is necessary to keep the masses under mind control rather than body control. These bloodline families have created most if not all of the organised religions on the planet and they have done so over thousands of years if not hundreds of thousands of years.
Logical thinking has no part to play in organised religions. The control cult leaders dissuade all use of logic in the primary and secondary school system. When initiating any new organised religion the control cult leaders use any and all means possible to initiate their possible followers into a new false belief system. They use repetition and reverence and ritual. They use opulent displays and magnificent surroundings. They use fear as the corner stone of all belief systems. If they succeed in convincing their congregation that something of a super-natural nature has taken place during a solemn procedure then they are well on their way to success in the takeover of the whole country via the minds of the population.
From that day on they begin to organise themselves into a hierarchical based control system. Heirarchical based systems are always intrinsically evil because once you belong to a hierarchical based system you are expected to be obedient to the hierarchical based chain of command. You are dissuaded from using your own free will. You are persuaded to unquestioningly follow the dictates of the leader. In order to do that you must never exercise your own conscience. Whenever somebody asks you to ignore your conscience and obediently follow their orders without any perspective of their true objectives they are the embodiment of evil.
Human beings have enjoyed freedom of expression ever since we first lived on earth. Archaeologists have found evidence to suggest that humans have lived on earth for at least five hundred million years. Therefore human beings have enjoyed freedom of expression for at least five hundred million years. Who has the authority to take away our freedom of expression after five hundred million years of us enjoying it. Nobody of course. However, leaders of control cults are well aware that their organised religions will fall into disuse if we are freely allowed to express the truth of what they really are. They really are mind control methods which are in widespread use to persuade us to abandon logical thinking, and to give away our money and our free will to individuals whose true agenda we can never know.
The logical definition of the phrase " a faith based belief system " is a belief system that has been given to children at a very young age. They have never been taught to analyse the faith based information logically. It is taught that if they question the faith based teaching they could face eternal damnation. They are inculcated into the false belief that having "faith" without analysis is a positive attribute when in actual fact it is a negative attribute. Constant repitition in the form of prayer and church attendance is then used to keep the faithful inside the false belief system. Because of this repetition, they are unable to deprogram themselves for the entirety of their lives. The controllers of the organised religion then become wealthy and powerful and enjoy a high status in society.
If the Irish referendum is passed on 26th October, 2018, blasphemy will no longer be a criminal offence and that is wonderful news.